w3m 0.4?

* rc: passwd_file: passwd file for HTTP auth
* func: MARK_WORD
* rc: imgsize: obsoleted
* w3m-img for framebuffer merged

w3m 0.3.1 - 2002-07-16

* func: REINIT
	INIT_MAILCAP deleted, use REINIT MAILCAP instead
* func: DEFINE_KEY
* rc: keymap_file
* rc: use_dictcommand, dictcommand
* rc: mark_all_pages
* configure: -mandir
* func: COMMAND
* -title option: set buffer name to terminal title
* X-Face support: USE_XFACE, require uncompface

w3m 0.3 - 2002-03-06

* rc: mailer
	if mailer is set, it will be used for simple mailto: URLs
	otherwise, w3mmail.cgi will be used (when USE_W3MMAILER defined)
* rc: max_load_image
* rc: display_image, auto_image, image_scale, imgdisplay, imgsize
* w3m-img merged: w3m now can display images! see doc/README.img

w3m - 2002-02-05

* backport from w3m/0.2.5+cvs-1.299
 - fix inputAnswer() and no "ssl_forbid_method" [w3m-dev 02985]
 - fix SunOS 4.1.4 build problem [w3m-dev 02972]
 - fix problem with Netscape-Enterprise WWW-authenticate [w3m-dev 02968]

w3m 0.2.5 - 2002-01-31

* RFC2617: HTTP Digest authentication
* rc: default_url=0(empty) 1(current URL) 2(link URL)
* highlight for incremental search
* support migemo (romaji search)
* use w3mmail.cgi for mailto: URL
* support external URI loader
* support -dump_extra ftp://
* new regex implementation

w3m 0.2.4 - 2002-01-07

* RFC2818 server identity check
* incremental search (C-s, C-r)

w3m - 2001-12-22

* fix security hole in w3m/scripts

w3m - 2001-12-20

* sync with cvs repository
* fix bug in configure

w3m 0.2.3 - 2001-12-20

* command line option: -help, -version
* new libgc included
* new runtime option use_mark, nextpage_topline, label_topline, vi_prec_num
   emacs_like_lineedit, ftppass_hostnamegen
* RFC2732 support (IPv6)
* new w3mhelp system
* several configure changes
* code cleanups, now gcc -Wall -Werror safe

w3m 0.2.2 - 2001-11-15

* sync with w3m 0.2.1-inu-1.5
* w3m maintained in sourceforge.net/projects/w3m