From 1dff73dfd6accb9bae971dd0f1ce15a182b0f75b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fumitoshi UKAI <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 19:43:05 +0000
Subject: remove gc

 gc/cord/cordbscs.c | 915 -----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 915 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gc/cord/cordbscs.c

(limited to 'gc/cord/cordbscs.c')

diff --git a/gc/cord/cordbscs.c b/gc/cord/cordbscs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc894d..0000000
--- a/gc/cord/cordbscs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
- * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
- * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
- * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
- * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
- *
- * Author: Hans-J. Boehm (
- */
-/* Boehm, October 3, 1994 5:19 pm PDT */
-# include "gc.h"
-# include "cord.h"
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-/* An implementation of the cord primitives.  These are the only 	*/
-/* Functions that understand the representation.  We perform only	*/
-/* minimal checks on arguments to these functions.  Out of bounds	*/
-/* arguments to the iteration functions may result in client functions	*/
-/* invoked on garbage data.  In most cases, client functions should be	*/
-/* programmed defensively enough that this does not result in memory	*/
-/* smashes.								*/ 
-typedef void (* oom_fn)(void);
-oom_fn CORD_oom_fn = (oom_fn) 0;
-# define OUT_OF_MEMORY {  if (CORD_oom_fn != (oom_fn) 0) (*CORD_oom_fn)(); \
-			  ABORT("Out of memory\n"); }
-# define ABORT(msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); abort(); }
-typedef unsigned long word;
-typedef union {
-    struct Concatenation {
-    	char null;
-	char header;
-	char depth;	/* concatenation nesting depth. */
-	unsigned char left_len;
-			/* Length of left child if it is sufficiently	*/
-			/* short; 0 otherwise.				*/
-#	    define MAX_LEFT_LEN 255
-	word len;
-	CORD left;	/* length(left) > 0	*/
-	CORD right;	/* length(right) > 0	*/
-    } concatenation;
-    struct Function {
-	char null;
-	char header;
-	char depth;	/* always 0	*/
-	char left_len;	/* always 0	*/
-	word len;
-	CORD_fn fn;
-	void * client_data;
-    } function;
-    struct Generic {
-    	char null;
-	char header;
-	char depth;
-	char left_len;
-	word len;
-    } generic;
-    char string[1];
-} CordRep;
-# define CONCAT_HDR 1
-# define FN_HDR 4
-# define SUBSTR_HDR 6
-	/* Substring nodes are a special case of function nodes.  	*/
-	/* The client_data field is known to point to a substr_args	*/
-	/* structure, and the function is either CORD_apply_access_fn 	*/
-	/* or CORD_index_access_fn.					*/
-/* The following may be applied only to function and concatenation nodes: */
-#define IS_CONCATENATION(s)  (((CordRep *)s)->generic.header == CONCAT_HDR)
-#define IS_FUNCTION(s)  ((((CordRep *)s)->generic.header & FN_HDR) != 0)
-#define IS_SUBSTR(s) (((CordRep *)s)->generic.header == SUBSTR_HDR)
-#define LEN(s) (((CordRep *)s) -> generic.len)
-#define DEPTH(s) (((CordRep *)s) -> generic.depth)
-#define GEN_LEN(s) (CORD_IS_STRING(s) ? strlen(s) : LEN(s))
-#define LEFT_LEN(c) ((c) -> left_len != 0? \
-				(c) -> left_len \
-				: (CORD_IS_STRING((c) -> left) ? \
-					(c) -> len - GEN_LEN((c) -> right) \
-					: LEN((c) -> left)))
-#define SHORT_LIMIT (sizeof(CordRep) - 1)
-	/* Cords shorter than this are C strings */
-/* Dump the internal representation of x to stdout, with initial 	*/
-/* indentation level n.							*/
-void CORD_dump_inner(CORD x, unsigned n)
-    register size_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < (size_t)n; i++) {
-        fputs("  ", stdout);
-    }
-    if (x == 0) {
-      	fputs("NIL\n", stdout);
-    } else if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-        for (i = 0; i <= SHORT_LIMIT; i++) {
-            if (x[i] == '\0') break;
-            putchar(x[i]);
-        }
-        if (x[i] != '\0') fputs("...", stdout);
-        putchar('\n');
-    } else if (IS_CONCATENATION(x)) {
-        register struct Concatenation * conc =
-        			&(((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation);
-        printf("Concatenation: %p (len: %d, depth: %d)\n",
-               x, (int)(conc -> len), (int)(conc -> depth));
-        CORD_dump_inner(conc -> left, n+1);
-        CORD_dump_inner(conc -> right, n+1);
-    } else /* function */{
-        register struct Function * func =
-        			&(((CordRep *)x) -> function);
-        if (IS_SUBSTR(x)) printf("(Substring) ");
-        printf("Function: %p (len: %d): ", x, (int)(func -> len));
-        for (i = 0; i < 20 && i < func -> len; i++) {
-            putchar((*(func -> fn))(i, func -> client_data));
-        }
-        if (i < func -> len) fputs("...", stdout);
-        putchar('\n');
-    }
-/* Dump the internal representation of x to stdout	*/
-void CORD_dump(CORD x)
-    CORD_dump_inner(x, 0);
-    fflush(stdout);
-CORD CORD_cat_char_star(CORD x, const char * y, size_t leny)
-    register size_t result_len;
-    register size_t lenx;
-    register int depth;
-    if (x == CORD_EMPTY) return(y);
-    if (leny == 0) return(x);
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-        lenx = strlen(x);
-        result_len = lenx + leny;
-        if (result_len <= SHORT_LIMIT) {
-            register char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(result_len+1);
-            if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            memcpy(result, x, lenx);
-            memcpy(result + lenx, y, leny);
-            result[result_len] = '\0';
-            return((CORD) result);
-        } else {
-            depth = 1;
-        }
-    } else {
-    	register CORD right;
-    	register CORD left;
-    	register char * new_right;
-    	register size_t right_len;
-    	lenx = LEN(x);
-        if (leny <= SHORT_LIMIT/2
-    	    && IS_CONCATENATION(x)
-            && CORD_IS_STRING(right = ((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation.right)) {
-            /* Merge y into right part of x. */
-            if (!CORD_IS_STRING(left = ((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation.left)) {
-            	right_len = lenx - LEN(left);
-            } else if (((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation.left_len != 0) {
-                right_len = lenx - ((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation.left_len;
-            } else {
-            	right_len = strlen(right);
-            }
-            result_len = right_len + leny;  /* length of new_right */
-            if (result_len <= SHORT_LIMIT) {
-            	new_right = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(result_len + 1);
-            	memcpy(new_right, right, right_len);
-            	memcpy(new_right + right_len, y, leny);
-            	new_right[result_len] = '\0';
-            	y = new_right;
-            	leny = result_len;
-            	x = left;
-            	lenx -= right_len;
-            	/* Now fall through to concatenate the two pieces: */
-            }
-            if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-                depth = 1;
-            } else {
-                depth = DEPTH(x) + 1;
-            }
-        } else {
-            depth = DEPTH(x) + 1;
-        }
-        result_len = lenx + leny;
-    }
-    {
-      /* The general case; lenx, result_len is known: */
-    	register struct Concatenation * result;
-    	result = GC_NEW(struct Concatenation);
-    	if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-    	result->header = CONCAT_HDR;
-    	result->depth = depth;
-    	if (lenx <= MAX_LEFT_LEN) result->left_len = lenx;
-    	result->len = result_len;
-    	result->left = x;
-    	result->right = y;
-    	if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) {
-    	    return(CORD_balance((CORD)result));
-    	} else {
-    	    return((CORD) result);
-    	}
-    }
-    register size_t result_len;
-    register int depth;
-    register size_t lenx;
-    if (x == CORD_EMPTY) return(y);
-    if (y == CORD_EMPTY) return(x);
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(y)) {
-        return(CORD_cat_char_star(x, y, strlen(y)));
-    } else if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-        lenx = strlen(x);
-        depth = DEPTH(y) + 1;
-    } else {
-        register int depthy = DEPTH(y);
-        lenx = LEN(x);
-        depth = DEPTH(x) + 1;
-        if (depthy >= depth) depth = depthy + 1;
-    }
-    result_len = lenx + LEN(y);
-    {
-    	register struct Concatenation * result;
-    	result = GC_NEW(struct Concatenation);
-    	if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-    	result->header = CONCAT_HDR;
-    	result->depth = depth;
-    	if (lenx <= MAX_LEFT_LEN) result->left_len = lenx;
-    	result->len = result_len;
-    	result->left = x;
-    	result->right = y;
-    	return((CORD) result);
-    }
-CORD CORD_from_fn(CORD_fn fn, void * client_data, size_t len)
-    if (len <= 0) return(0);
-    if (len <= SHORT_LIMIT) {
-        register char * result;
-        register size_t i;
-        char buf[SHORT_LIMIT+1];
-        register char c;
-        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-            c = (*fn)(i, client_data);
-            if (c == '\0') goto gen_case;
-            buf[i] = c;
-        }
-        buf[i] = '\0';
-        result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len+1);
-        if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-        strcpy(result, buf);
-        result[len] = '\0';
-        return((CORD) result);
-    }
-  gen_case:
-    {
-    	register struct Function * result;
-    	result = GC_NEW(struct Function);
-    	if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-    	result->header = FN_HDR;
-    	/* depth is already 0 */
-    	result->len = len;
-    	result->fn = fn;
-    	result->client_data = client_data;
-    	return((CORD) result);
-    }
-size_t CORD_len(CORD x)
-    if (x == 0) {
-     	return(0);
-    } else {
-	return(GEN_LEN(x));
-    }
-struct substr_args {
-    CordRep * sa_cord;
-    size_t sa_index;
-char CORD_index_access_fn(size_t i, void * client_data)
-    register struct substr_args *descr = (struct substr_args *)client_data;
-    return(((char *)(descr->sa_cord))[i + descr->sa_index]);
-char CORD_apply_access_fn(size_t i, void * client_data)
-    register struct substr_args *descr = (struct substr_args *)client_data;
-    register struct Function * fn_cord = &(descr->sa_cord->function);
-    return((*(fn_cord->fn))(i + descr->sa_index, fn_cord->client_data));
-/* A version of CORD_substr that simply returns a function node, thus	*/
-/* postponing its work.	The fourth argument is a function that may	*/
-/* be used for efficient access to the ith character.			*/
-/* Assumes i >= 0 and i + n < length(x).				*/
-CORD CORD_substr_closure(CORD x, size_t i, size_t n, CORD_fn f)
-    register struct substr_args * sa = GC_NEW(struct substr_args);
-    CORD result;
-    if (sa == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-    sa->sa_cord = (CordRep *)x;
-    sa->sa_index = i;
-    result = CORD_from_fn(f, (void *)sa, n);
-    ((CordRep *)result) -> function.header = SUBSTR_HDR;
-    return (result);
-	/* Substrings of function nodes and flat strings shorter than 	*/
-	/* this are flat strings.  Othewise we use a functional 	*/
-	/* representation, which is significantly slower to access.	*/
-/* A version of CORD_substr that assumes i >= 0, n > 0, and i + n < length(x).*/
-CORD CORD_substr_checked(CORD x, size_t i, size_t n)
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-        if (n > SUBSTR_LIMIT) {
-            return(CORD_substr_closure(x, i, n, CORD_index_access_fn));
-        } else {
-            register char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(n+1);
-            if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            strncpy(result, x+i, n);
-            result[n] = '\0';
-            return(result);
-        }
-    } else if (IS_CONCATENATION(x)) {
-    	register struct Concatenation * conc
-    			= &(((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation);
-    	register size_t left_len;
-    	register size_t right_len;
-    	left_len = LEFT_LEN(conc);
-    	right_len = conc -> len - left_len;
-    	if (i >= left_len) {
-    	    if (n == right_len) return(conc -> right);
-    	    return(CORD_substr_checked(conc -> right, i - left_len, n));
-    	} else if (i+n <= left_len) {
-    	    if (n == left_len) return(conc -> left);
-    	    return(CORD_substr_checked(conc -> left, i, n));
-    	} else {
-    	    /* Need at least one character from each side. */
-    	    register CORD left_part;
-    	    register CORD right_part;
-    	    register size_t left_part_len = left_len - i;
-    	    if (i == 0) {
-    	        left_part = conc -> left;
-    	    } else {
-    	        left_part = CORD_substr_checked(conc -> left, i, left_part_len);
-    	    }
-    	    if (i + n == right_len + left_len) {
-    	         right_part = conc -> right;
-    	    } else {
-    	         right_part = CORD_substr_checked(conc -> right, 0,
-    	    				          n - left_part_len);
-    	    }
-    	    return(CORD_cat(left_part, right_part));
-    	}
-    } else /* function */ {
-        if (n > SUBSTR_LIMIT) {
-            if (IS_SUBSTR(x)) {
-            	/* Avoid nesting substring nodes.	*/
-            	register struct Function * f = &(((CordRep *)x) -> function);
-            	register struct substr_args *descr =
-            			(struct substr_args *)(f -> client_data);
-            	return(CORD_substr_closure((CORD)descr->sa_cord,
-            				   i + descr->sa_index,
-            				   n, f -> fn));
-            } else {
-                return(CORD_substr_closure(x, i, n, CORD_apply_access_fn));
-            }
-        } else {
-            char * result;
-            register struct Function * f = &(((CordRep *)x) -> function);
-            char buf[SUBSTR_LIMIT+1];
-            register char * p = buf;
-            register char c;
-            register int j;
-            register int lim = i + n;
-            for (j = i; j < lim; j++) {
-            	c = (*(f -> fn))(j, f -> client_data);
-            	if (c == '\0') {
-            	    return(CORD_substr_closure(x, i, n, CORD_apply_access_fn));
-            	}
-            	*p++ = c;
-            }
-            *p = '\0';
-            result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(n+1);
-            if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            strcpy(result, buf);
-            return(result);
-        }
-    }
-CORD CORD_substr(CORD x, size_t i, size_t n)
-    register size_t len = CORD_len(x);
-    if (i >= len || n <= 0) return(0);
-    	/* n < 0 is impossible in a correct C implementation, but	*/
-    	/* quite possible  under SunOS 4.X.				*/
-    if (i + n > len) n = len - i;
-#   ifndef __STDC__
-      if (i < 0) ABORT("CORD_substr: second arg. negative");
-    	/* Possible only if both client and C implementation are buggy.	*/
-    	/* But empirically this happens frequently.			*/
-#   endif
-    return(CORD_substr_checked(x, i, n));
-/* See cord.h for definition.  We assume i is in range.	*/
-int CORD_iter5(CORD x, size_t i, CORD_iter_fn f1,
-			 CORD_batched_iter_fn f2, void * client_data)
-    if (x == 0) return(0);
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-    	register const char *p = x+i;
-    	if (*p == '\0') ABORT("2nd arg to CORD_iter5 too big");
-        if (f2 != CORD_NO_FN) {
-            return((*f2)(p, client_data));
-        } else {
-	    while (*p) {
-                if ((*f1)(*p, client_data)) return(1);
-                p++;
-	    }
-	    return(0);
-        }
-    } else if (IS_CONCATENATION(x)) {
-    	register struct Concatenation * conc
-    			= &(((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation);
-    	if (i > 0) {
-    	    register size_t left_len = LEFT_LEN(conc);
-    	    if (i >= left_len) {
-    	        return(CORD_iter5(conc -> right, i - left_len, f1, f2,
-    	        		  client_data));
-    	    }
-    	}
-    	if (CORD_iter5(conc -> left, i, f1, f2, client_data)) {
-    	    return(1);
-    	}
-    	return(CORD_iter5(conc -> right, 0, f1, f2, client_data));
-    } else /* function */ {
-        register struct Function * f = &(((CordRep *)x) -> function);
-        register size_t j;
-        register size_t lim = f -> len;
-        for (j = i; j < lim; j++) {
-            if ((*f1)((*(f -> fn))(j, f -> client_data), client_data)) {
-                return(1);
-            }
-        }
-        return(0);
-    }
-#undef CORD_iter
-int CORD_iter(CORD x, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data)
-    return(CORD_iter5(x, 0, f1, CORD_NO_FN, client_data));
-int CORD_riter4(CORD x, size_t i, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data)
-    if (x == 0) return(0);
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-	register const char *p = x + i;
-	register char c;
-	for(;;) {
-	    c = *p;
-	    if (c == '\0') ABORT("2nd arg to CORD_riter4 too big");
-            if ((*f1)(c, client_data)) return(1);
-	    if (p == x) break;
-            p--;
-	}
-	return(0);
-    } else if (IS_CONCATENATION(x)) {
-    	register struct Concatenation * conc
-    			= &(((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation);
-    	register CORD left_part = conc -> left;
-    	register size_t left_len;
-    	left_len = LEFT_LEN(conc);
-    	if (i >= left_len) {
-    	    if (CORD_riter4(conc -> right, i - left_len, f1, client_data)) {
-    	    	return(1);
-    	    }
-    	    return(CORD_riter4(left_part, left_len - 1, f1, client_data));
-    	} else {
-    	    return(CORD_riter4(left_part, i, f1, client_data));
-    	}
-    } else /* function */ {
-        register struct Function * f = &(((CordRep *)x) -> function);
-        register size_t j;
-        for (j = i; ; j--) {
-            if ((*f1)((*(f -> fn))(j, f -> client_data), client_data)) {
-                return(1);
-            }
-            if (j == 0) return(0);
-        }
-    }
-int CORD_riter(CORD x, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data)
-    return(CORD_riter4(x, CORD_len(x) - 1, f1, client_data));
- * The following functions are concerned with balancing cords.
- * Strategy:
- * Scan the cord from left to right, keeping the cord scanned so far
- * as a forest of balanced trees of exponentialy decreasing length.
- * When a new subtree needs to be added to the forest, we concatenate all
- * shorter ones to the new tree in the appropriate order, and then insert
- * the result into the forest.
- * Crucial invariants:
- * 1. The concatenation of the forest (in decreasing order) with the
- *     unscanned part of the rope is equal to the rope being balanced.
- * 2. All trees in the forest are balanced.
- * 3. forest[i] has depth at most i.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    CORD c;
-    size_t len;		/* Actual length of c 	*/
-} ForestElement;
-static size_t min_len [ MAX_DEPTH ];
-static int min_len_init = 0;
-int CORD_max_len;
-typedef ForestElement Forest [ MAX_DEPTH ];
-			/* forest[i].len >= fib(i+1)	        */
-			/* The string is the concatenation	*/
-			/* of the forest in order of DECREASING */
-			/* indices.				*/
-void CORD_init_min_len()
-    register int i;
-    register size_t last, previous, current;
-    min_len[0] = previous = 1;
-    min_len[1] = last = 2;
-    for (i = 2; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++) {
-    	current = last + previous;
-    	if (current < last) /* overflow */ current = last;
-    	min_len[i] = current;
-    	previous = last;
-    	last = current;
-    }
-    CORD_max_len = last - 1;
-    min_len_init = 1;
-void CORD_init_forest(ForestElement * forest, size_t max_len)
-    register int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++) {
-    	forest[i].c = 0;
-    	if (min_len[i] > max_len) return;
-    }
-    ABORT("Cord too long");
-/* Add a leaf to the appropriate level in the forest, cleaning		*/
-/* out lower levels as necessary.					*/
-/* Also works if x is a balanced tree of concatenations; however	*/
-/* in this case an extra concatenation node may be inserted above x;	*/
-/* This node should not be counted in the statement of the invariants.	*/
-void CORD_add_forest(ForestElement * forest, CORD x, size_t len)
-    register int i = 0;
-    register CORD sum = CORD_EMPTY;
-    register size_t sum_len = 0;
-    while (len > min_len[i + 1]) {
-    	if (forest[i].c != 0) {
-    	    sum = CORD_cat(forest[i].c, sum);
-    	    sum_len += forest[i].len;
-    	    forest[i].c = 0;
-    	}
-        i++;
-    }
-    /* Sum has depth at most 1 greter than what would be required 	*/
-    /* for balance.							*/
-    sum = CORD_cat(sum, x);
-    sum_len += len;
-    /* If x was a leaf, then sum is now balanced.  To see this		*/
-    /* consider the two cases in which forest[i-1] either is or is 	*/
-    /* not empty.							*/
-    while (sum_len >= min_len[i]) {
-    	if (forest[i].c != 0) {
-    	    sum = CORD_cat(forest[i].c, sum);
-    	    sum_len += forest[i].len;
-    	    /* This is again balanced, since sum was balanced, and has	*/
-    	    /* allowable depth that differs from i by at most 1.	*/
-    	    forest[i].c = 0;
-    	}
-        i++;
-    }
-    i--;
-    forest[i].c = sum;
-    forest[i].len = sum_len;
-CORD CORD_concat_forest(ForestElement * forest, size_t expected_len)
-    register int i = 0;
-    CORD sum = 0;
-    size_t sum_len = 0;
-    while (sum_len != expected_len) {
-    	if (forest[i].c != 0) {
-    	    sum = CORD_cat(forest[i].c, sum);
-    	    sum_len += forest[i].len;
-    	}
-        i++;
-    }
-    return(sum);
-/* Insert the frontier of x into forest.  Balanced subtrees are	*/
-/* treated as leaves.  This potentially adds one to the depth	*/
-/* of the final tree.						*/
-void CORD_balance_insert(CORD x, size_t len, ForestElement * forest)
-    register int depth;
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) {
-        CORD_add_forest(forest, x, len);
-    } else if (IS_CONCATENATION(x)
-               && ((depth = DEPTH(x)) >= MAX_DEPTH
-                   || len < min_len[depth])) {
-    	register struct Concatenation * conc
-    			= &(((CordRep *)x) -> concatenation);
-    	size_t left_len = LEFT_LEN(conc);
-    	CORD_balance_insert(conc -> left, left_len, forest);
-    	CORD_balance_insert(conc -> right, len - left_len, forest);
-    } else /* function or balanced */ {
-    	CORD_add_forest(forest, x, len);
-    }
-CORD CORD_balance(CORD x)
-    Forest forest;
-    register size_t len;
-    if (x == 0) return(0);
-    if (CORD_IS_STRING(x)) return(x);
-    if (!min_len_init) CORD_init_min_len();
-    len = LEN(x);
-    CORD_init_forest(forest, len);
-    CORD_balance_insert(x, len, forest);
-    return(CORD_concat_forest(forest, len));
-/* Position primitives	*/
-/* Private routines to deal with the hard cases only: */
-/* P contains a prefix of the  path to cur_pos.	Extend it to a full	*/
-/* path and set up leaf info.						*/
-/* Return 0 if past the end of cord, 1 o.w.				*/
-void CORD__extend_path(register CORD_pos p)
-     register struct CORD_pe * current_pe = &(p[0].path[p[0].path_len]);
-     register CORD top = current_pe -> pe_cord;
-     register size_t pos = p[0].cur_pos;
-     register size_t top_pos = current_pe -> pe_start_pos;
-     register size_t top_len = GEN_LEN(top);
-     /* Fill in the rest of the path. */
-       while(!CORD_IS_STRING(top) && IS_CONCATENATION(top)) {
-     	 register struct Concatenation * conc =
-     	 		&(((CordRep *)top) -> concatenation);
-     	 register size_t left_len;
-     	 left_len = LEFT_LEN(conc);
-     	 current_pe++;
-     	 if (pos >= top_pos + left_len) {
-     	     current_pe -> pe_cord = top = conc -> right;
-     	     current_pe -> pe_start_pos = top_pos = top_pos + left_len;
-     	     top_len -= left_len;
-     	 } else {
-     	     current_pe -> pe_cord = top = conc -> left;
-     	     current_pe -> pe_start_pos = top_pos;
-     	     top_len = left_len;
-     	 }
-     	 p[0].path_len++;
-       }
-     /* Fill in leaf description for fast access. */
-       if (CORD_IS_STRING(top)) {
-         p[0].cur_leaf = top;
-         p[0].cur_start = top_pos;
-         p[0].cur_end = top_pos + top_len;
-       } else {
-         p[0].cur_end = 0;
-       }
-       if (pos >= top_pos + top_len) p[0].path_len = CORD_POS_INVALID;
-char CORD__pos_fetch(register CORD_pos p)
-    /* Leaf is a function node */
-    struct CORD_pe * pe = &((p)[0].path[(p)[0].path_len]);
-    CORD leaf = pe -> pe_cord;
-    register struct Function * f = &(((CordRep *)leaf) -> function);
-    if (!IS_FUNCTION(leaf)) ABORT("CORD_pos_fetch: bad leaf");
-    return ((*(f -> fn))(p[0].cur_pos - pe -> pe_start_pos, f -> client_data));
-void CORD__next(register CORD_pos p)
-    register size_t cur_pos = p[0].cur_pos + 1;
-    register struct CORD_pe * current_pe = &((p)[0].path[(p)[0].path_len]);
-    register CORD leaf = current_pe -> pe_cord;
-    /* Leaf is not a string or we're at end of leaf */
-    p[0].cur_pos = cur_pos;
-    if (!CORD_IS_STRING(leaf)) {
-    	/* Function leaf	*/
-    	register struct Function * f = &(((CordRep *)leaf) -> function);
-    	register size_t start_pos = current_pe -> pe_start_pos;
-    	register size_t end_pos = start_pos + f -> len;
-    	if (cur_pos < end_pos) {
-    	  /* Fill cache and return. */
-    	    register size_t i;
-    	    register size_t limit = cur_pos + FUNCTION_BUF_SZ;
-    	    register CORD_fn fn = f -> fn;
-    	    register void * client_data = f -> client_data;
-    	    if (limit > end_pos) {
-    	        limit = end_pos;
-    	    }
-    	    for (i = cur_pos; i < limit; i++) {
-    	        p[0].function_buf[i - cur_pos] =
-    	        	(*fn)(i - start_pos, client_data);
-    	    }
-    	    p[0].cur_start = cur_pos;
-    	    p[0].cur_leaf = p[0].function_buf;
-    	    p[0].cur_end = limit;
-    	    return;
-    	}
-    }
-    /* End of leaf	*/
-    /* Pop the stack until we find two concatenation nodes with the 	*/
-    /* same start position: this implies we were in left part.		*/
-    {
-    	while (p[0].path_len > 0
-    	       && current_pe[0].pe_start_pos != current_pe[-1].pe_start_pos) {
-    	    p[0].path_len--;
-    	    current_pe--;
-    	}
-    	if (p[0].path_len == 0) {
-	    p[0].path_len = CORD_POS_INVALID;
-            return;
-	}
-    }
-    p[0].path_len--;
-    CORD__extend_path(p);
-void CORD__prev(register CORD_pos p)
-    register struct CORD_pe * pe = &(p[0].path[p[0].path_len]);
-    if (p[0].cur_pos == 0) {
-        p[0].path_len = CORD_POS_INVALID;
-        return;
-    }
-    p[0].cur_pos--;
-    if (p[0].cur_pos >= pe -> pe_start_pos) return;
-    /* Beginning of leaf	*/
-    /* Pop the stack until we find two concatenation nodes with the 	*/
-    /* different start position: this implies we were in right part.	*/
-    {
-    	register struct CORD_pe * current_pe = &((p)[0].path[(p)[0].path_len]);
-    	while (p[0].path_len > 0
-    	       && current_pe[0].pe_start_pos == current_pe[-1].pe_start_pos) {
-    	    p[0].path_len--;
-    	    current_pe--;
-    	}
-    }
-    p[0].path_len--;
-    CORD__extend_path(p);
-#undef CORD_pos_fetch
-#undef CORD_next
-#undef CORD_prev
-#undef CORD_pos_to_index
-#undef CORD_pos_to_cord
-#undef CORD_pos_valid
-char CORD_pos_fetch(register CORD_pos p)
-    if (p[0].cur_start <= p[0].cur_pos && p[0].cur_pos < p[0].cur_end) {
-    	return(p[0].cur_leaf[p[0].cur_pos - p[0].cur_start]);
-    } else {
-        return(CORD__pos_fetch(p));
-    }
-void CORD_next(CORD_pos p)
-    if (p[0].cur_pos < p[0].cur_end - 1) {
-    	p[0].cur_pos++;
-    } else {
-    	CORD__next(p);
-    }
-void CORD_prev(CORD_pos p)
-    if (p[0].cur_end != 0 && p[0].cur_pos > p[0].cur_start) {
-    	p[0].cur_pos--;
-    } else {
-    	CORD__prev(p);
-    }
-size_t CORD_pos_to_index(CORD_pos p)
-    return(p[0].cur_pos);
-CORD CORD_pos_to_cord(CORD_pos p)
-    return(p[0].path[0].pe_cord);
-int CORD_pos_valid(CORD_pos p)
-    return(p[0].path_len != CORD_POS_INVALID);
-void CORD_set_pos(CORD_pos p, CORD x, size_t i)
-    if (x == CORD_EMPTY) {
-    	p[0].path_len = CORD_POS_INVALID;
-    	return;
-    }
-    p[0].path[0].pe_cord = x;
-    p[0].path[0].pe_start_pos = 0;
-    p[0].path_len = 0;
-    p[0].cur_pos = i;
-    CORD__extend_path(p);
cgit v1.2.3