
From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01667] Re: mailer %s


From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01661] Re: <head>
  security fix.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * check if ", <, > and &s are quoted within attribute values.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01663] replace addUniqHist with addHist in loadHistory()


From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01617] Re: first body with -m (Re: w3m-m17n-0.7)
  * terminal resize related fix.
  * info page ('=' command) fix for multi-layered frame page.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01621] NEXT_LINK and GOTO_LINE problem

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01623] Re: (frame) http://www.securityfocus.com/
Subject: [w3m-dev 01632] Re: (frame) http://www.securityfocus.com/
  frame fix.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01624] Re: first body with -m
From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@udlew10.uldev.lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01625] Re: first body with -m
  pgFore, pgBack behaviour fix.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@udlew10.uldev.lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01635] Directory list
  local.c directory list fix.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@udlew10.uldev.lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01643] buffername
Subject: [w3m-dev 01650] Re: buffername
  buffername (title) related improvements.
  * when displayLink is ON, truncate buffername on showing long URL.
  * displayBuffer() cleanup.
  * remove trailing spaces from content of <title>..</title>.
  * [w3m-dev 01503], [w3m-dev 01504]

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@udlew10.uldev.lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01646] putAnchor
  * putAnchor related improvement.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01647] Re: first body with -m
  * cursor position moves unexpectedly when reloading a URL
    with #label.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01651] display column position with LINE_INFO


From: Ryoji Kato <ryoji.kato@nrj.ericsson.se>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01582] rfc2732 patch
  literal IPv6 address treatment (bracketed by '[' and ']')
  according to RFC2732.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01594] first body with -m (Re: w3m-m17n-0.7)

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01602] Re: first body with -m (Re: w3m-m17n-0.7)


From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01584] Re: attribute replacing in frames. (Re: some fixes)


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * remove trailing blank lines in a buffer.


From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01560] Re: long URL
  Multiple 'u' and 'c' scrolls long URL.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01570] Re: long URL

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01506] compile option of gc.a

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01509] Forward: Bug#79689: No way to view information on SSL certificates
  Now '=' shows info about SSL certificate.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01556] Re: ANSI color support (was Re:  w3m-m17n-0.4)
  ANSI color support.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01535] how to check wait3 in configure.
From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01537] Re: how to check wait3 in configure.
  On BSD/OS 3.1, SunOS 4.1.3, configure can't detect wait3().

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  <plaintext> doesn't work.


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01555] Re: some fixes for <select>
  w3m crashes by <select> without <option>.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
   * table related improvements (<xmp> inside table, etc)

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01536] Re: <P> in <DL>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01544] Re: <P> in <DL>
   * w3m crashes by an illegal HTML.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
   * treat unclosed <a>, <img_alt>, <b>, <u>


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
   * bugfix on <dt> tag processing in feed_table_tag().
   * w3m eventually crashed when a tag is not closed in a table.
   * ignore <p> just after <dt>.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01530] returned at a morment.
   * skip newline within "-enclosed attribute value.

Subject: [w3m-dev 01531] coocie check in header from stdin.
   * w3m crashes by 'cat mail | w3m -m'


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01513] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23
  frame.c bugfix
Subject: [w3m-dev 01515] some fixes for <select>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01516] Re: some fixes for <select>
  Several improvements on <select>..<option>


From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01501] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb23
  Compile error for 'no menu' model


From: sekita-n@hera.im.uec.ac.jp (Nobutaka SEKITANI)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01483] Patch to show image URL includes anchor
  Peek image URL by 'i'

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01500] fix risky code in url.c
  Vulnerble code in url.c fixed


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01491] bug ?

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  Search for a string that contains null character.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01498] Re: null character
  Infinite loop


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
   * StrmyISgets doesn't recognize a '\r' as a newline character.
   * Null character support on pager mode.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01487] A string in <textarea> is broken after editing
  <textarea> related fix.

Subject: [w3m-dev 01488] buffer overflow bugs
  * Buffer overflow fixes.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * maximum_table_width now considers width attribute in td and th tag.


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01473] Re: internal tag and attribute check

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
   * hborder and border attribute handling.

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01478] Option Setting Panel
  * Improvement of the option setting panel view.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * parse_tag improvements.
  * don't parse tag within visible_length().

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01456] linein.c
  * linein.c is rewritten based on calcPosition().

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01457] cursor position on sumbit form
  * TAB key behaviour fix.


From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01449] Re: Directory of private header of gc library.
  * w3m crashes when accessing a list after popping the last element
    by popText (rpopText).


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * image map related fix.


From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: Security hole in w3m (<input_alt type=file>)
  * Prohibit using internal tags in HTML.

Subject: [w3m-dev 01432] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb22 patch
Subject: [w3m-dev 01437] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb22 patch
  * Image map related fix.  

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * a compile option which enables the removal of trailing 
    blank lines in a burrer. (ENABLE_REMOVE_TRAILINGSPACES)

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev-en 00301] Re: "w3m -h" outputs to stderr
  * Destination of w3m -h output is changed from stderr
    to stdout.

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01430] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb22 patch
  * EWS4800(/usr/abiccs/bin/cc) support.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * id attribute check in dummy_table tag.
  * fid attribute check in form_int tag.
  * table stack overflow check.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01422] bpcmp in anchor.c
From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01423] Re: bpcmp in anchor.c
  * some improvements for speedup.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * CheckType() bugfix and speedup.


From: Takenobu Sugiyama <sugiyama@ae.advantest.co.jp>
Subject: patch for cygwin
  * enables ftp download for cygwin w3m


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01401] Re: bugfix of display of control chars, merge of easy UTF-8 patch, etc.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * table rendering speed-up.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * table column width sometimes get narrower than specified width value.
From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * Progress bar display enhancement.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * command line option about proxy and cookie doesn't work.
  * 'Save to local file' overwrites the existing file.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * get_ctype is now macro.
  * menu.c type mismatch fix.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * fixes for speedup.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01372] w3m sometimes uses the wrong mailcap entry

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * an empty table in another table makes the outer table funny.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  gc6 support.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * space characters in a buffer are mapped into 0x80-0x9f.
  * unprintable characters (0x80-0xa0) are displayed as \xxx.

From: Tsutomu Okada ($B2,ED(B $BJY(B) <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01354] minimize when #undef USE_GOPHER or USE_NNTP


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  getescapechar() returns abnormal value for illegal entity.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * table-related fix.
  * DEL character is treated as `breakable space.' 

From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01338] Re: Lynx patch for character encoding in form
Subject: [w3m-dev 01342] Re: Lynx patch for character encoding in form
  * support for accept-charset attribute in form tag.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * cleanup_str and htmlquote_str now returns the oritinal string
    itself when there's no need to (un)quote it.


From: Katsuyuki Watanabe <katsuyuki_1.watanabe@toppan.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01336] patch for Cygwin 1.1.x
  Patch for Cygwin 1.1.x (1.1.3 and later)


From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
Subject: [w3m-dev-en 00189] [PATCH] w3m menu <select> search
  Enable to search within popup menu.


From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01331] Re: form TEXT:
  * Search string history and form input string history are merged.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * When a cell width exceeds the screen width, format contents in
    the cell to fit into the screen width.


From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01313] Re: SCM_NNTP
  nntp: for MARL_URL


From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01310] Re: option select (Re:  w3mmee-0.1.11p10)
  Output error messages from gc library using disp_message_nsec.


From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01294] mouse no effect on blank page.
From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01295] Re: mouse no effect on blank page.

From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@ct.sakura.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01297] Re: backword search bug report

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01298] Re: backword search bug report
  bug fix of backword search 
Subject: [w3m-dev 01299] Re: backword search bug report
  bug fix of the handling of multi-byte regexp.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * LESSOPEN can be set via the option setting panel. (default: off)
  * speed-up of gunzip_stream(), save2tmp(), visible_length().


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * Emacs-like completion key support.
    (by #define EMACS_LIKE_LINEEDIT in config.h)

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01284] Re: improvement of filename input
  * in 'Goto URL' command, local file name will be completed
    after 'file:/'.

From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01280] Stop to prepend rc_dir to full path.


From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01269] Re: SCM_NNTP
Subject: [w3m-dev 01273] Re: SCM_NNTP
  Prohibit gopher:, news: and nntp: scheme when USE_GOPHER and USE_NNTP
  macros are undefined.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01258] improvement of filename input
  * Completion lists are displayed by C-d.
  * in 'Goto URL' command, local file name will be completed
    after 'file:/', 'file:///' and 'file://localhost/'.
  * password part of URLs in the history list are removed.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01277] Accept-Encoding: gzip (Re:  some wishlists)
  Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress
  is appended in the request header.
Subject: [w3m-dev 01275] Re: squeeze multiple blank lines option ( http://bugs.debian.org/75527 )
  when #ifdef DEBIAN, 
  'squeeze multiple blank line' switch  (default -S) is set to -s
  character-code specifier (-s/-e/-j) are removed. use '-o kanjicode={S,E,J}'
Subject: [w3m-dev 01274] Re: SCM_NNTP
  nntp: support.
Subject: [w3m-dev 01276] URL in w3m -v
  when LANG=EN (or #undef JP_CHARSET), the URL displayed at w3m -v  
  (visual startup mode) is incorrect.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  location of mailcap and mime.type can be specified in the Option Setting 


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01247] Re: buffer selection menu
  Menu related patches.
  ([w3m-dev 01227], [w3m-dev 01228],[w3m-dev 01229], [w3m-dev 01237], 
   [w3m-dev 01238])


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * in the cookie-related setting, '.' is regarded as any domain.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01240] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb17 patch
  'incompatible pointer type' fix.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * "Domains from which should accept/reject cookies" setting in
    the option setting panel.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01211] Re: a small change to linein.c
Subject: [w3m-dev 01214] Re: a small change to linein.c
  * When editing long string, a part of the string disappear.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01216] error message for invalid keymap
From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01220] Re: error message for invalid keymap
  * w3m will display an error-message against the illegal
    keymap file specification.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01217] keymap.lynx example could be better.
  keymap.lynx update.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  cookie-related improvements.
  * version 1 cookie handling is now compliant to 
     Cookie2 is added in the Netscape-style cookie request header.


From: "Ambrose Li [EDP]" <acli@mingpaoxpress.com>
Subject: [w3m-dev-en 00136] version 0 cookies and some odds and ends
Subject: [w3m-dev-en 00191] sorry, the last patch was not made properly
Subject: [w3m-dev-en 00190] w3m-0.1.10 patch (mostly version 0 cookie handling)
  I've hacked up a big mess (patch) against w3m-0.1.9 primarily
  involving version 0 cookies. To my dismay, it seems that most
  servers out there still want version 0 cookies and version 0
  cookie handling behaviour, and w3m's cookie handling is too
  strict for version 0, causing some sites (notably my.yahoo.co.jp)
  not to work.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * pixel-per-character is now changable.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01208] '#', '?' in ftp:/....
  * w3m fails to parse URL when ftp:/ URL contains '#'.

From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01209] http_response_code and ``Location:'' header
  w3m now follows Location: header only when
  http_response_code is 301 - 303.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  local CGI makes zombie processes.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  w3m hangs when <textarea> is not closed in a table.

From: maeda@tokyo.pm.org
Subject: [w3m-dev 00990] auth password input

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01193] Re: frame bug?
  w3m eventually crashes when browsing frame pages.


From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@ct.sakura.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00928] misdetection of IPv6 support on CYGWIN 1.1.2

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01170] Re: cursor position after RELOAD, EDIT
  * Bugfix: remove cache files
  * The following functions can take arguments in keymap.
    LOAD ... a file name
    EXTERN, EXTERN_LINK ... a name of the external browser
      (Can't be used from w3m-control: )
    EXEC_SHELL, READ_SHELL, PIPE_SHELL ... shell command
      (Can't be used from w3m-control: )
    SAVE, SAVE_IMAGE, SAVE_LINK, SAVE_SCREEN ... a filename (or command name)
      (Can't be used from w3m-control: )


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * the buffer name of an input taken from the stdin is now determined
    from MAN_PN.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01156] Re: w3m-0.1.11-pre-kokb15
  * mydirname bugfix.
  * SERVER_NAME can be configured.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01158] some bugs fix when RELOAD, EDIT
Subject: [w3m-dev 01164] cursor position after RELOAD, EDIT
  * a file: called as local CGI can be edited.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01166] Re: cell width in table
  table-related bugfix.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01155] history of data for <input type=text>
  <input type=text> input will be put into history buffer.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01150] Some bug fixes
  Bugfixes of the problems reported in
    [w3m-dev 00956] unknown scheme in frame
    [w3m-dev 00975] goto link from frame page

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01145] buffer overflow in linein.c
  Fix of the buffer overrun problem in  inputLineHist(linein.c)


From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01136] function argument in keymap
Subject: [w3m-dev 01139] Re: function argument in keymap
  Some functions specified in ~/.w3m/keymap can take an argument.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01143] image map with popup menu
  image map can be treated as popup menu 
  (#define MENU_MAP in config.h)

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00971] Re: segmentation fault with http:
  Specifying 'http:' or  'http:/' as URLs will crash w3m.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01134] w3m in xterm horribly confused by Japanese in title (fr
  w3m-en will crash when browsing a page with Japanese title.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01127] SIGINT signal in ftp session (Re:  my w3m support page)
  SIGINT will crash w3m when downloading via ftp.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * the maximum value of wmin in recalc_width() is changed to 0.05.
  * when deflating compressed data other than http file and local file,
    the file will be stored as a temporary file.
  * mailcap edit= attribute support.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * Improvements of -dump, -source_dump options.
  * Ignore <meta> tags in a frame.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 00930] HTML-quote in w3mbookmark.c
  * In 'Bookmark registration', URL and Title are not HTML-quoted.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Subject: [w3m-dev 00972] better display of progress bar ?
  * An improvement of progress bar.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
  * Null pointer chech for textlist.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01100] space in URL

  * http://bugs.debian.org/60825 and http://bugs.debian.org/67466
	when submitting a form, name is not quoted (which should be)

  * http://bugs.debian.org/66887
	Remove preceding and trailing spaces from URL input through
	'U' command.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01113] bug fix (content charset)
  content charset bugfix


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01112] Re: mailcap test= directive
  improvements of mailcap handling
  * In addition to %s, %t (content-type name) will be available.
  * nametemplate option is now valid.
  * If there is no %s in the entry, 'command < %s' is assumed.
  * If needsterminal is specified, spawn the command foreground.
  * If copiousoutput is specified, load the command output into
  * `htmloutput' option is added, which indicates that the output
    of the command is to be read by w3m as text/html. For example,

     application/excel; xlHtml %s | lv -Iu8 -Oej; htmloutput

    enables an Excel book to be displayed as an HTML document.
  * compressed file browsing support for ftp scheme.
  * Bug: compressed file isn't displayed properly for http: scheme.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01097] gunzip_stream problem
  * Fix of the behaviour against INT signal while reading compressed

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01092] CONFIG_FILE
  * CONFIG_FILE in config.h was hard-coded.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01078] treatment of content type
  Improvements around document type handling.
  * precedence between lessopen_stream() and gunzip_stream() was changed
    in examineFile().
  * lessopen_stream()ed file is treated as a plein text.
  * lessopen_stream() is applied only if document type is text/* or
    no external viewer is set.
  * all text/* data other than text/html are handled inside w3m.
  * The document type displayed by page_info_panel() is now the one
    before examineFile() processing.
  * When invoking an external viewer, ">/dev/null 2>&1 &" is appended
    to the command line.


From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01053] Re: Location: in local cgi.
  * Do not interpret Location: header of the local file when invoking
    with -m flag,

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01065] map key '0'
  Improvement around keymap.
  * Now a single '0' can be mapped. Numbers other than 0, for example
    `10 j' are regarded as prefix arguments.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01066] 104japan
  * Code conversion fix for forms in frame.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01058] <dt>, <dd>, <blockquote> (Re:  <ol> etc.)
  * insert blank lines before and after <blockquote>.
  * Don't ignore <p> tag just after <dt> and <dd>.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01052] cellpadding, cellspacing, vspace, etc.
  Some changes about space character and blank lines:
  * <a name="..."></a> or <font> outside <tr> or <td> are pushed
    into the next cell.
  * cellspacing attribute in <table> tag is now handled correctly.
  * vspace attribute interpretation.
  * blank line detection criterion is changed.
  * </p> tag inserts a blank line.


From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01018] sqrt DOMAIN error in table.c
From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01019] Re: sqrt DOMAIN error in table.c
  * fix of DOMAIN error of sqrt().


From: satodai@dog.intcul.tohoku.ac.jp (Dai Sato)
Subject: [w3m-dev 01017] value of input tag in option panel
  * Fix of the problem of the option setting panel: when specifying
    a value including a double quote, the value after " is not displayed
    on the next invocation of the option setting panel.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01016] Table geometry calculation
  * rounding algorithm of table geometry calculation is changed to
    minimize the difference of the column width and the `true' width.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01006] initialize PRNG of openssl 0.9.5 or later
  * when using openssl library after 0.9.5, enables SSL on the environment
    without the random device (/dev/urandom).


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01004] unused socket is not closed.
  When interrupting file transfer using C-c, the socket sometimes
  stay unclosed.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01005] table caption problem
  Fix of the problem that w3m doesn't stop when there's no closing


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00966] ssl and proxy authorization
  Fix of the authorization procedure of SSL tunneling via HTP proxy.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 01003] Some bug fixes for table


From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@ct.sakura.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00999] Re: bookmark
  * Sometimes a link can't be appended into the bookmark.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00934] clear_buffer bug
  Bugfix: when clear_buffer is TRUE, selBuf() clears the screen.


From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@ct.sakura.ne.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00929] ftp.c patch
  Return code 230 against USER command is regarded as a successful


From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00923] some bug fixes
  * when #undef JP_CHARSET, file.c doesn't compile.
  * buffer.c bugfix ("=" should be "==")

From: Kazuhiko Izawa <izawa@nucef.tokai.jaeri.go.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00924] Re: w3m-0.1.11pre
From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Subject: [w3m-dev 00925] Re: w3m-0.1.11pre
  Accessing URL like file://localhost/foo causes abnormal termination.

From: aito
* [w3m-dev 00826] 
  * Bugfix: When a header by CGI POST method gives Location: header,
    the redirect can't be reloaded.
  * white spaces in URL are removed.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00827] Bugfix: onA() doesn't work.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00835] Improvement of 'Jump to label' behavior within a frame.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00789] Bugfix: width of <li>
* [w3m-dev 00801] Bugfix: Line break occurs on &nbsp;.
* [w3m-dev 00813] Bugfix: single > in a document isn't analyzed properly.
* [w3m-dev 00818][w3m-dev 00819] Bugfix: <xmp>,<listing> in <textarea>
* [w3m-dev 00820] Screen shift bugfix.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* [w3m-dev 00807] Bugfix: <option> without <select> in table causes core dump.
* [w3m-dev 00816] Bugfix: CRs in <textarea>..</textarea> are replaced with
  white spaces.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00814] Bugfix: After specifying non-text file in 'V' command,
  w3m dumps core.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00581] BUFINFO related bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00641] Bugfix: extbrowser setting in config desn't work.
* [w3m-dev 00660] Bugfix: pathname to invoke external viewer becomes like
* [w3m-dev 00701] enhancement of [w3m-dev 00684].

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* [w3m-dev 00582] Bugfix: kterm mouse, etc.
* [w3m-dev 00586] Bugfix; when CLEAR_BUF is defined, buffer size is displayed as [0 line].
* [w3m-dev 00605] 
  * show_params() improvement.
  * when CLEAR_BUF is defined and reloading local file, that is overwritten.
* [w3m-dev 00606] When submitting data in textarea without editing them, CR charcters are
  sent instead of CRLF.
* [w3m-dev 00630] Bugfix of mouse-dragging behaviour.
* [w3m-dev 00654] [w3m-dev 00666] When CLEAR_BUF is defined, content of form disappears.
* [w3m-dev 00677] [w3m-dev 00704] Improvement of Japanese coding-system decition algorithm.
* [w3m-dev 00684] Command line analysis enhancement.
* [w3m-dev 00696] Bugfix of PIPE_SHELL('#'), READ_SHELL('@') and  EXEC_SHELL('!').
* [w3m-dev 00706] Bugfix: When CLEAR_BUF is defined, anchors created by  : disappears.
* [w3m-dev 00720] Enhancement of dirlist.cgi.
* [w3m-dev 00724] when -m option is used, continuation lines in header are not
  processed properly.
* [w3m-dev 00728] handling of Japanese character in HTTP header.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00589] Bugfix: w3m dumps core after like w3m -T a -B and save command.
* [w3m-dev 00595][w3m-dev 00610] frameset related bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00631][w3m-dev 00633] ID_EXT related bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00632] Bugfix? handling of character-entity (&quot;) in attribute.
* [w3m-dev 00646] Enhancement: frame names are embedded as id attribute in
  the frame-table.
* [w3m-dev 00680] 
* [w3m-dev 00683] Bugfix: <STRONG> tags become comments in frame.
* [w3m-dev 00707] frame related bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00774] Bugfix: as some file descriptors are not closed, file descriptors
  are exhausted on a certain condition.

From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00598] ID_EXT related bugfix.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00602] Bugfix: a blank line is inserted when processing <title>...</title>.
* [w3m-dev 00617] <table> within <blockquote> in <table> corrupts.
* [w3m-dev 00675] Support of terminals which can't display &nbsp; (0xa0).
* [w3m-dev 00732] <!--comment --\n> like comment handling fix.	

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00679] USE_SSL_VERIFY fix.
* [w3m-dev 00686] w3mhelperpanel.c fix.

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
* [w3m-dev 00692] EWS4800 support for /usr/abiccs/bin/cc.

From: Hiroshi Kawashima <kei@arch.sony.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00742] mipsel architecture support.

From: Hiroaki Shimotsu <shim@d5.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00543] Bugfix: personal_document_root doesn't work.
* [w3m-dev 00544] When opening file:///dir/, if index.html exists in
  that directory, open the file instead of displaying directory list.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* [w3m-dev 00545] w3m -num fix.
* [w3m-dev 00557] Bugfix: When using -dump option, temporary files don't be unlinked.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabek@guitar.ocn.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00568] Bugfix: When <blockquote> exists outside of <tr>..</tr> in <table>, 
  the table corrupts.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00487] Bugfix: supports terminal without sr capability.
* [w3m-dev 00512][w3m-dev 00514][w3m-dev 00515] Kanji-code decision enhancement.
* [w3m-dev 00530] Bugfix: w3m can't handle cgi using <ISINDEX>.
* [w3m-dev 00537] Remove CR/LF within URL.
* [w3m-dev 00542] Layered frameset support.

From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@ct.sakura.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00488] id attribute support bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00497] configure automatically detects IPv6 environment.

From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00489] 
 *  Bugfix: a page doesn't be displayed which requires SSL client authentication.
 *  Enhancement: -o option parameter list
 * [w3m-dev 00519] Security hole fix about I command.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* [w3m-dev 00498] Filename completion bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00508] Color display bugfix.
* [w3m-dev 00518] Security hole fix about I command.
* [w3m-dev 00535] GPM/SYSMOUSE support bugfix.

From: Kazuhiro Nishiyama <nishiyama@mx1.tiki.ne.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00503] $extension correction in Cygwin.

From: Hiroaki Shimotsu <shim@nw.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00516] When transmitting a string to form, it was made not to escape 
  a safe character.

From: Tsutomu Okada  <okada@furuno.co.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00471] Bugfix: when displaying the page which has a link in the 
  beginning of the screen, the first link doesn't get active.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
* [w3m-dev 00539] proxy initialization bugfix.

From: aito
* free memory of hidden buffers. (CLEAR_BUF)
* when file:// style local file access fails, don't retry
  as http://file://.
* Bugfix: mouse doesn't work when both GPM and SYSMOUSE are undefined.

From: rubikitch <rubikitch@ruby-lang.org>
* Enhancement: Save Buffer URL into file.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
* FTP proxy bugfix.
* C comment cleanup.
* Bugfix: After window resize, reshapeBuffer() is called on
  each keyin.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
* when gc library exists under /usr/local, configure decides
  found -> dones't seem to work.

From: Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp>
* Enhancement: When FTP login password ends with @, append the FQDN of
  the host.
* When environment variable NNTPMODE is defined, send MODE command
  using the value.
* Following options are added.
    ssl_verify_server ON/OFF
        Do SSL server verification (default OFF)
    ssl_cert_file filename
        PEM certification file for SSL client (default NULL)
    ssl_key_file filename
        PEM secret key file for SSL client (default NULL)
    ssl_ca_path directory
	Path for the directory of PEM certification files (default NULL)
    ssl_ca_file file
	Filename of PEM certification files

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
* Bugfix: DEL key causes core dump in line input mode.
* Comment processing bugfix.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
* Proxy authentication support for FTP proxy.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* Bugfix: <input_alt fid=0> causes core dump.

From: aito
* Bugfix: When a table is in a cell with more than one colspan,
  the width of the inner table gets wired.
* -model=, -lang= options are added to configure.

From: Rogue Metal - Jake Moorman <roguemtl@stampede.org>
- All T/NILs are replaced with TRUE/FALSE.
- Messages are added for FTP connection.

From: aito
* Bugfix: <select> without </select> causes core dump.
* Bugfix: Compilation fails unless MOUSE is defined.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
* Bugfix: Following a link to a local file causes core dump.
* Bugfix: DEL key in line editing causes core dump.

From: Shin HATTORI <mituzi@he.mirai.ne.jp>
* Bugfix: bzip2 support.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* Bugfix: -dump, -dump_head, -dump_source option interfares
  each other.
* Improvement: -o option added.
* Bugfix: -dump option causes core dump.
* Bugfix: mouse operation gets inactive while message is displayed.
* Bugfix: window size change.
* Improvement: Default of quit confirmation is now 'n'
* term.c enhancements

From: Sven Mascheck <mascheck@faw.uni-ulm.de>
* There are websites using (unprintable) special characters (eg '0x96')
  to 'feature' microsoft browsers.  At least in the western configuration
  (the only one i know), w3m doesn't check if characters are printable,
  thus they confuse particularly the /xfree/ xterm (knowing more special
  characters than other xterms). 
  Something like the attached patch could prevent this
  (also only affects western version).
  Instead of (superfluously) using isprint() with the locale,
  it now just checks the range (pointed out by Christian Weisgerber).

From: naddy@mips.rhein-neckar.de (Christian Weisgerber)
* C++ style comments are changed into C style.

From: lars brinkhoff <lars@nocrew.org>
ARM linux patch.

From: Hiroaki Shimotsu <shim@nw.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp>
Improvement: 'u' command shows form type and action.

From: patakuti
* Bugfix: -dump option for other than text/html document doesn't work.
* Improvement: Association between extension and mime-type can be 
  specified by ~/.mime.types.

From: Sakamoto <hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp>
* Bugfix: <Hn>...</Hn> in table makes the table width weird.
* Bugfix: </ol>,</ul>,</dl>,</blockquote> without opening tag
  make the table ugly.

From: "Shin'ya Kumabuchi" <kumabu@t3.rim.or.jp>
* Bugfix: w3m eventually sends Pragma: no-cache header inappropriately.

From: Tomoyuki Kosimizu <greentea@fa2.so-net.ne.jp>
Bugfix around rc.c

From: Altair <NBG01720@nifty.ne.jp>
OS/2 support improvement.
* Bugfix: w3m fails to open directory.
* Improvement: arrow keys are effective in non-X environment of OS/2
* Bugfix: Couldn't invoke external program.
* Improvement: Enable drive letter.

From: David Leonard <leonard@csee.uq.edu.au>
after filling in a simple form
 <form action="https://internal.csee.uq.edu.au/cgi-bin/login.cgi" method=POST>
a cookie is received and then w3m dumps core.

From: Ken Yap <ken@nlc.net.au>
I have made w3m work on DJGPP (protected mode 32-bit programs running
from DOS/Win). The resulting binary after compression is only 220kB,
which means it's possible to give a floppy for a 386 with 4-8 MB memory
for browsing the web!

From: "SHIROYAMA Takayuki" <psi@stellar.co.jp>
From: Jeroen Scheerder <J.Scheerder@cwi.nl>
MacOS X Server patch.

From: Ambrose Li
I found a bug in <img alt="">
handling. If alt="" is not suppressed, the line containing the img
element is not wrapped. I have verified that the bug exists in w3m
0.1.6; the bug seems to still exist in w3m 0.1.7, but I have not
finished compiling it.

From: aito
Bug fix: <option> without <select> causes core dump.
Bugfix: The first line in <blockquote> doesn't indented.
Improvement: application/x-bzip support.
Bugfix: GC fails in mktable, w3mbookmark, w3mhelperpanel.
Bugfix: mouse drag.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Bug fix: Illegal tags make w3m's behavior unstable.
quoteShell() security hole fix.
Bug fix: w3m dumps core inside set_environ().
Bug fix: w3m doesn't do <table width="xxx%">
Improvement: '!' command doesn't make screen dirty.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Bug fix: Temporary file paths contain  //.
Bug fix: 0.1.7 fails with https.

From: Hiroaki Shimotsu <shim@nw.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp>
Changes w3m's behavior such that connection failure to the proxy
server causes an error.
Bug fix: URLs specified in the command line don't be involved 
into URL history.

From: sasaki@ct.sakura.ne.jp
HTML4.0 ID attribute support.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@fphy.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
table get weird when it contains <input type=hidden>.

From: Rogue Metal - Jake Moorman <roguemtl@stampede.org>
- added GNU-style comments for all #ifdef/#else/#endif
  modified: almost all files
- renamed w3mhelp_en and w3mhelp_ja to w3mhelp-w3m_en and w3mhelp-w3m_ja
  (to aid in handling of additional keybindings in the future)
  modified: XMakefile, XMakefile.dist, config.h, configure, help files
- corrected error in w3mhelp-lynx_en ('Japanese' link was pointing to
  Japanese language help file for the w3m keybinding, not the lynx
  modified: w3mhelp-lynx_en.html
- replaced 'Loading {URL}' message with more specific messages about
  current status ('Performing hostname lookup on {hostname}' and
  'Connecting to {hostname}')
  modified: main.c, url.c

From: roguemtl@stampede.org (Jacob Moorman of the [MH] Free Software Group)
- added support for PageUp and PageDown in list boxes

From: naddy@mips.rhein-neckar.de (Christian Weisgerber)
1. conn.eventMask is set to 0 which disables reception of all types
   of events. Effectively, this disables GPM support altogether.
   Probably "~0" was intended, to enable reception of all types of
2. conn.maxMod is set to ~0, which means that events with a modifier
   key (shift, control, etc.) set are also sent to w3m. Since w3m
   doesn't do anything with these events, they should rather be
   passed on to other clients. Changing this to "conn.maxMod = 0"
   will for example allow the use of the mouse in w3m *and* mouse
   clicks with shift held down for console cut-and-paste.

From: naddy@mips.rhein-neckar.de (Christian Weisgerber)
I would like to suggest a small change to w3m's GPM support:
Rather than explicitly drawing the mouse pointer, this could be left to
the server, i.e.
- remove GPM_DRAWPOINTER() calls,
- set conn.defaultMask to GPM_MOVE|GPM_HARD.

From: aito
When '<' is used as other than start of a tag, let the '<' 
be displayed.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Bug fix of screen redraw.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
* Accept discard attribute of Set-Cookie2.
* insert a blank line just after </dl>.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
<table> Geometry calculation bugfix.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Bugfix of inputLineHist().

From: ChiDeok Hwang <cdhwang@sr.hei.co.kr>
When I browse http://i.am/orangeland and press 'v' to see document
info, w3m got seg. fault.
Reason was above site had the very strange frameset with only one frame.
<frameset rows="100%,*" ... >
Simple following fix was enough for me.

From: aito
When no scheme is specified in the URL, w3m tries to open local file,
and when it fails w3m prepends "http://".

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
target="_parent" support
frame-relatex bugfixes.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Screen redraw bugfix.

From: aito
word fill support. (undocumented)
add #define FORMAT_NICE in config.h.

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
"w3m ." and w3mhelperpanel doesn't work.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Bugfix of cookie behavior.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
table geometry calculation improvement.

From: aito
C-c make the external viewer to exit.

From: <sekita-n@hera.im.uec.ac.jp>
Added an option to suppress sending Referer: field.

From: Sven Oliver Moll <smol0999@rz.uni-hildesheim.de>
There was one thing that's been anoying me, so I got it fixed: the
behaviour of mouse dragging. The push of the mousebutton is
interpreted of dragging the text behind the window. My intuition in
dragging is that I drag the window over the text. So I added a config
option called 'reverse mouse'.

From: aito
'M' command (external browser) added to Lynx-like keymap.

From: SUMIKAWA Munechika <sumikawa@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
IPv6 related bugfix.

From: kjm@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp (KOJIMA Hajime)
NEWS-OS 6.x support.

From: aito
configure detects IPv6 support automatically.
(Thanks to sumikawa@ebina.hitachi.co.jp)

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Bug fix of link coloring/underlining.
From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Now w3m has an option not to render <IMG ALT="">.

From: aito
Even when HTTP server response code is other than 200,
w3m does user authorization if WWW-Authenticate: header exists.

From: Yamate Keiichirou <yamate@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
When following the Location: header, w3m doesn't chop the
LF character off.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Improvements of table rendering algorithm.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Now w3m allows a comment <!-- .... --   > (spaces between -- and >)

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Improvement of dirlist.cgi.

From: Christian Weisgerber <naddy@unix-ag.uni-kl.de>
- I have appended a small patch to add support for the Home/End/
  PgUp/PgDn keys at the FreeBSD "syscons" console.
  (It would be much preferable if w3m read the key sequences from
  the termcap entry rather than having them hardcoded, but this
  would require a substantial rewrite.)

From: aito
* w3m-control: GOTO url  support.
* When a document has <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=URL"> 
  tag, the moved document is loaded immediately.
* When invoking an external browser by 'M' or 'ESC M' and the browser
  is not defined, w3m prompts to input command to process the URL.

From: aito
Proxy-Authorization support.

Now w3m can use an external command (local CGI script) for 
directory listing. Default is hsaka's dirlist.cgi. 
(in `scripts' directory)

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
In menu selection and buffer selection mode, cursor now points
the selected item. (for blind people's convenience)

From: aito
Now w3m doesn't use GPM library when using

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Starting up with environment variable HTTP_HOME
causes hangup.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
Some kind of form causes segmentation fault.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
align attribute support for <tr> tag.
Now default alignment of <th> become CENTER.

From: Tsutomu Okada <okada@furuno.co.jp>
COOKIES in func.c is changed to COOKIE 

From: aito
Now w3m accepts HTTP headers which have no white space after :.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Serial number of anchors in TABLE gets incorrect.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Bug fix of -v option.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
When arguments in an external command in mailcap
are enclosed by ' ', the command is not executed

From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@isoternet.org>
Turning 'Active link color' on causes core dump.

From: aito
Now w3m uses GPM library if available.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Further enhancement of progress bar.

From: Ben Winslow <rain@insane.loonybin.net>
Enhancement of progress bar.

From: patakuti
If an <input type=button> tag has no `name' attribute,
w3m adds it an inappropriate name attribute.

From: $B$d$^(B
Now w3m can handle a frameset that has both ROWS and COLS.

From: aito
Now bookmarking is done by a separate command w3mbookmark.

C-s $B$G2hLLI=<($,;_$^$C$F$$$?%P%0$N=$@5!%(B

$BJ8;zF~NO;~$K(B C-g $B$GCf;_$G$-$k$h$&$K$7$?!%(B

From: hovav@cs.stanford.edu
When downloading a file, an attempt to save it to a non-exist
directory causes core dump.

From: minoura@netbsd.org
A character entity like &#x1234; (greater than 0xff)
causes segmentation fault.

From: Christi Alice Scarborough <christi@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
Active link color patch.

From: aito
Now <OL>,<UL> make blank line before and after the list only if
the list is in the first level.
A bookmark file can be specified by -bookmark option.

From: Hiroaki Shimotsu <shim@nw.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp>
Now 'N' is bound to 'search previous match'.

From: Kiyohiro Kobayashi <k-kobaya@mxh.mesh.ne.jp>
Enhancement of FTP directory listing.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
checkContentType() Bug fix

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Menu behavior is changed.
* C-f,C-v : display next page
* C-b,M-v : display previous page
* ^[[L (console), ^[[E (pocketBSD) are recognized as INS key.
* DEL : back to parent menu (same as C-h)
* #define MENU_THIN_FRAME -> use thin rules to draw menus
  (default is #undef)
* Now one can move to next/previous menu page by clicking 
  ':' on the bottom/top of the menu.
* Clicking outside the menu causes cancellation of sub-menu.
* <, >, +, - abandoned

From: $B$*$+$@(B <okada@furuno.co.jp>
Now C-a/C-e are bound to 'jump to the first/last item in menu.'

From: "OMAE, jun" <jun-o@osb.att.ne.jp>
From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
w3m doesn't recognize FTP Multiline reply.

From: "OMAE, jun" <jun-o@osb.att.ne.jp>
Bugfix of buffer selection mode.

From: aito
If a document has <BASE> tag and the base URL is different
from the current URL, w3m sends incorrect Referer: value.
A control character written as &#xnnn; (for example, &#x0d;)
is not be decoded correctly.
Now local-CGI scripts have to be located in either file:///cgi-bin/
or file:///usr/local/lib/w3m/. Scripts in any other directory
are treated as plain texts.
Most system() calls are replaced with mySystem().

From: aito
Tagname search algorithm is changed from linear search to
hash table.

From: aito
If a table contains character entities &xxx; which represent
latin-1 characters, column width gets incorrect.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
w3m-991028+patch1 doesn't compile when compiled without menu.

From: ukai@debian.or.jp  
A bugfix of Strcat_char().

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
When accessing
#label doesn't be regarded as a label.

From: aito
991027 version contains debug code.

From: OKADA <okada@furuno.co.jp>
When JP_CHARSET is defined, Latin-1 character like &cent; isn't

From: Yama
A cookie without path haven't been handled correctly.

From: "OMAE, jun" <jun-o@osb.att.ne.jp>
When reloadint CGI page with POST method, w3m tries to load it
with GET method.

From: aito
When following a link from a page in frame, Referer: value
is not a URL of the page but the URL of fremeset page.

configure is slightly changed. User can now choose model.
-yes option added.

FTP failed when a server returns other than 150 as a result code
of RETR/NLST command.

<select multiple>...</select> doesn't work correctly.

From: Takashi Nishimoto <g96p0935@mse.waseda.ac.jp>
In getshell, getpipe, execdict functions,
buffer name is changed to include command name.

From: Colin Phipps <cph@crp22.trin.cam.ac.uk>
When a load of cookies expire w3m SEGVs on startup.

From: pmaydell@chiark.greenend.org.uk
I was looking through the w3m source, and noticed that it defines the
following macro:
#define IS_SPACE(x) (isspace(x) && !(x&0x80))
Now this won't work as expected if x is an expression with side effects
(it will be evaluated twice). A quick grep of the sources reveals
several places where the macro is used like this:
file.c: if (IS_SPACE(*++p))
which is almost certainly a bug... (although I haven't tried to actually
work out what the effects of it would be).

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Bug fix of buffername of source/HTML display.


From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
When <P> exists between <dt> and <dd> or <h3> and </h3>,
all text after that point becomd bold.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Now 'B' command backs to previous page when viewing frame page.
'F','v','=' command toggle.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Inappropriate behaviours with -dump option have been fixed.
* w3m -dump < file appends \377 before EOF.
* w3m -dump -s < file doesn't convert character code.
  -num, -S don't take effect.
* w3m -dump -T text/plain < file outputs nothing.

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* menu.c: graphic char related bugfixes.
* terms.c: When Cygwin, T_as = T_as = T_ac = ""
           Added T_ac != '\0' in graph_ok()
* bookmark.c: KANJI_SYMBOL -> LANG == JA 

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
  1. Some part does case-sensitive comparison for cookie name.
  2. When executing sleep_till_anykey(), terminal state doesn't

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
When running configure, it adds multiple -lxxx when
both libxxx.a and libxxx.so exist. [fixed]

From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
* When generating HTML within w3m, those source didn't be quoted.
* Makes it interpret <base href=... target=...> of each source
  of a frame.

From: Takashi Nishimoto <g96p0935@mse.waseda.ac.jp>
From: hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp (Hironori Sakamoto)
Enhancements of buffer handling functions.

From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@isoternet.org>
When multiple cookies are sent whose names are different
but domains and paths are identical, older one doesn't

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Cookie comparison must be case insensitive.

From: aito
* When no ~/.w3m/cookie exists, C-k sometimes cause core dump.
* ~/.w3m/cookie isn't updated when -dump option is used.
* Latin-1 character written as &xxx; isn't regarded as a 
  roman character.

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
  o After executing "w3m http://foo.co.jp/foo.jpg",
    w3m waits with prompt "Hit any key to quit w3m:".
  o "w3m http://foo.co.jp/foo.tar.gz" doesn't display
  o Progress bar is displayed while downloading via ftp.
  o FTP download can be interrupted.

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Now w3m can access using SSL via proxy server.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type=file> 

From: "OMAE, jun" <jun-o@osb.att.ne.jp>
w3m-991008 on cygwin causes following problems.
    1. w3m / doesn't display directory list.
    2. When referring local directory, URL becomes like
    3. Can't load file:///windows.

From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
 % http_proxy=http://foo/bar w3m http:
causes segmentation fault.

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
Changed to treat documents that contain designation sequences
to JIS-X0208-1983 and JIS-X0208-1976.

From: aito
When there is tag sequence like <pre>..<p>..</pre><p> , words
after the last <p> are not folded. [fixed]
Type of counters for number of anchor in a document are changed from
short to int.
Description like `<b><u>hoge</u></b> moge' makes the space between hoge
and mode underlined.[fixed]

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
Cookie support.
SSL support. Still experimental.

From: aito
Considering those systems who have no static library, now configure
searches lib*.so as well as lib*.a.

From: HIROSE Masaaki <hirose31@t3.rim.or.jp>
From: Anthony Baxter <anthony@ekorp.com>
`Host:' header lacks port number. [fixed]

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
When moving to a label, URL doesn't change. [fixed]

From: Hironori Sakamoto <hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp>
Can't handle tags like <ul> nested more than 20 levels.[fixed]

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Bugfix about Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

When <frameset > contains both COLS= and ROWS=, w3m can't render
that frame correctly. [fixed]

From: sakane@d4.bsd.nes.nec.co.jp (Yoshinobu Sakane)
Bugfixes of w3m-990928 gziped file support.

From: Hironori Sakamoto <h-saka@lsi.nec.co.jp>
* Bug fix of decoding B-encoded file.


From: SASAKI Takeshi <sasaki@isoternet.org>
wrap search mode is added.
&#xnnnn; character entity representation support.

From: aito
Change default character color to 'terminal' (do nothing). 

From: Okabe Katsuya <okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp>
When using BG_COLOR defined w3m on linux console, w3m doesn't refresh
screen on termination. [fixed]

From: Hironori Sakamoto <hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp>
Extra newline is inserted after <pre> tag in frame. [fixed]

From: Takashi Nishimoto <g96p0935@mse.waseda.ac.jp>
From: Hironori Sakamoto <hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp>
When opening popup menu by mouse right click, let cursor move to
the clicked position.


From: aito
Fix a bug that renders &lt;...&gt; in form button as <...> tag.

From: Iimura uirou@din.or.jp
w3m causes SIGSEGV when DICT is defined in config.h. [fixed]
Added a function to make a link to the background image.

From: Doug Kaufman <dkaufman@rahul.net>
I just downloaded and compiled the 19990902 version of w3m with cygwin
(b20 with 19990115 cygwin1.dll). The following patch takes care of the
compilation problems.

From: Hayase
There are undefined variables when compiled on NEXTSTEP 3.3J. [fixed]

From: Oki
When using <HR> tag in list environment, let horizontal rule begin
from indented position.

From: Okada
w3m gets segmentation fault when rendering character entity like &#12450;.

From: Sakamoto hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp
Many bugfixes for local CGI.

From: Katsuya Okabe okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp
Graphics characters go bad when using on linux console. [fixed]
Bug fixes on color display on kterm. [fixed]
Bug fix on table renderer. [fixed]

From: Sakamoto hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp
Download from page in frame doesn't work correctly. [fixed]

From: Sakamoto hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp
Bug fixes of URL analyzer.

From: Katsuya Okabe okabe@okaibm.hep.okayama-u.ac.jp
Bugfix of screen redraw routine.
Akinori Ito
tel&fax: 0238-26-3369
E-mail: aito@eie.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp