path: root/doc
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@debian.org>2013-07-30 11:13:51 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@debian.org>2013-07-30 11:13:51 +0000
commit18b0cc756bc5d5145fc1abcd0ef46ff2455c79ab (patch)
tree88966004acc26ea238b5414bd569b86aac1b569d /doc
parentSort anchors by sequence number in -dump (diff)
parentMerge branch 'feature/debian-version' (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into bug/sort-dump-links
Conflicts: main.c
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc-jp/README.siteconf b/doc-jp/README.siteconf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b51c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-jp/README.siteconf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+siteconf: �������̥������ޥ���
+siteconf �ϡ� URL �Υѥ�����ȡ������ɳ�դ���줿���꤫������ޤ���
+siteconf ��Ȥ��ȡ����������ʸ�������ɤ���ꤷ�� "decode_url"
+�ν��Ϥ���������ꡢ Google �Υ�����쥯���򱪲󤷤���ǽ��
+�ǥե���ȤǤ� siteconf �� ~/.w3m/siteconf �����ɤ߹��ޤ�ޤ���
+===== ��ʸ =====
+url <url>|/<re-url>/|m@<re-url>@i [exact]
+substitute_url "<destination-url>"
+url_charset <charset>
+no_referer_from on|off
+no_referer_to on|off
+===== �� =====
+url "http://twitter.com/#!/"
+substitute_url "http://mobile.twitter.com/"
+twitter.com ���Х��륵���Ȥ�ž�����ޤ���
+url "http://your.bookmark.net/"
+no_referer_from on
+your.bookmark.net ����ĥ�ä���󥯤�é��ݤˡ� HTTP referer ��
+url "http://www.google.com/url?" exact
+substitute_url "file:///cgi-bin/your-redirector.cgi?"
+Google �Υ�����쥯���� local CGI ��ž�����ޤ���
+url /^http:\/\/[a-z]*\.wikipedia\.org\//
+url_charset utf-8
+Ʊ���� "decode_url" ���ץ����򥪥�ˤ���ȡ� Wikipedia �ؤ�
+��󥯤� UTF-8 �Ȥ��ƥǥ����ɤ���ɽ�����ޤ���
+===== ����ɽ���ˤĤ��� =====
+�Ǹ�� 'i' �����Ҥ��դ���ȡ���ʸ����ʸ������̤����˾ȹ��Ԥ��ޤ���
+�㤨�С� m@^http://www\.example\.com/abc/@i �ϰʲ��Τ�����Ȥ���פ��ޤ���
diff --git a/doc/README.siteconf b/doc/README.siteconf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f173087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.siteconf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+The siteconf: Site-specific preferences
+The siteconf consists of URL patterns and preferences associated to them.
+You can improve "decode_url" feature by giving charsets of URLs site by site,
+or bypass Google's redirector for performance and your privacy.
+The siteconf is read from ~/.w3m/siteconf by default.
+===== The syntax =====
+url <url>|/<re-url>/|m@<re-url>@i [exact]
+substitute_url "<destination-url>"
+url_charset <charset>
+no_referer_from on|off
+no_referer_to on|off
+The last match wins.
+===== Examples =====
+url "http://twitter.com/#!/"
+substitute_url "http://mobile.twitter.com/"
+This forwards the twitter.com to its mobile site.
+url "http://your.bookmark.net/"
+no_referer_from on
+This prevents HTTP referers from being sent when you follow links
+at the your.bookmark.net.
+url "http://www.google.com/url?" exact
+substitute_url "file:///cgi-bin/your-redirector.cgi?"
+This forwards the Google's redirector to your local CGI.
+url /^http:\/\/[a-z]*\.wikipedia\.org\//
+url_charset utf-8
+When combinated with "decode_url" option turned on, links to
+Wikipedia will be human-readable.
+===== Regular expressions notes =====
+Following expressions are all equivalent:
+With a trailing 'i' modifier, you can specify a case-insensitive match.
+For example, m@^http://www\.example\.com/abc/@i matches to:
+Hostnames, however, are always converted to lowercases before compared.