html2latex Convert HTML document into LaTeX. Ruby script. incomplete. Usage: html2latex file.html > file.tex Why this script is here? To exploit code for makeref. :-) makeref Read HTML document and number the anchors. Print numbered document into standard output and append reference index. Ruby script. Usage: makeref [-u] [-url base_url] [file] -url: Specify URL of the document. It is used to complete link in the document. -u: Append URL after each anchor, instead of reference number. Bugs If there are any error in HTML (unbalanced < , character entity without ; , etc.), output will be miserable. htmldump Read HTML document from URL, number the anchors and format it, and output it on standard output. Usage htmldump [-u] [URL] -u: Append URL after each anchor, instead of reference number. If URL is omitted, $WWW_HOME is used instead. Bugs It assumes that the document on URL is HTML. As it uses makeref to number the anchor, it can't handle any document makeref can't handle.