diff options
2 files changed, 76 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Bonus/2ch.cgi b/Bonus/2ch.cgi
index edb36b7..998c202 100755
--- a/Bonus/2ch.cgi
+++ b/Bonus/2ch.cgi
@@ -11,11 +11,19 @@ if (/subback.html$/) {
-s@(/\d+)(/([^/]*))?$@$1@ || exit;
+s@/(\d+)(/([^/]*))?$@/$1@ || exit;
+my $datnum = $1;
$label = $3;
$cgi = "$CGI?$_";
s@^http://([^/]+)/test/read.cgi/([^/]+)/@$1/$2/dat/@ || exit;
$subback = "$CGI?http://$1/$2/subback.html";
+$bbs = $2;
+ &post();
+ exit;
$_ .= ".dat";
$dat = "http://$_";
$tmp = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.w3m2ch/$_";
@@ -99,6 +107,7 @@ EOF
print <<EOF;
+<form method=POST action="$cgi"><input type=submit value="��������" name=submit> ���O�F <input name=FROM size=19> E-mail<font size=1> (�ȗ���) </font>: <input name=mail size=19><br><textarea rows=5 cols=70 wrap=off name=MESSAGE></textarea><input type=hidden name=bbs value=$bbs><input type=hidden name=key value=$datnum><input type=hidden name=time value=@{[time]}></form></body></html>
sub link {
@@ -133,3 +142,63 @@ EOF
+sub post {
+ my $debug = 0;
+ $| = 1;
+ use IO::Socket;
+ my @POST = <>;
+ $QUERY_STRING =~ m@^http://([^/]+)@;
+ my $host = $1;
+ my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:80") or die;
+ # retrieve posting cookie; this may not work
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+ print $sock
+ "HEAD /test/bbs.cgi HTTP/1.1\n",
+ "Host: $host\n",
+ "Connection: keep-alive\n",
+ "\n";
+ my $posting_cookie = undef;
+ while (<$sock>) {
+ print if ($debug);
+ s/[\n\r]+$//;
+ last if (/^$/);
+ if (/^set-cookie:.*(PON=[^;]+)/i) {
+ $posting_cookie = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ #$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:80") or die;
+ my $submit =
+ "POST /test/bbs.cgi HTTP/1.1\n" .
+ "Host: $host\n" .
+ "Accept-Language: ja\n" .
+ "User-Agent: $UserAgent\n" .
+ "Referer: $QUERY_STRING\n" .
+ "Cookie: $posting_cookie; NAME=nobody; MAIL=sage\n" .
+ "Content-Length: " . length(join("", @POST)) . "\n" .
+ "\n@POST";
+ print $sock $submit or die;
+ print "\n-- POSTed contents --\n${submit}\n-- POSTed contents --\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ my $chunked = 0;
+ while (<$sock>) {
+ s/[\n\r]*$//;
+ last if (/^$/);
+ $chunked = 1 if (/^transfer-encoding:\s*chunked/i);
+ }
+ my $post_response = "";
+ while (<$sock>) {
+ if ($chunked) {
+ s/[ \r\n]*$//;
+ my $len = hex($_);
+ $len > 0 or last;
+ read($sock, $_, $len);
+ <$sock>; #skip empty line at the end of chunk.
+ }
+ $post_response .= $_;
+ }
+ $post_response =~ s/<META content=(\d+);URL=(\S+) http-equiv=refresh>/<META content=$1;URL=$cgi http-equiv=refresh>/im;
+ print $post_response;
+ exit;
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 8000bd8..0622e20 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2003-04-27 qhwt@myrealbox.com
+ * [w3m-dev 03886] Re: POSTing patch (Re: User-Agent for Bonus/2ch.cgi)
+ * Bonus/2ch.cgi: posting
2003-04-20 qhwt@myrealbox.com
* [w3m-dev 03883] User-Agent for Bonus/2ch.cgi
@@ -7770,4 +7775,4 @@ a * [w3m-dev 03276] compile error on EWS4800
* release-0-2-1
* import w3m-0.2.1
-$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.828 2003/04/20 13:30:27 ukai Exp $
+$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.829 2003/04/26 17:01:01 ukai Exp $