path: root/fm.h
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:05:14 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:05:14 +0000
commit72f72d64a422d6628c4796f5c0bf2e508f134214 (patch)
tree0c9ea90cc53310832c977265521fb44db24a515e /fm.h
parentAdding upstream version 0.3 (diff)
Adding upstream version 0.5.1upstream/0.5.1
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fm.h b/fm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b45d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@
+/* $Id: fm.h,v 1.125 2004/04/16 18:47:19 ukai Exp $ */
+ * w3m: WWW wo Miru utility
+ *
+ * by A.ITO Feb. 1995
+ *
+ * You can use,copy,modify and distribute this program without any permission.
+ */
+#ifndef FM_H
+#define FM_H
+#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
+#define _GNU_SOURCE /* strcasestr() */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "history.h"
+#ifdef USE_MENU
+#define MENU_SELECT
+#define MENU_MAP
+#endif /* USE_MENU */
+#ifndef USE_COLOR
+#undef USE_BG_COLOR
+#include "ctrlcode.h"
+#include "html.h"
+#include <gc.h>
+#include "Str.h"
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+#include "wc.h"
+#include "wtf.h"
+typedef int wc_ces; /* XXX: not used */
+#include <locale.h>
+#define setlocale(category, locale) /* empty */
+#include <libintl.h>
+#define _(String) gettext (String)
+#define N_(String) (String)
+# undef bindtextdomain
+# define bindtextdomain(Domain, Directory) /* empty */
+# undef textdomain
+# define textdomain(Domain) /* empty */
+# define _(Text) Text
+# define N_(Text) Text
+# define gettext(Text) Text
+#include "form.h"
+#include "frame.h"
+#include "parsetag.h"
+#include "parsetagx.h"
+#include "func.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "textlist.h"
+#include "funcname1.h"
+#include "terms.h"
+#ifndef HAVE_BCOPY
+void bcopy(const void *, void *, int);
+void bzero(void *, int);
+#endif /* HAVE_BCOPY */
+#ifdef __EMX__
+#include <strings.h> /* for bzero() and bcopy() */
+#define global
+#define init(x) =(x)
+#else /* not MAINPROGRAM */
+#define global extern
+#define init(x)
+#endif /* not MAINPROGRAM */
+#define DEFUN(funcname, macroname, docstring) void funcname(void)
+ * Constants.
+ */
+#define LINELEN 256 /* Initial line length */
+#define PAGER_MAX_LINE 10000 /* Maximum line kept as pager */
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+#define MAX_IMAGE 1000
+#define MAX_IMAGE_SIZE 2048
+#define DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR 7.0 /* arbitrary */
+#define DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_LINE 14.0 /* arbitrary */
+#define DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR 8.0 /* arbitrary */
+#ifdef FALSE
+#undef FALSE
+#ifdef TRUE
+#undef TRUE
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define SHELLBUFFERNAME "*Shellout*"
+#define PIPEBUFFERNAME "*stream*"
+#define CPIPEBUFFERNAME "*stream(closed)*"
+#ifdef USE_DICT
+#define DICTBUFFERNAME "*dictionary*"
+#endif /* USE_DICT */
+ * Line Property
+ */
+#define P_CHARTYPE 0x3f00
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+#define PC_ASCII (WTF_TYPE_ASCII << 8)
+#define PC_CTRL (WTF_TYPE_CTRL << 8)
+#define PC_WCHAR1 (WTF_TYPE_WCHAR1 << 8)
+#define PC_WCHAR2 (WTF_TYPE_WCHAR2 << 8)
+#define PC_KANJI (WTF_TYPE_WIDE << 8)
+#define PC_UNDEF (WTF_TYPE_UNDEF << 8)
+#define PC_ASCII 0x0000
+#define PC_CTRL 0x0100
+#define PC_SYMBOL 0x8000
+/* Effect ( standout/underline ) */
+#define P_EFFECT 0x40ff
+#define PE_NORMAL 0x00
+#define PE_MARK 0x01
+#define PE_UNDER 0x02
+#define PE_STAND 0x04
+#define PE_BOLD 0x08
+#define PE_ANCHOR 0x10
+#define PE_EMPH 0x08
+#define PE_IMAGE 0x20
+#define PE_FORM 0x40
+#define PE_ACTIVE 0x80
+#define PE_VISITED 0x4000
+#define CharType(c) ((c)&P_CHARTYPE)
+#define CharEffect(c) ((c)&(P_EFFECT|PC_SYMBOL))
+#define SetCharType(v,c) ((v)=(((v)&~P_CHARTYPE)|(c)))
+#define COLPOS(l,c) calcPosition(l->lineBuf,l->propBuf,l->len,c,0,CP_AUTO)
+/* Flags for displayBuffer() */
+#define B_NORMAL 0
+#define B_FORCE_REDRAW 1
+#define B_REDRAW 2
+#define B_SCROLL 3
+#define B_REDRAW_IMAGE 4
+/* Buffer Property */
+#define BP_NORMAL 0x0
+#define BP_PIPE 0x1
+#define BP_FRAME 0x2
+#define BP_INTERNAL 0x8
+#define BP_NO_URL 0x10
+#define BP_REDIRECTED 0x20
+#define BP_CLOSE 0x40
+/* Link Buffer */
+#define LB_NOLINK -1
+#define LB_FRAME 0 /* rFrame() */
+#define LB_N_FRAME 1
+#define LB_INFO 2 /* pginfo() */
+#define LB_N_INFO 3
+#define LB_SOURCE 4 /* vwSrc() */
+#define MAX_LB 5
+/* Search Result */
+#define SR_FOUND 0x1
+#define SR_NOTFOUND 0x2
+#define SR_WRAPPED 0x4
+int REV_LB[MAX_LB] = {
+#else /* not MAINPROGRAM */
+extern int REV_LB[];
+#endif /* not MAINPROGRAM */
+/* mark URL, Message-ID */
+#define CHK_URL 1
+#define CHK_NMID 2
+/* Flags for calcPosition() */
+#define CP_AUTO 0
+#define CP_FORCE 1
+/* Completion status. */
+#define CPL_OK 0
+#define CPL_AMBIG 1
+#define CPL_FAIL 2
+#define CPL_MENU 3
+#define CPL_NEVER 0x0
+#define CPL_OFF 0x1
+#define CPL_ON 0x2
+#define CPL_ALWAYS 0x4
+#define CPL_URL 0x8
+/* Flags for inputLine() */
+#define IN_STRING 0x10
+#define IN_FILENAME 0x20
+#define IN_PASSWORD 0x40
+#define IN_COMMAND 0x80
+#define IN_URL 0x100
+#define IN_CHAR 0x200
+#define IMG_FLAG_SKIP 1
+#define IMG_FLAG_AUTO 2
+#define IMG_FLAG_START 0
+#define IMG_FLAG_STOP 1
+#define IMG_FLAG_NEXT 2
+#define IMG_FLAG_LOADED 1
+#define IMG_FLAG_ERROR 2
+ * Macros.
+ */
+#define inputLineHist(p,d,f,h) inputLineHistSearch(p,d,f,h,NULL)
+#define inputLine(p,d,f) inputLineHist(p,d,f,NULL)
+#define inputStr(p,d) inputLine(p,d,IN_STRING)
+#define inputStrHist(p,d,h) inputLineHist(p,d,IN_STRING,h)
+#define inputFilename(p,d) inputLine(p,d,IN_FILENAME)
+#define inputFilenameHist(p,d,h) inputLineHist(p,d,IN_FILENAME,h)
+#define inputChar(p) inputLine(p,"",IN_CHAR)
+#define free(x) GC_free(x) /* let GC do it. */
+#ifdef __EMX__
+#define strcasecmp stricmp
+#define strncasecmp strnicmp
+#endif /* __EMX__ */
+#define SKIP_BLANKS(p) {while(*(p)&&IS_SPACE(*(p)))(p)++;}
+#define SKIP_NON_BLANKS(p) {while(*(p)&&!IS_SPACE(*(p)))(p)++;}
+#define IS_ENDL(c) ((c)=='\0'||(c)=='\r'||(c)=='\n')
+#define IS_ENDT(c) (IS_ENDL(c)||(c)==';')
+#define bpcmp(a,b) \
+ (((a).line - (b).line) ? ((a).line - (b).line) : ((a).pos - (b).pos))
+#define RELATIVE_WIDTH(w) (((w)>=0)?(int)((w)/pixel_per_char):(w))
+#define REAL_WIDTH(w,limit) (((w)>=0)?(int)((w)/pixel_per_char):-(w)*(limit)/100)
+#define EOL(l) (&(l)->ptr[(l)->length])
+#define IS_EOL(p,l) ((p)==&(l)->ptr[(l)->length])
+ * Types.
+ */
+typedef unsigned short Lineprop;
+typedef unsigned char Linecolor;
+typedef struct _MapArea {
+ char *url;
+ char *target;
+ char *alt;
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+ char shape;
+ short *coords;
+ int ncoords;
+ short center_x;
+ short center_y;
+} MapArea;
+typedef struct _MapList {
+ Str name;
+ GeneralList *area;
+ struct _MapList *next;
+} MapList;
+typedef struct _Line {
+ char *lineBuf;
+ Lineprop *propBuf;
+ Linecolor *colorBuf;
+ struct _Line *next;
+ struct _Line *prev;
+ int len;
+ int width;
+ long linenumber; /* on buffer */
+ long real_linenumber; /* on file */
+ unsigned short usrflags;
+ int size;
+ int bpos;
+ int bwidth;
+} Line;
+typedef struct {
+ int line;
+ int pos;
+} BufferPoint;
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+typedef struct _imageCache {
+ char *url;
+ ParsedURL *current;
+ char *file;
+ char *touch;
+ pid_t pid;
+ char loaded;
+ int index;
+ short width;
+ short height;
+} ImageCache;
+typedef struct _image {
+ char *url;
+ char *ext;
+ short width;
+ short height;
+ short xoffset;
+ short yoffset;
+ short y;
+ short rows;
+ char *map;
+ char ismap;
+ int touch;
+ ImageCache *cache;
+} Image;
+typedef struct _anchor {
+ char *url;
+ char *target;
+ char *referer;
+ char *title;
+ unsigned char accesskey;
+ BufferPoint start;
+ BufferPoint end;
+ int hseq;
+ char slave;
+ short y;
+ short rows;
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+ Image *image;
+} Anchor;
+#define NO_REFERER ((char*)-1)
+typedef struct _anchorList {
+ Anchor *anchors;
+ int nanchor;
+ int anchormax;
+ int acache;
+} AnchorList;
+typedef struct {
+ BufferPoint *marks;
+ int nmark;
+ int markmax;
+ int prevhseq;
+} HmarkerList;
+#define LINK_TYPE_NONE 0
+#define LINK_TYPE_REL 1
+#define LINK_TYPE_REV 2
+typedef struct _LinkList {
+ char *url;
+ char *title; /* Next, Contents, ... */
+ char *ctype; /* Content-Type */
+ char type; /* Rel, Rev */
+ struct _LinkList *next;
+} LinkList;
+typedef struct _Buffer {
+ char *filename;
+ char *buffername;
+ Line *firstLine;
+ Line *topLine;
+ Line *currentLine;
+ Line *lastLine;
+ struct _Buffer *nextBuffer;
+ struct _Buffer *linkBuffer[MAX_LB];
+ short width;
+ short height;
+ char *type;
+ char *real_type;
+ int allLine;
+ short bufferprop;
+ int currentColumn;
+ short cursorX;
+ short cursorY;
+ int pos;
+ int visualpos;
+ short rootX;
+ short rootY;
+ short COLS;
+ short LINES;
+ InputStream pagerSource;
+ AnchorList *href;
+ AnchorList *name;
+ AnchorList *img;
+ AnchorList *formitem;
+ LinkList *linklist;
+ FormList *formlist;
+ MapList *maplist;
+ HmarkerList *hmarklist;
+ HmarkerList *imarklist;
+ ParsedURL currentURL;
+ ParsedURL *baseURL;
+ char *baseTarget;
+ int real_scheme;
+ char *sourcefile;
+ struct frameset *frameset;
+ struct frameset_queue *frameQ;
+ int *clone;
+ size_t trbyte;
+ char check_url;
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ wc_ces document_charset;
+ wc_uint8 auto_detect;
+ TextList *document_header;
+ FormItemList *form_submit;
+ char *savecache;
+ char *edit;
+ struct mailcap *mailcap;
+ char *mailcap_source;
+ char *header_source;
+ char search_header;
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+ char *ssl_certificate;
+ char image_flag;
+ char image_loaded;
+ char need_reshape;
+ Anchor *submit;
+ struct _BufferPos *undo;
+#ifdef USE_ALARM
+ struct _AlarmEvent *event;
+} Buffer;
+typedef struct _BufferPos {
+ long top_linenumber;
+ long cur_linenumber;
+ int currentColumn;
+ int pos;
+ int bpos;
+ struct _BufferPos *next;
+ struct _BufferPos *prev;
+} BufferPos;
+typedef struct _TabBuffer {
+ struct _TabBuffer *nextTab;
+ struct _TabBuffer *prevTab;
+ Buffer *currentBuffer;
+ Buffer *firstBuffer;
+ short x1;
+ short x2;
+ short y;
+} TabBuffer;
+typedef struct _DownloadList {
+ pid_t pid;
+ char *url;
+ char *save;
+ char *lock;
+ clen_t size;
+ time_t time;
+ int ok;
+ struct _DownloadList *next;
+ struct _DownloadList *prev;
+} DownloadList;
+#define DOWNLOAD_LIST_TITLE "Download List Panel"
+#define COPY_BUFPOSITION(dstbuf, srcbuf) {\
+ (dstbuf)->topLine = (srcbuf)->topLine; \
+ (dstbuf)->currentLine = (srcbuf)->currentLine; \
+ (dstbuf)->pos = (srcbuf)->pos; \
+ (dstbuf)->cursorX = (srcbuf)->cursorX; \
+ (dstbuf)->cursorY = (srcbuf)->cursorY; \
+ (dstbuf)->visualpos = (srcbuf)->visualpos; \
+ (dstbuf)->currentColumn = (srcbuf)->currentColumn; \
+#define SAVE_BUFPOSITION(sbufp) COPY_BUFPOSITION(sbufp, Currentbuf)
+#define RESTORE_BUFPOSITION(sbufp) COPY_BUFPOSITION(Currentbuf, sbufp)
+#define TOP_LINENUMBER(buf) ((buf)->topLine ? (buf)->topLine->linenumber : 1)
+#define CUR_LINENUMBER(buf) ((buf)->currentLine ? (buf)->currentLine->linenumber : 1)
+#define NO_BUFFER ((Buffer*)1)
+#define RB_STACK_SIZE 10
+#define TAG_STACK_SIZE 10
+#define FONT_STACK_SIZE 5
+#define FONTSTAT_SIZE 4
+#define _INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH (COLS - (showLineNum ? 6 : 1))
+#define FOLD_BUFFER_WIDTH (FoldLine ? (INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH + 1) : -1)
+typedef struct {
+ int pos;
+ int len;
+ int tlen;
+ long flag;
+ Anchor anchor;
+ Str img_alt;
+ char fontstat[FONTSTAT_SIZE];
+ short nobr_level;
+ Lineprop prev_ctype;
+ char init_flag;
+ short top_margin;
+ short bottom_margin;
+} Breakpoint;
+struct readbuffer {
+ Str line;
+ Lineprop cprop;
+ short pos;
+ Str prevchar;
+ long flag;
+ long flag_stack[RB_STACK_SIZE];
+ int flag_sp;
+ int status;
+ unsigned char end_tag;
+ short table_level;
+ short nobr_level;
+ Anchor anchor;
+ Str img_alt;
+ char fontstat[FONTSTAT_SIZE];
+ char fontstat_stack[FONT_STACK_SIZE][FONTSTAT_SIZE];
+ int fontstat_sp;
+ Lineprop prev_ctype;
+ Breakpoint bp;
+ struct cmdtable *tag_stack[TAG_STACK_SIZE];
+ int tag_sp;
+ short top_margin;
+ short bottom_margin;
+#define in_bold fontstat[0]
+#define in_under fontstat[1]
+#define in_stand fontstat[2]
+#define RB_PRE 0x01
+#define RB_SCRIPT 0x02
+#define RB_STYLE 0x04
+#define RB_PLAIN 0x08
+#define RB_LEFT 0x10
+#define RB_CENTER 0x20
+#define RB_RIGHT 0x40
+#define RB_NOBR 0x80
+#define RB_P 0x100
+#define RB_PRE_INT 0x200
+#define RB_IN_DT 0x400
+#define RB_INTXTA 0x800
+#define RB_INSELECT 0x1000
+#define RB_IGNORE_P 0x2000
+#define RB_TITLE 0x4000
+#define RB_NFLUSHED 0x8000
+#define RB_NOFRAMES 0x10000
+#define RB_INTABLE 0x20000
+#define RB_PLAIN_PRE 0x40000
+#define RB_FILL 0x80000
+#endif /* FORMAT_NICE */
+#define RB_DEL 0x100000
+#define RB_S 0x200000
+#define RB_GET_ALIGN(obuf) ((obuf)->flag&RB_ALIGN)
+#define RB_SET_ALIGN(obuf,align) {(obuf)->flag &= ~RB_ALIGN; (obuf)->flag |= (align); }
+#define RB_SAVE_FLAG(obuf) {\
+ if ((obuf)->flag_sp < RB_STACK_SIZE) \
+ (obuf)->flag_stack[(obuf)->flag_sp++] = RB_GET_ALIGN(obuf); \
+#define RB_RESTORE_FLAG(obuf) {\
+ if ((obuf)->flag_sp > 0) \
+ RB_SET_ALIGN(obuf,(obuf)->flag_stack[--(obuf)->flag_sp]); \
+/* status flags */
+#define R_ST_NORMAL 0 /* normal */
+#define R_ST_TAG0 1 /* within tag, just after < */
+#define R_ST_TAG 2 /* within tag */
+#define R_ST_QUOTE 3 /* within single quote */
+#define R_ST_DQUOTE 4 /* within double quote */
+#define R_ST_EQL 5 /* = */
+#define R_ST_AMP 6 /* within ampersand quote */
+#define R_ST_EOL 7 /* end of file */
+#define R_ST_CMNT1 8 /* <! */
+#define R_ST_CMNT2 9 /* <!- */
+#define R_ST_CMNT 10 /* within comment */
+#define R_ST_NCMNT1 11 /* comment - */
+#define R_ST_NCMNT2 12 /* comment -- */
+#define R_ST_NCMNT3 13 /* comment -- space */
+#define R_ST_IRRTAG 14 /* within irregular tag */
+#define R_ST_VALUE 15 /* within tag attribule value */
+#define ST_IS_REAL_TAG(s) ((s)==R_ST_TAG||(s)==R_ST_TAG0||(s)==R_ST_EQL||(s)==R_ST_VALUE)
+/* is this '<' really means the beginning of a tag? */
+ (IS_ALPHA(p[1]) || p[1] == '/' || p[1] == '!' || p[1] == '?' || p[1] == '\0' || p[1] == '_')
+/* flags for loadGeneralFile */
+#define RG_NOCACHE 1
+#define RG_FRAME 2
+#define RG_FRAME_SRC 4
+struct html_feed_environ {
+ struct readbuffer *obuf;
+ TextLineList *buf;
+ FILE *f;
+ Str tagbuf;
+ int limit;
+ int maxlimit;
+ struct environment *envs;
+ int nenv;
+ int envc;
+ int envc_real;
+ char *title;
+ int blank_lines;
+#ifdef USE_COOKIE
+struct portlist {
+ unsigned short port;
+ struct portlist *next;
+struct cookie {
+ ParsedURL url;
+ Str name;
+ Str value;
+ time_t expires;
+ Str path;
+ Str domain;
+ Str comment;
+ Str commentURL;
+ struct portlist *portl;
+ char version;
+ char flag;
+ struct cookie *next;
+#define COO_USE 1
+#define COO_SECURE 2
+#define COO_DOMAIN 4
+#define COO_PATH 8
+#define COO_DISCARD 16
+#define COO_OVERRIDE 32 /* user chose to override security checks */
+#define COO_OVERRIDE_OK 32 /* flag to specify that an error is overridable */
+ /* version 0 refers to the original cookie_spec.html */
+ /* version 1 refers to RFC 2109 */
+ /* version 1' refers to the Internet draft to obsolete RFC 2109 */
+#define COO_EINTERNAL (1) /* unknown error; probably forgot to convert "return 1" in cookie.c */
+#define COO_ETAIL (2 | COO_OVERRIDE_OK) /* tail match failed (version 0) */
+#define COO_ESPECIAL (3) /* special domain check failed (version 0) */
+#define COO_EPATH (4) /* Path attribute mismatch (version 1 case 1) */
+#define COO_ENODOT (5 | COO_OVERRIDE_OK) /* no embedded dots in Domain (version 1 case 2.1) */
+#define COO_ENOTV1DOM (6 | COO_OVERRIDE_OK) /* Domain does not start with a dot (version 1 case 2.2) */
+#define COO_EDOM (7 | COO_OVERRIDE_OK) /* domain-match failed (version 1 case 3) */
+#define COO_EBADHOST (8 | COO_OVERRIDE_OK) /* dot in matched host name in FQDN (version 1 case 4) */
+#define COO_EPORT (9) /* Port match failed (version 1' case 5) */
+#endif /* USE_COOKIE */
+/* modes for align() */
+#define ALIGN_CENTER 0
+#define ALIGN_LEFT 1
+#define ALIGN_RIGHT 2
+#define ALIGN_MIDDLE 4
+#define ALIGN_TOP 5
+#define ALIGN_BOTTOM 6
+#define VALIGN_MIDDLE 0
+#define VALIGN_TOP 1
+#define VALIGN_BOTTOM 2
+typedef struct http_request {
+ char command;
+ char flag;
+ char *referer;
+ FormList *request;
+} HRequest;
+#define HR_COMMAND_GET 0
+#define HR_COMMAND_POST 1
+#define HR_COMMAND_HEAD 3
+#define HR_FLAG_LOCAL 1
+#define HR_FLAG_PROXY 2
+#define HTST_UNKNOWN 255
+#define HTST_MISSING 254
+#define HTST_NORMAL 0
+#define HTST_CONNECT 1
+#define TMPF_DFL 0
+#define TMPF_SRC 1
+#define TMPF_FRAME 2
+#define TMPF_CACHE 3
+#define TMPF_COOKIE 4
+#define MAX_TMPF_TYPE 5
+#define set_no_proxy(domains) (NO_proxy_domains=make_domain_list(domains))
+ * Globals.
+ */
+extern int LINES, COLS;
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA
+extern int LASTLINE;
+#else /* not defined(__CYGWIN__) || LANG != JA */
+#define LASTLINE (LINES-1)
+#endif /* not defined(__CYGWIN__) || LANG != JA */
+global int Tabstop init(8);
+global int IndentIncr init(4);
+global int ShowEffect init(TRUE);
+global int PagerMax init(PAGER_MAX_LINE);
+global char SearchHeader init(FALSE);
+global char *DefaultType init(NULL);
+global char RenderFrame init(FALSE);
+global char TargetSelf init(FALSE);
+global char PermitSaveToPipe init(FALSE);
+global char DecodeCTE init(FALSE);
+global char PreserveTimestamp init(TRUE);
+global char ArgvIsURL init(FALSE);
+global char MetaRefresh init(FALSE);
+global char fmInitialized init(FALSE);
+global char QuietMessage init(FALSE);
+global char TrapSignal init(TRUE);
+#define TRAP_ON if (TrapSignal) { \
+ prevtrap = mySignal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); \
+ if (fmInitialized) \
+ term_cbreak(); \
+#define TRAP_OFF if (TrapSignal) { \
+ if (fmInitialized) \
+ term_raw(); \
+ if (prevtrap) \
+ mySignal(SIGINT, prevtrap); \
+extern unsigned char GlobalKeymap[];
+extern unsigned char EscKeymap[];
+extern unsigned char EscBKeymap[];
+extern unsigned char EscDKeymap[];
+#ifdef __EMX__
+extern unsigned char PcKeymap[];
+extern FuncList w3mFuncList[];
+global char *HTTP_proxy init(NULL);
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+global char *HTTPS_proxy init(NULL);
+#endif /* USE_SSL */
+#ifdef USE_GOPHER
+global char *GOPHER_proxy init(NULL);
+#endif /* USE_GOPHER */
+global char *FTP_proxy init(NULL);
+global ParsedURL HTTP_proxy_parsed;
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+global ParsedURL HTTPS_proxy_parsed;
+#endif /* USE_SSL */
+#ifdef USE_GOPHER
+global ParsedURL GOPHER_proxy_parsed;
+#endif /* USE_GOPHER */
+global ParsedURL FTP_proxy_parsed;
+global char *NO_proxy init(NULL);
+global int NOproxy_netaddr init(TRUE);
+#ifdef INET6
+global int DNS_order init(DNS_ORDER_UNSPEC);
+extern int ai_family_order_table[7][3]; /* XXX */
+#endif /* INET6 */
+global TextList *NO_proxy_domains;
+global char NoCache init(FALSE);
+global char use_proxy init(TRUE);
+#define Do_not_use_proxy (!use_proxy)
+global int Do_not_use_ti_te init(FALSE);
+#ifdef USE_NNTP
+global char *NNTP_server init(NULL);
+global char *NNTP_mode init(NULL);
+global int MaxNewsMessage init(50);
+global char *document_root init(NULL);
+global char *personal_document_root init(NULL);
+global char *cgi_bin init(NULL);
+global char *index_file init(NULL);
+global char *CurrentDir;
+global int CurrentPid;
+ * global Buffer *Currentbuf;
+ * global Buffer *Firstbuf;
+ */
+global TabBuffer *CurrentTab;
+global TabBuffer *FirstTab;
+global TabBuffer *LastTab;
+global int open_tab_blank init(FALSE);
+global int open_tab_dl_list init(FALSE);
+global int close_tab_back init(FALSE);
+global int nTab;
+global int TabCols init(10);
+#define NO_TABBUFFER ((TabBuffer *)1)
+#define Currentbuf (CurrentTab->currentBuffer)
+#define Firstbuf (CurrentTab->firstBuffer)
+global DownloadList *FirstDL init(NULL);
+global DownloadList *LastDL init(NULL);
+global int CurrentKey;
+global char *CurrentKeyData;
+global char *CurrentCmdData;
+extern char *w3m_version;
+#define DUMP_BUFFER 0x01
+#define DUMP_HEAD 0x02
+#define DUMP_SOURCE 0x04
+#define DUMP_EXTRA 0x08
+#define DUMP_HALFDUMP 0x10
+#define DUMP_FRAME 0x20
+global int w3m_debug;
+global int w3m_dump init(0);
+#define w3m_halfdump (w3m_dump & DUMP_HALFDUMP)
+global int w3m_halfload init(FALSE);
+global Str header_string init(NULL);
+global int override_content_type init(FALSE);
+#ifdef USE_COLOR
+global int useColor init(TRUE);
+global int basic_color init(8); /* don't change */
+global int anchor_color init(4); /* blue */
+global int image_color init(2); /* green */
+global int form_color init(1); /* red */
+#ifdef USE_BG_COLOR
+global int bg_color init(8); /* don't change */
+global int mark_color init(6); /* cyan */
+#endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */
+global int useActiveColor init(FALSE);
+global int active_color init(6); /* cyan */
+global int useVisitedColor init(FALSE);
+global int visited_color init(5); /* magenta */
+#endif /* USE_COLOR */
+global int confirm_on_quit init(TRUE);
+#ifdef USE_MARK
+global int use_mark init(FALSE);
+global int emacs_like_lineedit init(FALSE);
+global int vi_prec_num init(FALSE);
+global int label_topline init(FALSE);
+global int nextpage_topline init(FALSE);
+global char *displayTitleTerm init(NULL);
+global int displayLink init(FALSE);
+global int displayLineInfo init(FALSE);
+global int DecodeURL init(FALSE);
+global int retryAsHttp init(TRUE);
+global int showLineNum init(FALSE);
+global int show_srch_str init(TRUE);
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+global char *Imgdisplay init(IMGDISPLAY);
+global int activeImage init(FALSE);
+global int displayImage init(TRUE);
+global int autoImage init(TRUE);
+global int useExtImageViewer init(TRUE);
+global int maxLoadImage init(4);
+global int image_map_list init(TRUE);
+global int displayImage init(FALSE); /* XXX: emacs-w3m use display_image=off */
+global char *Editor init(DEF_EDITOR);
+global char *Mailer init(NULL);
+global char *Mailer init(DEF_MAILER);
+global char *ExtBrowser init(DEF_EXT_BROWSER);
+global char *ExtBrowser2 init(NULL);
+global char *ExtBrowser3 init(NULL);
+global int BackgroundExtViewer init(TRUE);
+global int disable_secret_security_check init(FALSE);
+global char *passwd_file init(PASSWD_FILE);
+global char *pre_form_file init(PRE_FORM_FILE);
+global char *ftppasswd init(NULL);
+global int ftppass_hostnamegen init(TRUE);
+global int do_download init(FALSE);
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+global char *image_source init(NULL);
+global char *UserAgent init(NULL);
+global int NoSendReferer init(FALSE);
+global char *AcceptLang init(NULL);
+global char *AcceptEncoding init(NULL);
+global char *AcceptMedia init(NULL);
+global int WrapDefault init(FALSE);
+global int IgnoreCase init(TRUE);
+global int WrapSearch init(FALSE);
+global int squeezeBlankLine init(FALSE);
+global char *BookmarkFile init(NULL);
+global char *pauth init(NULL);
+global Str proxy_auth_cookie init(NULL);
+global int UseExternalDirBuffer init(TRUE);
+global char *DirBufferCommand init("file:///$LIB/dirlist" CGI_EXTENSION);
+#ifdef USE_DICT
+global int UseDictCommand init(FALSE);
+global char *DictCommand init("file:///$LIB/w3mdict" CGI_EXTENSION);
+#endif /* USE_DICT */
+global int ignore_null_img_alt init(TRUE);
+global int displayInsDel init(TRUE);
+global int FoldTextarea init(FALSE);
+global int FoldLine init(FALSE);
+global int DefaultURLString init(DEFAULT_URL_EMPTY);
+global int MarkAllPages init(FALSE);
+#ifdef USE_MIGEMO
+global int use_migemo init(FALSE);
+global int migemo_active init(0);
+global char *migemo_command init(DEF_MIGEMO_COMMAND);
+#endif /* USE_MIGEMO */
+global struct auth_cookie *Auth_cookie init(NULL);
+#ifdef USE_COOKIE
+global struct cookie *First_cookie init(NULL);
+#endif /* USE_COOKIE */
+global char *mailcap_files init(USER_MAILCAP ", " SYS_MAILCAP);
+global char *mimetypes_files init(USER_MIMETYPES ", " SYS_MIMETYPES);
+global char *urimethodmap_files init(USER_URIMETHODMAP ", " SYS_URIMETHODMAP);
+global TextList *fileToDelete;
+extern Hist *LoadHist;
+extern Hist *SaveHist;
+extern Hist *URLHist;
+extern Hist *ShellHist;
+extern Hist *TextHist;
+global int UseHistory init(TRUE);
+global int URLHistSize init(100);
+global int SaveURLHist init(TRUE);
+#endif /* USE_HISTORY */
+global int multicolList init(FALSE);
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+global wc_ces InnerCharset init(WC_CES_WTF); /* Don't change */
+global wc_ces DisplayCharset init(DISPLAY_CHARSET);
+global wc_ces DocumentCharset init(DOCUMENT_CHARSET);
+global wc_ces SystemCharset init(SYSTEM_CHARSET);
+global char ExtHalfdump init(FALSE);
+global char FollowLocale init(TRUE);
+global char UseContentCharset init(TRUE);
+global char SearchConv init(TRUE);
+#define Str_conv_from_system(x) wc_Str_conv((x), SystemCharset, InnerCharset)
+#define Str_conv_to_system(x) wc_Str_conv_strict((x), InnerCharset, SystemCharset)
+#define Str_conv_to_halfdump(x) (ExtHalfdump ? wc_Str_conv((x), InnerCharset, DisplayCharset) : (x))
+#define conv_from_system(x) wc_conv((x), SystemCharset, InnerCharset)->ptr
+#define conv_to_system(x) wc_conv_strict((x), InnerCharset, SystemCharset)->ptr
+#define url_quote_conv(x,c) url_quote(wc_conv_strict((x), InnerCharset, (c))->ptr)
+#define Str_conv_from_system(x) (x)
+#define Str_conv_to_system(x) (x)
+#define Str_conv_to_halfdump(x) (x)
+#define conv_from_system(x) (x)
+#define conv_to_system(x) (x)
+#define url_quote_conv(x,c) url_quote(x)
+#define wc_Str_conv(x,charset0,charset1) (x)
+#define wc_Str_conv_strict(x,charset0,charset1) (x)
+global char UseAltEntity init(TRUE);
+global char UseGraphicChar init(FALSE);
+extern char *graph_symbol[];
+extern char *graph2_symbol[];
+extern int symbol_width;
+extern int symbol_width0;
+#define N_GRAPH_SYMBOL 32
+#define SYMBOL_BASE 0x20
+global int no_rc_dir init(FALSE);
+global char *rc_dir init(NULL);
+global char *tmp_dir;
+global char *config_file init(NULL);
+#ifdef USE_MOUSE
+global int use_mouse init(TRUE);
+extern int mouseActive;
+global int reverse_mouse init(FALSE);
+global int relative_wheel_scroll init(FALSE);
+global int fixed_wheel_scroll_count init(5);
+global int relative_wheel_scroll_ratio init(30);
+typedef struct _MouseActionMap {
+ void (*func) ();
+ char *data;
+} MouseActionMap;
+typedef struct _MouseAction {
+ char *menu_str;
+ char *lastline_str;
+ int menu_width;
+ int lastline_width;
+ int in_action;
+ int cursorX;
+ int cursorY;
+ MouseActionMap default_map[3];
+ MouseActionMap anchor_map[3];
+ MouseActionMap active_map[3];
+ MouseActionMap tab_map[3];
+ MouseActionMap *menu_map[3];
+ MouseActionMap *lastline_map[3];
+} MouseAction;
+global MouseAction mouse_action;
+#define LIMIT_MOUSE_MENU 100
+#endif /* USE_MOUSE */
+#ifdef USE_COOKIE
+global int default_use_cookie init(TRUE);
+global int use_cookie init(FALSE);
+global int accept_cookie init(FALSE);
+global int accept_bad_cookie init(ACCEPT_BAD_COOKIE_DISCARD);
+global char *cookie_reject_domains init(NULL);
+global char *cookie_accept_domains init(NULL);
+global TextList *Cookie_reject_domains;
+global TextList *Cookie_accept_domains;
+#endif /* USE_COOKIE */
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+global int view_unseenobject init(FALSE);
+global int view_unseenobject init(TRUE);
+#if defined(USE_SSL) && defined(USE_SSL_VERIFY)
+global int ssl_verify_server init(FALSE);
+global char *ssl_cert_file init(NULL);
+global char *ssl_key_file init(NULL);
+global char *ssl_ca_path init(NULL);
+global char *ssl_ca_file init(NULL);
+global int ssl_path_modified init(FALSE);
+#endif /* defined(USE_SSL) &&
+ * defined(USE_SSL_VERIFY) */
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+global char *ssl_forbid_method init(NULL);
+global int is_redisplay init(FALSE);
+global int clear_buffer init(TRUE);
+global double pixel_per_char init(DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR);
+global int set_pixel_per_char init(FALSE);
+#ifdef USE_IMAGE
+global double pixel_per_line init(DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_LINE);
+global int set_pixel_per_line init(FALSE);
+global double image_scale init(100);
+global int use_lessopen init(FALSE);
+global char *keymap_file init(KEYMAP_FILE);
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+#define get_mctype(c) ((Lineprop)wtf_type((wc_uchar *)(c)) << 8)
+#define get_mclen(c) wtf_len1((wc_uchar *)(c))
+#define get_mcwidth(c) wtf_width((wc_uchar *)(c))
+#define get_strwidth(c) wtf_strwidth((wc_uchar *)(c))
+#define get_Str_strwidth(c) wtf_strwidth((wc_uchar *)((c)->ptr))
+#define get_mctype(c) (IS_CNTRL(*(c)) ? PC_CTRL : PC_ASCII)
+#define get_mclen(c) 1
+#define get_mcwidth(c) 1
+#define get_strwidth(c) strlen(c)
+#define get_Str_strwidth(c) ((c)->length)
+global int FollowRedirection init(10);
+global int w3m_backend init(FALSE);
+global TextLineList *backend_halfdump_buf;
+global TextList *backend_batch_commands init(NULL);
+int backend(void);
+extern void deleteFiles(void);
+void w3m_exit(int i);
+#ifdef USE_ALARM
+#define AL_UNSET 0
+#define AL_EXPLICIT 1
+#define AL_IMPLICIT 2
+typedef struct _AlarmEvent {
+ int sec;
+ short status;
+ int cmd;
+ void *data;
+} AlarmEvent;
+ * Externals
+ */
+#include "table.h"
+#include "proto.h"
+#endif /* not FM_H */