/* $Id: cookie.c,v 1.11 2010/07/26 11:38:53 htrb Exp $ */ /* * References for version 0 cookie: * [NETACAPE] http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html * * References for version 1 cookie: * [RFC 2109] http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/rfc2109.txt * [DRAFT 12] http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-12.txt */ #include "fm.h" #include "html.h" #ifdef USE_COOKIE #include #include "local.h" #include "regex.h" #include "myctype.h" static int is_saved = 1; #define contain_no_dots(p, ep) (total_dot_number((p),(ep),1)==0) static int total_dot_number(char *p, char *ep, int max_count) { int count = 0; if (!ep) ep = p + strlen(p); for (; p < ep && count < max_count; p++) { if (*p == '.') count++; } return count; } static char * domain_match(char *host, char *domain) { int m0, m1; /* [RFC 2109] s. 2, "domain-match", case 1 * (both are IP and identical) */ regexCompile("[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+", 0); m0 = regexMatch(host, -1, 1); m1 = regexMatch(domain, -1, 1); if (m0 && m1) { if (strcasecmp(host, domain) == 0) return host; } else if (!m0 && !m1) { int offset; char *domain_p; /* * "." match all domains (w3m only), * and ".local" match local domains ([DRAFT 12] s. 2) */ if (strcasecmp(domain, ".") == 0 || strcasecmp(domain, ".local") == 0) { offset = strlen(host); domain_p = &host[offset]; if (domain[1] == '\0' || contain_no_dots(host, domain_p)) return domain_p; } /* * special case for domainName = .hostName * see nsCookieService.cpp in Firefox. */ else if (domain[0] == '.' && strcasecmp(host, &domain[1]) == 0) { return host; } /* [RFC 2109] s. 2, cases 2, 3 */ else { offset = (domain[0] != '.') ? 0 : strlen(host) - strlen(domain); domain_p = &host[offset]; if (offset >= 0 && strcasecmp(domain_p, domain) == 0) return domain_p; } } return NULL; } static struct portlist * make_portlist(Str port) { struct portlist *first = NULL, *pl; char *p; Str tmp = Strnew(); p = port->ptr; while (*p) { while (*p && !IS_DIGIT(*p)) p++; Strclear(tmp); while (*p && IS_DIGIT(*p)) Strcat_char(tmp, *(p++)); if (tmp->length == 0) break; pl = New(struct portlist); pl->port = atoi(tmp->ptr); pl->next = first; first = pl; } Strfree(tmp); return first; } static Str portlist2str(struct portlist *first) { struct portlist *pl; Str tmp; tmp = Sprintf("%d", first->port); for (pl = first->next; pl; pl = pl->next) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(", %d", pl->port)); return tmp; } static int port_match(struct portlist *first, int port) { struct portlist *pl; for (pl = first; pl; pl = pl->next) { if (pl->port == port) return 1; } return 0; } static void check_expired_cookies(void) { struct cookie *p, *p1; time_t now = time(NULL); if (!First_cookie) return; if (First_cookie->expires != (time_t) - 1 && First_cookie->expires < now) { if (!(First_cookie->flag & COO_DISCARD)) is_saved = 0; First_cookie = First_cookie->next; } for (p = First_cookie; p && p->next; p = p1) { p1 = p->next; if (p1->expires != (time_t) - 1 && p1->expires < now) { if (!(p1->flag & COO_DISCARD)) is_saved = 0; p->next = p1->next; p1 = p; } } } static Str make_cookie(struct cookie *cookie) { Str tmp = Strdup(cookie->name); Strcat_char(tmp, '='); Strcat(tmp, cookie->value); return tmp; } static int match_cookie(ParsedURL *pu, struct cookie *cookie, char *domainname) { if (!domainname) return 0; if (!domain_match(domainname, cookie->domain->ptr)) return 0; if (strncmp(cookie->path->ptr, pu->file, cookie->path->length) != 0) return 0; #ifdef USE_SSL if (cookie->flag & COO_SECURE && pu->scheme != SCM_HTTPS) return 0; #else /* not USE_SSL */ if (cookie->flag & COO_SECURE) return 0; #endif /* not USE_SSL */ if (cookie->portl && !port_match(cookie->portl, pu->port)) return 0; return 1; } struct cookie * get_cookie_info(Str domain, Str path, Str name) { struct cookie *p; for (p = First_cookie; p; p = p->next) { if (Strcasecmp(p->domain, domain) == 0 && Strcmp(p->path, path) == 0 && Strcasecmp(p->name, name) == 0) return p; } return NULL; } Str find_cookie(ParsedURL *pu) { Str tmp; struct cookie *p, *p1, *fco = NULL; int version = 0; char *fq_domainname, *domainname; fq_domainname = FQDN(pu->host); check_expired_cookies(); for (p = First_cookie; p; p = p->next) { domainname = (p->version == 0) ? fq_domainname : pu->host; if (p->flag & COO_USE && match_cookie(pu, p, domainname)) { for (p1 = fco; p1 && Strcasecmp(p1->name, p->name); p1 = p1->next) ; if (p1) continue; p1 = New(struct cookie); bcopy(p, p1, sizeof(struct cookie)); p1->next = fco; fco = p1; if (p1->version > version) version = p1->version; } } if (!fco) return NULL; tmp = Strnew(); if (version > 0) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("$Version=\"%d\"; ", version)); Strcat(tmp, make_cookie(fco)); for (p1 = fco->next; p1; p1 = p1->next) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "; "); Strcat(tmp, make_cookie(p1)); if (version > 0) { if (p1->flag & COO_PATH) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("; $Path=\"%s\"", p1->path->ptr)); if (p1->flag & COO_DOMAIN) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("; $Domain=\"%s\"", p1->domain->ptr)); if (p1->portl) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("; $Port=\"%s\"", portlist2str(p1->portl)->ptr)); } } return tmp; } char *special_domain[] = { ".com", ".edu", ".gov", ".mil", ".net", ".org", ".int", NULL }; int check_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domain( Str domain ) { TextListItem *tl; int avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domain = FALSE; if (Cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domains && Cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domains->nitem > 0) { for (tl = Cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domains->first; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next) { if (domain_match(domain->ptr, tl->ptr)) { avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domain = TRUE; break; } } } if (avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domain == TRUE) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } int add_cookie(ParsedURL *pu, Str name, Str value, time_t expires, Str domain, Str path, int flag, Str comment, int version, Str port, Str commentURL) { struct cookie *p; char *domainname = (version == 0) ? FQDN(pu->host) : pu->host; Str odomain = domain, opath = path; struct portlist *portlist = NULL; int use_security = !(flag & COO_OVERRIDE); #define COOKIE_ERROR(err) if(!((err) & COO_OVERRIDE_OK) || use_security) return (err) #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "host: [%s, %s] %d\n", pu->host, pu->file, flag); fprintf(stderr, "cookie: [%s=%s]\n", name->ptr, value->ptr); fprintf(stderr, "expires: [%s]\n", asctime(gmtime(&expires))); if (domain) fprintf(stderr, "domain: [%s]\n", domain->ptr); if (path) fprintf(stderr, "path: [%s]\n", path->ptr); fprintf(stderr, "version: [%d]\n", version); if (port) fprintf(stderr, "port: [%s]\n", port->ptr); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* [RFC 2109] s. 4.3.2 case 2; but this (no request-host) shouldn't happen */ if (!domainname) return COO_ENODOT; if (domain) { char *dp; /* [DRAFT 12] s. 4.2.2 (does not apply in the case that * host name is the same as domain attribute for version 0 * cookie) * I think that this rule has almost the same effect as the * tail match of [NETSCAPE]. */ if (domain->ptr[0] != '.' && (version > 0 || strcasecmp(domainname, domain->ptr) != 0)) domain = Sprintf(".%s", domain->ptr); if (version == 0) { /* [NETSCAPE] rule */ int n = total_dot_number(domain->ptr, domain->ptr + domain->length, 3); if (n < 2) { if (! check_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domain(domain)) { COOKIE_ERROR(COO_ESPECIAL); } } else if (n == 2) { char **sdomain; int ok = 0; for (sdomain = special_domain; !ok && *sdomain; sdomain++) { int offset = domain->length - strlen(*sdomain); if (offset >= 0 && strcasecmp(*sdomain, &domain->ptr[offset]) == 0) ok = 1; } if (!ok && ! check_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domain(domain)) { COOKIE_ERROR(COO_ESPECIAL); } } } else { /* [DRAFT 12] s. 4.3.2 case 2 */ if (strcasecmp(domain->ptr, ".local") != 0 && contain_no_dots(&domain->ptr[1], &domain->ptr[domain->length])) COOKIE_ERROR(COO_ENODOT); } /* [RFC 2109] s. 4.3.2 case 3 */ if (!(dp = domain_match(domainname, domain->ptr))) COOKIE_ERROR(COO_EDOM); /* [RFC 2409] s. 4.3.2 case 4 */ /* Invariant: dp contains matched domain */ if (version > 0 && !contain_no_dots(domainname, dp)) COOKIE_ERROR(COO_EBADHOST); } if (path) { /* [RFC 2109] s. 4.3.2 case 1 */ if (version > 0 && strncmp(path->ptr, pu->file, path->length) != 0) COOKIE_ERROR(COO_EPATH); } if (port) { /* [DRAFT 12] s. 4.3.2 case 5 */ portlist = make_portlist(port); if (portlist && !port_match(portlist, pu->port)) COOKIE_ERROR(COO_EPORT); } if (!domain) domain = Strnew_charp(domainname); if (!path) { path = Strnew_charp(pu->file); while (path->length > 0 && Strlastchar(path) != '/') Strshrink(path, 1); if (Strlastchar(path) == '/') Strshrink(path, 1); } p = get_cookie_info(domain, path, name); if (!p) { p = New(struct cookie); p->flag = 0; if (default_use_cookie) p->flag |= COO_USE; p->next = First_cookie; First_cookie = p; } copyParsedURL(&p->url, pu); p->name = name; p->value = value; p->expires = expires; p->domain = domain; p->path = path; p->comment = comment; p->version = version; p->portl = portlist; p->commentURL = commentURL; if (flag & COO_SECURE) p->flag |= COO_SECURE; else p->flag &= ~COO_SECURE; if (odomain) p->flag |= COO_DOMAIN; else p->flag &= ~COO_DOMAIN; if (opath) p->flag |= COO_PATH; else p->flag &= ~COO_PATH; if (flag & COO_DISCARD || p->expires == (time_t) - 1) { p->flag |= COO_DISCARD; } else { p->flag &= ~COO_DISCARD; is_saved = 0; } check_expired_cookies(); return 0; } struct cookie * nth_cookie(int n) { struct cookie *p; int i; for (p = First_cookie, i = 0; p; p = p->next, i++) { if (i == n) return p; } return NULL; } #define str2charp(str) ((str)? (str)->ptr : "") void save_cookies(void) { struct cookie *p; char *cookie_file; FILE *fp; check_expired_cookies(); if (!First_cookie || is_saved || no_rc_dir) return; cookie_file = rcFile(COOKIE_FILE); if (!(fp = fopen(cookie_file, "w"))) return; for (p = First_cookie; p; p = p->next) { if (!(p->flag & COO_USE) || p->flag & COO_DISCARD) continue; fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%ld\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", parsedURL2Str(&p->url)->ptr, p->name->ptr, p->value->ptr, (long)p->expires, p->domain->ptr, p->path->ptr, p->flag, p->version, str2charp(p->comment), (p->portl) ? portlist2str(p->portl)->ptr : "", str2charp(p->commentURL)); } fclose(fp); chmod(cookie_file, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } static Str readcol(char **p) { Str tmp = Strnew(); while (**p && **p != '\n' && **p != '\r' && **p != '\t') Strcat_char(tmp, *((*p)++)); if (**p == '\t') (*p)++; return tmp; } void load_cookies(void) { struct cookie *cookie, *p; FILE *fp; Str line; char *str; if (!(fp = fopen(rcFile(COOKIE_FILE), "r"))) return; if (First_cookie) { for (p = First_cookie; p->next; p = p->next) ; } else { p = NULL; } for (;;) { line = Strfgets(fp); if (line->length == 0) break; str = line->ptr; cookie = New(struct cookie); cookie->next = NULL; cookie->flag = 0; cookie->version = 0; cookie->expires = (time_t) - 1; cookie->comment = NULL; cookie->portl = NULL; cookie->commentURL = NULL; parseURL(readcol(&str)->ptr, &cookie->url, NULL); if (!*str) return; cookie->name = readcol(&str); if (!*str) return; cookie->value = readcol(&str); if (!*str) return; cookie->expires = (time_t) atol(readcol(&str)->ptr); if (!*str) return; cookie->domain = readcol(&str); if (!*str) return; cookie->path = readcol(&str); if (!*str) return; cookie->flag = atoi(readcol(&str)->ptr); if (!*str) return; cookie->version = atoi(readcol(&str)->ptr); if (!*str) return; cookie->comment = readcol(&str); if (cookie->comment->length == 0) cookie->comment = NULL; if (!*str) return; cookie->portl = make_portlist(readcol(&str)); if (!*str) return; cookie->commentURL = readcol(&str); if (cookie->commentURL->length == 0) cookie->commentURL = NULL; if (p) p->next = cookie; else First_cookie = cookie; p = cookie; } fclose(fp); } void initCookie(void) { load_cookies(); check_expired_cookies(); } Buffer * cookie_list_panel(void) { /* FIXME: gettextize? */ Str src = Strnew_charp("Cookies" "
" "

"); struct cookie *p; int i; char *tmp, tmp2[80]; if (!use_cookie || !First_cookie) return NULL; Strcat_charp(src, "
    "); for (p = First_cookie, i = 0; p; p = p->next, i++) { tmp = html_quote(parsedURL2Str(&p->url)->ptr); if (p->expires != (time_t) - 1) { #ifdef HAVE_STRFTIME strftime(tmp2, 80, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&p->expires)); #else /* not HAVE_STRFTIME */ struct tm *gmt; static char *dow[] = { "Sun ", "Mon ", "Tue ", "Wed ", "Thu ", "Fri ", "Sat " }; static char *month[] = { "Jan ", "Feb ", "Mar ", "Apr ", "May ", "Jun ", "Jul ", "Aug ", "Sep ", "Oct ", "Nov ", "Dec " }; gmt = gmtime(&p->expires); strcpy(tmp2, dow[gmt->tm_wday]); sprintf(&tmp2[4], "%02d ", gmt->tm_mday); strcpy(&tmp2[7], month[gmt->tm_mon]); if (gmt->tm_year < 1900) sprintf(&tmp2[11], "%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", (gmt->tm_year) + 1900, gmt->tm_hour, gmt->tm_min, gmt->tm_sec); else sprintf(&tmp2[11], "%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", gmt->tm_year, gmt->tm_hour, gmt->tm_min, gmt->tm_sec); #endif /* not HAVE_STRFTIME */ } else tmp2[0] = '\0'; Strcat_charp(src, "
  1. "); Strcat_charp(src, "

    "); Strcat_charp(src, tmp); Strcat_charp(src, "

    "); Strcat_charp(src, ""); if (!(p->flag & COO_SECURE)) { Strcat_charp(src, ""); } if (p->comment) { Strcat_charp(src, ""); } if (p->commentURL) { Strcat_charp(src, ""); } if (tmp2[0]) { Strcat_charp(src, ""); } Strcat_charp(src, ""); } if (p->path) { Strcat_charp(src, ""); } if (p->portl) { Strcat_charp(src, ""); } Strcat_charp(src, "
    Cookie:"); Strcat_charp(src, html_quote(make_cookie(p)->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, "
    Comment:"); Strcat_charp(src, html_quote(p->comment->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, "
    CommentURL:"); Strcat_charp(src, "commentURL->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, "\">"); Strcat_charp(src, html_quote(p->commentURL->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, ""); Strcat_charp(src, "
    Expires:"); Strcat_charp(src, tmp2); if (p->flag & COO_DISCARD) Strcat_charp(src, " (Discard)"); Strcat_charp(src, "
    Version:"); Strcat_charp(src, Sprintf("%d", p->version)->ptr); Strcat_charp(src, "
    "); if (p->domain) { Strcat_charp(src, "
    Domain:"); Strcat_charp(src, html_quote(p->domain->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, "
    Path:"); Strcat_charp(src, html_quote(p->path->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, "
    Port:"); Strcat_charp(src, html_quote(portlist2str(p->portl)->ptr)); Strcat_charp(src, "
    Secure:"); Strcat_charp(src, (p->flag & COO_SECURE) ? "Yes" : "No"); Strcat_charp(src, "
    "); Strcat(src, Sprintf("
    Use:" "Yes" "  " "No", i, (p->flag & COO_USE) ? " checked" : "", i, (!(p->flag & COO_USE)) ? " checked" : "")); Strcat_charp(src, "

    "); } Strcat_charp(src, "

"); return loadHTMLString(src); } void set_cookie_flag(struct parsed_tagarg *arg) { int n, v; struct cookie *p; while (arg) { if (arg->arg && *arg->arg && arg->value && *arg->value) { n = atoi(arg->arg); v = atoi(arg->value); if ((p = nth_cookie(n)) != NULL) { if (v && !(p->flag & COO_USE)) p->flag |= COO_USE; else if (!v && p->flag & COO_USE) p->flag &= ~COO_USE; if (!(p->flag & COO_DISCARD)) is_saved = 0; } } arg = arg->next; } backBf(); } int check_cookie_accept_domain(char *domain) { TextListItem *tl; if (domain == NULL) return 0; if (Cookie_accept_domains && Cookie_accept_domains->nitem > 0) { for (tl = Cookie_accept_domains->first; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next) { if (domain_match(domain, tl->ptr)) return 1; } } if (Cookie_reject_domains && Cookie_reject_domains->nitem > 0) { for (tl = Cookie_reject_domains->first; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next) { if (domain_match(domain, tl->ptr)) return 0; } } return 1; } #endif /* USE_COOKIE */