path: root/Bonus/makeref
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
commit5f8e0f8ef9a422691dd72e8a953a42a41478fcb4 (patch)
tree4b2df4796a534793648b3c4fc532fc36bd0cd525 /Bonus/makeref
parentReleasing debian version 0.3-2.4 (diff)
Releasing debian version 0.5.1-1debian/0.5.1-1
Diffstat (limited to 'Bonus/makeref')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bonus/makeref b/Bonus/makeref
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9cb1942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/makeref
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# HTML reference generator
+# by A.Ito 1999/3/30
+require 'kconv'
+class URL
+ attr 'scheme'
+ attr 'host'
+ attr 'port'
+ attr 'file'
+ attr 'label'
+ def initialize(str)
+ if /([a-zA-Z+\-]+):(.*)/ =~ str then
+ @scheme = $1
+ str = $2
+ else
+ @scheme = 'unknown'
+ end
+ hostpart = ''
+ if %r'//([^/]*)(/.*)' =~ str then
+ hostpart = $1
+ str = $2
+ elsif %r'//([^/]*)$' =~ str then
+ hostpart = str
+ str = ''
+ end
+ if hostpart != '' then
+ if /(.*):(\d+)/ =~ hostpart then
+ @host = $1
+ @port = $2
+ else
+ @host = hostpart
+ @port = ''
+ end
+ else
+ @host = @port = ''
+ end
+ if /(.*)#(.*)/ =~ str then
+ @file = $1
+ @label = $2
+ else
+ @file = str
+ @label = ''
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ s = "#{@scheme}:"
+ if s == 'news' or s == 'mailto' then
+ return s+@file
+ end
+ s += "//"+@host
+ s += ":"+@port if @port.size > 0
+ s += @file
+ s += "#"+@label if @label.size > 0
+ s
+ end
+ def complete(current)
+ @scheme = current.scheme if @scheme == 'unknown'
+ @port = current.port if @host == '' and @port == ''
+ @host = current.host if @host == ''
+ unless @file =~ %r'^/' then
+ @file = File.expand_path(File.dirname(current.file)+'/'+@file)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+class Tag
+ def initialize(str)
+ if str =~ /<(.+)>/ then
+ str = $1
+ end
+ tags = str.split
+ @tagname = tags.shift.downcase
+ @vals = {}
+ tags.each do |t|
+ if t =~ /=/ then
+ tn,tv = t.split(/\s*=\s*/,2)
+ tv.sub!(/^"/,"")
+ tv.sub!(/"$/,"")
+ @vals[tn.downcase] = tv
+ else
+ @vals[t.downcase] = TRUE
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def tagname
+ return @tagname
+ end
+ def each
+ @vals.each do |k,v|
+ yield k,v
+ end
+ end
+ def switch(k)
+ return @vals[k]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ if tagname =~ /!--/ then
+ return ''
+ end
+ t = "<"+tagname
+ if @vals.size == 0 then
+ return t+">"
+ end
+ each do |a,v|
+ if v == true then
+ t += " #{a}"
+ else
+ t += " #{a}=\"#{v}\""
+ end
+ end
+ t+">"
+ end
+class TokenStream
+ TAG_START = ?<
+ TAG_END = ?>
+ AMP_START = ?&
+ AMP_END = ?;
+ def initialize(file)
+ if file.kind_of?(IO) then
+ @f = file
+ else
+ @f = File.new(file)
+ end
+ @buf = nil
+ @bpos = 0
+ end
+ def read_until(endsym)
+ complete = FALSE
+ tag = []
+ begin
+ while @bpos < @buf.size
+ c = @buf[@bpos]
+ if c == endsym then
+ tag.push(c.chr)
+ complete = TRUE
+ @bpos += 1
+ break
+ end
+ if c == 10 || c == 13 then
+ tag.push(' ')
+ else
+ tag.push(c.chr)
+ end
+ @bpos += 1
+ end
+ unless complete
+ @buf = @f.gets
+ @bpos = 0
+ break if @f.eof?
+ end
+ end until complete
+ return tag.join('')
+ end
+ def get
+ while TRUE
+ if @buf.nil? then
+ @buf = @f.gets
+ if @f.eof? then
+ return nil
+ end
+ @buf = Kconv.toeuc(@buf)
+ @bpos = 0
+ end
+ if @buf[@bpos] == TAG_START then
+ return Tag.new(read_until(TAG_END))
+ elsif @buf[@bpos] == AMP_START then
+ return read_until(AMP_END)
+ else
+ i = @bpos
+ while i < @buf.size && @buf[i] != TAG_START && @buf[i] != AMP_START
+ i += 1
+ end
+ r = @buf[@bpos,i-@bpos]
+ if i == @buf.size then
+ @buf = nil
+ else
+ @bpos = i
+ end
+ redo if r =~ /^\s+$/
+ return r
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ public :eof?
+ def eof?
+ @f.eof?
+ end
+################################ MAIN ####################################
+refs = []
+refnum = 0
+body_finished = false
+html_finished = false
+currentURL = nil
+immediate_ref = false
+while ARGV[0] =~ /^-/
+ case ARGV.shift
+ when '-url'
+ currentURL = URL.new(ARGV.shift)
+ when '-u'
+ immediate_ref = true
+ end
+if ARGV.size > 0 then
+ f = TokenStream.new(ARGV[0])
+ f = TokenStream.new(STDIN)
+until f.eof?
+ tok = f.get
+ if tok.kind_of?(Tag) then
+ if tok.tagname == 'a' and !tok.switch('href').nil? then
+ refs[refnum] = tok.switch('href')
+ refnum += 1
+ elsif tok.tagname == '/a' then
+ if immediate_ref then
+ r = refs[refnum-1]
+ if !currentURL.nil? then
+ r = URL.new(r).complete(currentURL).to_s
+ end
+ print "[#{r}]"
+ else
+ print "[#{refnum}]"
+ end
+ elsif tok.tagname == '/body' then
+ body_finished = true
+ break
+ elsif tok.tagname == '/html' then
+ html_finished = true
+ break
+ end
+ print tok.to_s
+ elsif !tok.nil? then
+ print tok
+ end
+if !immediate_ref and refs.size > 0 then
+ print "<hr><h2>References</h2>\n"
+ for i in 0..refs.size-1
+ if currentURL.nil? then
+ r = refs[i]
+ else
+ r = URL.new(refs[i])
+ r.complete(currentURL)
+ r = r.to_s
+ end
+ print "[#{i+1}] #{r}<br>\n"
+ end
+print "</body>\n" unless body_finished
+print "</html>\n" unless html_finished