path: root/Bonus
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
commit5f8e0f8ef9a422691dd72e8a953a42a41478fcb4 (patch)
tree4b2df4796a534793648b3c4fc532fc36bd0cd525 /Bonus
parentReleasing debian version 0.3-2.4 (diff)
Releasing debian version 0.5.1-1debian/0.5.1-1
Diffstat (limited to 'Bonus')
14 files changed, 2015 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bonus/2ch.cgi b/Bonus/2ch.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..998c202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/2ch.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+$WGET = "wget";
+$CGI = "file://$SCRIPT_NAME";
+$UserAgent = "Monazilla/1.00 (w3m/2ch.cgi)";
+if (/subback.html$/) {
+ &subback();
+ exit;
+s@/(\d+)(/([^/]*))?$@/$1@ || exit;
+my $datnum = $1;
+$label = $3;
+$cgi = "$CGI?$_";
+s@^http://([^/]+)/test/read.cgi/([^/]+)/@$1/$2/dat/@ || exit;
+$subback = "$CGI?http://$1/$2/subback.html";
+$bbs = $2;
+ &post();
+ exit;
+$_ .= ".dat";
+$dat = "http://$_";
+$tmp = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.w3m2ch/$_";
+$dat =~ s/([^\w\/.\:\-])/\\$1/g;
+$tmp =~ s/([^\w\/.\:\-])/\\$1/g;
+($dir = $tmp) =~ s@/[^/]+$@@;
+$cmd = "mkdir -p $dir; $WGET -c -U \"$UserAgent\" -O $tmp $dat >/dev/null 2>&1";
+system $cmd;
+$lines = (split(" ", `wc $tmp`))[0];
+$lines || exit;
+@ARGV = ($tmp);
+if ($label =~ /^l(\d+)/) {
+ $start = $lines - $1 + 1;
+ if ($start < 1) {
+ $start = 1;
+ }
+ $end = $lines;
+} elsif ($label =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
+ $start = $1;
+ $end = $2;
+} elsif ($label =~ /^(\d+)-/) {
+ $start = $1;
+ $end = $start + 100 - 1;
+} elsif ($label =~ /^(\d+)/) {
+ $start = $1;
+ $end = $1;
+} else {
+ $start = 1;
+ $end = $lines;
+$head = "<a href=\"$subback\">���f���‚ɖ߂遡</a>\n";
+$head .= "<a href=\"$cgi/\">�S��</a>\n";
+for (0 .. ($lines - 1) / 100) {
+ $n = $_ * 100 + 1;
+ $head .= "<a href=\"$cgi/$n-\">$n-</a>\n";
+$head .= "<a href=\"$cgi/l50\">�ŐV50</a>\n";
+print <<EOF;
+Content-Type: text/html
+$i = 1;
+while (<>) {
+ s/\r?\n$//;
+ ($name, $mail, $date, $_, $title) = split(/\<\>/);
+ if ($i == 1) {
+ if (!$title) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ unlink($tmp);
+ exit
+ }
+ print <<EOF;
+ }
+ if ($mail) {
+ $name = "<a href=\"mailto:$mail\">$name</a>";
+ }
+ s@http://ime.nu/@http://@g;
+ s@(h?ttp:)([#-~]+)@"<a href=\"" . &link("http:$2") . "\">$1$2</a>"@ge;
+ s@(ftp:[#-~]+)@<a href="$1">$1</a>@g;
+ s@<a href="../test/read.cgi/\w+/\d+/@<a href="$cgi/@g;
+ if ($i == 1 || ($i >= $start && $i <= $end)) {
+ print <<EOF;
+<dt><a name="$i">$i</a> �F$name�F$date
+ }
+ $i++;
+print <<EOF;
+<form method=POST action="$cgi"><input type=submit value="��������" name=submit> ���O�F <input name=FROM size=19> E-mail<font size=1> (�ȗ���) </font>: <input name=mail size=19><br><textarea rows=5 cols=70 wrap=off name=MESSAGE></textarea><input type=hidden name=bbs value=$bbs><input type=hidden name=key value=$datnum><input type=hidden name=time value=@{[time]}></form></body></html>
+sub link {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ if (m@/test/read.cgi/@) {
+ return "$CGI?$_";
+ }
+ return $_;
+sub subback {
+ $dat = $_;
+ s@http://@@ || exit;
+ $tmp = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.w3m2ch/$_";
+ $dat =~ s/([^\w\/.\:\-])/\\$1/g;
+ $tmp =~ s/([^\w\/.\:\-])/\\$1/g;
+ ($dir = $tmp) =~ s@/[^/]+$@@;
+ $cmd = "mkdir -p $dir; $WGET -O $tmp $dat >/dev/null 2>&1";
+ system $cmd;
+print <<EOF;
+Content-Type: text/html
+ @ARGV = ($tmp);
+ while (<>) {
+ if (/<base href="([^"]+)"/) {
+ $base = $1;
+ } elsif ($base) {
+ s@^<a href="@<a href="$CGI?$base@;
+ }
+ print;
+ }
+ unlink($tmp);
+sub post {
+ my $debug = 0;
+ $| = 1;
+ use IO::Socket;
+ my @POST = <>;
+ $QUERY_STRING =~ m@^http://([^/]+)@;
+ my $host = $1;
+ my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:80") or die;
+ # retrieve posting cookie; this may not work
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+ print $sock
+ "HEAD /test/bbs.cgi HTTP/1.1\n",
+ "Host: $host\n",
+ "Connection: keep-alive\n",
+ "\n";
+ my $posting_cookie = undef;
+ while (<$sock>) {
+ print if ($debug);
+ s/[\n\r]+$//;
+ last if (/^$/);
+ if (/^set-cookie:.*(PON=[^;]+)/i) {
+ $posting_cookie = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ #$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:80") or die;
+ my $submit =
+ "POST /test/bbs.cgi HTTP/1.1\n" .
+ "Host: $host\n" .
+ "Accept-Language: ja\n" .
+ "User-Agent: $UserAgent\n" .
+ "Referer: $QUERY_STRING\n" .
+ "Cookie: $posting_cookie; NAME=nobody; MAIL=sage\n" .
+ "Content-Length: " . length(join("", @POST)) . "\n" .
+ "\n@POST";
+ print $sock $submit or die;
+ print "\n-- POSTed contents --\n${submit}\n-- POSTed contents --\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ my $chunked = 0;
+ while (<$sock>) {
+ s/[\n\r]*$//;
+ last if (/^$/);
+ $chunked = 1 if (/^transfer-encoding:\s*chunked/i);
+ }
+ my $post_response = "";
+ while (<$sock>) {
+ if ($chunked) {
+ s/[ \r\n]*$//;
+ my $len = hex($_);
+ $len > 0 or last;
+ read($sock, $_, $len);
+ <$sock>; #skip empty line at the end of chunk.
+ }
+ $post_response .= $_;
+ }
+ $post_response =~ s/<META content=(\d+);URL=(\S+) http-equiv=refresh>/<META content=$1;URL=$cgi http-equiv=refresh>/im;
+ print $post_response;
+ exit;
diff --git a/Bonus/README b/Bonus/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af019ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/README
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ [w3m-dev 03635] 2ch.cgi
+ 2ch �� dat ��ľ�ɤߤ��� local CGI �Ǥ���
+ w3m file:/cgi-bin/2ch.cgi?http://pc.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/unix/1035755937/
+ wget �κ�ʬž��(-c)��Ȥ��ޤ���
+ �ɤ�� dat �� ~/.w3m2ch/ �ʲ�����¸���ޤ���
+ �񤭹��ߤϤǤ��ޤ���
+ [w3m-dev 03634] smb.cgi
+ SMB �˥����������� local CGI �Ǥ���
+ nmblookup,smbclient ��Ȥ��Τ� sabma �����󥹥ȡ��뤵��Ƥ���
+ ɬ�פ�����ޤ���
+ �ѥ���ɤϡ�
+ 1) ~/.w3m/smb �˥ѥ���ɤ����ꤵ��Ƥ��ꡢ
+ smbclient �� -A ���ץ�����Ȥ���ʤ�
+ smbclient -A ~/.w3m/smb �Ȥ����Ϥ��ޤ���
+ 2) �Ķ��ѿ� PASSWD_FILE (�ѥ���ɤΤߤΥե�����)������
+ ����Ƥ�����ϡ��Ķ��ѿ� PASSWD_FILE ��Ȥ��ޤ���
+ 3) ~/.w3m/smb �˥ѥ���ɤ����ꤵ��Ƥ���С�
+ �Ķ��ѿ� PASSWD_FD ��Ȥä�ɸ�����Ϸ�ͳ���Ϥ��ޤ���
+ �ɤ���ˤ��衢���ޤ��ɤ����ǤϤʤ��Τ� SMB(CIFS)�ץ��ȥ����
+ �����Ǥ��˾��
+ [w3m-dev 03625] keymap key SEARCH string
+ HTML��ʸ���LaTeX ���Ѵ����ޤ���Ruby������ץȤǤ����Դ����Ǥ���
+ �������٤���ˤ�Ω�Ĥ��⤷��ޤ���
+ ����ˡ
+ html2latex file.html > file.tex
+ �������֤��Ƥ�����ͳ
+ makeref �Τ�������ʼ��Ǥ� :-)
+ HTML��ʸ����ɤߡ����󥫡����ֹ�򿶤�ޤ����ֹ�򿶤ä�ʸ���
+ ɸ����Ϥ˽񤭽Ф����Ǹ�ˤ��ΰ�������Ϥ��ޤ���Ruby ������ץȤǤ���
+ ����ˡ
+ makeref [-url base_url] [file]
+ -url: ʸ���URL����ꤷ�ޤ�����󥯤ΰ�����Ф��Ȥ��ˡ�����URL��
+ �䴰���뤿��˻Ȥ��ޤ���
+ �Х�
+ HTML�ε��ҥߥ�( &lt; �ǤϤʤ� < ��Ȥ���&... �κǸ�� ; ���դ��ʤ�
+ ��)������ȡ��Ỵ�ʷ�̤ˤʤ뤳�Ȥ�����ޤ���
+ Ⱦ�ѥ���(JIS X-0201����)���б����Ƥ��ޤ���
+ URL ����HTMLʸ����ɤߡ����󥫡����ֹ�򿶤ä���������ɸ����Ϥ�
+ �񤭽Ф��ޤ���
+ ����ˡ
+ dumphtml [URL]
+ URL ���ά����ȡ�$WWW_HOME �����Ƥ��ɤߤޤ���
+ �Х�
+ URL �λؤ�ʸ��HTML�Ǥʤ��ä���硤���襤�����ʤ��Ȥˤʤ�ޤ���
+ makeref ��ȤäƤ���Τǡ�makeref �����ޤ������Ǥ��ʤ�ʸ���ɽ��
+ ���Ѥˤʤ�ޤ���
diff --git a/Bonus/README.eng b/Bonus/README.eng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f7507d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/README.eng
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ [w3m-dev 03635] 2ch.cgi
+ localcgi to read 2ch dat directly
+ w3m file:/cgi-bin/2ch.cgi?http://pc.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/unix/1035755937/
+ It uses wget -c.
+ `dat' files are recorded under ~/w3m2ch/.
+ You can not post.
+ [w3m-dev 03634] smb.cgi
+ localcgi to access SMB.
+ Since it uses nmblookup, smbclient, you should install samba.
+ Password can be passed to smbclient:
+ 1) When the password is set by contents of ~/.w3m/smb and
+ -A option available, `smbclient -A ~/.w3m/smb' is used.
+ 2) When the environment variable PASSWD_FILE, it is used.
+ 3) When the password is set by contents of ~/.w3m/smb,
+ the password is passed via standrad I/O using
+ the environment variable PASSWD_FD.
+ [w3m-dev 03625] keymap key SEARCH string
+ Convert HTML document into LaTeX. Ruby script. incomplete.
+ Usage:
+ html2latex file.html > file.tex
+ Why this script is here?
+ To exploit code for makeref. :-)
+ Read HTML document and number the anchors. Print numbered document
+ into standard output and append reference index. Ruby script.
+ Usage:
+ makeref [-u] [-url base_url] [file]
+ -url: Specify URL of the document. It is used to complete link
+ in the document.
+ -u: Append URL after each anchor, instead of reference number.
+ Bugs
+ If there are any error in HTML (unbalanced < , character entity
+ without ; , etc.), output will be miserable.
+ Read HTML document from URL, number the anchors and format it,
+ and output it on standard output.
+ Usage
+ htmldump [-u] [URL]
+ -u: Append URL after each anchor, instead of reference number.
+ If URL is omitted, $WWW_HOME is used instead.
+ Bugs
+ It assumes that the document on URL is HTML.
+ As it uses makeref to number the anchor, it can't handle any document
+ makeref can't handle.
diff --git a/Bonus/backslash_to_slash.cgi b/Bonus/backslash_to_slash.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..20b0808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/backslash_to_slash.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# keymap "x \\" GOTO file:/$LIB/backslash_to_slash.cgi
+$_ = $ENV{W3M_CURRENT_LINK} || exit;
+print <<EOF;
+Location: $_
diff --git a/Bonus/goodict.cgi b/Bonus/goodict.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f443c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/goodict.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ~/.w3m/urimethodmap
+# e: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s
+# w: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s
+# j: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s
+use NKF;
+#$mode = 0; # substring
+$mode = 1; # perfect match
+#$mode = 3; # search body text
+$url = "http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp";
+if (/^e:/) {
+ $kind = 'ej';
+} elsif (/^w:/) {
+ $kind = 'je';
+} elsif (/^j:/) {
+ $kind = 'jn';
+s@^[ewjs]:@@ && s@^//@@ && s@/$@@;
+if ($_) {
+ s/\+/ /g;
+ s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack('C', hex($1))/egi;
+ $_ = nkf("-e", $_);
+ s/[\000-\040\+:#?&%<>"\177-\377]/sprintf('%%%02X', unpack('C', $&))/eg;
+ $url .= "/search.php?MT=$_&kind=$kind&mode=$mode";
+} else {
+ $input = "w3m-control: GOTO_LINK";
+print <<EOF;
+w3m-control: GOTO $url
+w3m-control: DELETE_PREVBUF
+w3m-control: SEARCH \\[
+w3m-control: MOVE_RIGHT
diff --git a/Bonus/google.cgi b/Bonus/google.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0016340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/google.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# ~/.w3m/urimethodmap
+# g: file:/cgi-bin/google.cgi?%s
+# google: file:/cgi-bin/google.cgi?%s
+$url = "http://www.google.com/";
+s@^g(oogle)?:@@ && s@^//@@ && s@/$@@;
+if ($_) {
+ s/\+/ /g;
+ s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack('C', hex($1))/egi;
+ s/[\000-\040\+:#?&%<>"\177-\377]/sprintf('%%%02X', unpack('C', $&))/eg;
+ $url .= "search?q=$_&hl=ja&lr=lang_ja&ie=EUC-JP";
+} else {
+ $input = "w3m-control: GOTO_LINK";
+print <<EOF;
+w3m-control: GOTO $url
+w3m-control: DELETE_PREVBUF
+w3m-control: SEARCH \\[
+w3m-control: MOVE_RIGHT
diff --git a/Bonus/html2latex b/Bonus/html2latex
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..898799a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/html2latex
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# HTML to LaTeX converter
+# by A. Ito, 16 June, 1997
+require 'kconv'
+# configuration
+def gif2eps(giffile,epsfile)
+ cmd = "convert #{giffile} #{epsfile}"
+ STDERR.print cmd,"\n"
+ system cmd
+class Tag
+ def initialize(str)
+ if str =~ /<(.+)>/ then
+ str = $1
+ end
+ tags = str.split
+ @tagname = tags.shift.downcase
+ @vals = {}
+ tags.each do |t|
+ if t =~ /=/ then
+ tn,tv = t.split(/\s*=\s*/,2)
+ tv.sub!(/^"/,"")
+ tv.sub!(/"$/,"")
+ @vals[tn.downcase] = tv
+ else
+ @vals[t.downcase] = TRUE
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def tagname
+ return @tagname
+ end
+ def each
+ @vals.each do |k,v|
+ yield k,v
+ end
+ end
+ def switch(k)
+ return @vals[k]
+ end
+class TokenStream
+ TAG_START = ?<
+ TAG_END = ?>
+ AMP_START = ?&
+ AMP_END = ?;
+ '&amp;' => '\\&',
+ '&gt;' => '$>$',
+ '&lt;' => '$<$',
+ '&nbsp;' => '~',
+ '&quot;' => '"',
+ }
+ def initialize(file)
+ if file.kind_of?(File) then
+ @f = file
+ else
+ @f = File.new(file)
+ end
+ @buf = nil
+ @bpos = 0
+ end
+ def read_until(endsym)
+ complete = FALSE
+ tag = []
+ begin
+ while @bpos < @buf.size
+ c = @buf[@bpos]
+ if c == endsym then
+ tag.push(c.chr)
+ complete = TRUE
+ @bpos += 1
+ break
+ end
+ if c == 10 || c == 13 then
+ tag.push(' ')
+ else
+ tag.push(c.chr)
+ end
+ @bpos += 1
+ end
+ unless complete
+ @buf = @f.gets
+ @bpos = 0
+ break if @f.eof?
+ end
+ end until complete
+ return tag.join('')
+ end
+ def get
+ while TRUE
+ if @buf.nil? then
+ @buf = Kconv.toeuc(@f.gets)
+ if @f.eof? then
+ return nil
+ end
+ @bpos = 0
+ end
+ if @buf[@bpos] == TAG_START then
+ return Tag.new(read_until(TAG_END))
+ elsif @buf[@bpos] == AMP_START then
+ return replace_amp(read_until(AMP_END))
+ else
+ i = @bpos
+ while i < @buf.size && @buf[i] != TAG_START && @buf[i] != AMP_START
+ i += 1
+ end
+ r = @buf[@bpos,i-@bpos]
+ if i == @buf.size then
+ @buf = nil
+ else
+ @bpos = i
+ end
+ redo if r =~ /^\s+$/
+ return r
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ public :eof?
+ def eof?
+ @f.eof?
+ end
+ def replace_amp(s)
+ if AMP_REPLACE_TABLE.key?(s) then
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+ end
+def print_header
+ print '
+\def\hr{\par\hbox to \textwidth{\hrulefill}}
+class Environ_stack
+ def initialize(*envs)
+ @stack = envs
+ end
+ def action(tag)
+ if tag =~ /^!/ then # comment
+ return ["",nil]
+ end
+ i = @stack.size-1
+ while i >= 0
+ a = @stack[i].action(tag)
+ unless a.nil? then
+ return a
+ end
+ i -= 1
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def pop
+ @stack.pop
+ end
+ def push(env)
+ @stack.push(env)
+ end
+ def top
+ @stack[@stack.size-1]
+ end
+ def dup
+ @stack.push(top.clone)
+ end
+class Environment
+ def initialize(interp)
+ @silent = FALSE
+ @in_table = FALSE
+ @interp = interp;
+ @align = nil;
+ end
+ def action(tag)
+ return @interp[tag]
+ end
+ def flush(tok)
+ if tok.kind_of?(String) then
+ tok = tok.gsub(/&/,"\\&");
+ tok = tok.gsub(/%/,"\\%");
+ tok = tok.gsub(/#/,"\\#");
+ tok = tok.gsub(/\$/,"\\$");
+ tok = tok.gsub(/_/,"\\verb+_+");
+ tok = tok.gsub(/\^/,"\\verb+^+");
+ tok = tok.gsub(/~/,"\\verb+~+");
+ end
+ if @in_table then
+ @table[@table_rows][@table_cols] += tok
+ elsif !@silent then
+ if !@align.nil? && tok =~ /\n$/ then
+ print tok.chop,"\\\\\n"
+ else
+ print tok
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def set_interp(interp)
+ @interp = interp
+ end
+ # tag processing methods
+ # <TITLE>
+ def do_silent(tag)
+ @silent = TRUE
+ end
+ # </TITLE>
+ def undo_silent(tag)
+ @silent = FALSE
+ end
+ # <IMG>
+ def img_proc(tag)
+ src = tag.switch('src')
+ newfile = src.sub(/\.GIF/i,".eps")
+ gif2eps(src,newfile)
+ flush "\\epsfile{file=#{newfile}}\n"
+ end
+ # <TABLE>
+ def starttable(tag)
+ @table = []
+ @tablespan = []
+ @table_rows = -1
+ @table_cols_max = 0
+ @in_table = TRUE
+ unless tag.switch('border').nil? then
+ @table_border = TRUE
+ else
+ @table_border = FALSE
+ end
+ end
+ # <TR>
+ def start_row(tag)
+ @table_rows += 1
+ @table[@table_rows] = []
+ @tablespan[@table_rows] = []
+ @table_cols = -1
+ @colspan = 1
+ end
+ # <TD>
+ def start_col(tag)
+ @colspan = tag.switch('colspan')
+ if @colspan.nil? then
+ @colspan = 1
+ else
+ @colspan = @colspan.to_i
+ end
+ @tablespan[@table_rows][@table_cols+1] = @colspan
+ @table_cols += @colspan
+ if @table_cols > @table_cols_max then
+ @table_cols_max = @table_cols
+ end
+ end
+ # </TABLE>
+ def endtable(tag)
+ @in_table = FALSE
+ flush "\\begin{tabular}{*{"
+ flush @table_cols_max+1
+ if @table_border then
+ flush "}{|l}|}\n\\hline\n"
+ else
+ flush "}{l}}\n"
+ end
+ for i in 0..@table_rows
+ j = 0
+ while j <= @table_cols
+ span = @tablespan[i][j]
+ if span == 1 then
+ flush @table[i][j]
+ elsif @table_border then
+ form = "|l"
+ if j+span > @table_cols then
+ form = "|l|"
+ end
+ flush "\\multicolumn{"+span.to_s+"}{"+form+"}{"
+ flush @table[i][j+span-1]
+ flush "}"
+ else
+ flush "\\multicolumn{"+span.to_s+"}{l}{"
+ flush @table[i][j+span-1]
+ flush "}"
+ end
+ j += span
+ if j <= @table_cols then
+ flush "&"
+ end
+ end
+ flush "\\\\\n"
+ flush "\\hline\n" if @table_border
+ end
+ flush "\\end{tabular}\n"
+ end
+ # <CENTER>
+ def startcenter(tag)
+ if @in_table then
+ flush "\\hfil"
+ else
+ flush "\\begin{center}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ # </CENTER>
+ def endcenter(tag)
+ if @in_table then
+ flush "\\hfil"
+ else
+ flush "\\end{center}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ # <P>
+ def paragraph(tag)
+ align = tag.switch('align')
+ if align.nil? then
+ flush "\\par\n"
+ @endparagraph = ""
+ else
+ align = align.downcase
+ case align
+ when "left" then
+ flush "\\begin{flushleft}\n"
+ @endparagraph = "\\end{flushleft}\n"
+ when "center" then
+ flush "\\begin{center}\n"
+ @endparagraph = "\\end{center}\n"
+ when "right" then
+ flush "\\begin{flushright}\n"
+ @endparagraph = "\\end{flushright}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ @align = align
+ end
+ # </P>
+ def endparagraph(tag)
+ unless @align.nil? then
+ @align = nil
+ flush @endparagraph
+ end
+ end
+enum_interp = {
+ 'li' => ["\\item ",nil]
+item_interp = {
+ 'li' => ["\\item ",nil]
+desc_interp = {
+ 'dt' => ["\\item[",nil],
+ 'dd' => ["]\n",nil]
+table_interp = {
+ 'tr' => [:start_row,nil],
+ 'td' => [:start_col,nil],
+ '/tr' => ["",nil],
+ '/td' => ["",nil],
+para_interp = {
+ '/p' => [:endparagraph ,"pop",TRUE],
+main_interp = {
+ 'body' => ["\\begin{document}\n",nil,FALSE],
+ '/body' => ["\\end{document}\n",nil,FALSE],
+ 'head' => ["",nil,FALSE],
+ '/head' => ["",nil,FALSE],
+ 'html' => ["",nil,FALSE],
+ '/html' => ["",nil,FALSE],
+ 'title' => [:do_silent,nil,FALSE],
+ '/title' => [:undo_silent,nil,FALSE],
+ '!' => ["",nil,FALSE],
+ 'h1' => ["\\section{",nil,TRUE],
+ 'h2' => ["\\subsection{",nil,TRUE],
+ 'h3' => ["\\subsubsection{",nil,TRUE],
+ 'h4' => ["\\paragraph{",nil,TRUE],
+ '/h1' => ["}\n",nil,TRUE],
+ '/h2' => ["}\n",nil,TRUE],
+ '/h3' => ["}\n",nil,TRUE],
+ '/h4' => ["}\n",nil,TRUE],
+ 'a' => ["",nil,TRUE],
+ '/a' => ["",nil,TRUE],
+ 'center' => [:startcenter,nil,TRUE],
+ '/center' => [:endcenter,nil,TRUE],
+ 'ol' => ["\\begin{enumerate}\n",enum_interp,TRUE],
+ '/ol' => ["\\end{enumerate}\n","pop",TRUE],
+ 'ul' => ["\\begin{itemize}\n",item_interp,TRUE],
+ '/ul' => ["\\end{itemize}\n","pop",TRUE],
+ 'dl' => ["\\begin{description}\n",desc_interp,TRUE],
+ '/dl' => ["\\end{description}\n","pop",TRUE],
+ 'pre' => ["\\begin{pre}\n",nil,TRUE],
+ '/pre' => ["\\end{pre}\n",nil,TRUE],
+ 'p' => [:paragraph ,para_interp,TRUE],
+ 'br' => ["\\par ",nil,TRUE],
+ 'img' => [:img_proc,nil,TRUE],
+ 'hr' => ["\\hr ",nil,TRUE],
+ 'b' => ["{\\bf\\gt ",nil,TRUE],
+ '/b' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'strong' => ["{\\bf\\gt ",nil,TRUE],
+ '/strong' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'dfn' => ["{\\bf\\gt ",nil,TRUE],
+ '/dfn' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'i' => ["{\\it",nil,TRUE],
+ '/i' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'address' => ["{\\it",nil,TRUE],
+ '/address'=> ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'cite' => ["{\\it",nil,TRUE],
+ '/cite' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'code' => ["{\\tt",nil,TRUE],
+ '/code' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'kbd' => ["{\\tt",nil,TRUE],
+ '/kbd' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'tt' => ["{\\tt",nil,TRUE],
+ '/tt' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'samp' => ["{\\tt",nil,TRUE],
+ '/samp' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'em' => ["{\\em",nil,TRUE],
+ '/em' => ["}",nil,TRUE],
+ 'u' => ["$\\underline{\\mbox{",nil,TRUE],
+ '/u' => ["}}$",nil,TRUE],
+ 'sub' => ["${}_\mbox{",nil,TRUE],
+ '/sub' => ["}$",nil,TRUE],
+ 'sup' => ["${}^\mbox{",nil,TRUE],
+ '/sup' => ["}$",nil,TRUE],
+ 'table' => [:starttable, table_interp,TRUE],
+ '/table' => [:endtable, "pop",TRUE],
+ 'font' => ["",nil,TRUE],
+ '/font' => ["",nil,TRUE],
+################################ MAIN ####################################
+$in_document = FALSE
+intp = Environ_stack.new(Environment.new(main_interp))
+f = TokenStream.new(ARGV[0])
+until f.eof?
+ tok = f.get
+ if tok.kind_of?(Tag) then
+ case tok.tagname
+ when "body"
+ $in_document = TRUE
+ when "/body"
+ $in_document = FALSE
+ end
+ act = intp.action(tok.tagname)
+ if act.nil? then
+ STDERR.print "tag ",tok.tagname," ignored\n"
+ else
+ if act[2] && !$in_document then
+ print "\\begin{document}\n"
+ $in_document = TRUE
+ end
+ # environment push
+ if act[1].kind_of?(Hash) &&
+ (tok.tagname != "p" || tok.switch('align') != nil) then
+ intp.dup
+ intp.top.set_interp(act[1])
+ end
+ if act[0].kind_of?(String) then
+ intp.top.flush act[0]
+ elsif act[0].kind_of?(Fixnum) then # interned symbol
+ intp.top.send(act[0],tok)
+ end
+ # environment pop
+ if act[1] == "pop" then
+ intp.pop
+ end
+ end
+ elsif !tok.nil? then
+ intp.top.flush tok
+ end
+if $in_document then
+ print "\\end{document}\n"
diff --git a/Bonus/htmldump b/Bonus/htmldump
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4be60bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/htmldump
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if [ $# -gt 0 -a $1 = "-u" ]; then
+ OPT=-u
+ shift
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ URL=$1
+w3m -dump_source $URL | makeref $OPT -url $URL | w3m -dump -F -T text/html
diff --git a/Bonus/makeref b/Bonus/makeref
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9cb1942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/makeref
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# HTML reference generator
+# by A.Ito 1999/3/30
+require 'kconv'
+class URL
+ attr 'scheme'
+ attr 'host'
+ attr 'port'
+ attr 'file'
+ attr 'label'
+ def initialize(str)
+ if /([a-zA-Z+\-]+):(.*)/ =~ str then
+ @scheme = $1
+ str = $2
+ else
+ @scheme = 'unknown'
+ end
+ hostpart = ''
+ if %r'//([^/]*)(/.*)' =~ str then
+ hostpart = $1
+ str = $2
+ elsif %r'//([^/]*)$' =~ str then
+ hostpart = str
+ str = ''
+ end
+ if hostpart != '' then
+ if /(.*):(\d+)/ =~ hostpart then
+ @host = $1
+ @port = $2
+ else
+ @host = hostpart
+ @port = ''
+ end
+ else
+ @host = @port = ''
+ end
+ if /(.*)#(.*)/ =~ str then
+ @file = $1
+ @label = $2
+ else
+ @file = str
+ @label = ''
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ s = "#{@scheme}:"
+ if s == 'news' or s == 'mailto' then
+ return s+@file
+ end
+ s += "//"+@host
+ s += ":"+@port if @port.size > 0
+ s += @file
+ s += "#"+@label if @label.size > 0
+ s
+ end
+ def complete(current)
+ @scheme = current.scheme if @scheme == 'unknown'
+ @port = current.port if @host == '' and @port == ''
+ @host = current.host if @host == ''
+ unless @file =~ %r'^/' then
+ @file = File.expand_path(File.dirname(current.file)+'/'+@file)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+class Tag
+ def initialize(str)
+ if str =~ /<(.+)>/ then
+ str = $1
+ end
+ tags = str.split
+ @tagname = tags.shift.downcase
+ @vals = {}
+ tags.each do |t|
+ if t =~ /=/ then
+ tn,tv = t.split(/\s*=\s*/,2)
+ tv.sub!(/^"/,"")
+ tv.sub!(/"$/,"")
+ @vals[tn.downcase] = tv
+ else
+ @vals[t.downcase] = TRUE
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def tagname
+ return @tagname
+ end
+ def each
+ @vals.each do |k,v|
+ yield k,v
+ end
+ end
+ def switch(k)
+ return @vals[k]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ if tagname =~ /!--/ then
+ return ''
+ end
+ t = "<"+tagname
+ if @vals.size == 0 then
+ return t+">"
+ end
+ each do |a,v|
+ if v == true then
+ t += " #{a}"
+ else
+ t += " #{a}=\"#{v}\""
+ end
+ end
+ t+">"
+ end
+class TokenStream
+ TAG_START = ?<
+ TAG_END = ?>
+ AMP_START = ?&
+ AMP_END = ?;
+ def initialize(file)
+ if file.kind_of?(IO) then
+ @f = file
+ else
+ @f = File.new(file)
+ end
+ @buf = nil
+ @bpos = 0
+ end
+ def read_until(endsym)
+ complete = FALSE
+ tag = []
+ begin
+ while @bpos < @buf.size
+ c = @buf[@bpos]
+ if c == endsym then
+ tag.push(c.chr)
+ complete = TRUE
+ @bpos += 1
+ break
+ end
+ if c == 10 || c == 13 then
+ tag.push(' ')
+ else
+ tag.push(c.chr)
+ end
+ @bpos += 1
+ end
+ unless complete
+ @buf = @f.gets
+ @bpos = 0
+ break if @f.eof?
+ end
+ end until complete
+ return tag.join('')
+ end
+ def get
+ while TRUE
+ if @buf.nil? then
+ @buf = @f.gets
+ if @f.eof? then
+ return nil
+ end
+ @buf = Kconv.toeuc(@buf)
+ @bpos = 0
+ end
+ if @buf[@bpos] == TAG_START then
+ return Tag.new(read_until(TAG_END))
+ elsif @buf[@bpos] == AMP_START then
+ return read_until(AMP_END)
+ else
+ i = @bpos
+ while i < @buf.size && @buf[i] != TAG_START && @buf[i] != AMP_START
+ i += 1
+ end
+ r = @buf[@bpos,i-@bpos]
+ if i == @buf.size then
+ @buf = nil
+ else
+ @bpos = i
+ end
+ redo if r =~ /^\s+$/
+ return r
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ public :eof?
+ def eof?
+ @f.eof?
+ end
+################################ MAIN ####################################
+refs = []
+refnum = 0
+body_finished = false
+html_finished = false
+currentURL = nil
+immediate_ref = false
+while ARGV[0] =~ /^-/
+ case ARGV.shift
+ when '-url'
+ currentURL = URL.new(ARGV.shift)
+ when '-u'
+ immediate_ref = true
+ end
+if ARGV.size > 0 then
+ f = TokenStream.new(ARGV[0])
+ f = TokenStream.new(STDIN)
+until f.eof?
+ tok = f.get
+ if tok.kind_of?(Tag) then
+ if tok.tagname == 'a' and !tok.switch('href').nil? then
+ refs[refnum] = tok.switch('href')
+ refnum += 1
+ elsif tok.tagname == '/a' then
+ if immediate_ref then
+ r = refs[refnum-1]
+ if !currentURL.nil? then
+ r = URL.new(r).complete(currentURL).to_s
+ end
+ print "[#{r}]"
+ else
+ print "[#{refnum}]"
+ end
+ elsif tok.tagname == '/body' then
+ body_finished = true
+ break
+ elsif tok.tagname == '/html' then
+ html_finished = true
+ break
+ end
+ print tok.to_s
+ elsif !tok.nil? then
+ print tok
+ end
+if !immediate_ref and refs.size > 0 then
+ print "<hr><h2>References</h2>\n"
+ for i in 0..refs.size-1
+ if currentURL.nil? then
+ r = refs[i]
+ else
+ r = URL.new(refs[i])
+ r.complete(currentURL)
+ r = r.to_s
+ end
+ print "[#{i+1}] #{r}<br>\n"
+ end
+print "</body>\n" unless body_finished
+print "</html>\n" unless html_finished
diff --git a/Bonus/oldconfigure.sh b/Bonus/oldconfigure.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..541facb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/oldconfigure.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# oldconfig.sh: convert a config.param file and execute configure
+# functions
+opt_push () {
+# OPT="${OPT} $1"
+ OPT="${OPT} \\
+ $1"
+opt_enable_set () {
+ val=""
+ if test x"$1" = xy; then
+ val="--enable-$2"
+ elif test x"$1" = xn; then
+ val="--disable-$2"
+ fi
+ if test x"$val" != x; then
+ opt_push "$val"
+ fi
+opt_with_set () {
+ val=""
+ if test x"$1" != x; then
+ val="--with-$2='$1'"
+ else
+ val="--without-$2"
+ fi
+ if test x"$val" != x; then
+ opt_push "$val"
+ fi
+env_set () {
+ # no overwrite
+ if test x"$1" != x && eval "test -z \"\$$1\"" > /dev/null; then
+ echo "$1='$2'; export $1"
+ eval "$1='$2'; export $1"
+ fi
+# main
+topdir="`dirname $0`/.."
+if test x"$1" = x-v; then
+ echo_only=yes
+ shift
+if test x"$1" = x; then
+ echo "USAGE: $0 [-v] <config.param file>"
+ echo " option: -v ... echo only"
+ exit 1
+if expr "$1" : '.*/' > /dev/null; then
+ conffile="$1"
+ conffile=./"$1"
+. "$conffile" # read config.param
+libdir=`echo $libdir | sed 's@/w3m[^/]*/cgi-bin@@'`
+libexecdir=`echo $auxbindir | sed 's@/w3m[^/]*@@'`
+datadir=`echo $helpdir | sed 's@/w3m[^/]*@@'`
+sysconfdir=`echo $sysconfdir | sed 's@/w3m[^/]*@@'`
+opt_push "--bindir='$bindir'"
+opt_push "--libexecdir='$libexecdir'"
+opt_push "--datadir='$datadir'"
+opt_push "--sysconfdir='$sysconfdir'"
+opt_push "--libdir='$libdir'"
+opt_push "--mandir='$mandir'"
+#case "$dmodel" in
+# 1) val=baby;;
+# 2) val=little;;
+# 3) val=mouse;;
+# 4) val=cookie;;
+# 5) val=monster;;
+# *) echo "ERROR: Illegal model type (model=$dmodel)."
+# exit 1;;
+#opt_push "--enable-model=$val"
+case "$lang" in
+ JA)
+ if test x$display_code != x; then
+ opt_push "--enable-japanese='$display_code'"
+ else
+ opt_push "--enable-japanese"
+ fi
+ opt_enable_set "$kanji_symbols" kanjisymbols
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+opt_enable_set "$use_color" color
+opt_enable_set "$use_ansi_color" ansi-color
+opt_enable_set "$use_bg_color" bgcolor
+if test x"$use_migemo" = xy; then
+ if test x"$def_migemo_command" != x; then
+ opt_push "--with-migemo='$def_migemo_command'"
+ fi
+elif test x"$use_migemo" = xn; then
+ opt_push "--without-migemo"
+opt_enable_set "$use_mouse" mouse
+opt_enable_set "$use_menu" menu
+opt_enable_set "$use_cookie" cookie
+opt_enable_set "$use_dict" dict
+opt_enable_set "$use_history" history
+opt_enable_set "$use_digest_auth" digest-auth
+opt_enable_set "$use_nntp" nntp
+opt_enable_set "$use_gopher" gopher
+if test x"$use_lynx_key" = xy; then
+ opt_push "--enable-keymap=lynx"
+ opt_push "--enable-keymap=w3m"
+opt_with_set "$ded" editor
+opt_with_set "$dmail" mailer
+opt_with_set "$dbrowser" browser
+opt_enable_set "$use_help_cgi" help-cgi
+opt_enable_set "$use_external_uri_loader" external-uri-loader
+opt_enable_set "$use_w3mmailer" w3mmailer
+opt_enable_set "$use_alarm" alarm
+if test x"$use_image" = xy; then
+ val_x11=""
+ val_fb=""
+ if test x"$use_w3mimg_x11" = xy; then
+ val_x11="x11"
+ fi
+ if test x"$use_w3mimg_fb" = xy; then
+ if test x"$w3mimgdisplay_setuid" = xy; then
+ val_fb="fb+s"
+ else
+ val_fb="fb"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test x"$val_x11" != x; then
+ if test x"$val_fb" != x; then
+ val="$val_x11,$val_fb"
+ else
+ val="$val_x11"
+ fi
+ elif test x"$val_fb" != x; then
+ val="$val_fb"
+ fi
+ if test x"$val" = x; then
+ opt_push "--enable-image"
+ else
+ opt_push "--enable-image='$val'"
+ fi
+ opt_enable_set "$use_xface" xface
+elif test x"$use_image" = xn; then
+ opt_push "--disable-image"
+if test x"$dtermlib" != x; then
+ dtermlib=`echo "$dtermlib"|sed 's/^-l//'`
+ opt_with_set "$dtermlib" termlib
+if test x"$use_ssl" = xy; then
+ opt_push "--with-ssl"
+ opt_enable_set "$use_ssl_verify" sslverify
+elif test x"$use_ssl" = xn; then
+ opt_push "--without-ssl"
+opt_enable_set "$use_ipv6" ipv6
+env_set CC "$dcc"
+env_set CFLAGS "$dcflags"
+env_set LDFLAGS "$dldflags"
+echo "( cd '$topdir' && sh configure ${OPT} )"
+if test "${echo_only+set}" != set; then
+ echo "( cd '$topdir' && sh configure ${OPT} )" | sh
diff --git a/Bonus/scanhist.rb b/Bonus/scanhist.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69dcc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/scanhist.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# scan history
+def usage
+ STDERR.print "usage: scanhist -h HISTORY ML-archive1 ML-archive2 ...\n"
+ exit 1
+def html_quote(s)
+ s.gsub!(/&/,"&amp;")
+ s.gsub!(/</,"&lt;")
+ s.gsub!(/>/,"&gt;")
+ s
+if ARGV.size == 0 then
+ usage
+histfile = nil
+while ARGV[0] =~ /^-/
+ case ARGV.shift
+ when "-h"
+ histfile = ARGV.shift
+ else
+ usage
+ end
+if histfile.nil? then
+ usage
+patched = {}
+histline = {}
+f = open(histfile)
+while f.gets
+ if /Subject: (\[w3m-dev.*\])/ then
+ patched[$1] = true
+ histline[$1] = $.
+ end
+archive = {}
+subject = nil
+for fn in ARGV
+ f = open(fn)
+ while f.gets
+ if /^From / then
+ # beginning of a mail
+ subject = nil
+ elsif subject.nil? and /^Subject: / then
+ $_ =~ /Subject: (\[w3m-dev.*\])/
+ subject = $1
+ archive[subject] = [$_.chop.sub(/^Subject:\s*/,""),false,fn+"#"+($.).to_s]
+ elsif /^\+\+\+/ or /\*\*\*/ or /filename=.*(patch|diff).*/ or /^begin \d\d\d/
+ archive[subject][1] = true
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+print "<html><head><title>w3m patch configuration\n</title></head><body>\n"
+print "<pre>\n"
+for sub in archive.keys.sort
+ a = archive[sub]
+ if a[1] then
+ if patched[sub] then
+ print "[<a href=\"#{histfile}\##{histline[sub]}\">+</a>]"
+ else
+ print "[-]"
+ end
+ print "<a href=\"#{a[2]}\">"
+ print "<b>",html_quote(a[0]),"</b></a>\n"
+ else
+ if patched[sub] then
+ print "[<a href=\"#{histfile}\##{histline[sub]}\">o</a>]"
+ else
+ print " "
+ end
+ print "<a href=\"#{a[2]}\">"
+ print "<b>",html_quote(a[0]),"</b></a>\n"
+ end
+print "</pre></body></html>\n"
diff --git a/Bonus/smb.cgi b/Bonus/smb.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..536db89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/smb.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# Workgroup list: file:/$LIB/smb.cgi
+# Server list: file:/$LIB/smb.cgi?workgroup
+# Sahre list: file:/$LIB/smb.cgi?//server
+# file:/$LIB/smb.cgi/server
+# Directory: file:/$LIB/smb.cgi?//server/share
+# file:/$LIB/smb.cgi?//server/share/dir...
+# file:/$LIB/smb.cgi/server/share
+# Get file: file:/$LIB/smb.cgi?//server/share/dir.../file
+# file:/$LIB/smb.cgi/server/share/dir.../file
+# ----- ~/.w3m/smb -----
+# workgroup = <workgroup>
+# [ username = <username> ]
+# [ password = <password> ]
+# [ password_file = <password_file> ]
+# ----------------------
+# --- <password_file> ---
+# <password>
+# -----------------------
+# default:
+# <username> = $USER
+# <password> = $PASSWD (Don't use!)
+# <password_file> = $PASSWD_FILE
+$DEBUG = 1;
+$MIME_TYPE = "~/.mime.types";
+$AUTH_FILE = "~/.w3m/smb";
+$MIME_TYPE =~ s@^~/@$ENV{"HOME"}/@;
+$AUTH_FILE =~ s@^~/@$ENV{"HOME"}/@;
+$WORKGROUP = "-";
+$USER = $ENV{"USER"};
+$NMBLOOKUP = "nmblookup";
+$SMBCLIENT = "smbclient";
+$USE_OPT_A = defined($PASSWD) && (-f $AUTH_FILE) && &check_opt_a();
+if ($USE_OPT_A) {
+} elsif (-f $PASSWD_FILE) {
+} elsif (defined($PASSWD)) {
+ $PASSWD_FD = 0;
+if (defined($PASSWD)) {
+ $passwd = "*" x 8;
+$DEBUG && print <<EOF;
+DEBUG: PASSWD=$passwd
+$PAGER = "cat";
+$FILE = "F000";
+$CGI = "file://" . &file_encode($ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} || $0);
+if ($PATH_INFO =~ m@^/@) {
+ $_ = $PATH_INFO;
+ if (! m@^//@) {
+ $_ = "/$_";
+ }
+ s@[\r\n\0\\"]@@g;
+ $DEBUG && print "DEBUG: PATH_INFO=\"$_\"\n";
+ $Q = "";
+else {
+ $_ = &file_decode($QUERY);
+ $DEBUG && print "DEBUG: QUERY_STRING=\"$_\"\n";
+ $Q = "?";
+if (s@^//([^/]+)@@) {
+ $server = $1;
+# if (!$USE_OPT_A && !defined($PASSWD)) {
+# &print_form("//$server$_");
+# exit;
+# }
+ if (s@^/([^/]+)@@) {
+ &file_list("//$server/$1", &cleanup($_));
+ } else {
+ &share_list($server);
+ }
+} elsif (m@^[^/]@) {
+ &server_list($_);
+} else {
+ &group_list();
+sub file_list {
+ local($service, $file) = @_;
+ local(@files) = ();
+ local($dir, $qservice, $qfile);
+ local($_, $c);
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: service=\"$service\" file=\"$file\"\n";
+ if ($file eq "/") {
+ goto get_list;
+ }
+ $_ = $file;
+ s@/@\\@g;
+ @cmd = ($SMBCLIENT, $service, @SMBCLIENT_OPT, "-c", "ls \"$_\"");
+ $F = &open_pipe(1, @cmd);
+ while (<$F>) {
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: $_";
+ /^\s/ && last;
+ }
+ close($F);
+ if (s/\s+([A-Z]*) {1,8}\d+ (\w{3} ){2}[ \d]\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4}\s*$//
+ && $1 !~ /D/) {
+ &get_file($service, $file);
+ exit;
+ }
+ get_list:
+ $_ = "$file/*";
+ s@/+@\\@g;
+ @cmd = ($SMBCLIENT, $service, @SMBCLIENT_OPT, "-c", "ls \"$_\"");
+ $F = &open_pipe(1, @cmd);
+ while (<$F>) {
+ /^\s*$/ && last;
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: $_";
+ /^cd\s+/ && last;
+ /^\S/ && next;
+ s/\r?\n//;
+ push(@files, $_);
+ }
+ close($F);
+ $qservice = &html_quote($service);
+ $service = &file_encode($service);
+ $qfile = &html_quote($file);
+ $file = &file_encode($file);
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+ print "<title>$qservice$qfile</title>\n";
+ print "<b>$qservice$qfile</b>\n";
+ print "<pre>\n";
+ for (sort @files) {
+ s/\s+([A-Z]*) {1,8}\d+ (\w{3} ){2}[ \d]\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4}\s*$// || next;
+ $c = $&;
+ s/^ //;
+ $_ eq "." && next;
+ print "<a href=\"$CGI$Q$service"
+ . &cleanup("$file/" . &file_encode($_)) . "\">"
+ . &html_quote($_) . "</a>"
+ . &html_quote($c) . "\n";
+ }
+ print "</pre>\n";
+sub get_file {
+ local($service, $file) = @_;
+ local($encoding, $type);
+ local($_, @cmd);
+ $_ = $file;
+ s@/@\\@g;
+ @cmd = ($SMBCLIENT, $service, @SMBCLIENT_OPT, "-E", "-c", "more \"$_\"");
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: @cmd\n";
+ ($encoding, $type) = &guess_type($file);
+ $file =~ s@^.*/@@;
+ $| = 1;
+ print "Content-Encoding: $encoding\n" if $encoding;
+ print "Content-Type: $type; name=\"$file\"\n\n";
+ &exec_cmd(1, @cmd);
+sub share_list {
+ local($server) = @_;
+ local(@share);
+ local($qserver, $_, $d, @c);
+ @share = &get_list(1, $server, "Share");
+ $qserver = &html_quote($server);
+ $server = &file_encode($server);
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+ print "<title>Share list: $qserver</title>\n";
+ print "<table>\n";
+ print "<tr><td colspan=3><b>$qserver</b>";
+ for (sort @share) {
+ ($_, $d, @c) = split(" ");
+ if ($d eq 'Disk') {
+ print "<tr><td>+ <a href=\"$CGI$Q//$server/"
+ . &file_encode($_) . "\">"
+ . &html_quote($_) . "</a>";
+ } else {
+ print "<tr><td>+ "
+ . &html_quote($_);
+ }
+ print "<td><td>"
+ . &html_quote($d) . "<td><td>"
+ . &html_quote("@c") . "\n";
+ }
+ print "</table>\n";
+sub server_list {
+ local($group) = @_;
+ local($master, @server);
+ local($_, @c);
+ $master = &get_master($group);
+ @server = &get_list(0, $master, "Server");
+ $group = &html_quote($group);
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+ print "<title>Server list: $group</title>\n";
+ print "<table>\n";
+ print "<tr><td colspan=3><b>$group</b>\n";
+ for (sort @server) {
+ ($_, @c) = split(" ");
+ print "<tr><td>+ <a href=\"$CGI$Q//"
+ . &file_encode($_) . "\">"
+ . &html_quote($_) . "</a><td><td>"
+ . &html_quote("@c") . "\n";
+ }
+ print "</table>\n";
+sub group_list {
+ local($master, @group);
+ local($_, @c);
+ $master = &get_master($WORKGROUP || "-");
+ @group = &get_list(0, $master, "Workgroup");
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+ print "<title>Workgroup list</title>\n";
+ print "<table>\n";
+ for (sort @group) {
+ ($_, @c) = split(" ");
+ print "<tr><td><a href=\"$CGI?"
+ . &file_encode($_) . "\">"
+ . &html_quote($_) . "</a><td><td>"
+ . &html_quote("@c") . "\n";
+ }
+ print "</table>\n";
+sub check_opt_a {
+ local($_, $F, @cmd);
+ @cmd = ($SMBCLIENT, "-h");
+ $F = &open_pipe(0, @cmd);
+ while (<$F>) {
+ if (/^\s*-A\s/) {
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: $_";
+ close($F);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($F);
+ return 0;
+sub get_master {
+ local($group) = @_;
+ local($_, $F, @cmd);
+ @cmd = ($NMBLOOKUP, "-M", @NMBLOOKUP_OPT, $group);
+ $F = &open_pipe(0, @cmd);
+ $_ = <$F>;
+ $_ = <$F>;
+ close($F);
+ ($_) = split(/[,\s]/);
+ s/\.*$//;
+ return $_;
+sub get_list {
+ local($passwd, $server, $header) = @_;
+ local(@list) = ();
+ local($_, @cmd, $F);
+ @cmd = ($SMBCLIENT, @SMBCLIENT_OPT, "-L", $server);
+ $F = &open_pipe($passwd, @cmd);
+ while (<$F>) {
+ if (/^\s*$header/) {
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: $_";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ while (<$F>) {
+ /^\s*$/ && last;
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: $_";
+ /^\S/ && last;
+ /^\s*-/ && next;
+ push(@list, $_);
+ }
+ close($F);
+ return @list;
+sub open_pipe {
+ local($passwd, @cmd) = @_;
+ local($F) = $FILE++;
+$DEBUG && print "DEBUG: @cmd\n";
+ open($F, "-|") || &exec_cmd($passwd, @cmd);
+ return $F;
+sub exec_cmd {
+ local($passwd, @cmd) = @_;
+ $ENV{"LC_ALL"} = "C";
+ $ENV{"USER"} = $USER;
+ if ($passwd && !$USE_OPT_A) {
+ } elsif ($USE_PASSWD_FD) {
+ if (open(W, "|-")) {
+ print W $PASSWD;
+ close(W);
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
+ exec @cmd;
+ exit 1;
+sub print_form {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ local($q) = &html_quote($_);
+ $_ = &file_encode($_);
+ print <<EOF;
+Content-Type: text/html
+<form action="$CGI$Q$_" method=POST>
+<tr><td>Workgroup <td>User <td>Password
+<tr><td><input type=text size=8 name=group value="$WORKGROUP">
+ <td><input type=text size=8 name=user value="$USER">
+ <td><input type=password size=8 name=passwd value="$PASSWD">
+ <td><input type=submit name=OK value=OK>
+sub load_auth_file {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ if ($USER =~ s/%(.*)$//) {
+ $PASSWD = $1 unless $PASSWD;
+ }
+ open(F, $_) || return;
+ while (<F>) {
+ s/\s+$//;
+ if (s/^workgroup\s*=\s*//i) {
+ $WORKGROUP = $_;
+ } elsif (s/^user(name)?\s*=\s*//i) {
+ $USER = $_;
+ } elsif (s/^passw(or)?d\s*=\s*//i) {
+ $PASSWD = $_;
+ } elsif (s/^passw(or)?d_file\s*=\s*//i) {
+ $PASSWD_FILE = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+sub load_mime_type {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ local(%mime) = ();
+ local($type, @suffix);
+ open(F, $_) || return ();
+ while(<F>) {
+ /^#/ && next;
+ chop;
+ (($type, @suffix) = split(" ")) >= 2 || next;
+ for (@suffix) {
+ $mime{$_} = $type;
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ return %mime;
+sub guess_type {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ local(%mime) = &load_mime_type($MIME_TYPE);
+ local($encoding) = undef;
+ if (s/\.gz$//i) {
+ $encoding = "gzip";
+ } elsif (s/\.Z$//i) {
+ $encoding = "compress";
+ } elsif (s/\.bz2?$//i) {
+ $encoding = "bzip2";
+ }
+ /\.(\w+)$/;
+ $_ = $1;
+ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ return ($encoding, $mime{$_} || "text/plain");
+sub cleanup {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ $_ .= "/";
+ s@//+@/@g;
+ s@/\./@/@g;
+ while(m@/\.\./@) {
+ s@^/(\.\./)+@/@;
+ s@/[^/]+/\.\./@/@;
+ }
+ s@(.)/$@$1@;
+ return $_;
+sub file_encode {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/[\000-\040\+:#?&%<>"\177-\377]/sprintf('%%%02X', unpack('C', $&))/eg;
+ return $_;
+sub file_decode {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/\+/ /g;
+ s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack('C', hex($1))/egi;
+ s@[\r\n\0\\"]@@g;
+ return $_;
+sub html_quote {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ local(%QUOTE) = (
+ '<', '&lt;',
+ '>', '&gt;',
+ '&', '&amp;',
+ '"', '&quot;',
+ );
+ s/[<>&"]/$QUOTE{$&}/g;
+ return $_;
diff --git a/Bonus/utf8.cgi b/Bonus/utf8.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a21731e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/utf8.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# [w3m-dev 03783]
+# Install it in $LIB/utf8.cgi and configure keymap as
+# keymap "x u" GOTO file:/$LIB/utf8.cgi
+$conv = "lv -Iu -Oe";
+# $conv = "iconv -f UTF-8 -t EUC-JP";
+$type = $ENV{W3M_TYPE} || "text/plain";
+$url = $ENV{W3M_URL};
+$file = $ENV{W3M_SOURCEFILE};
+-f $file || exit;
+$| = 1;
+print <<EOF;
+Content-Type: $type; charset=EUC-JP
+if ($type =~ /^text\/html/i && $url) {
+ print "<BASE HREF=\"$url\">\n";
+exec split(" ", $conv), $file;
diff --git a/Bonus/wrap3m b/Bonus/wrap3m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9555c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bonus/wrap3m
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+for i in $@
+ case $i in
+ -*)
+ OPT="$OPT $i"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ URL="$URL $i"
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ -z "$URL" ]; then
+for u in $URL
+ if [ `expr $u : '[a-z][a-z]*://'` -gt 0 ]; then
+ elif [ -f $u -o -d $u ]; then
+ else
+ URLARG="$URLARG http://$u"
+ fi