w3m 0.2.4? 0.3?

* incremental search (C-s, C-r)
* linux/ia64 support (?)

w3m - 2001-12-22

* fix security hole in w3m/scripts

w3m - 2001-12-20

* sync with cvs repository
* fix bug in configure

w3m 0.2.3 - 2001-12-20

* command line option: -help, -version
* new libgc included
* new runtime option use_mark, nextpage_topline, label_topline, vi_prec_num
   emacs_like_lineedit, ftppass_hostnamegen
* RFC2732 support (IPv6)
* new w3mhelp system
* several configure changes
* code cleanups, now gcc -Wall -Werror safe

w3m 0.2.2 - 2001-11-15

* sync with w3m 0.2.1-inu-1.5
* w3m maintained in sourceforge.net/projects/w3m