~/.w3m/mouse syntax: menu <menu string - default empty> lastline <lastline string - default "<=UpDn"> button <num> <pos> <func> [<arg>] <num>: 1 : left button 2 : middle button 3 : right button <pos>: menu <x1> <x2> : click on menu lastline <x1> <x2> : click on last line default : default action anchor : click on anchor active : click on active anchor tab : click on tab <x1>: left column pos <x2>: right column pos menu in <pos> can be omited for backward compatibility. default configuration (in func.c) button 1 default MOVE_MOUSE button 2 default BACK button 3 default MENU_MOUSE button 1 active GOTO_LINK button 1 tab TAB_MOUSE button 2 tab CLOSE_TAB_MOUSE lastline "<=UpDn" button 1 lastline 0 1 BACK button 1 lastline 2 3 PREV_PAGE button 1 lastline 4 5 NEXT_PAGE For example - In ~/.w3m/mouse button 1 anchor COMMAND "MOVE_MOUSE; GOTO_LINK" you can jump to link by left click on non-active anchor. - In ~/.w3m/menu menu Active func "Display LInk (a)" GOTO_LINK "a" func "Open in new tag (t)" TAB_LINK "t" func "Save link (d)" SAVE_LINK "d" func "External browser (m)" EXTERN_LINK "m" end and ~/.w3m/mouse button 3 anchor MENU_MOUSE Active then you can open menu by right click on anchor.