diff options
authorFumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>2002-04-25 16:26:58 +0000
committerFumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>2002-04-25 16:26:58 +0000
commit4a4c9180941a1701694c683e5a3137f4ab1c8777 (patch)
parentfix version info (diff)
[w3m-dev-en 00733] Submission: "English" patch
* rc.c: update english From: Tushar Samant <scribble@pobox.com>
2 files changed, 78 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 8015d9d..2a2600a 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2002-04-26 Tushar Samant <scribble@pobox.com>
+ * [w3m-dev-en 00733] Submission: "English" patch
+ * rc.c: update english
2002-04-25 Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
* [w3m-dev-en 00730] Re: Patch for a more flexible dictionary lookup
@@ -3386,4 +3391,4 @@
* release-0-2-1
* import w3m-0.2.1
-$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.374 2002/04/24 18:29:35 ukai Exp $
+$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.375 2002/04/25 16:26:58 ukai Exp $
diff --git a/rc.c b/rc.c
index 6d3b860..0899131 100644
--- a/rc.c
+++ b/rc.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: rc.c,v 1.42 2002/04/24 18:29:35 ukai Exp $ */
+/* $Id: rc.c,v 1.43 2002/04/25 16:26:59 ukai Exp $ */
* Initialization file etc.
@@ -195,35 +195,35 @@ static char *config_file = NULL;
#define CMT_HELPER "External Viewer Setup"
-#define CMT_TABSTOP "Tab width"
-#define CMT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR "# of pixels per character (4.0...32.0)"
-#define CMT_PIXEL_PER_LINE "# of pixels per line (4.0...64.0)"
-#define CMT_PAGERLINE "# of reserved line when w3m is used as a pager"
-#define CMT_HISTSIZE "# of reserved URL"
+#define CMT_TABSTOP "Tab width in characters"
+#define CMT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR "Number of pixels per character (4.0...32.0)"
+#define CMT_PIXEL_PER_LINE "Number of pixels per line (4.0...64.0)"
+#define CMT_PAGERLINE "Number of remembered lines when used as a pager"
+#define CMT_HISTSIZE "Number of remembered URL"
#define CMT_SAVEHIST "Save URL history"
/* #define CMT_KANJICODE "Display Kanji Code" */
-#define CMT_FRAME "Automatic rendering of frame"
-#define CMT_ARGV_IS_URL "Force argument without scheme to URL"
+#define CMT_FRAME "Render frames automatically"
+#define CMT_ARGV_IS_URL "Treat argument without scheme as URL"
#define CMT_TSELF "Use _self as default target"
-#define CMT_DISPLINK "Automatic display of link URL"
+#define CMT_DISPLINK "Display link URL automatically"
#ifdef USE_IMAGE
-#define CMT_DISP_IMAGE "Display of inline image"
-#define CMT_AUTO_IMAGE "Automatic loading of inline image"
-#define CMT_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE "Maximum process for parallel image loading"
+#define CMT_DISP_IMAGE "Display inline images"
+#define CMT_AUTO_IMAGE "Load inline images automatically"
+#define CMT_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE "Maximum processes for parallel image loading"
#define CMT_EXT_IMAGE_VIEWER "Use external image viewer"
#define CMT_IMAGE_SCALE "Scale of image (%)"
#define CMT_IMGDISPLAY "External command to display image"
#define CMT_IMGSIZE "External command to get size of image"
-#define CMT_MULTICOL "Multi-column output of file names"
-#define CMT_ALT_ENTITY "Use alternate expression with ASCII for entity"
-#define CMT_FOLD_TEXTAREA "Fold lines of TEXTAREA"
+#define CMT_MULTICOL "Display file names in multi-column format"
+#define CMT_ALT_ENTITY "Use ASCII equivalents to display entities"
+#define CMT_FOLD_TEXTAREA "Fold lines in TEXTAREA"
#define CMT_COLOR "Display with color"
#define CMT_B_COLOR "Color of normal character"
#define CMT_A_COLOR "Color of anchor"
#define CMT_I_COLOR "Color of image link"
#define CMT_F_COLOR "Color of form"
-#define CMT_ACTIVE_STYLE "Use active link color"
+#define CMT_ACTIVE_STYLE "Enable coloring of active link"
#define CMT_C_COLOR "Color of currently active link"
#define CMT_VISITED_ANCHOR "Use visited link color"
#define CMT_V_COLOR "Color of visited link"
@@ -234,98 +234,98 @@ static char *config_file = NULL;
#define CMT_GOPHER_PROXY "URL of GOPHER proxy host"
#endif /* USE_GOPHER */
#define CMT_FTP_PROXY "URL of FTP proxy host"
-#define CMT_NO_PROXY "Domains for direct access (no proxy)"
+#define CMT_NO_PROXY "Domains to be accessed directly (no proxy)"
#define CMT_NOPROXY_NETADDR "Check noproxy by network address"
-#define CMT_NO_CACHE "Don't use cache"
+#define CMT_NO_CACHE "Disable cache"
#define CMT_DNS_ORDER "Order of name resolution"
-#define CMT_DROOT "Directory corresponds to / (document root)"
-#define CMT_PDROOT "Directory corresponds to /~user"
-#define CMT_CGIBIN "Directory corresponds to /cgi-bin"
+#define CMT_DROOT "Directory corresponding to / (document root)"
+#define CMT_PDROOT "Directory corresponding to /~user"
+#define CMT_CGIBIN "Directory corresponding to /cgi-bin"
#define CMT_CONFIRM_QQ "Confirm when quitting with q"
#ifdef USE_MARK
#define CMT_USE_MARK "Enable mark operations"
-#define CMT_EMACS_LIKE_LINEEDIT "Emacs-style line editing"
+#define CMT_EMACS_LIKE_LINEEDIT "Enable Emacs-style line editing"
#ifdef VI_PREC_NUM
-#define CMT_VI_PREC_NUM "vi-like numeric prefix"
+#define CMT_VI_PREC_NUM "Enable vi-like numeric prefix"
-#define CMT_LABEL_TOPLINE "move cursor to top line when going to label"
+#define CMT_LABEL_TOPLINE "Move cursor to top line when going to label"
-#define CMT_NEXTPAGE_TOPLINE "move cursor to top line when moving to next page"
+#define CMT_NEXTPAGE_TOPLINE "Move cursor to top line when moving to next page"
-#define CMT_SHOW_NUM "Show line number"
-#define CMT_SHOW_SRCH_STR "Show search strings"
-#define CMT_MIMETYPES "mime.types files"
-#define CMT_MAILCAP "mailcap files"
-#define CMT_URIMETHODMAP "urimethodmap files"
+#define CMT_SHOW_NUM "Show line numbers"
+#define CMT_SHOW_SRCH_STR "Show search string"
+#define CMT_MIMETYPES "List of mime.types files"
+#define CMT_MAILCAP "List of mailcap files"
+#define CMT_URIMETHODMAP "List of urimethodmap files"
#define CMT_EDITOR "Editor"
#define CMT_MAILER "Mailer"
#define CMT_EXTBRZ "External Browser"
#define CMT_EXTBRZ2 "Second External Browser"
#define CMT_EXTBRZ3 "Third External Browser"
-#define CMT_FTPPASS "Password for FTP(use your mail address)"
+#define CMT_FTPPASS "Password for anonymous FTP (your mail address)"
-#define CMT_FTPPASS_HOSTNAMEGEN "generate domain part of password for FTP"
+#define CMT_FTPPASS_HOSTNAMEGEN "Generate domain part of password for FTP"
-#define CMT_USERAGENT "User-Agent"
-#define CMT_ACCEPTENCODING "Accept-Encoding"
-#define CMT_ACCEPTMEDIA "Accept"
-#define CMT_ACCEPTLANG "Accept-Language"
+#define CMT_USERAGENT "User-Agent identification string"
+#define CMT_ACCEPTENCODING "Accept-Encoding header"
+#define CMT_ACCEPTMEDIA "Accept header"
+#define CMT_ACCEPTLANG "Accept-Language header"
/* #define CMT_DOCUMENTCODE "Document Charset" */
/* #define CMT_SYSTEMCODE "System Kanji Code" */
-#define CMT_MARK_ALL_PAGES "Mark URL-like strings as anchors in all pages"
+#define CMT_MARK_ALL_PAGES "Treat URL-like strings as links in all pages"
#define CMT_WRAP "Wrap search"
-#define CMT_VIEW_UNSEENOBJECTS "Display unseenobjects (e.g. bgimage) tag"
+#define CMT_VIEW_UNSEENOBJECTS "Display unseen objects (e.g. bgimage tag)"
#ifdef __EMX__
-#define CMT_BGEXTVIEW "Another session for an external viewer"
+#define CMT_BGEXTVIEW "Run external viewer in a separate session"
-#define CMT_BGEXTVIEW "Background an external viewer"
+#define CMT_BGEXTVIEW "Run external viewer in the background"
#define CMT_EXT_DIRLIST "Use external program for directory listing"
-#define CMT_DIRLIST_CMD "Directory listing command"
+#define CMT_DIRLIST_CMD "URL of directory listing command"
#ifdef USE_DICT
#define CMT_USE_DICTCOMMAND "Enable dictionary lookup through CGI"
#define CMT_DICTCOMMAND "URL of dictionary lookup command"
#endif /* USE_DICT */
-#define CMT_IGNORE_NULL_IMG_ALT "Ignore IMG ALT=\"\" (display link name)"
-#define CMT_IFILE "Index file for the directory"
+#define CMT_IGNORE_NULL_IMG_ALT "Display link name for images lacking ALT"
+#define CMT_IFILE "Index file for directories"
#define CMT_RETRY_HTTP "Prepend http:// to URL automatically"
-#define CMT_DEFAULT_URL "Default string when opening URL"
+#define CMT_DEFAULT_URL "Default value for open-URL command"
#define CMT_DECODE_CTE "Decode Content-Transfer-Encoding when saving"
#ifdef USE_MOUSE
-#define CMT_MOUSE "Use mouse"
-#define CMT_REVERSE_MOUSE "Reverse mouse dragging action"
+#define CMT_MOUSE "Enable mouse"
+#define CMT_REVERSE_MOUSE "Scroll in reverse direction of mouse drag"
#endif /* USE_MOUSE */
-#define CMT_CLEAR_BUF "Free memory of the undisplayed buffers"
-#define CMT_NOSENDREFERER "Don't send header `Referer:'"
-#define CMT_IGNORE_CASE "Ignore case when search"
+#define CMT_CLEAR_BUF "Free memory of undisplayed buffers"
+#define CMT_NOSENDREFERER "Suppress `Referer:' header"
+#define CMT_IGNORE_CASE "Search case-insensitively"
#ifdef USE_SSL
#define CMT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER "Perform SSL server verification"
#define CMT_SSL_CERT_FILE "PEM encoded certificate file of client"
#define CMT_SSL_KEY_FILE "PEM encoded private key file of client"
-#define CMT_SSL_CA_PATH "Path to a directory for PEM encoded certificates of CAs"
+#define CMT_SSL_CA_PATH "Path to directory for PEM encoded certificates of CAs"
#define CMT_SSL_CA_FILE "File consisting of PEM encoded certificates of CAs"
#endif /* USE_SSL_VERIFY */
-#define CMT_SSL_FORBID_METHOD "List of forbidden SSL method (2: SSLv2, 3: SSLv3, t:TLSv1)"
+#define CMT_SSL_FORBID_METHOD "List of forbidden SSL methods (2: SSLv2, 3: SSLv3, t:TLSv1)"
#endif /* USE_SSL */
-#define CMT_USECOOKIE "Use Cookie"
-#define CMT_ACCEPTCOOKIE "Accept Cookie"
-#define CMT_ACCEPTBADCOOKIE "Invalid Cookie"
-#define CMT_COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS "Domains from which should reject cookies"
-#define CMT_COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS "Domains from which should accept cookies"
+#define CMT_USECOOKIE "Enable cookie processing"
+#define CMT_ACCEPTCOOKIE "Accept cookies"
+#define CMT_ACCEPTBADCOOKIE "Action to be taken on invalid cookie"
+#define CMT_COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS "Domains to reject cookies from"
+#define CMT_COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS "Domains to accept cookies from"
-#define CMT_FOLLOW_REDIRECTION "Follow this number of redirections"
-#define CMT_META_REFRESH "Support meta refresh"
+#define CMT_FOLLOW_REDIRECTION "Number of redirections to follow"
+#define CMT_META_REFRESH "Enable processing of meta-refresh tag"
-#define CMT_USE_MIGEMO "Use Migemo (Roma-ji search)"
+#define CMT_USE_MIGEMO "Enable Migemo (Roma-ji search)"
#define CMT_MIGEMO_COMMAND "Migemo command"
#endif /* USE_MIGEMO */
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ static struct sel_c defaulturls[] = {
- {N_S(DEFAULT_URL_EMPTY), "empty"},
+ {N_S(DEFAULT_URL_EMPTY), "none"},
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ static struct sel_c defaulturls[] = {
#ifdef INET6
static struct sel_c dnsorders[] = {
- {N_S(DNS_ORDER_UNSPEC), "unspec"},
+ {N_S(DNS_ORDER_UNSPEC), "unspecified"},
{N_S(DNS_ORDER_INET_INET6), "inet inet6"},
{N_S(DNS_ORDER_INET6_INET), "inet6 inet"},
@@ -712,20 +712,20 @@ struct param_section sections[] = {
{"�����������", params8},
#else /* LANG != JA */
- {"Display", params1},
+ {"Display Settings", params1},
#ifdef USE_COLOR
- {"Color Setting", params2},
+ {"Color Settings", params2},
#endif /* USE_COLOR */
- {"Miscellaneous Setting", params3},
- {"Directory Setting", params5},
- {"External Programs", params6},
- {"Network Setting", params9},
- {"Proxy Setting", params4},
+ {"Miscellaneous Settings", params3},
+ {"Directory Settings", params5},
+ {"External Program Settings", params6},
+ {"Network Settings", params9},
+ {"Proxy Settings", params4},
#ifdef USE_SSL
- {"SSL Setting", params7},
+ {"SSL Settings", params7},
- {"Cookie Setting", params8},
+ {"Cookie Settings", params8},
#endif /* LANG != JA */
@@ -1366,10 +1366,10 @@ load_option_panel(void)
" value=1",
(x ? " checked" : ""),
- ">ON&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=radio name=",
+ ">YES&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=radio name=",
" value=0",
- (x ? "" : " checked"), ">OFF", NULL);
+ (x ? "" : " checked"), ">NO", NULL);
case PI_SEL_C:
tmp = to_str(p);