Subject: Prevent segfault when editing a textarea field with vi
Author: Peter Poeml <>
    add fix for segfault that can occur when editing a textarea field
    with vi, and returning to w3m (it seems to happen if the terminal
    is not writable, as when using w3m after 'su - some_user')

diff --git a/terms.c b/terms.c
index ca81d28..672262c 100644
--- a/terms.c
+++ b/terms.c
@@ -637,7 +637,8 @@ reset_tty(void)
     writestr(T_se);		/* reset terminal */
     TerminalSet(tty, &d_ioval);
-    close_tty();
+    if (tty != 2)
+        close_tty();
 static MySignalHandler