path: root/table.c
diff options
authorTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
committerTatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>2011-05-04 07:18:09 +0000
commit5f8e0f8ef9a422691dd72e8a953a42a41478fcb4 (patch)
tree4b2df4796a534793648b3c4fc532fc36bd0cd525 /table.c
parentReleasing debian version 0.3-2.4 (diff)
Releasing debian version 0.5.1-1debian/0.5.1-1
Diffstat (limited to 'table.c')
1 files changed, 3617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/table.c b/table.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0ea63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/table.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3617 @@
+/* $Id: table.c,v 1.49 2004/01/09 15:46:49 ukai Exp $ */
+ * HTML table
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "fm.h"
+#include "html.h"
+#include "parsetagx.h"
+#include "Str.h"
+#include "myctype.h"
+int symbol_width = 0;
+int symbol_width0 = 0;
+#define RULE_WIDTH symbol_width
+#define RULE(mode,n) (((mode) == BORDER_THICK) ? ((n) + 16) : (n))
+#define TK_VERTICALBAR(mode) RULE(mode,5)
+#define BORDERWIDTH 2
+#define HTT_X 1
+#define HTT_Y 2
+#define HTT_ALIGN 0x30
+#define HTT_LEFT 0x00
+#define HTT_CENTER 0x10
+#define HTT_RIGHT 0x20
+#define HTT_TRSET 0x40
+#define HTT_VALIGN 0x700
+#define HTT_TOP 0x100
+#define HTT_MIDDLE 0x200
+#define HTT_BOTTOM 0x400
+#define HTT_VTRSET 0x800
+#ifdef NOWRAP
+#define HTT_NOWRAP 4
+#endif /* NOWRAP */
+#define TAG_IS(s,tag,len) (strncasecmp(s,tag,len)==0&&(s[len] == '>' || IS_SPACE((int)s[len])))
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#endif /* not max */
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
+#endif /* not min */
+#ifndef abs
+#define abs(a) ((a) >= 0. ? (a) : -(a))
+#endif /* not abs */
+#define set_prevchar(x,y,n) Strcopy_charp_n((x),(y),(n))
+#define set_space_to_prevchar(x) Strcopy_charp_n((x)," ",1)
+#ifdef MATRIX
+#ifndef MESCHACH
+#include "matrix.c"
+#endif /* not MESCHACH */
+#endif /* MATRIX */
+#ifdef MATRIX
+int correct_table_matrix(struct table *, int, int, int, double);
+void set_table_matrix(struct table *, int);
+#endif /* MATRIX */
+#ifdef MATRIX
+static double
+weight(int x)
+ if (x < COLS)
+ return (double)x;
+ else
+ return COLS * (log((double)x / COLS) + 1.);
+static double
+weight2(int a)
+ return (double)a / COLS * 4 + 1.;
+#define sigma_td(a) (0.5*weight2(a)) /* <td width=...> */
+#define sigma_td_nw(a) (32*weight2(a)) /* <td ...> */
+#define sigma_table(a) (0.25*weight2(a)) /* <table width=...> */
+#define sigma_table_nw(a) (2*weight2(a)) /* <table...> */
+#else /* not MATRIX */
+#define LOG_MIN 1.0
+static double
+weight3(int x)
+ if (x < 0.1)
+ return 0.1;
+ if (x < LOG_MIN)
+ return (double)x;
+ else
+ return LOG_MIN * (log((double)x / LOG_MIN) + 1.);
+#endif /* not MATRIX */
+static int
+bsearch_2short(short e1, short *ent1, short e2, short *ent2, int base,
+ short *indexarray, int nent)
+ int n = nent;
+ int k = 0;
+ int e = e1 * base + e2;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ int nn = n / 2;
+ int idx = indexarray[k + nn];
+ int ne = ent1[idx] * base + ent2[idx];
+ if (ne == e) {
+ k += nn;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (ne < e) {
+ n -= nn + 1;
+ k += nn + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ n = nn;
+ }
+ }
+ return k;
+static int
+bsearch_double(double e, double *ent, short *indexarray, int nent)
+ int n = nent;
+ int k = 0;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ int nn = n / 2;
+ int idx = indexarray[k + nn];
+ double ne = ent[idx];
+ if (ne == e) {
+ k += nn;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (ne > e) {
+ n -= nn + 1;
+ k += nn + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ n = nn;
+ }
+ }
+ return k;
+static int
+ceil_at_intervals(int x, int step)
+ int mo = x % step;
+ if (mo > 0)
+ x += step - mo;
+ else if (mo < 0)
+ x -= mo;
+ return x;
+static int
+floor_at_intervals(int x, int step)
+ int mo = x % step;
+ if (mo > 0)
+ x -= mo;
+ else if (mo < 0)
+ x += step - mo;
+ return x;
+#define round(x) ((int)floor((x)+0.5))
+#ifndef MATRIX
+static void
+dv2sv(double *dv, short *iv, int size)
+ int i, k, iw;
+ short *indexarray;
+ double *edv;
+ double w = 0., x;
+ indexarray = NewAtom_N(short, size);
+ edv = NewAtom_N(double, size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ iv[i] = ceil(dv[i]);
+ edv[i] = (double)iv[i] - dv[i];
+ }
+ w = 0.;
+ for (k = 0; k < size; k++) {
+ x = edv[k];
+ w += x;
+ i = bsearch_double(x, edv, indexarray, k);
+ if (k > i) {
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = k; ii > i; ii--)
+ indexarray[ii] = indexarray[ii - 1];
+ }
+ indexarray[i] = k;
+ }
+ iw = min((int)(w + 0.5), size);
+ if (iw == 0)
+ return;
+ x = edv[(int)indexarray[iw - 1]];
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ k = indexarray[i];
+ if (i >= iw && abs(edv[k] - x) > 1e-6)
+ break;
+ iv[k]--;
+ }
+static int
+table_colspan(struct table *t, int row, int col)
+ int i;
+ for (i = col + 1; i <= t->maxcol && (t->tabattr[row][i] & HTT_X); i++) ;
+ return i - col;
+static int
+table_rowspan(struct table *t, int row, int col)
+ int i;
+ if (!t->tabattr[row])
+ return 0;
+ for (i = row + 1; i <= t->maxrow && t->tabattr[i] &&
+ (t->tabattr[i][col] & HTT_Y); i++) ;
+ return i - row;
+static int
+minimum_cellspacing(int border_mode)
+ switch (border_mode) {
+ return RULE_WIDTH;
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ /* not reached */
+ return 0;
+ }
+static int
+table_border_width(struct table *t)
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ return t->maxcol * t->cellspacing + 2 * (RULE_WIDTH + t->cellpadding);
+ return t->maxcol * t->cellspacing;
+ default:
+ /* not reached */
+ return 0;
+ }
+struct table *
+ struct table *t;
+ int i, j;
+ t = New(struct table);
+ t->max_rowsize = MAXROW;
+ t->tabdata = New_N(GeneralList **, MAXROW);
+ t->tabattr = New_N(table_attr *, MAXROW);
+ t->tabheight = NewAtom_N(short, MAXROW);
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ t->tabidvalue = New_N(Str *, MAXROW);
+ t->tridvalue = New_N(Str, MAXROW);
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAXROW; i++) {
+ t->tabdata[i] = NULL;
+ t->tabattr[i] = 0;
+ t->tabheight[i] = 0;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ t->tabidvalue[i] = NULL;
+ t->tridvalue[i] = NULL;
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < MAXCOL; j++) {
+ t->tabwidth[j] = 0;
+ t->minimum_width[j] = 0;
+ t->fixed_width[j] = 0;
+ }
+ t->cell.maxcell = -1;
+ t->cell.icell = -1;
+ t->ntable = 0;
+ t->tables_size = 0;
+ t->tables = NULL;
+#ifdef MATRIX
+ t->matrix = NULL;
+ t->vector = NULL;
+#endif /* MATRIX */
+#if 0
+ t->tabcontentssize = 0;
+ t->indent = 0;
+ t->linfo.prev_ctype = PC_ASCII;
+ t->linfo.prev_spaces = -1;
+ t->linfo.prevchar = Strnew_size(8);
+ set_prevchar(t->linfo.prevchar, "", 0);
+ t->trattr = 0;
+ t->caption = Strnew();
+ t->suspended_data = NULL;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ t->id = NULL;
+ return t;
+static void
+check_row(struct table *t, int row)
+ int i, r;
+ GeneralList ***tabdata;
+ table_attr **tabattr;
+ short *tabheight;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ Str **tabidvalue;
+ Str *tridvalue;
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ if (row >= t->max_rowsize) {
+ r = max(t->max_rowsize * 2, row + 1);
+ tabdata = New_N(GeneralList **, r);
+ tabattr = New_N(table_attr *, r);
+ tabheight = NewAtom_N(short, r);
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ tabidvalue = New_N(Str *, r);
+ tridvalue = New_N(Str, r);
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ for (i = 0; i < t->max_rowsize; i++) {
+ tabdata[i] = t->tabdata[i];
+ tabattr[i] = t->tabattr[i];
+ tabheight[i] = t->tabheight[i];
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ tabidvalue[i] = t->tabidvalue[i];
+ tridvalue[i] = t->tridvalue[i];
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ }
+ for (; i < r; i++) {
+ tabdata[i] = NULL;
+ tabattr[i] = NULL;
+ tabheight[i] = 0;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ tabidvalue[i] = NULL;
+ tridvalue[i] = NULL;
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ }
+ t->tabdata = tabdata;
+ t->tabattr = tabattr;
+ t->tabheight = tabheight;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ t->tabidvalue = tabidvalue;
+ t->tridvalue = tridvalue;
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ t->max_rowsize = r;
+ }
+ if (t->tabdata[row] == NULL) {
+ t->tabdata[row] = New_N(GeneralList *, MAXCOL);
+ t->tabattr[row] = NewAtom_N(table_attr, MAXCOL);
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ t->tabidvalue[row] = New_N(Str, MAXCOL);
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAXCOL; i++) {
+ t->tabdata[row][i] = NULL;
+ t->tabattr[row][i] = 0;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ t->tabidvalue[row][i] = NULL;
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ }
+ }
+pushdata(struct table *t, int row, int col, char *data)
+ check_row(t, row);
+ if (t->tabdata[row][col] == NULL)
+ t->tabdata[row][col] = newGeneralList();
+ pushText(t->tabdata[row][col], data ? data : "");
+suspend_or_pushdata(struct table *tbl, char *line)
+ if (tbl->flag & TBL_IN_COL)
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, line);
+ else {
+ if (!tbl->suspended_data)
+ tbl->suspended_data = newTextList();
+ pushText(tbl->suspended_data, line ? line : "");
+ }
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+#define PUSH_TAG(str,n) Strcat_charp_n(tagbuf, str, n)
+#define PUSH_TAG(str,n) Strcat_char(tagbuf, *str)
+int visible_length_offset = 0;
+visible_length(char *str)
+ int len = 0, n, max_len = 0;
+ int status = R_ST_NORMAL;
+ int prev_status = status;
+ Str tagbuf = Strnew();
+ char *t, *r2;
+ int amp_len = 0;
+ t = str;
+ while (*str) {
+ prev_status = status;
+ if (next_status(*str, &status)) {
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ len += get_mcwidth(str);
+ n = get_mclen(str);
+ }
+ else {
+ n = 1;
+ }
+ len++;
+ }
+ if (status == R_ST_TAG0) {
+ Strclear(tagbuf);
+ PUSH_TAG(str, n);
+ }
+ else if (status == R_ST_TAG || status == R_ST_DQUOTE
+ || status == R_ST_QUOTE || status == R_ST_EQL
+ || status == R_ST_VALUE) {
+ PUSH_TAG(str, n);
+ }
+ else if (status == R_ST_AMP) {
+ if (prev_status == R_ST_NORMAL) {
+ Strclear(tagbuf);
+ len--;
+ amp_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ PUSH_TAG(str, n);
+ amp_len++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (status == R_ST_NORMAL && prev_status == R_ST_AMP) {
+ PUSH_TAG(str, n);
+ r2 = tagbuf->ptr;
+ t = getescapecmd(&r2);
+ if (!*r2 && (*t == '\r' || *t == '\n')) {
+ if (len > max_len)
+ max_len = len;
+ len = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ len += get_strwidth(t) + get_strwidth(r2);
+ }
+ else if (status == R_ST_NORMAL && ST_IS_REAL_TAG(prev_status)) {
+ ;
+ }
+ else if (*str == '\t') {
+ len--;
+ do {
+ len++;
+ } while ((visible_length_offset + len) % Tabstop != 0);
+ }
+ else if (*str == '\r' || *str == '\n') {
+ len--;
+ if (len > max_len)
+ max_len = len;
+ len = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ str += n;
+ str++;
+ }
+ if (status == R_ST_AMP) {
+ r2 = tagbuf->ptr;
+ t = getescapecmd(&r2);
+ if (*t != '\r' && *t != '\n')
+ len += get_strwidth(t) + get_strwidth(r2);
+ }
+ return len > max_len ? len : max_len;
+visible_length_plain(char *str)
+ int len = 0, max_len = 0;
+ while (*str) {
+ if (*str == '\t') {
+ do {
+ len++;
+ } while ((visible_length_offset + len) % Tabstop != 0);
+ str++;
+ }
+ else if (*str == '\r' || *str == '\n') {
+ if (len > max_len)
+ max_len = len;
+ len = 0;
+ str++;
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ len += get_mcwidth(str);
+ str += get_mclen(str);
+ len++;
+ str++;
+ }
+ }
+ return len > max_len ? len : max_len;
+maximum_visible_length(char *str)
+ int maxlen, len;
+ visible_length_offset = 0;
+ maxlen = visible_length(str);
+ if (!strchr(str, '\t'))
+ return maxlen;
+ for (visible_length_offset = 1; visible_length_offset < Tabstop;
+ visible_length_offset++) {
+ len = visible_length(str);
+ if (maxlen < len) {
+ maxlen = len;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return maxlen;
+maximum_visible_length_plain(char *str)
+ int maxlen, len;
+ visible_length_offset = 0;
+ maxlen = visible_length_plain(str);
+ if (!strchr(str, '\t'))
+ return maxlen;
+ for (visible_length_offset = 1; visible_length_offset < Tabstop;
+ visible_length_offset++) {
+ len = visible_length_plain(str);
+ if (maxlen < len) {
+ maxlen = len;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return maxlen;
+align(TextLine *lbuf, int width, int mode)
+ int i, l, l1, l2;
+ Str buf, line = lbuf->line;
+ if (line->length == 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
+ Strcat_char(line, ' ');
+ lbuf->pos = width;
+ return;
+ }
+ buf = Strnew();
+ l = width - lbuf->pos;
+ switch (mode) {
+ l1 = l / 2;
+ l2 = l - l1;
+ for (i = 0; i < l1; i++)
+ Strcat_char(buf, ' ');
+ Strcat(buf, line);
+ for (i = 0; i < l2; i++)
+ Strcat_char(buf, ' ');
+ break;
+ case ALIGN_LEFT:
+ Strcat(buf, line);
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ Strcat_char(buf, ' ');
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ Strcat_char(buf, ' ');
+ Strcat(buf, line);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ lbuf->line = buf;
+ if (lbuf->pos < width)
+ lbuf->pos = width;
+print_item(struct table *t, int row, int col, int width, Str buf)
+ int alignment;
+ TextLine *lbuf;
+ if (t->tabdata[row])
+ lbuf = popTextLine(t->tabdata[row][col]);
+ else
+ lbuf = NULL;
+ if (lbuf != NULL) {
+ check_row(t, row);
+ alignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
+ if ((t->tabattr[row][col] & HTT_ALIGN) == HTT_LEFT)
+ alignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
+ else if ((t->tabattr[row][col] & HTT_ALIGN) == HTT_RIGHT)
+ alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT;
+ else if ((t->tabattr[row][col] & HTT_ALIGN) == HTT_CENTER)
+ alignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
+ align(lbuf, width, alignment);
+ Strcat(buf, lbuf->line);
+ }
+ else {
+ lbuf = newTextLine(NULL, 0);
+ align(lbuf, width, ALIGN_CENTER);
+ Strcat(buf, lbuf->line);
+ }
+#define T_TOP 0
+#define T_MIDDLE 1
+#define T_BOTTOM 2
+print_sep(struct table *t, int row, int type, int maxcol, Str buf)
+ int forbid;
+ int rule_mode;
+ int i, k, l, m;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ check_row(t, row);
+ check_row(t, row + 1);
+ if ((type == T_TOP || type == T_BOTTOM) && t->border_mode == BORDER_THICK) {
+ rule_mode = BORDER_THICK;
+ }
+ else {
+ rule_mode = BORDER_THIN;
+ }
+ forbid = 1;
+ if (type == T_TOP)
+ forbid |= 2;
+ else if (type == T_BOTTOM)
+ forbid |= 8;
+ else if (t->tabattr[row + 1][0] & HTT_Y) {
+ forbid |= 4;
+ }
+ if (t->border_mode != BORDER_NOWIN) {
+ push_symbol(buf, RULE(t->border_mode, forbid), symbol_width, 1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= maxcol; i++) {
+ forbid = 10;
+ if (type != T_BOTTOM && (t->tabattr[row + 1][i] & HTT_Y)) {
+ if (t->tabattr[row + 1][i] & HTT_X) {
+ goto do_last_sep;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (k = row;
+ k >= 0 && t->tabattr[k] && (t->tabattr[k][i] & HTT_Y);
+ k--) ;
+ m = t->tabwidth[i] + 2 * t->cellpadding;
+ for (l = i + 1; l <= t->maxcol && (t->tabattr[row][l] & HTT_X);
+ l++)
+ m += t->tabwidth[l] + t->cellspacing;
+ print_item(t, k, i, m, buf);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int w = t->tabwidth[i] + 2 * t->cellpadding;
+ if (RULE_WIDTH == 2)
+ w = (w + 1) / RULE_WIDTH;
+ push_symbol(buf, RULE(rule_mode, forbid), symbol_width, w);
+ }
+ do_last_sep:
+ if (i < maxcol) {
+ forbid = 0;
+ if (type == T_TOP)
+ forbid |= 2;
+ else if (t->tabattr[row][i + 1] & HTT_X) {
+ forbid |= 2;
+ }
+ if (type == T_BOTTOM)
+ forbid |= 8;
+ else {
+ if (t->tabattr[row + 1][i + 1] & HTT_X) {
+ forbid |= 8;
+ }
+ if (t->tabattr[row + 1][i + 1] & HTT_Y) {
+ forbid |= 4;
+ }
+ if (t->tabattr[row + 1][i] & HTT_Y) {
+ forbid |= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (forbid != 15) /* forbid==15 means 'no rule at all' */
+ push_symbol(buf, RULE(rule_mode, forbid), symbol_width, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ forbid = 4;
+ if (type == T_TOP)
+ forbid |= 2;
+ if (type == T_BOTTOM)
+ forbid |= 8;
+ if (t->tabattr[row + 1][maxcol] & HTT_Y) {
+ forbid |= 1;
+ }
+ if (t->border_mode != BORDER_NOWIN)
+ push_symbol(buf, RULE(t->border_mode, forbid), symbol_width, 1);
+static int
+get_spec_cell_width(struct table *tbl, int row, int col)
+ int i, w;
+ w = tbl->tabwidth[col];
+ for (i = col + 1; i <= tbl->maxcol; i++) {
+ check_row(tbl, row);
+ if (tbl->tabattr[row][i] & HTT_X)
+ w += tbl->tabwidth[i] + tbl->cellspacing;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return w;
+do_refill(struct table *tbl, int row, int col, int maxlimit)
+ TextList *orgdata;
+ TextListItem *l;
+ struct readbuffer obuf;
+ struct html_feed_environ h_env;
+ struct environment envs[MAX_ENV_LEVEL];
+ int colspan, icell;
+ if (tbl->tabdata[row] == NULL || tbl->tabdata[row][col] == NULL)
+ return;
+ orgdata = (TextList *)tbl->tabdata[row][col];
+ tbl->tabdata[row][col] = newGeneralList();
+ init_henv(&h_env, &obuf, envs, MAX_ENV_LEVEL,
+ (TextLineList *)tbl->tabdata[row][col],
+ get_spec_cell_width(tbl, row, col), 0);
+ obuf.flag |= RB_INTABLE;
+ if (h_env.limit > maxlimit)
+ h_env.limit = maxlimit;
+ if (tbl->border_mode != BORDER_NONE && tbl->vcellpadding > 0)
+ do_blankline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 0, h_env.limit);
+ for (l = orgdata->first; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ if (TAG_IS(l->ptr, "<table_alt", 10)) {
+ int id = -1;
+ char *p = l->ptr;
+ struct parsed_tag *tag;
+ if ((tag = parse_tag(&p, TRUE)) != NULL)
+ parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TID, &id);
+ if (id >= 0 && id < tbl->ntable) {
+ int alignment;
+ TextLineListItem *ti;
+ struct table *t = tbl->tables[id].ptr;
+ int limit = tbl->tables[id].indent + t->total_width;
+ tbl->tables[id].ptr = NULL;
+ save_fonteffect(&h_env, h_env.obuf);
+ flushline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 2, h_env.limit);
+ if (t->vspace > 0 && !(obuf.flag & RB_IGNORE_P))
+ do_blankline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 0, h_env.limit);
+ if (RB_GET_ALIGN(h_env.obuf) == RB_CENTER)
+ alignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
+ else if (RB_GET_ALIGN(h_env.obuf) == RB_RIGHT)
+ alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT;
+ else
+ alignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
+ if (alignment != ALIGN_LEFT) {
+ for (ti = tbl->tables[id].buf->first;
+ ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
+ align(ti->ptr, h_env.limit, alignment);
+ }
+ appendTextLineList(h_env.buf, tbl->tables[id].buf);
+ if (h_env.maxlimit < limit)
+ h_env.maxlimit = limit;
+ restore_fonteffect(&h_env, h_env.obuf);
+ obuf.flag &= ~RB_IGNORE_P;
+ h_env.blank_lines = 0;
+ if (t->vspace > 0) {
+ do_blankline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 0, h_env.limit);
+ obuf.flag |= RB_IGNORE_P;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ HTMLlineproc1(l->ptr, &h_env);
+ }
+ if (obuf.status != R_ST_NORMAL) {
+ obuf.status = R_ST_EOL;
+ HTMLlineproc1("\n", &h_env);
+ }
+ completeHTMLstream(&h_env, &obuf);
+ flushline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 2, h_env.limit);
+ if (tbl->border_mode == BORDER_NONE) {
+ int rowspan = table_rowspan(tbl, row, col);
+ if (row + rowspan <= tbl->maxrow) {
+ if (tbl->vcellpadding > 0 && !(obuf.flag & RB_IGNORE_P))
+ do_blankline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 0, h_env.limit);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (tbl->vspace > 0)
+ purgeline(&h_env);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (tbl->vcellpadding > 0) {
+ if (!(obuf.flag & RB_IGNORE_P))
+ do_blankline(&h_env, &obuf, 0, 0, h_env.limit);
+ }
+ else
+ purgeline(&h_env);
+ }
+ if ((colspan = table_colspan(tbl, row, col)) > 1) {
+ struct table_cell *cell = &tbl->cell;
+ int k;
+ k = bsearch_2short(colspan, cell->colspan, col, cell->col, MAXCOL,
+ cell->index, cell->maxcell + 1);
+ icell = cell->index[k];
+ if (cell->minimum_width[icell] < h_env.maxlimit)
+ cell->minimum_width[icell] = h_env.maxlimit;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (tbl->minimum_width[col] < h_env.maxlimit)
+ tbl->minimum_width[col] = h_env.maxlimit;
+ }
+static int
+table_rule_width(struct table *t)
+ if (t->border_mode == BORDER_NONE)
+ return 1;
+ return RULE_WIDTH;
+static void
+check_cell_width(short *tabwidth, short *cellwidth,
+ short *col, short *colspan, short maxcell,
+ short *indexarray, int space, int dir)
+ int i, j, k, bcol, ecol;
+ int swidth, width;
+ for (k = 0; k <= maxcell; k++) {
+ j = indexarray[k];
+ if (cellwidth[j] <= 0)
+ continue;
+ bcol = col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + colspan[j];
+ swidth = 0;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ swidth += tabwidth[i];
+ width = cellwidth[j] - (colspan[j] - 1) * space;
+ if (width > swidth) {
+ int w = (width - swidth) / colspan[j];
+ int r = (width - swidth) % colspan[j];
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ tabwidth[i] += w;
+ /* dir {0: horizontal, 1: vertical} */
+ if (dir == 1 && r > 0)
+ r = colspan[j];
+ for (i = 1; i <= r; i++)
+ tabwidth[ecol - i]++;
+ }
+ }
+check_minimum_width(struct table *t, short *tabwidth)
+ int i;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ if (tabwidth[i] < t->minimum_width[i])
+ tabwidth[i] = t->minimum_width[i];
+ }
+ check_cell_width(tabwidth, cell->minimum_width, cell->col, cell->colspan,
+ cell->maxcell, cell->index, t->cellspacing, 0);
+check_maximum_width(struct table *t)
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+#ifdef MATRIX
+ int i, j, bcol, ecol;
+ int swidth, width;
+ cell->necell = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j <= cell->maxcell; j++) {
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[j];
+ swidth = 0;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ swidth += t->tabwidth[i];
+ width = cell->width[j] - (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ if (width > swidth) {
+ cell->eindex[cell->necell] = j;
+ cell->necell++;
+ }
+ }
+#else /* not MATRIX */
+ check_cell_width(t->tabwidth, cell->width, cell->col, cell->colspan,
+ cell->maxcell, cell->index, t->cellspacing, 0);
+ check_minimum_width(t, t->tabwidth);
+#endif /* not MATRIX */
+#ifdef MATRIX
+static void
+set_integered_width(struct table *t, double *dwidth, short *iwidth)
+ int i, j, k, n, bcol, ecol, step;
+ short *indexarray;
+ char *fixed;
+ double *mod;
+ double sum = 0., x = 0.;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ int rulewidth = table_rule_width(t);
+ indexarray = NewAtom_N(short, t->maxcol + 1);
+ mod = NewAtom_N(double, t->maxcol + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ iwidth[i] = ceil_at_intervals(ceil(dwidth[i]), rulewidth);
+ mod[i] = (double)iwidth[i] - dwidth[i];
+ }
+ sum = 0.;
+ for (k = 0; k <= t->maxcol; k++) {
+ x = mod[k];
+ sum += x;
+ i = bsearch_double(x, mod, indexarray, k);
+ if (k > i) {
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = k; ii > i; ii--)
+ indexarray[ii] = indexarray[ii - 1];
+ }
+ indexarray[i] = k;
+ }
+ fixed = NewAtom_N(char, t->maxcol + 1);
+ bzero(fixed, t->maxcol + 1);
+ for (step = 0; step < 2; step++) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i += n) {
+ int nn;
+ char *idx;
+ double nsum;
+ if (sum < 0.5)
+ return;
+ for (n = 0; i + n <= t->maxcol; n++) {
+ int ii = indexarray[i + n];
+ if (n == 0)
+ x = mod[ii];
+ else if (fabs(mod[ii] - x) > 1e-6)
+ break;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ int ii = indexarray[i + k];
+ if (fixed[ii] < 2 &&
+ iwidth[ii] - rulewidth < t->minimum_width[ii])
+ fixed[ii] = 2;
+ if (fixed[ii] < 1 &&
+ iwidth[ii] - rulewidth < t->tabwidth[ii] &&
+ (double)rulewidth - mod[ii] > 0.5)
+ fixed[ii] = 1;
+ }
+ idx = NewAtom_N(char, n);
+ for (k = 0; k < cell->maxcell; k++) {
+ int kk, w, width, m;
+ j = cell->index[k];
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[j];
+ m = 0;
+ for (kk = 0; kk < n; kk++) {
+ int ii = indexarray[i + kk];
+ if (ii >= bcol && ii < ecol) {
+ idx[m] = ii;
+ m++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m == 0)
+ continue;
+ width = (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ for (kk = bcol; kk < ecol; kk++)
+ width += iwidth[kk];
+ w = 0;
+ for (kk = 0; kk < m; kk++) {
+ if (fixed[(int)idx[kk]] < 2)
+ w += rulewidth;
+ }
+ if (width - w < cell->minimum_width[j]) {
+ for (kk = 0; kk < m; kk++) {
+ if (fixed[(int)idx[kk]] < 2)
+ fixed[(int)idx[kk]] = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ w = 0;
+ for (kk = 0; kk < m; kk++) {
+ if (fixed[(int)idx[kk]] < 1 &&
+ (double)rulewidth - mod[(int)idx[kk]] > 0.5)
+ w += rulewidth;
+ }
+ if (width - w < cell->width[j]) {
+ for (kk = 0; kk < m; kk++) {
+ if (fixed[(int)idx[kk]] < 1 &&
+ (double)rulewidth - mod[(int)idx[kk]] > 0.5)
+ fixed[(int)idx[kk]] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nn = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ int ii = indexarray[i + k];
+ if (fixed[ii] <= step)
+ nn++;
+ }
+ nsum = sum - (double)(nn * rulewidth);
+ if (nsum < 0. && fabs(sum) <= fabs(nsum))
+ return;
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ int ii = indexarray[i + k];
+ if (fixed[ii] <= step) {
+ iwidth[ii] -= rulewidth;
+ fixed[ii] = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ sum = nsum;
+ }
+ }
+static double
+correlation_coefficient(double sxx, double syy, double sxy)
+ double coe, tmp;
+ tmp = sxx * syy;
+ if (tmp < Tiny)
+ tmp = Tiny;
+ coe = sxy / sqrt(tmp);
+ if (coe > 1.)
+ return 1.;
+ if (coe < -1.)
+ return -1.;
+ return coe;
+static double
+correlation_coefficient2(double sxx, double syy, double sxy)
+ double coe, tmp;
+ tmp = (syy + sxx - 2 * sxy) * sxx;
+ if (tmp < Tiny)
+ tmp = Tiny;
+ coe = (sxx - sxy) / sqrt(tmp);
+ if (coe > 1.)
+ return 1.;
+ if (coe < -1.)
+ return -1.;
+ return coe;
+static double
+recalc_width(double old, double swidth, int cwidth,
+ double sxx, double syy, double sxy, int is_inclusive)
+ double delta = swidth - (double)cwidth;
+ double rat = sxy / sxx,
+ coe = correlation_coefficient(sxx, syy, sxy), w, ww;
+ if (old < 0.)
+ old = 0.;
+ if (fabs(coe) < 1e-5)
+ return old;
+ w = rat * old;
+ ww = delta;
+ if (w > 0.) {
+ double wmin = 5e-3 * sqrt(syy * (1. - coe * coe));
+ if (swidth < 0.2 && cwidth > 0 && is_inclusive) {
+ double coe1 = correlation_coefficient2(sxx, syy, sxy);
+ if (coe > 0.9 || coe1 > 0.9)
+ return 0.;
+ }
+ if (wmin > 0.05)
+ wmin = 0.05;
+ if (ww < 0.)
+ ww = 0.;
+ ww += wmin;
+ }
+ else {
+ double wmin = 5e-3 * sqrt(syy) * fabs(coe);
+ if (rat > -0.001)
+ return old;
+ if (wmin > 0.01)
+ wmin = 0.01;
+ if (ww > 0.)
+ ww = 0.;
+ ww -= wmin;
+ }
+ if (w > ww)
+ return ww / rat;
+ return old;
+static int
+check_compressible_cell(struct table *t, MAT * minv,
+ double *newwidth, double *swidth, short *cwidth,
+ double totalwidth, double *Sxx,
+ int icol, int icell, double sxx, int corr)
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ int i, j, k, m, bcol, ecol, span;
+ double delta, owidth;
+ double dmax, dmin, sxy;
+ int rulewidth = table_rule_width(t);
+ if (sxx < 10.)
+ return corr;
+ if (icol >= 0) {
+ owidth = newwidth[icol];
+ delta = newwidth[icol] - (double)t->tabwidth[icol];
+ bcol = icol;
+ ecol = bcol + 1;
+ }
+ else if (icell >= 0) {
+ owidth = swidth[icell];
+ delta = swidth[icell] - (double)cwidth[icell];
+ bcol = cell->col[icell];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[icell];
+ }
+ else {
+ owidth = totalwidth;
+ delta = totalwidth;
+ bcol = 0;
+ ecol = t->maxcol + 1;
+ }
+ dmin = delta;
+ dmax = -1.;
+ for (k = 0; k <= cell->maxcell; k++) {
+ int bcol1, ecol1;
+ int is_inclusive = 0;
+ if (dmin <= 0.)
+ goto _end;
+ j = cell->index[k];
+ if (j == icell)
+ continue;
+ bcol1 = cell->col[j];
+ ecol1 = bcol1 + cell->colspan[j];
+ sxy = 0.;
+ for (m = bcol1; m < ecol1; m++) {
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ sxy += m_entry(minv, i, m);
+ }
+ if (bcol1 >= bcol && ecol1 <= ecol) {
+ is_inclusive = 1;
+ }
+ if (sxy > 0.)
+ dmin = recalc_width(dmin, swidth[j], cwidth[j],
+ sxx, Sxx[j], sxy, is_inclusive);
+ else
+ dmax = recalc_width(dmax, swidth[j], cwidth[j],
+ sxx, Sxx[j], sxy, is_inclusive);
+ }
+ for (m = 0; m <= t->maxcol; m++) {
+ int is_inclusive = 0;
+ if (dmin <= 0.)
+ goto _end;
+ if (m == icol)
+ continue;
+ sxy = 0.;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ sxy += m_entry(minv, i, m);
+ if (m >= bcol && m < ecol) {
+ is_inclusive = 1;
+ }
+ if (sxy > 0.)
+ dmin = recalc_width(dmin, newwidth[m], t->tabwidth[m],
+ sxx, m_entry(minv, m, m), sxy, is_inclusive);
+ else
+ dmax = recalc_width(dmax, newwidth[m], t->tabwidth[m],
+ sxx, m_entry(minv, m, m), sxy, is_inclusive);
+ }
+ _end:
+ if (dmax > 0. && dmin > dmax)
+ dmin = dmax;
+ span = ecol - bcol;
+ if ((span == t->maxcol + 1 && dmin >= 0.) ||
+ (span != t->maxcol + 1 && dmin > rulewidth * 0.5)) {
+ int nwidth = ceil_at_intervals(round(owidth - dmin), rulewidth);
+ correct_table_matrix(t, bcol, ecol - bcol, nwidth, 1.);
+ corr++;
+ }
+ return corr;
+#define MAX_ITERATION 10
+check_table_width(struct table *t, double *newwidth, MAT * minv, int itr)
+ int i, j, k, m, bcol, ecol;
+ int corr = 0;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ short orgwidth[t->maxcol + 1], corwidth[t->maxcol + 1];
+ short cwidth[cell->maxcell + 1];
+ double swidth[cell->maxcell + 1];
+#else /* __GNUC__ */
+ short orgwidth[MAXCOL], corwidth[MAXCOL];
+ short cwidth[MAXCELL];
+ double swidth[MAXCELL];
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+ double twidth, sxy, *Sxx, stotal;
+ twidth = 0.;
+ stotal = 0.;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ twidth += newwidth[i];
+ stotal += m_entry(minv, i, i);
+ for (m = 0; m < i; m++) {
+ stotal += 2 * m_entry(minv, i, m);
+ }
+ }
+ Sxx = NewAtom_N(double, cell->maxcell + 1);
+ for (k = 0; k <= cell->maxcell; k++) {
+ j = cell->index[k];
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[j];
+ swidth[j] = 0.;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ swidth[j] += newwidth[i];
+ cwidth[j] = cell->width[j] - (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ Sxx[j] = 0.;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ Sxx[j] += m_entry(minv, i, i);
+ for (m = bcol; m <= ecol; m++) {
+ if (m < i)
+ Sxx[j] += 2 * m_entry(minv, i, m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* compress table */
+ corr = check_compressible_cell(t, minv, newwidth, swidth,
+ cwidth, twidth, Sxx, -1, -1, stotal, corr);
+ if (itr < MAX_ITERATION && corr > 0)
+ return corr;
+ /* compress multicolumn cell */
+ for (k = cell->maxcell; k >= 0; k--) {
+ j = cell->index[k];
+ corr = check_compressible_cell(t, minv, newwidth, swidth,
+ cwidth, twidth, Sxx,
+ -1, j, Sxx[j], corr);
+ if (itr < MAX_ITERATION && corr > 0)
+ return corr;
+ }
+ /* compress single column cell */
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ corr = check_compressible_cell(t, minv, newwidth, swidth,
+ cwidth, twidth, Sxx,
+ i, -1, m_entry(minv, i, i), corr);
+ if (itr < MAX_ITERATION && corr > 0)
+ return corr;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++)
+ corwidth[i] = orgwidth[i] = round(newwidth[i]);
+ check_minimum_width(t, corwidth);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ double sx = sqrt(m_entry(minv, i, i));
+ if (sx < 0.1)
+ continue;
+ if (orgwidth[i] < t->minimum_width[i] &&
+ corwidth[i] == t->minimum_width[i]) {
+ double w = (sx > 0.5) ? 0.5 : sx * 0.2;
+ sxy = 0.;
+ for (m = 0; m <= t->maxcol; m++) {
+ if (m == i)
+ continue;
+ sxy += m_entry(minv, i, m);
+ }
+ if (sxy <= 0.) {
+ correct_table_matrix(t, i, 1, t->minimum_width[i], w);
+ corr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k <= cell->maxcell; k++) {
+ int nwidth = 0, mwidth;
+ double sx;
+ j = cell->index[k];
+ sx = sqrt(Sxx[j]);
+ if (sx < 0.1)
+ continue;
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[j];
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ nwidth += corwidth[i];
+ mwidth =
+ cell->minimum_width[j] - (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ if (mwidth > swidth[j] && mwidth == nwidth) {
+ double w = (sx > 0.5) ? 0.5 : sx * 0.2;
+ sxy = 0.;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ for (m = 0; m <= t->maxcol; m++) {
+ if (m >= bcol && m < ecol)
+ continue;
+ sxy += m_entry(minv, i, m);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sxy <= 0.) {
+ correct_table_matrix(t, bcol, cell->colspan[j], mwidth, w);
+ corr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (itr >= MAX_ITERATION)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return corr;
+#else /* not MATRIX */
+set_table_width(struct table *t, short *newwidth, int maxwidth)
+ int i, j, k, bcol, ecol;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ char *fixed;
+ int swidth, fwidth, width, nvar;
+ double s;
+ double *dwidth;
+ int try_again;
+ fixed = NewAtom_N(char, t->maxcol + 1);
+ bzero(fixed, t->maxcol + 1);
+ dwidth = NewAtom_N(double, t->maxcol + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ dwidth[i] = 0.0;
+ if (t->fixed_width[i] < 0) {
+ t->fixed_width[i] = -t->fixed_width[i] * maxwidth / 100;
+ }
+ if (t->fixed_width[i] > 0) {
+ newwidth[i] = t->fixed_width[i];
+ fixed[i] = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ newwidth[i] = 0;
+ if (newwidth[i] < t->minimum_width[i])
+ newwidth[i] = t->minimum_width[i];
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k <= cell->maxcell; k++) {
+ j = cell->indexarray[k];
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[j];
+ if (cell->fixed_width[j] < 0)
+ cell->fixed_width[j] = -cell->fixed_width[j] * maxwidth / 100;
+ swidth = 0;
+ fwidth = 0;
+ nvar = 0;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ if (fixed[i]) {
+ fwidth += newwidth[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ swidth += newwidth[i];
+ nvar++;
+ }
+ }
+ width = max(cell->fixed_width[j], cell->minimum_width[j])
+ - (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ if (nvar > 0 && width > fwidth + swidth) {
+ s = 0.;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ if (!fixed[i])
+ s += weight3(t->tabwidth[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ if (!fixed[i])
+ dwidth[i] = (width - fwidth) * weight3(t->tabwidth[i]) / s;
+ else
+ dwidth[i] = (double)newwidth[i];
+ }
+ dv2sv(dwidth, newwidth, cell->colspan[j]);
+ if (cell->fixed_width[j] > 0) {
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++)
+ fixed[i] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ nvar = 0;
+ swidth = 0;
+ fwidth = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ if (fixed[i]) {
+ fwidth += newwidth[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ swidth += newwidth[i];
+ nvar++;
+ }
+ }
+ width = maxwidth - t->maxcol * t->cellspacing;
+ if (nvar == 0 || width <= fwidth + swidth)
+ break;
+ s = 0.;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ if (!fixed[i])
+ s += weight3(t->tabwidth[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ if (!fixed[i])
+ dwidth[i] = (width - fwidth) * weight3(t->tabwidth[i]) / s;
+ else
+ dwidth[i] = (double)newwidth[i];
+ }
+ dv2sv(dwidth, newwidth, t->maxcol + 1);
+ try_again = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ if (!fixed[i]) {
+ if (newwidth[i] > t->tabwidth[i]) {
+ newwidth[i] = t->tabwidth[i];
+ fixed[i] = 1;
+ try_again = 1;
+ }
+ else if (newwidth[i] < t->minimum_width[i]) {
+ newwidth[i] = t->minimum_width[i];
+ fixed[i] = 1;
+ try_again = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (try_again);
+#endif /* not MATRIX */
+check_table_height(struct table *t)
+ int i, j, k;
+ struct {
+ short *row;
+ short *rowspan;
+ short *indexarray;
+ short maxcell;
+ short size;
+ short *height;
+ } cell;
+ int space = 0;
+ cell.size = 0;
+ cell.maxcell = -1;
+ for (j = 0; j <= t->maxrow; j++) {
+ if (!t->tabattr[j])
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ int t_dep, rowspan;
+ if (t->tabattr[j][i] & (HTT_X | HTT_Y))
+ continue;
+ if (t->tabdata[j][i] == NULL)
+ t_dep = 0;
+ else
+ t_dep = t->tabdata[j][i]->nitem;
+ rowspan = table_rowspan(t, j, i);
+ if (rowspan > 1) {
+ int c = cell.maxcell + 1;
+ k = bsearch_2short(rowspan, cell.rowspan,
+ j, cell.row, t->maxrow + 1, cell.indexarray,
+ c);
+ if (k <= cell.maxcell) {
+ int idx = cell.indexarray[k];
+ if (cell.row[idx] == j && cell.rowspan[idx] == rowspan)
+ c = idx;
+ }
+ if (c >= MAXROWCELL)
+ continue;
+ if (c >= cell.size) {
+ if (cell.size == 0) {
+ cell.size = max(MAXCELL, c + 1);
+ cell.row = NewAtom_N(short, cell.size);
+ cell.rowspan = NewAtom_N(short, cell.size);
+ cell.indexarray = NewAtom_N(short, cell.size);
+ cell.height = NewAtom_N(short, cell.size);
+ }
+ else {
+ cell.size = max(cell.size + MAXCELL, c + 1);
+ cell.row = New_Reuse(short, cell.row, cell.size);
+ cell.rowspan = New_Reuse(short, cell.rowspan,
+ cell.size);
+ cell.indexarray = New_Reuse(short, cell.indexarray,
+ cell.size);
+ cell.height = New_Reuse(short, cell.height, cell.size);
+ }
+ }
+ if (c > cell.maxcell) {
+ cell.maxcell++;
+ cell.row[cell.maxcell] = j;
+ cell.rowspan[cell.maxcell] = rowspan;
+ cell.height[cell.maxcell] = 0;
+ if (cell.maxcell > k) {
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = cell.maxcell; ii > k; ii--)
+ cell.indexarray[ii] = cell.indexarray[ii - 1];
+ }
+ cell.indexarray[k] = cell.maxcell;
+ }
+ if (cell.height[c] < t_dep)
+ cell.height[c] = t_dep;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (t->tabheight[j] < t_dep)
+ t->tabheight[j] = t_dep;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ space = 1;
+ break;
+ space = 0;
+ }
+ check_cell_width(t->tabheight, cell.height, cell.row, cell.rowspan,
+ cell.maxcell, cell.indexarray, space, 1);
+#define CHECK_MINIMUM 1
+#define CHECK_FIXED 2
+get_table_width(struct table *t, short *orgwidth, short *cellwidth, int flag)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ short newwidth[t->maxcol + 1];
+#else /* not __GNUC__ */
+ short newwidth[MAXCOL];
+#endif /* not __GNUC__ */
+ int i;
+ int swidth;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ int rulewidth = table_rule_width(t);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++)
+ newwidth[i] = max(orgwidth[i], 0);
+ if (flag & CHECK_FIXED) {
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ short ccellwidth[cell->maxcell + 1];
+#else /* not __GNUC__ */
+ short ccellwidth[MAXCELL];
+#endif /* not __GNUC__ */
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ if (newwidth[i] < t->fixed_width[i])
+ newwidth[i] = t->fixed_width[i];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= cell->maxcell; i++) {
+ ccellwidth[i] = cellwidth[i];
+ if (ccellwidth[i] < cell->fixed_width[i])
+ ccellwidth[i] = cell->fixed_width[i];
+ }
+ check_cell_width(newwidth, ccellwidth, cell->col, cell->colspan,
+ cell->maxcell, cell->index, t->cellspacing, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ check_cell_width(newwidth, cellwidth, cell->col, cell->colspan,
+ cell->maxcell, cell->index, t->cellspacing, 0);
+ }
+ if (flag & CHECK_MINIMUM)
+ check_minimum_width(t, newwidth);
+ swidth = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ swidth += ceil_at_intervals(newwidth[i], rulewidth);
+ }
+ swidth += table_border_width(t);
+ return swidth;
+#define minimum_table_width(t)\
+#define maximum_table_width(t)\
+ (get_table_width(t,t->tabwidth,t->cell.width,CHECK_FIXED))
+#define fixed_table_width(t)\
+ (get_table_width(t,t->fixed_width,t->cell.fixed_width,CHECK_MINIMUM))
+renderCoTable(struct table *tbl, int maxlimit)
+ struct readbuffer obuf;
+ struct html_feed_environ h_env;
+ struct environment envs[MAX_ENV_LEVEL];
+ struct table *t;
+ int i, col, row;
+ int indent, maxwidth;
+ for (i = 0; i < tbl->ntable; i++) {
+ t = tbl->tables[i].ptr;
+ col = tbl->tables[i].col;
+ row = tbl->tables[i].row;
+ indent = tbl->tables[i].indent;
+ init_henv(&h_env, &obuf, envs, MAX_ENV_LEVEL, tbl->tables[i].buf,
+ get_spec_cell_width(tbl, row, col), indent);
+ check_row(tbl, row);
+ if (h_env.limit > maxlimit)
+ h_env.limit = maxlimit;
+ if (t->total_width == 0)
+ maxwidth = h_env.limit - indent;
+ else if (t->total_width > 0)
+ maxwidth = t->total_width;
+ else
+ maxwidth = t->total_width = -t->total_width * h_env.limit / 100;
+ renderTable(t, maxwidth, &h_env);
+ }
+static void
+make_caption(struct table *t, struct html_feed_environ *h_env)
+ struct html_feed_environ henv;
+ struct readbuffer obuf;
+ struct environment envs[MAX_ENV_LEVEL];
+ int limit;
+ if (t->caption->length <= 0)
+ return;
+ if (t->total_width > 0)
+ limit = t->total_width;
+ else
+ limit = h_env->limit;
+ init_henv(&henv, &obuf, envs, MAX_ENV_LEVEL, newTextLineList(),
+ limit, h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent);
+ HTMLlineproc1("<center>", &henv);
+ HTMLlineproc0(t->caption->ptr, &henv, FALSE);
+ HTMLlineproc1("</center>", &henv);
+ if (t->total_width < henv.maxlimit)
+ t->total_width = henv.maxlimit;
+ limit = h_env->limit;
+ h_env->limit = t->total_width;
+ HTMLlineproc1("<center>", h_env);
+ HTMLlineproc0(t->caption->ptr, h_env, FALSE);
+ HTMLlineproc1("</center>", h_env);
+ h_env->limit = limit;
+renderTable(struct table *t, int max_width, struct html_feed_environ *h_env)
+ int i, j, w, r, h;
+ Str renderbuf;
+ short new_tabwidth[MAXCOL];
+#ifdef MATRIX
+ int itr;
+ VEC *newwidth;
+ MAT *mat, *minv;
+ PERM *pivot;
+#endif /* MATRIX */
+ int width;
+ int rulewidth;
+ Str vrulea = NULL, vruleb = NULL, vrulec = NULL;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ Str idtag;
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ t->total_height = 0;
+ if (t->maxcol < 0) {
+ make_caption(t, h_env);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (t->sloppy_width > max_width)
+ max_width = t->sloppy_width;
+ rulewidth = table_rule_width(t);
+ max_width -= table_border_width(t);
+ if (rulewidth > 1)
+ max_width = floor_at_intervals(max_width, rulewidth);
+ if (max_width < rulewidth)
+ max_width = rulewidth;
+ check_maximum_width(t);
+#ifdef MATRIX
+ if (t->maxcol == 0) {
+ if (t->tabwidth[0] > max_width)
+ t->tabwidth[0] = max_width;
+ if (t->total_width > 0)
+ t->tabwidth[0] = max_width;
+ else if (t->fixed_width[0] > 0)
+ t->tabwidth[0] = t->fixed_width[0];
+ if (t->tabwidth[0] < t->minimum_width[0])
+ t->tabwidth[0] = t->minimum_width[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ set_table_matrix(t, max_width);
+ itr = 0;
+ mat = m_get(t->maxcol + 1, t->maxcol + 1);
+ pivot = px_get(t->maxcol + 1);
+ newwidth = v_get(t->maxcol + 1);
+ minv = m_get(t->maxcol + 1, t->maxcol + 1);
+ do {
+ m_copy(t->matrix, mat);
+ LUfactor(mat, pivot);
+ LUsolve(mat, pivot, t->vector, newwidth);
+ LUinverse(mat, pivot, minv);
+ set_integered_width(t, newwidth->ve, new_tabwidth);
+ fprintf(stderr, "itr=%d\n", itr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "max_width=%d\n", max_width);
+ fprintf(stderr, "minimum : ");
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%2d ", t->minimum_width[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nfixed : ");
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%2d ", t->fixed_width[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\ndecided : ");
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%2d ", new_tabwidth[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+#endif /* TABLE_DEBUG */
+ itr++;
+ } while (check_table_width(t, newwidth->ve, minv, itr));
+ set_integered_width(t, newwidth->ve, new_tabwidth);
+ check_minimum_width(t, new_tabwidth);
+ v_free(newwidth);
+ px_free(pivot);
+ m_free(mat);
+ m_free(minv);
+ m_free(t->matrix);
+ v_free(t->vector);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ t->tabwidth[i] = new_tabwidth[i];
+ }
+ }
+#else /* not MATRIX */
+ set_table_width(t, new_tabwidth, max_width);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ t->tabwidth[i] = new_tabwidth[i];
+ }
+#endif /* not MATRIX */
+ check_minimum_width(t, t->tabwidth);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++)
+ t->tabwidth[i] = ceil_at_intervals(t->tabwidth[i], rulewidth);
+ renderCoTable(t, h_env->limit);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j <= t->maxrow; j++) {
+ check_row(t, j);
+ if (t->tabattr[j][i] & HTT_Y)
+ continue;
+ do_refill(t, j, i, h_env->limit);
+ }
+ }
+ check_minimum_width(t, t->tabwidth);
+ t->total_width = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ t->tabwidth[i] = ceil_at_intervals(t->tabwidth[i], rulewidth);
+ t->total_width += t->tabwidth[i];
+ }
+ t->total_width += table_border_width(t);
+ check_table_height(t);
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j <= t->maxrow; j++) {
+ TextLineList *l;
+ int k;
+ if ((t->tabattr[j][i] & HTT_Y) ||
+ (t->tabattr[j][i] & HTT_TOP) || (t->tabdata[j][i] == NULL))
+ continue;
+ h = t->tabheight[j];
+ for (k = j + 1; k <= t->maxrow; k++) {
+ if (!(t->tabattr[k][i] & HTT_Y))
+ break;
+ h += t->tabheight[k];
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ h += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ h -= t->tabdata[j][i]->nitem;
+ if (t->tabattr[j][i] & HTT_MIDDLE)
+ h /= 2;
+ if (h <= 0)
+ continue;
+ l = newTextLineList();
+ for (k = 0; k < h; k++)
+ pushTextLine(l, newTextLine(NULL, 0));
+ t->tabdata[j][i] = appendGeneralList((GeneralList *)l,
+ t->tabdata[j][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* table output */
+ width = t->total_width;
+ make_caption(t, h_env);
+ HTMLlineproc1("<pre for_table>", h_env);
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ if (t->id != NULL) {
+ idtag = Sprintf("<_id id=\"%s\">", html_quote((t->id)->ptr));
+ HTMLlineproc1(idtag->ptr, h_env);
+ }
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ renderbuf = Strnew();
+ print_sep(t, -1, T_TOP, t->maxcol, renderbuf);
+ push_render_image(renderbuf, width, t->total_width, h_env);
+ t->total_height += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ vruleb = Strnew();
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ vrulea = Strnew();
+ vrulec = Strnew();
+ push_symbol(vrulea, TK_VERTICALBAR(t->border_mode), symbol_width, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < t->cellpadding; i++) {
+ Strcat_char(vrulea, ' ');
+ Strcat_char(vruleb, ' ');
+ Strcat_char(vrulec, ' ');
+ }
+ push_symbol(vrulec, TK_VERTICALBAR(t->border_mode), symbol_width, 1);
+ push_symbol(vruleb, TK_VERTICALBAR(BORDER_THIN), symbol_width, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < t->cellpadding; i++)
+ Strcat_char(vruleb, ' ');
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < t->cellspacing; i++)
+ Strcat_char(vruleb, ' ');
+ }
+ for (r = 0; r <= t->maxrow; r++) {
+ for (h = 0; h < t->tabheight[r]; h++) {
+ renderbuf = Strnew();
+ if (t->border_mode == BORDER_THIN
+ || t->border_mode == BORDER_THICK)
+ Strcat(renderbuf, vrulea);
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ if (t->tridvalue[r] != NULL && h == 0) {
+ idtag = Sprintf("<_id id=\"%s\">",
+ html_quote((t->tridvalue[r])->ptr));
+ Strcat(renderbuf, idtag);
+ }
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) {
+ check_row(t, r);
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ if (t->tabidvalue[r][i] != NULL && h == 0) {
+ idtag = Sprintf("<_id id=\"%s\">",
+ html_quote((t->tabidvalue[r][i])->ptr));
+ Strcat(renderbuf, idtag);
+ }
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ if (!(t->tabattr[r][i] & HTT_X)) {
+ w = t->tabwidth[i];
+ for (j = i + 1;
+ j <= t->maxcol && (t->tabattr[r][j] & HTT_X); j++)
+ w += t->tabwidth[j] + t->cellspacing;
+ if (t->tabattr[r][i] & HTT_Y) {
+ for (j = r - 1; j >= 0 && t->tabattr[j]
+ && (t->tabattr[j][i] & HTT_Y); j--) ;
+ print_item(t, j, i, w, renderbuf);
+ }
+ else
+ print_item(t, r, i, w, renderbuf);
+ }
+ if (i < t->maxcol && !(t->tabattr[r][i + 1] & HTT_X))
+ Strcat(renderbuf, vruleb);
+ }
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ Strcat(renderbuf, vrulec);
+ t->total_height += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ push_render_image(renderbuf, width, t->total_width, h_env);
+ }
+ if (r < t->maxrow && t->border_mode != BORDER_NONE) {
+ renderbuf = Strnew();
+ print_sep(t, r, T_MIDDLE, t->maxcol, renderbuf);
+ push_render_image(renderbuf, width, t->total_width, h_env);
+ }
+ t->total_height += t->tabheight[r];
+ }
+ switch (t->border_mode) {
+ renderbuf = Strnew();
+ print_sep(t, t->maxrow, T_BOTTOM, t->maxcol, renderbuf);
+ push_render_image(renderbuf, width, t->total_width, h_env);
+ t->total_height += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (t->total_height == 0) {
+ renderbuf = Strnew(" ");
+ t->total_height++;
+ t->total_width = 1;
+ push_render_image(renderbuf, 1, t->total_width, h_env);
+ }
+ HTMLlineproc1("</pre>", h_env);
+#define THR_PADDING 2
+#define THR_PADDING 4
+struct table *
+begin_table(int border, int spacing, int padding, int vspace)
+ struct table *t;
+ int mincell = minimum_cellspacing(border);
+ int rcellspacing;
+ int mincell_pixels = round(mincell * pixel_per_char);
+ int ppc = round(pixel_per_char);
+ t = newTable();
+ t->row = t->col = -1;
+ t->maxcol = -1;
+ t->maxrow = -1;
+ t->border_mode = border;
+ t->flag = 0;
+ if (border == BORDER_NOWIN)
+ t->flag |= TBL_EXPAND_OK;
+ rcellspacing = spacing + 2 * padding;
+ switch (border) {
+ t->cellpadding = padding - (mincell_pixels - 4) / 2;
+ break;
+ t->cellpadding = rcellspacing - mincell_pixels;
+ }
+ if (t->cellpadding >= ppc)
+ t->cellpadding /= ppc;
+ else if (t->cellpadding > 0)
+ t->cellpadding = 1;
+ else
+ t->cellpadding = 0;
+ switch (border) {
+ t->cellspacing = 2 * t->cellpadding + mincell;
+ break;
+ t->cellspacing = t->cellpadding + mincell;
+ }
+ if (border == BORDER_NONE) {
+ if (rcellspacing / 2 + vspace <= 1)
+ t->vspace = 0;
+ else
+ t->vspace = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (vspace < ppc)
+ t->vspace = 0;
+ else
+ t->vspace = 1;
+ }
+ if (border == BORDER_NONE) {
+ if (rcellspacing <= THR_PADDING)
+ t->vcellpadding = 0;
+ else
+ t->vcellpadding = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (padding < 2 * ppc - 2)
+ t->vcellpadding = 0;
+ else
+ t->vcellpadding = 1;
+ }
+ return t;
+end_table(struct table *tbl)
+ struct table_cell *cell = &tbl->cell;
+ int i, rulewidth = table_rule_width(tbl);
+ if (rulewidth > 1) {
+ if (tbl->total_width > 0)
+ tbl->total_width = ceil_at_intervals(tbl->total_width, rulewidth);
+ for (i = 0; i <= tbl->maxcol; i++) {
+ tbl->minimum_width[i] =
+ ceil_at_intervals(tbl->minimum_width[i], rulewidth);
+ tbl->tabwidth[i] = ceil_at_intervals(tbl->tabwidth[i], rulewidth);
+ if (tbl->fixed_width[i] > 0)
+ tbl->fixed_width[i] =
+ ceil_at_intervals(tbl->fixed_width[i], rulewidth);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= cell->maxcell; i++) {
+ cell->minimum_width[i] =
+ ceil_at_intervals(cell->minimum_width[i], rulewidth);
+ cell->width[i] = ceil_at_intervals(cell->width[i], rulewidth);
+ if (cell->fixed_width[i] > 0)
+ cell->fixed_width[i] =
+ ceil_at_intervals(cell->fixed_width[i], rulewidth);
+ }
+ }
+ tbl->sloppy_width = fixed_table_width(tbl);
+ if (tbl->total_width > tbl->sloppy_width)
+ tbl->sloppy_width = tbl->total_width;
+static void
+check_minimum0(struct table *t, int min)
+ int i, w, ww;
+ struct table_cell *cell;
+ if (t->col < 0)
+ return;
+ if (t->tabwidth[t->col] < 0)
+ return;
+ check_row(t, t->row);
+ w = table_colspan(t, t->row, t->col);
+ min += t->indent;
+ if (w == 1)
+ ww = min;
+ else {
+ cell = &t->cell;
+ ww = 0;
+ if (cell->icell >= 0 && cell->minimum_width[cell->icell] < min)
+ cell->minimum_width[cell->icell] = min;
+ }
+ for (i = t->col;
+ i <= t->maxcol && (i == t->col || (t->tabattr[t->row][i] & HTT_X));
+ i++) {
+ if (t->minimum_width[i] < ww)
+ t->minimum_width[i] = ww;
+ }
+static int
+setwidth0(struct table *t, struct table_mode *mode)
+ int w;
+ int width = t->tabcontentssize;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ if (t->col < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (t->tabwidth[t->col] < 0)
+ return -1;
+ check_row(t, t->row);
+ if (t->linfo.prev_spaces > 0)
+ width -= t->linfo.prev_spaces;
+ w = table_colspan(t, t->row, t->col);
+ if (w == 1) {
+ if (t->tabwidth[t->col] < width)
+ t->tabwidth[t->col] = width;
+ }
+ else if (cell->icell >= 0) {
+ if (cell->width[cell->icell] < width)
+ cell->width[cell->icell] = width;
+ }
+ return width;
+static void
+setwidth(struct table *t, struct table_mode *mode)
+ int width = setwidth0(t, mode);
+ if (width < 0)
+ return;
+#ifdef NOWRAP
+ if (t->tabattr[t->row][t->col] & HTT_NOWRAP)
+ check_minimum0(t, width);
+#endif /* NOWRAP */
+ if (mode->pre_mode & (TBLM_NOBR | TBLM_PRE | TBLM_PRE_INT) &&
+ mode->nobr_offset >= 0)
+ check_minimum0(t, width - mode->nobr_offset);
+static void
+addcontentssize(struct table *t, int width)
+ if (t->col < 0)
+ return;
+ if (t->tabwidth[t->col] < 0)
+ return;
+ check_row(t, t->row);
+ t->tabcontentssize += width;
+static void table_close_anchor0(struct table *tbl, struct table_mode *mode);
+static void
+clearcontentssize(struct table *t, struct table_mode *mode)
+ table_close_anchor0(t, mode);
+ mode->nobr_offset = 0;
+ t->linfo.prev_spaces = -1;
+ set_space_to_prevchar(t->linfo.prevchar);
+ t->linfo.prev_ctype = PC_ASCII;
+ t->linfo.length = 0;
+ t->tabcontentssize = 0;
+static void
+begin_cell(struct table *t, struct table_mode *mode)
+ clearcontentssize(t, mode);
+ mode->indent_level = 0;
+ mode->nobr_level = 0;
+ mode->pre_mode = 0;
+ t->indent = 0;
+ t->flag |= TBL_IN_COL;
+ if (t->suspended_data) {
+ check_row(t, t->row);
+ if (t->tabdata[t->row][t->col] == NULL)
+ t->tabdata[t->row][t->col] = newGeneralList();
+ appendGeneralList(t->tabdata[t->row][t->col],
+ (GeneralList *)t->suspended_data);
+ t->suspended_data = NULL;
+ }
+check_rowcol(struct table *tbl, struct table_mode *mode)
+ int row = tbl->row, col = tbl->col;
+ if (!(tbl->flag & TBL_IN_ROW)) {
+ tbl->flag |= TBL_IN_ROW;
+ tbl->row++;
+ if (tbl->row > tbl->maxrow)
+ tbl->maxrow = tbl->row;
+ tbl->col = -1;
+ }
+ if (tbl->row == -1)
+ tbl->row = 0;
+ if (tbl->col == -1)
+ tbl->col = 0;
+ for (;; tbl->row++) {
+ check_row(tbl, tbl->row);
+ for (; tbl->col < MAXCOL &&
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col] & (HTT_X | HTT_Y); tbl->col++) ;
+ if (tbl->col < MAXCOL)
+ break;
+ tbl->col = 0;
+ }
+ if (tbl->row > tbl->maxrow)
+ tbl->maxrow = tbl->row;
+ if (tbl->col > tbl->maxcol)
+ tbl->maxcol = tbl->col;
+ if (tbl->row != row || tbl->col != col)
+ begin_cell(tbl, mode);
+ tbl->flag |= TBL_IN_COL;
+skip_space(struct table *t, char *line, struct table_linfo *linfo,
+ int checkminimum)
+ int skip = 0, s = linfo->prev_spaces;
+ Lineprop ctype, prev_ctype = linfo->prev_ctype;
+ Str prevchar = linfo->prevchar;
+ int w = linfo->length;
+ int min = 1;
+ if (*line == '<' && line[strlen(line) - 1] == '>') {
+ if (checkminimum)
+ check_minimum0(t, visible_length(line));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (*line) {
+ char *save = line, *c = line;
+ int ec, len, wlen, plen;
+ ctype = get_mctype(line);
+ len = get_mcwidth(line);
+ wlen = plen = get_mclen(line);
+ if (min < w)
+ min = w;
+ if (ctype == PC_ASCII && IS_SPACE(*c)) {
+ w = 0;
+ s++;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (*c == '&') {
+ ec = getescapechar(&line);
+ if (ec >= 0) {
+ c = conv_entity(ec);
+ ctype = get_mctype(c);
+ len = get_strwidth(c);
+ wlen = line - save;
+ plen = get_mclen(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevchar->length && is_boundary((unsigned char *)prevchar->ptr,
+ (unsigned char *)c)) {
+ w = len;
+ }
+ else {
+ w += len;
+ }
+ if (s > 0) {
+#ifdef USE_M17N
+ if (ctype == PC_KANJI1 && prev_ctype == PC_KANJI1)
+ skip += s;
+ else
+ skip += s - 1;
+ }
+ s = 0;
+ prev_ctype = ctype;
+ }
+ set_prevchar(prevchar, c, plen);
+ line = save + wlen;
+ }
+ if (s > 1) {
+ skip += s - 1;
+ linfo->prev_spaces = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ linfo->prev_spaces = s;
+ }
+ linfo->prev_ctype = prev_ctype;
+ linfo->prevchar = prevchar;
+ if (checkminimum) {
+ if (min < w)
+ min = w;
+ linfo->length = w;
+ check_minimum0(t, min);
+ }
+ return skip;
+static void
+feed_table_inline_tag(struct table *tbl,
+ char *line, struct table_mode *mode, int width)
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, line);
+ if (width >= 0) {
+ check_minimum0(tbl, width);
+ addcontentssize(tbl, width);
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ }
+static void
+feed_table_block_tag(struct table *tbl,
+ char *line, struct table_mode *mode, int indent, int cmd)
+ int offset;
+ if (mode->indent_level <= 0 && indent == -1)
+ return;
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, -1);
+ clearcontentssize(tbl, mode);
+ if (indent == 1) {
+ mode->indent_level++;
+ if (mode->indent_level <= MAX_INDENT_LEVEL)
+ tbl->indent += INDENT_INCR;
+ }
+ else if (indent == -1) {
+ mode->indent_level--;
+ if (mode->indent_level < MAX_INDENT_LEVEL)
+ tbl->indent -= INDENT_INCR;
+ }
+ offset = tbl->indent;
+ if (cmd == HTML_DT) {
+ if (mode->indent_level > 0 && mode->indent_level <= MAX_INDENT_LEVEL)
+ offset -= INDENT_INCR;
+ }
+ if (tbl->indent > 0) {
+ check_minimum0(tbl, 0);
+ addcontentssize(tbl, offset);
+ }
+static void
+table_close_select(struct table *tbl, struct table_mode *mode, int width)
+ Str tmp = process_n_select();
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_INSELECT;
+ mode->end_tag = 0;
+ feed_table1(tbl, tmp, mode, width);
+static void
+table_close_textarea(struct table *tbl, struct table_mode *mode, int width)
+ Str tmp = process_n_textarea();
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_INTXTA;
+ mode->end_tag = 0;
+ feed_table1(tbl, tmp, mode, width);
+static void
+table_close_anchor0(struct table *tbl, struct table_mode *mode)
+ if (!(mode->pre_mode & TBLM_ANCHOR))
+ return;
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_ANCHOR;
+ if (tbl->tabcontentssize == mode->anchor_offset) {
+ check_minimum0(tbl, 1);
+ addcontentssize(tbl, 1);
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ }
+ else if (tbl->linfo.prev_spaces > 0 &&
+ tbl->tabcontentssize - 1 == mode->anchor_offset) {
+ if (tbl->linfo.prev_spaces > 0)
+ tbl->linfo.prev_spaces = -1;
+ }
+#define TAG_ACTION_NONE 0
+#define TAG_ACTION_FEED 1
+#define CASE_TABLE_TAG \
+ case HTML_TABLE:\
+ case HTML_N_TABLE:\
+ case HTML_TR:\
+ case HTML_N_TR:\
+ case HTML_TD:\
+ case HTML_N_TD:\
+ case HTML_TH:\
+ case HTML_N_TH:\
+ case HTML_THEAD:\
+ case HTML_N_THEAD:\
+ case HTML_TBODY:\
+ case HTML_N_TBODY:\
+ case HTML_TFOOT:\
+ case HTML_N_TFOOT:\
+ case HTML_COL
+static int
+feed_table_tag(struct table *tbl, char *line, struct table_mode *mode,
+ int width, struct parsed_tag *tag)
+ int cmd;
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ char *p;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &tbl->cell;
+ int colspan, rowspan;
+ int col, prev_col;
+ int i, j, k, v, v0, w, id;
+ Str tok, tmp, anchor;
+ table_attr align, valign;
+ cmd = tag->tagid;
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PLAIN) {
+ if (mode->end_tag == cmd) {
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_PLAIN;
+ mode->end_tag = 0;
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, line, mode, 0, cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_INTXTA) {
+ if (mode->end_tag == cmd) {
+ table_close_textarea(tbl, mode, width);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_SCRIPT) {
+ if (mode->end_tag == cmd) {
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_SCRIPT;
+ mode->end_tag = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_STYLE) {
+ if (mode->end_tag == cmd) {
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_STYLE;
+ mode->end_tag = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* failsafe: a tag other than <option></option>and </select> in *
+ * <select> environment is regarded as the end of <select>. */
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_INSELECT) {
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case HTML_N_FORM:
+ case HTML_N_SELECT: /* mode->end_tag */
+ table_close_select(tbl, mode, width);
+ if (cmd == HTML_N_SELECT)
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode->caption) {
+ switch (cmd) {
+ mode->caption = 0;
+ if (cmd == HTML_N_CAPTION)
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PRE) {
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case HTML_NOBR:
+ case HTML_N_NOBR:
+ case HTML_PRE_INT:
+ case HTML_N_PRE_INT:
+ }
+ }
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case HTML_TABLE:
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ case HTML_N_TABLE:
+ if (tbl->suspended_data)
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ case HTML_TR:
+ if (tbl->col >= 0 && tbl->tabcontentssize > 0)
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ tbl->col = -1;
+ tbl->row++;
+ tbl->flag |= TBL_IN_ROW;
+ tbl->flag &= ~TBL_IN_COL;
+ align = 0;
+ valign = 0;
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALIGN, &i)) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case ALIGN_LEFT:
+ align = (HTT_LEFT | HTT_TRSET);
+ break;
+ align = (HTT_RIGHT | HTT_TRSET);
+ break;
+ align = (HTT_CENTER | HTT_TRSET);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VALIGN, &i)) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case VALIGN_TOP:
+ valign = (HTT_TOP | HTT_VTRSET);
+ break;
+ valign = (HTT_MIDDLE | HTT_VTRSET);
+ break;
+ valign = (HTT_BOTTOM | HTT_VTRSET);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ID, &p))
+ tbl->tridvalue[tbl->row] = Strnew_charp(p);
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+ tbl->trattr = align | valign;
+ break;
+ case HTML_TH:
+ case HTML_TD:
+ prev_col = tbl->col;
+ if (tbl->col >= 0 && tbl->tabcontentssize > 0)
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ if (tbl->row == -1) {
+ /* for broken HTML... */
+ tbl->row = -1;
+ tbl->col = -1;
+ tbl->maxrow = tbl->row;
+ }
+ if (tbl->col == -1) {
+ if (!(tbl->flag & TBL_IN_ROW)) {
+ tbl->row++;
+ tbl->flag |= TBL_IN_ROW;
+ }
+ if (tbl->row > tbl->maxrow)
+ tbl->maxrow = tbl->row;
+ }
+ tbl->col++;
+ check_row(tbl, tbl->row);
+ while (tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col]) {
+ tbl->col++;
+ }
+ if (tbl->col > MAXCOL - 1) {
+ tbl->col = prev_col;
+ }
+ if (tbl->col > tbl->maxcol) {
+ tbl->maxcol = tbl->col;
+ }
+ colspan = rowspan = 1;
+ if (tbl->trattr & HTT_TRSET)
+ align = (tbl->trattr & HTT_ALIGN);
+ else if (cmd == HTML_TH)
+ align = HTT_CENTER;
+ else
+ align = HTT_LEFT;
+ if (tbl->trattr & HTT_VTRSET)
+ valign = (tbl->trattr & HTT_VALIGN);
+ else
+ valign = HTT_MIDDLE;
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ROWSPAN, &rowspan)) {
+ if ((tbl->row + rowspan) >= tbl->max_rowsize)
+ check_row(tbl, tbl->row + rowspan);
+ }
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_COLSPAN, &colspan)) {
+ if ((tbl->col + colspan) >= MAXCOL) {
+ /* Can't expand column */
+ colspan = MAXCOL - tbl->col;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALIGN, &i)) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case ALIGN_LEFT:
+ align = HTT_LEFT;
+ break;
+ align = HTT_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ align = HTT_CENTER;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VALIGN, &i)) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case VALIGN_TOP:
+ valign = HTT_TOP;
+ break;
+ valign = HTT_MIDDLE;
+ break;
+ valign = HTT_BOTTOM;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef NOWRAP
+ if (parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_NOWRAP))
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col] |= HTT_NOWRAP;
+#endif /* NOWRAP */
+ v = 0;
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_WIDTH, &v)) {
+ if (v > 0) {
+ if (tbl->real_width > 0)
+ v = -(v * 100) / (tbl->real_width * pixel_per_char);
+ else
+ v = (int)(v / pixel_per_char);
+ }
+#endif /* not TABLE_EXPAND */
+ }
+#ifdef ID_EXT
+ if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ID, &p))
+ tbl->tabidvalue[tbl->row][tbl->col] = Strnew_charp(p);
+#endif /* ID_EXT */
+#ifdef NOWRAP
+ if (v != 0) {
+ /* NOWRAP and WIDTH= conflicts each other */
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col] &= ~HTT_NOWRAP;
+ }
+#endif /* NOWRAP */
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col] &= ~(HTT_ALIGN | HTT_VALIGN);
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col] |= (align | valign);
+ if (colspan > 1) {
+ col = tbl->col;
+ cell->icell = cell->maxcell + 1;
+ k = bsearch_2short(colspan, cell->colspan, col, cell->col, MAXCOL,
+ cell->index, cell->icell);
+ if (k <= cell->maxcell) {
+ i = cell->index[k];
+ if (cell->col[i] == col && cell->colspan[i] == colspan)
+ cell->icell = i;
+ }
+ if (cell->icell > cell->maxcell && cell->icell < MAXCELL) {
+ cell->maxcell++;
+ cell->col[cell->maxcell] = col;
+ cell->colspan[cell->maxcell] = colspan;
+ cell->width[cell->maxcell] = 0;
+ cell->minimum_width[cell->maxcell] = 0;
+ cell->fixed_width[cell->maxcell] = 0;
+ if (cell->maxcell > k) {
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = cell->maxcell; ii > k; ii--)
+ cell->index[ii] = cell->index[ii - 1];
+ }
+ cell->index[k] = cell->maxcell;
+ }
+ if (cell->icell > cell->maxcell)
+ cell->icell = -1;
+ }
+ if (v != 0) {
+ if (colspan == 1) {
+ v0 = tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col];
+ if (v0 == 0 || (v0 > 0 && v > v0) || (v0 < 0 && v < v0)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "width(%d) = %d\n", tbl->col, v);
+#endif /* TABLE_DEBUG */
+ tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cell->icell >= 0) {
+ v0 = cell->fixed_width[cell->icell];
+ if (v0 == 0 || (v0 > 0 && v > v0) || (v0 < 0 && v < v0))
+ cell->fixed_width[cell->icell] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < rowspan; i++) {
+ check_row(tbl, tbl->row + i);
+ for (j = 0; j < colspan; j++) {
+#if 0
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row + i][tbl->col + j] &= ~(HTT_X | HTT_Y);
+ if (!(tbl->tabattr[tbl->row + i][tbl->col + j] &
+ (HTT_X | HTT_Y))) {
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row + i][tbl->col + j] |=
+ ((i > 0) ? HTT_Y : 0) | ((j > 0) ? HTT_X : 0);
+ }
+ if (tbl->col + j > tbl->maxcol) {
+ tbl->maxcol = tbl->col + j;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tbl->row + i > tbl->maxrow) {
+ tbl->maxrow = tbl->row + i;
+ }
+ }
+ begin_cell(tbl, mode);
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_TR:
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ tbl->col = -1;
+ tbl->flag &= ~(TBL_IN_ROW | TBL_IN_COL);
+ case HTML_N_TH:
+ case HTML_N_TD:
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ tbl->flag &= ~TBL_IN_COL;
+ {
+ TextListItem *it;
+ int i = tbl->col, j = tbl->row;
+ fprintf(stderr, "(a) row,col: %d, %d\n", j, i);
+ if (tbl->tabdata[j] && tbl->tabdata[j][i]) {
+ for (it = ((TextList *)tbl->tabdata[j][i])->first;
+ it; it = it->next)
+ fprintf(stderr, " [%s] \n", it->ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ case HTML_P:
+ case HTML_BR:
+ case HTML_DIV:
+ case HTML_N_DIV:
+ if (!(tbl->flag & TBL_IN_ROW))
+ break;
+ case HTML_DT:
+ case HTML_DD:
+ case HTML_H:
+ case HTML_N_H:
+ case HTML_LI:
+ case HTML_PRE:
+ case HTML_N_PRE:
+ case HTML_HR:
+ case HTML_XMP:
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, line, mode, 0, cmd);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case HTML_PRE:
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_PRE;
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_PRE:
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_PRE;
+ break;
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_PLAIN;
+ mode->end_tag = HTML_N_LISTING;
+ break;
+ case HTML_XMP:
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_PLAIN;
+ mode->end_tag = HTML_N_XMP;
+ break;
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_PLAIN;
+ mode->end_tag = MAX_HTMLTAG;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HTML_DL:
+ case HTML_BLQ:
+ case HTML_OL:
+ case HTML_UL:
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, line, mode, 1, cmd);
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_DL:
+ case HTML_N_BLQ:
+ case HTML_N_OL:
+ case HTML_N_UL:
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, line, mode, -1, cmd);
+ break;
+ case HTML_NOBR:
+ case HTML_WBR:
+ if (!(tbl->flag & TBL_IN_ROW))
+ break;
+ case HTML_PRE_INT:
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, -1);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case HTML_NOBR:
+ mode->nobr_level++;
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_NOBR)
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_NOBR;
+ break;
+ case HTML_PRE_INT:
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PRE_INT)
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_PRE_INT;
+ tbl->linfo.prev_spaces = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ mode->nobr_offset = -1;
+ if (tbl->linfo.length > 0) {
+ check_minimum0(tbl, tbl->linfo.length);
+ tbl->linfo.length = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_NOBR:
+ if (!(tbl->flag & TBL_IN_ROW))
+ break;
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, -1);
+ if (mode->nobr_level > 0)
+ mode->nobr_level--;
+ if (mode->nobr_level == 0)
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_NOBR;
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_PRE_INT:
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, -1);
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_PRE_INT;
+ break;
+ case HTML_IMG:
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ w = tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col];
+ if (w < 0) {
+ if (tbl->total_width > 0)
+ w = -tbl->total_width * w / 100;
+ else if (width > 0)
+ w = -width * w / 100;
+ else
+ w = 0;
+ }
+ else if (w == 0) {
+ if (tbl->total_width > 0)
+ w = tbl->total_width;
+ else if (width > 0)
+ w = width;
+ }
+ tok = process_img(tag, w);
+ feed_table1(tbl, tok, mode, width);
+ break;
+ case HTML_FORM:
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, "", mode, 0, cmd);
+ tmp = process_form(tag);
+ if (tmp)
+ feed_table1(tbl, tmp, mode, width);
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_FORM:
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, "", mode, 0, cmd);
+ process_n_form();
+ break;
+ case HTML_INPUT:
+ tmp = process_input(tag);
+ feed_table1(tbl, tmp, mode, width);
+ break;
+ tmp = process_select(tag);
+ if (tmp)
+ feed_table1(tbl, tmp, mode, width);
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_INSELECT;
+ mode->end_tag = HTML_N_SELECT;
+ break;
+ /* nothing */
+ break;
+ w = 0;
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ if (tbl->col + 1 <= tbl->maxcol &&
+ tbl->tabattr[tbl->row][tbl->col + 1] & HTT_X) {
+ if (cell->icell >= 0 && cell->fixed_width[cell->icell] > 0)
+ w = cell->fixed_width[cell->icell];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col] > 0)
+ w = tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col];
+ }
+ tmp = process_textarea(tag, w);
+ if (tmp)
+ feed_table1(tbl, tmp, mode, width);
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_INTXTA;
+ mode->end_tag = HTML_N_TEXTAREA;
+ break;
+ case HTML_A:
+ table_close_anchor0(tbl, mode);
+ anchor = NULL;
+ i = 0;
+ parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &anchor);
+ parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HSEQ, &i);
+ if (anchor) {
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ Str tmp = process_anchor(tag, line);
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, tmp->ptr);
+ }
+ else
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, line);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_ANCHOR;
+ mode->anchor_offset = tbl->tabcontentssize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ suspend_or_pushdata(tbl, line);
+ break;
+ case HTML_DEL:
+ if (displayInsDel)
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, 5); /* [DEL: */
+ else
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_DEL;
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_DEL:
+ if (displayInsDel)
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, 5); /* :DEL] */
+ else
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_DEL;
+ break;
+ case HTML_S:
+ if (displayInsDel)
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, 3); /* [S: */
+ else
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_S;
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_S:
+ if (displayInsDel)
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, 3); /* :S] */
+ else
+ mode->pre_mode &= ~TBLM_S;
+ break;
+ case HTML_INS:
+ case HTML_N_INS:
+ if (displayInsDel)
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, 5); /* [INS:, :INS] */
+ break;
+ case HTML_SUP:
+ case HTML_SUB:
+ case HTML_N_SUB:
+ if (!(mode->pre_mode & (TBLM_DEL | TBLM_S)))
+ feed_table_inline_tag(tbl, line, mode, 1); /* ^, [, ] */
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_SUP:
+ break;
+ id = -1;
+ w = 0;
+ parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TID, &id);
+ if (id >= 0 && id < tbl->ntable) {
+ struct table *tbl1 = tbl->tables[id].ptr;
+ feed_table_block_tag(tbl, line, mode, 0, cmd);
+ addcontentssize(tbl, maximum_table_width(tbl1));
+ check_minimum0(tbl, tbl1->sloppy_width);
+ w = tbl1->total_width;
+ v = 0;
+ colspan = table_colspan(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col);
+ if (colspan > 1) {
+ if (cell->icell >= 0)
+ v = cell->fixed_width[cell->icell];
+ }
+ else
+ v = tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col];
+ if (v < 0 && tbl->real_width > 0 && tbl1->real_width > 0)
+ w = -(tbl1->real_width * 100) / tbl->real_width;
+ else
+ w = tbl1->real_width;
+ if (w > 0)
+ check_minimum0(tbl, w);
+ else if (w < 0 && v < w) {
+ if (colspan > 1) {
+ if (cell->icell >= 0)
+ cell->fixed_width[cell->icell] = w;
+ }
+ else
+ tbl->fixed_width[tbl->col] = w;
+ }
+ setwidth0(tbl, mode);
+ clearcontentssize(tbl, mode);
+ }
+ break;
+ mode->caption = 1;
+ break;
+ case HTML_THEAD:
+ case HTML_N_THEAD:
+ case HTML_TBODY:
+ case HTML_N_TBODY:
+ case HTML_TFOOT:
+ case HTML_N_TFOOT:
+ case HTML_COL:
+ break;
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_SCRIPT;
+ mode->end_tag = HTML_N_SCRIPT;
+ break;
+ case HTML_STYLE:
+ mode->pre_mode |= TBLM_STYLE;
+ mode->end_tag = HTML_N_STYLE;
+ break;
+ case HTML_N_A:
+ table_close_anchor0(tbl, mode);
+ case HTML_FONT:
+ case HTML_N_FONT:
+ case HTML_NOP:
+ suspend_or_pushdata(tbl, line);
+ break;
+ case HTML_IMG_ALT:
+ default:
+ /* unknown tag: put into table */
+ }
+feed_table(struct table *tbl, char *line, struct table_mode *mode,
+ int width, int internal)
+ int i;
+ char *p;
+ Str tmp;
+ struct table_linfo *linfo = &tbl->linfo;
+ if (*line == '<' && line[1] && REALLY_THE_BEGINNING_OF_A_TAG(line)) {
+ struct parsed_tag *tag;
+ p = line;
+ tag = parse_tag(&p, internal);
+ if (tag) {
+ switch (feed_table_tag(tbl, line, mode, width, tag)) {
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (parsedtag_need_reconstruct(tag))
+ line = parsedtag2str(tag)->ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!(mode->pre_mode & (TBLM_PLAIN | TBLM_INTXTA | TBLM_INSELECT |
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (mode->pre_mode & (TBLM_DEL | TBLM_S))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (mode->caption) {
+ Strcat_charp(tbl->caption, line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_SCRIPT)
+ return -1;
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_STYLE)
+ return -1;
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_INTXTA) {
+ feed_textarea(line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_INSELECT) {
+ feed_select(line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!(mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PLAIN) &&
+ !(*line == '<' && line[strlen(line) - 1] == '>') &&
+ strchr(line, '&') != NULL) {
+ tmp = Strnew();
+ for (p = line; *p;) {
+ char *q, *r;
+ if (*p == '&') {
+ if (!strncasecmp(p, "&amp;", 5) ||
+ !strncasecmp(p, "&gt;", 4) || !strncasecmp(p, "&lt;", 4)) {
+ /* do not convert */
+ Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
+ p++;
+ }
+ else {
+ int ec;
+ q = p;
+ switch (ec = getescapechar(&p)) {
+ case '<':
+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "&lt;");
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "&gt;");
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "&amp;");
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ Strcat_char(tmp, '\n');
+ break;
+ default:
+ r = conv_entity(ec);
+ if (r != NULL && strlen(r) == 1 &&
+ ec == (unsigned char)*r) {
+ Strcat_char(tmp, *r);
+ break;
+ }
+ case -1:
+ Strcat_char(tmp, *q);
+ p = q + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ line = tmp->ptr;
+ }
+ if (!(mode->pre_mode & (TBLM_SPECIAL & ~TBLM_NOBR))) {
+ if (!(tbl->flag & TBL_IN_COL) || linfo->prev_spaces != 0)
+ while (IS_SPACE(*line))
+ line++;
+ if (*line == '\0')
+ return -1;
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_NOBR && mode->nobr_offset < 0)
+ mode->nobr_offset = tbl->tabcontentssize;
+ /* count of number of spaces skipped in normal mode */
+ i = skip_space(tbl, line, linfo, !(mode->pre_mode & TBLM_NOBR));
+ addcontentssize(tbl, visible_length(line) - i);
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, line);
+ }
+ else if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PRE_INT) {
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ if (mode->nobr_offset < 0)
+ mode->nobr_offset = tbl->tabcontentssize;
+ addcontentssize(tbl, maximum_visible_length(line));
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, line);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* <pre> mode or something like it */
+ check_rowcol(tbl, mode);
+ while (*line) {
+ int nl = FALSE;
+ if ((p = strchr(line, '\r')) || (p = strchr(line, '\n'))) {
+ if (*p == '\r' && p[1] == '\n')
+ p++;
+ if (p[1]) {
+ p++;
+ tmp = Strnew_charp_n(line, p - line);
+ line = p;
+ p = tmp->ptr;
+ }
+ else {
+ p = line;
+ line = "";
+ }
+ nl = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ p = line;
+ line = "";
+ }
+ if (mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PLAIN)
+ i = maximum_visible_length_plain(p);
+ else
+ i = maximum_visible_length(p);
+ addcontentssize(tbl, i);
+ setwidth(tbl, mode);
+ if (nl)
+ clearcontentssize(tbl, mode);
+ pushdata(tbl, tbl->row, tbl->col, p);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+feed_table1(struct table *tbl, Str tok, struct table_mode *mode, int width)
+ Str tokbuf;
+ int status;
+ char *line;
+ if (!tok)
+ return;
+ tokbuf = Strnew();
+ status = R_ST_NORMAL;
+ line = tok->ptr;
+ while (read_token
+ (tokbuf, &line, &status, mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PREMODE, 0))
+ feed_table(tbl, tokbuf->ptr, mode, width, TRUE);
+pushTable(struct table *tbl, struct table *tbl1)
+ int col;
+ int row;
+ col = tbl->col;
+ row = tbl->row;
+ if (tbl->ntable >= tbl->tables_size) {
+ struct table_in *tmp;
+ tbl->tables_size += MAX_TABLE_N;
+ tmp = New_N(struct table_in, tbl->tables_size);
+ if (tbl->tables)
+ bcopy(tbl->tables, tmp, tbl->ntable * sizeof(struct table_in));
+ tbl->tables = tmp;
+ }
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].ptr = tbl1;
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].col = col;
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].row = row;
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].indent = tbl->indent;
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].buf = newTextLineList();
+ check_row(tbl, row);
+ if (col + 1 <= tbl->maxcol && tbl->tabattr[row][col + 1] & HTT_X)
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].cell = tbl->cell.icell;
+ else
+ tbl->tables[tbl->ntable].cell = -1;
+ tbl->ntable++;
+#ifdef MATRIX
+correct_table_matrix(struct table *t, int col, int cspan, int a, double b)
+ int i, j;
+ int ecol = col + cspan;
+ double w = 1. / (b * b);
+ for (i = col; i < ecol; i++) {
+ v_add_val(t->vector, i, w * a);
+ for (j = i; j < ecol; j++) {
+ m_add_val(t->matrix, i, j, w);
+ m_set_val(t->matrix, j, i, m_entry(t->matrix, i, j));
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+static void
+correct_table_matrix2(struct table *t, int col, int cspan, double s, double b)
+ int i, j;
+ int ecol = col + cspan;
+ int size = t->maxcol + 1;
+ double w = 1. / (b * b);
+ double ss;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ for (j = i; j < size; j++) {
+ if (i >= col && i < ecol && j >= col && j < ecol)
+ ss = (1. - s) * (1. - s);
+ else if ((i >= col && i < ecol) || (j >= col && j < ecol))
+ ss = -(1. - s) * s;
+ else
+ ss = s * s;
+ m_add_val(t->matrix, i, j, w * ss);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+correct_table_matrix3(struct table *t, int col, char *flags, double s,
+ double b)
+ int i, j;
+ double ss;
+ int size = t->maxcol + 1;
+ double w = 1. / (b * b);
+ int flg = (flags[col] == 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (!((flg && flags[i] == 0) || (!flg && flags[i] != 0)))
+ continue;
+ for (j = i; j < size; j++) {
+ if (!((flg && flags[j] == 0) || (!flg && flags[j] != 0)))
+ continue;
+ if (i == col && j == col)
+ ss = (1. - s) * (1. - s);
+ else if (i == col || j == col)
+ ss = -(1. - s) * s;
+ else
+ ss = s * s;
+ m_add_val(t->matrix, i, j, w * ss);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+correct_table_matrix4(struct table *t, int col, int cspan, char *flags,
+ double s, double b)
+ int i, j;
+ double ss;
+ int ecol = col + cspan;
+ int size = t->maxcol + 1;
+ double w = 1. / (b * b);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (flags[i] && !(i >= col && i < ecol))
+ continue;
+ for (j = i; j < size; j++) {
+ if (flags[j] && !(j >= col && j < ecol))
+ continue;
+ if (i >= col && i < ecol && j >= col && j < ecol)
+ ss = (1. - s) * (1. - s);
+ else if ((i >= col && i < ecol) || (j >= col && j < ecol))
+ ss = -(1. - s) * s;
+ else
+ ss = s * s;
+ m_add_val(t->matrix, i, j, w * ss);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+set_table_matrix0(struct table *t, int maxwidth)
+ int size = t->maxcol + 1;
+ int i, j, k, bcol, ecol;
+ int width;
+ double w0, w1, w, s, b;
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ double we[size];
+ char expand[size];
+#else /* not __GNUC__ */
+ double we[MAXCOL];
+ char expand[MAXCOL];
+#endif /* not __GNUC__ */
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ w0 = 0.;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ we[i] = weight(t->tabwidth[i]);
+ w0 += we[i];
+ }
+ if (w0 <= 0.)
+ w0 = 1.;
+ if (cell->necell == 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ s = we[i] / w0;
+ b = sigma_td_nw((int)(s * maxwidth));
+ correct_table_matrix2(t, i, 1, s, b);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ bzero(expand, size);
+ for (k = 0; k < cell->necell; k++) {
+ j = cell->eindex[k];
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ ecol = bcol + cell->colspan[j];
+ width = cell->width[j] - (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ w1 = 0.;
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ w1 += t->tabwidth[i] + 0.1;
+ expand[i]++;
+ }
+ for (i = bcol; i < ecol; i++) {
+ w = weight(width * (t->tabwidth[i] + 0.1) / w1);
+ if (w > we[i])
+ we[i] = w;
+ }
+ }
+ w0 = 0.;
+ w1 = 0.;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ w0 += we[i];
+ if (expand[i] == 0)
+ w1 += we[i];
+ }
+ if (w0 <= 0.)
+ w0 = 1.;
+ for (k = 0; k < cell->necell; k++) {
+ j = cell->eindex[k];
+ bcol = cell->col[j];
+ width = cell->width[j] - (cell->colspan[j] - 1) * t->cellspacing;
+ w = weight(width);
+ s = w / (w1 + w);
+ b = sigma_td_nw((int)(s * maxwidth));
+ correct_table_matrix4(t, bcol, cell->colspan[j], expand, s, b);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (expand[i] == 0) {
+ s = we[i] / max(w1, 1.);
+ b = sigma_td_nw((int)(s * maxwidth));
+ }
+ else {
+ s = we[i] / max(w0 - w1, 1.);
+ b = sigma_td_nw(maxwidth);
+ }
+ correct_table_matrix3(t, i, expand, s, b);
+ }
+check_relative_width(struct table *t, int maxwidth)
+ int i;
+ double rel_total = 0;
+ int size = t->maxcol + 1;
+ double *rcolwidth = New_N(double, size);
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ int n_leftcol = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ rcolwidth[i] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (t->fixed_width[i] < 0)
+ rcolwidth[i] = -(double)t->fixed_width[i] / 100.0;
+ else if (t->fixed_width[i] > 0)
+ rcolwidth[i] = (double)t->fixed_width[i] / maxwidth;
+ else
+ n_leftcol++;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= cell->maxcell; i++) {
+ if (cell->fixed_width[i] < 0) {
+ double w = -(double)cell->fixed_width[i] / 100.0;
+ double r;
+ int j, k;
+ int n_leftcell = 0;
+ k = cell->col[i];
+ r = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < cell->colspan[i]; j++) {
+ if (rcolwidth[j + k] > 0)
+ r += rcolwidth[j + k];
+ else
+ n_leftcell++;
+ }
+ if (n_leftcell == 0) {
+ /* w must be identical to r */
+ if (w != r)
+ cell->fixed_width[i] = -100 * r;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (w <= r) {
+ /* make room for the left(width-unspecified) cell */
+ /* the next formula is an estimation of required width */
+ w = r * cell->colspan[i] / (cell->colspan[i] - n_leftcell);
+ cell->fixed_width[i] = -100 * w;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < cell->colspan[i]; j++) {
+ if (rcolwidth[j + k] == 0)
+ rcolwidth[j + k] = (w - r) / n_leftcell;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cell->fixed_width[i] > 0) {
+ /* todo */
+ }
+ }
+ /* sanity check */
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ rel_total += rcolwidth[i];
+ if ((n_leftcol == 0 && rel_total < 0.9) || 1.1 < rel_total) {
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ rcolwidth[i] /= rel_total;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (t->fixed_width[i] < 0)
+ t->fixed_width[i] = -rcolwidth[i] * 100;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= cell->maxcell; i++) {
+ if (cell->fixed_width[i] < 0) {
+ double r;
+ int j, k;
+ k = cell->col[i];
+ r = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < cell->colspan[i]; j++)
+ r += rcolwidth[j + k];
+ cell->fixed_width[i] = -r * 100;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+set_table_matrix(struct table *t, int width)
+ int size = t->maxcol + 1;
+ int i, j;
+ double b, s;
+ int a;
+ struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell;
+ if (size < 1)
+ return;
+ t->matrix = m_get(size, size);
+ t->vector = v_get(size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ for (j = i; j < size; j++)
+ m_set_val(t->matrix, i, j, 0.);
+ v_set_val(t->vector, i, 0.);
+ }
+ check_relative_width(t, width);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (t->fixed_width[i] > 0) {
+ a = max(t->fixed_width[i], t->minimum_width[i]);
+ b = sigma_td(a);
+ correct_table_matrix(t, i, 1, a, b);
+ }
+ else if (t->fixed_width[i] < 0) {
+ s = -(double)t->fixed_width[i] / 100.;
+ b = sigma_td((int)(s * width));
+ correct_table_matrix2(t, i, 1, s, b);
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j <= cell->maxcell; j++) {
+ if (cell->fixed_width[j] > 0) {
+ a = max(cell->fixed_width[j], cell->minimum_width[j]);
+ b = sigma_td(a);
+ correct_table_matrix(t, cell->col[j], cell->colspan[j], a, b);
+ }
+ else if (cell->fixed_width[j] < 0) {
+ s = -(double)cell->fixed_width[j] / 100.;
+ b = sigma_td((int)(s * width));
+ correct_table_matrix2(t, cell->col[j], cell->colspan[j], s, b);
+ }
+ }
+ set_table_matrix0(t, width);
+ if (t->total_width > 0) {
+ b = sigma_table(width);
+ }
+ else {
+ b = sigma_table_nw(width);
+ }
+ correct_table_matrix(t, 0, size, width, b);
+#endif /* MATRIX */
+/* Local Variables: */
+/* c-basic-offset: 4 */
+/* tab-width: 8 */
+/* End: */