w3m (0.5.3-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * debian/control: Add Vcs-* fields. (closes: #625532) -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Wed, 04 May 2011 17:23:14 +0900 w3m (0.5.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: Add Uploaders and DM-Upload-Allowed for the co-maintainer HIGUCHI Daisuke. * debian/rules, debian/*docs: To add doc/README.cookie, install doc/README* and then remove doc/README.cygwin. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Mon, 21 Feb 2011 23:32:21 +0900 w3m (0.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/patches/010_upstream.patch: Sync with the upstream development snapshot on 2011-01-17, just a typo fix for ChangeLog. * debian/patches/040_link_gcc45.patch: Patch from 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 to explicitly link w3mimgdisplay with -lX11 to build with gcc 4.5, provided by Martin Pitt. (closes: #605761) * debian/patches/050_entity-h-clean.patch: Patch to remove entity.h when `make clean'. * debian/copyright: Updated. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sun, 06 Feb 2011 16:11:06 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-10) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/010_upstream.patch: Sync with the upstream development snapshot on 2010-10-11. - Better non-ascii handling. (closes: #138891, #313365) - Introduce mailto_options. (closes: #473780) - All elements have the id attribute. (closes: #573789) - Define ATTR_ROWSPAN_MAX to check rowspan. (LP: #131993, LP: #619500) - Update the man page. (closes: #595534) - Add a FILES section to the man page. (closes: #403634) - Mention the -I option in the man page. (closes: #398260, #530515) * debian/patches/020_button.patch: Patch from upstream to support the button element. It is discussed upstream and incomplete, but enough to login Launchpad. (LP: #628755, closes: #136810) * debian/patches/040_maximum-cols.patch: Removed. (merged upstream) * debian/control, debian/rules: Use autotools-dev (>= 20100122) to update config.guess and config.sub. * debian/patches/020_config-guess.patch: Removed. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sat, 16 Oct 2010 00:59:32 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-9) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/010_upstream.patch: Sync with the upstream development snapshot on 2010-08-04. - Check width, rows and cols to prevent a large memory allocation. (Closes: #491400, #492290) * debian/patches/040_maximum-cols.patch: Patch from upstream to define MAXIMUM_COLS to check COLS. (Closes: #387751) * debian/patches/030_pager-s-option.patch: Change the -s option from "display charset Shift_JIS" to "squeeze multiple blank lines" to work as /usr/bin/pager. (rejected upstream) * debian/README.Debian: Mention the -s option difference. * debian/rules: Set INSTALL_W3MIMGDISPLAY to not use install -s. (Closes: #438260) * debian/rules, debian/w3m-img.files, debian/w3m-img.postinst, debian/w3m-img.prerm: Don't use dpkg-statoverride. (Closes: #562824) * debian/rules, debian/w3m-img.lintian-overrides: Install lintian override to ignore the setgid-binary warning. * debian/postrm: Removed. * debian/dirs, debian/rules: Install the Bonus directory. * debian/docs: Add doc/README.passwd. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Thu, 05 Aug 2010 22:50:25 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-8) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/010_upstream.patch: Upstream development snapshot on 2010-07-26. (Debian patches except config.* are merged) * debian/patches/020_config-guess.patch: Update config.guess and config.sub using autotools-dev 20100122.1. * debian/docs, debian/rules, debian/w3m-img.docs: Install some README files, such as README.img. (Closes: #252738, #306201) * debian/control: - Fix description wording. (Closes: #260414) - Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1. * debian/README.Debian, debian/README.Debian.w3m-img, debian/config.param, debian/w3m.1, debian/w3mman.1: Removed. * debian/copyright: Add the license of EastAsianWidth.txt. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Thu, 29 Jul 2010 01:51:25 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-7) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/100_download-error-short-write.patch: Patch to tell a download failure when full disk, provided by Karsten Schoelzel. (Closes: #185006, #206605) * debian/patches/110_no-graph-restriction.patch: Patch to restrict table and menu borders to ASCII if you use -no-graph, provided by Karsten Schoelzel. (Closes: #261174, #394265) * debian/patches/120_config-file-handling.patch: Patch to fix segfault when changing options if ~/.w3m not accessible, provided by Karsten Schoelzel. (Closes: #366284) * debian/patches/130_rc-blank-line-fix.patch: Patch to fix .w3m/config parser confused by blank lines, provided by Trent W. Buck. (Closes: #537706) * debian/patches/140_pseudo-inlines.patch: Patch to add a new option "pseudo_inlines", provided by Karsten Schoelzel. (Closes: #329863) * debian/patches/150_numbered-links.patch: Patch to add a new option "display_link_number", provided by Karsten Schoelzel. (Closes: #329862) * debian/patches/160_tls-sni.patch: Patch to add support for TLS SNI, provided by Sascha Silbe. (Closes: #523159) * debian/patches/170_number-prefix.patch: Patch to make number prefixes working when vi_prec_num=0, from upstream. * debian/patches/180_non-xterm.patch: Patch to fix segfault on non-xterm, from upstream. * debian/patches/190_codepage.patch: Patch for handling of codepage with wc_codepage, from upstream. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sun, 18 Jul 2010 08:17:08 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-6) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/070_form-update.patch: Patch to fix a problem of formUpdateBuffer(), from [w3m-dev 04286] on 2007-08-04, provided by Hironori SAKAMOTO. (Closes: #409933) * debian/patches/080_xhtml-support.patch: Patch to support for application/xhtml+xml and default UTF-8 encoding, provided by Karsten Schoelzel. (Closes: #223589, #242599, #357817) * debian/patches/090_simple-preserve-space.patch: Patch to add a new option "simple_preserve_space", provided by dai. (Closes: #384982, #426055) * debian/patches/*: Renumbered. * debian/patches/70_ssl-init.patch: Removed. * debian/w3mconfig: Set ssl_forbid_method to 2 to disable SSLv2. * debian/copyright: Updated. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:10:09 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-5) unstable; urgency=high * debian/patches/60_check-null-cn.patch: Patch to check for null bytes in CN/subjAltName, provided by Ludwig Nussel. (Closes: #587445) [CVE-2010-2074] * debian/patches/70_ssl-init.patch: Patch to force ssl_verify_server on and disable SSLv2 support, provided by Ludwig Nussel. * debian/patches/*: Renumbered. * debian/control: Update Standards-Version to 3.9.0. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sat, 03 Jul 2010 19:08:07 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-4) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: Move migemo from Recommends to Suggests. (Closes: #570906) -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:40:53 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-3) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/10-w3mman-keep-formatting: Patch from 0.5.2-2.1ubuntu1. Use MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 to fix that w3mman eats underlined characters. (Closes: #325699) * debian/patches/05-config-debian-fix: Update config.guess and config.sub using autotools-dev 20090611.1. * debian/watch: Update with sf redirector. (Closes: #550615) * debian/control: - Remove Fumitoshi Ukai from Maintainer. (Closes: #541020) - Move Tatsuya Kinoshita to Maintainer from Uploaders. - Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends. - Move migemo from Suggests to Recommends. - Use dh_prep instead of `dh_clean -k'. - Set Section to web. - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4. * debian/prerm: Add -e to not ignore an error. * debian/copyright: Updated. * Update debhelper version to 7. * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sun, 21 Feb 2010 15:23:06 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-2.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * debian/patches/06-gnukfreebsd-ftbfs-fix: - Fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD by extending the check on the FreeBSD version to __FreeBSD_kernel_version, as exported by the FreeBSD kernel on the GNU/kFreeBSD environments, as suggested by Petr Salinger (Closes: #493486). -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 30 Jun 2009 00:46:59 +0200 w3m (0.5.2-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: - Change the libgdk-pixbuf-dev build dependency to libimlib2-dev, patch from the Ubuntu w3m package. (Closes: #409006, #259110) - Remove the autotools-dev build dependency. * debian/patches/*: - Don't contain a patch that patches the same file twice. (Closes: #485026) - New patch for config.sub and config.guess. * debian/rules: - Remove po/stamp-po at the clean target. - Don't use redundant dh_installman. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sun, 08 Jun 2008 16:19:25 +0900 w3m (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. (Closes: #433122) * Acknowledge NMU. (Closes: #404564) * debian/menu: Comply with menu transition. (Closes: #483817, thanks to Hideki Yamane) * debian/watch: New file. (Closes: #462162) * Handling debian/patches with quilt. - Typo fixes for w3m.1. (Closes: #423829, #266854) * Use dpkg-statoverride to set the file mode of /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay. * debian/postinst: Remove redundant signal handling. * debian/copyright: Updated. * debian/control: - Use ${binary:Version} instead of ${Source-Version}. - Set Standards-Version to 3.7.3. - Add the Homepage field. - Typo fix in Description. - Add Tatsuya Kinoshita to Uploaders. -- Tatsuya Kinoshita Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:31:04 +0900 w3m (0.5.1-5.1) unstable; urgency=high * NMU by the Security Team: * Fix format string vulnerability in display of SSL certificates. (No CVE ID yet) (Closes: #404564) -- Moritz Muehlenhoff Tue, 26 Dec 2006 18:49:26 +0100 w3m (0.5.1-5) unstable; urgency=low * fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Build-Depends on libgpmg1-dev) closes: Bug#377793 * debian/rules: DEB_BUILD_GNU_SYSTEM should be linux-gnu, instead of linux so that w3m-img works on fbdev closes: Bug#376240 * change default accept: line closes: Bug#374296 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:37:48 +0900 w3m (0.5.1-4) unstable; urgency=low * GCC 4.0 C++ ABI change. rebuild with libgc-dev 1:6.5-1 for libgc1c2 closes: Bug#318160 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Thu, 14 Jul 2005 15:10:30 +0000 w3m (0.5.1-3) unstable; urgency=low * fix upgrading /etc/w3m/w3mconfig to /etc/w3m/config closes: Bug#242577 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Fri, 3 Sep 2004 02:27:43 +0900 w3m (0.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * rebuilt with new version of libgdk-pixbuf-dev to build againt with libtiff4 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Fri, 6 Aug 2004 01:23:48 +0900 w3m (0.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * new upstream version -- Fumitoshi UKAI Thu, 29 Apr 2004 03:28:41 +0900 w3m (0.5-7) unstable; urgency=low * fix authentication mechanisms closes: Bug#:244029: w3m: HTTP basic authentication annoyance -- Fumitoshi UKAI Sun, 18 Apr 2004 00:08:29 +0900 w3m (0.5-6) unstable; urgency=low * fix IPv6 resolution failure. closes: Bug#241192 * debian/w3mconfig: update dont provide document_charset, which will not be overrided by locale. -- Fumitoshi UKAI Fri, 2 Apr 2004 04:24:27 +0900 w3m (0.5-5) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: add replaces: w3mmee, because old w3mmee provides w3m.mo that conflicts with current w3m. w3mmee (>= 0.3.p24.19-1) uses w3mmee.mo instead of w3m.mo, so no need conflits. * debian/w3mconfig: update follow_locale 1 *_charset US-ASCII closes: Bug#240702 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Wed, 31 Mar 2004 01:38:37 +0900 w3m (0.5-4) unstable; urgency=low * fix search problem on different charset page than display charset with migemo -- Fumitoshi UKAI Wed, 24 Mar 2004 03:20:04 +0900 w3m (0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low * display_charset uses follow_locale * use charset in w3mhelp.cgi -- Fumitoshi UKAI Tue, 23 Mar 2004 02:45:01 +0900 w3m (0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low * w3m-img priority back to optional * need update-po -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 22 Mar 2004 03:40:31 +0900 w3m (0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * set priority to standard * New upstream release merge m17n patch. closes: Bug#106840: ITP: w3m-m17n -- multilingualization of w3m closes: Bug#96340 - no w3m-en/w3m-ja any more closes: Bug#217509 - segfault if TERM is not set * w3m-img no longer setuid. setgid to video. closes: Bug#200028, Bug#181631 * fix FTBFS on GNU/Hurd closes: Bug#221890 * update config.{guess,sub} using autotools-dev closes: Bug#216785 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 22 Mar 2004 00:53:03 +0900 w3m (0.4.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium * install conffiles as /etc/w3m/config. closes: Bug#214325, Bug#215537, Bug#215537 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Tue, 14 Oct 2003 00:40:51 +0900 w3m (0.4.2-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium * [debian/rules, debian/preinst, debian/postinst] Older versions of this package had their conffile in the wrong location. Fixed that, and introduced a way to preserve modifications made there. (Closes: #214325) -- J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) Sun, 12 Oct 2003 19:40:58 +0200 w3m (0.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- Fumitoshi UKAI Tue, 23 Sep 2003 03:15:22 +0900 w3m (0.4.1-6) unstable; urgency=low * rebuild with libgc-dev * build-depends: libgc6-dev => libgc-dev -- Fumitoshi UKAI Wed, 20 Aug 2003 19:15:40 +0900 w3m (0.4.1-5) unstable; urgency=low * no need to build-depends: imlib-dev. closes: Bug#199583 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Wed, 2 Jul 2003 23:35:37 +0900 w3m (0.4.1-4) unstable; urgency=low * backport i-search fix -- Fumitoshi UKAI Tue, 15 Apr 2003 01:24:21 +0900 w3m (0.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=low * backport SSL & compressed fix again fix initialization of URLFile check t_buf to avoid segfault when "w3m -B" -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:45:31 +0900 w3m (0.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * backport SSL & compressed fix for https://alioth.debian.org/ -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 14 Apr 2003 03:31:32 +0900 w3m (0.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * new upstream release: w3m 0.4.1 * remove tailing '?' from form action URL, closes: Bug#181897 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Fri, 7 Mar 2003 02:45:17 +0900 w3m (0.4-2) unstable; urgency=low * apply W3M_TTY fix for w3m-img on framebuffer -- Fumitoshi UKAI Tue, 25 Feb 2003 01:31:03 +0900 w3m (0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: w3m 0.4 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 24 Feb 2003 02:00:13 +0900 w3m ( unstable; urgency=low * w3m 0.4 release candidate 3 * use sigaction * fix multipart.cgi -- Fumitoshi UKAI Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:04:12 +0900 w3m ( unstable; urgency=low * w3m 0.4 release candidate 2 * don't print missing w3mimgdisplay message at startup, closes: Bug#180814 -- Fumitoshi UKAI Mon, 17 Feb 2003 00:50:06 +0900 w3m ( unstable; urgency=low * w3m 0.4 release candidate 1 * fix relative URI, closes: Bug#172851 * don't say Unknown URI for unresolved URI, closes: Bug#169962 * fix tag parsing in