You configure in ~/.w3m/mouse as follows: menu "<= => R B" button 1 0 1 PREV button 1 3 4 NEXT button 1 6 7 RELOAD button 1 8 8 ADD_BOOKMARK button 3 8 8 COMMAND "NEW_TAB; BOOKMARK; DELETE_PREVBUF" button 3 0 4 SELECT_MENU button 2 0 9 CLOSE_TAB Then, w3m will display menu for mouse on top of line, next to tab. Like this: <= => R B [ Bookmarks ][ ���ܹ�§�Υۡ���ڡ��� ] x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can open URL in new tab if you drag URL to the region of mouse menu. ~/.w3m/mouse syntax: menu <menu string> button <num> <left-column-pos> <right-column-pos> <func> [<arg>] : 1 : left button 2 : middle button 3 : right button So, above example means menu "<= => R B" # menu string is "<= => R B" button 1 0 1 PREV # On "<=" (column 0 1), left button click, go to prev buffer button 1 3 4 NEXT # On "=>" (column 3 4), left button click, go to next buffer button 1 6 7 RELOAD # On "R " (column 6 7), left button click, reload button 1 8 8 ADD_BOOKMARK # On "B" (column 8), left button click, add bookmark button 3 8 8 COMMAND "NEW_TAB; BOOKMARK; DELETE_PREVBUF" # On "B" (column 8), right button click, open bookmark in new tab button 3 0 4 SELECT_MENU # On "<= =>" (column 0 4), right button click, select menu button 2 0 9 CLOSE_TAB # On "<= => R B" (column 0 9), middle button click, close tab