path: root/buffer.c
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
commit5f8e0f8ef9a422691dd72e8a953a42a41478fcb4 (patch)
tree4b2df4796a534793648b3c4fc532fc36bd0cd525 /buffer.c
parentReleasing debian version 0.3-2.4 (diff)
Releasing debian version 0.5.1-1debian/0.5.1-1
Diffstat (limited to 'buffer.c')
1 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buffer.c b/buffer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f258dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buffer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+/* $Id: buffer.c,v 1.29 2003/09/26 17:59:51 ukai Exp $ */
+#include "fm.h"
+#ifdef USE_MOUSE
+#ifdef USE_GPM
+#include <gpm.h>
+#if defined(USE_GPM) || defined(USE_SYSMOUSE)
+extern int do_getch();
+#define getch() do_getch()
+#endif /* USE_GPM */
+#endif /* USE_MOUSE */
+#ifdef __EMX__
+#include <sys/kbdscan.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+char *NullLine = "";
+Lineprop NullProp[] = { 0 };
+ * Buffer creation
+ */
+Buffer *
+newBuffer(int width)
+ Buffer *n;
+ n = New(Buffer);
+ if (n == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ bzero((void *)n, sizeof(Buffer));
+ n->width = width;
+ n->COLS = COLS;
+ n->currentURL.scheme = SCM_UNKNOWN;
+ n->baseURL = NULL;
+ n->baseTarget = NULL;
+ n->buffername = "";
+ n->bufferprop = BP_NORMAL;
+ n->clone = New(int);
+ *n->clone = 1;
+ n->trbyte = 0;
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+ n->ssl_certificate = NULL;
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ n->auto_detect = WcOption.auto_detect;
+ return n;
+ * Create null buffer
+ */
+Buffer *
+ Buffer *b;
+ b = newBuffer(COLS);
+ b->buffername = "*Null*";
+ return b;
+ * clearBuffer: clear buffer content
+ */
+clearBuffer(Buffer *buf)
+ buf->firstLine = buf->topLine = buf->currentLine = buf->lastLine = NULL;
+ buf->allLine = 0;
+ * discardBuffer: free buffer structure
+ */
+discardBuffer(Buffer *buf)
+ int i;
+ Buffer *b;
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+ deleteImage(buf);
+ clearBuffer(buf);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LB; i++) {
+ b = buf->linkBuffer[i];
+ if (b == NULL)
+ continue;
+ b->linkBuffer[REV_LB[i]] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (buf->savecache)
+ unlink(buf->savecache);
+ if (--(*buf->clone))
+ return;
+ if (buf->pagerSource)
+ ISclose(buf->pagerSource);
+ if (buf->sourcefile &&
+ (!buf->real_type || strncasecmp(buf->real_type, "image/", 6))) {
+ if (buf->real_scheme != SCM_LOCAL || buf->bufferprop & BP_FRAME)
+ unlink(buf->sourcefile);
+ }
+ if (buf->header_source)
+ unlink(buf->header_source);
+ if (buf->mailcap_source)
+ unlink(buf->mailcap_source);
+ while (buf->frameset) {
+ deleteFrameSet(buf->frameset);
+ buf->frameset = popFrameTree(&(buf->frameQ));
+ }
+ * namedBuffer: Select buffer which have specified name
+ */
+Buffer *
+namedBuffer(Buffer *first, char *name)
+ Buffer *buf;
+ if (!strcmp(first->buffername, name)) {
+ return first;
+ }
+ for (buf = first; buf->nextBuffer != NULL; buf = buf->nextBuffer) {
+ if (!strcmp(buf->nextBuffer->buffername, name)) {
+ return buf->nextBuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * deleteBuffer: delete buffer
+ */
+Buffer *
+deleteBuffer(Buffer *first, Buffer *delbuf)
+ Buffer *buf, *b;
+ if (first == delbuf && first->nextBuffer != NULL) {
+ buf = first->nextBuffer;
+ discardBuffer(first);
+ return buf;
+ }
+ if ((buf = prevBuffer(first, delbuf)) != NULL) {
+ b = buf->nextBuffer;
+ buf->nextBuffer = b->nextBuffer;
+ discardBuffer(b);
+ }
+ return first;
+ * replaceBuffer: replace buffer
+ */
+Buffer *
+replaceBuffer(Buffer *first, Buffer *delbuf, Buffer *newbuf)
+ Buffer *buf;
+ if (delbuf == NULL) {
+ newbuf->nextBuffer = first;
+ return newbuf;
+ }
+ if (first == delbuf) {
+ newbuf->nextBuffer = delbuf->nextBuffer;
+ discardBuffer(delbuf);
+ return newbuf;
+ }
+ if (delbuf && (buf = prevBuffer(first, delbuf))) {
+ buf->nextBuffer = newbuf;
+ newbuf->nextBuffer = delbuf->nextBuffer;
+ discardBuffer(delbuf);
+ return first;
+ }
+ newbuf->nextBuffer = first;
+ return newbuf;
+Buffer *
+nthBuffer(Buffer *firstbuf, int n)
+ int i;
+ Buffer *buf = firstbuf;
+ if (n < 0)
+ return firstbuf;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ buf = buf->nextBuffer;
+ }
+ return buf;
+static void
+writeBufferName(Buffer *buf, int n)
+ Str msg;
+ int all;
+ all = buf->allLine;
+ if (all == 0 && buf->lastLine != NULL)
+ all = buf->lastLine->linenumber;
+ move(n, 0);
+ /* FIXME: gettextize? */
+ msg = Sprintf("<%s> [%d lines]", buf->buffername, all);
+ if (buf->filename != NULL) {
+ switch (buf->currentURL.scheme) {
+ case SCM_LOCAL:
+ if (strcmp(buf->currentURL.file, "-")) {
+ Strcat_char(msg, ' ');
+ Strcat_charp(msg, conv_from_system(buf->currentURL.real_file));
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Strcat_char(msg, ' ');
+ Strcat(msg, parsedURL2Str(&buf->currentURL));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ addnstr_sup(msg->ptr, COLS - 1);
+ * gotoLine: go to line number
+ */
+gotoLine(Buffer *buf, int n)
+ char msg[32];
+ Line *l = buf->firstLine;
+ if (l == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (buf->pagerSource && !(buf->bufferprop & BP_CLOSE)) {
+ if (buf->lastLine->linenumber < n)
+ getNextPage(buf, n - buf->lastLine->linenumber);
+ while ((buf->lastLine->linenumber < n) &&
+ (getNextPage(buf, 1) != NULL)) ;
+ }
+ if (l->linenumber > n) {
+ /* FIXME: gettextize? */
+ sprintf(msg, "First line is #%ld", l->linenumber);
+ set_delayed_message(msg);
+ buf->topLine = buf->currentLine = l;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (buf->lastLine->linenumber < n) {
+ l = buf->lastLine;
+ /* FIXME: gettextize? */
+ sprintf(msg, "Last line is #%ld", buf->lastLine->linenumber);
+ set_delayed_message(msg);
+ buf->currentLine = l;
+ buf->topLine = lineSkip(buf, buf->currentLine, -(buf->LINES - 1),
+ return;
+ }
+ for (; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ if (l->linenumber >= n) {
+ buf->currentLine = l;
+ if (n < buf->topLine->linenumber ||
+ buf->topLine->linenumber + buf->LINES <= n)
+ buf->topLine = lineSkip(buf, l, -(buf->LINES + 1) / 2, FALSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ * gotoRealLine: go to real line number
+ */
+gotoRealLine(Buffer *buf, int n)
+ char msg[32];
+ Line *l = buf->firstLine;
+ if (l == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (buf->pagerSource && !(buf->bufferprop & BP_CLOSE)) {
+ if (buf->lastLine->real_linenumber < n)
+ getNextPage(buf, n - buf->lastLine->real_linenumber);
+ while ((buf->lastLine->real_linenumber < n) &&
+ (getNextPage(buf, 1) != NULL)) ;
+ }
+ if (l->real_linenumber > n) {
+ /* FIXME: gettextize? */
+ sprintf(msg, "First line is #%ld", l->real_linenumber);
+ set_delayed_message(msg);
+ buf->topLine = buf->currentLine = l;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (buf->lastLine->real_linenumber < n) {
+ l = buf->lastLine;
+ /* FIXME: gettextize? */
+ sprintf(msg, "Last line is #%ld", buf->lastLine->real_linenumber);
+ set_delayed_message(msg);
+ buf->currentLine = l;
+ buf->topLine = lineSkip(buf, buf->currentLine, -(buf->LINES - 1),
+ return;
+ }
+ for (; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ if (l->real_linenumber >= n) {
+ buf->currentLine = l;
+ if (n < buf->topLine->real_linenumber ||
+ buf->topLine->real_linenumber + buf->LINES <= n)
+ buf->topLine = lineSkip(buf, l, -(buf->LINES + 1) / 2, FALSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static Buffer *
+listBuffer(Buffer *top, Buffer *current)
+ int i, c = 0;
+ Buffer *buf = top;
+ move(0, 0);
+#ifdef USE_COLOR
+ if (useColor) {
+ setfcolor(basic_color);
+#ifdef USE_BG_COLOR
+ setbcolor(bg_color);
+#endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */
+ }
+#endif /* USE_COLOR */
+ clrtobotx();
+ for (i = 0; i < LASTLINE; i++) {
+ if (buf == current) {
+ c = i;
+ standout();
+ }
+ writeBufferName(buf, i);
+ if (buf == current) {
+ standend();
+ clrtoeolx();
+ move(i, 0);
+ toggle_stand();
+ }
+ else
+ clrtoeolx();
+ if (buf->nextBuffer == NULL) {
+ move(i + 1, 0);
+ clrtobotx();
+ break;
+ }
+ buf = buf->nextBuffer;
+ }
+ standout();
+ /* FIXME: gettextize? */
+ message("Buffer selection mode: SPC for select / D for delete buffer", 0,
+ 0);
+ standend();
+ /*
+ * move(LASTLINE, COLS - 1); */
+ move(c, 0);
+ refresh();
+ return buf->nextBuffer;
+ * Select buffer visually
+ */
+Buffer *
+selectBuffer(Buffer *firstbuf, Buffer *currentbuf, char *selectchar)
+ int i, cpoint, /* Current Buffer Number */
+ spoint, /* Current Line on Screen */
+ maxbuf, sclimit = LASTLINE; /* Upper limit of line * number in
+ * the * screen */
+ Buffer *buf, *topbuf;
+ char c;
+ i = cpoint = 0;
+ for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->nextBuffer) {
+ if (buf == currentbuf)
+ cpoint = i;
+ i++;
+ }
+ maxbuf = i;
+ if (cpoint >= sclimit) {
+ spoint = sclimit / 2;
+ topbuf = nthBuffer(firstbuf, cpoint - spoint);
+ }
+ else {
+ topbuf = firstbuf;
+ spoint = cpoint;
+ }
+ listBuffer(topbuf, currentbuf);
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((c = getch()) == ESC_CODE) {
+ if ((c = getch()) == '[' || c == 'O') {
+ switch (c = getch()) {
+ case 'A':
+ c = 'k';
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ c = 'j';
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ c = ' ';
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ c = 'B';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __EMX__
+ else if (!c)
+ switch (getch()) {
+ case K_UP:
+ c = 'k';
+ break;
+ case K_DOWN:
+ c = 'j';
+ break;
+ case K_RIGHT:
+ c = ' ';
+ break;
+ case K_LEFT:
+ c = 'B';
+ }
+ switch (c) {
+ case CTRL_N:
+ case 'j':
+ if (spoint < sclimit - 1) {
+ if (currentbuf->nextBuffer == NULL)
+ continue;
+ writeBufferName(currentbuf, spoint);
+ currentbuf = currentbuf->nextBuffer;
+ cpoint++;
+ spoint++;
+ standout();
+ writeBufferName(currentbuf, spoint);
+ standend();
+ move(spoint, 0);
+ toggle_stand();
+ }
+ else if (cpoint < maxbuf - 1) {
+ topbuf = currentbuf;
+ currentbuf = currentbuf->nextBuffer;
+ cpoint++;
+ spoint = 1;
+ listBuffer(topbuf, currentbuf);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CTRL_P:
+ case 'k':
+ if (spoint > 0) {
+ writeBufferName(currentbuf, spoint);
+ currentbuf = nthBuffer(topbuf, --spoint);
+ cpoint--;
+ standout();
+ writeBufferName(currentbuf, spoint);
+ standend();
+ move(spoint, 0);
+ toggle_stand();
+ }
+ else if (cpoint > 0) {
+ i = cpoint - sclimit;
+ if (i < 0)
+ i = 0;
+ cpoint--;
+ spoint = cpoint - i;
+ currentbuf = nthBuffer(firstbuf, cpoint);
+ topbuf = nthBuffer(firstbuf, i);
+ listBuffer(topbuf, currentbuf);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ *selectchar = c;
+ return currentbuf;
+ }
+ /*
+ * move(LASTLINE, COLS - 1);
+ */
+ move(spoint, 0);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ * Reshape HTML buffer
+ */
+reshapeBuffer(Buffer *buf)
+ URLFile f;
+ Buffer sbuf;
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ wc_uint8 old_auto_detect = WcOption.auto_detect;
+ if (!buf->need_reshape)
+ return;
+ buf->need_reshape = FALSE;
+ buf->width = INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH;
+ if (buf->sourcefile == NULL)
+ return;
+ init_stream(&f, SCM_LOCAL, NULL);
+ examineFile(buf->mailcap_source ? buf->mailcap_source : buf->sourcefile,
+ &f);
+ if (f.stream == NULL)
+ return;
+ copyBuffer(&sbuf, buf);
+ clearBuffer(buf);
+ while (buf->frameset) {
+ deleteFrameSet(buf->frameset);
+ buf->frameset = popFrameTree(&(buf->frameQ));
+ }
+ buf->href = NULL;
+ buf->name = NULL;
+ buf->img = NULL;
+ buf->formitem = NULL;
+ buf->formlist = NULL;
+ buf->linklist = NULL;
+ buf->maplist = NULL;
+ if (buf->hmarklist)
+ buf->hmarklist->nmark = 0;
+ if (buf->imarklist)
+ buf->imarklist->nmark = 0;
+ if (buf->header_source) {
+ if (buf->currentURL.scheme != SCM_LOCAL ||
+ buf->mailcap_source || !strcmp(buf->currentURL.file, "-")) {
+ URLFile h;
+ init_stream(&h, SCM_LOCAL, NULL);
+ examineFile(buf->header_source, &h);
+ if (h.stream) {
+ readHeader(&h, buf, TRUE, NULL);
+ UFclose(&h);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (buf->search_header) /* -m option */
+ readHeader(&f, buf, TRUE, NULL);
+ }
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ WcOption.auto_detect = WC_OPT_DETECT_OFF;
+ UseContentCharset = FALSE;
+ if (!strcasecmp(buf->type, "text/html"))
+ loadHTMLBuffer(&f, buf);
+ else
+ loadBuffer(&f, buf);
+ UFclose(&f);
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ WcOption.auto_detect = old_auto_detect;
+ UseContentCharset = TRUE;
+ buf->height = LASTLINE + 1;
+ if (buf->firstLine && sbuf.firstLine) {
+ Line *cur = sbuf.currentLine;
+ int n;
+ buf->pos = sbuf.pos + cur->bpos;
+ while (cur->bpos && cur->prev)
+ cur = cur->prev;
+ if (cur->real_linenumber > 0)
+ gotoRealLine(buf, cur->real_linenumber);
+ else
+ gotoLine(buf, cur->linenumber);
+ n = (buf->currentLine->linenumber - buf->topLine->linenumber)
+ - (cur->linenumber - sbuf.topLine->linenumber);
+ if (n) {
+ buf->topLine = lineSkip(buf, buf->topLine, n, FALSE);
+ if (cur->real_linenumber > 0)
+ gotoRealLine(buf, cur->real_linenumber);
+ else
+ gotoLine(buf, cur->linenumber);
+ }
+ buf->pos -= buf->currentLine->bpos;
+ if (FoldLine && strcasecmp(buf->type, "text/html"))
+ buf->currentColumn = 0;
+ else
+ buf->currentColumn = sbuf.currentColumn;
+ arrangeCursor(buf);
+ }
+ if (buf->check_url & CHK_URL)
+ chkURLBuffer(buf);
+#ifdef USE_NNTP
+ if (buf->check_url & CHK_NMID)
+ chkNMIDBuffer(buf);
+ if (buf->real_scheme == SCM_NNTP || buf->real_scheme == SCM_NEWS)
+ reAnchorNewsheader(buf);
+ formResetBuffer(buf, sbuf.formitem);
+/* shallow copy */
+copyBuffer(Buffer *a, Buffer *b)
+ readBufferCache(b);
+ bcopy((void *)b, (void *)a, sizeof(Buffer));
+Buffer *
+prevBuffer(Buffer *first, Buffer *buf)
+ Buffer *b;
+ for (b = first; b != NULL && b->nextBuffer != buf; b = b->nextBuffer) ;
+ return b;
+#define fwrite1(d, f) (fwrite(&d, sizeof(d), 1, f)==0)
+#define fread1(d, f) (fread(&d, sizeof(d), 1, f)==0)
+writeBufferCache(Buffer *buf)
+ Str tmp;
+ FILE *cache = NULL;
+ Line *l;
+ int colorflag;
+ if (buf->savecache)
+ return -1;
+ if (buf->firstLine == NULL)
+ goto _error1;
+ tmp = tmpfname(TMPF_CACHE, NULL);
+ buf->savecache = tmp->ptr;
+ cache = fopen(buf->savecache, "w");
+ if (!cache)
+ goto _error1;
+ if (fwrite1(buf->currentLine->linenumber, cache) ||
+ fwrite1(buf->topLine->linenumber, cache))
+ goto _error;
+ for (l = buf->firstLine; l; l = l->next) {
+ if (fwrite1(l->real_linenumber, cache) ||
+ fwrite1(l->usrflags, cache) ||
+ fwrite1(l->width, cache) ||
+ fwrite1(l->len, cache) ||
+ fwrite1(l->size, cache) ||
+ fwrite1(l->bpos, cache) || fwrite1(l->bwidth, cache))
+ goto _error;
+ if (l->bpos == 0) {
+ if (fwrite(l->lineBuf, 1, l->size, cache) < l->size ||
+ fwrite(l->propBuf, sizeof(Lineprop), l->size, cache) < l->size)
+ goto _error;
+ }
+ colorflag = l->colorBuf ? 1 : 0;
+ if (fwrite1(colorflag, cache))
+ goto _error;
+ if (colorflag) {
+ if (l->bpos == 0) {
+ if (fwrite(l->colorBuf, sizeof(Linecolor), l->size, cache) <
+ l->size)
+ goto _error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(cache);
+ return 0;
+ _error:
+ fclose(cache);
+ unlink(buf->savecache);
+ _error1:
+ buf->savecache = NULL;
+ return -1;
+readBufferCache(Buffer *buf)
+ FILE *cache;
+ Line *l = NULL, *prevl = NULL, *basel = NULL;
+ long lnum = 0, clnum, tlnum;
+ int colorflag;
+ if (buf->savecache == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ cache = fopen(buf->savecache, "r");
+ if (cache == NULL || fread1(clnum, cache) || fread1(tlnum, cache)) {
+ buf->savecache = NULL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while (!feof(cache)) {
+ lnum++;
+ prevl = l;
+ l = New(Line);
+ l->prev = prevl;
+ if (prevl)
+ prevl->next = l;
+ else
+ buf->firstLine = l;
+ l->linenumber = lnum;
+ if (lnum == clnum)
+ buf->currentLine = l;
+ if (lnum == tlnum)
+ buf->topLine = l;
+ if (fread1(l->real_linenumber, cache) ||
+ fread1(l->usrflags, cache) ||
+ fread1(l->width, cache) ||
+ fread1(l->len, cache) ||
+ fread1(l->size, cache) ||
+ fread1(l->bpos, cache) || fread1(l->bwidth, cache))
+ break;
+ if (l->bpos == 0) {
+ basel = l;
+ l->lineBuf = NewAtom_N(char, l->size + 1);
+ fread(l->lineBuf, 1, l->size, cache);
+ l->lineBuf[l->size] = '\0';
+ l->propBuf = NewAtom_N(Lineprop, l->size);
+ fread(l->propBuf, sizeof(Lineprop), l->size, cache);
+ }
+ else if (basel) {
+ l->lineBuf = basel->lineBuf + l->bpos;
+ l->propBuf = basel->propBuf + l->bpos;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ if (fread1(colorflag, cache))
+ break;
+ if (colorflag) {
+ if (l->bpos == 0) {
+ l->colorBuf = NewAtom_N(Linecolor, l->size);
+ fread(l->colorBuf, sizeof(Linecolor), l->size, cache);
+ }
+ else
+ l->colorBuf = basel->colorBuf + l->bpos;
+ }
+ else {
+ l->colorBuf = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ buf->lastLine = prevl;
+ buf->lastLine->next = NULL;
+ fclose(cache);
+ unlink(buf->savecache);
+ buf->savecache = NULL;
+ return 0;