cookie support of w3m

                                                         (2000/11/07)  K. Okada

 * Support of version 0 (
   and version 1 (,
 * If you want to disable cookie support, run the configure script with
    --disable-cookie option.
 * You can choose to use cookies or not on the Option Setting Panel or
   -cookie and -no-cookie option.
 * You can disable cookies on the Option Setting Panel. In this case
    all new cookies are rejected, however, cookies which were accepted before
    cookies were disabled are used.
 * You can see the list of accepted cookies with C-k. In this panel, you
    can choose to use each cookie or not.
 * You can specify domains from which to accept or not accept cookies
    on the Option Setting Panel. Domains are specified in the following format:
      domain-list = domains
                  | ""
      domains     = domain
                  | domain + "," + domains
      domain      = "." + domain-name      ; match with domain name
                  | host-domain-name       ; match with HDN
                  | ".local"               ; match with all HDN except which include  "."
                  | "."                    ; match with all

                              (HDN: host domain name)

 * If the number of "." in domain name is fewer than 2, it is
    assumed as invalid cookie (cf. RFC 2109 4.3.2), however, you can
    use cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots to avoid this
    restriction. You can set this in "Domains to avoid [wrong number
    of dots]" on the Option Setting Panel.