path: root/scripts
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@debian.org>2021-01-02 00:20:37 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@debian.org>2021-01-02 00:20:37 +0000
commit1d0ba25a660483da1272a31dd077ed94441e3d9f (patch)
tree1d8dee52cd1e3d340fe178a8193dc96c4496db84 /scripts
parentMerge branch 'cvstrunk' into upstream (diff)
New upstream version 0.5.3+git20210102upstream/0.5.3+git20210102upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
17 files changed, 425 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/.cvsignore b/scripts/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b6dc8..0000000
--- a/scripts/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.in b/scripts/Makefile.in
index 4da9ce5..5beb9b0 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.in
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.in
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ w3mhelp-funcname.pl: w3mhelp-funcname.pl.in ../funcname.tab $(top_srcdir)/doc/ke
@cat $(srcdir)/w3mhelp-funcname.pl.in >> w3mhelp-funcname.pl
@echo "done"
-w3mhelp-funcdesc-stamp: $(top_srcdir)/doc/README.func $(top_srcdir)/doc-jp/README.func w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl.in w3mhelp-funcdesc.ja.pl.in
+w3mhelp-funcdesc-stamp: $(top_srcdir)/doc/README.func $(top_srcdir)/doc-jp/README.func $(top_srcdir)/doc-de/README.func w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl.in w3mhelp-funcdesc.ja.pl.in w3mhelp-funcdesc.de.pl.in
@echo "generating w3mhelp-funcdesc*.pl..."
@for dirlang in $(DOCDIRS); do \
dir=`expr "$$dirlang" : "\(.*\):.*"`; \
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ install: $(LIB_TARGETS) $(HELP_TARGETS)
do \
- for file in $(LIB_TARGETS); \
+ for file in w3mdict.cgi $(LIB_TARGETS); \
do \
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ uninstall:
do \
rm -f $(AUXBIN_DIR)/$$file; \
- -for file in $(LIB_TARGETS); \
+ -for file in w3mdict.cgi $(LIB_TARGETS); \
do \
rm -f $(LIB_DIR)/$$file; \
diff --git a/scripts/bm2menu/README b/scripts/bm2menu/README
index b44f144..cc1f89b 100644
--- a/scripts/bm2menu/README
+++ b/scripts/bm2menu/README
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
- �֥å��ޡ����ե����� ~/.w3m/bookmark.html ���Ѵ����� w3m ��
- �֥å��ޡ�����˥塼�Ȥ��ƻȤ����ͤˤ��롣
+ ブックマークファイル ~/.w3m/bookmark.html を変換して w3m の
+ ブックマークメニューとして使える様にする。
- ~/.w3m/bookmark.html ���Ѵ����� ~/.w3m/menu ���ɲá�
+ ~/.w3m/bookmark.html を変換して ~/.w3m/menu に追加。
perl bm2menu.pl ~/.w3m/bookmark.html >> ~/.w3m/menu
- ���ˡ�~/.w3m/keymap ��
+ 次に、~/.w3m/keymap に
keymap x MENU Bookmarks
- ���ͤ˥����γ�����Ƥ��ɲä��ޤ���
+ の様にキーの割り当てを追加します。
- ����ǡ����� `x' �ǥ֥å��ޡ�����˥塼�������ޤ���
- ��˥塼������ doc-jp/README.menu ���ɤ�Ǥ���������
+ これで、キー `x' でブックマークメニューが開きます。
+ メニューの操作は doc-jp/README.menu を読んでください。
diff --git a/scripts/multipart/.cvsignore b/scripts/multipart/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index db1dff2..0000000
--- a/scripts/multipart/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/scripts/multipart/README b/scripts/multipart/README
index b82f585..ed1f73d 100644
--- a/scripts/multipart/README
+++ b/scripts/multipart/README
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-Content-Type: multipart/* �򰷤� local-CGI
+Content-Type: multipart/* を扱う local-CGI
- Content-Type: multipart/* �ʥե�����򰷤������ local-CGI �Ǥ���
- ��� mailx �ʤɤǥ᡼��� PAGER="w3m -m" ���ɤ�������ꤷ�Ƥ��ޤ���
+ Content-Type: multipart/* なファイルを扱うための local-CGI です。
+ 主に mailx などでメールを PAGER="w3m -m" で読む場合を想定しています。
* make install
- ɬ�פʤ� PERL, NKF, LIBDIR �����ꤷ�Ƥ���������
+ 必要なら PERL, NKF, LIBDIR を設定してください。
- * mailcap �� ~/.w3m/mailcap �˥ޡ���
- multipart.cgi �Υѥ�������
+ * mailcap を ~/.w3m/mailcap にマージ
+ multipart.cgi のパスに注意
- * w3m �� Option Setting Panel �ǡ�
- ����¸���� Content-Transfer-Encoding ��ǥ����ɤ���٤� ON
- ź�եե��������¸���������Ǥ���
+ * w3m の Option Setting Panel で、
+ 『保存時に Content-Transfer-Encoding をデコードする』を ON
+ 添付ファイルの保存時に便利です。
- * NKF �⥸�塼��ޤ��� nkf
- ʸ���������Ѵ��� MIME �إå��Υǥ����ɤˤ�ȤäƤޤ���
- ���ˤ���ʤ�����Ѥ��Ƥ���������
+ * NKF モジュールまたは nkf
+ 文字コード変換や MIME ヘッダのデコードにを使ってます。
+ 気にいらなければ変えてください。
diff --git a/scripts/w3mdict.cgi b/scripts/w3mdict.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6b0e62e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/w3mdict.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# w3mdict.cgi - A dictd dictionary query cgi for w3m
+# + dict client software
+# + an address of a dict server, for variable ${DICT_SERVER}
+# + a name of a favorite database on that server, for variable
+# + locally install a dict server (eg. dictd) and a collection
+# of dict databases (eg. wordnet, aka "wn")
+RETURN_MESSAGE="\n\nPress 'B' to return to the previous page."
+printf "Content-type: text/plain\n"
+type dict \
+|| {
+ # Originally, we inconsiderately failed silently ...
+ # printf "W3m-control: BACK\n\n"
+ printf "\n\nERROR: dict client software not found${RETURN_MESSAGE}"
+ exit
+ }
+# First, we check only our best and favorite database. This is most
+# likely to give us a best defintion, and avoids displaying a long and
+# cluttered page with entries from many databases.
+dict --host "${DICT_SERVER}" \
+ --database "${FAVORITE_DATABASE}" \
+ "${QUERY_STRING}" 2>&1 \
+&& {
+ printf "${RETURN_MESSAGE}"
+ } \
+|| {
+ # The initial attempt failed, so let's search ALL databases
+ # available on the server.
+ dict --host "${DICT_SERVER}" \
+ "${QUERY_STRING}" 2>&1 \
+ && {
+ printf "${RETURN_MESSAGE}"
+ } \
+ || {
+ # No defintions were found in any of the server's databases, so
+ # let's return to the favorite database in order to retrieve its
+ # guess of what we meant to type. Originally, for this case, we
+ # pushed the user's default action to be entering another word for
+ # a dict defintion, so the print command was:
+ # printf "W3m-control: DICT_WORD\n\n"
+ # Now, we need only print a blank line to separate the cgi header
+ # from the page content.
+ printf "\n"
+ dict --host "${DICT_SERVER}" \
+ --database "${FAVORITE_DATABASE}" \
+ "${QUERY_STRING}" 2>&1
+ printf "${RETURN_MESSAGE}"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.de.pl.in b/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.de.pl.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11539d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.de.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# charset
+$charset = 'UTF-8';
+# Buffer selection mode
+%buf_funcdesc = (
+ 'BUF:PREV', 'Gehe zum vorherigen Punkt',
+ 'BUF:NEXT', 'Gehe zum nächsten Punkt',
+ 'BUF:DELETE', 'Lösche den ausgewählten Eintrag',
+ 'BUF:GO', 'Gehe zum ausgewählten Eintrag',
+%lineedit_funcdesc = (
+ 'LINEEDIT:FORWARD', 'Bewege Cursor vorwärts',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BACK', 'Bewege Cursor rückwärts',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BS', 'Vorheriges Zeichen löschen',
+ 'LINEEDIT:DEL', 'Aktuelles Zeichen löschen',
+ 'LINEEDIT:KILL_AFTER', 'Lösche alles nach dem Cursor',
+ 'LINEEDIT:KILL_BEFORE', 'Lösche alles vor dem Cursor',
+ 'LINEEDIT:TOP', 'Gehe zum Zeilenanfang',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BOTTOM', 'Gehe zum Zeilenende',
+ 'LINEEDIT:PREV', 'Hole den vorherigen Chronik-Eintrag',
+ 'LINEEDIT:NEXT', 'Hole den nächsten Chronik-Eintrag',
+ 'LINEEDIT:EDITOR', 'Bearbeite mit externem Editor',
+ 'LINEEDIT:COMPLETE', 'Versuche, den Dateinamen zu komplettieren',
+ 'LINEEDIT:ACCEPT', 'Eingabezeile annehmen',
+%menu_funcdesc = (
+ 'MENU:SELECT', 'Wähle Eintrag aus',
+ 'MENU:CLOSE', 'Schließe Menü',
+ 'MENU:CANCEL', 'Einen Auswahlschritt zurück',
+ 'MENU:DOWN', 'Gehe zum nächsten Punkt',
+ 'MENU:UP', 'Gehe zum vorherigen Punkt',
+ 'MENU:LINE_UP', 'Scrolle einen Punkt aufwärts',
+ 'MENU:LINE_DOWN', 'Scrolle einen Punkt abwärts',
+ 'MENU:TOP', 'Gehe zum ersten Punkt',
+ 'MENU:LAST', 'Gehe zum letzten Punkt',
+ 'MENU:NEXT', 'Gehe zur nächsten Seite',
+ 'MENU:PREV', 'Gehe zur vorherigen Seite',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_FORE', 'Suche vorwärts',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_BACK', 'Suche rückwärts',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_NEXT', 'Suche weitere Übereinstimmung',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_PREV', 'Suche frühere Übereinstimmung',
+ 'MENU:SUSPEND', 'Zurückstellen',
+%title = (
+ "Current keymap file", 'Aktuelle Datei mit Tastaturbefehlszuordnung',
+ "In-page Navigation", 'Navigation auf der Seite',
+ "Hyperlink Operations", 'Umgang mit Hyperlinks',
+ "File/Stream Operations", 'Umgang mit Dateien und Datenströmen',
+ "Buffer Operations", 'Umgang mit Puffern',
+ "Tab Operations", 'Umgang mit Reitern',
+ "Buffer and Tab Selection Mode", 'Puffer/Reiter-Auswahl-Modus',
+ "Bookmark Management", 'Lesezeichenverwaltung',
+ "Searches", 'Suchen',
+ "Dictionary Lookup", 'Abgleich mit Wörterbuch',
+ "Mark Operations", 'Umgang mit Textmarken',
+ "Miscellaneous", 'Verschiedenes',
+ "User-defined key bindings", 'Benutzerdefinierte Tastaturbefehle',
+ "Input Line Editing Mode", 'Bearbeitung der Eingabezeile',
+ "Popup Menu Mode", 'Navigation in Menüs',
diff --git a/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl.in b/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl.in
index d854b59..b9f4ed8 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl.in
@@ -4,44 +4,44 @@ $charset = 'US-ASCII';
# Buffer selection mode
%buf_funcdesc = (
- 'BUF:PREV', 'Select previous buffer',
- 'BUF:NEXT', 'Select next buffer',
- 'BUF:DELETE', 'Delete current buffer',
- 'BUF:GO', 'Go to the selected buffer',
+ 'BUF:PREV', 'Previous item',
+ 'BUF:NEXT', 'Next item',
+ 'BUF:DELETE', 'Delete item',
+ 'BUF:GO', 'Select item',
%lineedit_funcdesc = (
- 'LINEEDIT:FORWARD', 'Move cursor forward',
- 'LINEEDIT:BACK', 'Move cursor backward',
+ 'LINEEDIT:FORWARD', 'Cursor forward',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BACK', 'Cursor backward',
'LINEEDIT:BS', 'Delete previous character',
- 'LINEEDIT:DEL', 'Delete current character',
- 'LINEEDIT:KILL_AFTER', 'Kill everything after cursor',
- 'LINEEDIT:KILL_BEFORE', 'Kill everything before cursor',
- 'LINEEDIT:TOP', 'Move to the top of line',
- 'LINEEDIT:BOTTOM', 'Move to the bottom of line',
+ 'LINEEDIT:DEL', 'Delete character',
+ 'LINEEDIT:KILL_AFTER', 'Delete everything after cursor',
+ 'LINEEDIT:KILL_BEFORE', 'Delete everything before cursor',
+ 'LINEEDIT:TOP', 'Cursor to the beginning of the line',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BOTTOM', 'Cursor to the end of the line',
'LINEEDIT:PREV', 'Fetch the previous string from the history list',
'LINEEDIT:NEXT', 'Fetch the next string from the history list',
'LINEEDIT:EDITOR', 'Edit with external editor',
- 'LINEEDIT:COMPLETE', 'Complete filename',
- 'LINEEDIT:ACCEPT', 'Accept',
+ 'LINEEDIT:COMPLETE', 'Try to complete filename',
+ 'LINEEDIT:ACCEPT', 'Accept input line',
%menu_funcdesc = (
'MENU:SELECT', 'Select item',
'MENU:CLOSE', 'Close menu',
- 'MENU:CANCEL', 'Back',
- 'MENU:DOWN', 'Move to next item',
- 'MENU:UP', 'Move to previous item',
+ 'MENU:CANCEL', 'One selection step backward',
+ 'MENU:DOWN', 'Move to the next item',
+ 'MENU:UP', 'Move to the previous item',
'MENU:LINE_UP', 'Scroll up one item',
'MENU:LINE_DOWN', 'Scroll down one item',
- 'MENU:TOP', 'Go to top item',
- 'MENU:LAST', 'Go to last item',
- 'MENU:NEXT', 'Go to next page',
- 'MENU:PREV', 'Go to previous page',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_FORE', 'Search foreward',
+ 'MENU:TOP', 'Move to the first item',
+ 'MENU:LAST', 'Move to the final item',
+ 'MENU:NEXT', 'Go to the next page',
+ 'MENU:PREV', 'Go to the previous page',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_FORE', 'Search forward',
'MENU:SEARCH_BACK', 'Search backward',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_NEXT', 'Search next regexp',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_PREV', 'Search previous regexp',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_NEXT', 'Search for the next match',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_PREV', 'Search for the previous match',
'MENU:SUSPEND', 'Suspend',
diff --git a/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.ja.pl.in b/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.ja.pl.in
index 051c888..d3b0b6f 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.ja.pl.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mhelp-funcdesc.ja.pl.in
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
# charset
-$charset = 'EUC-JP';
+$charset = 'UTF-8';
# Buffer selection mode
%buf_funcdesc = (
- 'BUF:PREV', '��ľ�ΥХåե�������',
- 'BUF:NEXT', '��IJ��ΥХåե�������',
- 'BUF:DELETE', '�������򤷤Ƥ���Хåե�����',
- 'BUF:GO', '�������򤷤Ƥ���Хåե���ɽ��',
+ 'BUF:PREV', '一つ上のバッファを選択',
+ 'BUF:NEXT', '一つ下のバッファを選択',
+ 'BUF:DELETE', '現在選択しているバッファを削除',
+ 'BUF:GO', '現在選択しているバッファを表示',
%lineedit_funcdesc = (
- 'LINEEDIT:FORWARD', '��������򱦤ذ�ư',
- 'LINEEDIT:BACK', '��������򺸤ذ�ư',
- 'LINEEDIT:BS', '����ʸ������',
- 'LINEEDIT:DEL', '����������֤�ʸ������',
- 'LINEEDIT:KILL_AFTER', '��������θ��������ƺ��',
- 'LINEEDIT:KILL_BEFORE', '������������ޤǤ����ƺ��',
- 'LINEEDIT:TOP', '��Ƭ�˰�ư',
- 'LINEEDIT:BOTTOM', '�����ذ�ư',
- 'LINEEDIT:PREV', '�ҥ��ȥ꤫��������ʸ�������Ф�',
- 'LINEEDIT:NEXT', '�ҥ��ȥ꤫�鼡��ʸ�������Ф�',
- 'LINEEDIT:EDITOR', '�������ǥ������Խ�',
- 'LINEEDIT:COMPLETE', '�ե�����̾���䴰',
- 'LINEEDIT:ACCEPT', '���Ͻ�λ',
+ 'LINEEDIT:FORWARD', 'カーソルを右へ移動',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BACK', 'カーソルを左へ移動',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BS', '前の文字を削除',
+ 'LINEEDIT:DEL', 'カーソル位置の文字を削除',
+ 'LINEEDIT:KILL_AFTER', 'カーソルの後方を全て削除',
+ 'LINEEDIT:KILL_BEFORE', 'カーソルの前までを全て削除',
+ 'LINEEDIT:TOP', '行頭に移動',
+ 'LINEEDIT:BOTTOM', '行末へ移動',
+ 'LINEEDIT:PREV', 'ヒストリから一つ前の文字列を取り出す',
+ 'LINEEDIT:NEXT', 'ヒストリから次の文字列を取り出す',
+ 'LINEEDIT:EDITOR', '外部エディタで編集',
+ 'LINEEDIT:COMPLETE', 'ファイル名の補完',
+ 'LINEEDIT:ACCEPT', '入力終了',
%menu_funcdesc = (
- 'MENU:SELECT', '���ܤ�����',
- 'MENU:CLOSE', '��˥塼���Ĥ���',
- 'MENU:CANCEL', '���',
- 'MENU:DOWN', '��IJ��ι��ܤ�',
- 'MENU:UP', '��ľ�ι��ܤ�',
- 'MENU:LINE_UP', '���ܤ򲼤˥���������',
- 'MENU:LINE_DOWN', '���ܤ��˥���������',
- 'MENU:TOP', '��Ƭ�ι��ܤ�',
- 'MENU:LAST', '�Ǹ�ι��ܤ�',
- 'MENU:NEXT', '���ڡ����ι��ܤ�',
- 'MENU:PREV', '���ڡ����ι��ܤ�',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_FORE', '���ܤ򲼤˸����äƸ���',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_BACK', '���ܤ��˸����äƸ���',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_NEXT', '���ι��ܤ򸡺�',
- 'MENU:SEARCH_PREV', '���ι��ܤ򸡺�',
- 'MENU:SUSPEND', '�����ڥ��',
+ 'MENU:SELECT', '項目を選択',
+ 'MENU:CLOSE', 'メニューを閉じる',
+ 'MENU:CANCEL', '戻る',
+ 'MENU:DOWN', '一つ下の項目へ',
+ 'MENU:UP', '一つ上の項目へ',
+ 'MENU:LINE_UP', '項目を下にスクロール',
+ 'MENU:LINE_DOWN', '項目を上にスクロール',
+ 'MENU:TOP', '先頭の項目へ',
+ 'MENU:LAST', '最後の項目へ',
+ 'MENU:NEXT', '次ページの項目へ',
+ 'MENU:PREV', '前ページの項目へ',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_FORE', '項目を下に向かって検索',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_BACK', '項目を上に向かって検索',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_NEXT', '次の項目を検索',
+ 'MENU:SEARCH_PREV', '前の項目を検索',
+ 'MENU:SUSPEND', 'サスペンド',
%title = (
- "Show keymap file", 'keymap �ե�����򸫤�',
- "Page/Cursor motion", '�ڡ���/���������ư',
- "Hyperlink operation", '�ϥ��ѡ�������',
- "File/Stream operation", '�ե�����/���ȥ꡼�����',
- "Buffer operation", '�Хåե����',
- "Tab operation", '�������',
- "Buffer selection mode", '�Хåե�����⡼��',
- "Bookmark operation", '�֥å��ޡ������',
- "Search", '����',
- "Dictionary look-up", '���񸡺�',
- "Mark operation", '�ޡ������',
- "Miscellany", '����¾',
- "User defined keymaps", '�桼�����',
- "Line-edit mode", '���Խ��⡼��',
- "Popup menu", '��˥塼',
+ "Current keymap file", 'keymap ファイルを見る',
+ "In-page Navigation", 'ページ/カーソル移動',
+ "Hyperlink Operations", 'ハイパーリンク操作',
+ "File/Stream Operations", 'ファイル/ストリーム操作',
+ "Buffer Operations", 'バッファ操作',
+ "Tab Operations", 'タブ操作',
+ "Buffer and Tab Selection Mode", 'バッファ選択モード',
+ "Bookmark Management", 'ブックマーク操作',
+ "Searches", '検索',
+ "Dictionary Lookup", '辞書検索',
+ "Mark Operations", 'マーク操作',
+ "Miscellaneous", 'その他',
+ "User-defined key bindings", 'ユーザ定義',
+ "Input Line Editing Mode", '行編集モード',
+ "Popup Menu Mode", 'メニュー',
diff --git a/scripts/w3mhelp.cgi.in b/scripts/w3mhelp.cgi.in
index b2fca8f..55358f8 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mhelp.cgi.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mhelp.cgi.in
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if (defined($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})) {
# print "tlang=$tlang\n";
eval {require "w3mhelp-funcdesc.$tlang.pl";};
- if (defined(%funcdesc)) {
+ if (%funcdesc) {
$lang = $tlang;
@@ -72,22 +72,26 @@ local (%funckeydesc, $key, $fname, $desc);
%funcname = (%funcname, %buf_funcname, %lineedit_funcname, %menu_funcname);
%funcdesc = (%funcdesc, %buf_funcdesc, %lineedit_funcdesc, %menu_funcdesc);
-while (($fname, $desc) = each %funcdesc) {
- $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} = "$fname\n$desc\n";
+# sort for consistent order each time this is run
+foreach my $fname (sort keys %funcdesc) {
+ $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} = "$fname\n$funcdesc{$fname}\n";
-while (($key, $fname) = each %keyfunc) {
+foreach $key (sort keys %keyfunc) {
$keydata{$key} && next;
- $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} .= "$key,";
+ $funckeydesc{$funcname{$keyfunc{$key}}} .= "$key,";
-while (($key, $fname) = each %buf_keyfunc) {
- $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} .= "$key,";
+foreach $key (sort keys %buf_keyfunc) {
+ $keydata{$key} && next;
+ $funckeydesc{$funcname{$buf_keyfunc{$key}}} .= "$key,";
-while (($key, $fname) = each %lineedit_keyfunc) {
- $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} .= "$key,";
+foreach $key (sort keys %lineedit_keyfunc) {
+ $keydata{$key} && next;
+ $funckeydesc{$funcname{$lineedit_keyfunc{$key}}} .= "$key,";
-while (($key, $fname) = each %menu_keyfunc) {
- $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} .= "$key,";
+foreach $key (sort keys %menu_keyfunc) {
+ $keydata{$key} && next;
+ $funckeydesc{$funcname{$menu_keyfunc{$key}}} .= "$key,";
print <<HEADING;
@@ -102,8 +106,7 @@ Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset
<A HREF="http://w3m.sourceforge.net/">w3m</A>
(WWW-wo-Miru) Version $version by
-<A HREF="mailto:aito\@fw.ipsj.or.jp">A.ITO</A> ********<BR>
- ***** Key assign table *****
+<A HREF="mailto:aito\@fw.ipsj.or.jp">A.ITO</A> ********
@@ -112,77 +115,77 @@ $q_version = $version;
$q_version =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\$\.\-]/sprintf('%%%02X', ord($&))/ge;
$script = "<A HREF=\"$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?version=$q_version&amp;lang=";
-# doc:en_English doc-jp:ja_Japanese
+# doc:en_English doc-jp:ja_Japanese doc-de:de_German
for $otherlang (@docdirs) {
local(@d) = split(/[:_]/, $otherlang);
if ($d[1] ne $lang) {
$d[1] =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\$\.\-]/sprintf('%%%02X', ord($&))/ge;
- print $script, $d[1], "\">$d[2] version</A>\n";
+ print $script, $d[1], "\">[$d[2]]</A>\n";
$keymap =~ s/[<>&]/$htmlesc{$&}/ge;
-$head = "Show keymap file";
+$head = 'Current keymap file';
if (defined($title{$head})) {
$head = $title{$head};
$head =~ s/[<>&]/$htmlesc{$&}/ge;
print "<P><A HREF=\"$keymap\">$head</A>\n";
-&show_keymap("Page/Cursor motion",
+&show_keymap('In-page Navigation',
split(" ", "pgFore pgBack movR movL movD movU
movR1 movL1 movD1 movU1 ldown1 lup1
shiftl shiftr col1L col1R linbeg linend ctrCsrH ctrCsrV
goLine goLineF goLineL movRW movLW
topA lastA nextA prevA movlistMn
nextR nextL nextD nextU nextRD nextLU
- undoPos redoPos"));
+ undoPos redoPos cursorTop cursorMiddle cursorBottom"));
-&show_keymap("Hyperlink operation",
+&show_keymap('Hyperlink Operations',
split(" ", "followA tabA svA followI svI submitForm
curURL peekURL peekIMG pginfo curlno chkURL chkWORD chkNMID
rFrame extbrz linkbrz linkLst listMn linkMn accessKey"));
-&show_keymap("File/Stream operation",
+&show_keymap('File/Stream Operations',
split(" ", "goURL gorURL tabURL tabrURL ldfile readsh pipesh
-&show_keymap("Buffer operation",
- split(" ", "backBf nextBf prevBf selMn selBuf vwSrc svSrc svBuf
- editBf editScr reload reshape rdrwSc dispI stopI"));
+&show_keymap('Buffer Operations',
+ split(" ", "backBf nextBf prevBf goHome selMn selBuf vwSrc svSrc
+ svBuf editBf editScr reload reshape rdrwSc dispI stopI"));
-&show_keymap("Tab operation",
+&show_keymap('Tab Operations',
split(" ", "newT closeT nextT prevT tabMn tabR tabL"));
-&show_keymap("Bookmark operation",
+&show_keymap('Bookmark Management',
split(" ", "ldBmark adBmark"));
split(" ", "srchfor srchbak srchnxt srchprv isrchfor isrchbak"));
-&show_keymap("Dictionary look-up",
+&show_keymap('Dictionary Lookup',
split(" ", "dictword dictwordat"));
-&show_keymap("Mark operation",
+&show_keymap('Mark Operations',
split(" ", "_mark nextMk prevMk reMark"));
split(" ", "mainMn ldhelp ldOpt dispVer cooLst ldHist ldDL
docCSet defCSet
msgs msToggle wrapToggle execCmd setAlarm setOpt setEnv defKey
reinit execsh susp qquitfm quitfm"));
-&show_keymap_data("User defined keymaps");
+&show_keymap_data('User-defined key bindings');
print "<BR>\n<HR WIDTH=80%>\n";
-&show_keymap("Buffer selection mode",
+&show_keymap('Buffer and Tab Selection Mode',
split(" ", "buffer_next buffer_prev buffer_delete buffer_go"));
print "<BR>\n<HR WIDTH=80%>\n";
-&show_keymap("Line-edit mode",
+&show_keymap('Input Line Editing Mode',
split(" ", "lineedit_forward lineedit_back lineedit_backspace
lineedit_delete lineedit_kill_after lineedit_kill_before
lineedit_top lineedit_bottom lineedit_prev lineedit_next
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ print "<BR>\n<HR WIDTH=80%>\n";
print "<BR>\n<HR WIDTH=80%>\n";
-&show_keymap("Popup menu",
+&show_keymap('Popup Menu Mode',
split(" ", "menu_select menu_close menu_cancel menu_down menu_up
menu_line_up menu_line_down menu_top menu_last menu_next
menu_prev menu_search_fore menu_search_back menu_search_next
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/.cvsignore b/scripts/w3mman/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e867c6e..0000000
--- a/scripts/w3mman/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/Makefile.in b/scripts/w3mman/Makefile.in
index 569e2fc..ad1cffe 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mman/Makefile.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mman/Makefile.in
@@ -33,11 +33,13 @@ ETC_DIR = $(sysconfdir)
CONF_DIR = $(sysconfdir)/$(PACKAGE)
BIN_DIR = $(bindir)
MAN1_DIR = $(mandir)/man1
+MAN1_DE_DIR = $(mandir)/de/man1
TARGETS = w3mman
CGIBIN_TARGETS = w3mman2html.cgi
MAN1_TARGETS = w3mman.1
+MAN1_DE_TARGETS = w3mman.de.1
MKDIR = mkdir -p
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ install: $(TARGETS) $(CGIBIN_TARGETS) $(MAN_TARGETS)
for file in $(TARGETS); \
do \
@@ -65,6 +68,12 @@ install: $(TARGETS) $(CGIBIN_TARGETS) $(MAN_TARGETS)
do \
$(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1_DIR); \
+ for file in $(MAN1_DE_TARGETS); \
+ do \
+ $(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1_DE_DIR); \
+ f=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's/\.de\././'`; \
+ mv $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1_DE_DIR)/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1_DE_DIR)/$$f; \
+ done
-for file in $(TARGETS); \
@@ -79,6 +88,11 @@ uninstall:
do \
rm -f $(MAN1_DIR)/$$file; \
+ -for file in $(MAN1_DE_TARGETS); \
+ do \
+ f=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's/\.de\././'`; \
+ rm -f $(MAN1_DE_DIR)/$$f; \
+ done
@@ -89,7 +103,7 @@ distclean:
dist: all
@-rm -fr $(distdir)/w3mman
-$(MKDIR) $(distdir)/w3mman
- cp Makefile README w3mman.in w3mman2html.cgi.in hlink.cgi w3mman.1.in $(distdir)/w3mman
+ cp Makefile README w3mman.in w3mman2html.cgi.in hlink.cgi w3mman.1.in w3mman.de.1.in $(distdir)/w3mman
( cd $(distdir); tar -cf - w3mman | GZIP='' gzip ) \
> $(distdir)/w3mman.tar.gz
-rm -fr $(distdir)/w3mman
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/README b/scripts/w3mman/README
index 3bcbb3b..189e9ac 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mman/README
+++ b/scripts/w3mman/README
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
- ¾�Υޥ˥奢���إå��ե�����˥�󥯤�Ϥ뤳�Ȥ��Ǥ���
- man ���ޥ�ɤ����إ��ޥ�ɤǤ���
+ 他のマニュアルやヘッダファイルにリンクをはることができる
+ man コマンドの代替コマンドです。
w3mman <command>[(<section>)]
w3mman [<section>] <command>
w3mman -k <keyword>
- ���Ѥ��� w3m ���ޥ�ɤ���ꤷ�ޤ�(�ǥե���Ȥ� w3m)
+ 使用する w3m コマンドを指定します(デフォルトは w3m)
- ���Ѥ��� man ���ޥ�ɤ���ꤷ�ޤ�(�ǥե���Ȥ� man)
+ 使用する man コマンドを指定します(デフォルトは man)
make install
- ɬ�פʤ� PERL, MAN, LIBDIR �����ꤷ�Ƥ���������
- w3mman2html.cgi �⥤�󥹥ȡ��뤵��ޤ���
+ 必要なら PERL, MAN, LIBDIR を設定してください。
+ w3mman2html.cgi もインストールされます。
w3m file:///$LIB/w3mman2html.cgi
w3m file:///$LIB/w3mman2html.cgi?<command>[(<section>)]
w3m file:///$LIB/w3mman2html.cgi?man=<command>[&section=<section>]
w3m file:///$LIB/w3mman2html.cgi?keyword=<keyword>
make install
- ɬ�פʤ� PERL, MAN, LIBDIR �����ꤷ�Ƥ���������
- w3mman �⥤�󥹥ȡ��뤵��ޤ���
+ 必要なら PERL, MAN, LIBDIR を設定してください。
+ w3mman もインストールされます。
- �إå��ե�����ʤɤ˥�󥯤�ĥ��
+ ヘッダファイルなどにリンクを張る
- /$LIB/ �˥��ԡ�
- w3mman2html.cgi �ǻ��Ѥ���ʤ�� $CGI2 �����ꤷ�Ƥ���������
+ /$LIB/ にコピー
+ w3mman2html.cgi で使用するならば $CGI2 に設定してください。
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.1.in b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.1.in
index 1c0361d..68e3afc 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.1.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.1.in
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.TH W3MMAN 1 "Nov 5, 2005"
+.TH W3MMAN 1 "2016-07-13"
.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
@@ -12,36 +12,54 @@
.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
-w3mman \- an interface to the on-line reference manuals by w3m(1)
+w3mman \- an interface to the on-line reference manuals via w3m(1)
+.\" mh 2016-07-04: "page" is an optional argument.
+.\" Started without it, w3mman displays a form that allows selection
+.\" of a manual page according to section, name and keyword.
+.\" Therefore square brackets introduced
.B w3mman
-.RI "[-M " path ] " " [ section ] " page"
+.BI \-M " path"
+] [ [
+.I section
+.I page
.B w3mman
-.RI "[-M " path "] -k " keyword
+.BI \-M " path"
+] [
+.I section
+.BI \-k " keyword"
.B w3mman
-.RI -l " file
+.BI \-l " file"
+.\" mh 2016-07-04 text edited. This section shall deliver
+.\" more information than section NAME
.B w3mman
-is the system's manual pager by
-.BR w3m (1).
+is a Perl script that uses
+.BR w3m (1)
+to serve as a pager for on-line reference manuals.
A summary of options is included below.
.BI \-M " path"
.I path
+as alternative MANPATH to use.
.BI \-k " keyword"
-.I keyword.
+Specify \fIkeyword\fP.
.BI \-l " file"
-Specify a
-.I file.
+Specify a \fIfile\fP.
+Two variables are available for debugging.
If W3MMAN_W3M is set, its value is used instead of @W3M@.
@@ -51,7 +69,7 @@ If W3MMAN_MAN is set, its value is used instead of @MAN@.
.I @libexecdir@/@PACKAGE@/cgi-bin/w3mman2html.cgi
-convert manual page to html.
+manual page to HTML converter.
.BR man (1),
.BR w3m (1).
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.de.1.in b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.de.1.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c5a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.de.1.in
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+.\" This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file.
+.TH W3MMAN 1 2016\-07\-13
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+w3mman \- eine Schnittstelle zur Anzeige von Online\-Referenzhandbüchern durch
+.\" mh 2016-07-04: "page" is an optional argument.
+.\" Started without it, w3mman displays a form that allows selection
+.\" of a manual page according to section, name and keyword.
+.\" Therefore square brackets introduced
+\fBw3mman\fP [ \fB\-M\fP \fIPfad\fP ] [ \fIAbschnitt\fP ] [ \fISeite\fP ]
+\fBw3mman\fP [\fB\-M\fP \fIPfad\fP] \fB\-k\fP \fIStichwort\fP
+\fBw3mman\fP \fB\-l\fP \fIDatei\fP
+.\" mh 2016-07-04 text edited. This section shall deliver
+.\" more information than section NAME
+\fBw3mman\fP ist ein Perl\-Skript, welches auf \fBw3m\fP(1) zurückgreift, um als
+Betrachter für Online\-Referenzhandbücher zu dienen.
+Es folgt eine Zusammenfassung der Optionen.
+\fB\-M\fP\fI Pfad\fP
+Suchpfad für Handbuchseiten auf \fIPfad\fP setzen
+\fB\-k\fP \fIStichwort\fP
+zum \fIStichwort\fP passende Handbuchseiten anzeigen
+\fB\-l\fP \fIDatei\fP
+die Handbuchseiten\-Datei \fIDatei\fP anzeigen
+Zur Fehleranalyse stehen zwei Variablen zur Verfügung.
+Ist W3MMAN_W3M gesetzt, wird ihr Wert anstelle von @W3M@ verwendet.
+Ist W3MMAN_MAN gesetzt, wird ihr Wert anstelle von @MAN@ verwendet.
+Skript, welches Handbuchseiten in HTML konvertiert
+\fBman\fP(1), \fBw3m\fP(1).
+Diese Handbuchseite wurde von Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> für
+Debian GNU / Linux geschrieben, sie kann aber auch auf anderen Systemen
+verwendet werden.
+Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde 2016 von
+.UR markus.hiereth@freenet.de
+Markus Hiereth
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.in b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.in
index 6a27e70..061cb1f 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman.in
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ $SCRIPT = 'file:///$LIB/w3mman2html.cgi';
sub usage {
($_ = $0) =~ s@.*/@@;
print STDERR "$_ [-M <path>] [[<section>] <command>]\n";
- print STDERR "$_ [-M <path>] [-k <keyword>]\n";
+ print STDERR "$_ [-M <path>] [<section>] [-k <keyword>]\n";
print STDERR "$_ [-l <file>]\n";
exit 1;
@@ -20,19 +20,23 @@ while (@ARGV) {
$ENV{'MANPATH'} = shift @ARGV;
} elsif (/^-k$/) {
@ARGV || &usage();
- $query = "?keyword=" . &form_encode(shift @ARGV);
- } elsif (/^-l$/) {
- @ARGV || &usage();
- $query = "?quit=ok&local=" . &form_encode(shift @ARGV);
+ if ( $query eq "" ) { $query = "?quit=ok"; }
+ $query .= "&keyword=" . &form_encode(shift @ARGV);
+ } elsif (/^-l$/ || /\//) {
+ if (/^-l$/) {
+ @ARGV || &usage();
+ $_ = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ $query = "?quit=ok&local=" . &form_encode($_);
$query .= "&pwd=" . &form_encode($ENV{'PWD'});
} elsif (/^-/) {
- } elsif (/^\d/ || $_ eq 'n') {
- @ARGV || &usage();
- $query = "?quit=ok&man=" . &form_encode(shift @ARGV);
+ } elsif (/^\d/ || $_ eq 'n' || $_ eq 'l') {
+ if ( $query eq "" ) { $query = "?quit=ok"; }
$query .= "&section=" . &form_encode($_);
} else {
- $query = "?quit=ok&man=" . &form_encode($_);
+ if ( $query eq "" ) { $query = "?quit=ok"; }
+ $query .= "&man=" . &form_encode($_);
diff --git a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman2html.cgi.in b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman2html.cgi.in
index f430307..2d326a9 100644
--- a/scripts/w3mman/w3mman2html.cgi.in
+++ b/scripts/w3mman/w3mman2html.cgi.in
@@ -23,18 +23,23 @@ if ((! $query{"man"}) && (! $query{"local"})) {
if ($query{"keyword"}) {
$keyword = $query{"keyword"};
$k = &html_quote($keyword);
+ if ($query{"section"}) {
+ $section = $query{"section"};
+ $sectionopt = "-s $section ";
+ } else {
+ $sectionopt = "";
+ }
print <<EOF;
Content-Type: text/html
-<head><title>man -k $k</title></head>
+<head><title>man $sectionopt-k $k</title></head>
-<h2>man -k <b>$k</b></h2>
+<h2>man $sectionopt-k <b>$k</b></h2>
$keyword =~ s:([^-\w\200-\377.,])::g;
- open(F, "$MAN -k $keyword 2> /dev/null |");
- @line = ();
+ open(F, "$MAN $sectionopt -k $keyword 2> /dev/null |");
while(<F>) {
$_ = &html_quote($_);
@@ -59,10 +64,10 @@ Content-Type: text/html
<form action="$CGI">
-<tr><td>Manual:<td><input name=man>
-<tr><td>Section:<td><input name=section>
-<tr><td>Keyword:<td><input name=keyword>
-<tr><td><td><input type=submit> <input type=reset>
+<tr><td>Manual:<td><input name=man />
+<tr><td>Section:<td><input name=section />
+<tr><td>Keyword:<td><input name=keyword />
+<tr><td><td><input type=submit /> <input type=reset />
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ if ($query{"local"}) {
if (! ($file =~ /^\//)) {
$file = $query{"pwd"} . '/' . $file;
- open(F, "MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 $MAN -l $file 2> /dev/null |");
+ open(F, "MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 $MAN $file 2> /dev/null |");
} else {
$man = $query{"man"};
if ($man =~ s/\((\w+)\)$//) {
@@ -126,12 +131,14 @@ while(<F>) {
+ # non ASCII UTF-8 codepoint
+ my $utf8="[\300-\337][\200-\277]|[\340-\357][\200-\277]{2}|[\360-\367][\200-\277]{3}|[\370-\373][\200-\277]{4}|[\374\375][\200-\277]{5}";
- s@([\200-\377].)(\010{1,2}\1)+@<b>$1</b>@g;
+ s@($utf8)(\010\1)+@<b>$1</b>@g;
- s@__\010{1,2}((\<b\>)?[\200-\377].(\</b\>)?)@<u>$1</u>@g;
+ s@_\010((\<b\>)?($utf8)(\</b\>)?)@<u>$1</u>@g;
- s@((\<b\>)?[\200-\377].(\</b\>)?)\010{1,2}__@<u>$1</u>@g;
+ s@((\<b\>)?($utf8)(\</b\>)?)\010_@<u>$1</u>@g;
@@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ EOF
s@(http|ftp)://[\w.\-/~]+[\w/]@<a href="$&">$&</a>@g;
- s@(\W)(mailto:)?(\w[\w.\-]*\@\w[\w.\-]*\.[\w.\-]*\w)@$1<a href="mailto:$3">$2$3</a>@g;
+ s@\b(mailto:|)(\w[\w.\-]*\@\w[\w.\-]*\.[\w.\-]*\w)@<a href="mailto:$2">$1$2</a>@g;
s@(\W)(\~?/[\w.][\w.\-/~]*)@$1 . &file_ref($2)@ge;
s@(include(<\/?[bu]\>|\s)*\&lt;)([\w.\-/]+)@$1 . &include_ref($3)@ge;
if ($prev && m@^\s*(\<[bu]\>)*(\w[\w.\-]*)(\</[bu]\>)*(\([\dm]\w*\))@) {
@@ -220,7 +227,7 @@ sub is_command {
(! -d && -x) || return 0;
- if (! defined(%PATH)) {
+ if (! %PATH) {
for $p (split(":", $ENV{'PATH'})) {
$p =~ s@/+$@@;
$PATH{$p} = 1;