Dictionary look-up hack for w3m 1. INTRODUCTION If you have dictionary look-up command (like 'webster'), you can look a word in a document using w3m. This dictionary-lookup code was contributed by `Rubikitch' (rubikitch@ruby-lang.org). 2. INSTALL To make use of dictionary look-up, you have to change compile option by hand. After running configure, edit config.h and change #undef USE_DICT into #define USE_DICT and recompile w3m. (You have to recompile dict.c and keybind.c.) Then prepare a command named 'w3mdict.' For example, if you want to use 'webster' command, do the following: % cd /usr/local/bin % ln -s `which webster` w3mdict In general, w3mdict can be any command that takes a word as an argument and outputs something onto stdout. 3. USAGE You can use the following two commands. ESC w Input a word and look it up using w3mdict command. ESC W look up the current word in the buffer.