diff options
-rw-r--r--upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre+.diff.gzbin10937 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23.patch.gzbin160008 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre.tar.gzbin736325 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--upstream/w3m-0.3.tar.gzbin0 -> 1061297 bytes
-rw-r--r--upstream/w3m-0111-utf8-kokb23.patch.gzbin244522 -> 0 bytes
38 files changed, 1068 insertions, 2434 deletions
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index f2b782e..fd38762 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
w3m for DEBIAN
+If you want to w3m with lynx-style keybinding,
+copy /usr/share/doc/w3m/examples/keymap.lynx to ~/.w3m/keymap
Difference between pure w3m and Debian package:
* -s option means squeeze multiple blank lines in order to work
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian.w3m-img b/debian/README.Debian.w3m-img
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9961525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.Debian.w3m-img
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+w3m-img for DEBIAN
+Please check w3m package about configuration for w3m-img.
+Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>, Wed Apr 10 23:59:21 2002
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 49b6e00..af24327 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,13 +1,321 @@
-w3m (0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb23-4) stable; urgency=high
+w3m (0.3-2.4) stable-security; urgency=high
- * [SECURITY FIX] backport fix of mime header buffer overflow
- SNS Advisory No.32
- w3m malformed MIME header Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- http://www.lac.co.jp/security/snsadv/32.html (Japanese)
- * dont install w3m.el in emacs dir because it wont work well.
- closes: Bug#96385
+ * Non-maintainer upload by the security team
+ * Rebuilt for security.debian.org
- -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:15:03 +0900
+ -- Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org> Wed, 29 Jan 2003 19:38:40 +0100
+w3m (0.3-2.3) stable; urgency=high
+ * security fix upload to stable
+ - fix the code to allow internal tags from remote html pages
+ that would make it possible for remote attacker to get local information
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for img alt attribute
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for frame contents
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 26 Dec 2002 15:37:17 +0000
+w3m (0.3-2.2) stable-security; urgency=high
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for img alt attribute
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 5 Dec 2002 17:32:38 +0000
+w3m (0.3-2.1) stable-security; urgency=high
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for frame contents
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 27 Nov 2002 06:54:26 +0000
+w3m (0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add man-db to suggests:
+ add w3mman.1, closes: Bug#138101
+ * add w3m-img/README.Debian, closes: Bug#142123
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:54:38 +0900
+w3m (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream release
+ * w3m-img merged. closes: Bug#106841
+ * recognize file:/uris, closes: Bug#132934
+ * fix http auth login information upon reload, closes: Bug#134350
+ * if mailer set, it will be used instead of w3mmail. closes: Bug#134419
+ * change default of password for anon ftp in w3mconfig, closes: Bug#133868
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 6 Mar 2002 02:34:21 +0900
+w3m ( unstable; urgency=low
+ * new stable upstream release
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 5 Feb 2002 02:04:35 +0900
+w3m (0.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream release
+ * debian/w3mconfig:
+ - add: default_url 1
+ - fix: mailcap, mime_types: use ~/.w3m/ instead of ~/.
+ - add: urimethodmap ~/.w3m//urimethodmap, /etc/w3m/urimethodmap
+ - add: migemo_command, use_migemo
+ * debian/mailcap: add for application/xhtml+xml
+ * check WWW-Authenticate: correctory, closes: Bug#82765
+ * debian/control: add suggests: migemo
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 1 Feb 2002 01:06:50 +0900
+w3m (0.2.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/04-configure-ipv6-enabled:
+ force enabled IPv6 support even if build machine doesn't have IPv6 support
+ * debian/config.param: add use_ipv6=y
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 17 Jan 2002 02:14:32 +0900
+w3m (0.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * new upstream version
+ - RFC2818 server identity check (for w3m-ssl)
+ - incremental search (C-s, C-r)
+ * dont ignore SIGWINCH while downloading, closes: Bug#102445
+ * default image viewer is display, closes: Bug#127883
+ but i highly recommend you install mime-support package
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 8 Jan 2002 00:27:31 +0900
+w3m ( unstable; urgency=high
+ * new upstream version
+ * security fix in support scripts
+ - Hironori Sakamoto found some vulnerabilities in w3m support scripts,
+ such as multipart.cgi, w3mman2html.cgi and w3mhelp.cgi. Attacker
+ could run arbitrary commands on user's machine with user's priviledge
+ by using malicious html pages.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 22 Dec 2001 22:25:11 +0900
+w3m (0.2.3-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 20 Dec 2001 15:01:22 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2+20011209-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix xterm resize problem, closes: Bug#123938
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 16 Dec 2001 03:15:39 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2+20011209-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Mon, 10 Dec 2001 01:05:57 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2+20011130-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * mime.types should be /etc/mime.types
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 5 Dec 2001 03:03:07 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2+20011130-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * config.param was ignored on other hosts. closes: Bug#122213
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:01:54 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2+20011130-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * dont create /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/, closes: Bug#122043
+ * kanji_symbols should be off when lang is not JA, closes: Bug#122046
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 2 Dec 2001 17:32:32 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2+20011130-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * w3m cvs current release
+ * debian/control: URL update
+ * &#60; and &#62; inside table render incorrectly fixed, closes: Bug#93981
+ * VIEW_IMAGE does nothing for <input type=image> fixed, closes: Bug#81554
+ * Goto URL behaves incorrectly and U would accept URL without leading http://
+ already fixed, `retry_http 1', closes: Bug#81775
+ * new configure: closes: Bug#99086, Bug#117631, Bug#117633
+ * w3m.sh: simplified, use option `argv_is_url 1'
+ * /etc/w3m/w3mconfig, closes: Bug#57158, Bug#109288
+ * fails searches at http://www.classifieds200.com that lynx handles
+ unreproducible, closes: Bug#54650
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 1 Dec 2001 03:39:40 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/06-w3m-dev-02503: (backport from w3m-cvs)
+ accept invalid entity usage in URL, closes: Bug#120540
+ * rebuild with new libgpmg1-dev 1.19.6-1
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 23 Nov 2001 02:30:14 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/05-gpm-close: (backport from w3m-cvs)
+ fix trashes terminal on exit
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 20 Nov 2001 12:10:18 +0900
+w3m (0.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/copyright: w3m is now maintained on sourceforge
+ * new upstream version 0.2.2
+ * debian/patches/04-cvs-20011116:
+ - fix mouse supports closes: Bug#119707
+ - check NULL in search.c closes: Bug#105791
+ - mark anchor on mailto: cloess: Bug#85900
+ mark anchor on bare email address patch was rejected.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 16 Nov 2001 17:23:44 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-17) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.6 (cummulative patch)
+ http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inu/200110/w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.6.tar.gz
+ better URL parser, closes: Bug#92470
+ already fixed? textare maxlength attr, closes: Bug#81557
+ * debian/menu: add hints
+ closes: Bug#80037
+ * debian/rules (binary-arch): remove CVS directory usr/share/doc/w3m/ja/CVS
+ closes: Bug#102980
+ * debian/rules (build): LC_ALL=C for make
+ closes: Bug#118809,Bug#118810
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 14 Nov 2001 02:51:36 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-16) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.5 (cummulative patch)
+ http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inu/200110/w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.5.tar.gz
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 6 Nov 2001 04:51:06 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-15) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4 (cummulative patch)
+ http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inusrc/200109/w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4.tar.gz
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 30 Oct 2001 02:47:20 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-14) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 02227] w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4a2-0915.patch
+ cummulative patch
+ * accept: video/*, closes: Bug#112419
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Mon, 17 Sep 2001 01:45:32 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-13) unstable; urgency=high
+ * [w3m-dev 02226] fix security hole to allow arbitrary comand can be executed
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:51:26 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-12) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 02219] fix strange behavior of radio button form
+ * [w3m-dev 02221] -cookie enable accept_cookie as well
+ * [w3m-dev 02224] fix Shift_JIS URL handling
+ * [w3m-dev 02225] Auto-detection of charset is not used when `-I' option is used.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 11 Sep 2001 02:48:51 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4a2-0909.patch (cummulative patch)
+ from [w3m-dev 02213]
+ * add zlib1g-dev to build-depends, since inflate subprogram requires -lz
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Mon, 10 Sep 2001 02:13:20 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix mailcap quoting
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:55:18 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4a2-gc60.tar.gz
+ from http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inusrc/200108/
+ * install english manpages, closes: Bug#110033, Bug#110507
+ * build with libgc6
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 30 Aug 2001 06:22:30 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * re-enable mouse support on rxvt. closes: Bug#109184
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 19 Aug 2001 17:51:17 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix segfault when back to form page
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 7 Aug 2001 00:31:33 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix mailcap quoting
+ closes: Bug#107103
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:44:38 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 02122] inu.1.3 patch (cummulative patch)
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 28 Jul 2001 02:40:05 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=high
+ * [w3m-dev 02066] fix buffer overrun in mime header decoder
+ possibly security fix.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 20 Jun 2001 01:37:57 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 01903] new patch for ftp problem (Bug#92261)
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 10 Apr 2001 00:55:14 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 01902] fix onA() when search
+ * [w3m-dev 01898] eliminate limit for <select> and <textarea>
+ * [w3m-dev-en 00424] support broken html containing wrong <script> tag
+ * [w3m-dev 01894] fix for term op != me
+ * [w3m-dev 01891] fix ftp problem (for wu-ftpd?) (Bug#92261)
+ * apply patch: w3m-0.2.1-mnc.patch for better w3m-el support
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 7 Apr 2001 01:34:19 +0900
+w3m (0.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:39:00 +0900
+w3m (0.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream release
+ * separate w3m.el
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 22 Mar 2001 18:42:27 +0900
w3m (0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb23-3) unstable; urgency=low
@@ -807,7 +1115,4 @@ w3m (0.0.19990309-1) unstable; urgency=low
-- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 9 Mar 1999 19:08:08 +0900
-Local variables:
-mode: debian-changelog
-add-log-mailing-address: "ukai@debian.or.jp"
diff --git a/debian/changelog-ssl b/debian/changelog-ssl
index 4085e0c..9d9a148 100644
--- a/debian/changelog-ssl
+++ b/debian/changelog-ssl
@@ -1,11 +1,328 @@
-w3m-ssl (0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb23-4) stable; urgency=high
+w3m-ssl (0.3-2.4) stable-security; urgency=high
- * [SECURITY FIX] backport fix of mime header buffer overflow
- SNS Advisory No.32
- w3m malformed MIME header Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- http://www.lac.co.jp/security/snsadv/32.html (Japanese)
+ * Non-maintainer upload by the security team
+ * Rebuilt for security.debian.org
- -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:15:03 +0900
+ -- Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org> Wed, 29 Jan 2003 19:38:40 +0100
+w3m-ssl (0.3-2.3) stable; urgency=high
+ * security fix upload to stable
+ - fix the code to allow internal tags from remote html pages
+ that would make it possible for remote attacker to get local information
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for img alt attribute
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for frame contents
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 26 Dec 2002 15:37:17 +0000
+w3m-ssl (0.3-2.2) stable-security; urgency=high
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for img alt attribute
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 5 Dec 2002 17:32:38 +0000
+w3m-ssl (0.3-2.1) stable-security; urgency=high
+ * Backport security fixes from w3m- for the following issues
+ - html_quote for frame contents
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 27 Nov 2002 06:54:26 +0000
+w3m (0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add w3mman.1, closes: Bug#138101
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:54:38 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.3-1cia) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Moved from non-US to main now that openssl has moved there.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 24 Mar 2002 03:27:05 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream release
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 6 Mar 2002 02:34:21 +0900
+w3m-ssl ( unstable; urgency=low
+ * new stable upstream release
+ * fix -dump https problem, closes: Bug#132043
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 5 Feb 2002 02:04:35 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream release
+ * debian/w3mconfig:
+ - add: default_url 1
+ - fix: mailcap, mime_types: use ~/.w3m/ instead of ~/.
+ - add: urimethodmap ~/.w3m//urimethodmap, /etc/w3m/urimethodmap
+ - add: migemo_command, use_migemo
+ * debian/mailcap: add for application/xhtml+xml
+ * check WWW-Authenticate: correctory, closes: Bug#82765
+ * debian/control: add suggests: migemo
+ * retry_http accept URL without leading http:// in GOTO, closes: Bug#114984
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 1 Feb 2002 01:06:50 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/04-configure-ipv6-enabled:
+ force enabled IPv6 support even if build machine doesn't have IPv6 support
+ * debian/config.param: add use_ipv6=y
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 17 Jan 2002 02:14:32 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * new upstream version
+ - RFC2818 server identity check (for w3m-ssl)
+ - incremental search (C-s, C-r)
+ * add recommends: ca-certificate for https
+ * check port for password auth, closes: Bug#126381
+ * dont ignore SIGWINCH while downloading, closes: Bug#102445
+ * default image viewer is display, closes: Bug#127883
+ but i highly recommend you install mime-support package
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 8 Jan 2002 00:27:31 +0900
+w3m-ssl ( unstable; urgency=high
+ * new upstream version
+ * security fix in support scripts
+ - Hironori Sakamoto found some vulnerabilities in w3m support scripts,
+ such as multipart.cgi, w3mman2html.cgi and w3mhelp.cgi. Attacker
+ could run arbitrary commands on user's machine with user's priviledge
+ by using malicious html pages.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 22 Dec 2001 22:25:11 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.3-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 20 Dec 2001 15:01:22 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2+20011209-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix xterm resize problem, closes: Bug#123938
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 16 Dec 2001 03:15:39 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2+20011209-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Mon, 10 Dec 2001 01:05:57 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2+20011130-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * mime.types should be /etc/mime.types
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 5 Dec 2001 03:03:07 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2+20011130-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * config.param was ignored on other hosts. closes: Bug#122213
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:01:54 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2+20011130-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * dont create /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/, closes: Bug#122043
+ * kanji_symbols should be off when lang is not JA, closes: Bug#122046
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 2 Dec 2001 17:32:32 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2+20011130-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * w3m cvs current release
+ * debian/control: URL update
+ * &#60; and &#62; inside table render incorrectly fixed, closes: Bug#93981
+ * VIEW_IMAGE does nothing for <input type=image> fixed, closes: Bug#81554
+ * Goto URL behaves incorrectly and U would accept URL without leading http://
+ already fixed, `retry_http 1', closes: Bug#81775
+ * new configure: closes: Bug#99086, Bug#117631, Bug#117633
+ * w3m.sh: simplified, use option `argv_is_url 1'
+ * /etc/w3m/w3mconfig, closes: Bug#57158, Bug#109288
+ * fails searches at http://www.classifieds200.com that lynx handles
+ unreproducible, closes: Bug#54650
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 1 Dec 2001 03:39:40 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/06-w3m-dev-02503: (backport from w3m-cvs)
+ accept invalid entity usage in URL, closes: Bug#120540
+ * rebuild with new libgpmg1-dev 1.19.6-1
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 23 Nov 2001 02:15:50 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/05-gpm-close: (backport from w3m-cvs)
+ fix trashes terminal on exit, closes: Bug#120221
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 20 Nov 2001 12:10:18 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/copyright: w3m is now maintained on sourceforge
+ * new upstream version 0.2.2
+ * url.c (openSSLHandle): remove atexit() already, closes: Bug#98087
+ * debian/patches/04-cvs-20011116:
+ - fix mouse supports closes: Bug#119707
+ - check NULL in search.c closes: Bug#105791
+ - mark anchor on mailto: cloess: Bug#85900
+ mark anchor on bare email address patch was rejected.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 16 Nov 2001 17:23:44 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-17) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.6 (cummulative patch)
+ http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inu/200110/w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.6.tar.gz
+ better URL parser, closes: Bug#92470
+ already fixed? textare maxlength attr, closes: Bug#81557
+ * debian/menu: add hints
+ closes: Bug#80037
+ * debian/rules (binary-arch): remove CVS directory usr/share/doc/w3m/ja/CVS
+ closes: Bug#102980
+ * debian/rules (build): LC_ALL=C for make
+ closes: Bug#118809,Bug#118810
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 14 Nov 2001 02:51:36 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-16) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.5 (cummulative patch)
+ http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inu/200110/w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.5.tar.gz
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 6 Nov 2001 04:51:06 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-15) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4 (cummulative patch)
+ http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inusrc/200109/w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4.tar.gz
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 30 Oct 2001 02:47:20 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-14) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 02227] w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4a2-0915.patch
+ cummulative patch
+ * accept: video/*, closes: Bug#112419
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Mon, 17 Sep 2001 01:45:32 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-13) unstable; urgency=high
+ * [w3m-dev 02226] fix security hole to allow arbitrary comand can be executed
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:51:26 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-12) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 02219] fix strange behavior of radio button form
+ * [w3m-dev 02221] -cookie enable accept_cookie as well
+ * [w3m-dev 02224] fix Shift_JIS URL handling
+ * [w3m-dev 02225] Auto-detection of charset is not used when `-I' option is used.
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 11 Sep 2001 02:48:51 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4a2-0909.patch (cummulative patch)
+ from [w3m-dev 02213]
+ * add zlib1g-dev to build-depends, since inflate subprogram requires -lz
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Mon, 10 Sep 2001 02:13:20 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix mailcap quoting
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:55:18 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * apply w3m-0.2.1-inu-1.4a2-gc60.tar.gz
+ from http://mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp/~satodai/w3m/inusrc/200108/
+ * install english manpages, closes: Bug#110033, Bug#110507
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 30 Aug 2001 06:22:30 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * re-enable mouse support on rxvt. closes: Bug#109184
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sun, 19 Aug 2001 17:51:17 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix segfault when back to form page
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 7 Aug 2001 00:31:33 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix mailcap quoting
+ closes: Bug#107103
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:44:38 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [w3m-dev 02122] inu.1.3 patch (cummulative patch)
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 28 Jul 2001 02:40:05 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=high
+ * [w3m-dev 02066] fix buffer overrun in mime header decoder
+ possibly security fix.
+ * change dependency recommends -> suggests
+ closes: Bug#101057
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Wed, 20 Jun 2001 01:37:57 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix dangling symlinks, closes: Bug#100733
+ * [w3m-dev 01903] new patch for ftp problem (Bug#92261)
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 10 Apr 2001 00:55:14 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * (debian/control) build-depends libssl-dev
+ * [w3m-dev 01902] fix onA() when search
+ * [w3m-dev 01898] eliminate limit for <select> and <textarea>
+ * [w3m-dev-en 00424] support broken html containing wrong <script> tag
+ * [w3m-dev 01894] fix for term op != me
+ * [w3m-dev 01891] fix ftp problem (for wu-ftpd?) (Bug#92261)
+ * apply patch: w3m-0.2.1-mnc.patch for better w3m-el support
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Sat, 7 Apr 2001 01:34:19 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:39:00 +0900
+w3m-ssl (0.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream release
+ * separate w3m.el
+ -- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Thu, 22 Mar 2001 18:42:27 +0900
w3m-ssl (0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb23-3) unstable; urgency=low
@@ -803,8 +1120,3 @@ w3m (0.0.19990309-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.
-- Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> Tue, 9 Mar 1999 19:08:08 +0900
-Local variables:
-mode: debian-changelog
-add-log-mailing-address: "ukai@debian.or.jp"
diff --git a/debian/config.h-en b/debian/config.h-en
deleted file mode 100644
index b947097..0000000
--- a/debian/config.h-en
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * Configuration for w3m
- */
-#ifndef _CONFIGURED_
-#define _CONFIGURED_
-/* User Configuration */
- If you define DICT, you can use dictionary look-up function
- in w3m. See README.dict for detail.
-#define DICT
- If you define USE_MARK, you can use set-mark (C-SPC),
- goto-next-mark (ESC p), goto-next-mark (ESC n) and
- mark-by-regexp (").
-#define USE_MARK
- If you want to use IPv6, define this symbol.
- */
-#define INET6
- If you want to load and save URL history.
- */
-#define USE_HISTORY
- BG_COLOR enables w3m to set background color.
- */
-#define BG_COLOR
- VIEW_UNSEENOBJECTS enables w3m to make a link to unseen objects.
- e.g. background image.
- */
- VI_PREC_NUM enables vi-like behavior for '2 SPC' or '2 b'
- */
-#define VI_PREC_NUM
- * Do word fill
- */
- * Support Gopher protocol
- */
-#define USE_GOPHER
- * Support NNTP
- */
-#define USE_NNTP
-#ifdef makefile_parameter
-BIN_DIR = /usr/bin
-LIB_DIR = /usr/lib/w3m
-HELP_DIR = /usr/share/w3m
-HELP_FILE = w3mhelp-w3m_en.html
-SYS_LIBRARIES = -lnsl -lncurses -lgpm
-CC = gcc
-MYCFLAGS = -Wall -g -I/usr/include/gc -DDEBIAN
-KEYBIND_SRC = keybind.c
-KEYBIND_OBJ = keybind.o
-MKDIR=mkdir -p
-#define DISPLAY_CODE 'E'
-#define JA 0
-#define EN 1
-#define LANG EN
-#define COLOR
-#define MOUSE
-#define USE_GPM
-#define MENU
-#define USE_COOKIE
-#undef USE_SSL
-#define DEF_EDITOR "sensible-editor"
-#define DEF_MAILER "mailx"
-#define DEF_EXT_BROWSER "lynx"
-#define LIB_DIR "/usr/lib/w3m"
-#define HELP_DIR "/usr/share/w3m"
-#define HELP_FILE "w3mhelp-w3m_en.html"
-#define W3MCONFIG "w3mconfig"
-#define RC_DIR "~/.w3m/"
-#define BOOKMARK "bookmark.html"
-#define CONFIG_FILE "config"
-#define KEYMAP_FILE "keymap"
-#define MENU_FILE "menu"
-#define COOKIE_FILE "cookie"
-#define HISTORY_FILE "history"
-#define USER_MAILCAP "~/.mailcap"
-#define SYS_MAILCAP "/etc/mailcap"
-#define USER_MIMETYPES "~/.mime.types"
-#define SYS_MIMETYPES "/etc/mime.types"
-#define DEF_SAVE_FILE "index.html"
-#define TERMIOS
-#define DIRENT
-#define STRCHR
-#define STRERROR
-#define SYS_ERRLIST
-#undef NOBCOPY
-#define GETCWD
-#define GETWD
-#define READLINK
-#define HAVE_SETENV
-#define HAVE_PUTENV
-#define READLINK
-#define SETJMP(env) sigsetjmp(env,1)
-#define LONGJMP(env,val) siglongjmp(env,val)
-#define JMP_BUF sigjmp_buf
-typedef void MySignalHandler;
-#define SIGNAL_ARG int _dummy
-#define SIGNAL_RETURN return
-#define NOWRAP 1
-#define NEW_FORM 1
-#define MATRIX 1
-#undef NO_FLOAT_H
-#endif /* makefile_parameter */
-#endif /* _CONFIGURED_ */
diff --git a/debian/config.h-ja b/debian/config.h-ja
deleted file mode 100644
index 97274bc..0000000
--- a/debian/config.h-ja
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * Configuration for w3m
- */
-#ifndef _CONFIGURED_
-#define _CONFIGURED_
-/* User Configuration */
- If you define DICT, you can use dictionary look-up function
- in w3m. See README.dict for detail.
-#define DICT
- If you define USE_MARK, you can use set-mark (C-SPC),
- goto-next-mark (ESC p), goto-next-mark (ESC n) and
- mark-by-regexp (").
-#define USE_MARK
- If you want to use IPv6, define this symbol.
- */
-#define INET6
- If you want to load and save URL history.
- */
-#define USE_HISTORY
- BG_COLOR enables w3m to set background color.
- */
-#define BG_COLOR
- VIEW_UNSEENOBJECTS enables w3m to make a link to unseen objects.
- e.g. background image.
- */
- VI_PREC_NUM enables vi-like behavior for '2 SPC' or '2 b'
- */
-#define VI_PREC_NUM
- /*
- * Do word fill
- */
- * Support Gopher protocol
- */
-#define USE_GOPHER
- * Support NNTP
- */
-#define USE_NNTP
-#ifdef makefile_parameter
-BIN_DIR = /usr/bin
-LIB_DIR = /usr/lib/w3m
-HELP_DIR = /usr/share/w3m
-HELP_FILE = w3mhelp-w3m_en.html
-SYS_LIBRARIES = -lnsl -lncurses -lgpm
-CC = gcc
-MYCFLAGS = -Wall -g -I/usr/include/gc -DDEBIAN
-KEYBIND_SRC = keybind.c
-KEYBIND_OBJ = keybind.o
-MKDIR=mkdir -p
-#define DISPLAY_CODE 'E'
-#define JA 0
-#define EN 1
-#define LANG JA
-#define COLOR
-#define MOUSE
-#define USE_GPM
-#define MENU
-#define USE_COOKIE
-#undef USE_SSL
-#define DEF_EDITOR "sensible-editor"
-#define DEF_MAILER "mailx"
-#define DEF_EXT_BROWSER "lynx"
-#define LIB_DIR "/usr/lib/w3m"
-#define HELP_DIR "/usr/share/w3m"
-#define HELP_FILE "w3mhelp-w3m_ja.html"
-#define W3MCONFIG "w3mconfig"
-#define RC_DIR "~/.w3m/"
-#define BOOKMARK "bookmark.html"
-#define CONFIG_FILE "config"
-#define KEYMAP_FILE "keymap"
-#define MENU_FILE "menu"
-#define COOKIE_FILE "cookie"
-#define HISTORY_FILE "history"
-#define USER_MAILCAP "~/.mailcap"
-#define SYS_MAILCAP "/etc/mailcap"
-#define USER_MIMETYPES "~/.mime.types"
-#define SYS_MIMETYPES "/etc/mime.types"
-#define DEF_SAVE_FILE "index.html"
-#define TERMIOS
-#define DIRENT
-#define STRCHR
-#define STRERROR
-#define SYS_ERRLIST
-#undef NOBCOPY
-#define GETCWD
-#define GETWD
-#define READLINK
-#define HAVE_SETENV
-#define HAVE_PUTENV
-#define READLINK
-#define SETJMP(env) sigsetjmp(env,1)
-#define LONGJMP(env,val) siglongjmp(env,val)
-#define JMP_BUF sigjmp_buf
-typedef void MySignalHandler;
-#define SIGNAL_ARG int _dummy
-#define SIGNAL_RETURN return
-#define NOWRAP 1
-#define NEW_FORM 1
-#define MATRIX 1
-#undef NO_FLOAT_H
-#endif /* makefile_parameter */
-#endif /* _CONFIGURED_ */
diff --git a/debian/config.param b/debian/config.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a53e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/config.param
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+dcflags='-O2 -DDEBIAN'
+def_migemo_command='migemo -t egrep /usr/share/migemo/migemo-dict'
diff --git a/debian/config.ssl.sed b/debian/config.ssl.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f40b4..0000000
--- a/debian/config.ssl.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-s/\(SYS_LIBRARIES.*\)/\1 -lssl -lcrypto/
-s/\(MYCFLAGS.*\)/\1 -I\/usr\/include\/openssl/
-s/#undef USE_SSL/#define USE_SSL/
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 9fad7e8..7b9c028 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,22 +2,30 @@ Source: w3m
Section: text
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
-Build-Depends: libgc5-dev, libncurses5-dev, libgpmg1-dev, debhelper, awk
-Standards-Version: 3.1.1
+Build-Depends: libgc6-dev, libncurses5-dev, libgpmg1-dev, zlib1g-dev, debhelper, gawk | awk, imlib-dev
+Standards-Version: 3.5.6
Package: w3m
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Provides: www-browser
-Suggests: w3m-ssl (>= ${Source-Version}), mime-support, menu (>> 1.5), emacsen-common
+Suggests: w3m-img, w3m-ssl (>= ${Source-Version}), mime-support, menu (>> 1.5), w3m-el, migemo, man-db
Description: WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support
w3m is a text-based World Wide Web browser with IPv6 support.
It features excellent support for tables and frames. It can be used
as a standalone file pager, too.
* You can follow links and/or view images in HTML.
- * Internet message prewview mode, you can browse HTML mail.
+ * Internet message preview mode, you can browse HTML mail.
* You can follow links in plain text if it includes URL forms.
+ * With w3m-img, you can view image inline.
For more information,
- see http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng/index.html
+ see http://sourceforge.net/projects/w3m
+Package: w3m-img
+Architecture: any
+Depends: w3m (= ${Source-Version}) | w3m-ssl (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Description: inline image extension support utilities for w3m
+ w3m-img provides some utilities to support inline images for w3m
+ on terminal emulator in X Window System environments.
diff --git a/debian/control-ssl b/debian/control-ssl
index 669511c..f47aa25 100644
--- a/debian/control-ssl
+++ b/debian/control-ssl
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
Source: w3m-ssl
-Section: non-US/main
+Section: main
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
-Build-Depends: libgc5-dev, libncurses5-dev, libgpmg1-dev, libssl09-dev, debhelper, awk
-Standards-Version: 3.1.1
+Build-Depends: libgc6-dev, libncurses5-dev, libgpmg1-dev, zlib1g-dev, libssl-dev, debhelper, gawk | awk, imlib-dev
+Standards-Version: 3.5.6
Package: w3m-ssl
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, w3m
-Recommends: w3m (= ${Source-Version})
+Recommends: ca-certificates
Provides: www-browser
-Suggests: mime-support, menu (>> 1.5)
+Suggests: w3m (= ${Source-Version}), w3m-img, mime-support, menu (>> 1.5), migemo
Description: WWW browsable pager with SSL support
w3m is a text-based World Wide Web browser with IPv6 support.
It features excellent support for tables and frames. It can be used
as a standalone file pager, too.
* You can follow links and/or view images in HTML.
- * Internet message prewview mode, you can browse HTML mail.
+ * Internet message preview mode, you can browse HTML mail.
* You can follow links in plain text if it includes URL forms.
+ * With w3m-img, you can view image inline.
This package is built with SSL support.
For more information,
- see http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng/index.html
+ see http://sourceforge.net/projects/w3m
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index e699fc3..e752018 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
This package was debianized by Fumitoshi UKAI ukai@debian.or.jp on
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 19:08:08 +0900.
-It was downloaded from http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/
-development version can be downloaded from
-Okabe patch can be downloaded from
+It was downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/w3m
Upstream Author(s): Akinori ITO <aito@ei5sun.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp>
diff --git a/debian/dirs b/debian/dirs
index e4c35f4..ceb3920 100644
--- a/debian/dirs
+++ b/debian/dirs
@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ usr/share/w3m
diff --git a/debian/emacsen-startup b/debian/emacsen-startup
deleted file mode 100644
index eba463f..0000000
--- a/debian/emacsen-startup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-;; w3m-init.el
-(setq load-path (cons "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/" load-path))
-(autoload 'w3m "w3m" "Interface for w3m on Emacs." t)
-(autoload 'w3m-browse-url "w3m" "w3m interface function for browse-url.el." t)
-(autoload 'w3m-find-file "w3m" "w3m Interface function for local file." t)
diff --git a/debian/mailcap b/debian/mailcap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21603a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mailcap
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+application/xhtml+xml; cat %s; x-htmloutput
diff --git a/debian/menu b/debian/menu
index 6dd3586..c0e326c 100644
--- a/debian/menu
+++ b/debian/menu
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
?package(w3m):needs=text section=Apps/Net\
- title="w3m" command="/usr/bin/w3m /usr/share/doc/w3m/MANUAL.html"
+ title="w3m" command="/usr/bin/w3m /usr/share/doc/w3m/MANUAL.html" hints="Web browsers"
diff --git a/debian/patches/00-rxvt-mouse-support b/debian/patches/00-rxvt-mouse-support
deleted file mode 100644
index be1aff7..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/00-rxvt-mouse-support
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-PATCH: -p0
---- terms.c.orig Mon Oct 30 12:16:31 2000
-+++ terms.c Thu Nov 2 18:45:58 2000
-@@ -240,7 +240,12 @@
- TerminalGet(tty, &d_ioval);
- #ifdef MOUSE
- term = getenv("TERM");
-+#ifdef DEBIAN
-+ if (!strncmp(term, "kterm", 5) || !strncmp(term, "xterm", 5)
-+ || !strncmp(term, "rxvt", 4)) {
- if (!strncmp(term, "kterm", 5) || !strncmp(term, "xterm", 5)) {
- is_xterm = 1;
- }
- #endif
diff --git a/debian/patches/01-w3m-dev-01500 b/debian/patches/01-w3m-dev-01500
deleted file mode 100644
index 9781ab9..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/01-w3m-dev-01500
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-PATCH: -p0
-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Subject: [w3m-dev 01500] fix risky code in url.c
-From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
-Delivered-To: ukai@ukai.org
-Delivered-To: ukai@debian.or.jp
-Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:02:11 +0900 (JST)
-Reply-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Message-Id: <200012130302.MAA21605@udlew10.uldev.lsi.nec.co.jp>
-X-ML-Name: w3m-dev
-X-Mail-Count: 01500
-X-MLServer: fml [fml 3.0]; post only (only members can post)
-X-ML-Info: If you have a question, send e-mail with the body "help" (without quotes) to the address w3m-dev-ctl@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp; help=<mailto:w3m-dev-ctl@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp?body=help>
-X-Sender: w3m-dev-admin@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-url.c $B$K$"$C$?4m81@-$N$"$k%3!<%I$r=$@5$7$^$7$?!#(B
-local.c $B$O$*$^$1$N=$@5$G$9!#(B
-# m18n $B$G(B URL $B$d(B file $BL>$NJ8;z%3!<%I$r??LLL\$K%A%'%C%/$7$F$$$k2aDx$G(B
-# $B8+$D$1$?$N$G$9$,!"$+$J$jBgJQ!#K\Ev$O%*%j%8%J%kHG$G$b$d$i$J$$$H(B
-# $B$$$1$J$$$1$I!#(B
-$B:dK\(B $B9@B'(B <hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp>
- http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~hsaka/
---- url.c.orig Wed Dec 13 10:39:47 2000
-+++ url.c Wed Dec 13 10:46:33 2000
-@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
- parseURL(char *url, ParsedURL * p_url, ParsedURL * current)
- {
- char *p, *q;
-- char tmp[LINELEN];
-+ Str tmp;
- int i;
- p = url;
-@@ -548,10 +548,10 @@
- ++url;
- }
- if (IS_ALPHA(*url) && (url[1] == ':' || url[1] == '|')) {
-- if(url[1]=='|')
-- url[1]=':';
- p_url->scheme = SCM_LOCAL;
-- p_url->file = allocStr(url, 0);
-+ p_url->file = p = allocStr(url, 0);
-+ if(p[1]=='|')
-+ p[1]=':';
- }
- if (p_url->scheme == SCM_LOCAL)
- goto analyze_file;
-@@ -626,9 +626,8 @@
- p_url->host = NULL;
- goto analyze_url;
- }
-- strncpy(tmp, q, p - q);
-- tmp[p - q] = '\0';
-- p_url->port = atoi(tmp);
-+ tmp = Strnew_charp_n(q, p - q);
-+ p_url->port = atoi(tmp->ptr);
- if (*p == '\0') { /* scheme://host:port */
- /* scheme://user@host:port */
- /* scheme://user:pass@host:port */
-@@ -675,14 +674,14 @@
- #ifdef USE_GOPHER
- if (p_url->scheme == SCM_GOPHER && *p == 'R') {
- p++;
-- q = tmp;
-- *q++ = *p++;
-+ tmp = Strnew();
-+ Strcat_char(tmp, *(p++));
- while (*p && *p != '/')
- p++;
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, p);
- while (*p)
-- *q++ = *p++;
-- *q = '\0';
-- p_url->file = copyPath(tmp, -1, COPYPATH_SPC_IGNORE);
-+ p++;
-+ p_url->file = copyPath(tmp->ptr, -1, COPYPATH_SPC_IGNORE);
- }
- else
- #endif /* USE_GOPHER */
---- local.c.orig Wed Dec 13 10:39:44 2000
-+++ local.c Wed Dec 13 11:55:40 2000
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- Directory *dir;
- struct stat st;
- char **flist;
-- char *p, *qdir, *q;
-+ char *p, *qdir;
- Str fbuf = Strnew();
- #ifdef READLINK
- struct stat lst;
-@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
- int nfile, nfile_max = 100;
- Str dirname;
-- dirname = Strnew_charp(dname);
-- d = opendir(dirname->ptr);
-+ d = opendir(dname);
- if (d == NULL)
- return NULL;
-+ dirname = Strnew_charp(dname);
- qdir = htmlquote_str(dirname->ptr);
- tmp = Sprintf("<title>Directory list of %s</title><h1>Directory list of %s</h1>\n", qdir, qdir);
- flist = New_N(char *, nfile_max);
-@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
- if (strcmp(p, ".") == 0)
- continue;
- Strcopy(fbuf, dirname);
-- if (Strlastchar(dirname) != '/')
-+ if (Strlastchar(fbuf) != '/')
- Strcat_char(fbuf, '/');
- Strcat_charp(fbuf, p);
- #ifdef READLINK
-@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- continue;
- if (multicolList) {
- if (n == 1)
-- Strcat_charp(tmp, "<TD>");
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "<TD><NOBR>");
- }
- else {
- if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
-@@ -88,20 +88,16 @@
- else
- Strcat_charp(tmp, "[FILE] ");
- }
-- q = htmlquote_str(p);
-- Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "<A HREF=\"file://", qdir, NULL);
-- if (dirname->ptr[dirname->length - 1] != '/')
-- Strcat_char(tmp, '/');
-- Strcat_charp(tmp, q);
-+ Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "<A HREF=\"", htmlquote_str(fbuf->ptr), NULL);
- if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
- Strcat_char(tmp, '/');
-- Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "\">", q, NULL);
-+ Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "\">", htmlquote_str(p), NULL);
- if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
- Strcat_char(tmp, '/');
- Strcat_charp(tmp, "</a>");
- if (multicolList) {
- if (n++ == nrow) {
-- Strcat_charp(tmp, "</TD>\n");
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "</NOBR></TD>\n");
- n = 1;
- }
- else {
diff --git a/debian/patches/01-w3m-dev-01509 b/debian/patches/01-w3m-dev-01509
deleted file mode 100644
index 471e8d8..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/01-w3m-dev-01509
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-PATCH: -p1
-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Subject: [w3m-dev 01509] Forward: Bug#79689: No way to view information on SSL certificates
-From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
-Delivered-To: ukai@ukai.org
-Delivered-To: ukai@debian.or.jp
-Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 04:28:07 +0900
-Reply-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Message-Id: <87u2854h88.wl@lichee.ukai.org>
-X-ML-Name: w3m-dev
-X-Mail-Count: 01509
-X-MLServer: fml [fml 3.0]; post only (only members can post)
-X-ML-Info: If you have a question, send e-mail with the body "help" (without quotes) to the address w3m-dev-ctl@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp; help=<mailto:w3m-dev-ctl@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp?body=help>
-User-Agent: Wanderlust/2.2.15 (More Than Words) EMIKO/1.13.9
- (Euglena tripteris) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) APEL/10.2 Emacs/20.7
- (i386-debian-linux-gnu) MULE/4.0 (HANANOEN)
-Organization: Debian JP Project
-Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by EMIKO 1.13.9 - "Euglena tripteris")
-X-Sender: w3m-dev-admin@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-[1 <text/plain; ISO-2022-JP (7bit)>]
-w3m $B$G(B #define USE_SSL ($B$H$+(B #define USE_SSL_VERIFY )$B$7$?;~$G$b(B
-$B8=>u$G$O(B https $B$G$D$J$,$C$F$k$+$I$&$+!"$I$3$H$D$J$,$C$F$+$I$&$+$N(B
-$B8=%I%-%e%a%s%H$N>pJs$rI=<((B('=')$B$G8+$F$b(B SSL$B$K4X$9$k>ZL@=q>pJs$r(B
-$B$_$i$l$J$$$N$O3N$+$KHa$7$$$J$!(B $B$H;W$C$F$$$?$N$G(B $BE,Ev$J%Q%C%A(B
-[2 <message/rfc822 (7bit)>]
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: Bug#79689: No way to view information on SSL certificates
-From: Richard Braakman <dark@dark.wapit.fi>
-Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 19:39:16 +0200
-Message-Id: <E146ypA-0005Ud-00@dark.wapit.com>
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Package: w3m
-Version: 0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb22-1
-Severity: wishlist
-When I'm about to submit sensitive information over a https connection,
-I would like to inspect the information in the server's SSL certificate,
-and ideally also the chain of trust that was used to verify that
-certificate. w3m doesn't seem to have a way to do this.
-Verifying this information would give me a lot more confidence in the
-security of a link.
-Richard Braakman
--- System Information
-Debian Release: woody
-Architecture: i386
-Kernel: Linux dark 2.3.49 #1 Tue Mar 7 10:37:21 EET 2000 i686
-Versions of packages w3m depends on:
-ii libc6 2.2-5 GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
-ii libgc5 1:5.0.alpha4-8 Conservative garbage collector for
-ii libgpmg1 1.19.3-4 General Purpose Mouse Library [lib
-ii libncurses5 5.0-8 Shared libraries for terminal hand
-[3 w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23-ssl-cert.patch <text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)>]
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/buffer.c w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/buffer.c
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/buffer.c Thu Dec 14 01:17:21 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/buffer.c Sat Dec 16 03:58:44 2000
-@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
- *n->clone = 1;
- n->linelen = 0;
- n->trbyte = 0;
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+ n->ssl_certificate = NULL;
- return n;
- }
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/file.c w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/file.c
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/file.c Thu Dec 14 01:17:22 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/file.c Sat Dec 16 04:17:42 2000
-@@ -971,6 +971,13 @@
- }
- if (t_buf == NULL)
- t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH);
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+ if (IStype(f.stream) == IST_SSL) {
-+ Str s = ssl_get_certificate(f.stream);
-+ if (s != NULL)
-+ t_buf->ssl_certificate = s->ptr;
-+ }
- readHeader(&f, t_buf, FALSE, &pu);
- t = checkContentType(t_buf);
- if (t == NULL)
-@@ -1214,6 +1221,13 @@
- t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH);
- t_buf->bufferprop |= BP_FRAME;
- }
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+ if (IStype(f.stream) == IST_SSL) {
-+ Str s = ssl_get_certificate(f.stream);
-+ if (s != NULL)
-+ t_buf->ssl_certificate = s->ptr;
-+ }
- b = loadSomething(&f, pu.file, proc, t_buf);
- UFclose(&f);
- if (b) {
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/fm.h w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/fm.h
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/fm.h Thu Dec 14 01:17:22 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/fm.h Sat Dec 16 03:58:08 2000
-@@ -343,6 +343,9 @@
- FormItemList *form_submit;
- char *savecache;
- char *edit;
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+ char *ssl_certificate;
- } Buffer;
- #define NO_BUFFER ((Buffer*)1)
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/html.h w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/html.h
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/html.h Thu Dec 14 01:17:22 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/html.h Sat Dec 16 03:54:34 2000
-@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
- #ifndef _HTML_H
- #define _HTML_H
- #ifdef USE_SSL
-+#include <bio.h>
-+#include <x509.h>
- #include <ssl.h>
- #endif /* USE_SSL */
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/istream.c w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/istream.c
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/istream.c Thu Dec 14 01:17:22 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/istream.c Sat Dec 16 04:19:59 2000
-@@ -328,6 +328,33 @@
- }
- }
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+ssl_get_certificate(InputStream stream)
-+ BIO *bp;
-+ X509 *x;
-+ char *p;
-+ int len;
-+ Str s;
-+ if (stream == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ if (IStype(stream) != IST_SSL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ if (stream->ssl.handle == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ x = SSL_get_peer_certificate(stream->ssl.handle->ssl);
-+ if (x == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ bp = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
-+ X509_print(bp, x);
-+ len = (int)BIO_ctrl(bp, BIO_CTRL_INFO,0,(char *)&p);
-+ s = Strnew_charp_n(p, len);
-+ BIO_free_all(bp);
-+ return s;
- /* Raw level input stream functions */
- static void
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/istream.h w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/istream.h
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/istream.h Thu Dec 14 01:17:22 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/istream.h Sat Dec 16 03:54:52 2000
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef USE_SSL
-+#include <bio.h>
-+#include <x509.h>
- #include <ssl.h>
- #endif
- #include "Str.h"
-@@ -121,6 +123,9 @@
- extern Str StrmyISgets(InputStream stream);
- extern int ISread(InputStream stream, Str buf, int count);
- extern int ISfileno(InputStream stream);
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+extern Str ssl_get_certificate(InputStream stream);
- #define IST_BASIC 0
- #define IST_FILE 1
-diff -Nru w3m-0.1.11-pre/map.c w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/map.c
---- w3m-0.1.11-pre/map.c Thu Dec 14 01:17:22 2000
-+++ w3m-0.1.11-pre-ja/map.c Sat Dec 16 03:59:50 2000
-@@ -179,6 +179,14 @@
- append_frame_info(tmp, f_set, 0);
- Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre>");
- }
-+#ifdef USE_SSL
-+ if (buf->ssl_certificate == NULL)
-+ goto end;
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "<h1>SSL certificate</h1>\n");
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "<pre>\n");
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, buf->ssl_certificate);
-+ Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre>\n");
- end:
- Strcat_charp(tmp, "</body></html>");
- return loadHTMLString(tmp);
-[4 <text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)>]
diff --git a/debian/patches/02-w3m-dev-01739 b/debian/patches/02-w3m-dev-01739
deleted file mode 100644
index 2004d9e..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/02-w3m-dev-01739
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-PATCH: -p0
-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Cc: kiwamu <kiwamu@ecomp.metro-u.ac.jp>
-Subject: [w3m-dev 01739] $B%[%$!<%k%^%&%9BP1~(B patch
-From: kiwamu <kiwamu@debian.or.jp>
-Delivered-To: ukai@ukai.org
-Delivered-To: ukai@debian.or.jp
-Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 02:24:27 +0900
-Reply-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Message-Id: <20010218022427.A3347@casper.m01.htmnet.ne.jp>
-X-ML-Name: w3m-dev
-X-Mail-Count: 01739
-X-MLServer: fml [fml 3.0]; post only (only members can post)
-X-ML-Info: If you have a question, send e-mail with the body "help" (without quotes) to the address w3m-dev-ctl@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp; help=<mailto:w3m-dev-ctl@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp?body=help>
-Resent-From: kiwamu@misterdosv.eei.metro-u.ac.jp
-Content-Disposition: inline
-User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i-jp0
-Resent-Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 04:39:48 +0900
-Resent-To: w3m-dev@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
-Mime-Version: 1.0
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
-Resent-Sender: w3m-dev-admin@mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp
- $B$3$s$K$A$O!#2,It5f$H?=$7$^$9!#(B
------------------------------- w3m-wheel.patch ------------------------------
---- main.c Wed Feb 7 01:53:49 2001
-+++ main.c Sun Feb 18 02:05:41 2001
-@@ -3461,14 +3461,19 @@
- #define MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN 0
- #define MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN 1
- #define MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN 2
-+#define MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_RXVT 3
-+#define MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_RXVT 4
-+#define MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_XTERM 64
-+#define MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_XTERM 65
- #define MOUSE_BTN_UP 3
-+#define MOUSE_BTN_RESET -1
- static void
- process_mouse(int btn, int x, int y)
- {
-- int delta_x, delta_y;
-- static int press_btn, press_x, press_y;
-+ int delta_x, delta_y, i;
-+ static int press_btn = MOUSE_BTN_RESET, press_x, press_y;
- if (btn == MOUSE_BTN_UP) {
- switch (press_btn) {
-@@ -3547,12 +3552,29 @@
- mainMenu(x, y);
- #endif /* MENU */
- break;
-+ for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_SCROLL_LINE; i++)
-+ ldown1();
-+ break;
-+ for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_SCROLL_LINE; i++)
-+ lup1();
-+ break;
- }
-+ } else if (btn == MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_XTERM) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_SCROLL_LINE; i++)
-+ ldown1();
-+ } else if (btn == MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_XTERM) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_SCROLL_LINE; i++)
-+ lup1();
- }
-- else {
-+ if (btn != MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_RXVT || press_btn == MOUSE_BTN_RESET) {
- press_btn = btn;
- press_x = x;
- press_y = y;
-+ } else {
-+ press_btn = MOUSE_BTN_RESET;
- }
- }
---- menu.c Wed Feb 7 01:53:49 2001
-+++ menu.c Sun Feb 18 02:05:50 2001
-@@ -1067,14 +1067,20 @@
- #define MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN 0
- #define MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN 1
- #define MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN 2
-+#define MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_RXVT 3
-+#define MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_RXVT 4
-+#define MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_XTERM 64
-+#define MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_XTERM 65
- #define MOUSE_BTN_UP 3
-+#define MOUSE_BTN_RESET -1
- static int
- process_mMouse(int btn, int x, int y)
- {
- Menu *menu;
- int select;
-- static int press_btn, press_x, press_y;
-+ static int press_btn = MOUSE_BTN_RESET, press_x, press_y;
- char c = ' ';
- menu = CurrentMenu;
------------------------------- w3m-wheel.patch ------------------------------
-Tokyo Metropolitan University Kiwamu Okabe
- Mail: kiwamu@debian.or.jp
- URL: http://silica.eei.metro-u.ac.jp/~kiwamu/
diff --git a/debian/patches/03-w3m-mime-buffer-overflow-fix-backport-from-w3m-dev-02066 b/debian/patches/03-w3m-mime-buffer-overflow-fix-backport-from-w3m-dev-02066
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c47d04..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/03-w3m-mime-buffer-overflow-fix-backport-from-w3m-dev-02066
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- mimehead.c.orig Tue Jun 6 14:39:13 2000
-+++ mimehead.c Wed Jun 20 11:21:02 2001
-@@ -166,21 +166,20 @@
- Str
- decodeWord(char **ow)
- {
-- char charset[32];
- char *p, *w = *ow;
- char method;
- Str a = Strnew();
-+ Str charset = Strnew();
- if (*w != '=' || *(w + 1) != '?')
- goto convert_fail;
- w += 2;
-- for (p = charset; *w != '?'; w++) {
-+ for (; *w != '?'; w++) {
- if (*w == '\0')
- goto convert_fail;
-- *(p++) = *w;
-+ Strcat_char(charset, *w);
- }
-- *p = '\0';
-- if (strcasecmp(charset, J_CHARSET) != 0) {
-+ if (Strcasecmp_charp(charset, J_CHARSET) != 0) {
- /* NOT ISO-2022-JP encoding ... don't convert */
- goto convert_fail;
- }
diff --git a/debian/patches/03-w3m.1-debian-fix b/debian/patches/03-w3m.1-debian-fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f364b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/03-w3m.1-debian-fix
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+PATCH: -p1
+--- w3m/doc/w3m.1 Wed Nov 21 14:56:35 2001
++++ w3m-2/doc/w3m.1 Sat Dec 1 03:43:55 2001
+@@ -53,15 +53,6 @@
+ .B -l line
+ # of preserved line (default 10000)
+ .TP
+-.B -s
+-.B -j
+-.B -e
+ .B -B
+ load bookmark
+ .TP
+@@ -126,7 +117,7 @@
+ .B -pauth user:pass
+ proxy authentication
+ .TP
+-.B -S
++.B -s
+ squeeze multiple blank lines
+ .TP
+ .B -W
+--- w3m/doc-jp/w3m.1 Wed Nov 21 14:56:36 2001
++++ w3m-2/doc-jp/w3m.1 Sat Dec 1 03:44:14 2001
+@@ -39,15 +39,6 @@
+ ɸ�����Ϥ����Ƥ�ɽ������Ȥ�����¸��������Կ�����ꤹ�롥
+ �ǥե���Ȥ�10000��
+ .TP
+-.B \-s
+-.B \-e
+-.B \-j
+-JIS (ISO-2022-JP)�����ɤ�ɽ�����롥
+ .BI \-I\ e|s
+ ����ʸ���ʸ�������ɤ���ꤹ�롥
+ .TP
+@@ -87,7 +78,7 @@
+ .B \-F
+ �ե졼���ưɽ�����롥
+ .TP
+-.B \-S
++.B \-s
+ Ϣ³������Ԥ�1�ԤˤޤȤ��ɽ�����롥
+ .TP
+ .B \-X
diff --git a/debian/patches/04-w3m- b/debian/patches/04-w3m-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6180cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/04-w3m-
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+PATCH: -p1
+--- w3m-0.3.orig/frame.c Sat Feb 9 15:27:14 2002
++++ w3m-0.3/frame.c Wed Nov 27 06:46:03 2002
+@@ -535,14 +535,15 @@
+ frame.body->attr = F_UNLOADED;
+ if (frame.body->flags & FB_NO_BUFFER)
+ fprintf(f1, "Open %s with other method",
+- frame.body->url);
++ html_quote(frame.body->url));
+ else if (frame.body->url)
+- fprintf(f1, "Can't open %s", frame.body->url);
++ fprintf(f1, "Can't open %s",
++ html_quote(frame.body->url));
+ else
+ fprintf(f1,
+ "This frame (%s) contains no src attribute",
+- frame.body->name ? frame.body->
+- name : "(no name)");
++ frame.body->name ?
++ html_quote(frame.body->name) : "(no name)");
+ break;
+ }
+ parseURL2(frame.body->url, &base, currentURL);
+@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@
+ /* prohibit_tags */
+ Strshrinkfirst(tok, 1);
+ Strshrink(tok, 1);
+- fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->", tok->ptr);
++ fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->", html_quote(tok->ptr));
+ goto token_end;
+ case HTML_TABLE:
+ t_stack++;
+@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@
+ Strshrink(tok, 1);
+ fprintf(f1,
+ "<!-- table stack underflow: %s -->",
+- tok->ptr);
++ html_quote(tok->ptr));
+ goto token_end;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -669,7 +670,8 @@
+ if (!t_stack) {
+ Strshrinkfirst(tok, 1);
+ Strshrink(tok, 1);
+- fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->", tok->ptr);
++ fprintf(f1, "<!-- %s -->",
++ html_quote(tok->ptr));
+ goto token_end;
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/05-w3m- b/debian/patches/05-w3m-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b30c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/05-w3m-
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+PATCH: -p1
+--- w3m-0.3/file.c Tue Mar 5 16:58:09 2002
++++ w3m-0.3-ja/file.c Thu Dec 5 17:30:30 2002
+@@ -2975,11 +2975,11 @@
+ Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(Strnew_charp_n(q, nw)->ptr));
+ }
+ else
+- Strcat_charp(tmp, q);
++ Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(q));
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+- Strcat_charp(tmp, q);
++ Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(q));
+ goto img_end;
+ }
+ if (w > 0 && i > 0) {
+@@ -6105,7 +6105,7 @@
+ HTMLlineproc0(lineBuf2->ptr, &htmlenv1, internal);
+ }
+ if (obuf.status != R_ST_NORMAL)
+- HTMLlineproc1(correct_irrtag(obuf.status)->ptr, &htmlenv1);
++ HTMLlineproc0(correct_irrtag(obuf.status)->ptr, &htmlenv1, internal);
+ obuf.status = R_ST_NORMAL;
+ completeHTMLstream(&htmlenv1, &obuf);
+ flushline(&htmlenv1, &obuf, 0, 2, htmlenv1.limit);
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index b06880b..91ee9ce 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+export DH_COMPAT=3
@echo already nossl version environments
@@ -23,20 +25,22 @@ ssl:
include debian/rules.mk
build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: setup-ja setup-en
+build-stamp: configure-stamp
# Add here commands to compile the package.
- cp -p debian/config.h-ja $(buildjadir)/config.h
- cd $(buildjadir) && $(MAKE)
- cp -p debian/config.h-en $(buildendir)/config.h
- cd $(buildendir) && $(MAKE)
+ (echo "# Configuration at "`hostname`; cat debian/config.param) > $(buildjadir)/config.param
+ cd $(buildjadir) && ./configure -yes -model=cookie -lang=JA -cflags="-O2 -DDEBIAN" -code=E --gc-includedir=/usr/include/gc --mimetypes=/etc/mime.types
+ cd $(buildjadir) && LC_ALL=C $(MAKE) OPTS="-Wall -g"
+ (echo "# Configuration at "`hostname`; cat debian/config.param) > $(buildendir)/config.param
+ cd $(buildendir) && ./configure -yes -model=cookie -lang=EN -cflags="-O2 -DDEBIAN" --gc-includedir=/usr/include/gc --mimetypes=/etc/mime.types
+ cd $(buildendir) && LC_ALL=C $(MAKE) OPTS="-Wall -g"
touch build-stamp
rm -rf $(buildtree)
- rm -f extract-stamp patch-stamp build-stamp install-stamp
+ rm -f extract-stamp patch-stamp configure-stamp build-stamp install-stamp
rm -f debian/docs debian/examples
@@ -47,70 +51,72 @@ install-stamp: build-stamp
dh_clean -k
- # Add here commands to install the package into debian/tmp.
- cd $(buildendir) && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=`pwd`/../../debian/tmp
+ # Add here commands to install the package into debian/w3m.
+ cd $(buildendir) && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=`pwd`/../../debian/w3m
cd $(buildendir)/Bonus && find . -type f -perm 0100 -print | \
while read i; \
do \
sed -e 's:/usr/local/bin/ruby:/usr/bin/ruby:' \
-e 's:/bin/env:/usr/bin/env:' \
$$i \
- > `pwd`/../../../debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m/examples/$$i ; \
- done
- cd `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/lib/w3m && for i in dirlist.cgi; \
- do \
- perl -i -ple 's:^#!/usr/local/bin/perl:#!/usr/bin/perl:' $$i; \
+ > `pwd`/../../../debian/w3m/usr/share/doc/w3m/examples/$$i ; \
- cd `pwd`/debian/tmp && mv usr/bin/w3m usr/bin/w3m-en
- cd `pwd`/debian/tmp && mv usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark-en
- cd `pwd`/debian/tmp && mv usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel-en
- install -m 755 debian/w3m.sh `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/bin/w3m
- install -m 755 debian/w3mbookmark.sh `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark
- install -m 755 debian/w3mhelperpanel.sh `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel
- install -m 755 $(buildjadir)/w3m `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/bin/w3m-ja
- install -m 755 $(buildjadir)/w3mbookmark `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark-ja
- install -m 755 $(buildjadir)/w3mhelperpanel `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel-ja
- # install -m 644 lisp/w3m.el `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/
- install -m 644 lisp/w3m.el `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m/examples/
+ cd `pwd`/debian/w3m && mv usr/bin/w3m usr/bin/w3m-en
+ cd `pwd`/debian/w3m && mv usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark-en
+ cd `pwd`/debian/w3m && mv usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel-en
+ install -m 755 debian/w3m.sh `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/bin/w3m
+ install -m 755 debian/w3mbookmark.sh `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark
+ install -m 755 debian/w3mhelperpanel.sh `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel
+ install -m 755 $(buildjadir)/w3m `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/bin/w3m-ja
+ install -m 755 $(buildjadir)/w3mbookmark `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/lib/w3m/w3mbookmark-ja
+ install -m 755 $(buildjadir)/w3mhelperpanel `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelperpanel-ja
+ install -m 644 debian/w3mconfig `pwd`/debian/w3m/etc/w3m/w3mconfig
+ install -m 644 debian/mailcap `pwd`/debian/w3m/etc/w3m/mailcap
+ dh_movefiles --sourcedir=debian/w3m
touch install-stamp
# Build architecture-independent files here.
-binary-indep: build install
+binary-indep: build-stamp install-stamp
# We have nothing to do by default.
# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: build install
+binary-arch: build-stamp install-stamp
# dh_testversion
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
+ dh_testdir -a
+ dh_testroot -a
sed -e 's:^:$(builddir)/:' debian/docs.in > debian/docs
- dh_installdocs
- cp -a $(builddir)/doc-jp/* `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m/ja/
+ dh_installdocs -a
+ cp -a $(builddir)/doc-jp/* `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/share/doc/w3m/ja/
+ rm -f `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/share/doc/w3m/ja/README.kokb
+ -rm -rf `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/share/doc/w3m/ja/CVS
sed -e 's:^:$(builddir)/:' debian/examples.in > debian/examples
- dh_installexamples
- cd `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m && \
+ cp debian/README.Debian.w3m-img `pwd`/debian/w3m-img/usr/share/doc/w3m-img/README.Debian
+ dh_installexamples -a
+ cd `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/share/doc/w3m && \
mv ja/keymap.* ja/examples; mv ja/menu.* ja/examples
# dh_installinit
- dh_installmanpages
- install -m 644 $(builddir)/doc-jp/HISTORY.kokb `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m/changelog.w3m-kokb
- dh_installchangelogs $(builddir)/doc/HISTORY
- install -m 644 lisp/ChangeLog `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m/changelog.w3m.el
- dh_strip
- dh_compress
+ dh_installman $(builddir)/doc/w3m.1
+ dh_installman debian/w3mman.1
+ install -m 644 $(builddir)/doc-jp/w3m.1 `pwd`/debian/w3m/usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m.1
+ # dh_installchangelogs $(builddir)/doc/HISTORY
+ dh_installchangelogs -a $(builddir)/ChangeLog
+ dh_strip -a
+ dh_compress -a
dh_link usr/share/man/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/w3m-ja.1.gz
dh_link usr/share/man/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/w3m-en.1.gz
- dh_fixperms
- dh_suidregister
- dh_installdeb
- dh_shlibdeps
- dh_gencontrol
-# dh_makeshlibs
- dh_md5sums
- dh_builddeb
+ dh_link usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m-ja.1.gz
+ dh_link usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m-en.1.gz
+ dh_fixperms -a
+ dh_installdeb -a
+ dh_shlibdeps -a
+ dh_gencontrol -a
+# dh_makeshlibs -a
+ dh_md5sums -a
+ dh_builddeb -a
source diff:
@echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
diff --git a/debian/rules-ssl b/debian/rules-ssl
index 8697624..423a978 100644
--- a/debian/rules-ssl
+++ b/debian/rules-ssl
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+export DH_COMPAT=3
@echo change to nossl version...
@cd debian && for i in *-nossl; do \
@@ -23,19 +25,21 @@ ssl:
include debian/rules.mk
build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: setup-ja setup-en
+build-stamp: configure-stamp
- sed -f debian/config.ssl.sed < debian/config.h-ja > $(buildjadir)/config.h
- cd $(buildjadir) && $(MAKE)
- sed -f debian/config.ssl.sed < debian/config.h-en > $(buildendir)/config.h
- cd $(buildendir) && $(MAKE)
+ (echo "# Configuration at "`hostname`; cat debian/config.param) > $(buildjadir)/config.param
+ cd $(buildjadir) && ./configure -yes -model=monster -lang=JA -clfags="-O2 -DDEBIAN" -code=E --gc-includedir=/usr/include/gc --ssl-includedir=/usr/include/openssl --mimetypes=/etc/mime.types
+ cd $(buildjadir) && LC_ALL=C $(MAKE) OPTS="-Wall -g"
+ (echo "# Configuration at "`hostname`; cat debian/config.param) > $(buildendir)/config.param
+ cd $(buildendir) && ./configure -yes -model=monster -lang=EN -cflags="-O2 -DDEBIAN" --gc-includedir=/usr/include/gc --ssl-includedir=/usr/include/openssl --mimetypes=/etc/mime.types
+ cd $(buildendir) && LC_ALL=C $(MAKE) OPTS="-Wall -g"
touch build-stamp
rm -rf $(buildtree)
- rm -f extract-stamp patch-stamp build-stamp install-stamp
+ rm -f extract-stamp patch-stamp configure-stamp build-stamp install-stamp
rm -f debian/docs debian/examples
@@ -45,16 +49,16 @@ install-stamp: build-stamp
dh_clean -k
- install -m 755 -s $(buildendir)/w3m `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/bin/w3m-ssl-en
- install -m 755 -s $(buildjadir)/w3m `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/bin/w3m-ssl-ja
+ install -m 755 -s $(buildendir)/w3m `pwd`/debian/w3m-ssl/usr/bin/w3m-ssl-en
+ install -m 755 -s $(buildjadir)/w3m `pwd`/debian/w3m-ssl/usr/bin/w3m-ssl-ja
touch install-stamp
# Build architecture-independent files here.
-binary-indep: build install
+binary-indep: build-stamp install-stamp
# We have nothing to do by default.
# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: build install
+binary-arch: build-stamp install-stamp
# dh_testversion
@@ -64,23 +68,25 @@ binary-arch: build install
# dh_installemacsen
# dh_installinit
# dh_installcron
-# dh_installmanpages
- install -m 644 $(builddir)/doc-jp/HISTORY.kokb `pwd`/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/changelog.w3m-kokb
- dh_installchangelogs $(builddir)/doc/HISTORY
+# dh_installman $(builddir)/doc/w3m.1
+# install -m 644 $(builddir)/doc-jp/HISTORY.kokb `pwd`/debian/w3m-ssl/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/changelog.w3m-kokb
+ #dh_installchangelogs $(builddir)/doc/HISTORY
+ dh_installchangelogs $(builddir)/ChangeLog
- (cd debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl; ls -1) | while read file; do \
+ (cd debian/w3m-ssl/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl; ls -1) | while read file; do \
case $$file in changelog*|copyright*|README.Debian) continue;; esac;\
- test -d debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/$$file && continue; \
- rm -f debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/$$file; \
+ test -d debian/w3m-ssl/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/$$file && continue; \
+ rm -f debian/w3m-ssl/usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/$$file; \
dh_link usr/share/doc/w3m/$$file usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/$$file; \
- dh_link usr/share/w3m/examples usr/share/w3m-ssl/examples
- dh_link usr/share/w3m/ja usr/share/w3m-ssl/ja
+ dh_link usr/share/doc/w3m/examples usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/examples
+ dh_link usr/share/doc/w3m/ja usr/share/doc/w3m-ssl/ja
dh_link usr/share/man/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/w3m-ssl-ja.1.gz
dh_link usr/share/man/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/w3m-ssl-en.1.gz
+ dh_link usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m-ssl-ja.1.gz
+ dh_link usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m.1.gz usr/share/man/ja/man1/w3m-ssl-en.1.gz
- dh_suidregister
diff --git a/debian/rules.mk b/debian/rules.mk
index 12a6046..69e60bb 100644
--- a/debian/rules.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.mk
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
# -*- Makefile -*-
extract: extract-stamp
-rm -rf $(buildtree)
mkdir $(buildtree)
- tar zxfC upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre.tar.gz $(buildtree)
- # gunzip < upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre+.diff.gz | (cd $(builddir) && patch -p0)
- gunzip < upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23.patch.gz | (cd $(builddir) && patch -p1)
+ tar zxfC upstream/w3m-0.3.tar.gz $(buildtree)
touch extract-stamp
patch: patch-stamp
@@ -40,3 +38,7 @@ $(buildendir)/setup-stamp: extract-stamp patch-stamp
cp -a $(builddir) $(buildendir)
touch $(buildendir)/setup-stamp
+configure: configure-stamp
+configure-stamp: setup-ja setup-en
+ touch configure-stamp
diff --git a/debian/w3m-img.dirs b/debian/w3m-img.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2037964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/w3m-img.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/w3m-img.files b/debian/w3m-img.files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e1f43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/w3m-img.files
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/w3m.sh b/debian/w3m.sh
index bc9588d..7c9c47b 100644
--- a/debian/w3m.sh
+++ b/debian/w3m.sh
@@ -1,30 +1,8 @@
# Copyright (c) 1999 Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
# Copyright (c) 1999 Jacobo Tarrio Barreiro <jtarrio@iname.com>
# This program is covered by the GNU General Public License version 2
-unset params
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- case "$1" in
- -t | -l | -T | -bookmark | -cols | -ppc | -o | -config)
- params[${#params[@]}]="$1"
- params[${#params[@]}]="$2"
- shift ;;
- -* | +* | *://*)
- params[${#params[@]}]="$1"
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -f "$1" -o -d "$1" ]
- then
- params[${#params[@]}]="$1"
- else
- params[${#params[@]}]="http://$1"
- fi ;;
- esac
- shift
## for I18N variants, not yet: try w3mmee
@@ -49,4 +27,5 @@ case X"$locale" in
[ -x /usr/bin/w3m-ssl-en ] && W3M=/usr/bin/w3m-ssl-en
-exec $W3M "${params[@]}"
+exec $W3M "$@"
diff --git a/debian/w3mconfig b/debian/w3mconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9201a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/w3mconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+accept_bad_cookie 0
+accept_cookie 1
+use_cookie 1
+ssl_ca_path /etc/ssl/certs
+ssl_verify_server 1
+no_cache 0
+noproxy_netaddr 0
+meta_refresh 1
+follow_redirection 10
+default_url 1
+retry_http 1
+argv_is_url 1
+no_referer 0
+use_lessopen 0
+bgextviewer 1
+editor sensible-editor
+mailcap ~/.w3m/mailcap, /etc/w3m/mailcap, /etc/mailcap
+mime_types ~/.w3m/mime.types, /etc/mime.types
+urimethodmap ~/.w3m//urimethodmap, /etc/w3m/urimethodmap
+use_mouse 1
+migemo_command migemo -t egrep /usr/share/migemo/migemo-dict
+use_migemo 1
+ignorecase_search 1
+wrap_search 0
+confirm_qq 1
+save_hist 1
+history 100
+pagerline 10000
+visited_color magenta
+visited_anchor 0
+active_color cyan
+active_style 0
+bg_color terminal
+form_color red
+image_color green
+anchor_color blue
+basic_color terminal
+color 1
+show_lnum 0
+view_unseenobject 1
+ignore_null_img_alt 1
+alt_entity 0
+multicol 0
+dirlist_cmd file:///$LIB/dirlist.cgi
+ext_dirlist 1
+display_link 0
+target_self 0
+frame 0
+tabstop 8
+ftppasswd anonymous@
+ftppass_hostnamegen 0
+display_image 1
diff --git a/debian/w3mman.1 b/debian/w3mman.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb9116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/w3mman.1
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+w3mman \- read man pages with hyperlinks in w3m
+.B w3mman
+.RB [ \-M
+.IR path ]
+.RI [[ section ]
+.IR command ]
+.B w3mman
+.RB [ \-M
+.IR path ]
+.RB [ \-k
+.IR keyword ]
+.I w3mman
+displays manual pages using
+.I w3m
+as a pager.
+It understands references to other man pages, C header files (via #include),
+ordinary URLs, and local files, and renders them as hyperlinks.
+In ordinary use,
+.I w3mman
+is given the name of a man page to display, optionally preceded by a manual
+It may also take the following command-line options:
+.B \-k keyword
+Perform a keyword search on the short descriptions of installed man pages,
+and display the results with each name in the list of results rendered as a
+.B \-M path
+Use an alternate manpath.
+The manpath must be the root of a man page hierarchy, such as
+.IR /usr/share/man .
+To view the man page for the shell:
+$ w3mman sh
+To view a list of all man pages related to w3m:
+$ w3mman -k w3m
+This manual page was written by Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org> for the
+Debian Project, but may be used by others.
diff --git a/lisp/ChangeLog b/lisp/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e89f8..0000000
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-2000-10-20 Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@meadowy.org>
- * w3m.el (w3m-process-type): Change default valule to 'start-process.
- (w3m-process-user-counter): New buffer local variable.
- (w3m-exec-get-user): New funciton, get user and passwd from
- w3m-arrived-user-list.
- (w3m-exec-filter): Use w3m-exec-get-user().
-2000-10-18 Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@meadowy.org>
- * w3m.el (w3m-view-previous-point): New function.
- (w3m-expand-url): If BASE is nil, it set "".
- (w3m-download-this-url): w3m-refontify-anchor() exec when finished
- download.
-2000-10-16 Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@meadowy.org>
- * w3m.el (w3m-arrived-ct-file, w3m-arrived-file-cs,
- w3m-always-html-url-regex): New variables.
- (w3m-process-type): Change name from w3m-exec-process-type.
- (w3m-refontify-anchor): New funcition.
- (w3m-exec): Pre-check content-type.
- (w3m-exec-w3m-ctcheck): New funcition, check context-type for URL.
- (w3m-exec-w3m): New funcion, execute w3m.
- (w3m-exec-ftp): New function, execute dired-other-window() or
- copy-file(), if URL is 'ftp://'.
- (w3m-convert-ftp-to-emacsen): Change 'ftp://' to '/user@host:/' from
- elisp ML.
- (w3m-download-this-url, w3m-save-image, w3-view-image): Use w3
- features.
-2000-10-12 Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@meadowy.org>
- * w3m.el (top-level): Add authors.
- (w3m-expand-url): Check relative URL first.
- (w3m-fontify): Add original text properties when replace 'escaped
- character'.
-2000-10-11 Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@meadowy.org>
- * w3m.el (w3m-mailto-url-function, w3m-use-cygdrive,
- w3m-default-save-dir, w3m-arrived-list-file, w3m-arrived-list-keep,
- w3m-arrived-anchor-face, w3m-exec-process-type,
- w3m-process-connection-type, w3m-arrived-anchor-list):
- New user custumize variables.
- (w3m-mode): Change doc-string for key binding.
- (w3m-arrived-list-add, w3m-arrived-list-load, w3m-arrived-list-save):
- New functions for handling arrived anchor.
- (w3m-fontify): Add arrived anchor face.
- (w3m-exec-process, w3m-exec-filter, w3m-exec-sentinel): New functions
- for asynchronous w3m execution.
- (w3m-find-file, w3m-read-file-name, w3m-read-passwd):
- New miscellaneous functions.
- (w3m-expand-file-name): Support old cygwin.
- (w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser): If w3m-browser-command
- is function, funcall it.
- (w3m-mailto-url): If w3m-mailto-url-function is function, funcall it.
- (w3m-mode-map): If running xemacs, use (button2) instead of (mouse-2).
-2000-09-21 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m): Cancel last change, use switch-to-buffer again.
-2000-09-20 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m): Do not switch buffer if w3m window already exists.
-2000-09-20 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el: Add declaration of dependency on APEL.
- (w3m-quit): When other w3m buffers exist, don't destruct cache.
- (w3m-browse-url): New function.
-2000-09-20 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m-command-arguments): Remove option -m, that's not good
- for bookmark / local file handling.
-2000-09-19 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m-command-arguments): Add -m option explicitly.
- (w3m-exec): Ad-hoc change to view .txt object. It's temporary
- fix. Should we consider type? w3m option -dump_head may help us.
- (w3m-exec): Get title and remove both format <title_alt> and
- <title>.
- (w3m-view-this-url): Force reloading by prefix.
- (w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser): Works correctly.
- (w3m-print-current-url): Push url to kill king to paste later.
- (w3m-print-this-url): ditto.
- (w3m-mailto-url): Use rfc2368.el instead of mailto.el.
- (w3m-goto-url): Add 2nd argument RELOAD to withdraw data cached on
- emacs.
- (w3m-reload-this-page): Simplified by using new w3m-goto-url.
- (w3m): Set mode-line-buffer-identification after changing major
- mode because it overwrite that variable.
-2000-09-19 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m-fontify): Add code to handle irregular ordered
- elements of anchor tags.
- (w3m-mailto-url): Adopt for Emacs-19.
- (w3m-input-url): Call `w3m-backlog-setup' to initialize
- `w3m-backlog-hashtb'.
-2000-09-19 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m): Sorry, over paren.
-2000-09-18 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m-exec): Get title correctly within -halfdump format
- of w3m.
- (w3m-mouse-view-this-url): New function to view page by clicking
- mouse middle button.
- (w3m-mode-map): Assign mouse middle button to view page.
- (w3m): Change mode-line spec to show title of current page.
-2000-09-18 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el: Add authors.
-2000-09-18 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m-input-url): Enter url with completion. Candidates
- are visited url kept in w3m-backlog-hashtb.
- (w3m-backlog-setup): Change hash size as prime number and
- initialized with value 0 for obarray.
- (w3m-backlog-remove): Remove unused 2nd arg NUMBER and remove when
- block to check NUMBER.
- (w3m-exec): Show message "Loading..." while loading.
- (w3m-save-position): New function to keep display position in
- Emacs window into hash symbol, but I think this is not best way.
- (w3m-restore-position): New function to restore display position.
- (w3m-view-previous-page): Restore display position.
- (w3m-expand-url): Canonicalize url, ex. "http://www.host.org" to
- "http://www.host.org/". Change regexp to allow "mailto:"
- protocol. Remove drive letter as side-effect using
- expand-file-name to expand url for Win32 emacen.
- (w3m-expand-file-name): New function to alternates
- expand-file-name function with convert drive letter prefixed path
- to cygwin path. i.e. c:/users/home to /cygdrive/c/users/home
- (w3m-view-bookmark): Expand bookmark filename as cygwin path
- format to pass to w3m.
- (w3m-mode-map): Add new key binding 'B' to back to previous page.
- Add new key binding 'R' to force reloading current page.
- (w3m-mailto-url): New function to support mailto: protocol. It
- use rfc2368.el if available.
- (w3m-goto-url): Ad-hoc support mailto: protocol. We should
- consider more...
- (w3m-reload-this-page): New function to reload current page.
-2000-09-18 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>
- * w3m.el (w3m): Add 2nd arguemnt to use with browse url. This is
- patch from Satoru Takabayashi <satoru-t@is.aist-nara.ac.jp> in
- ELF-ML, Seq# 875.
- (w3m-fontify): Change regexp for <a ...> tag to allow newline in
- between attributes. This is patch from Satoru Takabayashi
- <satoru-t@is.aist-nara.ac.jp> in ELF-ML, Seq# 876.
- (w3m-fontify): Allow un-ended tag for name attribute, is it w3m
- bug?). This is Patch from Satoru Takabayashi
- <satoru-t@is.aist-nara.ac.jp> in ELF-ML, Seq# 876.
-2000-07-13 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el: Added handling of name anchors. Add comments.
-2000-07-12 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el: Improved to handle multi buffer. Fix broken cache and
- order of fontify.
-2000-07-01 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el: Handle &-sequence. Add history and cache.
-2000-06-25 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- * w3m.el: New file.
diff --git a/lisp/w3m.el b/lisp/w3m.el
deleted file mode 100644
index e096746..0000000
--- a/lisp/w3m.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1252 +0,0 @@
-;;; -*- mode: Emacs-Lisp; coding: euc-japan -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2000 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
-;; Authors: TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>,
-;; Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh@taiyo.co.jp>,
-;; Satoru Takabayashi <satoru-t@is.aist-nara.ac.jp>
-;; Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@meadowy.org>
-;; Keywords: w3m, WWW, hypermedia
-;; w3m.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; w3m.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with w3m.el; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-;; Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-;;; Commentary:
-;; w3m.el is the interface program of w3m on Emacs. For more detail
-;; about w3m, see:
-;; http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/
-;;; How to install:
-;; Please put this file to appropriate directory, and if you want
-;; byte-compile it. And add following lisp expressions to your
-;; ~/.emacs.
-;; (autoload 'w3m "w3m" "Interface for w3m on Emacs." t)
-;;; Code:
-(or (and (boundp 'emacs-major-version)
- (>= emacs-major-version 20))
- (progn
- (require 'poe)
- (require 'pcustom)))
-(defgroup w3m nil
- "w3m - the web browser of choice."
- :group 'hypermedia)
-(defgroup w3m-face nil
- "Faces for w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :prefix "w3m-")
-(defcustom w3m-command "w3m"
- "*Name of the executable file of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'string)
-(defcustom w3m-command-arguments '("-e" "-halfdump" "-cols" col url)
- "*Arguments of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type '(repeat (restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (stringp 'col 'url))))
-(defcustom w3m-viewer-command "xv"
- "*Name of the viewer."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'string)
-(defcustom w3m-viewer-command-arguments '(file)
- "Arguments of viewer."
- :group 'w3m
- :type '(repeat (restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (stringp 'file))))
-(defcustom w3m-browser-command "netscape"
- "*Command name or function name of the browser."
- :group 'w3m
- :type '(choice (string :tag "Name of command")
- (function :tag "Name of function")))
-(defcustom w3m-browser-command-arguments '(url)
- "*Arguments of browser."
- :group 'w3m
- :type '(repeat (restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (stringp 'url))))
-(defcustom w3m-mailto-url-function nil
- "*Mailto handling Function."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'function)
-(defcustom w3m-use-cygdrive t
- "*If non-nil, use /cygdrive/ rule when expand-file-name."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom w3m-default-save-dir "~/.w3m"
- "*Default directory for save file."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'directory)
-(defcustom w3m-coding-system (if (boundp 'MULE) '*euc-japan* 'euc-japan)
- "*Coding system for w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'symbol)
-(defcustom w3m-bookmark-file (expand-file-name "~/.w3m/bookmark.html")
- "*Bookmark file of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'file)
-(defcustom w3m-arrived-list-file (expand-file-name "~/.w3m/.arrived")
- "*Arrived URL file of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'file)
-(defcustom w3m-arrived-ct-file (expand-file-name "~/.w3m/.ctcheck")
- "*Arrived URL's context-type file of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'file)
-(defcustom w3m-arrived-file-cs
- (if (boundp 'MULE) '*euc-japan*unix 'euc-japan-unix)
- "*Coding system for arrived file."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'symbol)
-(defcustom w3m-arrived-list-keep 500
- "*Arrived keep count of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom w3m-keep-backlog 300
- "*Back log size of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom w3m-fill-column (- (frame-width) 4)
- "*Fill column of w3m."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom w3m-always-html-url-regex nil
- "*If URL is matched this regex, it handle always Text/Html."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'string)
-(defface w3m-anchor-face
- '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "red" :underline t))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "blue" :underline t))
- (t (:underline t)))
- "*Face to fontify anchors."
- :group 'w3m-face)
-(defface w3m-arrived-anchor-face
- '((((class color) (background light))
- (:foreground "navy" :underline t :bold t))
- (((class color) (background dark))
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t :bold t))
- (t (:underline t)))
- "*Face to fontify anchors, if arrived."
- :group 'w3m-face)
-(defface w3m-image-face
- '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen"))
- (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
- (t (:underline t)))
- "*Face to fontify image alternate strings."
- :group 'w3m-face)
-(defcustom w3m-hook nil
- "*Hook run before w3m called."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'hook)
-(defcustom w3m-mode-hook nil
- "*Hook run before w3m-mode called."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'hook)
-(defcustom w3m-fontify-before-hook nil
- "*Hook run before w3m-fontify called."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'hook)
-(defcustom w3m-fontify-after-hook nil
- "*Hook run after w3m-fontify called."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'hook)
-(defcustom w3m-process-type 'start-process
- "*Function type for w3m execution."
- :group 'w3m
- :type '(choice (symbol :tag "call-process" call-process)
- (symbol :tag "start-process" start-process)))
-(defcustom w3m-process-connection-type t
- "*Process connection type for w3m execution."
- :group 'w3m
- :type 'boolean)
-(defvar w3m-current-url nil "URL of this buffer.")
-(defvar w3m-current-title nil "Title of this buffer.")
-(defvar w3m-url-history nil "History of URL.")
-(defvar w3m-backlog-buffer nil)
-(defvar w3m-backlog-articles nil)
-(defvar w3m-backlog-hashtb nil)
-(defvar w3m-input-url-history nil)
-(defvar w3m-arrived-anchor-list nil)
-(defvar w3m-arrived-url-ct nil)
-(defvar w3m-arrived-user-list nil)
-(defvar w3m-process nil)
-(defvar w3m-process-string nil)
-(defvar w3m-process-url nil)
-(defvar w3m-process-user nil)
-(defvar w3m-process-passwd nil)
-(defvar w3m-process-user-counter 0)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-process)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-process-string)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-process-url)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-process-user)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-process-passwd)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-process-user-counter)
-(defun w3m-arrived-list-load ()
- "Load arrived url list from 'w3m-arrived-list-file'
-and 'w3m-arrived-ct-file'."
- (when (file-readable-p w3m-arrived-ct-file)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((file-coding-system-for-read w3m-arrived-file-cs)
- (coding-system-for-read w3m-arrived-file-cs))
- (insert-file-contents w3m-arrived-ct-file)
- (setq w3m-arrived-url-ct
- (condition-case nil
- (read (current-buffer))
- (error nil))))))
- (when (file-readable-p w3m-arrived-list-file)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((file-coding-system-for-read w3m-arrived-file-cs)
- (coding-system-for-read w3m-arrived-file-cs))
- (insert-file-contents w3m-arrived-list-file)
- (setq w3m-arrived-anchor-list
- (condition-case nil
- (read (current-buffer))
- (error nil)))))))
-(defun w3m-arrived-list-save ()
- "Save arrived url list to 'w3m-arrived-list-file'
-and 'w3m-arrived-ct-file'."
- (when (> (length w3m-arrived-url-ct) w3m-arrived-list-keep)
- (setq w3m-arrived-url-ct
- (nreverse (nthcdr (- (length w3m-arrived-url-ct)
- w3m-arrived-list-keep)
- (nreverse w3m-arrived-url-ct)))))
- (when (and w3m-arrived-url-ct
- (file-writable-p w3m-arrived-ct-file))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((file-coding-system w3m-arrived-file-cs)
- (coding-system-for-write w3m-arrived-file-cs))
- (prin1 w3m-arrived-url-ct (current-buffer))
- (princ "\n" (current-buffer))
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
- w3m-arrived-ct-file nil 'nomsg))))
- (when (> (length w3m-arrived-anchor-list) w3m-arrived-list-keep)
- (setq w3m-arrived-anchor-list
- (nreverse (nthcdr (- (length w3m-arrived-anchor-list)
- w3m-arrived-list-keep)
- (nreverse w3m-arrived-anchor-list)))))
- (when (and w3m-arrived-anchor-list
- (file-writable-p w3m-arrived-list-file))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((file-coding-system w3m-arrived-file-cs)
- (coding-system-for-write w3m-arrived-file-cs))
- (prin1 w3m-arrived-anchor-list (current-buffer))
- (princ "\n" (current-buffer))
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
- w3m-arrived-list-file nil 'nomsg)
- (setq w3m-arrived-anchor-list nil)))))
-(defun w3m-arrived-list-add (&optional url)
- "Cons url to 'w3m-arrived-anchor-list'. CAR is newest."
- (setq url (or url w3m-current-url))
- (when (> (length url) 5) ;; ignore short
- (set-text-properties 0 (length url) nil url)
- (setq w3m-arrived-anchor-list
- (cons url (delete url w3m-arrived-anchor-list)))))
-(defun w3m-fontify ()
- "Fontify this buffer."
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (run-hooks 'w3m-fontify-before-hook)
- ;; Delete extra title tag.
- (let (start)
- (and (search-forward "<title>" nil t)
- (setq start (match-beginning 0))
- (search-forward "</title>" nil t)
- (delete-region start (match-end 0))))
- ;; Fontify bold characters.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (search-forward "<b>" nil t)
- (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
- (delete-region start (match-end 0))
- (when (search-forward "</b>" nil t)
- (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
- (put-text-property start (match-beginning 0) 'face 'bold))))
- ;; Delete excessive `hseq' elements of anchor tags.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "<a\\( hseq=\"[-0-9]+\"\\)" nil t)
- (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
- ;; Re-ordering anchor elements.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let (href)
- (while (re-search-forward "<a\\([ \t\n]\\)[^>]+[ \t\n]href=\\(\"[^\"]*\"\\)" nil t)
- (setq href (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
- (delete-region (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
- (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
- (insert " href=" href)))
- ;; Fontify anchor tags.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "<a\\([ \t\n]+href=\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"\\)?\\([ \t\n]+name=\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"\\)?[^>]*>"
- nil t)
- (let ((url (match-string 2))
- (tag (match-string 4))
- (start (match-beginning 0))
- (end))
- (delete-region start (match-end 0))
- (cond (url
- (when (search-forward "</a>" nil t)
- (delete-region (setq end (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0))
- (if (member (w3m-expand-url url w3m-current-url)
- w3m-arrived-anchor-list)
- (put-text-property start end 'face 'w3m-arrived-anchor-face)
- (put-text-property start end 'face 'w3m-anchor-face))
- (put-text-property start end 'w3m-href-anchor url))
- (when tag
- (put-text-property start end 'w3m-name-anchor tag)))
- (tag
- (when (re-search-forward "<\\|\n" nil t)
- (setq end (match-beginning 0))
- (put-text-property start end 'w3m-name-anchor tag))))))
- ;; Fontify image alternate strings.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "<img_alt src=\"\\([^\"]*\\)\">" nil t)
- (let ((src (match-string 1))
- (start (match-beginning 0))
- (end))
- (delete-region start (match-end 0))
- (when (search-forward "</img_alt>" nil t)
- (delete-region (setq end (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0))
- (put-text-property start end 'face 'w3m-image-face)
- (put-text-property start end 'w3m-image src))))
- ;; Remove other markups.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "</?[A-z][^>]*>" nil t)
- (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
- ;; Decode escaped characters.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let (prop)
- (while (re-search-forward
- "&\\(\\(nbsp\\)\\|\\(gt\\)\\|\\(lt\\)\\|\\(amp\\)\\|\\(quot\\)\\|\\(apos\\)\\);"
- nil t)
- (setq prop (text-properties-at (match-beginning 0)))
- (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
- (insert (if (match-beginning 2) " "
- (if (match-beginning 3) ">"
- (if (match-beginning 4) "<"
- (if (match-beginning 5) "&"
- (if (match-beginning 6) "\"" "'"))))))
- (if prop (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point) prop))))
- (run-hooks 'w3m-fontify-after-hook)))
-(defun w3m-refontify-anchor (&optional buff)
- "Change face 'w3m-anchor-face to 'w3m-arrived-anchor-face."
- (save-excursion
- (and buff (set-buffer buff))
- (when (and (eq major-mode 'w3m-mode)
- (eq (get-text-property (point) 'face) 'w3m-anchor-face))
- (let* (start
- (end (next-single-property-change (point) 'face))
- (buffer-read-only nil))
- (when(and end
- (setq start (previous-single-property-change end 'face)))
- (put-text-property start end 'face 'w3m-arrived-anchor-face))
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
-(defun w3m-input-url (&optional prompt default)
- "Read a URL from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT."
- (let (url candidates)
- (w3m-backlog-setup)
- (or w3m-input-url-history
- (setq w3m-input-url-history (or w3m-arrived-anchor-list
- (w3m-arrived-list-load))))
- (mapatoms (lambda (x)
- (setq candidates (cons (cons (symbol-name x) x) candidates)))
- w3m-backlog-hashtb)
- (setq url (completing-read (or prompt "URL: ")
- candidates nil nil
- default 'w3m-input-url-history default))
- ;; remove duplication
- (setq w3m-input-url-history (cons url (delete url w3m-input-url-history)))
- ;; return value
- url))
-(defun w3m-backlog-setup ()
- "Initialize backlog variables."
- (unless (and (bufferp w3m-backlog-buffer)
- (buffer-live-p w3m-backlog-buffer))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *w3m backlog*"))
- (buffer-disable-undo)
- (setq buffer-read-only t
- w3m-backlog-buffer (current-buffer))))
- (unless w3m-backlog-hashtb
- (setq w3m-backlog-hashtb (make-vector 1021 0))))
-(defun w3m-backlog-shutdown ()
- "Clear all backlog variables and buffers."
- (when (get-buffer w3m-backlog-buffer)
- (kill-buffer w3m-backlog-buffer))
- (setq w3m-backlog-hashtb nil
- w3m-backlog-articles nil))
-(defun w3m-backlog-enter (url buffer)
- (w3m-backlog-setup)
- (let ((ident (intern url w3m-backlog-hashtb)))
- (if (memq ident w3m-backlog-articles)
- () ; It's already kept.
- ;; Remove the oldest article, if necessary.
- (and (numberp w3m-keep-backlog)
- (>= (length w3m-backlog-articles) w3m-keep-backlog)
- (w3m-backlog-remove-oldest))
- ;; Insert the new article.
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer w3m-backlog-buffer)
- (let (buffer-read-only)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
- (let ((b (point)))
- (insert-buffer-substring buffer)
- ;; Tag the beginning of the article with the ident.
- (when (> (point-max) b)
- (put-text-property b (1+ b) 'w3m-backlog ident)
- (setq w3m-backlog-articles (cons ident w3m-backlog-articles)))
- ))))))
-(defun w3m-backlog-remove-oldest ()
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer w3m-backlog-buffer)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (zerop (buffer-size))
- () ; The buffer is empty.
- (let ((ident (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-backlog))
- buffer-read-only)
- ;; Remove the ident from the list of articles.
- (when ident
- (setq w3m-backlog-articles (delq ident w3m-backlog-articles)))
- ;; Delete the article itself.
- (delete-region (point)
- (next-single-property-change
- (1+ (point)) 'w3m-backlog nil (point-max)))))))
-(defun w3m-backlog-remove (url)
- "Remove data of URL from the backlog."
- (w3m-backlog-setup)
- (let ((ident (intern url w3m-backlog-hashtb))
- beg end)
- (when (memq ident w3m-backlog-articles)
- ;; It was in the backlog.
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer w3m-backlog-buffer)
- (let (buffer-read-only)
- (when (setq beg (text-property-any
- (point-min) (point-max) 'w3m-backlog ident))
- ;; Find the end (i. e., the beginning of the next article).
- (setq end (next-single-property-change
- (1+ beg) 'w3m-backlog (current-buffer) (point-max)))
- (delete-region beg end)))
- (setq w3m-backlog-articles (delq ident w3m-backlog-articles))))))
-(defun w3m-backlog-request (url &optional buffer)
- (w3m-backlog-setup)
- (let ((ident (intern url w3m-backlog-hashtb)))
- (when (memq ident w3m-backlog-articles)
- ;; It was in the backlog.
- (let (beg end)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer w3m-backlog-buffer)
- (if (not (setq beg (text-property-any
- (point-min) (point-max) 'w3m-backlog ident)))
- ;; It wasn't in the backlog after all.
- (setq w3m-backlog-articles (delq ident w3m-backlog-articles))
- ;; Find the end (i. e., the beginning of the next article).
- (setq end
- (next-single-property-change
- (1+ beg) 'w3m-backlog (current-buffer) (point-max)))))
- (and beg
- end
- (save-excursion
- (and buffer (set-buffer buffer))
- (let (buffer-read-only)
- (insert-buffer-substring w3m-backlog-buffer beg end))
- t))))))
-(defun w3m-exec (url &optional buffer ct)
- "Download URL with w3m to the BUFFER.
-If BUFFER is nil, all data is placed to the current buffer.
-CT denotes content-type."
- (let ((cbuf (current-buffer)))
- (when (let ((args (copy-sequence w3m-command-arguments)))
- (cond
- ;; backlog exist.
- ((w3m-backlog-request url)
- (w3m-exec-w3m url args buffer) nil)
- ;; ange|efs-ftp
- ((and (string-match "^ftp://" url)
- (not (string-match "\\.s?html?$" url)))
- (w3m-exec-ftp url) t)
- ;; text/html
- ((or (string-match "\\.s?html?$\\|/$" url)
- (and w3m-always-html-url-regex
- (string-match w3m-always-html-url-regex url))
- (eq ct 'text/html))
- (w3m-exec-w3m url args buffer) nil)
- ;; text/*
- ((or (string-match "\\.\\(txt\\|el\\)$" url) (eq ct 'text))
- (setq args (cons "-dump" (delete "-halfdump" args)))
- (w3m-exec-w3m url args buffer) nil)
- ;; image/*
- ((eq ct 'image)
- (require 'w3)
- (w3-fetch url) t)
- ;; application/*, audio/*, etc...
- ((eq ct 'application)
- (require 'w3)
- (let ((mm-download-directory
- (file-name-as-directory w3m-default-save-dir)))
- (w3-download-url (w3m-expand-url url w3m-current-url))) t)
- ;; get context-type and w3-exec() call recursion .
- ((not ct)
- (w3m-exec url buffer (w3m-exec-w3m-ctcheck url)))
- ;; error
- (t (error "context-type check error."))))
- ;; if not exec w3m, return (current-buffer)
- cbuf)))
-(defun w3m-exec-w3m-ctcheck (url)
- (or (cdr (assoc url w3m-arrived-url-ct))
- (save-excursion
- (message "Dump header...")
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *w3m ctcheck*"))
- (buffer-disable-undo)
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (let ((args (copy-sequence w3m-command-arguments))
- (case-fold-search t)
- (ct 'error))
- (setq args (cons "-dump_head" (delete "-halfdump" args)))
- (w3m-exec-process url args)
- (message "Dump header... done.")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (when (re-search-forward "^content-type: " nil t)
- (setq ct (if (looking-at "text/html") 'text/html
- (if (looking-at "text") 'text
- (if (looking-at "image") 'image
- 'application))))
- (setq w3m-arrived-url-ct (cons (cons url ct) w3m-arrived-url-ct))
- ct)))))
-(defun w3m-exec-w3m (url args buffer)
- (save-excursion
- (setq buffer-read-only nil)
- (if buffer (set-buffer buffer))
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (unless (w3m-backlog-request url)
- (message "Loading page...")
- (w3m-exec-process url args)
- (message "Loading page... done."))
- (w3m-backlog-enter url (current-buffer))
- ;; Setting buffer local variables.
- (set (make-local-variable 'w3m-current-url) url)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let (title)
- (mapcar (lambda (regexp)
- (goto-char 1)
- (when (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
- (setq title (match-string 1))
- (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
- '("<title_alt[ \t\n]+title=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\">"
- "<title>\\([^<]\\)</title>"))
- (if (and (null title)
- (< 0 (length (file-name-nondirectory url))))
- (setq title (file-name-nondirectory url)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'w3m-current-title) (or title "<no-title>")))
- (set (make-local-variable 'w3m-url-history)
- (cons url w3m-url-history))
- (setq-default w3m-url-history
- (cons url (default-value 'w3m-url-history)))))
-(defun w3m-exec-ftp (url)
- (let ((ftp (w3m-convert-ftp-to-emacsen url))
- (file (file-name-nondirectory url)))
- (if (string-match "\\(\\.gz\\|\\.bz2\\|\\.zip\\|\\.lzh\\)$" file)
- (copy-file ftp (w3m-read-file-name nil nil file))
- (dired-other-window ftp))))
-(defun w3m-convert-ftp-to-emacsen (url)
- (or (and (string-match "^ftp://?\\([^/@]+@\\)?\\([^/]+\\)\\(/~/\\)?" url)
- (concat "/"
- (if (match-beginning 1)
- (substring url (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- "anonymous@")
- (substring url (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
- ":"
- (substring url (match-end 2))))
- (error "URL is strange.")))
-(defun w3m-exec-process (url args)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((coding-system-for-read w3m-coding-system)
- (coding-system-for-write w3m-coding-system)
- (default-process-coding-system
- (cons w3m-coding-system w3m-coding-system))
- (process-connection-type w3m-process-connection-type))
- (if (eq w3m-process-type 'start-process)
- ;; start-process
- (unwind-protect nil
- (let ()
- ;; (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
- (setq w3m-process-url url)
- (setq w3m-process-string nil)
- (setq w3m-process-user nil)
- (setq w3m-process-passwd nil)
- (setq w3m-process-user-counter 2)
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (setq w3m-process
- (apply 'start-process w3m-command (current-buffer) w3m-command
- (mapcar (lambda (arg)
- (if (eq arg 'col)
- (format "%d" w3m-fill-column)
- (eval arg)))
- args)))
- (set-process-coding-system w3m-process w3m-coding-system)
- (set-process-filter w3m-process 'w3m-exec-filter)
- (set-process-sentinel w3m-process 'w3m-exec-sentinel)
- (process-kill-without-query w3m-process)
- (while w3m-process
- (sit-for 0.5)
- (discard-input)))
- (setq w3m-process nil)
- (setq w3m-process-url url)
- (setq w3m-process-string nil)
- (setq w3m-process-user nil)
- (setq w3m-process-passwd nil)
- (setq w3m-process-user-counter 0)
- (setq buffer-read-only nil))
- ;; call-process
- (apply 'call-process w3m-command nil t nil
- (mapcar (lambda (arg)
- (if (eq arg 'col)
- (format "%d" w3m-fill-column)
- (eval arg)))
- args))))))
-(defun w3m-exec-filter (process string)
- (if (bufferp (process-buffer process))
- (let ((obuf (buffer-name)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
- (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
- (case-fold-search nil)
- file input prompt)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (setq w3m-process-string
- (concat w3m-process-string string))
- (while (string-match "\n" w3m-process-string)
- (insert (concat
- (substring w3m-process-string 0 (match-beginning 0))
- "\n"))
- (setq w3m-process-string
- (substring w3m-process-string (match-end 0))))
- (cond
- ;; username
- ((string-match "^Username: " w3m-process-string)
- (setq prompt (match-string 0 w3m-process-string))
- (setq w3m-process-string "")
- (setq w3m-process-user
- (or (nth 0 (w3m-exec-get-user w3m-process-url))
- (read-from-minibuffer prompt)))
- (process-send-string process (concat w3m-process-user "\n")))
- ;; passwd
- ((string-match "^Password: " w3m-process-string)
- (setq prompt (match-string 0 w3m-process-string))
- (setq w3m-process-string "")
- (setq w3m-process-passwd
- (or (nth 1 (w3m-exec-get-user w3m-process-url))
- (w3m-read-passwd prompt)))
- (process-send-string process (concat w3m-process-passwd "\n")))
- ;; save file
- ((string-match "Save file to:" w3m-process-string)
- (setq w3m-process-string "")
- (setq input (w3m-read-file-name nil nil w3m-process-url))
- (process-send-string process (concat input "\n"))
- (insert (format "Save to %s.\n" input)))
- ;; overwrite
- ((string-match "File exists. Overwrite? (y or n)" w3m-process-string)
- (setq w3m-process-string "")
- (condition-case nil
- (process-send-string process "y\n")
- (error nil)))
- ;; quit
- ((string-match " *Hit any key to quit w3m:" w3m-process-string)
- (condition-case nil
- (quit-process process)
- (error nil))))))
- (if (get-buffer obuf)
- (set-buffer obuf))))))
-(defun w3m-exec-get-user (url)
- (if (= w3m-process-user-counter 0)
- nil
- (let ((urllist w3m-arrived-user-list))
- (catch 'get
- (while urllist
- (when (string-match (concat "^"
- (regexp-quote (car (car urllist))))
- url)
- (setq w3m-process-user-counter (1- w3m-process-user-counter))
- (throw 'get (cdr (car urllist))))
- (setq urllist (cdr urllist)))))))
-(defun w3m-exec-sentinel (process event)
- (if (bufferp (process-buffer process))
- (let ((obuf (buffer-name)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
- (if (and w3m-process-url w3m-process-user)
- (setq w3m-arrived-user-list
- (cons
- (cons w3m-process-url
- (list w3m-process-user w3m-process-passwd))
- (delete (assoc w3m-process-url w3m-arrived-user-list)
- w3m-arrived-user-list))))
- (setq w3m-process-string nil)
- (setq w3m-process nil)
- (setq w3m-process-url nil)
- (setq w3m-process-user nil)
- (setq w3m-process-passwd nil))
- (if (get-buffer obuf)
- (set-buffer obuf))))))
-(defun w3m-read-file-name (&optional prompt dir default existing initial)
- (let* ((default (and default (file-name-nondirectory default)))
- (prompt (or prompt
- (if default (format "Save to (%s): " default) "Save to: ")))
- (initial (or initial default))
- (dir (file-name-as-directory (or dir w3m-default-save-dir)))
- (default-directory dir)
- (file (read-file-name prompt dir default existing initial)))
- (if (not (file-directory-p file))
- (setq w3m-default-save-dir
- (or (file-name-directory file) w3m-default-save-dir))
- (setq w3m-default-save-dir file)
- (if default
- (setq file (expand-file-name default file))))
- (expand-file-name file)))
-(defun w3m-read-passwd (prompt)
- (let ((inhibit-input-event-recording t))
- (if (fboundp 'read-passwd)
- (condition-case nil
- (read-passwd prompt)
- (error ""))
- (let ((pass "")
- (c 0)
- (echo-keystrokes 0)
- (ociea cursor-in-echo-area))
- (condition-case nil
- (progn
- (setq cursor-in-echo-area 1)
- (while (and (/= c ?\r) (/= c ?\n) (/= c ?\e) (/= c 7)) ;; ^G
- (message "%s%s"
- prompt
- (make-string (length pass) ?.))
- (setq c (read-char-exclusive))
- (cond
- ((char-equal c ?\C-u)
- (setq pass ""))
- ((or (char-equal c ?\b) (char-equal c ?\177)) ;; BS DELL
- ;; delete one character in the end
- (if (not (equal pass ""))
- (setq pass (substring pass 0 -1))))
- ((< c 32) ()) ;; control, just ignore
- (t
- (setq pass (concat pass (char-to-string c))))))
- (setq cursor-in-echo-area -1))
- (quit
- (setq cursor-in-echo-area ociea)
- (signal 'quit nil))
- (error
- ;; Probably not happen. Just align to the code above.
- (setq pass "")))
- (setq cursor-in-echo-area ociea)
- (message "")
- (sit-for 0)
- pass))))
-(defun w3m-search-name-anchor (name &optional quiet)
- (interactive "sName: ")
- (let ((pos (point-min)))
- (catch 'found
- (while (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-name-anchor))
- (when (equal name (get-text-property pos 'w3m-name-anchor))
- (goto-char pos)
- (throw 'found t))
- (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-name-anchor)))
- (unless quiet
- (message "Not found such name anchor."))
- nil)))
-(defun w3m-save-position (url)
- (if url
- (let ((ident (intern-soft url w3m-backlog-hashtb)))
- (when ident
- (set ident (cons (window-start) (point)))))))
-(defun w3m-restore-position (url)
- (let ((ident (intern-soft url w3m-backlog-hashtb)))
- (when (and ident (boundp ident))
- (set-window-start nil (car (symbol-value ident)))
- (goto-char (cdr (symbol-value ident))))))
-(defun w3m-view-previous-page (&optional arg)
- (interactive "p")
- (unless arg (setq arg 1))
- (let ((url (nth arg w3m-url-history)))
- (when url
- (let (w3m-url-history) (w3m-goto-url url))
- ;; restore last position
- (w3m-restore-position url)
- (setq w3m-url-history
- (nthcdr arg w3m-url-history)))))
-(defun w3m-view-previous-point ()
- (interactive)
- (w3m-restore-position w3m-current-url))
-(defun w3m-expand-url (url base)
- "Convert URL to absolute, and canonicalize it."
- (if (not base) (setq base ""))
- (if (string-match "^[^:]+://[^/]*$" base)
- (setq base (concat base "/")))
- (cond
- ;; URL is relative on BASE.
- ((string-match "^#" url)
- (concat base url))
- ;; URL has absolute spec.
- ((string-match "^[^:]+:" url)
- url)
- ((string-match "^/" url)
- (if (string-match "^\\([^:]+://[^/]*\\)/" base)
- (concat (match-string 1 base) url)
- url))
- (t
- (let ((server "") path)
- (if (string-match "^\\([^:]+://[^/]*\\)/" base)
- (setq server (match-string 1 base)
- base (substring base (match-end 1))))
- (setq path (expand-file-name url (file-name-directory base)))
- ;; remove drive (for Win32 platform)
- (if (string-match "^.:" path)
- (setq path (substring path (match-end 0))))
- (concat server path)))))
-(defun w3m-view-this-url (arg)
- "*View the URL of the link under point."
- (interactive "P")
- (let ((url (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (if url (w3m-goto-url (w3m-expand-url url w3m-current-url) arg))))
-(defun w3m-mouse-view-this-url (event)
- (interactive "e")
- (mouse-set-point event)
- (call-interactively (function w3m-view-this-url)))
-(defun w3m-view-image ()
- "*View the image under point."
- (interactive)
- (let ((file (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-image)))
- (if (not file)
- (message "No file at point.")
- (require 'w3)
- (w3-fetch (w3m-expand-url file w3m-current-url)))))
-(defun w3m-save-image ()
- "*Save the image under point to a file."
- (interactive)
- (let ((file (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-image)))
- (if (not file)
- (message "No file at point.")
- (require 'w3)
- (let ((mm-download-directory
- (file-name-as-directory w3m-default-save-dir)))
- (w3-download-url (w3m-expand-url file w3m-current-url))))))
-(defun w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser ()
- "*View this URL."
- (interactive)
- (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create " *w3m-view*"))
- (url (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (if url
- (setq url (w3m-expand-url url w3m-current-url))
- (if (y-or-n-p (format "Browse <%s> ? " w3m-current-url))
- (setq url w3m-current-url)))
- (when url
- (message "Browse <%s>" url)
- (if (and (symbolp w3m-browser-command)
- (fboundp w3m-browser-command))
- (funcall w3m-browser-command url)
- (apply 'start-process
- "w3m-external-browser"
- buffer
- w3m-browser-command
- (mapcar (function eval)
- w3m-browser-command-arguments))))))
-(defun w3m-download-this-url ()
- "*Download the URL of the link under point to a file."
- (interactive)
- (let ((url (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (if (not url)
- (message "No URL at point.")
- (require 'w3)
- (let ((mm-download-directory
- (file-name-as-directory w3m-default-save-dir)))
- (w3-download-url (w3m-expand-url url w3m-current-url)))
- (w3m-refontify-anchor (current-buffer)))))
-(defun w3m-print-current-url ()
- "*Print the URL of current page and push it into kill-ring."
- (interactive)
- (kill-new w3m-current-url)
- (message "%s" w3m-current-url))
-(defun w3m-print-this-url ()
- "*Print the URL of the link under point."
- (interactive)
- (let ((url (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (if url
- (kill-new (setq url (w3m-expand-url url w3m-current-url))))
- (message "%s" (or url "Not found."))))
-(defun w3m-next-anchor (&optional arg)
- "*Move cursor to the next anchor."
- (interactive "p")
- (unless arg (setq arg 1))
- (if (< arg 0)
- ;; If ARG is negative.
- (w3m-previous-anchor (- arg))
- (when (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)
- (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (while (and
- (> arg 0)
- (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (goto-char pos)
- (unless (zerop (setq arg (1- arg)))
- (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'w3m-href-anchor))))))
-(defun w3m-previous-anchor (&optional arg)
- "Move cursor to the previous anchor."
- (interactive "p")
- (unless arg (setq arg 1))
- (if (< arg 0)
- ;; If ARG is negative.
- (w3m-next-anchor (- arg))
- (when (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)
- (goto-char (previous-single-property-change (1+ (point)) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (while (and
- (> arg 0)
- (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) 'w3m-href-anchor)))
- (goto-char (previous-single-property-change pos 'w3m-href-anchor))
- (setq arg (1- arg)))))
-(defun w3m-expand-file-name (file)
- (setq file (expand-file-name file))
- (if (string-match "^\\(.\\):\\(.*\\)" file)
- (if w3m-use-cygdrive
- (concat "/cygdrive/" (match-string 1 file) (match-string 2 file))
- (concat "file://" (match-string 1 file) (match-string 2 file)))
- file))
-(defun w3m-view-bookmark ()
- (interactive)
- (if (file-readable-p w3m-bookmark-file)
- (w3m-goto-url (w3m-expand-file-name w3m-bookmark-file))))
-(defun w3m-copy-buffer (buf &optional newname and-pop) "\
-Create a twin copy of the current buffer.
-if NEWNAME is nil, it defaults to the current buffer's name.
-if AND-POP is non-nil, the new buffer is shown with `pop-to-buffer'."
- (interactive (list (current-buffer)
- (if current-prefix-arg (read-string "Name: "))
- t))
- (setq newname (or newname (buffer-name)))
- (if (string-match "<[0-9]+>\\'" newname)
- (setq newname (substring newname 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (let ((ptmin (point-min))
- (ptmax (point-max))
- (content (save-restriction (widen) (buffer-string)))
- (mode major-mode)
- (lvars (buffer-local-variables))
- (new (generate-new-buffer (or newname (buffer-name)))))
- (with-current-buffer new
- ;;(erase-buffer)
- (insert content)
- (narrow-to-region ptmin ptmax)
- (funcall mode) ;still needed?? -sm
- (mapcar (lambda (v)
- (if (not (consp v)) (makunbound v)
- (condition-case () ;in case var is read-only
- (set (make-local-variable (car v)) (cdr v))
- (error nil))))
- lvars)
- (when and-pop (pop-to-buffer new))
- new))))
-(defvar w3m-mode-map nil)
-(unless w3m-mode-map
- (setq w3m-mode-map (make-keymap))
- (define-key w3m-mode-map " " 'scroll-up)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "b" 'scroll-down)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [backspace] 'scroll-down)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [delete] 'scroll-down)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "h" 'backward-char)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "j" 'next-line)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "k" 'previous-line)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "l" 'forward-char)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "J" (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-up 1)))
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "K" (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-up -1)))
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "G" 'goto-line)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\C-?" 'scroll-down)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\t" 'w3m-next-anchor)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [down] 'w3m-next-anchor)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\M-\t" 'w3m-previous-anchor)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [up] 'w3m-previous-anchor)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\C-m" 'w3m-view-this-url)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [right] 'w3m-view-this-url)
- (if (featurep 'xemacs)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [(button2)] 'w3m-mouse-view-this-url)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [mouse-2] 'w3m-mouse-view-this-url))
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\C-c\C-b" 'w3m-view-previous-point)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map [left] 'w3m-view-previous-page)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "B" 'w3m-view-previous-page)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "d" 'w3m-download-this-url)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "u" 'w3m-print-this-url)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "I" 'w3m-view-image)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\M-I" 'w3m-save-image)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "c" 'w3m-print-current-url)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "M" 'w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "g" 'w3m)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "U" 'w3m)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "V" 'w3m)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "v" 'w3m-view-bookmark)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "q" 'w3m-quit)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "Q" (lambda () (interactive) (w3m-quit t)))
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "\M-n" 'w3m-copy-buffer)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "R" 'w3m-reload-this-page)
- (define-key w3m-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)
- )
-(defun w3m-quit (&optional force)
- (interactive "P")
- (when (or force
- (y-or-n-p "Do you want to exit w3m? "))
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
- (w3m-arrived-list-save)
- (or (save-excursion
- ;; Check existing w3m buffers.
- (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (b)
- (set-buffer b)
- (eq major-mode 'w3m-mode))
- (buffer-list))))
- ;; If no w3m buffer exists, then destruct all cache.
- (w3m-backlog-shutdown))))
-(defun w3m-mode ()
- "\\<w3m-mode-map>
- Major mode to browsing w3m buffer.
-\\[w3m-view-this-url] View this url.
-\\[w3m-mouse-view-this-url] View this url.
-\\[w3m-reload-this-page] Reload this page.
-\\[w3m-next-anchor] Jump next anchor.
-\\[w3m-previous-anchor] Jump previous anchor.
-\\[w3m-view-previous-page] Back to previous page.
-\\[w3m-download-this-url] Download this url.
-\\[w3m-print-this-url] Print this url.
-\\[w3m-view-image] View image.
-\\[w3m-save-image] Save image.
-\\[w3m-print-current-url] Print current url.
-\\[w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser] View current url with external browser.
-\\[scroll-up] Scroll up.
-\\[scroll-down] Scroll down.
-\\[next-line] Next line.
-\\[previous-line] Previous line.
-\\[forward-char] Forward char.
-\\[backward-char] Backward char.
-\\[goto-line] Jump to line.
-\\[w3m-view-previous-point] w3m-view-previous-point.
-\\[w3m] w3m.
-\\[w3m-view-bookmark] w3m-view-bookmark.
-\\[w3m-copy-buffer] w3m-copy-buffer.
-\\[w3m-quit] w3m-quit.
-\\[describe-mode] describe-mode.
- (kill-all-local-variables)
- (buffer-disable-undo)
- (setq major-mode 'w3m-mode
- mode-name "w3m")
- (use-local-map w3m-mode-map)
- (run-hooks 'w3m-mode-hook))
-(defun w3m-mailto-url (url)
- (if (and (symbolp w3m-mailto-url-function)
- (fboundp w3m-mailto-url-function))
- (funcall w3m-mailto-url-function url)
- (let (comp)
- ;; Require `mail-user-agent' setting
- (if (not (and (boundp 'mail-user-agent)
- mail-user-agent
- (setq comp (intern-soft (concat (symbol-name mail-user-agent)
- "-compose")))
- (fboundp comp)))
- (error "You must specify valid `mail-user-agent'."))
- ;; Use rfc2368.el if exist.
- ;; rfc2368.el is written by Sen Nagata.
- ;; You can find it in "contrib" directory of Mew package
- ;; or in "utils" directory of Wanderlust package.
- (if (or (featurep 'rfc2368)
- (condition-case nil (require 'rfc2368) (error nil)))
- (let ((info (rfc2368-parse-mailto-url url)))
- (apply comp (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (cdr (assoc x info)))
- '("To" "Subject"))))
- ;; without rfc2368.el.
- (funcall comp (match-string 1 url))))))
-(defun w3m-goto-url (url &optional reload)
- "Retrieve URL and display it in this buffer."
- (let (name buff)
- (if reload
- (w3m-backlog-remove url))
- (cond
- ;; process mailto: protocol
- ((string-match "^mailto:\\(.*\\)" url)
- (w3m-mailto-url url))
- (t
- (when (string-match "#\\([^#]+\\)$" url)
- (setq name (match-string 1 url)
- url (substring url 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- (w3m-save-position w3m-current-url)
- (or w3m-arrived-anchor-list (w3m-arrived-list-load))
- (w3m-arrived-list-add url)
- (if (setq buff (w3m-exec url))
- ;; no w3m exec and return *w3m* buffer.
- (w3m-refontify-anchor buff)
- ;; w3m exec.
- (w3m-fontify)
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- (or (and name (w3m-search-name-anchor name))
- (goto-char (point-min))))))))
-(defun w3m-reload-this-page ()
- "Reload current page without cache."
- (interactive)
- (setq w3m-url-history (cdr w3m-url-history))
- (w3m-goto-url w3m-current-url 'reload))
-(defun w3m (url &optional args)
- "Interface for w3m on Emacs."
- (interactive (list (w3m-input-url)))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*w3m*"))
- (or (eq major-mode 'w3m-mode)
- (w3m-mode))
- (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
- (list "%12b" " / " 'w3m-current-title))
- (if (string= url "")
- (w3m-view-bookmark)
- (w3m-goto-url url))
- (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
- (run-hooks 'w3m-hook))
-(defun w3m-browse-url (url &optional new-window)
- "w3m interface function for browse-url.el."
- (interactive
- (progn
- (require 'browse-url)
- (browse-url-interactive-arg "w3m URL: ")))
- (if new-window (split-window))
- (w3m url))
-(defun w3m-find-file (file)
- "w3m Interface function for local file."
- (interactive "fFilename: ")
- (w3m (w3m-expand-file-name file)))
-(provide 'w3m)
-;;; w3m.el ends here.
diff --git a/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre+.diff.gz b/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre+.diff.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 076d444..0000000
--- a/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre+.diff.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23.patch.gz b/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23.patch.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index ba0db95..0000000
--- a/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23.patch.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre.tar.gz b/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 49df276..0000000
--- a/upstream/w3m-0.1.11-pre.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/upstream/w3m-0.3.tar.gz b/upstream/w3m-0.3.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e4b7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/w3m-0.3.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/upstream/w3m-0111-utf8-kokb23.patch.gz b/upstream/w3m-0111-utf8-kokb23.patch.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c840b1..0000000
--- a/upstream/w3m-0111-utf8-kokb23.patch.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ