From 4c26b8608d2a3c9a459bf2651763c803374d9512 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Akinori Ito Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 04:29:14 +0000 Subject: 2001-11-21 Akinori Ito * Homepage URLs and author's mail addresses in the documents are changed. --- scripts/dirlist.cgi | 532 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 532 insertions(+) create mode 100644 scripts/dirlist.cgi (limited to 'scripts/dirlist.cgi') diff --git a/scripts/dirlist.cgi b/scripts/dirlist.cgi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..618d4e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/dirlist.cgi @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +#!/usr/local/bin/perl +# +# Directory list CGI by Hironori Sakamoto ( +# + +if ( $^O =~ /^(ms)?(dos|win(32|nt)?)/i ) { + $WIN32 = 1; + $CYGPATH = 1; +} +elsif ( $^O =~ /cygwin|os2/i ) { + $WIN32 = 1; + $CYGPATH = 0; +} +else { + $WIN32 = 0; + $CYGPATH = 0; +} +$RC_DIR = '~/.w3m/'; + +$RC_DIR =~ s@^~/@$ENV{'HOME'}/@; +if ($CYGPATH) { + $RC_DIR = &cygwin_pathconv("$RC_DIR"); +} +$CONFIG = "$RC_DIR/dirlist"; +$CGI = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} || $0; +$CGI = "file://" . &file_encode("$CGI"); + +$AFMT = '%s'; +$NOW = time(); + +@OPT = &init_option($CONFIG); + +$query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; +$cmd = ''; +$cgi = 0; +if ($query eq '') { + $_ = `pwd`; + chop; + s/\r$//; + $dir = $_; + $cgi = 0; +} elsif ($query =~ /^(opt\d+|dir|cmd)=/) { + foreach(split(/\&/, $query)) { + if (s/^dir=//) { + $dir = &form_decode($_); + } elsif (s/^opt(\d+)=//) { + $OPT[$1] = $_; + } elsif (s/^cmd=//) { + $cmd = $_; + } + } + $cgi = 1; +} else { + $dir = $query; + if (($dir !~ m@^/@) && + ($WIN32 && $dir !~ /^[a-z]:/i)) { + $_ = `pwd`; + chop; + s/\r$//; + $dir = "$_/$dir"; + } + $cgi = -1; +} +if ($dir !~ m@/$@) { + $dir .= '/'; +} +if ($dir =~ m@^/@ && $CYGPATH) { + $dir = &cygwin_pathconv("$dir"); +} +$ROOT = ''; +if ($WIN32) { + if (($dir =~ s@^//[^/]+@@) || ($dir =~ s@^[a-z]:@@i)) { + $ROOT = $&; + } + if ($CYGPATH) { + $ROOT = &cygwin_pathconv("$ROOT"); + } +} +if ($cgi) { + $dir = &cleanup($dir); +} + +$TYPE = $OPT[$OPT_TYPE]; +$FORMAT = $OPT[$OPT_FORMAT]; +$SORT = $OPT[$OPT_SORT]; +if ($cmd) { + &update_option($CONFIG); +} + +$qdir = "$ROOT" . &html_quote("$dir"); +$edir = "$ROOT" . &file_encode("$dir"); +if (! opendir(DIR, "$ROOT$dir")) { + print < + +Directory list of $qdir + + +$qdir: $! ! + + +EOF + exit 1; +} + +# ($cgi > 0) && print < + +Directory list of $qdir + + +

Directory list of $qdir

+EOF +&print_form($edir, @OPT); +print < +EOF +$dir =~ s@/$@@; +@sdirs = split('/', $dir); +$_ = $sdirs[0]; +if ($_ eq '') { + $_ = '/'; +} +if ($TYPE eq $TYPE_TREE) { + print < + +
+  $q = "$ROOT". &html_quote("$_");
+  $e = "$ROOT" . &file_encode("$_");
+  if ($dir =~ m@^$@) {
+    $n = "\" name=\"current";
+  } else {
+    $n = '';
+  }
+  printf("$AFMT\n", "$e$n", "$q");
+  $N = 0;
+  $SKIPLINE = "";
+  &left_dir('', @sdirs);
+  print <
+} else {
+  print <
+if ($TYPE eq $TYPE_TREE) {
+  print <
+} else {
+  print <
+sub left_dir {
+  local($pre, $dir, @sdirs) = @_;
+  local($ok) = (@sdirs == 0);
+  local(@cdirs) = ();
+  local($_, $dir0, $d, $qdir, $q, $edir, $e);
+  $dir0 = "$dir/";
+  $dir = "$dir0";
+  opendir(DIR, "$ROOT$dir") || return;
+  foreach(sort readdir(DIR)) {
+    -d "$ROOT$dir$_" || next;
+    /^\.$/ && next;
+    /^\.\.$/ && next;
+    push(@cdirs, $_);
+  }
+  closedir(DIR);
+  $qdir = "$ROOT" . &html_quote($dir);
+  $edir = "$ROOT" . &file_encode($dir);
+  while(@cdirs) {
+    $_ = shift @cdirs;
+    $q = &html_quote($_);
+    $e = &file_encode($_);
+    $N++;
+    if (!$ok && $_ eq $sdirs[0]) {
+      $d = $dir0 . shift @sdirs;
+      if (!@sdirs) {
+        $n = "\" name=\"current";
+        $SKIPLINE = "\n" x $N;
+      } else {
+        $n = '';
+      }
+      printf("${pre}o-$AFMT\n", "$edir$e$n", "$q");
+      &left_dir(@cdirs ? "$pre| " : "$pre  ", $d, @sdirs);
+      $ok = 1;
+    } else {
+      printf("${pre}+-$AFMT\n", "$edir$e", $q);
+    }
+  }
+sub right_dir {
+  local($dir) = @_;
+  local(@list);
+  local($_, $qdir, $q, $edir, $e, $f, $max, @d, $type, $u, $g);
+  local($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
+        $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks);
+  local(%sizes, %ctimes, %prints);
+  $dir = "$dir/";
+  opendir(DIR, "$ROOT$dir") || return;
+  $qdir = "$ROOT" . &html_quote($dir);
+  $edir = "$ROOT" . &file_encode($dir);
+  if ($TYPE eq $TYPE_TREE) {
+    print "$qdir\n";
+  }
+  @list = ();
+  $max = 0;
+  foreach(readdir(DIR)) {
+    /^\.$/ && next;
+#    if ($TYPE eq $TYPE_TREE) {
+#      /^\.\.$/ && next;
+#    }
+    $f = "$ROOT$dir$_";
+    (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
+      $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = lstat($f)) || next;
+    push(@list, $_);
+    $sizes{$_} = $size;
+    $ctimes{$_} = $ctime;
+    if ($FORMAT eq $FORMAT_COLUMN)  {
+      if (length($_) > $max) {
+        $max = length($_);
+      }
+      next;
+    }
+    $type = &utype($mode);
+    if ($FORMAT eq $FORMAT_SHORT)  {
+      $prints{$_} = sprintf("%-6s ", "[$type]");
+      next;
+    }
+    if ($type =~ /^[CB]/) {
+      $size = sprintf("%3u, %3u", ($rdev >> 8) & 0xff, $rdev & 0xffff00ff);
+    }
+    if ($FORMAT eq $FORMAT_LONG) {
+      $u = $USER{$uid} || ($USER{$uid} = getpwuid($uid) || $uid);
+      $g = $GROUP{$gid} || ($GROUP{$gid} = getgrgid($gid) || $gid);
+      $prints{$_} = sprintf( "%s %-8s %-8s %8s %s ",
+		&umode($mode), $u, $g, $size, &utime($ctime));
+#   } elsif ($FORMAT eq $FORMAT_STANDARD) {
+    } else {
+      $prints{$_} = sprintf("%-6s %8s %s ", "[$type]", $size, &utime($ctime));
+    }
+  }
+  closedir(DIR);
+  if ($SORT eq $SORT_SIZE) { 
+    @list = sort { $sizes{$b} <=> $sizes{$a} || $a <=> $b } @list;
+  } elsif ($SORT eq $SORT_TIME) { 
+    @list = sort { $ctimes{$b} <=> $ctimes{$a} || $a <=> $b } @list;
+  } else {
+    @list = sort @list;
+  }
+    local($COLS, $l, $nr, $n);
+    if ($TYPE eq $TYPE_TREE) {
+      $COLS = 60;
+    } else {
+      $COLS = 80;
+    }
+    $l = int($COLS / ($max + 2)) || 1;
+    $nr = int($#list / $l + 1);
+    $n = 0;
+    print "\n";
+    foreach(@list) {
+      $f = "$ROOT$dir$_";
+      $q = &html_quote($_);
+      $e = &file_encode($_);
+      if ($n % $nr == 0) {
+        print "\n";
+      } else {
+        print "
\n"; + } + } + print "
"; + } + if (-d $f) { + printf($AFMT, "$edir$e", "$q/"); + } else { + printf($AFMT, "$edir$e", $q); + } + $n++; + if ($n % $nr == 0) { + print "
\n"; + return; + } + foreach(@list) { + $f = "$ROOT$dir$_"; + $q = &html_quote($_); + $e = &file_encode($_); + print $prints{$_}; + if (-d $f) { + printf($AFMT, "$edir$e", "$q/"); + } else { + printf($AFMT, "$edir$e", $q); + } + if (-l $f) { + print " -> ", &html_quote(readlink($f)); + } + print "\n"; + } +} + +sub init_option { + local($config) = @_; + $OPT_TYPE = 0; + $OPT_FORMAT = 1; + $OPT_SORT = 2; + $TYPE_TREE = 't'; + $TYPE_STANDARD = 'd'; + $FORMAT_SHORT = 's'; + $FORMAT_STANDARD = 'd'; + $FORMAT_LONG = 'l'; + $FORMAT_COLUMN = 'c'; + $SORT_NAME = 'n'; + $SORT_SIZE = 's'; + $SORT_TIME = 't'; + local(@opt) = ($TYPE_TREE, $FORMAT_STANDARD, $SORT_NAME); + local($_); + + open(CONFIG, "< $config") || return @opt; + while() { + chop; + s/^\s+//; + tr/A-Z/a-z/; + if (/^type\s+(\S)/i) { + $opt[$OPT_TYPE] = $1; + } elsif (/^format\s+(\S)/i) { + $opt[$OPT_FORMAT] = $1 + } elsif (/^sort\s+(\S)/i) { + $opt[$OPT_SORT] = $1; + } + } + close(CONFIG); + return @opt; +} + +sub update_option { + local($config) = @_; + + open(CONFIG, "> $config") || return; + print CONFIG < +
+ + +EOF + foreach(0 .. 2) { + print "\n"; + } + print "\n"; + foreach(0 .. 2) { + print "\n"; + } + print < + +
+ + +EOF +} + +sub html_quote { + local($_) = @_; + local(%QUOTE) = ( + '<', '<', + '>', '>', + '&', '&', + '"', '"', + ); + s/[<>&"]/$QUOTE{$&}/g; + return $_; +} +sub file_encode { + local($_) = @_; + s/[\000-\040\+:#?&%<>"\177-\377]/sprintf('%%%02X', unpack('C', $&))/eg; + return $_; +} + +sub form_decode { + local($_) = @_; + s/\+/ /g; + s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack('C', hex($1))/egi; + return $_; +} + +sub cleanup { + local($_) = @_; + + s@//+@/@g; + s@/\./@/@g; + while(m@/\.\./@) { + s@^/(\.\./)+@/@; + s@/[^/]+/\.\./@/@; + } + return $_; +} + +sub utype { + local($_) = @_; + local(%T) = ( + 0010000, 'PIPE', + 0020000, 'CHR', + 0040000, 'DIR', + 0060000, 'BLK', + 0100000, 'FILE', + 0120000, 'LINK', + 0140000, 'SOCK', + ); + return $T{($_ & 0170000)} || 'FILE'; +} + +sub umode { + local($_) = @_; + local(%T) = ( + 0010000, 'p', + 0020000, 'c', + 0040000, 'd', + 0060000, 'b', + 0100000, '-', + 0120000, 'l', + 0140000, 's', + ); + + return ($T{($_ & 0170000)} || '-') + . (($_ & 00400) ? 'r' : '-') + . (($_ & 00200) ? 'w' : '-') + . (($_ & 04000) ? 's' : + (($_ & 00100) ? 'x' : '-')) + . (($_ & 00040) ? 'r' : '-') + . (($_ & 00020) ? 'w' : '-') + . (($_ & 02000) ? 's' : + (($_ & 00010) ? 'x' : '-')) + . (($_ & 00004) ? 'r' : '-') + . (($_ & 00002) ? 'w' : '-') + . (($_ & 01000) ? 't' : + (($_ & 00001) ? 'x' : '-')); +} + +sub utime { + local($_) = @_; + local(@MON) = ( + 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', + 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' + ); + local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon, + $year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_); + + if ($_ > $NOW - 182*24*60*60 && $_ < $NOW + 183*24*60*60) { + return sprintf("%3s %2d %.2d:%.2d", $MON[$mon], $mday, $hour, $min); + } else { + return sprintf("%3s %2d %5d", $MON[$mon], $mday, 1900+$year); + } +} + +sub cygwin_pathconv { + local($_) = @_; + local(*CYGPATH); + + open(CYGPATH, '-|') or exec('cygpath', '-w', $_); + $_ = ; + close(CYGPATH); + s/\r?\n$//; + s!\\!/!g; + s!/$!!; + return $_; +} -- cgit v1.2.3