/* $Id: file.c,v 1.124 2002/11/22 15:49:43 ukai Exp $ */ #include "fm.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include "myctype.h" #include <signal.h> #include <setjmp.h> #if defined(HAVE_WAITPID) || defined(HAVE_WAIT3) #include <sys/wait.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> /* foo */ #include "html.h" #include "parsetagx.h" #include "local.h" #include "regex.h" #ifndef max #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /* not max */ #ifndef min #define min(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a)) #endif /* not min */ static int frame_source = 0; static void FTPhalfclose(InputStream stream); static int _MoveFile(char *path1, char *path2); static void uncompress_stream(URLFile *uf); static FILE *lessopen_stream(char *path); static Buffer *loadcmdout(char *cmd, Buffer *(*loadproc) (URLFile *, Buffer *), Buffer *defaultbuf); static void close_textarea(struct html_feed_environ *h_env); static void addnewline(Buffer *buf, char *line, Lineprop *prop, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR Linecolor *color, #endif int pos, int nlines); static Lineprop propBuffer[LINELEN]; #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR static Linecolor colorBuffer[LINELEN]; #endif static JMP_BUF AbortLoading; static struct table *tables[MAX_TABLE]; static struct table_mode table_mode[MAX_TABLE]; #ifdef USE_IMAGE static ParsedURL *cur_baseURL = NULL; #ifdef JP_CHARSET static char cur_document_code; #endif #endif static Str cur_select; static Str select_str; static int select_is_multiple; static int n_selectitem; static Str cur_option; static Str cur_option_value; static Str cur_option_label; static int cur_option_selected; static int cur_status; #ifdef MENU_SELECT /* menu based <select> */ FormSelectOption *select_option; static int max_select = MAX_SELECT; static int n_select; static int cur_option_maxwidth; #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ static Str cur_textarea; Str *textarea_str; static int cur_textarea_size; static int cur_textarea_rows; static int cur_textarea_readonly; static int n_textarea; static int ignore_nl_textarea; static int max_textarea = MAX_TEXTAREA; static int http_response_code; #ifdef JP_CHARSET static char content_charset = '\0'; static char meta_charset = '\0'; static char guess_charset(char *p); static char check_charset(char *s); static char check_accept_charset(char *s); #endif static Str save_line = NULL; static int save_prevchar = ' '; struct link_stack { int cmd; short offset; short pos; struct link_stack *next; }; static struct link_stack *link_stack = NULL; #define FORMSTACK_SIZE 10 #define FRAMESTACK_SIZE 10 #ifdef USE_NNTP #define Str_news_endline(s) ((s)->ptr[0]=='.'&&((s)->ptr[1]=='\n'||(s)->ptr[1]=='\r'||(s)->ptr[1]=='\0')) #endif /* USE_NNTP */ #define INITIAL_FORM_SIZE 10 static FormList **forms; static int *form_stack; static int form_max = -1; static int forms_size = 0; #define cur_form_id ((form_sp >= 0)? form_stack[form_sp] : -1) static int form_sp = 0; static clen_t current_content_length; static int cur_hseq; #ifdef USE_IMAGE static int cur_iseq; #endif #define MAX_UL_LEVEL 9 #ifdef KANJI_SYMBOLS char *ullevel[MAX_UL_LEVEL] = { "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��" }; #define HR_RULE "��" #define HR_RULE_WIDTH 2 #else /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ char *ullevel[MAX_UL_LEVEL] = { NBSP "*", NBSP "+", NBSP "o", NBSP "#", NBSP "@", NBSP "-", NBSP "=", "**", "--" }; #define HR_RULE "-" #define HR_RULE_WIDTH 1 #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ #ifdef USE_COOKIE /* This array should be somewhere else */ char *violations[COO_EMAX] = { "internal error", "tail match failed", "wrong number of dots", "RFC 2109 4.3.2 rule 1", "RFC 2109 4.3.2 rule 2.1", "RFC 2109 4.3.2 rule 2.2", "RFC 2109 4.3.2 rule 3", "RFC 2109 4.3.2 rule 4", "RFC XXXX 4.3.2 rule 5" }; #endif /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct compression_decoder { int type; char *ext; char *mime_type; int auxbin_p; char *cmd; char *name; char *encoding; char *encodings[4]; } compression_decoders[] = { { CMP_COMPRESS, ".gz", "application/x-gzip", 0, GUNZIP_CMDNAME, GUNZIP_NAME, "gzip", {"gzip", "x-gzip", NULL} }, { CMP_COMPRESS, ".Z", "application/x-compress", 0, GUNZIP_CMDNAME, GUNZIP_NAME, "compress", {"compress", "x-compress", NULL} }, { CMP_BZIP2, ".bz2", "application/x-bzip", 0, BUNZIP2_CMDNAME, BUNZIP2_NAME, "bzip, bzip2", {"x-bzip", "bzip", "bzip2", NULL} }, { CMP_DEFLATE, NULL, "application/x-deflate", 1, INFLATE_CMDNAME, INFLATE_NAME, "deflate", {"deflate", "x-deflate", NULL} }, { CMP_NOCOMPRESS, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL}}, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ #define SAVE_BUF_SIZE 1536 static MySignalHandler KeyAbort(SIGNAL_ARG) { LONGJMP(AbortLoading, 1); SIGNAL_RETURN; } int currentLn(Buffer *buf) { if (buf->currentLine) /* return buf->currentLine->real_linenumber + 1; */ return buf->currentLine->linenumber + 1; else return 1; } static Buffer * loadSomething(URLFile *f, char *path, Buffer *(*loadproc) (URLFile *, Buffer *), Buffer *defaultbuf) { Buffer *buf; if ((buf = loadproc(f, defaultbuf)) == NULL) return NULL; buf->filename = path; if (buf->buffername == NULL || buf->buffername[0] == '\0') buf->buffername = conv_from_system(lastFileName(path)); if (buf->currentURL.scheme == SCM_UNKNOWN) buf->currentURL.scheme = f->scheme; buf->real_scheme = f->scheme; if (f->scheme == SCM_LOCAL && buf->sourcefile == NULL) buf->sourcefile = path; UFclose(f); return buf; } int dir_exist(char *path) { struct stat stbuf; if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') return 0; if (stat(path, &stbuf) == -1) return 0; return IS_DIRECTORY(stbuf.st_mode); } static int is_dump_text_type(char *type) { struct mailcap *mcap; return (type && (mcap = searchExtViewer(type)) && (mcap->flags & (MAILCAP_HTMLOUTPUT | MAILCAP_COPIOUSOUTPUT))); } static int is_text_type(char *type) { return (type == NULL || type[0] == '\0' || strncasecmp(type, "text/", 5) == 0 || strncasecmp(type, "message/", sizeof("message/") - 1) == 0); } static int is_plain_text_type(char *type) { return ((type && strcasecmp(type, "text/plain") == 0) || (is_text_type(type) && !is_dump_text_type(type))); } static void check_compression(char *path, URLFile *uf) { int len; struct compression_decoder *d; if (path == NULL) return; len = strlen(path); uf->compression = CMP_NOCOMPRESS; for (d = compression_decoders; d->type != CMP_NOCOMPRESS; d++) { int elen; if (d->ext == NULL) continue; elen = strlen(d->ext); if (len > elen && strcasecmp(&path[len - elen], d->ext) == 0) { uf->compression = d->type; uf->guess_type = d->mime_type; break; } } } static char * compress_application_type(int compression) { struct compression_decoder *d; for (d = compression_decoders; d->type != CMP_NOCOMPRESS; d++) { if (d->type == compression) return d->mime_type; } return NULL; } static char * uncompressed_file_type(char *path, char **ext) { int len, slen; Str fn; char *t0; struct compression_decoder *d; if (path == NULL) return NULL; slen = 0; len = strlen(path); for (d = compression_decoders; d->type != CMP_NOCOMPRESS; d++) { if (d->ext == NULL) continue; slen = strlen(d->ext); if (len > slen && strcasecmp(&path[len - slen], d->ext) == 0) break; } if (d->type == CMP_NOCOMPRESS) return NULL; fn = Strnew_charp(path); Strshrink(fn, slen); if (ext) *ext = filename_extension(fn->ptr, 0); t0 = guessContentType(fn->ptr); if (t0 == NULL) t0 = "text/plain"; return t0; } void examineFile(char *path, URLFile *uf) { struct stat stbuf; uf->guess_type = NULL; if (path == NULL || *path == '\0' || stat(path, &stbuf) == -1 || NOT_REGULAR(stbuf.st_mode)) { uf->stream = NULL; return; } uf->stream = openIS(path); if (!do_download) { if (use_lessopen && getenv("LESSOPEN") != NULL) { FILE *fp; uf->guess_type = guessContentType(path); if (uf->guess_type == NULL) uf->guess_type = "text/plain"; if (strcasecmp(uf->guess_type, "text/html") == 0) return; if ((fp = lessopen_stream(path))) { UFclose(uf); uf->stream = newFileStream(fp, (void (*)())pclose); uf->guess_type = "text/plain"; return; } } check_compression(path, uf); if (uf->compression != CMP_NOCOMPRESS) { char *ext = uf->ext; char *t0 = uncompressed_file_type(path, &ext); uf->guess_type = t0; uf->ext = ext; uncompress_stream(uf); return; } } } #define S_IXANY (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH) int check_command(char *cmd, int auxbin_p) { static char *path = NULL; Str dirs; char *p, *np; Str pathname; struct stat st; if (path == NULL) path = getenv("PATH"); if (auxbin_p) dirs = Strnew_charp(w3m_auxbin_dir()); else dirs = Strnew_charp(path); for (p = dirs->ptr; p != NULL; p = np) { np = strchr(p, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (np) *np++ = '\0'; pathname = Strnew(); Strcat_charp(pathname, p); Strcat_char(pathname, '/'); Strcat_charp(pathname, cmd); if (stat(pathname->ptr, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && (st.st_mode & S_IXANY) != 0) return 1; } return 0; } char * acceptableEncoding() { static Str encodings = NULL; struct compression_decoder *d; TextList *l; char *p; if (encodings != NULL) return encodings->ptr; l = newTextList(); for (d = compression_decoders; d->type != CMP_NOCOMPRESS; d++) { if (check_command(d->cmd, d->auxbin_p)) { pushText(l, d->encoding); } } encodings = Strnew(); while ((p = popText(l)) != NULL) { if (encodings->length) Strcat_charp(encodings, ", "); Strcat_charp(encodings, p); } return encodings->ptr; } /* * convert line */ Str convertLine(URLFile *uf, Str line, char *code, int mode) { #ifdef JP_CHARSET char ic; if ((ic = checkShiftCode(line, *code)) != '\0') { if (UseAutoDetect) *code = ic; line = conv_str(line, *code, InnerCode); } #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ cleanup_line(line, mode); #ifdef USE_NNTP if (uf->scheme == SCM_NEWS) Strchop(line); #endif /* USE_NNTP */ return line; } /* * loadFile: load file to buffer */ Buffer * loadFile(char *path) { URLFile uf; init_stream(&uf, SCM_LOCAL, NULL); examineFile(path, &uf); if (uf.stream == NULL) return NULL; current_content_length = 0; #ifdef JP_CHARSET content_charset = '\0'; #endif return loadSomething(&uf, path, loadBuffer, NULL); } int matchattr(char *p, char *attr, int len, Str *value) { int quoted; char *q = NULL; if (strncasecmp(p, attr, len) == 0) { p += len; SKIP_BLANKS(p); if (value) { *value = Strnew(); if (*p == '=') { p++; SKIP_BLANKS(p); quoted = 0; while (!IS_ENDL(*p) && (quoted || *p != ';')) { if (!IS_SPACE(*p)) q = p; if (*p == '"') quoted = (quoted) ? 0 : 1; else Strcat_char(*value, *p); p++; } if (q) Strshrink(*value, p - q - 1); } return 1; } else { if (IS_ENDT(*p)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE #ifdef USE_XFACE static char * xface2xpm(char *xface) { char *xpm; FILE *f; struct stat st; xpm = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, ".xpm")->ptr; f = popen(Sprintf("%s > %s", auxbinFile(XFACE2XPM), xpm)->ptr, "w"); if (!f) return NULL; fprintf(f, "%s", xface); pclose(f); if (stat(xpm, &st)) return NULL; pushText(fileToDelete, xpm); if (!st.st_size) return NULL; return xpm; } #endif #endif void readHeader(URLFile *uf, Buffer *newBuf, int thru, ParsedURL *pu) { char *p, *q; #ifdef USE_COOKIE char *emsg; #endif char c; Str lineBuf2 = NULL; Str tmp; TextList *headerlist; #ifdef JP_CHARSET char code = DocumentCode, ic; #endif FILE *src = NULL; headerlist = newBuf->document_header = newTextList(); if (uf->scheme == SCM_HTTP #ifdef USE_SSL || uf->scheme == SCM_HTTPS #endif /* USE_SSL */ ) http_response_code = -1; else http_response_code = 0; if (thru && !newBuf->header_source) { Str tmpf = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, NULL); pushText(fileToDelete, tmpf->ptr); src = fopen(tmpf->ptr, "w"); if (src) newBuf->header_source = tmpf->ptr; } while ((tmp = StrmyUFgets(uf))->length) { #ifdef HTTP_DEBUG { FILE *ff; ff = fopen("zzrequest", "a"); Strfputs(tmp, ff); fclose(ff); } #endif /* HTTP_DEBUG */ if (src) Strfputs(tmp, src); cleanup_line(tmp, HEADER_MODE); if ((tmp->ptr[0] == '\n' || tmp->ptr[0] == '\r' || tmp->ptr[0] == '\0') #ifdef USE_NNTP || (uf->scheme == SCM_NEWS && Str_news_endline(tmp) && (iseos(uf->stream) = TRUE)) #endif /* USE_NNTP */ ) { if (!lineBuf2) /* there is no header */ break; /* last header */ } else if (!(w3m_dump & DUMP_HEAD)) { if (lineBuf2) { Strcat(lineBuf2, tmp); } else { lineBuf2 = tmp; } c = UFgetc(uf); UFundogetc(uf); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') /* header line is continued */ continue; lineBuf2 = decodeMIME(lineBuf2->ptr); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if ((ic = checkShiftCode(lineBuf2, code)) != '\0') { if (UseAutoDetect) code = ic; lineBuf2 = conv_str(lineBuf2, code, InnerCode); } #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ /* separated with line and stored */ tmp = Strnew_size(lineBuf2->length); for (p = lineBuf2->ptr; *p; p = q) { for (q = p; *q && *q != '\r' && *q != '\n'; q++) ; lineBuf2 = checkType(Strnew_charp_n(p, q - p), propBuffer, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR NULL, NULL, #endif min(LINELEN, q - p)); Strcat(tmp, lineBuf2); if (thru) addnewline(newBuf, lineBuf2->ptr, propBuffer, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR NULL, #endif lineBuf2->length, -1); for (; *q && (*q == '\r' || *q == '\n'); q++) ; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE #ifdef USE_XFACE if (thru && activeImage && displayImage && !strncasecmp(tmp->ptr, "X-Face:", 7)) { char *tmpf; Str src; URLFile f; Line *l; tmpf = xface2xpm(&tmp->ptr[7]); if (tmpf) { src = Sprintf ("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"X-Face\" width=48 height=48>", html_quote(tmpf)); init_stream(&f, SCM_LOCAL, newStrStream(src)); loadHTMLstream(&f, newBuf, NULL, TRUE); for (l = newBuf->lastLine; l && l->real_linenumber; l = l->prev) l->real_linenumber = 0; } } #endif #endif lineBuf2 = tmp; } else { lineBuf2 = tmp; } if ((uf->scheme == SCM_HTTP #ifdef USE_SSL || uf->scheme == SCM_HTTPS #endif /* USE_SSL */ ) && http_response_code == -1) { p = lineBuf2->ptr; while (*p && !IS_SPACE(*p)) p++; while (*p && IS_SPACE(*p)) p++; http_response_code = atoi(p); if (fmInitialized) { message(lineBuf2->ptr, 0, 0); refresh(); } } if (!strncasecmp(lineBuf2->ptr, "content-transfer-encoding:", 26)) { p = lineBuf2->ptr + 26; while (IS_SPACE(*p)) p++; if (!strncasecmp(p, "base64", 6)) uf->encoding = ENC_BASE64; else if (!strncasecmp(p, "quoted-printable", 16)) uf->encoding = ENC_QUOTE; else if (!strncasecmp(p, "uuencode", 8) || !strncasecmp(p, "x-uuencode", 10)) uf->encoding = ENC_UUENCODE; else uf->encoding = ENC_7BIT; } else if (!strncasecmp(lineBuf2->ptr, "content-encoding:", 17)) { struct compression_decoder *d; p = lineBuf2->ptr + 17; while (IS_SPACE(*p)) p++; uf->compression = CMP_NOCOMPRESS; for (d = compression_decoders; d->type != CMP_NOCOMPRESS; d++) { char **e; for (e = d->encodings; *e != NULL; e++) { if (strncasecmp(p, *e, strlen(*e)) == 0) { uf->compression = d->type; break; } } if (uf->compression != CMP_NOCOMPRESS) break; } } #ifdef USE_COOKIE else if (use_cookie && accept_cookie && pu && check_cookie_accept_domain(pu->host) && (!strncasecmp(lineBuf2->ptr, "Set-Cookie:", 11) || !strncasecmp(lineBuf2->ptr, "Set-Cookie2:", 12))) { Str name = Strnew(), value = Strnew(), domain = NULL, path = NULL, comment = NULL, commentURL = NULL, port = NULL, tmp2; int version, quoted, flag = 0; time_t expires = (time_t) - 1; q = NULL; if (lineBuf2->ptr[10] == '2') { p = lineBuf2->ptr + 12; version = 1; } else { p = lineBuf2->ptr + 11; version = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Set-Cookie: [%s]\n", p); #endif /* DEBUG */ SKIP_BLANKS(p); while (*p != '=' && !IS_ENDT(*p)) Strcat_char(name, *(p++)); Strremovetrailingspaces(name); if (*p == '=') { p++; SKIP_BLANKS(p); quoted = 0; while (!IS_ENDL(*p) && (quoted || *p != ';')) { if (!IS_SPACE(*p)) q = p; if (*p == '"') quoted = (quoted) ? 0 : 1; Strcat_char(value, *(p++)); } if (q) Strshrink(value, p - q - 1); } while (*p == ';') { p++; SKIP_BLANKS(p); if (matchattr(p, "expires", 7, &tmp2)) { /* version 0 */ expires = mymktime(tmp2->ptr); } else if (matchattr(p, "max-age", 7, &tmp2)) { /* XXX Is there any problem with max-age=0? (RFC 2109 ss. 4.2.1, 4.2.2 */ expires = time(NULL) + atol(tmp2->ptr); } else if (matchattr(p, "domain", 6, &tmp2)) { domain = tmp2; } else if (matchattr(p, "path", 4, &tmp2)) { path = tmp2; } else if (matchattr(p, "secure", 6, NULL)) { flag |= COO_SECURE; } else if (matchattr(p, "comment", 7, &tmp2)) { comment = tmp2; } else if (matchattr(p, "version", 7, &tmp2)) { version = atoi(tmp2->ptr); } else if (matchattr(p, "port", 4, &tmp2)) { /* version 1, Set-Cookie2 */ port = tmp2; } else if (matchattr(p, "commentURL", 10, &tmp2)) { /* version 1, Set-Cookie2 */ commentURL = tmp2; } else if (matchattr(p, "discard", 7, NULL)) { /* version 1, Set-Cookie2 */ flag |= COO_DISCARD; } quoted = 0; while (!IS_ENDL(*p) && (quoted || *p != ';')) { if (*p == '"') quoted = (quoted) ? 0 : 1; p++; } } if (pu && name->length > 0) { int err; if (flag & COO_SECURE) disp_message_nsec("Received a secured cookie", FALSE, 1, TRUE, FALSE); else disp_message_nsec(Sprintf("Received cookie: %s=%s", name->ptr, value->ptr)->ptr, FALSE, 1, TRUE, FALSE); err = add_cookie(pu, name, value, expires, domain, path, flag, comment, version, port, commentURL); if (err) { char *ans = (accept_bad_cookie == ACCEPT_BAD_COOKIE_ACCEPT) ? "y" : NULL; if (fmInitialized && (err & COO_OVERRIDE_OK) && accept_bad_cookie == ACCEPT_BAD_COOKIE_ASK) { Str msg = Sprintf("Accept bad cookie from %s for %s?", pu->host, ((domain && domain->ptr) ? domain->ptr : "<localdomain>")); if (msg->length > COLS - 10) Strshrink(msg, msg->length - (COLS - 10)); Strcat_charp(msg, " (y/n)"); ans = inputAnswer(msg->ptr); } if (ans == NULL || tolower(*ans) != 'y' || (err = add_cookie(pu, name, value, expires, domain, path, flag | COO_OVERRIDE, comment, version, port, commentURL))) { err = (err & ~COO_OVERRIDE_OK) - 1; if (err >= 0 && err < COO_EMAX) emsg = Sprintf("This cookie was rejected " "to prevent security violation. [%s]", violations[err])->ptr; else emsg = "This cookie was rejected to prevent security violation."; record_err_message(emsg); disp_message_nsec(emsg, FALSE, 10, TRUE, FALSE); } else disp_message_nsec(Sprintf ("Accepting invalid cookie: %s=%s", name->ptr, value->ptr)->ptr, FALSE, 1, TRUE, FALSE); } } } #endif /* USE_COOKIE */ else if (!strncasecmp(lineBuf2->ptr, "w3m-control:", 12) && uf->scheme == SCM_LOCAL_CGI) { Str funcname = Strnew(); int f; p = lineBuf2->ptr + 12; SKIP_BLANKS(p); while (*p && !IS_SPACE(*p)) Strcat_char(funcname, *(p++)); SKIP_BLANKS(p); f = getFuncList(funcname->ptr); if (f >= 0) { tmp = Strnew_charp(p); Strchop(tmp); pushEvent(f, tmp->ptr); } } if (headerlist) pushText(headerlist, lineBuf2->ptr); Strfree(lineBuf2); lineBuf2 = NULL; } if (thru) addnewline(newBuf, "", propBuffer, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR NULL, #endif 0, -1); if (src) fclose(src); } char * checkHeader(Buffer *buf, char *field) { int len = strlen(field); TextListItem *i; char *p; if (buf == NULL || field == NULL) return NULL; for (i = buf->document_header->first; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (!strncasecmp(i->ptr, field, len)) { p = i->ptr + len; SKIP_BLANKS(p); return p; } } return NULL; } char * checkContentType(Buffer *buf) { char *p; Str r; p = checkHeader(buf, "Content-Type:"); if (p == NULL) return NULL; r = Strnew(); while (*p && *p != ';' && !IS_SPACE(*p)) Strcat_char(r, *p++); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if ((p = strcasestr(p, "charset")) != NULL) { p += 7; SKIP_BLANKS(p); if (*p == '=') { p++; SKIP_BLANKS(p); content_charset = guess_charset(p); } } #endif return r->ptr; } struct auth_param { char *name; Str val; }; struct http_auth { int pri; char *scheme; struct auth_param *param; Str (*cred) (struct http_auth * ha, Str uname, Str pw, ParsedURL *pu, HRequest *hr, FormList *request); }; #define TOKEN_PAT "[^][()<>@,;:\\\"/?={} \t\001-\037\177]*" static Str extract_auth_val(char **q) { unsigned char *qq = *(unsigned char **)q; int quoted = 0; Str val = Strnew(); SKIP_BLANKS(qq); if (*qq == '"') { quoted = TRUE; Strcat_char(val, *qq++); } while (*qq != '\0') { if (quoted && *qq == '"') { Strcat_char(val, *qq++); break; } if (!quoted) { switch (*qq) { case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>': case '@': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '\\': case '"': case '/': case '?': case '=': case ' ': case '\t': qq++; goto end_token; default: if (*qq <= 037 || *qq == 0177) { qq++; goto end_token; } } } else if (quoted && *qq == '\\') Strcat_char(val, *qq++); Strcat_char(val, *qq++); } end_token: if (*qq != '\0') { SKIP_BLANKS(qq); if (*qq == ',') qq++; } *q = (char *)qq; return val; } static Str qstr_unquote(Str s) { char *p; if (s == NULL) return NULL; p = s->ptr; if (*p == '"') { Str tmp = Strnew(); for (p++; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\\') p++; Strcat_char(tmp, *p); } if (Strlastchar(tmp) == '"') Strshrink(tmp, 1); return tmp; } else return s; } static char * extract_auth_param(char *q, struct auth_param *auth) { struct auth_param *ap; char *q0; Regex re_token; newRegex(TOKEN_PAT, FALSE, &re_token, NULL); for (ap = auth; ap->name != NULL; ap++) { ap->val = NULL; } while (*q != '\0') { SKIP_BLANKS(q); for (ap = auth; ap->name != NULL; ap++) { if (strncasecmp(q, ap->name, strlen(ap->name)) == 0) { q += strlen(ap->name); SKIP_BLANKS(q); if (*q != '=') return q; q++; ap->val = extract_auth_val(&q); break; } } if (ap->name == NULL) { /* skip unknown param */ if (RegexMatch(&re_token, q, -1, TRUE) == 0) return q; MatchedPosition(&re_token, &q0, &q); SKIP_BLANKS(q); if (*q != '=') return q; q++; extract_auth_val(&q); } } return q; } static Str get_auth_param(struct auth_param *auth, char *name) { struct auth_param *ap; for (ap = auth; ap->name != NULL; ap++) { if (strcasecmp(name, ap->name) == 0) return ap->val; } return NULL; } static Str AuthBasicCred(struct http_auth *ha, Str uname, Str pw, ParsedURL *pu, HRequest *hr, FormList *request) { Str s = Strdup(uname); Strcat_char(s, ':'); Strcat(s, pw); return Strnew_m_charp("Basic ", encodeB(s->ptr)->ptr, NULL); } #ifdef USE_DIGEST_AUTH #include <openssl/md5.h> /* RFC2617: 3.2.2 The Authorization Request Header * * credentials = "Digest" digest-response * digest-response = 1#( username | realm | nonce | digest-uri * | response | [ algorithm ] | [cnonce] | * [opaque] | [message-qop] | * [nonce-count] | [auth-param] ) * * username = "username" "=" username-value * username-value = quoted-string * digest-uri = "uri" "=" digest-uri-value * digest-uri-value = request-uri ; As specified by HTTP/1.1 * message-qop = "qop" "=" qop-value * cnonce = "cnonce" "=" cnonce-value * cnonce-value = nonce-value * nonce-count = "nc" "=" nc-value * nc-value = 8LHEX * response = "response" "=" request-digest * request-digest = <"> 32LHEX <"> * LHEX = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | * "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | * "8" | "9" | "a" | "b" | * "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" */ static Str digest_hex(char *p) { char *h = "0123456789abcdef"; Str tmp = Strnew_size(MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1); int i; for (i = 0; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++, p++) { Strcat_char(tmp, h[(*p >> 4) & 0x0f]); Strcat_char(tmp, h[*p & 0x0f]); } return tmp; } static Str AuthDigestCred(struct http_auth *ha, Str uname, Str pw, ParsedURL *pu, HRequest *hr, FormList *request) { Str tmp, a1buf, a2buf, rd, s; char md5[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1]; Str uri = HTTPrequestURI(pu, hr); char nc[] = "00000001"; Str algorithm = qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(ha->param, "algorithm")); Str nonce = qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(ha->param, "nonce")); Str cnonce = qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(ha->param, "cnonce")); Str qop = qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(ha->param, "qop")); if (cnonce == NULL) cnonce = Strnew_charp("cnonce"); /* XXX */ /* A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd */ tmp = Strnew_m_charp(uname->ptr, ":", qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(ha->param, "realm"))->ptr, ":", pw->ptr, NULL); MD5(tmp->ptr, strlen(tmp->ptr), md5); a1buf = digest_hex(md5); if (algorithm) { if (strcasecmp(algorithm->ptr, "MD5-sess") == 0) { /* A1 = H(unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd) * ":" unq(nonce-value) ":" unq(cnonce-value) */ if (nonce == NULL) return NULL; tmp = Strnew_m_charp(a1buf->ptr, ":", qstr_unquote(nonce)->ptr, ":", qstr_unquote(cnonce)->ptr, NULL); MD5(tmp->ptr, strlen(tmp->ptr), md5); a1buf = digest_hex(md5); } else if (strcasecmp(algorithm->ptr, "MD5") == 0) /* ok default */ ; else /* unknown algorithm */ return NULL; } /* A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value */ tmp = Strnew_m_charp(HTTPrequestMethod(hr)->ptr, ":", uri->ptr, NULL); if (qop && (strcasecmp(qop->ptr, "auth-int") == 0)) { /* A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body) */ Str ebody = Strnew(); if (request && request->body) { FILE *fp = fopen(request->body, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { int c; while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) Strcat_char(ebody, c); fclose(fp); } } MD5(ebody->ptr, strlen(ebody->ptr), md5); ebody = digest_hex(md5); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ":", ebody->ptr, NULL); } MD5(tmp->ptr, strlen(tmp->ptr), md5); a2buf = digest_hex(md5); if (qop && (strcasecmp(qop->ptr, "auth") == 0 || strcasecmp(qop->ptr, "auth-int") == 0)) { /* request-digest = <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value) * ":" nc-value * ":" unq(cnonce-value) * ":" unq(qop-value) * ":" H(A2) * ) <"> */ if (nonce == NULL) return NULL; tmp = Strnew_m_charp(a1buf->ptr, ":", qstr_unquote(nonce)->ptr, ":", nc, ":", qstr_unquote(cnonce)->ptr, ":", qstr_unquote(qop)->ptr, ":", a2buf->ptr, NULL); MD5(tmp->ptr, strlen(tmp->ptr), md5); rd = digest_hex(md5); } else { /* compatibility with RFC 2069 * request_digest = KD(H(A1), unq(nonce), H(A2)) */ tmp = Strnew_m_charp(a1buf->ptr, ":", qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(ha->param, "nonce"))-> ptr, ":", a2buf->ptr, NULL); MD5(tmp->ptr, strlen(tmp->ptr), md5); rd = digest_hex(md5); } /* * digest-response = 1#( username | realm | nonce | digest-uri * | response | [ algorithm ] | [cnonce] | * [opaque] | [message-qop] | * [nonce-count] | [auth-param] ) */ tmp = Strnew_m_charp("Digest username=\"", uname->ptr, "\"", NULL); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", realm=", get_auth_param(ha->param, "realm")->ptr, NULL); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", nonce=", get_auth_param(ha->param, "nonce")->ptr, NULL); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", uri=\"", uri->ptr, "\"", NULL); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", response=\"", rd->ptr, "\"", NULL); if (algorithm) Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", algorithm=", get_auth_param(ha->param, "algorithm")->ptr, NULL); if (cnonce) Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", cnonce=\"", cnonce->ptr, "\"", NULL); if ((s = get_auth_param(ha->param, "opaque")) != NULL) Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", opaque=", s->ptr, NULL); if (qop) { Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", qop=", get_auth_param(ha->param, "qop")->ptr, NULL); /* XXX how to count? */ Strcat_m_charp(tmp, ", nc=", nc, NULL); } return tmp; } #endif /* *INDENT-OFF* */ struct auth_param none_auth_param[] = { {NULL, NULL} }; struct auth_param basic_auth_param[] = { {"realm", NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; #ifdef USE_DIGEST_AUTH /* RFC2617: 3.2.1 The WWW-Authenticate Response Header * challenge = "Digest" digest-challenge * * digest-challenge = 1#( realm | [ domain ] | nonce | * [ opaque ] |[ stale ] | [ algorithm ] | * [ qop-options ] | [auth-param] ) * * domain = "domain" "=" <"> URI ( 1*SP URI ) <"> * URI = absoluteURI | abs_path * nonce = "nonce" "=" nonce-value * nonce-value = quoted-string * opaque = "opaque" "=" quoted-string * stale = "stale" "=" ( "true" | "false" ) * algorithm = "algorithm" "=" ( "MD5" | "MD5-sess" | * token ) * qop-options = "qop" "=" <"> 1#qop-value <"> * qop-value = "auth" | "auth-int" | token */ struct auth_param digest_auth_param[] = { {"realm", NULL}, {"domain", NULL}, {"nonce", NULL}, {"opaque", NULL}, {"stale", NULL}, {"algorithm", NULL}, {"qop", NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; #endif /* for RFC2617: HTTP Authentication */ struct http_auth www_auth[] = { { 1, "Basic ", basic_auth_param, AuthBasicCred }, #ifdef USE_DIGEST_AUTH { 10, "Digest ", digest_auth_param, AuthDigestCred }, #endif { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static struct http_auth * findAuthentication(struct http_auth *hauth, Buffer *buf, char *auth_field) { struct http_auth *ha; int len = strlen(auth_field); TextListItem *i; char *p0, *p; Regex re_token; newRegex(TOKEN_PAT, FALSE, &re_token, NULL); bzero(hauth, sizeof(struct http_auth)); for (i = buf->document_header->first; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (strncasecmp(i->ptr, auth_field, len) == 0) { for (p = i->ptr + len; p != NULL && *p != '\0';) { SKIP_BLANKS(p); p0 = p; for (ha = &www_auth[0]; ha->scheme != NULL; ha++) { if (strncasecmp(p, ha->scheme, strlen(ha->scheme)) == 0) { if (hauth->pri < ha->pri) { *hauth = *ha; p += strlen(ha->scheme); SKIP_BLANKS(p); p = extract_auth_param(p, hauth->param); break; } else { /* weak auth */ p += strlen(ha->scheme); SKIP_BLANKS(p); p = extract_auth_param(p, none_auth_param); } } } if (p0 == p) { /* all unknown auth failed */ if (RegexMatch(&re_token, p0, -1, TRUE) == 0) return NULL; MatchedPosition(&re_token, &p0, &p); SKIP_BLANKS(p); p = extract_auth_param(p, none_auth_param); } } } } return hauth->scheme ? hauth : NULL; } static Str getAuthCookie(struct http_auth *hauth, char *auth_header, TextList *extra_header, ParsedURL *pu, HRequest *hr, FormList *request) { Str ss; Str uname, pwd; Str tmp; TextListItem *i; int a_found; int auth_header_len = strlen(auth_header); char *realm = NULL; if (hauth) realm = qstr_unquote(get_auth_param(hauth->param, "realm"))->ptr; a_found = FALSE; for (i = extra_header->first; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (!strncasecmp(i->ptr, auth_header, auth_header_len)) { a_found = TRUE; break; } } if (a_found) { if (!realm) return NULL; /* This means that *-Authenticate: header is received after * Authorization: header is sent to the server. */ if (fmInitialized) { message("Wrong username or password", 0, 0); refresh(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Wrong username or password\n"); sleep(1); ss = NULL; /* delete Authenticate: header from extra_header */ delText(extra_header, i); } else ss = find_auth_cookie(pu->host, pu->port, pu->file, realm); if (realm && ss == NULL) { int proxy = !strncasecmp("Proxy-Authorization:", auth_header, auth_header_len); if (!a_found && find_auth_user_passwd(pu, realm, &uname, &pwd, proxy)) { /* found username & password in passwd file */ ; } else { if (QuietMessage) return ss; /* input username and password */ sleep(2); if (fmInitialized) { char *pp; term_raw(); if ((pp = inputStr(Sprintf("Username for %s: ", realm)->ptr, NULL)) == NULL) return NULL; uname = Str_conv_to_system(Strnew_charp(pp)); if ((pp = inputLine(Sprintf("Password for %s: ", realm)->ptr, NULL, IN_PASSWORD)) == NULL) return NULL; pwd = Str_conv_to_system(Strnew_charp(pp)); term_cbreak(); } else { /* * If post file is specified as '-', stdin is closed at this * point. * In this case, w3m cannot read username from stdin. * So exit with error message. * (This is same behavior as lwp-request.) */ if (feof(stdin) || ferror(stdin)) { fprintf(stderr, "w3m: Authorization required for %s\n", realm); exit(1); } printf(proxy ? "Proxy Username for %s: " : "Username for %s: ", realm); fflush(stdout); uname = Strfgets(stdin); Strchop(uname); #ifdef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE pwd = Strnew_charp((char *) getpassphrase(proxy ? "Proxy Password: " : "Password: ")); #else pwd = Strnew_charp((char *) getpass(proxy ? "Proxy Password: " : "Password: ")); #endif } } ss = hauth->cred(hauth, uname, pwd, pu, hr, request); } if (ss) { tmp = Strnew_charp(auth_header); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, " ", ss->ptr, "\r\n", NULL); pushText(extra_header, tmp->ptr); } return ss; } static int same_url_p(ParsedURL *pu1, ParsedURL *pu2) { return (pu1->scheme == pu2->scheme && pu1->port == pu2->port && (pu1->host ? pu2->host ? !strcasecmp(pu1->host, pu2->host) : 0 : 1) && (pu1->file ? pu2-> file ? !strcmp(pu1->file, pu2->file) : 0 : 1)); } /* * loadGeneralFile: load file to buffer */ Buffer * loadGeneralFile(char *path, ParsedURL *volatile current, char *referer, int flag, FormList *volatile request) { URLFile f, *volatile of = NULL; ParsedURL pu, *volatile puv = NULL; int volatile nredir = 0; int volatile nredir_size = 0; Buffer *b = NULL, *(*volatile proc)() = loadBuffer; char *volatile tpath; char *volatile t = "text/plain", *p, *volatile real_type = NULL; Buffer *volatile t_buf = NULL; int volatile searchHeader = SearchHeader; int volatile searchHeader_through = TRUE; MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; TextList *extra_header = newTextList(); volatile Str ss = NULL; volatile Str realm = NULL; int volatile add_auth_cookie_flag; unsigned char status = HTST_NORMAL; URLOption url_option; Str tmp; HRequest hr; ParsedURL *volatile auth_pu; tpath = path; prevtrap = NULL; add_auth_cookie_flag = 0; load_doc: url_option.referer = referer; url_option.flag = flag; f = openURL(tpath, &pu, current, &url_option, request, extra_header, of, &hr, &status); of = NULL; #ifdef JP_CHARSET content_charset = '\0'; #endif if (f.stream == NULL) { /* openURL failure: it means either (1) the requested URL is a directory name * on an FTP server, or (2) is a local directory name. */ if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); if (prevtrap) signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); switch (f.scheme) { case SCM_FTPDIR: { Str ftpdir = readFTPDir(&pu); if (ftpdir && ftpdir->length > 0) { FILE *src; tmp = tmpfname(TMPF_SRC, ".html"); pushText(fileToDelete, tmp->ptr); src = fopen(tmp->ptr, "w"); if (src) { Strfputs(ftpdir, src); fclose(src); } b = loadHTMLString(ftpdir); if (b) { if (b->currentURL.host == NULL && b->currentURL.file == NULL) copyParsedURL(&b->currentURL, &pu); b->real_scheme = pu.scheme; if (src) b->sourcefile = tmp->ptr; } return b; } } break; case SCM_LOCAL: { struct stat st; if (stat(pu.real_file, &st) < 0) return NULL; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (UseExternalDirBuffer) { Str cmd = Strnew_charp(DirBufferCommand); Strcat_m_charp(cmd, "?dir=", pu.file, "#current", NULL); b = loadGeneralFile(cmd->ptr, NULL, NO_REFERER, 0, NULL); if (b != NULL && b != NO_BUFFER) { copyParsedURL(&b->currentURL, &pu); b->filename = b->currentURL.real_file; } return b; } else { b = dirBuffer(pu.real_file); if (b == NULL) return NULL; t = "text/html"; b->real_scheme = pu.scheme; goto loaded; } } } break; #ifdef USE_EXTERNAL_URI_LOADER case SCM_UNKNOWN: tmp = searchURIMethods(&pu); if (tmp != NULL) { b = loadGeneralFile(tmp->ptr, NULL, NO_REFERER, 0, request); if (b != NO_BUFFER) return b; } break; #endif } disp_err_message(Sprintf("Unknown URI: %s", parsedURL2Str(&pu)->ptr)->ptr, FALSE); return NULL; } if (status == HTST_MISSING) { UFclose(&f); return NULL; } /* openURL() succeeded */ if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) { /* transfer interrupted */ if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); if (b) discardBuffer(b); UFclose(&f); return NULL; } b = NULL; if (f.is_cgi) { /* local CGI */ searchHeader = TRUE; searchHeader_through = FALSE; } if (header_string) header_string = NULL; prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); if (pu.scheme == SCM_HTTP || #ifdef USE_SSL pu.scheme == SCM_HTTPS || #endif /* USE_SSL */ (( #ifdef USE_GOPHER (pu.scheme == SCM_GOPHER && non_null(GOPHER_proxy)) || #endif /* USE_GOPHER */ (pu.scheme == SCM_FTP && non_null(FTP_proxy)) ) && !Do_not_use_proxy && !check_no_proxy(pu.host))) { if (fmInitialized) { term_cbreak(); message(Sprintf("%s contacted. Waiting for reply...", pu.host)-> ptr, 0, 0); refresh(); } if (t_buf == NULL) t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); #if 0 /* USE_SSL */ if (IStype(f.stream) == IST_SSL) { Str s = ssl_get_certificate(f.stream, pu.host); if (s == NULL) return NULL; else t_buf->ssl_certificate = s->ptr; } #endif readHeader(&f, t_buf, FALSE, &pu); t = checkContentType(t_buf); if (t == NULL && pu.file != NULL) t = guessContentType(pu.file); if (t == NULL) t = "text/plain"; if (http_response_code >= 301 && http_response_code <= 303 && (p = checkHeader(t_buf, "Location:")) != NULL) { /* document moved */ if (nredir >= FollowRedirection) { tmp = Sprintf("Number of redirections exceeded %d at %s", FollowRedirection, parsedURL2Str(&pu)->ptr); disp_err_message(tmp->ptr, FALSE); } else if (nredir_size > 0 && (same_url_p(&pu, &puv[(nredir - 1) % nredir_size]) || (!(nredir % 2) && same_url_p(&pu, &puv[(nredir / 2) % nredir_size])))) { tmp = Sprintf("Redirection loop detected (%s)", parsedURL2Str(&pu)->ptr); disp_err_message(tmp->ptr, FALSE); } else { if (!puv) { nredir_size = FollowRedirection / 2 + 1; puv = New_N(ParsedURL, nredir_size); memset(puv, 0, sizeof(ParsedURL) * nredir_size); } copyParsedURL(&puv[nredir % nredir_size], &pu); ++nredir; tmp = Strnew_charp(p); Strchop(tmp); tpath = tmp->ptr; request = NULL; UFclose(&f); current = New(ParsedURL); copyParsedURL(current, &pu); t_buf->bufferprop |= BP_REDIRECTED; status = HTST_NORMAL; goto load_doc; } } if (add_auth_cookie_flag && realm && ss) { /* If authorization is required and passed */ add_auth_cookie(auth_pu->host, auth_pu->port, auth_pu->file, qstr_unquote(realm)->ptr, ss); add_auth_cookie_flag = 0; } if ((p = checkHeader(t_buf, "WWW-Authenticate:")) != NULL && http_response_code == 401) { /* Authentication needed */ struct http_auth hauth; if (findAuthentication(&hauth, t_buf, "WWW-Authenticate:") != NULL && (realm = get_auth_param(hauth.param, "realm")) != NULL) { auth_pu = &pu; ss = getAuthCookie(&hauth, "Authorization:", extra_header, auth_pu, &hr, request); if (ss == NULL) { /* abort */ UFclose(&f); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); return NULL; } UFclose(&f); add_auth_cookie_flag = 1; status = HTST_NORMAL; goto load_doc; } } if ((p = checkHeader(t_buf, "Proxy-Authenticate:")) != NULL && http_response_code == 407) { /* Authentication needed */ struct http_auth hauth; if (findAuthentication(&hauth, t_buf, "Proxy-Authenticate:") != NULL && (realm = get_auth_param(hauth.param, "realm")) != NULL) { auth_pu = schemeToProxy(pu.scheme); ss = getAuthCookie(&hauth, "Proxy-Authorization:", extra_header, auth_pu, &hr, request); if (ss == NULL) { /* abort */ UFclose(&f); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); return NULL; } UFclose(&f); add_auth_cookie_flag = 1; status = HTST_NORMAL; goto load_doc; } } /* XXX: RFC2617 3.2.3 Authentication-Info: ? */ if (status == HTST_CONNECT) { of = &f; goto load_doc; } } #ifdef USE_NNTP else if (pu.scheme == SCM_NEWS) { t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); readHeader(&f, t_buf, TRUE, &pu); t = checkContentType(t_buf); if (t == NULL) t = "text/plain"; } #endif /* USE_NNTP */ #ifdef USE_GOPHER else if (pu.scheme == SCM_GOPHER) { switch (*pu.file) { case '0': t = "text/plain"; break; case '1': t = "gopher:directory"; break; case 'm': t = "gopher:directory"; break; case 's': t = "audio/basic"; break; case 'g': t = "image/gif"; break; case 'h': t = "text/html"; break; } } #endif /* USE_GOPHER */ else if (pu.scheme == SCM_FTP) { check_compression(path, &f); if (f.compression != CMP_NOCOMPRESS) { char *t1 = uncompressed_file_type(pu.file, NULL); real_type = f.guess_type; #if 0 if (t1 && strncasecmp(t1, "application/", 12) == 0) { f.compression = CMP_NOCOMPRESS; t = real_type; } else #endif if (t1) t = t1; else t = real_type; } else { real_type = guessContentType(pu.file); if (real_type == NULL) real_type = "text/plain"; t = real_type; } #if 0 if (!strncasecmp(t, "application/", 12)) { char *tmpf = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, NULL)->ptr; current_content_length = 0; if (save2tmp(f, tmpf) < 0) UFclose(&f); else { UFclose(&f); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); doFileMove(tmpf, guess_save_name(t_buf, pu.file)); } return NO_BUFFER; } #endif } else if (searchHeader) { t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); readHeader(&f, t_buf, searchHeader_through, &pu); t = checkContentType(t_buf); if (t == NULL) t = "text/plain"; if (f.is_cgi && (p = checkHeader(t_buf, "Location:")) != NULL) { /* document moved */ tmp = Strnew_charp(p); Strchop(tmp); tpath = tmp->ptr; request = NULL; UFclose(&f); add_auth_cookie_flag = 0; current = New(ParsedURL); copyParsedURL(current, &pu); t_buf->bufferprop |= BP_REDIRECTED; status = HTST_NORMAL; goto load_doc; } searchHeader = SearchHeader = FALSE; } else if (DefaultType) { t = DefaultType; DefaultType = NULL; } else { t = guessContentType(pu.file); if (t == NULL) t = "text/plain"; real_type = t; if (f.guess_type) t = f.guess_type; } if (real_type == NULL) real_type = t; proc = loadBuffer; #ifdef USE_IMAGE cur_baseURL = New(ParsedURL); copyParsedURL(cur_baseURL, &pu); #endif current_content_length = 0; if ((p = checkHeader(t_buf, "Content-Length:")) != NULL) current_content_length = strtoclen(p); if (do_download) { /* download only */ char *file; if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); if (DecodeCTE && IStype(f.stream) != IST_ENCODED) f.stream = newEncodedStream(f.stream, f.encoding); if (pu.scheme == SCM_LOCAL) file = conv_from_system(guess_save_name(NULL, pu.real_file)); else file = guess_save_name(t_buf, pu.file); doFileSave(f, file); if (f.scheme == SCM_FTP) FTPhalfclose(f.stream); else UFclose(&f); return NO_BUFFER; } if (f.compression != CMP_NOCOMPRESS) { if (!(w3m_dump & DUMP_SOURCE) && (w3m_dump & ~DUMP_FRAME || is_text_type(t) || searchExtViewer(t))) { uncompress_stream(&f); uncompressed_file_type(pu.file, &f.ext); } else { t = compress_application_type(f.compression); f.compression = CMP_NOCOMPRESS; } } #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (image_source) { Buffer *b = NULL; if (IStype(f.stream) != IST_ENCODED) f.stream = newEncodedStream(f.stream, f.encoding); if (save2tmp(f, image_source) == 0) { b = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); b->sourcefile = image_source; b->real_type = t; } UFclose(&f); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); return b; } #endif if (!strcasecmp(t, "text/html")) proc = loadHTMLBuffer; else if (is_plain_text_type(t)) proc = loadBuffer; #ifdef USE_IMAGE else if (activeImage && displayImage && !useExtImageViewer && !(w3m_dump & ~DUMP_FRAME) && !strncasecmp(t, "image/", 6)) proc = loadImageBuffer; #endif #ifdef USE_GOPHER else if (!strcasecmp(t, "gopher:directory")) { proc = loadGopherDir; } #endif /* USE_GOPHER */ else if (w3m_backend) ; else if (!(w3m_dump & ~DUMP_FRAME) || is_dump_text_type(t)) { if (!do_download && doExternal(f, pu.real_file ? pu.real_file : pu.file, t, &b, t_buf)) { if (b && b != NO_BUFFER) { b->real_scheme = f.scheme; b->real_type = real_type; if (b->currentURL.host == NULL && b->currentURL.file == NULL) copyParsedURL(&b->currentURL, &pu); } UFclose(&f); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); return b; } else { if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); if (pu.scheme == SCM_LOCAL) { UFclose(&f); _doFileCopy(pu.real_file, conv_from_system(guess_save_name (NULL, pu.real_file)), TRUE); } else { if (DecodeCTE && IStype(f.stream) != IST_ENCODED) f.stream = newEncodedStream(f.stream, f.encoding); doFileSave(f, guess_save_name(t_buf, pu.file)); if (f.scheme == SCM_FTP) FTPhalfclose(f.stream); else UFclose(&f); } return NO_BUFFER; } } if (flag & RG_FRAME) { t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); t_buf->bufferprop |= BP_FRAME; } #ifdef USE_SSL if (IStype(f.stream) == IST_SSL) t_buf->ssl_certificate = f.ssl_certificate; #endif frame_source = flag & RG_FRAME_SRC; b = loadSomething(&f, pu.real_file ? pu.real_file : pu.file, proc, t_buf); frame_source = 0; UFclose(&f); if (b) { b->real_scheme = f.scheme; b->real_type = real_type; loaded: if (b->currentURL.host == NULL && b->currentURL.file == NULL) copyParsedURL(&b->currentURL, &pu); if (!strcasecmp(t, "text/html")) b->type = "text/html"; else if (w3m_backend) { Str s = Strnew_charp(t); b->type = s->ptr; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE else if (proc == loadImageBuffer) b->type = "text/html"; #endif #ifdef USE_GOPHER else if (proc == loadGopherDir) b->type = "text/html"; #endif else b->type = "text/plain"; if (pu.label) { if (proc == loadHTMLBuffer) { Anchor *a; #ifdef JP_CHARSET a = searchURLLabel(b, conv(pu.label, b->document_code, InnerCode)->ptr); #else /* not JP_CHARSET */ a = searchURLLabel(b, pu.label); #endif /* not JP_CHARSET */ if (a != NULL) { gotoLine(b, a->start.line); #ifdef LABEL_TOPLINE if (label_topline) b->topLine = lineSkip(b, b->topLine, b->currentLine->linenumber - b->topLine->linenumber, FALSE); #endif b->pos = a->start.pos; arrangeCursor(b); } } else { /* plain text */ int l = atoi(pu.label); gotoLine(b, l); b->pos = 0; arrangeCursor(b); } } } if (header_string) header_string = NULL; preFormUpdateBuffer(b); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); return b; } #define TAG_IS(s,tag,len)\ (strncasecmp(s,tag,len)==0&&(s[len] == '>' || IS_SPACE((int)s[len]))) static char * has_hidden_link(struct readbuffer *obuf, int cmd) { Str line = obuf->line; struct link_stack *p; if (Strlastchar(line) != '>') return NULL; for (p = link_stack; p; p = p->next) if (p->cmd == cmd) break; if (!p) return NULL; if (obuf->pos == p->pos) return line->ptr + p->offset; return NULL; } static void push_link(int cmd, int offset, int pos) { struct link_stack *p; p = New(struct link_stack); p->cmd = cmd; p->offset = offset; p->pos = pos; p->next = link_stack; link_stack = p; } static int is_period_char(int ch) { switch (ch) { case ',': case '.': case ':': case ';': case '?': case '!': case ')': case ']': case '}': case '>': #ifndef JP_CHARSET case 0x203A: /* ">" */ #endif return 1; default: return 0; } } static int is_beginning_char(int ch) { switch (ch) { case '(': case '[': case '{': case '`': case '<': #ifndef JP_CHARSET case 0x2018: /* "`" */ case 0x2039: /* "<" */ #endif return 1; default: return 0; } } static int is_word_char(int ch) { #ifndef JP_CHARSET switch (ch) { case 0x0152: /* "OE" */ case 0x0153: /* "oe" */ return 1; case 0x0178: /* "Y:" *//* ? */ case 0x0192: /* "f" *//* ? */ case 0x02C6: /* "^" *//* ? */ return 0; case 0x02DC: /* "~" */ case 0x03BC: /* "\xB5" "mu" */ return 1; case 0x2002: /* " " "ensp" */ case 0x2003: /* " " "emsp" */ return 0; case 0x2013: /* "\xAD" "ndash" */ case 0x2014: /* "-" "mdash" */ case 0x2018: /* "`" "lsquo" */ case 0x2019: /* "'" "rsquo" */ case 0x201A: /* "\xB8" "sbquo" */ case 0x201C: /* "\"" "ldquo" */ case 0x201D: /* "\"" "rdquo" */ case 0x201E: /* ",," "bdquo" */ case 0x2022: /* "*" "bull" *//* ? */ case 0x2030: /* "0/00" "permil" */ case 0x2032: /* "'" "prime" */ case 0x2033: /* "\"" "Prime" */ case 0x2039: /* "<" "lsaquo" */ case 0x203A: /* ">" "rsaquo" */ case 0x2044: /* "/" "frasl" */ case 0x20AC: /* "=C=" "euro" */ case 0x2122: /* "TM" "trade" */ return 1; case 0x2205: /* "\xF8" "empty" *//* ? */ return 0; case 0x2212: /* "-" */ case 0x223C: /* "~" */ return 1; case 0x2260: /* "!=" *//* ? */ case 0x2261: /* "=" *//* ? */ case 0x2264: /* "<=" *//* ? */ case 0x2265: /* ">=" *//* ? */ return 0; } #endif #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (is_wckanji(ch) || IS_CNTRL(ch)) return 0; #else if (IS_CNTRL(ch)) return 0; #endif if (IS_ALNUM(ch)) return 1; switch (ch) { case ',': case '.': case ':': case '\"': /* " */ case '\'': case '$': case '%': case '*': case '+': case '-': case '@': case '~': case '_': return 1; } if (ch == TIMES_CODE || ch == DIVIDE_CODE || ch == ANSP_CODE) return 0; if (ch >= AGRAVE_CODE || ch == NBSP_CODE) return 1; return 0; } int is_boundary(int ch1, int ch2) { if (!ch1 || !ch2) return 1; if (ch1 == ' ' && ch2 == ' ') return 0; if (ch1 != ' ' && is_period_char(ch2)) return 0; if (ch2 != ' ' && is_beginning_char(ch1)) return 0; if (is_word_char(ch1) && is_word_char(ch2)) return 0; return 1; } static void set_breakpoint(struct readbuffer *obuf, int tag_length) { obuf->bp.len = obuf->line->length; obuf->bp.pos = obuf->pos; obuf->bp.tlen = tag_length; obuf->bp.flag = obuf->flag; #ifdef FORMAT_NICE obuf->bp.flag &= ~RB_FILL; #endif /* FORMAT_NICE */ obuf->bp.top_margin = obuf->top_margin; obuf->bp.bottom_margin = obuf->bottom_margin; if (!obuf->bp.init_flag) return; obuf->bp.anchor = obuf->anchor; obuf->bp.anchor_target = obuf->anchor_target; obuf->bp.anchor_hseq = obuf->anchor_hseq; obuf->bp.img_alt = obuf->img_alt; obuf->bp.in_bold = obuf->in_bold; obuf->bp.in_under = obuf->in_under; obuf->bp.nobr_level = obuf->nobr_level; obuf->bp.prev_ctype = obuf->prev_ctype; obuf->bp.init_flag = 0; } static void back_to_breakpoint(struct readbuffer *obuf) { obuf->flag = obuf->bp.flag; obuf->anchor = obuf->bp.anchor; obuf->anchor_target = obuf->bp.anchor_target; obuf->anchor_hseq = obuf->bp.anchor_hseq; obuf->img_alt = obuf->bp.img_alt; obuf->in_bold = obuf->bp.in_bold; obuf->in_under = obuf->bp.in_under; obuf->prev_ctype = obuf->bp.prev_ctype; obuf->pos = obuf->bp.pos; obuf->top_margin = obuf->bp.top_margin; obuf->bottom_margin = obuf->bp.bottom_margin; if (obuf->flag & RB_NOBR) obuf->nobr_level = obuf->bp.nobr_level; } static void append_tags(struct readbuffer *obuf) { int i; int len = obuf->line->length; int set_bp = 0; for (i = 0; i < obuf->tag_sp; i++) { switch (obuf->tag_stack[i]->cmd) { case HTML_A: case HTML_IMG_ALT: case HTML_B: case HTML_U: push_link(obuf->tag_stack[i]->cmd, obuf->line->length, obuf->pos); break; } Strcat_charp(obuf->line, obuf->tag_stack[i]->cmdname); switch (obuf->tag_stack[i]->cmd) { case HTML_NOBR: if (obuf->nobr_level > 1) break; case HTML_WBR: set_bp = 1; break; } } obuf->tag_sp = 0; if (set_bp) set_breakpoint(obuf, obuf->line->length - len); } static void push_tag(struct readbuffer *obuf, char *cmdname, int cmd) { obuf->tag_stack[obuf->tag_sp] = New(struct cmdtable); obuf->tag_stack[obuf->tag_sp]->cmdname = allocStr(cmdname, -1); obuf->tag_stack[obuf->tag_sp]->cmd = cmd; obuf->tag_sp++; if (obuf->tag_sp >= TAG_STACK_SIZE || obuf->flag & (RB_SPECIAL & ~RB_NOBR)) append_tags(obuf); } static void push_nchars(struct readbuffer *obuf, int width, char *str, int len, Lineprop mode) { int delta = get_mclen(mode); append_tags(obuf); Strcat_charp_n(obuf->line, str, len); obuf->pos += width; if (width > 0 && len >= delta) { obuf->prevchar = mctowc(&str[len - delta], mode); obuf->prev_ctype = mode; } obuf->flag |= RB_NFLUSHED; } #define push_charp(obuf, width, str, mode)\ push_nchars(obuf, width, str, strlen(str), mode) #define push_str(obuf, width, str, mode)\ push_nchars(obuf, width, str->ptr, str->length, mode) static void check_breakpoint(struct readbuffer *obuf, int pre_mode, int ch) { int tlen, len = obuf->line->length; append_tags(obuf); if (pre_mode) return; tlen = obuf->line->length - len; if (tlen > 0 || is_boundary(obuf->prevchar, ch)) set_breakpoint(obuf, tlen); } static void push_char(struct readbuffer *obuf, int pre_mode, char ch) { check_breakpoint(obuf, pre_mode, (unsigned char)ch); Strcat_char(obuf->line, ch); obuf->pos++; obuf->prevchar = (unsigned char)ch; if (ch != ' ') obuf->prev_ctype = PC_ASCII; obuf->flag |= RB_NFLUSHED; } #define PUSH(c) push_char(obuf, obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL, c) static void push_spaces(struct readbuffer *obuf, int pre_mode, int width) { int i; if (width <= 0) return; check_breakpoint(obuf, pre_mode, ' '); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) Strcat_char(obuf->line, ' '); obuf->pos += width; obuf->prevchar = ' '; obuf->flag |= RB_NFLUSHED; } static void proc_mchar(struct readbuffer *obuf, int pre_mode, int width, char **str, Lineprop mode) { int ch = mctowc(*str, mode); check_breakpoint(obuf, pre_mode, ch); obuf->pos += width; #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (IS_KANJI1(**str) && mode == PC_ASCII) Strcat_char(obuf->line, ' '); else if (mode == PC_KANJI) Strcat_charp_n(obuf->line, *str, 2); else #endif Strcat_char(obuf->line, **str); if (width > 0) { obuf->prevchar = ch; if (ch != ' ') obuf->prev_ctype = mode; } (*str) += get_mclen(mode); obuf->flag |= RB_NFLUSHED; } void push_render_image(Str str, int width, int limit, struct html_feed_environ *h_env) { struct readbuffer *obuf = h_env->obuf; int indent = h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent; push_spaces(obuf, 1, (limit - width) / 2); push_str(obuf, width, str, PC_ASCII); push_spaces(obuf, 1, (limit - width + 1) / 2); if (width > 0) flushline(h_env, obuf, indent, 0, h_env->limit); } static int sloppy_parse_line(char **str) { if (**str == '<') { while (**str && **str != '>') (*str)++; if (**str == '>') (*str)++; return 1; } else { while (**str && **str != '<') (*str)++; return 0; } } static void passthrough(struct readbuffer *obuf, char *str, int back) { int cmd; Str tok = Strnew(); char *str_bak; if (back) { Str str_save = Strnew_charp(str); Strshrink(obuf->line, obuf->line->ptr + obuf->line->length - str); str = str_save->ptr; } while (*str) { str_bak = str; if (sloppy_parse_line(&str)) { char *q = str_bak; cmd = gethtmlcmd(&q); if (back) { struct link_stack *p; for (p = link_stack; p; p = p->next) { if (p->cmd == cmd) { link_stack = p->next; break; } } back = 0; } else { Strcat_charp_n(tok, str_bak, str - str_bak); push_tag(obuf, tok->ptr, cmd); Strclear(tok); } } else { push_nchars(obuf, 0, str_bak, str - str_bak, obuf->prev_ctype); } } } #if 0 int is_blank_line(char *line, int indent) { int i, is_blank = 0; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) { if (line[i] == '\0') { is_blank = 1; } else if (line[i] != ' ') { break; } } if (i == indent && line[i] == '\0') is_blank = 1; return is_blank; } #endif void fillline(struct readbuffer *obuf, int indent) { push_spaces(obuf, 1, indent - obuf->pos); obuf->flag &= ~RB_NFLUSHED; } void flushline(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf, int indent, int force, int width) { TextLineList *buf = h_env->buf; FILE *f = h_env->f; Str line = obuf->line, pass = NULL; char *hidden_anchor = NULL, *hidden_img = NULL, *hidden_bold = NULL, *hidden_under = NULL, *hidden = NULL; if (w3m_debug) { FILE *df = fopen("zzzproc1", "a"); fprintf(df, "flushline(%s,%d,%d,%d)\n", obuf->line->ptr, indent, force, width); if (buf) { TextLineListItem *p; for (p = buf->first; p; p = p->next) { fprintf(df, "buf=\"%s\"\n", p->ptr->line->ptr); } } fclose(df); } if (!(obuf->flag & (RB_SPECIAL & ~RB_NOBR)) && Strlastchar(line) == ' ') { Strshrink(line, 1); obuf->pos--; } append_tags(obuf); if (obuf->anchor) hidden = hidden_anchor = has_hidden_link(obuf, HTML_A); if (obuf->img_alt) { if ((hidden_img = has_hidden_link(obuf, HTML_IMG_ALT)) != NULL) { if (!hidden || hidden_img < hidden) hidden = hidden_img; } } if (obuf->in_bold) { if ((hidden_bold = has_hidden_link(obuf, HTML_B)) != NULL) { if (!hidden || hidden_bold < hidden) hidden = hidden_bold; } } if (obuf->in_under) { if ((hidden_under = has_hidden_link(obuf, HTML_U)) != NULL) { if (!hidden || hidden_under < hidden) hidden = hidden_under; } } if (hidden) { pass = Strnew_charp(hidden); Strshrink(line, line->ptr + line->length - hidden); } if (!(obuf->flag & (RB_SPECIAL & ~RB_NOBR)) && obuf->pos > width) { char *tp = &line->ptr[obuf->bp.len - obuf->bp.tlen]; char *ep = &line->ptr[line->length]; if (obuf->bp.pos == obuf->pos && tp <= ep && tp > line->ptr && tp[-1] == ' ') { bcopy(tp, tp - 1, ep - tp + 1); line->length--; obuf->pos--; } } if (obuf->anchor && !hidden_anchor) Strcat_charp(line, "</a>"); if (obuf->img_alt && !hidden_img) Strcat_charp(line, "</img_alt>"); if (obuf->in_bold && !hidden_bold) Strcat_charp(line, "</b>"); if (obuf->in_under && !hidden_under) Strcat_charp(line, "</u>"); if (obuf->top_margin > 0) { int i; struct html_feed_environ h; struct readbuffer o; struct environment e[1]; init_henv(&h, &o, e, 1, NULL, width, indent); o.line = Strnew_size(width + 20); o.pos = obuf->pos; o.flag = obuf->flag; o.top_margin = -1; o.bottom_margin = -1; Strcat_charp(o.line, "<pre_int>"); for (i = 0; i < o.pos; i++) Strcat_char(o.line, ' '); Strcat_charp(o.line, "</pre_int>"); for (i = 0; i < obuf->top_margin; i++) flushline(h_env, &o, indent, force, width); } if (force == 1 || obuf->flag & RB_NFLUSHED) { TextLine *lbuf = newTextLine(line, obuf->pos); if (RB_GET_ALIGN(obuf) == RB_CENTER) { align(lbuf, width, ALIGN_CENTER); } else if (RB_GET_ALIGN(obuf) == RB_RIGHT) { align(lbuf, width, ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (RB_GET_ALIGN(obuf) == RB_LEFT && obuf->flag & RB_INTABLE) { align(lbuf, width, ALIGN_LEFT); } #ifdef FORMAT_NICE else if (obuf->flag & RB_FILL) { char *p; int rest, rrest; int nspace, d, i; rest = width - line->length; if (rest > 1) { nspace = 0; for (p = line->ptr + indent; *p; p++) { if (*p == ' ') nspace++; } if (nspace > 0) { int indent_here = 0; d = rest / nspace; p = line->ptr; while (IS_SPACE(*p)) { p++; indent_here++; } rrest = rest - d * nspace; line = Strnew_size(width + 1); for (i = 0; i < indent_here; i++) Strcat_char(line, ' '); for (; *p; p++) { Strcat_char(line, *p); if (*p == ' ') { for (i = 0; i < d; i++) Strcat_char(line, ' '); if (rrest > 0) { Strcat_char(line, ' '); rrest--; } } } lbuf = newTextLine(line, width); } } } #endif /* FORMAT_NICE */ #ifdef TABLE_DEBUG if (w3m_debug) { FILE *f = fopen("zzzproc1", "a"); fprintf(f, "pos=%d,%d, maxlimit=%d\n", visible_length(lbuf->line->ptr), lbuf->pos, h_env->maxlimit); fclose(f); } #endif if (lbuf->pos > h_env->maxlimit) h_env->maxlimit = lbuf->pos; if (buf) pushTextLine(buf, lbuf); else if (f) { Strfputs(lbuf->line, f); fputc('\n', f); } if (obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL || obuf->flag & RB_NFLUSHED) h_env->blank_lines = 0; else h_env->blank_lines++; } else { char *p = line->ptr, *q; Str tmp = Strnew(), tmp2 = Strnew(); #define APPEND(str) \ if (buf) \ appendTextLine(buf,(str),0); \ else if (f) \ Strfputs((str),f) while (*p) { q = p; if (sloppy_parse_line(&p)) { Strcat_charp_n(tmp, q, p - q); if (force == 2) { APPEND(tmp); } else Strcat(tmp2, tmp); Strclear(tmp); } } if (force == 2) { if (pass) { APPEND(pass); } pass = NULL; } else { if (pass) Strcat(tmp2, pass); pass = tmp2; } } if (obuf->bottom_margin > 0) { int i; struct html_feed_environ h; struct readbuffer o; struct environment e[1]; init_henv(&h, &o, e, 1, NULL, width, indent); o.line = Strnew_size(width + 20); o.pos = obuf->pos; o.flag = obuf->flag; o.top_margin = -1; o.bottom_margin = -1; Strcat_charp(o.line, "<pre_int>"); for (i = 0; i < o.pos; i++) Strcat_char(o.line, ' '); Strcat_charp(o.line, "</pre_int>"); for (i = 0; i < obuf->bottom_margin; i++) flushline(h_env, &o, indent, force, width); } if (obuf->top_margin < 0 || obuf->bottom_margin < 0) return; obuf->line = Strnew_size(256); obuf->pos = 0; obuf->top_margin = 0; obuf->bottom_margin = 0; obuf->prevchar = ' '; obuf->bp.init_flag = 1; obuf->flag &= ~RB_NFLUSHED; set_breakpoint(obuf, 0); obuf->prev_ctype = PC_ASCII; link_stack = NULL; fillline(obuf, indent); if (pass) passthrough(obuf, pass->ptr, 0); if (!hidden_anchor && obuf->anchor) { Str tmp; if (obuf->anchor_hseq > 0) obuf->anchor_hseq = -obuf->anchor_hseq; tmp = Sprintf("<A HSEQ=\"%d\" HREF=\"", obuf->anchor_hseq); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(obuf->anchor->ptr)); if (obuf->anchor_target) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "\" TARGET=\""); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(obuf->anchor_target->ptr)); } Strcat_charp(tmp, "\">"); push_tag(obuf, tmp->ptr, HTML_A); } if (!hidden_img && obuf->img_alt) { Str tmp = Strnew_charp("<IMG_ALT SRC=\""); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(obuf->img_alt->ptr)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "\">"); push_tag(obuf, tmp->ptr, HTML_IMG_ALT); } if (!hidden_bold && obuf->in_bold) push_tag(obuf, "<B>", HTML_B); if (!hidden_under && obuf->in_under) push_tag(obuf, "<U>", HTML_U); } static void discardline(struct readbuffer *obuf, int indent) { append_tags(obuf); Strclear(obuf->line); obuf->pos = 0; obuf->prevchar = ' '; obuf->bp.init_flag = 1; set_breakpoint(obuf, 0); obuf->prev_ctype = PC_ASCII; fillline(obuf, indent); } void do_blankline(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf, int indent, int indent_incr, int width) { if (h_env->blank_lines == 0) flushline(h_env, obuf, indent, 1, width); } void purgeline(struct html_feed_environ *h_env) { char *p, *q; Str tmp; if (h_env->buf == NULL || h_env->blank_lines == 0) return; p = rpopTextLine(h_env->buf)->line->ptr; tmp = Strnew(); while (*p) { q = p; if (sloppy_parse_line(&p)) { Strcat_charp_n(tmp, q, p - q); } } appendTextLine(h_env->buf, tmp, 0); h_env->blank_lines--; } static int close_effect0(struct readbuffer *obuf, int cmd) { int i; char *p; for (i = obuf->tag_sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (obuf->tag_stack[i]->cmd == cmd) break; } if (i >= 0) { obuf->tag_sp--; bcopy(&obuf->tag_stack[i + 1], &obuf->tag_stack[i], (obuf->tag_sp - i) * sizeof(struct cmdtable *)); return 1; } else if ((p = has_hidden_link(obuf, cmd)) != NULL) { passthrough(obuf, p, 1); return 1; } return 0; } static void close_anchor(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf) { if (obuf->anchor) { int i; char *p = NULL; int is_erased = 0; for (i = obuf->tag_sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (obuf->tag_stack[i]->cmd == HTML_A) break; } if (i < 0 && obuf->anchor_hseq > 0 && Strlastchar(obuf->line) == ' ') { Strshrink(obuf->line, 1); obuf->pos--; is_erased = 1; } if (i >= 0 || (p = has_hidden_link(obuf, HTML_A))) { if (obuf->anchor_hseq > 0) { HTMLlineproc1(ANSP, h_env); obuf->prevchar = ' '; } else { if (i >= 0) { obuf->tag_sp--; bcopy(&obuf->tag_stack[i + 1], &obuf->tag_stack[i], (obuf->tag_sp - i) * sizeof(struct cmdtable *)); } else { passthrough(obuf, p, 1); } obuf->anchor = NULL; obuf->anchor_target = NULL; return; } is_erased = 0; } if (is_erased) { Strcat_char(obuf->line, ' '); obuf->pos++; } push_tag(obuf, "</a>", HTML_N_A); obuf->anchor = NULL; } obuf->anchor_target = NULL; } void save_fonteffect(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf) { if (obuf->fontstat_sp < FONT_STACK_SIZE) bcopy(obuf->fontstat, obuf->fontstat_stack[obuf->fontstat_sp], FONTSTAT_SIZE); obuf->fontstat_sp++; if (obuf->in_bold) push_tag(obuf, "</b>", HTML_N_B); if (obuf->in_under) push_tag(obuf, "</u>", HTML_N_U); bzero(obuf->fontstat, FONTSTAT_SIZE); } void restore_fonteffect(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf) { if (obuf->fontstat_sp > 0) obuf->fontstat_sp--; if (obuf->fontstat_sp < FONT_STACK_SIZE) bcopy(obuf->fontstat_stack[obuf->fontstat_sp], obuf->fontstat, FONTSTAT_SIZE); if (obuf->in_bold) push_tag(obuf, "<b>", HTML_B); if (obuf->in_under) push_tag(obuf, "<u>", HTML_U); } Str process_img(struct parsed_tag *tag, int width) { char *p, *q, *r, *r2 = NULL, *s; #ifdef USE_IMAGE int w, i, nw, ni = 1, n, w0 = -1, i0 = -1; int align, xoffset, yoffset, top, bottom, ismap = 0; int use_image = activeImage && displayImage; #else int w, i, nw, n; #endif int pre_int = FALSE; Str tmp = Strnew(); if (!parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &p)) return tmp; p = remove_space(p); q = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALT, &q); w = -1; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_WIDTH, &w)) { if (w < 0) { if (width > 0) w = (int)(-width * pixel_per_char * w / 100 + 0.5); else w = -1; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { if (w > 0) { w = (int)(w * image_scale / 100 + 0.5); if (w == 0) w = 1; else if (w > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) w = MAX_IMAGE_SIZE; } } #endif } #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { i = -1; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HEIGHT, &i)) { if (i > 0) { i = (int)(i * image_scale / 100 + 0.5); if (i == 0) i = 1; else if (i > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) i = MAX_IMAGE_SIZE; } else { i = -1; } } align = -1; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALIGN, &align); ismap = 0; if (parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_ISMAP)) ismap = 1; } else #endif parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HEIGHT, &i); r = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_USEMAP, &r); tmp = Strnew_size(128); #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { switch (align) { case ALIGN_LEFT: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<div align=left>"); break; case ALIGN_CENTER: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<div align=center>"); break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<div align=right>"); break; } } #endif if (r) { Str tmp2; r2 = strchr(r, '#'); s = "<form_int method=internal action=map>"; tmp2 = process_form(parse_tag(&s, TRUE)); if (tmp2) Strcat(tmp, tmp2); Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("<input_alt fid=\"%d\" " "type=hidden name=link value=\"", cur_form_id)); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote((r2) ? r2 + 1 : r)); Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("\"><input_alt hseq=\"%d\" fid=\"%d\" " "type=submit no_effect=true>", cur_hseq++, cur_form_id)); } #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { w0 = w; i0 = i; if (w < 0 || i < 0) { Image image; ParsedURL u; #ifdef JP_CHARSET parseURL2(conv(p, InnerCode, cur_document_code)->ptr, &u, cur_baseURL); #else parseURL2(p, &u, cur_baseURL); #endif image.url = parsedURL2Str(&u)->ptr; image.ext = filename_extension(u.file, TRUE); image.cache = NULL; image.width = w; image.height = i; image.cache = getImage(&image, cur_baseURL, IMG_FLAG_SKIP); if (image.cache && image.cache->width > 0 && image.cache->height > 0) { w = w0 = image.cache->width; i = i0 = image.cache->height; } if (w < 0) w = 8 * pixel_per_char; if (i < 0) i = pixel_per_line; } nw = (w > 3) ? (int)((w - 3) / pixel_per_char + 1) : 1; ni = (i > 3) ? (int)((i - 3) / pixel_per_line + 1) : 1; Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("<pre_int><img_alt hseq=\"%d\" src=\"", cur_iseq++)); pre_int = TRUE; } else #endif { if (w < 0) w = 12 * pixel_per_char; nw = w ? (int)((w - 1) / pixel_per_char + 1) : 1; if (r) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "<pre_int>"); pre_int = TRUE; } Strcat_charp(tmp, "<img_alt src=\""); } Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(p)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "\""); #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { if (w0 >= 0) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" width=%d", w0)); if (i0 >= 0) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" height=%d", i0)); switch (align) { case ALIGN_TOP: top = 0; bottom = ni - 1; yoffset = 0; break; case ALIGN_MIDDLE: top = ni / 2; bottom = top; if (top * 2 == ni) yoffset = (int)(((ni + 1) * pixel_per_line - i) / 2); else yoffset = (int)((ni * pixel_per_line - i) / 2); break; case ALIGN_BOTTOM: top = ni - 1; bottom = 0; yoffset = (int)(ni * pixel_per_line - i); break; default: top = ni - 1; bottom = 0; if (ni == 1 && ni * pixel_per_line > i) yoffset = 0; else { yoffset = (int)(ni * pixel_per_line - i); if (yoffset <= -2) yoffset++; } break; } xoffset = (int)((nw * pixel_per_char - w) / 2); if (xoffset) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" xoffset=%d", xoffset)); if (yoffset) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" yoffset=%d", yoffset)); if (top) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" top_margin=%d", top)); if (bottom) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" bottom_margin=%d", bottom)); if (r) { Strcat_charp(tmp, " usemap=\""); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote((r2) ? r2 + 1 : r)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "\""); } if (ismap) Strcat_charp(tmp, " ismap"); } #endif Strcat_charp(tmp, ">"); if (q != NULL && *q == '\0' && ignore_null_img_alt) q = NULL; if (q != NULL) { n = strlen(q); #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { if (n > nw) { n = nw; Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(Strnew_charp_n(q, nw)->ptr)); } else Strcat_charp(tmp, q); } else #endif Strcat_charp(tmp, q); goto img_end; } if (w > 0 && i > 0) { /* guess what the image is! */ if (w < 32 && i < 48) { /* must be an icon or space */ n = 1; if (strcasestr(p, "space") || strcasestr(p, "blank")) Strcat_charp(tmp, "_"); else { if (w * i < 8 * 16) Strcat_charp(tmp, "*"); else { #ifdef KANJI_SYMBOLS Strcat_charp(tmp, "��"); n = 2; #else /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ Strcat_charp(tmp, "#"); #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ } } goto img_end; } if (w > 200 && i < 13) { /* must be a horizontal line */ if (!pre_int) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "<pre_int>"); pre_int = TRUE; } #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS Strcat_charp(tmp, "<_RULE TYPE=10>"); #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ for (i = 0; i < nw - (HR_RULE_WIDTH - 1); i += HR_RULE_WIDTH) Strcat_charp(tmp, HR_RULE); #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS Strcat_charp(tmp, "</_RULE>"); #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ n = i; goto img_end; } } for (q = p; *q; q++) ; while (q > p && *q != '/') q--; if (*q == '/') q++; Strcat_char(tmp, '['); n = 1; p = q; for (; *q; q++) { if (!IS_ALNUM(*q) && *q != '_' && *q != '-') { break; } Strcat_char(tmp, *q); n++; if (n + 1 >= nw) break; } Strcat_char(tmp, ']'); n++; img_end: #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { for (; n < nw; n++) Strcat_char(tmp, ' '); } #endif Strcat_charp(tmp, "</img_alt>"); if (pre_int) Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre_int>"); if (r) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "</input_alt>"); process_n_form(); } #ifdef USE_IMAGE if (use_image) { switch (align) { case ALIGN_RIGHT: case ALIGN_CENTER: case ALIGN_LEFT: Strcat_charp(tmp, "</div>"); break; } } #endif return tmp; } Str process_anchor(struct parsed_tag *tag, char *tagbuf) { if (parsedtag_need_reconstruct(tag)) { parsedtag_set_value(tag, ATTR_HSEQ, Sprintf("%d", cur_hseq++)->ptr); return parsedtag2str(tag); } else { Str tmp = Sprintf("<a hseq=\"%d\"", cur_hseq++); Strcat_charp(tmp, tagbuf + 2); return tmp; } } Str process_input(struct parsed_tag *tag) { int i, w, v, x, y, z, iw, ih; char *q, *p, *r, *p2, *s; Str tmp = NULL; char *qq = ""; int qlen = 0; if (cur_form_id < 0) { char *s = "<form_int method=internal action=none>"; tmp = process_form(parse_tag(&s, TRUE)); } if (tmp == NULL) tmp = Strnew(); p = "text"; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TYPE, &p); q = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VALUE, &q); r = ""; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &r); w = 20; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SIZE, &w); i = 20; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_MAXLENGTH, &i); p2 = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALT, &p2); x = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_CHECKED); y = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_ACCEPT); z = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_READONLY); v = formtype(p); if (v == FORM_UNKNOWN) return NULL; if (!q) { switch (v) { case FORM_INPUT_IMAGE: case FORM_INPUT_SUBMIT: case FORM_INPUT_BUTTON: q = "SUBMIT"; break; case FORM_INPUT_RESET: q = "RESET"; break; /* if no VALUE attribute is specified in * <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX> tag, then the value "on" is used * as a default value. It is not a part of HTML4.0 * specification, but an imitation of Netscape behaviour. */ case FORM_INPUT_CHECKBOX: q = "on"; } } /* VALUE attribute is not allowed in <INPUT TYPE=FILE> tag. */ if (v == FORM_INPUT_FILE) q = NULL; if (q) { qq = html_quote(q); qlen = strlen(q); } Strcat_charp(tmp, "<pre_int>"); switch (v) { case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: case FORM_INPUT_CHECKBOX: Strcat_char(tmp, '['); break; case FORM_INPUT_RADIO: Strcat_char(tmp, '('); } Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("<input_alt hseq=\"%d\" fid=\"%d\" type=%s " "name=\"%s\" width=%d maxlength=%d value=\"%s\"", cur_hseq++, cur_form_id, p, html_quote(r), w, i, qq)); if (x) Strcat_charp(tmp, " checked"); if (y) Strcat_charp(tmp, " accept"); if (z) Strcat_charp(tmp, " readonly"); Strcat_char(tmp, '>'); if (v == FORM_INPUT_HIDDEN) Strcat_charp(tmp, "</input_alt></pre_int>"); else { switch (v) { case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<u>"); break; case FORM_INPUT_IMAGE: s = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &s); if (s) { Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("<img src=\"%s\"", html_quote(s))); if (p2) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" alt=\"%s\"", html_quote(p2))); if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_WIDTH, &iw)) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" width=\"%d\"", iw)); if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HEIGHT, &ih)) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" height=\"%d\"", ih)); Strcat_charp(tmp, ">"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "</input_alt></pre_int>"); return tmp; } case FORM_INPUT_SUBMIT: case FORM_INPUT_BUTTON: case FORM_INPUT_RESET: Strcat_charp(tmp, "["); break; } switch (v) { case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: i = 0; if (q) { for (; i < qlen && i < w; i++) Strcat_char(tmp, '*'); } for (; i < w; i++) Strcat_char(tmp, ' '); break; case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: if (q) Strcat(tmp, textfieldrep(Strnew_charp(q), w)); else { for (i = 0; i < w; i++) Strcat_char(tmp, ' '); } break; case FORM_INPUT_SUBMIT: case FORM_INPUT_BUTTON: if (p2) Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(p2)); else Strcat_charp(tmp, qq); break; case FORM_INPUT_RESET: Strcat_charp(tmp, qq); break; case FORM_INPUT_RADIO: case FORM_INPUT_CHECKBOX: if (x) Strcat_char(tmp, '*'); else Strcat_char(tmp, ' '); break; } switch (v) { case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: Strcat_charp(tmp, "</u>"); break; case FORM_INPUT_IMAGE: case FORM_INPUT_SUBMIT: case FORM_INPUT_BUTTON: case FORM_INPUT_RESET: Strcat_charp(tmp, "]"); } Strcat_charp(tmp, "</input_alt>"); switch (v) { case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: case FORM_INPUT_CHECKBOX: Strcat_char(tmp, ']'); break; case FORM_INPUT_RADIO: Strcat_char(tmp, ')'); } Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre_int>"); } return tmp; } Str process_select(struct parsed_tag *tag) { Str tmp = NULL; char *p; if (cur_form_id < 0) { char *s = "<form_int method=internal action=none>"; tmp = process_form(parse_tag(&s, TRUE)); } p = ""; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &p); cur_select = Strnew_charp(p); select_is_multiple = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_MULTIPLE); #ifdef MENU_SELECT if (!select_is_multiple) { select_str = Sprintf("<pre_int>[<input_alt hseq=\"%d\" " "fid=\"%d\" type=select name=\"%s\" selectnumber=%d", cur_hseq++, cur_form_id, html_quote(p), n_select); Strcat_charp(select_str, ">"); if (n_select == max_select) { max_select *= 2; select_option = New_Reuse(FormSelectOption, select_option, max_select); } select_option[n_select].first = NULL; select_option[n_select].last = NULL; cur_option_maxwidth = 0; } else #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ select_str = Strnew(); cur_option = NULL; cur_status = R_ST_NORMAL; n_selectitem = 0; return tmp; } Str process_n_select(void) { if (cur_select == NULL) return NULL; process_option(); #ifdef MENU_SELECT if (!select_is_multiple) { if (select_option[n_select].first) { FormItemList sitem; chooseSelectOption(&sitem, select_option[n_select].first); Strcat(select_str, textfieldrep(sitem.label, cur_option_maxwidth)); } Strcat_charp(select_str, "</input_alt>]</pre_int>"); n_select++; } else #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ Strcat_charp(select_str, "<br>"); cur_select = NULL; n_selectitem = 0; return select_str; } void feed_select(char *str) { Str tmp = Strnew(); int prev_status = cur_status; static int prev_spaces = -1; char *p; if (cur_select == NULL) return; while (read_token(tmp, &str, &cur_status, 0, 0)) { if (cur_status != R_ST_NORMAL || prev_status != R_ST_NORMAL) continue; p = tmp->ptr; if (tmp->ptr[0] == '<' && Strlastchar(tmp) == '>') { struct parsed_tag *tag; char *q; if (!(tag = parse_tag(&p, FALSE))) continue; switch (tag->tagid) { case HTML_OPTION: process_option(); cur_option = Strnew(); if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VALUE, &q)) cur_option_value = Strnew_charp(q); else cur_option_value = NULL; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_LABEL, &q)) cur_option_label = Strnew_charp(q); else cur_option_label = NULL; cur_option_selected = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_SELECTED); prev_spaces = -1; break; case HTML_N_OPTION: /* do nothing */ break; default: /* never happen */ break; } } else if (cur_option) { while (*p) { if (IS_SPACE(*p) && prev_spaces != 0) { p++; if (prev_spaces > 0) prev_spaces++; } else { if (IS_SPACE(*p)) prev_spaces = 1; else prev_spaces = 0; if (*p == '&') Strcat_charp(cur_option, getescapecmd(&p)); else Strcat_char(cur_option, *(p++)); } } } } } void process_option(void) { char begin_char = '[', end_char = ']'; if (cur_select == NULL || cur_option == NULL) return; while (cur_option->length > 0 && IS_SPACE(Strlastchar(cur_option))) Strshrink(cur_option, 1); if (cur_option_value == NULL) cur_option_value = cur_option; if (cur_option_label == NULL) cur_option_label = cur_option; #ifdef MENU_SELECT if (!select_is_multiple) { if (cur_option_label->length > cur_option_maxwidth) cur_option_maxwidth = cur_option_label->length; addSelectOption(&select_option[n_select], cur_option_value, cur_option_label, cur_option_selected); return; } #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ if (!select_is_multiple) { begin_char = '('; end_char = ')'; } Strcat(select_str, Sprintf("<br><pre_int>%c<input_alt hseq=\"%d\" " "fid=\"%d\" type=%s name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"", begin_char, cur_hseq++, cur_form_id, select_is_multiple ? "checkbox" : "radio", html_quote(cur_select->ptr), html_quote(cur_option_value->ptr))); if (cur_option_selected) Strcat_charp(select_str, " checked>*</input_alt>"); else Strcat_charp(select_str, "> </input_alt>"); Strcat_char(select_str, end_char); Strcat_charp(select_str, html_quote(cur_option_label->ptr)); Strcat_charp(select_str, "</pre_int>"); n_selectitem++; } Str process_textarea(struct parsed_tag *tag, int width) { Str tmp = NULL; char *p; if (cur_form_id < 0) { char *s = "<form_int method=internal action=none>"; tmp = process_form(parse_tag(&s, TRUE)); } p = ""; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &p); cur_textarea = Strnew_charp(p); cur_textarea_size = 20; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_COLS, &p)) { cur_textarea_size = atoi(p); if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '%') cur_textarea_size = width * cur_textarea_size / 100 - 2; if (cur_textarea_size <= 0) cur_textarea_size = 20; } cur_textarea_rows = 1; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ROWS, &p)) { cur_textarea_rows = atoi(p); if (cur_textarea_rows <= 0) cur_textarea_rows = 1; } cur_textarea_readonly = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_READONLY); if (n_textarea >= max_textarea) { max_textarea *= 2; textarea_str = New_Reuse(Str, textarea_str, max_textarea); } textarea_str[n_textarea] = Strnew(); ignore_nl_textarea = TRUE; return tmp; } Str process_n_textarea(void) { Str tmp; int i; if (cur_textarea == NULL) return NULL; tmp = Strnew(); Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("<pre_int>[<input_alt hseq=\"%d\" fid=\"%d\" " "type=textarea name=\"%s\" size=%d rows=%d " "top_margin=%d textareanumber=%d", cur_hseq, cur_form_id, html_quote(cur_textarea->ptr), cur_textarea_size, cur_textarea_rows, cur_textarea_rows - 1, n_textarea)); if (cur_textarea_readonly) Strcat_charp(tmp, " readonly"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "><u>"); for (i = 0; i < cur_textarea_size; i++) Strcat_char(tmp, ' '); Strcat_charp(tmp, "</u></input_alt>]</pre_int>\n"); cur_hseq++; n_textarea++; cur_textarea = NULL; return tmp; } void feed_textarea(char *str) { if (cur_textarea == NULL) return; if (ignore_nl_textarea) { if (*str == '\r') str++; if (*str == '\n') str++; } ignore_nl_textarea = FALSE; while (*str) { if (*str == '&') Strcat_charp(textarea_str[n_textarea], getescapecmd(&str)); else if (*str == '\n') { Strcat_charp(textarea_str[n_textarea], "\r\n"); str++; } else if (*str != '\r') Strcat_char(textarea_str[n_textarea], *(str++)); } } Str process_hr(struct parsed_tag *tag, int width, int indent_width) { Str tmp = Strnew_charp("<nobr>"); int i, w = 0; int x = ALIGN_CENTER; if (width > indent_width) width -= indent_width; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_WIDTH, &w)) w = REAL_WIDTH(w, width); else w = width; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALIGN, &x); switch (x) { case ALIGN_CENTER: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<div align=center>"); break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<div align=right>"); break; case ALIGN_LEFT: Strcat_charp(tmp, "<div align=left>"); break; } #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS Strcat_charp(tmp, "<_RULE TYPE=10>"); #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ w -= HR_RULE_WIDTH - 1; if (w <= 0) w = 1; for (i = 0; i < w; i += HR_RULE_WIDTH) { Strcat_charp(tmp, HR_RULE); } #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS Strcat_charp(tmp, "</_RULE>"); #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ Strcat_charp(tmp, "</div></nobr>"); return tmp; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET static char check_charset(char *s) { switch (*s) { case CODE_EUC: case CODE_SJIS: case CODE_JIS_n: case CODE_JIS_m: case CODE_JIS_N: case CODE_JIS_j: case CODE_JIS_J: case CODE_INNER_EUC: return *s; } return 0; } static char check_accept_charset(char *s) { char *e; char c; while (*s) { while (*s && (IS_SPACE(*s) || *s == ',')) s++; if (!*s) break; e = s; while (*e && !(IS_SPACE(*e) || *e == ',')) e++; c = guess_charset(Strnew_charp_n(s, e - s)->ptr); if (c) return c; s = e; } return 0; } #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ static Str process_form_int(struct parsed_tag *tag, int fid) { char *p, *q, *r, *s, *tg, *n; char cs = 0; p = "get"; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_METHOD, &p); q = "!CURRENT_URL!"; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ACTION, &q); r = NULL; #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ACCEPT_CHARSET, &r)) cs = check_accept_charset(r); if (!cs && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_CHARSET, &r)) cs = check_charset(r); #endif /*JP_CHARSET */ s = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ENCTYPE, &s); tg = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, &tg); n = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &n); if (fid < 0) { form_max++; form_sp++; fid = form_max; } else { /* <form_int> */ if (form_max < fid) form_max = fid; form_sp = fid; } if (forms_size == 0) { forms_size = INITIAL_FORM_SIZE; forms = New_N(FormList *, forms_size); form_stack = NewAtom_N(int, forms_size); } else if (forms_size <= form_max) { forms_size += form_max; forms = New_Reuse(FormList *, forms, forms_size); form_stack = New_Reuse(int, form_stack, forms_size); } form_stack[form_sp] = fid; if (w3m_halfdump) { Str tmp = Sprintf("<form_int fid=\"%d\" action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\"", fid, html_quote(q), html_quote(p)); if (s) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" enctype=\"%s\"", html_quote(s))); if (tg) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" target=\"%s\"", html_quote(tg))); if (n) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" name=\"%s\"", html_quote(n))); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (r) Strcat(tmp, Sprintf(" accept-charset=\"%s\"", code_to_str(cs))); #endif Strcat_charp(tmp, ">"); return tmp; } forms[fid] = newFormList(q, p, &cs, s, tg, n, NULL); return NULL; } Str process_form(struct parsed_tag *tag) { return process_form_int(tag, -1); } Str process_n_form(void) { if (form_sp >= 0) form_sp--; return NULL; } static void clear_ignore_p_flag(int cmd, struct readbuffer *obuf) { static int clear_flag_cmd[] = { HTML_HR, HTML_UNKNOWN }; int i; for (i = 0; clear_flag_cmd[i] != HTML_UNKNOWN; i++) { if (cmd == clear_flag_cmd[i]) { obuf->flag &= ~RB_IGNORE_P; return; } } } static void set_alignment(struct readbuffer *obuf, struct parsed_tag *tag) { long flag = -1; int align; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALIGN, &align)) { switch (align) { case ALIGN_CENTER: flag = RB_CENTER; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: flag = RB_RIGHT; break; case ALIGN_LEFT: flag = RB_LEFT; } } RB_SAVE_FLAG(obuf); if (flag != -1) { RB_SET_ALIGN(obuf, flag); } } #ifdef ID_EXT static void process_idattr(struct readbuffer *obuf, int cmd, struct parsed_tag *tag) { char *id = NULL, *framename = NULL; Str idtag = NULL; /* * HTML_TABLE is handled by the other process. */ if (cmd == HTML_TABLE) return; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ID, &id); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_FRAMENAME, &framename); if (id == NULL) return; if (framename) idtag = Sprintf("<_id id=\"%s\" framename=\"%s\">", html_quote(id), html_quote(framename)); else idtag = Sprintf("<_id id=\"%s\">", html_quote(id)); push_tag(obuf, idtag->ptr, HTML_NOP); } #endif /* ID_EXT */ #define CLOSE_P if (obuf->flag & RB_P) { \ flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent,0,h_env->limit);\ RB_RESTORE_FLAG(obuf);\ close_anchor(h_env, obuf);\ obuf->flag &= ~RB_P;\ } #define CLOSE_DT \ if (obuf->flag & RB_IN_DT) { \ obuf->flag &= ~RB_IN_DT; \ HTMLlineproc1("</b>", h_env); \ } #define PUSH_ENV(cmd) \ if (++h_env->envc_real < h_env->nenv) { \ ++h_env->envc; \ envs[h_env->envc].env = cmd; \ envs[h_env->envc].count = 0; \ if (h_env->envc <= MAX_INDENT_LEVEL) \ envs[h_env->envc].indent = envs[h_env->envc - 1].indent + INDENT_INCR; \ else \ envs[h_env->envc].indent = envs[h_env->envc - 1].indent; \ } #define POP_ENV \ if (h_env->envc_real-- < h_env->nenv) \ h_env->envc--; static int ul_type(struct parsed_tag *tag, int default_type) { char *p; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TYPE, &p)) { if (!strcasecmp(p, "disc")) return (int)'d'; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "circle")) return (int)'c'; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "square")) return (int)'s'; } return default_type; } int HTMLtagproc1(struct parsed_tag *tag, struct html_feed_environ *h_env) { char *p, *q, *r; int i, w, x, y, z, count, width; struct readbuffer *obuf = h_env->obuf; struct environment *envs = h_env->envs; Str tmp; int hseq; int cmd; #ifdef ID_EXT char *id = NULL; #endif /* ID_EXT */ cmd = tag->tagid; if (obuf->flag & RB_PRE) { switch (cmd) { case HTML_NOBR: case HTML_N_NOBR: case HTML_PRE_INT: case HTML_N_PRE_INT: return 1; } } switch (cmd) { case HTML_B: obuf->in_bold++; if (obuf->in_bold > 1) return 1; return 0; case HTML_N_B: if (obuf->in_bold == 1 && close_effect0(obuf, HTML_B)) obuf->in_bold = 0; if (obuf->in_bold > 0) { obuf->in_bold--; if (obuf->in_bold == 0) return 0; } return 1; case HTML_U: obuf->in_under++; if (obuf->in_under > 1) return 1; return 0; case HTML_N_U: if (obuf->in_under == 1 && close_effect0(obuf, HTML_U)) obuf->in_under = 0; if (obuf->in_under > 0) { obuf->in_under--; if (obuf->in_under == 0) return 0; } return 1; case HTML_EM: HTMLlineproc1("<b>", h_env); return 1; case HTML_N_EM: HTMLlineproc1("</b>", h_env); return 1; case HTML_P: case HTML_N_P: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 1, h_env->limit); do_blankline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; if (cmd == HTML_P) { set_alignment(obuf, tag); obuf->flag |= RB_P; } return 1; case HTML_BR: flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 1, h_env->limit); h_env->blank_lines = 0; return 1; case HTML_EOL: if ((obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE) && obuf->pos > envs[h_env->envc].indent) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); return 1; case HTML_H: if (!(obuf->flag & (RB_PREMODE | RB_IGNORE_P))) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); do_blankline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } HTMLlineproc1("<b>", h_env); set_alignment(obuf, tag); return 1; case HTML_N_H: HTMLlineproc1("</b>", h_env); if (!(obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE)) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } do_blankline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); RB_RESTORE_FLAG(obuf); close_anchor(h_env, obuf); obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; return 1; case HTML_UL: case HTML_OL: case HTML_BLQ: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); if (!(obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE) && (h_env->envc == 0 || cmd == HTML_BLQ)) do_blankline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } PUSH_ENV(cmd); if (cmd == HTML_UL || cmd == HTML_OL) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_START, &count) && count > 0) { envs[h_env->envc].count = count - 1; } } if (cmd == HTML_OL) { envs[h_env->envc].type = '1'; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TYPE, &p)) { envs[h_env->envc].type = (int)*p; } } if (cmd == HTML_UL) envs[h_env->envc].type = ul_type(tag, 0); flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); return 1; case HTML_N_UL: case HTML_N_OL: case HTML_N_DL: case HTML_N_BLQ: CLOSE_DT; CLOSE_P; if (h_env->envc > 0) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc - 1].indent, 0, h_env->limit); POP_ENV; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE) && (h_env->envc == 0 || cmd == HTML_N_DL || cmd == HTML_N_BLQ)) { do_blankline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, INDENT_INCR, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; } } close_anchor(h_env, obuf); return 1; case HTML_DL: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); if (!(obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE)) do_blankline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } PUSH_ENV(cmd); if (parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_COMPACT)) envs[h_env->envc].env = HTML_DL_COMPACT; obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; return 1; case HTML_LI: CLOSE_P; CLOSE_DT; if (h_env->envc > 0) { Str num; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc - 1].indent, 0, h_env->limit); envs[h_env->envc].count++; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VALUE, &p)) { count = atoi(p); if (count > 0) envs[h_env->envc].count = count; } switch (envs[h_env->envc].env) { case HTML_UL: envs[h_env->envc].type = ul_type(tag, envs[h_env->envc].type); for (i = 0; i < INDENT_INCR - 3; i++) push_charp(obuf, 1, NBSP, PC_ASCII); switch (envs[h_env->envc].type) { #ifdef KANJI_SYMBOLS case 'd': push_charp(obuf, 2, "��", PC_ASCII); break; case 'c': push_charp(obuf, 2, "��", PC_ASCII); break; case 's': push_charp(obuf, 2, "��", PC_ASCII); break; #endif /* KANJI_SYMBOLS */ default: push_charp(obuf, 2, ullevel[(h_env->envc_real - 1) % MAX_UL_LEVEL], PC_ASCII); break; } push_charp(obuf, 1, NBSP, PC_ASCII); obuf->prevchar = ' '; break; case HTML_OL: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TYPE, &p)) envs[h_env->envc].type = (int)*p; switch (envs[h_env->envc].type) { case 'i': num = romanNumeral(envs[h_env->envc].count); break; case 'I': num = romanNumeral(envs[h_env->envc].count); Strupper(num); break; case 'a': num = romanAlphabet(envs[h_env->envc].count); break; case 'A': num = romanAlphabet(envs[h_env->envc].count); Strupper(num); break; default: num = Sprintf("%d", envs[h_env->envc].count); break; } #if INDENT_INCR >= 4 Strcat_charp(num, ". "); #else /* INDENT_INCR < 4 */ Strcat_char(num, '.'); #endif /* INDENT_INCR < 4 */ push_spaces(obuf, 1, INDENT_INCR - num->length); push_str(obuf, num->length, num, PC_ASCII); break; default: push_spaces(obuf, 1, INDENT_INCR); break; } } else { flushline(h_env, obuf, 0, 0, h_env->limit); } obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; return 1; case HTML_DT: CLOSE_P; if (h_env->envc == 0 || (h_env->envc_real < h_env->nenv && envs[h_env->envc].env != HTML_DL && envs[h_env->envc].env != HTML_DL_COMPACT)) { PUSH_ENV(HTML_DL); } if (h_env->envc > 0) { flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc - 1].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IN_DT)) { HTMLlineproc1("<b>", h_env); obuf->flag |= RB_IN_DT; } obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; return 1; case HTML_DD: CLOSE_P; CLOSE_DT; if (envs[h_env->envc].env == HTML_DL_COMPACT) { if (obuf->pos > envs[h_env->envc].indent) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); else push_spaces(obuf, 1, envs[h_env->envc].indent - obuf->pos); } else flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); /* obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; */ return 1; case HTML_TITLE: append_tags(obuf); save_line = obuf->line; save_prevchar = obuf->prevchar; set_breakpoint(obuf, 0); obuf->line = Strnew(); discardline(obuf, 0); obuf->flag |= (RB_NOBR | RB_TITLE); return 1; case HTML_N_TITLE: if (!(obuf->flag & RB_TITLE)) return 1; obuf->flag &= ~(RB_NOBR | RB_TITLE); append_tags(obuf); tmp = Strnew_charp(obuf->line->ptr); Strremovetrailingspaces(tmp); h_env->title = html_unquote(tmp->ptr); obuf->line = save_line; obuf->prevchar = save_prevchar; back_to_breakpoint(obuf); tmp = Strnew_m_charp("<title_alt title=\"", html_quote(h_env->title), "\">", NULL); push_tag(obuf, tmp->ptr, HTML_TITLE_ALT); return 1; case HTML_FRAMESET: PUSH_ENV(cmd); push_charp(obuf, 9, "--FRAME--", PC_ASCII); flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); return 0; case HTML_N_FRAMESET: if (h_env->envc > 0) { POP_ENV; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); } return 0; case HTML_NOFRAMES: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= (RB_NOFRAMES | RB_IGNORE_P); /* istr = str; */ return 1; case HTML_N_NOFRAMES: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag &= ~RB_NOFRAMES; return 1; case HTML_FRAME: q = r = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &q); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &r); if (q) { q = html_quote(q); push_tag(obuf, Sprintf("<a hseq=\"%d\" href=\"%s\">", cur_hseq++, q)->ptr, HTML_A); if (r) q = html_quote(r); push_charp(obuf, strlen(q), q, PC_ASCII); push_tag(obuf, "</a>", HTML_N_A); } flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); return 0; case HTML_HR: tmp = process_hr(tag, h_env->limit, envs[h_env->envc].indent); HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); obuf->prevchar = ' '; close_anchor(h_env, obuf); return 1; case HTML_PRE: if (!parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_FOR_TABLE)) CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); else fillline(obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent); obuf->flag |= (RB_PRE | RB_IGNORE_P); /* istr = str; */ return 1; case HTML_N_PRE: flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag &= ~RB_PRE; close_anchor(h_env, obuf); return 1; case HTML_PRE_INT: i = obuf->line->length; append_tags(obuf); if (!(obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL)) { set_breakpoint(obuf, obuf->line->length - i); } obuf->flag |= RB_PRE_INT; return 0; case HTML_N_PRE_INT: push_tag(obuf, "</pre_int>", HTML_N_PRE_INT); obuf->flag &= ~RB_PRE_INT; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL) && obuf->pos > obuf->bp.pos) { obuf->prevchar = '\0'; obuf->prev_ctype = PC_CTRL; } return 1; case HTML_NOBR: obuf->flag |= RB_NOBR; obuf->nobr_level++; return 0; case HTML_N_NOBR: if (obuf->nobr_level > 0) obuf->nobr_level--; if (obuf->nobr_level == 0) obuf->flag &= ~RB_NOBR; return 0; case HTML_LISTING: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= (RB_LSTMODE | RB_IGNORE_P); /* istr = str; */ return 1; case HTML_N_LISTING: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag &= ~RB_LSTMODE; return 1; case HTML_XMP: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= (RB_XMPMODE | RB_IGNORE_P); /* istr = str; */ return 1; case HTML_N_XMP: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag &= ~RB_XMPMODE; return 1; case HTML_SCRIPT: obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE; obuf->ignore_tag = Strnew_charp("</script>"); return 1; case HTML_N_SCRIPT: /* should not be reached */ return 1; case HTML_STYLE: obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE; obuf->ignore_tag = Strnew_charp("</style>"); return 1; case HTML_N_STYLE: /* should not be reached */ return 1; case HTML_PLAINTEXT: flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= RB_PLAIN; /* istr = str; */ return 1; case HTML_A: if (obuf->anchor) close_anchor(h_env, obuf); hseq = 0; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &p)) obuf->anchor = Strnew_charp(p); if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, &p)) obuf->anchor_target = Strnew_charp(p); if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HSEQ, &hseq)) obuf->anchor_hseq = hseq; if (hseq == 0 && obuf->anchor) { obuf->anchor_hseq = cur_hseq; tmp = process_anchor(tag, h_env->tagbuf->ptr); push_tag(obuf, tmp->ptr, HTML_A); return 1; } return 0; case HTML_N_A: close_anchor(h_env, obuf); return 1; case HTML_IMG: tmp = process_img(tag, h_env->limit); HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); return 1; case HTML_IMG_ALT: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &p)) obuf->img_alt = Strnew_charp(p); #ifdef USE_IMAGE i = 0; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TOP_MARGIN, &i)) { if (i > obuf->top_margin) obuf->top_margin = i; } i = 0; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_BOTTOM_MARGIN, &i)) { if (i > obuf->bottom_margin) obuf->bottom_margin = i; } #endif return 0; case HTML_N_IMG_ALT: if (obuf->img_alt) { if (!close_effect0(obuf, HTML_IMG_ALT)) push_tag(obuf, "</img_alt>", HTML_N_IMG_ALT); obuf->img_alt = NULL; } return 1; case HTML_INPUT_ALT: i = 0; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TOP_MARGIN, &i)) { if (i > obuf->top_margin) obuf->top_margin = i; } i = 0; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_BOTTOM_MARGIN, &i)) { if (i > obuf->bottom_margin) obuf->bottom_margin = i; } return 0; case HTML_TABLE: obuf->table_level++; if (obuf->table_level >= MAX_TABLE) break; w = BORDER_NONE; /* x: cellspacing, y: cellpadding */ x = 2; y = 1; z = 0; width = 0; if (parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_BORDER)) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_BORDER, &w)) { if (w > 2) w = BORDER_THICK; else if (w < 0) { /* weird */ w = BORDER_THIN; } } else w = BORDER_THIN; } if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_WIDTH, &i)) { if (obuf->table_level == 0) width = REAL_WIDTH(i, h_env->limit - envs[h_env->envc].indent); else width = RELATIVE_WIDTH(i); } if (parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_HBORDER)) w = BORDER_NOWIN; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_CELLSPACING, &x); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_CELLPADDING, &y); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VSPACE, &z); #ifdef ID_EXT parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ID, &id); #endif /* ID_EXT */ tables[obuf->table_level] = begin_table(w, x, y, z); #ifdef ID_EXT if (id != NULL) tables[obuf->table_level]->id = Strnew_charp(id); #endif /* ID_EXT */ table_mode[obuf->table_level].pre_mode = 0; table_mode[obuf->table_level].indent_level = 0; table_mode[obuf->table_level].nobr_level = 0; table_mode[obuf->table_level].caption = 0; #ifndef TABLE_EXPAND tables[obuf->table_level]->total_width = width; #else tables[obuf->table_level]->real_width = width; tables[obuf->table_level]->total_width = 0; #endif return 1; case HTML_N_TABLE: /* should be processed in HTMLlineproc() */ return 1; case HTML_CENTER: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & (RB_PREMODE | RB_IGNORE_P))) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); RB_SAVE_FLAG(obuf); RB_SET_ALIGN(obuf, RB_CENTER); return 1; case HTML_N_CENTER: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE)) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); RB_RESTORE_FLAG(obuf); return 1; case HTML_DIV: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); set_alignment(obuf, tag); return 1; case HTML_N_DIV: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); RB_RESTORE_FLAG(obuf); return 1; case HTML_FORM: CLOSE_P; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); tmp = process_form(tag); if (tmp) HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); return 1; case HTML_N_FORM: CLOSE_P; flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; process_n_form(); return 1; case HTML_INPUT: tmp = process_input(tag); if (tmp) HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); return 1; case HTML_SELECT: tmp = process_select(tag); if (tmp) HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); obuf->flag |= RB_INSELECT; return 1; case HTML_N_SELECT: obuf->flag &= ~RB_INSELECT; tmp = process_n_select(); if (tmp) HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); return 1; case HTML_OPTION: /* nothing */ return 1; case HTML_TEXTAREA: tmp = process_textarea(tag, h_env->limit); if (tmp) HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); obuf->flag |= RB_INTXTA; return 1; case HTML_N_TEXTAREA: close_textarea(h_env); return 1; case HTML_ISINDEX: p = ""; q = "!CURRENT_URL!"; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_PROMPT, &p); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ACTION, &q); tmp = Strnew_m_charp("<form method=get action=\"", html_quote(q), "\">", html_quote(p), "<input type=text name=\"\" accept></form>", NULL); HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); return 1; case HTML_META: p = q = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HTTP_EQUIV, &p); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_CONTENT, &q); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (p && q && !strcasecmp(p, "Content-Type") && (q = strcasestr(q, "charset")) != NULL) { q += 7; SKIP_BLANKS(q); if (*q == '=') { q++; SKIP_BLANKS(q); meta_charset = guess_charset(q); } } else #endif if (p && q && !strcasecmp(p, "refresh")) { int refresh_interval = atoi(q); Str s_tmp = NULL; while (*q) { if (!strncasecmp(q, "url=", 4)) { q += 4; if (*q == '\"') /* " */ q++; r = q; while (*r && !IS_SPACE(*r) && *r != ';') r++; s_tmp = Strnew_charp_n(q, r - q); if (s_tmp->ptr[s_tmp->length - 1] == '\"') { /* " */ s_tmp->length--; s_tmp->ptr[s_tmp->length] = '\0'; } q = r; } while (*q && *q != ';') q++; if (*q == ';') q++; while (*q && *q == ' ') q++; } if (s_tmp) { q = html_quote(s_tmp->ptr); tmp = Sprintf ("Refresh (%d sec) <a hseq=\"%d\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>", refresh_interval, cur_hseq++, q, q); push_str(obuf, s_tmp->length, tmp, PC_ASCII); flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); if (!is_redisplay && refresh_interval == 0 && MetaRefresh && !((obuf->flag & RB_NOFRAMES) && RenderFrame)) { pushEvent(FUNCNAME_gorURL, s_tmp->ptr); /* pushEvent(deletePrevBuf,NULL); */ } #ifdef USE_ALARM else if (!is_redisplay && refresh_interval > 0 && MetaRefresh && !((obuf->flag & RB_NOFRAMES) && RenderFrame)) { setAlarmEvent(refresh_interval, AL_IMPLICIT_ONCE, FUNCNAME_gorURL, s_tmp->ptr); } #endif } #ifdef USE_ALARM else if (!is_redisplay && refresh_interval > 0 && MetaRefresh && !((obuf->flag & RB_NOFRAMES) && RenderFrame)) { tmp = Sprintf("Refresh (%d sec)", refresh_interval); push_str(obuf, 0, tmp, PC_ASCII); flushline(h_env, obuf, envs[h_env->envc].indent, 0, h_env->limit); setAlarmEvent(refresh_interval, AL_IMPLICIT, FUNCNAME_reload, NULL); } #endif } return 1; case HTML_BASE: #ifdef USE_IMAGE p = NULL; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &p)) { if (!cur_baseURL) cur_baseURL = New(ParsedURL); parseURL(p, cur_baseURL, NULL); } #endif case HTML_MAP: case HTML_N_MAP: case HTML_AREA: return 0; case HTML_DEL: HTMLlineproc1("<U>[DEL:</U>", h_env); return 1; case HTML_N_DEL: HTMLlineproc1("<U>:DEL]</U>", h_env); return 1; case HTML_INS: HTMLlineproc1("<U>[INS:</U>", h_env); return 1; case HTML_N_INS: HTMLlineproc1("<U>:INS]</U>", h_env); return 1; case HTML_SUP: HTMLlineproc1("^", h_env); return 1; case HTML_N_SUP: return 1; case HTML_SUB: HTMLlineproc1("[", h_env); return 1; case HTML_N_SUB: HTMLlineproc1("]", h_env); return 1; case HTML_FONT: case HTML_N_FONT: case HTML_NOP: return 1; case HTML_BGSOUND: if (view_unseenobject) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &p)) { Str s; q = html_quote(p); s = Sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s\">bgsound(%s)</A>", q, q); HTMLlineproc1(s->ptr, h_env); } } return 1; case HTML_EMBED: if (view_unseenobject) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &p)) { Str s; q = html_quote(p); s = Sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s\">embed(%s)</A>", q, q); HTMLlineproc1(s->ptr, h_env); } } return 1; case HTML_APPLET: if (view_unseenobject) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ARCHIVE, &p)) { Str s; q = html_quote(p); s = Sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s\">applet archive(%s)</A>", q, q); HTMLlineproc1(s->ptr, h_env); } } return 1; case HTML_BODY: if (view_unseenobject) { if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_BACKGROUND, &p)) { Str s; q = html_quote(p); s = Sprintf("<IMG SRC=\"%s\" ALT=\"bg image(%s)\"><BR>", q, q); HTMLlineproc1(s->ptr, h_env); } } case HTML_N_BODY: return 1; default: /* obuf->prevchar = '\0'; */ return 0; } /* not reached */ return 0; } #define PPUSH(p,c) {outp[pos]=(p);outc[pos]=(c);pos++;} static TextLineListItem *_tl_lp2; static Str textlist_feed() { TextLine *p; if (_tl_lp2 != NULL) { p = _tl_lp2->ptr; _tl_lp2 = _tl_lp2->next; return p->line; } return NULL; } static void HTMLlineproc2body(Buffer *buf, Str (*feed) (), int llimit) { Anchor *a_href = NULL, *a_img = NULL, *a_form = NULL; char outc[LINELEN]; char *p, *q, *r, *s, *t, *str; Lineprop outp[LINELEN], mode, effect; int pos; int nlines; FILE *debug = NULL; struct frameset *frameset_s[FRAMESTACK_SIZE]; int frameset_sp = -1; union frameset_element *idFrame = NULL; char *id = NULL; int hseq, form_id; Str line; char *endp; #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS char rule = 0; #endif int internal = 0; Anchor **a_textarea = NULL; #ifdef MENU_SELECT Anchor **a_select = NULL; #endif n_textarea = -1; if (!max_textarea) { /* halfload */ max_textarea = MAX_TEXTAREA; textarea_str = New_N(Str, max_textarea); a_textarea = New_N(Anchor *, max_textarea); } #ifdef MENU_SELECT n_select = -1; if (!max_select) { /* halfload */ max_select = MAX_SELECT; select_option = New_N(FormSelectOption, max_select); a_select = New_N(Anchor *, max_select); } #endif if (w3m_debug) debug = fopen("zzzerr", "a"); effect = 0; nlines = 0; while ((line = feed()) != NULL) { if (w3m_debug) { Strfputs(line, debug); fputc('\n', debug); } if (n_textarea >= 0 && *(line->ptr) != '<') { /* halfload */ Strcat(textarea_str[n_textarea], line); continue; } proc_again: if (++nlines == llimit) break; pos = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_REMOVE_TRAILINGSPACES Strremovetrailingspaces(line); #endif str = line->ptr; endp = str + line->length; while (str < endp && pos < LINELEN) { mode = get_mctype(str); #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS if (effect & PC_RULE && *str != '<') { PPUSH(PC_ASCII | effect, rule | 0x80); str++; } else #endif if (mode == PC_CTRL || IS_INTSPACE(*str)) { PPUSH(PC_ASCII | effect, ' '); str++; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET else if (mode == PC_KANJI) { PPUSH(PC_KANJI1 | effect, str[0]); PPUSH(PC_KANJI2 | effect, str[1]); str += 2; } #endif else if (mode == PC_ASCII && *str != '<' && *str != '&') { PPUSH(mode | effect, *(str++)); } else if (*str == '&') { /* * & escape processing */ int emode; p = getescapecmd(&str); while (*p) { emode = get_mctype(p); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (emode == PC_KANJI) { PPUSH(PC_KANJI1 | effect, p[0]); PPUSH(PC_KANJI2 | effect, p[1]); p += 2; } else #endif { PPUSH(emode | effect, *(p++)); } } } else { /* tag processing */ struct parsed_tag *tag; if (!(tag = parse_tag(&str, TRUE))) continue; switch (tag->tagid) { case HTML_B: effect |= PE_BOLD; break; case HTML_N_B: effect &= ~PE_BOLD; break; case HTML_U: effect |= PE_UNDER; break; case HTML_N_U: effect &= ~PE_UNDER; break; case HTML_A: if (renderFrameSet && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_FRAMENAME, &p)) { p = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); if (!idFrame || strcmp(idFrame->body->name, p)) { idFrame = search_frame(renderFrameSet, p); if (idFrame && idFrame->body->attr != F_BODY) idFrame = NULL; } } p = r = NULL; q = buf->baseTarget; hseq = 0; id = NULL; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &id)) { id = url_quote_conv(id, buf->document_code); registerName(buf, id, currentLn(buf), pos); } if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &p)) { p = remove_space(p); p = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); } if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, &q)) q = url_quote_conv(q, buf->document_code); if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_REFERER, &r)) r = url_quote_conv(r, buf->document_code); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HSEQ, &hseq); if (hseq > 0) buf->hmarklist = putHmarker(buf->hmarklist, currentLn(buf), pos, hseq - 1); if (id && idFrame) idFrame->body->nameList = putAnchor(idFrame->body->nameList, id, NULL, (Anchor **)NULL, NULL, currentLn(buf), pos); if (p) { effect |= PE_ANCHOR; a_href = registerHref(buf, remove_space(p), q, r, currentLn(buf), pos); a_href->hseq = ((hseq > 0) ? hseq : -hseq) - 1; } break; case HTML_N_A: effect &= ~PE_ANCHOR; if (a_href) { a_href->end.line = currentLn(buf); a_href->end.pos = pos; if (a_href->start.line == a_href->end.line && a_href->start.pos == a_href->end.pos) a_href->hseq = -1; a_href = NULL; } break; case HTML_IMG_ALT: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SRC, &p)) { #ifdef USE_IMAGE int w = -1, h = -1, iseq = 0, ismap = 0; int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HSEQ, &iseq); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_WIDTH, &w); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HEIGHT, &h); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_XOFFSET, &xoffset); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_YOFFSET, &yoffset); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TOP_MARGIN, &top); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_BOTTOM_MARGIN, &bottom); if (parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_ISMAP)) ismap = 1; q = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_USEMAP, &q); if (iseq > 0) { buf->imarklist = putHmarker(buf->imarklist, currentLn(buf), pos, iseq - 1); } #endif p = remove_space(p); p = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); a_img = registerImg(buf, p, currentLn(buf), pos); #ifdef USE_IMAGE a_img->hseq = iseq; a_img->image = NULL; if (iseq > 0) { ParsedURL u; Image *image; parseURL2(a_img->url, &u, cur_baseURL); a_img->image = image = New(Image); image->url = parsedURL2Str(&u)->ptr; image->ext = filename_extension(u.file, TRUE); image->cache = NULL; image->width = (w > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) ? MAX_IMAGE_SIZE : w; image->height = (h > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) ? MAX_IMAGE_SIZE : h; image->xoffset = xoffset; image->yoffset = yoffset; image->y = currentLn(buf) - top; if (image->xoffset < 0 && pos == 0) image->xoffset = 0; if (image->yoffset < 0 && image->y == 1) image->yoffset = 0; image->rows = 1 + top + bottom; image->map = q; image->ismap = ismap; image->touch = 0; image->cache = getImage(image, cur_baseURL, IMG_FLAG_SKIP); } else if (iseq < 0) { BufferPoint *po = buf->imarklist->marks - iseq - 1; Anchor *a = retrieveAnchor(buf->img, po->line, po->pos); if (a) { a_img->url = a->url; a_img->image = a->image; } } #endif } effect |= PE_IMAGE; break; case HTML_N_IMG_ALT: effect &= ~PE_IMAGE; if (a_img) { a_img->end.line = currentLn(buf); a_img->end.pos = pos; } a_img = NULL; break; case HTML_INPUT_ALT: { FormList *form; int top = 0, bottom = 0; int textareanumber = -1; #ifdef MENU_SELECT int selectnumber = -1; #endif hseq = 0; form_id = -1; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HSEQ, &hseq); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_FID, &form_id); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TOP_MARGIN, &top); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_BOTTOM_MARGIN, &bottom); if (form_id < 0 || form_id > form_max || forms == NULL) break; /* outside of <form>..</form> */ form = forms[form_id]; if (hseq > 0) { int hpos = pos; if (*str == '[') hpos++; buf->hmarklist = putHmarker(buf->hmarklist, currentLn(buf), hpos, hseq - 1); } if (!form->target) form->target = buf->baseTarget; if (a_textarea && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TEXTAREANUMBER, &textareanumber)) { if (textareanumber >= max_textarea) { max_textarea = 2 * textareanumber; textarea_str = New_Reuse(Str, textarea_str, max_textarea); a_textarea = New_Reuse(Anchor *, a_textarea, max_textarea); } } #ifdef MENU_SELECT if (a_select && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SELECTNUMBER, &selectnumber)) { if (selectnumber >= max_select) { max_select = 2 * selectnumber; select_option = New_Reuse(FormSelectOption, select_option, max_select); a_select = New_Reuse(Anchor *, a_select, max_select); } } #endif a_form = registerForm(buf, form, tag, currentLn(buf), pos); if (a_textarea && textareanumber >= 0) a_textarea[textareanumber] = a_form; #ifdef MENU_SELECT if (a_select && selectnumber >= 0) a_select[selectnumber] = a_form; #endif if (a_form) { a_form->hseq = hseq - 1; a_form->y = currentLn(buf) - top; a_form->rows = 1 + top + bottom; if (!parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_NO_EFFECT)) effect |= PE_FORM; break; } } case HTML_N_INPUT_ALT: effect &= ~PE_FORM; if (a_form) { a_form->end.line = currentLn(buf); a_form->end.pos = pos; if (a_form->start.line == a_form->end.line && a_form->start.pos == a_form->end.pos) a_form->hseq = -1; } a_form = NULL; break; case HTML_MAP: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_NAME, &p)) { MapList *m = New(MapList); m->name = Strnew_charp(p); m->area = newGeneralList(); m->next = buf->maplist; buf->maplist = m; } break; case HTML_N_MAP: /* nothing to do */ break; case HTML_AREA: if (buf->maplist == NULL) /* outside of <map>..</map> */ break; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &p)) { MapArea *a; p = remove_space(p); p = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); t = NULL; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, &t); q = ""; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ALT, &q); r = NULL; s = NULL; #ifdef USE_IMAGE parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SHAPE, &r); parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_COORDS, &s); #endif a = newMapArea(p, t, q, r, s); pushValue(buf->maplist->area, (void *)a); } break; case HTML_FRAMESET: frameset_sp++; if (frameset_sp >= FRAMESTACK_SIZE) break; frameset_s[frameset_sp] = newFrameSet(tag); if (frameset_s[frameset_sp] == NULL) break; if (frameset_sp == 0) { if (buf->frameset == NULL) { buf->frameset = frameset_s[frameset_sp]; } else pushFrameTree(&(buf->frameQ), frameset_s[frameset_sp], NULL); } else addFrameSetElement(frameset_s[frameset_sp - 1], *(union frameset_element *) &frameset_s[frameset_sp]); break; case HTML_N_FRAMESET: if (frameset_sp >= 0) frameset_sp--; break; case HTML_FRAME: if (frameset_sp >= 0 && frameset_sp < FRAMESTACK_SIZE) { union frameset_element element; element.body = newFrame(tag, buf); addFrameSetElement(frameset_s[frameset_sp], element); } break; case HTML_BASE: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_HREF, &p)) { p = remove_space(p); p = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); if (!buf->baseURL) buf->baseURL = New(ParsedURL); parseURL(p, buf->baseURL, NULL); } if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TARGET, &p)) buf->baseTarget = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); break; case HTML_INTERNAL: internal = HTML_INTERNAL; break; case HTML_N_INTERNAL: internal = HTML_N_INTERNAL; break; case HTML_FORM_INT: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_FID, &form_id)) process_form_int(tag, form_id); break; case HTML_TEXTAREA_INT: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TEXTAREANUMBER, &n_textarea) && n_textarea < max_textarea) { textarea_str[n_textarea] = Strnew(); } else n_textarea = -1; break; case HTML_N_TEXTAREA_INT: if (n_textarea >= 0) { FormItemList *item = (FormItemList *)a_textarea[n_textarea]->url; item->init_value = item->value = textarea_str[n_textarea]; } break; #ifdef MENU_SELECT case HTML_SELECT_INT: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_SELECTNUMBER, &n_select) && n_select < max_select) { select_option[n_select].first = NULL; select_option[n_select].last = NULL; } else n_select = -1; break; case HTML_N_SELECT_INT: if (n_select >= 0) { FormItemList *item = (FormItemList *)a_select[n_select]->url; item->select_option = select_option[n_select].first; chooseSelectOption(item, item->select_option); item->init_selected = item->selected; item->init_value = item->value; item->init_label = item->label; } break; case HTML_OPTION_INT: if (n_select >= 0) { int selected; q = ""; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_LABEL, &q); p = q; parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_VALUE, &p); selected = parsedtag_exists(tag, ATTR_SELECTED); addSelectOption(&select_option[n_select], Strnew_charp(p), Strnew_charp(q), selected); } break; #endif case HTML_TITLE_ALT: if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TITLE, &p)) buf->buffername = html_unquote(p); break; #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS case HTML_RULE: effect |= PC_RULE; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_TYPE, &p)) rule = (char)atoi(p); break; case HTML_N_RULE: effect &= ~PC_RULE; break; #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ } #ifdef ID_EXT id = NULL; if (parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_ID, &id)) { id = url_quote_conv(id, buf->document_code); registerName(buf, id, currentLn(buf), pos); } if (renderFrameSet && parsedtag_get_value(tag, ATTR_FRAMENAME, &p)) { p = url_quote_conv(p, buf->document_code); if (!idFrame || strcmp(idFrame->body->name, p)) { idFrame = search_frame(renderFrameSet, p); if (idFrame && idFrame->body->attr != F_BODY) idFrame = NULL; } } if (id && idFrame) idFrame->body->nameList = putAnchor(idFrame->body->nameList, id, NULL, (Anchor **)NULL, NULL, currentLn(buf), pos); #endif /* ID_EXT */ } } /* end of processing for one line */ if (!internal) addnewline(buf, outc, outp, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR NULL, #endif pos, nlines); if (internal == HTML_N_INTERNAL) internal = 0; if (str != endp) { line = Strsubstr(line, str - line->ptr, endp - str); goto proc_again; } } if (w3m_debug) fclose(debug); for (form_id = 1; form_id <= form_max; form_id++) forms[form_id]->next = forms[form_id - 1]; buf->formlist = (form_max >= 0) ? forms[form_max] : NULL; if (n_textarea) addMultirowsForm(buf, buf->formitem); #ifdef USE_IMAGE addMultirowsImg(buf, buf->img); #endif } void HTMLlineproc2(Buffer *buf, TextLineList *tl) { _tl_lp2 = tl->first; HTMLlineproc2body(buf, textlist_feed, -1); } static InputStream _file_lp2; static Str file_feed() { Str s; s = StrISgets(_file_lp2); if (s->length == 0) { ISclose(_file_lp2); return NULL; } return s; } void HTMLlineproc3(Buffer *buf, InputStream stream) { _file_lp2 = stream; HTMLlineproc2body(buf, file_feed, -1); } static void proc_escape(struct readbuffer *obuf, char **str_return) { char *str = *str_return, *estr; int ech = getescapechar(str_return); int width, n_add = *str_return - str; Lineprop mode; if (ech < 0) { *str_return = str; proc_mchar(obuf, obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL, 1, str_return, PC_ASCII); return; } mode = IS_CNTRL(ech) ? PC_CTRL : PC_ASCII; check_breakpoint(obuf, obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL, ech); estr = conv_entity(ech); width = strlen(estr); if (width == 1 && ech == (unsigned char)*estr && ech != '&' && ech != '<' && ech != '>') push_charp(obuf, width, estr, mode); else push_nchars(obuf, width, str, n_add, mode); obuf->prevchar = ech; obuf->prev_ctype = mode; } static int need_flushline(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf, Lineprop mode) { char ch; if (obuf->flag & RB_PRE_INT) { if (obuf->pos > h_env->limit) return 1; else return 0; } ch = Strlastchar(obuf->line); /* if (ch == ' ' && obuf->tag_sp > 0) */ if (ch == ' ') return 0; if (obuf->pos > h_env->limit) return 1; return 0; } static int table_width(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, int table_level) { int width; if (table_level < 0) return 0; width = tables[table_level]->total_width; if (table_level > 0 || width > 0) return width; return h_env->limit - h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent; } /* HTML processing first pass */ void HTMLlineproc0(char *str, struct html_feed_environ *h_env, int internal) { Lineprop mode; char *q; int cmd; struct readbuffer *obuf = h_env->obuf; int indent, delta; struct parsed_tag *tag; Str tokbuf; struct table *tbl = NULL; struct table_mode *tbl_mode = NULL; int tbl_width = 0; if (w3m_debug) { FILE *f = fopen("zzzproc1", "a"); fprintf(f, "%c%c%c%c", (obuf->flag & RB_PREMODE) ? 'P' : ' ', (obuf->table_level >= 0) ? 'T' : ' ', (obuf->flag & RB_INTXTA) ? 'X' : ' ', (obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE) ? 'I' : ' '); fprintf(f, "HTMLlineproc1(\"%s\",%d,%lx)\n", str, h_env->limit, (unsigned long)h_env); fclose(f); } /* comment processing */ if (obuf->status == R_ST_CMNT || obuf->status == R_ST_NCMNT3 || obuf->status == R_ST_IRRTAG) { while (*str != '\0' && obuf->status != R_ST_NORMAL) { next_status(*str, &obuf->status); str++; } if (obuf->status != R_ST_NORMAL) return; } tokbuf = Strnew(); table_start: if (obuf->table_level >= 0) { int level = min(obuf->table_level, MAX_TABLE - 1); tbl = tables[level]; tbl_mode = &table_mode[level]; tbl_width = table_width(h_env, level); } while (*str != '\0') { int is_tag = FALSE; if (obuf->flag & RB_PLAIN) goto read_as_plain; /* don't process tag */ if (*str == '<' || ST_IS_TAG(obuf->status)) { int pre_mode = (obuf->table_level >= 0) ? tbl_mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PLAIN : obuf->flag & RB_PLAINMODE; /* * Tag processing */ if (ST_IS_TAG(obuf->status)) { /*** continuation of a tag ***/ read_token(h_env->tagbuf, &str, &obuf->status, pre_mode, 1); } else { if (!REALLY_THE_BEGINNING_OF_A_TAG(str)) { /* this is NOT a beginning of a tag */ obuf->status = R_ST_NORMAL; HTMLlineproc1("<", h_env); str++; continue; } read_token(h_env->tagbuf, &str, &obuf->status, pre_mode, 0); } if (ST_IS_COMMENT(obuf->status)) { if (obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE) /* within ignored tag, such as * * <script>..</script>, don't process comment. */ obuf->status = R_ST_NORMAL; return; } if (h_env->tagbuf->length == 0) continue; if (obuf->status != R_ST_NORMAL) { if (!pre_mode) { if (Strlastchar(h_env->tagbuf) == '\n') Strchop(h_env->tagbuf); if (ST_IS_REAL_TAG(obuf->status)) Strcat_char(h_env->tagbuf, ' '); } if ((obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE) && !TAG_IS(h_env->tagbuf->ptr, obuf->ignore_tag->ptr, obuf->ignore_tag->length - 1)) /* within ignored tag, such as * * <script>..</script>, don't process tag. */ obuf->status = R_ST_NORMAL; continue; } is_tag = TRUE; q = h_env->tagbuf->ptr; } if (obuf->flag & (RB_INTXTA | RB_INSELECT | RB_IGNORE)) { cmd = HTML_UNKNOWN; if (!is_tag) { read_token(tokbuf, &str, &obuf->status, (obuf->flag & RB_INTXTA) ? 1 : 0, 0); if (obuf->status != R_ST_NORMAL) continue; q = tokbuf->ptr; } else { char *p = q; cmd = gethtmlcmd(&p); } /* textarea */ if (obuf->flag & RB_INTXTA) { if (cmd == HTML_N_TEXTAREA) goto proc_normal; feed_textarea(q); } else if (obuf->flag & RB_INSELECT) { if (cmd == HTML_N_SELECT || cmd == HTML_N_FORM) goto proc_normal; feed_select(q); } /* script */ else if (obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE) { if (TAG_IS(q, obuf->ignore_tag->ptr, obuf->ignore_tag->length - 1)) { obuf->flag &= ~RB_IGNORE; } } continue; } if (obuf->table_level >= 0) { /* * within table: in <table>..</table>, all input tokens * are fed to the table renderer, and then the renderer * makes HTML output. */ if (!is_tag) { read_token(tokbuf, &str, &obuf->status, tbl_mode->pre_mode & TBLM_PREMODE, 0); if (obuf->status != R_ST_NORMAL) continue; q = tokbuf->ptr; } switch (feed_table(tbl, q, tbl_mode, tbl_width, internal)) { case 0: /* </table> tag */ obuf->table_level--; if (obuf->table_level >= MAX_TABLE - 1) continue; end_table(tbl); if (obuf->table_level >= 0) { Str tmp; struct table *tbl0 = tables[obuf->table_level]; tmp = Sprintf("<table_alt tid=%d>", tbl0->ntable); pushTable(tbl0, tbl); tbl = tbl0; tbl_mode = &table_mode[obuf->table_level]; tbl_width = table_width(h_env, obuf->table_level); feed_table(tbl, tmp->ptr, tbl_mode, tbl_width, TRUE); continue; /* continue to the next */ } /* all tables have been read */ if (tbl->vspace > 0 && !(obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P)) { int indent = h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent; flushline(h_env, obuf, indent, 0, h_env->limit); do_blankline(h_env, obuf, indent, 0, h_env->limit); } save_fonteffect(h_env, obuf); renderTable(tbl, tbl_width, h_env); restore_fonteffect(h_env, obuf); obuf->flag &= ~RB_IGNORE_P; if (tbl->vspace > 0) { int indent = h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent; do_blankline(h_env, obuf, indent, 0, h_env->limit); obuf->flag |= RB_IGNORE_P; } obuf->prevchar = ' '; continue; case 1: /* <table> tag */ goto proc_normal; default: continue; } } proc_normal: if (is_tag) { /*** Beginning of a new tag ***/ if ((tag = parse_tag(&q, internal))) cmd = tag->tagid; else cmd = HTML_UNKNOWN; if (((obuf->flag & RB_XMPMODE) && cmd != HTML_N_XMP) || ((obuf->flag & RB_LSTMODE) && cmd != HTML_N_LISTING)) { Str tmp = Strdup(h_env->tagbuf); Strcat_charp(tmp, str); str = tmp->ptr; goto read_as_plain; } if (cmd == HTML_UNKNOWN) continue; /* process tags */ if (HTMLtagproc1(tag, h_env) == 0) { /* preserve the tag for second-stage processing */ if (parsedtag_need_reconstruct(tag)) h_env->tagbuf = parsedtag2str(tag); push_tag(obuf, h_env->tagbuf->ptr, cmd); } #ifdef ID_EXT else { process_idattr(obuf, cmd, tag); } #endif /* ID_EXT */ obuf->bp.init_flag = 1; clear_ignore_p_flag(cmd, obuf); if (cmd == HTML_TABLE) goto table_start; else continue; } read_as_plain: mode = get_mctype(str); delta = get_mclen(mode); if (obuf->flag & (RB_SPECIAL & ~RB_NOBR)) { char ch = *str; if (!(obuf->flag & RB_PLAINMODE) && (*str == '&')) { char *p = str; int ech = getescapechar(&p); if (ech == '\n' || ech == '\r') { ch = '\n'; str = p - 1; } else if (ech == '\t') { ch = '\t'; str = p - 1; } } if (ch != '\n') obuf->flag &= ~RB_IGNORE_P; if (ch == '\n') { str++; if (obuf->flag & RB_IGNORE_P) { obuf->flag &= ~RB_IGNORE_P; continue; } if (obuf->flag & RB_PRE_INT) PUSH(' '); else flushline(h_env, obuf, h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent, 1, h_env->limit); } else if (ch == '\t') { do { PUSH(' '); } while ((h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent + obuf->pos) % Tabstop != 0); str++; } else if (obuf->flag & RB_PLAINMODE) { char *p = html_quote_char(*str); if (p) { push_charp(obuf, 1, p, PC_ASCII); str++; } else { proc_mchar(obuf, 1, delta, &str, mode); } } else { if (*str == '&') proc_escape(obuf, &str); else proc_mchar(obuf, 1, delta, &str, mode); } if (obuf->flag & (RB_SPECIAL & ~RB_PRE_INT)) continue; } else { if (!IS_SPACE(*str)) obuf->flag &= ~RB_IGNORE_P; if ((mode == PC_ASCII || mode == PC_CTRL) && IS_SPACE(*str)) { if (obuf->prevchar != ' ') { PUSH(' '); } str++; } else { #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (mode == PC_KANJI && obuf->pos > h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent && Strlastchar(obuf->line) == ' ') { while (obuf->line->length >= 2 && !strncmp(obuf->line->ptr + obuf->line->length - 2, " ", 2) && obuf->pos >= h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent) { Strshrink(obuf->line, 1); obuf->pos--; } if (obuf->line->length >= 3 && obuf->prev_ctype == PC_KANJI && Strlastchar(obuf->line) == ' ' && obuf->pos >= h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent) { Strshrink(obuf->line, 1); obuf->pos--; } } #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ if (*str == '&') proc_escape(obuf, &str); else proc_mchar(obuf, obuf->flag & RB_SPECIAL, delta, &str, mode); } } if (need_flushline(h_env, obuf, mode)) { char *bp = obuf->line->ptr + obuf->bp.len; char *tp = bp - obuf->bp.tlen; int i = 0; if (tp > obuf->line->ptr && tp[-1] == ' ') i = 1; indent = h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent; if (obuf->bp.pos - i > indent) { Str line; append_tags(obuf); line = Strnew_charp(bp); Strshrink(obuf->line, obuf->line->length - obuf->bp.len); #ifdef FORMAT_NICE if (obuf->pos - i > h_env->limit) obuf->flag |= RB_FILL; #endif /* FORMAT_NICE */ back_to_breakpoint(obuf); flushline(h_env, obuf, indent, 0, h_env->limit); #ifdef FORMAT_NICE obuf->flag &= ~RB_FILL; #endif /* FORMAT_NICE */ HTMLlineproc1(line->ptr, h_env); } } } if (!(obuf->flag & (RB_PREMODE | RB_NOBR | RB_INTXTA | RB_INSELECT | RB_PLAINMODE | RB_IGNORE))) { char *tp; int i = 0; if (obuf->bp.pos == obuf->pos) { tp = &obuf->line->ptr[obuf->bp.len - obuf->bp.tlen]; } else { tp = &obuf->line->ptr[obuf->line->length]; } if (tp > obuf->line->ptr && tp[-1] == ' ') i = 1; indent = h_env->envs[h_env->envc].indent; if (obuf->pos - i > h_env->limit) { #ifdef FORMAT_NICE obuf->flag |= RB_FILL; #endif /* FORMAT_NICE */ flushline(h_env, obuf, indent, 0, h_env->limit); #ifdef FORMAT_NICE obuf->flag &= ~RB_FILL; #endif /* FORMAT_NICE */ } } } static void close_textarea(struct html_feed_environ *h_env) { Str tmp; h_env->obuf->flag &= ~RB_INTXTA; tmp = process_n_textarea(); if (tmp != NULL) HTMLlineproc1(tmp->ptr, h_env); } extern char *NullLine; extern Lineprop NullProp[]; static void addnewline(Buffer *buf, char *line, Lineprop *prop, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR Linecolor *color, #endif int pos, int nlines) { Line *l; l = New(Line); l->next = NULL; if (pos > 0) { l->lineBuf = allocStr(line, pos); l->propBuf = NewAtom_N(Lineprop, pos); bcopy((void *)prop, (void *)l->propBuf, pos * sizeof(Lineprop)); } else { l->lineBuf = NullLine; l->propBuf = NullProp; } #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR if (pos > 0 && color) { l->colorBuf = NewAtom_N(Linecolor, pos); bcopy((void *)color, (void *)l->colorBuf, pos * sizeof(Linecolor)); } else { l->colorBuf = NULL; } #endif l->len = pos; l->width = -1; l->prev = buf->currentLine; if (buf->currentLine) { l->next = buf->currentLine->next; buf->currentLine->next = l; } else l->next = NULL; if (buf->lastLine == NULL || buf->lastLine == buf->currentLine) buf->lastLine = l; buf->currentLine = l; if (buf->firstLine == NULL) buf->firstLine = l; l->linenumber = ++buf->allLine; if (nlines < 0) { /* l->real_linenumber = l->linenumber; */ l->real_linenumber = 0; } else { l->real_linenumber = nlines; } l = NULL; } /* * loadHTMLBuffer: read file and make new buffer */ Buffer * loadHTMLBuffer(URLFile *f, Buffer *newBuf) { FILE *src = NULL; Str tmp; if (newBuf == NULL) newBuf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); if (newBuf->sourcefile == NULL && (f->scheme != SCM_LOCAL || newBuf->mailcap)) { tmp = tmpfname(TMPF_SRC, ".html"); pushText(fileToDelete, tmp->ptr); src = fopen(tmp->ptr, "w"); if (src) newBuf->sourcefile = tmp->ptr; } loadHTMLstream(f, newBuf, src, newBuf->bufferprop & BP_FRAME); newBuf->topLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->lastLine = newBuf->currentLine; newBuf->currentLine = newBuf->firstLine; if (n_textarea) formResetBuffer(newBuf, newBuf->formitem); if (src) fclose(src); return newBuf; } static char *_size_unit[] = { "b", "kb", "Mb", "Gb", "Tb", "Pb", "Eb", "Zb", "Bb", "Yb", NULL }; char * convert_size(clen_t size, int usefloat) { float csize; int sizepos = 0; char **sizes = _size_unit; csize = (float)size; while (csize >= 999.495 && sizes[sizepos + 1]) { csize = csize / 1024.0; sizepos++; } return Sprintf(usefloat ? "%.3g%s" : "%.0f%s", floor(csize * 100.0 + 0.5) / 100.0, sizes[sizepos])->ptr; } char * convert_size2(clen_t size1, clen_t size2, int usefloat) { char **sizes = _size_unit; float csize, factor = 1; int sizepos = 0; csize = (float)((size1 > size2) ? size1 : size2); while (csize / factor >= 999.495 && sizes[sizepos + 1]) { factor *= 1024.0; sizepos++; } return Sprintf(usefloat ? "%.3g/%.3g%s" : "%.0f/%.0f%s", floor(size1 / factor * 100.0 + 0.5) / 100.0, floor(size2 / factor * 100.0 + 0.5) / 100.0, sizes[sizepos])->ptr; } void showProgress(clen_t * linelen, clen_t * trbyte) { int i, j, rate, duration, eta, pos; static time_t last_time, start_time; time_t cur_time; Str messages; char *fmtrbyte, *fmrate; if (!fmInitialized) return; if (current_content_length > 0) { double ratio; cur_time = time(0); if (cur_time == last_time) return; last_time = cur_time; if (*trbyte == 0) { move(LASTLINE, 0); clrtoeolx(); start_time = cur_time; } *trbyte += *linelen; *linelen = 0; move(LASTLINE, 0); ratio = 100.0 * (*trbyte) / current_content_length; fmtrbyte = convert_size2(*trbyte, current_content_length, 1); duration = cur_time - start_time; if (duration) { rate = *trbyte / duration; fmrate = convert_size(rate, 1); eta = rate ? (current_content_length - *trbyte) / rate : -1; messages = Sprintf("%11s %3.0f%% " "%7s/s " "eta %02d:%02d:%02d ", fmtrbyte, ratio, fmrate, eta / (60 * 60), (eta / 60) % 60, eta % 60); } else { messages = Sprintf("%11s %3.0f%% ", fmtrbyte, ratio); } addstr(messages->ptr); pos = 42; i = pos + (COLS - pos - 1) * (*trbyte) / current_content_length; move(LASTLINE, pos); #if 0 /* def KANJI_SYMBOLS */ for (j = pos; j <= i; j += 2) addstr("��"); #else /* not 0 */ standout(); addch(' '); for (j = pos + 1; j <= i; j++) addch('|'); standend(); #endif /* not 0 */ /* no_clrtoeol(); */ refresh(); } else if (*linelen > 1000) { cur_time = time(0); if (cur_time == last_time) return; last_time = cur_time; if (*trbyte == 0) { move(LASTLINE, 0); clrtoeolx(); start_time = cur_time; } *trbyte += *linelen; *linelen = 0; move(LASTLINE, 0); fmtrbyte = convert_size(*trbyte, 1); duration = cur_time - start_time; if (duration) { fmrate = convert_size(*trbyte / duration, 1); messages = Sprintf("%7s loaded %7s/s", fmtrbyte, fmrate); } else { messages = Sprintf("%7s loaded", fmtrbyte); } message(messages->ptr, 0, 0); refresh(); } } void init_henv(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf, struct environment *envs, int nenv, TextLineList *buf, int limit, int indent) { envs[0].indent = indent; obuf->line = Strnew(); obuf->cprop = 0; obuf->pos = 0; obuf->prevchar = ' '; obuf->flag = RB_IGNORE_P; obuf->flag_sp = 0; obuf->status = R_ST_NORMAL; obuf->table_level = -1; obuf->nobr_level = 0; obuf->anchor = 0; obuf->anchor_target = 0; obuf->anchor_hseq = 0; obuf->img_alt = 0; obuf->in_bold = 0; obuf->in_under = 0; obuf->prev_ctype = PC_ASCII; obuf->tag_sp = 0; obuf->fontstat_sp = 0; obuf->top_margin = 0; obuf->bottom_margin = 0; obuf->bp.init_flag = 1; set_breakpoint(obuf, 0); h_env->buf = buf; h_env->f = NULL; h_env->obuf = obuf; h_env->tagbuf = Strnew(); h_env->limit = limit; h_env->maxlimit = 0; h_env->envs = envs; h_env->nenv = nenv; h_env->envc = 0; h_env->envc_real = 0; h_env->title = NULL; h_env->blank_lines = 0; } void completeHTMLstream(struct html_feed_environ *h_env, struct readbuffer *obuf) { close_anchor(h_env, obuf); if (obuf->img_alt) { push_tag(obuf, "</img_alt>", HTML_N_IMG_ALT); obuf->img_alt = NULL; } if (obuf->in_bold) { push_tag(obuf, "</b>", HTML_N_B); obuf->in_bold = 0; } if (obuf->in_under) { push_tag(obuf, "</u>", HTML_N_U); obuf->in_under = 0; } /* for unbalanced select tag */ if (obuf->flag & RB_INSELECT) HTMLlineproc1("</select>", h_env); /* for unbalanced table tag */ while (obuf->table_level >= 0) { table_mode[obuf->table_level].pre_mode &= ~(TBLM_IGNORE | TBLM_XMP | TBLM_LST); HTMLlineproc1("</table>", h_env); } } static void print_internal_information(struct html_feed_environ *henv) { int i; Str s; TextLineList *tl = newTextLineList(); s = Strnew_charp("<internal>"); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); if (henv->title) { s = Strnew_m_charp("<title_alt title=\"", html_quote(henv->title), "\">", NULL); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); } #if 0 if (form_max >= 0) { FormList *fp; for (i = 0; i <= form_max; i++) { fp = forms[i]; s = Sprintf("<form_int fid=\"%d\" action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\"", i, html_quote(fp->action->ptr), (fp->method == FORM_METHOD_POST) ? "post" : ((fp->method == FORM_METHOD_INTERNAL) ? "internal" : "get")); if (fp->target) Strcat(s, Sprintf(" target=\"%s\"", html_quote(fp->target))); if (fp->enctype == FORM_ENCTYPE_MULTIPART) Strcat_charp(s, " enctype=\"multipart/form-data\""); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (fp->charset) Strcat(s, Sprintf(" accept-charset=\"%s\"", code_to_str(fp->charset))); #endif Strcat_charp(s, ">"); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); } } #endif #ifdef MENU_SELECT if (n_select > 0) { FormSelectOptionItem *ip; for (i = 0; i < n_select; i++) { s = Sprintf("<select_int selectnumber=%d>", i); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); for (ip = select_option[i].first; ip; ip = ip->next) { s = Sprintf("<option_int value=\"%s\" label=\"%s\"%s>", html_quote(ip->value ? ip->value->ptr : ip->label->ptr), html_quote(ip->label->ptr), ip->checked ? " selected" : ""); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); } s = Strnew_charp("</select_int>"); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); } } #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ if (n_textarea > 0) { for (i = 0; i < n_textarea; i++) { s = Sprintf("<textarea_int textareanumber=%d>", i); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); s = Strnew_charp(html_quote(textarea_str[i]->ptr)); Strcat_charp(s, "</textarea_int>"); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); } } s = Strnew_charp("</internal>"); pushTextLine(tl, newTextLine(s, 0)); if (henv->buf) appendTextLineList(henv->buf, tl); else if (henv->f) { TextLineListItem *p; for (p = tl->first; p; p = p->next) fprintf(henv->f, "%s\n", p->ptr->line->ptr); } } void loadHTMLstream(URLFile *f, Buffer *newBuf, FILE * src, int internal) { struct environment envs[MAX_ENV_LEVEL]; clen_t linelen = 0; clen_t trbyte = 0; Str lineBuf2 = Strnew(); char code; struct html_feed_environ htmlenv1; struct readbuffer obuf; #ifdef USE_IMAGE int volatile image_flag; #endif MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; n_textarea = 0; cur_textarea = NULL; max_textarea = MAX_TEXTAREA; textarea_str = New_N(Str, max_textarea); #ifdef MENU_SELECT n_select = 0; max_select = MAX_SELECT; select_option = New_N(FormSelectOption, max_select); #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ cur_select = NULL; form_sp = -1; form_max = -1; forms_size = 0; forms = NULL; cur_hseq = 1; #ifdef USE_IMAGE cur_iseq = 1; if (newBuf->image_flag) image_flag = newBuf->image_flag; else if (activeImage && displayImage && autoImage) image_flag = IMG_FLAG_AUTO; else image_flag = IMG_FLAG_SKIP; if (newBuf->currentURL.file) cur_baseURL = baseURL(newBuf); #endif if (w3m_halfload) { newBuf->buffername = "---"; #ifdef JP_CHARSET newBuf->document_code = InnerCode; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ max_textarea = 0; #ifdef MENU_SELECT max_select = 0; #endif HTMLlineproc3(newBuf, f->stream); w3m_halfload = FALSE; return; } init_henv(&htmlenv1, &obuf, envs, MAX_ENV_LEVEL, NULL, newBuf->width, 0); if (w3m_halfdump) htmlenv1.f = stdout; else htmlenv1.buf = newTextLineList(); if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) { HTMLlineproc1("<br>Transfer Interrupted!<br>", &htmlenv1); goto phase2; } prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (newBuf != NULL && newBuf->document_code != '\0') code = newBuf->document_code; else if (content_charset != '\0' && UseContentCharset) code = content_charset; else code = DocumentCode; meta_charset = '\0'; #endif #if 0 do_blankline(&htmlenv1, &obuf, 0, 0, htmlenv1.limit); obuf.flag = RB_IGNORE_P; #endif if (IStype(f->stream) != IST_ENCODED) f->stream = newEncodedStream(f->stream, f->encoding); while ((lineBuf2 = StrmyUFgets(f))->length) { if (src) Strfputs(lineBuf2, src); linelen += lineBuf2->length; if (w3m_dump & DUMP_SOURCE) continue; showProgress(&linelen, &trbyte); /* * if (frame_source) * continue; */ #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (meta_charset != '\0') { /* <META> */ if (content_charset == '\0' && UseContentCharset) { code = meta_charset; #ifdef USE_IMAGE cur_document_code = code; #endif } meta_charset = '\0'; } #endif if (!internal) { lineBuf2 = convertLine(f, lineBuf2, &code, HTML_MODE); #ifdef JP_CHARSET #ifdef USE_IMAGE cur_document_code = code; #endif #endif } #ifdef USE_NNTP if (f->scheme == SCM_NEWS) { if (Str_news_endline(lineBuf2)) { iseos(f->stream) = TRUE; break; } } #endif /* USE_NNTP */ HTMLlineproc0(lineBuf2->ptr, &htmlenv1, internal); } if (obuf.status != R_ST_NORMAL) HTMLlineproc1(correct_irrtag(obuf.status)->ptr, &htmlenv1); obuf.status = R_ST_NORMAL; completeHTMLstream(&htmlenv1, &obuf); flushline(&htmlenv1, &obuf, 0, 2, htmlenv1.limit); if (htmlenv1.title) newBuf->buffername = htmlenv1.title; if (w3m_halfdump) { if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); print_internal_information(&htmlenv1); return; } if (w3m_backend) { if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); print_internal_information(&htmlenv1); backend_halfdump_buf = htmlenv1.buf; return; } phase2: newBuf->trbyte = trbyte + linelen; if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); #ifdef JP_CHARSET newBuf->document_code = code; content_charset = '\0'; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ #ifdef USE_IMAGE newBuf->image_flag = image_flag; #endif HTMLlineproc2(newBuf, htmlenv1.buf); } /* * loadHTMLString: read string and make new buffer */ Buffer * loadHTMLString(Str page) { URLFile f; MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; Buffer *newBuf; Str tmp; FILE *volatile src = NULL; newBuf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) { if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); discardBuffer(newBuf); return NULL; } prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); init_stream(&f, SCM_LOCAL, newStrStream(page)); if (w3m_dump & DUMP_FRAME) { tmp = tmpfname(TMPF_SRC, ".html"); pushText(fileToDelete, tmp->ptr); src = fopen(tmp->ptr, "w"); if (src) newBuf->sourcefile = tmp->ptr; } loadHTMLstream(&f, newBuf, src, TRUE); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); newBuf->topLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->lastLine = newBuf->currentLine; newBuf->currentLine = newBuf->firstLine; #ifdef JP_CHARSET newBuf->document_code = InnerCode; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ newBuf->type = "text/html"; newBuf->real_type = newBuf->type; if (n_textarea) formResetBuffer(newBuf, newBuf->formitem); if (src) fclose(src); return newBuf; } #ifdef USE_GOPHER /* * loadGopherDir: get gopher directory */ Buffer * loadGopherDir(URLFile *uf, Buffer *volatile newBuf) { Str tmp, lbuf, name, file, host, port; char code = CODE_ASCII; char *p, *q; FILE *src; URLFile f; MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; if (newBuf == NULL) newBuf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); tmp = Strnew_charp("<pre>\n"); if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) goto gopher_end; prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (newBuf->document_code != '\0') code = newBuf->document_code; else if (content_charset != '\0' && UseContentCharset) code = content_charset; else code = DocumentCode; content_charset = '\0'; #endif while (1) { if (lbuf = StrUFgets(uf), lbuf->length == 0) break; if (lbuf->ptr[0] == '.' && (lbuf->ptr[1] == '\n' || lbuf->ptr[1] == '\r')) break; lbuf = convertLine(uf, lbuf, &code, HTML_MODE); p = lbuf->ptr; for (q = p; *q && *q != '\t'; q++) ; name = Strnew_charp_n(p, q - p); if (!*q) continue; p = q + 1; for (q = p; *q && *q != '\t'; q++) ; file = Strnew_charp_n(p, q - p); if (!*q) continue; p = q + 1; for (q = p; *q && *q != '\t'; q++) ; host = Strnew_charp_n(p, q - p); if (!*q) continue; p = q + 1; for (q = p; *q && *q != '\t' && *q != '\r' && *q != '\n'; q++) ; port = Strnew_charp_n(p, q - p); switch (name->ptr[0]) { case '0': p = "[text file] "; break; case '1': p = "[directory] "; break; case 'm': p = "[message] "; break; case 's': p = "[sound] "; break; case 'g': p = "[gif] "; break; case 'h': p = "[HTML] "; break; default: p = "[unsupported]"; break; } q = Strnew_m_charp("gopher://", host->ptr, ":", port->ptr, "/", file->ptr, NULL)->ptr; Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "<a href=\"", html_quote(url_quote_conv(q, code)), "\">", p, html_quote(name->ptr + 1), "</a>\n", NULL); } gopher_end: if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre>\n"); file = tmpfname(TMPF_SRC, ".html"); src = fopen(file->ptr, "w"); newBuf->sourcefile = file->ptr; pushText(fileToDelete, file->ptr); init_stream(&f, SCM_LOCAL, newStrStream(tmp)); loadHTMLstream(&f, newBuf, src, TRUE); if (src) fclose(src); #ifdef JP_CHARSET newBuf->document_code = code; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ newBuf->topLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->lastLine = newBuf->currentLine; newBuf->currentLine = newBuf->firstLine; return newBuf; } #endif /* USE_GOPHER */ /* * loadBuffer: read file and make new buffer */ Buffer * loadBuffer(URLFile *uf, Buffer *volatile newBuf) { FILE *volatile src = NULL; char code; Str lineBuf2; volatile char pre_lbuf = '\0'; int nlines; Str tmpf; clen_t linelen = 0, trbyte = 0; #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR int check_color; #endif MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; if (newBuf == NULL) newBuf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); lineBuf2 = Strnew(); if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) { goto _end; } prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); if (newBuf->sourcefile == NULL && (uf->scheme != SCM_LOCAL || newBuf->mailcap)) { tmpf = tmpfname(TMPF_SRC, NULL); src = fopen(tmpf->ptr, "w"); if (src) newBuf->sourcefile = tmpf->ptr; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (newBuf->document_code != '\0') code = newBuf->document_code; else if (content_charset != '\0' && UseContentCharset) code = content_charset; else code = DocumentCode; content_charset = '\0'; #endif nlines = 0; if (IStype(uf->stream) != IST_ENCODED) uf->stream = newEncodedStream(uf->stream, uf->encoding); while ((lineBuf2 = StrmyISgets(uf->stream))->length) { if (src) Strfputs(lineBuf2, src); linelen += lineBuf2->length; if (w3m_dump & DUMP_SOURCE) continue; showProgress(&linelen, &trbyte); if (frame_source) continue; lineBuf2 = convertLine(uf, lineBuf2, &code, PAGER_MODE); if (squeezeBlankLine) { if (lineBuf2->ptr[0] == '\n' && pre_lbuf == '\n') { ++nlines; continue; } pre_lbuf = lineBuf2->ptr[0]; } ++nlines; #ifdef USE_NNTP if (uf->scheme == SCM_NEWS) { if (Str_news_endline(lineBuf2)) { iseos(uf->stream) = TRUE; break; } } #endif /* USE_NNTP */ Strchop(lineBuf2); lineBuf2 = checkType(lineBuf2, propBuffer, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR colorBuffer, &check_color, #endif LINELEN); addnewline(newBuf, lineBuf2->ptr, propBuffer, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR check_color ? colorBuffer : NULL, #endif lineBuf2->length, nlines); } _end: if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); newBuf->topLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->lastLine = newBuf->currentLine; newBuf->currentLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->trbyte = trbyte + linelen; #ifdef JP_CHARSET newBuf->document_code = code; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ if (src) fclose(src); return newBuf; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE Buffer * loadImageBuffer(URLFile *uf, Buffer *newBuf) { Image *image; ImageCache *cache; Str tmp, tmpf; FILE *src = NULL; URLFile f; MySignalHandler(*prevtrap) (); struct stat st; loadImage(IMG_FLAG_STOP); image = New(Image); image->url = parsedURL2Str(cur_baseURL)->ptr; image->ext = filename_extension(cur_baseURL->file, 1); image->width = -1; image->height = -1; cache = getImage(image, cur_baseURL, IMG_FLAG_AUTO); if (!cur_baseURL->is_nocache && cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_LOADED && !stat(cache->file, &st)) goto image_buffer; prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); if (IStype(uf->stream) != IST_ENCODED) uf->stream = newEncodedStream(uf->stream, uf->encoding); if (save2tmp(*uf, cache->file) < 0) { UFclose(uf); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); return NULL; } UFclose(uf); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); cache->loaded = IMG_FLAG_LOADED; cache->index = 0; image_buffer: cache->loaded |= IMG_FLAG_DONT_REMOVE; if (uf->scheme != SCM_LOCAL) newBuf->sourcefile = cache->file; tmp = Sprintf("<img src=\"%s\"><br><br>", html_quote(image->url)); if (newBuf == NULL) newBuf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); tmpf = tmpfname(TMPF_SRC, ".html"); src = fopen(tmpf->ptr, "w"); newBuf->mailcap_source = tmpf->ptr; pushText(fileToDelete, tmpf->ptr); init_stream(&f, SCM_LOCAL, newStrStream(tmp)); loadHTMLstream(&f, newBuf, src, TRUE); if (src) fclose(src); newBuf->topLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->lastLine = newBuf->currentLine; newBuf->currentLine = newBuf->firstLine; newBuf->image_flag = IMG_FLAG_AUTO; return newBuf; } #endif #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS static Str conv_rule(Line *l) { Str tmp = NULL; char *p = l->lineBuf, *ep = p + l->len; Lineprop *pr = l->propBuf; for (; p < ep; p++, pr++) { if (*pr & PC_RULE) { if (tmp == NULL) { tmp = Strnew_size(l->len); Strcopy_charp_n(tmp, l->lineBuf, p - l->lineBuf); } Strcat_char(tmp, alt_rule[*p & 0xF]); } else if (tmp != NULL) Strcat_char(tmp, *p); } if (tmp) return tmp; else return Strnew_charp_n(l->lineBuf, l->len); } #endif /* * saveBuffer: write buffer to file */ void saveBuffer(Buffer *buf, FILE * f) { Line *l = buf->firstLine; Str tmp; #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS int is_html = FALSE; if (buf->type && !strcasecmp(buf->type, "text/html")) is_html = TRUE; #endif pager_next: for (; l != NULL; l = l->next) { #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS if (is_html) tmp = conv_rule(l); else #endif tmp = Strnew_charp_n(l->lineBuf, l->len); #ifdef JP_CHARSET tmp = conv_str(tmp, InnerCode, DisplayCode); #endif Strfputs(tmp, f); if (Strlastchar(tmp) != '\n') putc('\n', f); } if (buf->pagerSource && !(buf->bufferprop & BP_CLOSE)) { l = getNextPage(buf, PagerMax); goto pager_next; } } static Buffer * loadcmdout(char *cmd, Buffer *(*loadproc) (URLFile *, Buffer *), Buffer *defaultbuf) { FILE *f, *popen(const char *, const char *); Buffer *buf; URLFile uf; if (cmd == NULL || *cmd == '\0') return NULL; f = popen(cmd, "r"); if (f == NULL) return NULL; init_stream(&uf, SCM_UNKNOWN, newFileStream(f, (void (*)())pclose)); buf = loadproc(&uf, defaultbuf); UFclose(&uf); return buf; } /* * getshell: execute shell command and get the result into a buffer */ Buffer * getshell(char *cmd) { Buffer *buf; buf = loadcmdout(cmd, loadBuffer, NULL); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; buf->filename = cmd; buf->buffername = Sprintf("%s %s", SHELLBUFFERNAME, conv_from_system(cmd))->ptr; return buf; } /* * getpipe: execute shell command and connect pipe to the buffer */ Buffer * getpipe(char *cmd) { FILE *f, *popen(const char *, const char *); Buffer *buf; if (cmd == NULL || *cmd == '\0') return NULL; f = popen(cmd, "r"); if (f == NULL) return NULL; buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); buf->pagerSource = newFileStream(f, (void (*)())pclose); buf->filename = cmd; buf->buffername = Sprintf("%s %s", PIPEBUFFERNAME, conv_from_system(cmd))->ptr; buf->bufferprop |= BP_PIPE; return buf; } /* * Open pager buffer */ Buffer * openPagerBuffer(InputStream stream, Buffer *buf) { if (buf == NULL) buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); buf->pagerSource = stream; buf->buffername = getenv("MAN_PN"); if (buf->buffername == NULL) buf->buffername = PIPEBUFFERNAME; else buf->buffername = conv_from_system(buf->buffername); buf->bufferprop |= BP_PIPE; #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (content_charset != '\0' && UseContentCharset) buf->document_code = content_charset; #endif buf->currentLine = buf->firstLine; return buf; } Buffer * openGeneralPagerBuffer(InputStream stream) { Buffer *buf; char *t = "text/plain"; Buffer *t_buf = NULL; URLFile uf; init_stream(&uf, SCM_UNKNOWN, stream); #ifdef JP_CHARSET content_charset = '\0'; #endif if (SearchHeader) { t_buf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); readHeader(&uf, t_buf, TRUE, NULL); t = checkContentType(t_buf); if (t == NULL) t = "text/plain"; if (t_buf) { t_buf->topLine = t_buf->firstLine; t_buf->currentLine = t_buf->lastLine; } SearchHeader = FALSE; } else if (DefaultType) { t = DefaultType; DefaultType = NULL; } if (!strcasecmp(t, "text/html")) { buf = loadHTMLBuffer(&uf, t_buf); buf->type = "text/html"; } else if (is_plain_text_type(t)) { if (IStype(stream) != IST_ENCODED) stream = newEncodedStream(stream, uf.encoding); buf = openPagerBuffer(stream, t_buf); buf->type = "text/plain"; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE else if (activeImage && displayImage && !useExtImageViewer && !(w3m_dump & ~DUMP_FRAME) && !strncasecmp(t, "image/", 6)) { cur_baseURL = New(ParsedURL); parseURL("-", cur_baseURL, NULL); buf = loadImageBuffer(&uf, t_buf); buf->type = "text/html"; } #endif else { if (doExternal(uf, "-", t, &buf, t_buf)) { UFclose(&uf); if (buf == NULL || buf == NO_BUFFER) return buf; } else { /* unknown type is regarded as text/plain */ if (IStype(stream) != IST_ENCODED) stream = newEncodedStream(stream, uf.encoding); buf = openPagerBuffer(stream, t_buf); buf->type = "text/plain"; } } buf->real_type = t; buf->currentURL.scheme = SCM_LOCAL; buf->currentURL.file = "-"; return buf; } Line * getNextPage(Buffer *buf, int plen) { Line *l, *fl, *pl = buf->lastLine; Line *rl = NULL; int len, i, nlines = 0; clen_t linelen = buf->linelen, trbyte = buf->trbyte; Str lineBuf2; char pre_lbuf = '\0'; URLFile uf; char code; int squeeze_flag = 0; #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR int check_color; #endif if (buf->pagerSource == NULL) return NULL; if (fmInitialized) crmode(); if (pl != NULL) { nlines = pl->real_linenumber; pre_lbuf = *(pl->lineBuf); if (pre_lbuf == '\0') pre_lbuf = '\n'; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (buf->document_code) code = buf->document_code; else code = DocumentCode; #endif init_stream(&uf, SCM_UNKNOWN, NULL); for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) { lineBuf2 = StrmyISgets(buf->pagerSource); if (lineBuf2->length == 0) { /* Assume that `cmd == buf->filename' */ if (buf->filename) buf->buffername = Sprintf("%s %s", CPIPEBUFFERNAME, conv_from_system(buf->filename))-> ptr; else if (getenv("MAN_PN") == NULL) buf->buffername = CPIPEBUFFERNAME; buf->bufferprop |= BP_CLOSE; trbyte += linelen; linelen = 0; break; } linelen += lineBuf2->length; showProgress(&linelen, &trbyte); lineBuf2 = convertLine(&uf, lineBuf2, &code, PAGER_MODE); if (squeezeBlankLine) { squeeze_flag = 0; if (lineBuf2->ptr[0] == '\n' && pre_lbuf == '\n') { ++nlines; --i; squeeze_flag = 1; continue; } pre_lbuf = lineBuf2->ptr[0]; } ++nlines; Strchop(lineBuf2); lineBuf2 = checkType(lineBuf2, propBuffer, #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR colorBuffer, &check_color, #endif LINELEN); len = lineBuf2->length; l = New(Line); l->lineBuf = lineBuf2->ptr; l->propBuf = NewAtom_N(Lineprop, len); bcopy((void *)propBuffer, (void *)l->propBuf, len * sizeof(Lineprop)); #ifdef USE_ANSI_COLOR if (check_color) { l->colorBuf = NewAtom_N(Linecolor, len); bcopy((void *)colorBuffer, (void *)l->colorBuf, len * sizeof(Linecolor)); } else { l->colorBuf = NULL; } #endif l->len = len; l->width = -1; l->prev = pl; #if 0 if (squeezeBlankLine) { #endif l->real_linenumber = nlines; l->linenumber = (pl == NULL ? nlines : pl->linenumber + 1); #if 0 } else { l->real_linenumber = l->linenumber = nlines; } #endif if (pl == NULL) { pl = l; buf->firstLine = buf->topLine = buf->currentLine = l; } else { pl->next = l; pl = l; } if (rl == NULL) rl = l; if (nlines > PagerMax) { fl = buf->firstLine; buf->firstLine = fl->next; fl->next->prev = NULL; if (buf->topLine == fl) buf->topLine = fl->next; if (buf->currentLine == fl) buf->currentLine = fl->next; } } if (pl != NULL) pl->next = NULL; buf->lastLine = pl; if (rl == NULL && squeeze_flag) { rl = pl; } if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); buf->linelen = linelen; buf->trbyte = trbyte; #ifdef JP_CHARSET buf->document_code = code; #endif return rl; } static void FTPhalfclose(InputStream stream) { if (IStype(stream) == IST_FILE && file_of(stream)) { Ftpfclose(file_of(stream)); file_of(stream) = NULL; } } int save2tmp(URLFile uf, char *tmpf) { FILE *ff; int check; clen_t linelen = 0, trbyte = 0; MySignalHandler(*volatile prevtrap) (SIGNAL_ARG) = NULL; static JMP_BUF env_bak; ff = fopen(tmpf, "wb"); if (ff == NULL) { /* fclose(f); */ return -1; } bcopy(AbortLoading, env_bak, sizeof(JMP_BUF)); if (SETJMP(AbortLoading) != 0) { goto _end; } prevtrap = signal(SIGINT, KeyAbort); if (fmInitialized) term_cbreak(); check = 0; #ifdef USE_NNTP if (uf.scheme == SCM_NEWS) { char c; while (c = UFgetc(&uf), !iseos(uf.stream)) { if (c == '\n') { if (check == 0) check++; else if (check == 3) break; } else if (c == '.' && check == 1) check++; else if (c == '\r' && check == 2) check++; else check = 0; putc(c, ff); linelen += sizeof(c); showProgress(&linelen, &trbyte); } } else #endif /* USE_NNTP */ { Str buf = Strnew_size(SAVE_BUF_SIZE); while (UFread(&uf, buf, SAVE_BUF_SIZE)) { Strfputs(buf, ff); linelen += buf->length; showProgress(&linelen, &trbyte); } } _end: bcopy(env_bak, AbortLoading, sizeof(JMP_BUF)); if (fmInitialized) term_raw(); signal(SIGINT, prevtrap); fclose(ff); current_content_length = 0; return 0; } int doExternal(URLFile uf, char *path, char *type, Buffer **bufp, Buffer *defaultbuf) { Str tmpf, command; struct mailcap *mcap; int mc_stat; Buffer *buf = NULL; char *header; if (!(mcap = searchExtViewer(type))) return 0; tmpf = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, NULL); if (mcap->nametemplate) { Str tmp = unquote_mailcap(mcap->nametemplate, NULL, tmpf->ptr, NULL, NULL); if (Strncmp(tmpf, tmp, tmpf->length) == 0) { tmpf = tmp; goto _save; } } if (uf.ext && *uf.ext) { Strcat_charp(tmpf, uf.ext); } _save: if (IStype(uf.stream) != IST_ENCODED) uf.stream = newEncodedStream(uf.stream, uf.encoding); header = checkHeader(defaultbuf, "Content-Type:"); if (header) header = conv_to_system(header); command = unquote_mailcap(mcap->viewer, type, tmpf->ptr, header, &mc_stat); #ifndef __EMX__ if (!(mc_stat & MCSTAT_REPNAME)) { Str tmp = Sprintf("(%s) < %s", command->ptr, shell_quote(tmpf->ptr)); command = tmp; } #endif pushText(fileToDelete, tmpf->ptr); #ifdef HAVE_SETPGRP if (! (mcap->flags & (MAILCAP_HTMLOUTPUT | MAILCAP_COPIOUSOUTPUT)) && ! (mcap->flags & MAILCAP_NEEDSTERMINAL) && BackgroundExtViewer) { flush_tty(); if (! fork()) { reset_signals(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); close_tty(); QuietMessage = TRUE; fmInitialized = FALSE; if (save2tmp(uf, tmpf->ptr) < 0) exit(1); myExec(command->ptr); } *bufp = NO_BUFFER; return 1; } else #endif { if (save2tmp(uf, tmpf->ptr) < 0) return 0; /* ??? */ } if (mcap->flags & (MAILCAP_HTMLOUTPUT | MAILCAP_COPIOUSOUTPUT)) { if (defaultbuf == NULL) defaultbuf = newBuffer(INIT_BUFFER_WIDTH); defaultbuf->mailcap = mcap; } if (mcap->flags & MAILCAP_HTMLOUTPUT) { buf = loadcmdout(command->ptr, loadHTMLBuffer, defaultbuf); if (buf && buf != NO_BUFFER) { buf->type = "text/html"; buf->mailcap_source = buf->sourcefile; buf->sourcefile = tmpf->ptr; } } else if (mcap->flags & MAILCAP_COPIOUSOUTPUT) { buf = loadcmdout(command->ptr, loadBuffer, defaultbuf); if (buf && buf != NO_BUFFER) { buf->type = "text/plain"; buf->mailcap_source = buf->sourcefile; buf->sourcefile = tmpf->ptr; } } else { if (mcap->flags & MAILCAP_NEEDSTERMINAL || !BackgroundExtViewer) { fmTerm(); mySystem(command->ptr, 0); fmInit(); if (CurrentTab && Currentbuf) displayBuffer(Currentbuf, B_FORCE_REDRAW); } else { mySystem(command->ptr, 1); } buf = NO_BUFFER; } if (buf && buf != NO_BUFFER) { buf->filename = path; if (buf->buffername == NULL || buf->buffername[0] == '\0') buf->buffername = conv_from_system(lastFileName(path)); buf->edit = mcap->edit; buf->mailcap = mcap; } *bufp = buf; return 1; } static int _MoveFile(char *path1, char *path2) { InputStream f1; FILE *f2; int is_pipe; clen_t linelen = 0, trbyte = 0; Str buf; f1 = openIS(path1); if (f1 == NULL) return -1; if (*path2 == '|' && PermitSaveToPipe) { is_pipe = TRUE; f2 = popen(path2 + 1, "w"); } else { is_pipe = FALSE; f2 = fopen(path2, "wb"); } if (f2 == NULL) { ISclose(f1); return -1; } current_content_length = 0; buf = Strnew_size(SAVE_BUF_SIZE); while (ISread(f1, buf, SAVE_BUF_SIZE)) { Strfputs(buf, f2); linelen += buf->length; showProgress(&linelen, &trbyte); } ISclose(f1); if (is_pipe) pclose(f2); else fclose(f2); return 0; } void _doFileCopy(char *tmpf, char *defstr, int download) { Str msg; Str filen; char *p, *q = NULL; pid_t pid; char *lock; #if !(defined(HAVE_SYMLINK) && defined(HAVE_LSTAT)) FILE *f; #endif struct stat st; clen_t size = 0; if (fmInitialized) { p = searchKeyData(); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') { q = inputLineHist("(Download)Save file to: ", defstr, IN_COMMAND, SaveHist); if (q == NULL || *q == '\0') return; p = conv_to_system(q); } if (*p != '|' || !PermitSaveToPipe) { if (q) { p = unescape_spaces(Strnew_charp(q))->ptr; p = conv_to_system(q); } p = expandName(p); if (checkOverWrite(p) < 0) return; } if (checkCopyFile(tmpf, p) < 0) { msg = Sprintf("Can't copy. %s and %s are identical.", conv_from_system(tmpf), conv_from_system(p)); disp_err_message(msg->ptr, FALSE); return; } if (!download) { if (_MoveFile(tmpf, p) < 0) { msg = Sprintf("Can't save to %s", conv_from_system(p)); disp_err_message(msg->ptr, FALSE); } return; } lock = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, ".lock")->ptr; #if defined(HAVE_SYMLINK) && defined(HAVE_LSTAT) symlink(p, lock); #else f = fopen(lock, "w"); if (f) fclose(f); #endif pushText(fileToDelete, lock); flush_tty(); pid = fork(); if (!pid) { reset_signals(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); #ifdef HAVE_SETPGRP SETPGRP(); #endif close_tty(); QuietMessage = TRUE; fmInitialized = FALSE; _MoveFile(tmpf, p); unlink(lock); exit(0); } if (!stat(tmpf, &st)) size = st.st_size; addDownloadList(pid, conv_from_system(tmpf), p, lock, size); } else { q = searchKeyData(); if (q == NULL || *q == '\0') { printf("(Download)Save file to: "); fflush(stdout); filen = Strfgets(stdin); if (filen->length == 0) return; q = filen->ptr; } for (p = q + strlen(q) - 1; IS_SPACE(*p); p--) ; *(p + 1) = '\0'; if (*q == '\0') return; p = q; if (*p != '|' || !PermitSaveToPipe) { p = expandName(p); if (checkOverWrite(p) < 0) return; } if (checkCopyFile(tmpf, p) < 0) { printf("Can't copy. %s and %s are identical.", tmpf, p); return; } if (_MoveFile(tmpf, p) < 0) { printf("Can't save to %s\n", p); } } } void doFileMove(char *tmpf, char *defstr) { doFileCopy(tmpf, defstr); unlink(tmpf); } void doFileSave(URLFile uf, char *defstr) { Str msg; Str filen; char *p, *q; pid_t pid; char *lock; #if !(defined(HAVE_SYMLINK) && defined(HAVE_LSTAT)) FILE *f; #endif if (fmInitialized) { p = searchKeyData(); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') { p = inputLineHist("(Download)Save file to: ", defstr, IN_FILENAME, SaveHist); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') return; p = conv_to_system(p); } if (checkOverWrite(p) < 0) return; if (checkSaveFile(uf.stream, p) < 0) { msg = Sprintf("Can't save. Load file and %s are identical.", conv_from_system(p)); disp_err_message(msg->ptr, FALSE); return; } /* * if (save2tmp(uf, p) < 0) { * msg = Sprintf("Can't save to %s", conv_from_system(p)); * disp_err_message(msg->ptr, FALSE); * } */ lock = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, ".lock")->ptr; #if defined(HAVE_SYMLINK) && defined(HAVE_LSTAT) symlink(p, lock); #else f = fopen(lock, "w"); if (f) fclose(f); #endif pushText(fileToDelete, lock); flush_tty(); pid = fork(); if (!pid) { reset_signals(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); #ifdef HAVE_SETPGRP SETPGRP(); #endif close_tty(); QuietMessage = TRUE; fmInitialized = FALSE; save2tmp(uf, p); UFclose(&uf); unlink(lock); exit(0); } addDownloadList(pid, uf.url, p, lock, current_content_length); } else { q = searchKeyData(); if (q == NULL || *q == '\0') { printf("(Download)Save file to: "); fflush(stdout); filen = Strfgets(stdin); if (filen->length == 0) return; q = filen->ptr; } for (p = q + strlen(q) - 1; IS_SPACE(*p); p--) ; *(p + 1) = '\0'; if (*q == '\0') return; p = expandName(q); if (checkOverWrite(p) < 0) return; if (checkSaveFile(uf.stream, p) < 0) { printf("Can't save. Load file and %s are identical.", p); return; } if (save2tmp(uf, p) < 0) { printf("Can't save to %s\n", p); } } } int checkCopyFile(char *path1, char *path2) { struct stat st1, st2; if (*path2 == '|' && PermitSaveToPipe) return 0; if ((stat(path1, &st1) == 0) && (stat(path2, &st2) == 0)) if (st1.st_ino == st2.st_ino) return -1; return 0; } int checkSaveFile(InputStream stream, char *path2) { struct stat st1, st2; int des = ISfileno(stream); if (des < 0) return 0; if (*path2 == '|' && PermitSaveToPipe) return 0; if ((fstat(des, &st1) == 0) && (stat(path2, &st2) == 0)) if (st1.st_ino == st2.st_ino) return -1; return 0; } int checkOverWrite(char *path) { struct stat st; char *ans; if (stat(path, &st) < 0) return 0; ans = inputAnswer("File exists. Overwrite? (y/n)"); if (ans && tolower(*ans) == 'y') return 0; else return -1; } char * inputAnswer(char *prompt) { char *ans; if (QuietMessage) return "n"; if (fmInitialized) { term_raw(); ans = inputChar(prompt); } else { printf(prompt); fflush(stdout); ans = Strfgets(stdin)->ptr; } return ans; } static void uncompress_stream(URLFile *uf) { int pid1; int fd1[2]; char *expand_cmd = GUNZIP_CMDNAME; char *expand_name = GUNZIP_NAME; char *tmpf = NULL; struct compression_decoder *d; if (IStype(uf->stream) != IST_ENCODED) { uf->stream = newEncodedStream(uf->stream, uf->encoding); uf->encoding = ENC_7BIT; } for (d = compression_decoders; d->type != CMP_NOCOMPRESS; d++) { if (uf->compression == d->type) { if (d->auxbin_p) expand_cmd = auxbinFile(d->cmd); else expand_cmd = d->cmd; expand_name = d->name; break; } } uf->compression = CMP_NOCOMPRESS; if (pipe(fd1) < 0) { UFclose(uf); return; } if (uf->scheme != SCM_HTTP && uf->scheme != SCM_LOCAL) { tmpf = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, NULL)->ptr; if (save2tmp(*uf, tmpf) < 0) { UFclose(uf); return; } #if 0 if (uf->scheme != SCM_FTP) #endif UFclose(uf); uf->scheme = SCM_LOCAL; pushText(fileToDelete, tmpf); } flush_tty(); /* fd1[0]: read, fd1[1]: write */ if ((pid1 = fork()) == 0) { reset_signals(); close(fd1[0]); if (tmpf) { #ifdef USE_BINMODE_STREAM int tmpfd = open(tmpf, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); #else int tmpfd = open(tmpf, O_RDONLY); #endif if (tmpfd < 0) { close(fd1[1]); exit(1); } dup2(tmpfd, 0); } else { /* child */ int pid2; int fd2[2]; if (fmInitialized) { close_tty(); fmInitialized = FALSE; } if (pipe(fd2) < 0) { close(fd1[1]); UFclose(uf); exit(1); } if ((pid2 = fork()) == 0) { /* child */ Str buf = Strnew_size(SAVE_BUF_SIZE); close(fd2[0]); while (UFread(uf, buf, SAVE_BUF_SIZE)) { if (write(fd2[1], buf->ptr, buf->length) < 0) { close(fd2[1]); exit(0); } } close(fd2[1]); exit(0); } close(fd2[1]); dup2(fd2[0], 0); } dup2(fd1[1], 1); dup2(fd1[1], 2); execlp(expand_cmd, expand_name, NULL); exit(0); } close(fd1[1]); if (tmpf == NULL) UFclose(uf); uf->stream = newFileStream(fdopen(fd1[0], "rb"), (void (*)())pclose); } static FILE * lessopen_stream(char *path) { char *lessopen; FILE *fp; lessopen = getenv("LESSOPEN"); if (lessopen == NULL) { return NULL; } if (lessopen[0] == '\0') { return NULL; } if (lessopen[0] == '|') { /* pipe mode */ Str tmpf; int c; ++lessopen; tmpf = Sprintf(lessopen, path); fp = popen(tmpf->ptr, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { return NULL; } c = getc(fp); if (c == EOF) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } ungetc(c, fp); } else { /* filename mode */ /* not supported m(__)m */ fp = NULL; } return fp; } #if 0 void reloadBuffer(Buffer *buf) { URLFile uf; if (buf->sourcefile == NULL || buf->pagerSource != NULL) return; init_stream(&uf, SCM_UNKNOWN, NULL); examineFile(buf->mailcap_source ? buf->mailcap_source : buf->sourcefile, &uf); if (uf.stream == NULL) return; is_redisplay = TRUE; buf->allLine = 0; buf->href = NULL; buf->name = NULL; buf->img = NULL; buf->formitem = NULL; if (!strcasecmp(buf->type, "text/html")) loadHTMLBuffer(&uf, buf); else loadBuffer(&uf, buf); UFclose(&uf); is_redisplay = FALSE; } #endif #ifdef JP_CHARSET static char guess_charset(char *p) { Str c = Strnew_size(strlen(p)); if (strncasecmp(p, "x-", 2) == 0) p += 2; while (*p != '\0') { if (*p != '-' && *p != '_') Strcat_char(c, tolower(*p)); p++; } if (strncmp(c->ptr, "euc", 3) == 0) return CODE_EUC; if (strncmp(c->ptr, "shiftjis", 8) == 0 || strncmp(c->ptr, "sjis", 4) == 0) return CODE_SJIS; if (strncmp(c->ptr, "iso2022jp", 9) == 0 || strncmp(c->ptr, "jis", 3) == 0) return CODE_JIS_n; return CODE_ASCII; } #endif static char * guess_filename(char *file) { char *p = NULL, *s; if (file != NULL) p = mybasename(file); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') return DEF_SAVE_FILE; s = p; if (*p == '#') p++; while (*p != '\0') { if ((*p == '#' && *(p + 1) != '\0') || *p == '?') { *p = '\0'; break; } p++; } return s; } char * guess_save_name(Buffer *buf, char *path) { if (buf && buf->document_header) { Str name = NULL; char *p, *q; if ((p = checkHeader(buf, "Content-Disposition:")) != NULL && (q = strcasestr(p, "filename")) != NULL && (q == p || IS_SPACE(*(q - 1)) || *(q - 1) == ';')) { if (matchattr(q, "filename", 8, &name)) return name->ptr; } if ((p = checkHeader(buf, "Content-Type:")) != NULL && (q = strcasestr(p, "name")) != NULL && (q == p || IS_SPACE(*(q - 1)) || *(q - 1) == ';')) { if (matchattr(q, "name", 4, &name)) return name->ptr; } } return guess_filename(path); } /* Local Variables: */ /* c-basic-offset: 4 */ /* tab-width: 8 */ /* End: */