/* $Id: ftp.c,v 1.26 2003/01/15 16:24:25 ukai Exp $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <Str.h> #include <signal.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <time.h> #include "fm.h" #include "html.h" #include "myctype.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include <malloc.h> #endif /* DEBUG */ #include <sys/socket.h> #if defined(FTPPASS_HOSTNAMEGEN) || defined(INET6) #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #endif typedef struct _FTP { char *host; int port; char *user; char *pass; InputStream rf; FILE *wf; FILE *data; } *FTP; static struct _FTP current_ftp = { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static Str ftp_command(FTP ftp, char *cmd, char *arg, int *status) { Str tmp; if (!ftp->host) return NULL; if (cmd) { if (arg) tmp = Sprintf("%s %s\r\n", cmd, arg); else tmp = Sprintf("%s\r\n", cmd); fwrite(tmp->ptr, sizeof(char), tmp->length, ftp->wf); fflush(ftp->wf); } if (!status) return NULL; *status = -1; /* error */ tmp = StrISgets(ftp->rf); if (IS_DIGIT(tmp->ptr[0]) && IS_DIGIT(tmp->ptr[1]) && IS_DIGIT(tmp->ptr[2]) && tmp->ptr[3] == ' ') sscanf(tmp->ptr, "%d", status); if (tmp->ptr[3] != '-') return tmp; /* RFC959 4.2 FTP REPLIES */ /* multi-line response start */ /* * Thus the format for multi-line replies is that the * first line will begin with the exact required reply * code, followed immediately by a Hyphen, "-" (also known * as Minus), followed by text. The last line will begin * with the same code, followed immediately by Space <SP>, * optionally some text, and the Telnet end-of-line code. */ while (1) { tmp = StrISgets(ftp->rf); if (IS_DIGIT(tmp->ptr[0]) && IS_DIGIT(tmp->ptr[1]) && IS_DIGIT(tmp->ptr[2]) && tmp->ptr[3] == ' ') { sscanf(tmp->ptr, "%d", status); break; } } return tmp; } static void ftp_close(FTP ftp) { if (!ftp->host) return; if (ftp->rf) { IStype(ftp->rf) &= ~IST_UNCLOSE; ISclose(ftp->rf); ftp->rf = NULL; } if (ftp->wf) { fclose(ftp->wf); ftp->wf = NULL; } if (ftp->data) { fclose(ftp->data); ftp->data = NULL; } ftp->host = NULL; return; } static int ftp_login(FTP ftp) { Str tmp; int sock, status; sock = openSocket(ftp->host, "ftp", 21); if (sock < 0) goto open_err; #ifdef FTPPASS_HOSTNAMEGEN if (ftppass_hostnamegen && !strcmp(ftp->user, "anonymous")) { size_t n = strlen(ftp->pass); if (n > 0 && ftp->pass[n - 1] == '@') { struct sockaddr_in sockname; int socknamelen = sizeof(sockname); if (!getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sockname, &socknamelen)) { struct hostent *sockent; tmp = Strnew_charp(ftp->pass); if ((sockent = gethostbyaddr((char *)&sockname.sin_addr, sizeof(sockname.sin_addr), sockname.sin_family))) Strcat_charp(tmp, sockent->h_name); else Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "[", inet_ntoa(sockname.sin_addr), "]", NULL); ftp->pass = tmp->ptr; } } } #endif ftp->rf = newInputStream(sock); ftp->wf = fdopen(dup(sock), "wb"); if (!ftp->rf || !ftp->wf) goto open_err; IStype(ftp->rf) |= IST_UNCLOSE; ftp_command(ftp, NULL, NULL, &status); if (status != 220) goto open_err; if (fmInitialized) { message(Sprintf("Sending FTP username (%s) to remote server.", ftp->user)->ptr, 0, 0); refresh(); } ftp_command(ftp, "USER", ftp->user, &status); /* * Some ftp daemons(e.g. publicfile) return code 230 for user command. */ if (status == 230) goto succeed; if (status != 331) goto open_err; if (fmInitialized) { message("Sending FTP password to remote server.", 0, 0); refresh(); } ftp_command(ftp, "PASS", ftp->pass, &status); if (status != 230) goto open_err; succeed: return TRUE; open_err: ftp_close(ftp); return FALSE; } static int ftp_pasv(FTP ftp) { int status; int n1, n2, n3, n4, p1, p2; int data; char *p; Str tmp; int family; #ifdef INET6 struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr; int sockaddrlen, port; unsigned char d1, d2, d3, d4; char abuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; #endif #ifdef INET6 sockaddrlen = sizeof(sockaddr); if (getpeername(fileno(ftp->wf), (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &sockaddrlen) < 0) return -1; family = sockaddr.ss_family; #else family = AF_INET; #endif switch (family) { #ifdef INET6 case AF_INET6: tmp = ftp_command(ftp, "EPSV", NULL, &status); if (status != 229) return -1; for (p = tmp->ptr + 4; *p && *p != '('; p++) ; if (*p == '\0') return -1; if (sscanf(++p, "%c%c%c%d%c", &d1, &d2, &d3, &port, &d4) != 5 || d1 != d2 || d1 != d3 || d1 != d4) return -1; if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sockaddrlen, abuf, sizeof(abuf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0) return -1; data = openSocket(abuf, "", port); break; #endif case AF_INET: tmp = ftp_command(ftp, "PASV", NULL, &status); if (status != 227) return -1; for (p = tmp->ptr + 4; *p && !IS_DIGIT(*p); p++) ; if (*p == '\0') return -1; sscanf(p, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &n1, &n2, &n3, &n4, &p1, &p2); tmp = Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", n1, n2, n3, n4); data = openSocket(tmp->ptr, "", p1 * 256 + p2); break; default: return -1; } if (data < 0) return -1; ftp->data = fdopen(data, "rb"); return 0; } static time_t ftp_modtime(FTP ftp, char *path) { int status; Str tmp; char *p; struct tm tm; time_t t, lt, gt; tmp = ftp_command(ftp, "MDTM", path, &status); if (status != 213) return -1; for (p = tmp->ptr + 4; *p && *p == ' '; p++) ; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); if (sscanf(p, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", &tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday, &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec) < 6) return -1; tm.tm_year -= 1900; tm.tm_mon--; t = mktime(&tm); lt = mktime(localtime(&t)); gt = mktime(gmtime(&t)); return t + (lt - gt); } static int ftp_quit(FTP ftp) { /* * int status; * ftp_command(ftp, "QUIT", NULL, &status); * ftp_close(ftp); * if (status != 221) * return -1; */ ftp_command(ftp, "QUIT", NULL, NULL); ftp_close(ftp); return 0; } static int ex_ftpdir_name_size_date(char *, char **, char **, char **); #define SERVER_NONE 0 #define UNIXLIKE_SERVER 1 #define FTPDIR_NONE 0 #define FTPDIR_DIR 1 #define FTPDIR_LINK 2 #define FTPDIR_FILE 3 static void closeFTPdata(FILE * f) { int status; if (f) { fclose(f); if (f == current_ftp.data) current_ftp.data = NULL; } ftp_command(¤t_ftp, NULL, NULL, &status); /* status == 226 */ } void closeFTP(void) { ftp_close(¤t_ftp); } InputStream openFTPStream(ParsedURL *pu, URLFile *uf) { Str tmp; int status; char *user = NULL; char *pass = NULL; Str pwd = NULL; int add_auth_cookie_flag = FALSE; char *realpathname = NULL; if (!pu->host) return NULL; if (pu->user == NULL && pu->pass == NULL) { Str uname, pwd; if (find_auth_user_passwd(pu, NULL, &uname, &pwd, 0)) { if (uname) user = uname->ptr; if (pwd) pass = pwd->ptr; } } if (user) /* do nothing */ ; else if (pu->user) user = pu->user; else user = "anonymous"; if (current_ftp.host) { if (!strcmp(current_ftp.host, pu->host) && current_ftp.port == pu->port && !strcmp(current_ftp.user, user)) { ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "NOOP", NULL, &status); if (status != 200) ftp_close(¤t_ftp); else goto ftp_read; } else ftp_quit(¤t_ftp); } if (pass) /* do nothing */ ; else if (pu->pass) pass = pu->pass; else if (pu->user) { pwd = find_auth_cookie(pu->host, pu->port, pu->file, pu->user); if (pwd == NULL) { if (fmInitialized) { term_raw(); pwd = Strnew_charp(inputLine("Password: ", NULL, IN_PASSWORD)); pwd = Str_conv_to_system(pwd); term_cbreak(); } else { pwd = Strnew_charp((char *)getpass("Password: ")); } add_auth_cookie_flag = TRUE; } pass = pwd->ptr; } else if (ftppasswd != NULL && *ftppasswd != '\0') pass = ftppasswd; else { struct passwd *mypw = getpwuid(getuid()); tmp = Strnew_charp(mypw ? mypw->pw_name : "anonymous"); Strcat_char(tmp, '@'); pass = tmp->ptr; } if (!current_ftp.host) { current_ftp.host = allocStr(pu->host, -1); current_ftp.port = pu->port; current_ftp.user = allocStr(user, -1); current_ftp.pass = allocStr(pass, -1); if (!ftp_login(¤t_ftp)) return NULL; } if (add_auth_cookie_flag) add_auth_cookie(pu->host, pu->port, pu->file, pu->user, pwd); ftp_read: ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "TYPE", "I", &status); if (ftp_pasv(¤t_ftp) < 0) { ftp_quit(¤t_ftp); return NULL; } if (pu->file == NULL || *pu->file == '\0') goto ftp_dir; else realpathname = file_unquote(pu->file); if (pu->file[strlen(pu->file) - 1] == '/') goto ftp_dir; /* Get file */ uf->modtime = ftp_modtime(¤t_ftp, realpathname); ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "RETR", realpathname, &status); if (status == 125 || status == 150) return newFileStream(current_ftp.data, (void (*)())closeFTPdata); ftp_dir: pu->scheme = SCM_FTPDIR; return NULL; } Str loadFTPDir(ParsedURL *pu, char *code) { Str FTPDIRtmp; Str tmp; int status, sv_type; char *realpathname, *fn, *q; char **flist; int i, nfile, nfile_max = 100; #ifdef JP_CHARSET *code = DocumentCode; #endif if (current_ftp.data == NULL) return NULL; tmp = ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "SYST", NULL, &status); if (strstr(tmp->ptr, "UNIX") != NULL || !strncmp(tmp->ptr + 4, "Windows_NT", 10)) /* :-) */ sv_type = UNIXLIKE_SERVER; else sv_type = SERVER_NONE; if (pu->file == NULL || *pu->file == '\0') { if (sv_type == UNIXLIKE_SERVER) ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "LIST", NULL, &status); else ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "NLST", NULL, &status); pu->file = "/"; } else { realpathname = file_unquote(pu->file); if (sv_type == UNIXLIKE_SERVER) { ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "CWD", realpathname, &status); if (status == 250) ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "LIST", NULL, &status); } else ftp_command(¤t_ftp, "NLST", realpathname, &status); } if (status != 125 && status != 150) { fclose(current_ftp.data); current_ftp.data = NULL; return NULL; } tmp = parsedURL2Str(pu); if (Strlastchar(tmp) != '/') Strcat_char(tmp, '/'); fn = html_quote(tmp->ptr); tmp = convertLine(NULL, Strnew_charp(file_unquote(tmp->ptr)), code, RAW_MODE); q = html_quote(tmp->ptr); FTPDIRtmp = Strnew_m_charp("<html>\n<head>\n<base href=\"", fn, "\">\n<title>", q, "</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Index of ", q, "</h1>\n", NULL); if (sv_type == UNIXLIKE_SERVER) Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "<pre>\n"); else Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "<ul>\n<li>"); Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "<a href=\"..\">[Upper Directory]</a>\n"); flist = New_N(char *, nfile_max); nfile = 0; if (sv_type == UNIXLIKE_SERVER) { char *name, *date, *size, *type_str; int ftype, max_len, len, j; Str line_tmp; max_len = 0; while (tmp = Strfgets(current_ftp.data), tmp->length > 0) { Strchop(tmp); if ((ftype = ex_ftpdir_name_size_date(tmp->ptr, &name, &date, &size)) == FTPDIR_NONE) continue; if (!strcmp(".", name) || !strcmp("..", name)) continue; len = strlen(name); if (!len) continue; if (ftype == FTPDIR_DIR) { len++; type_str = "/"; } else if (ftype == FTPDIR_LINK) { len++; type_str = "@"; } else { type_str = ""; } if (max_len < len) max_len = len; line_tmp = Sprintf("%s%s %-12.12s %6.6s", name, type_str, date, size); flist[nfile++] = line_tmp->ptr; if (nfile == nfile_max) { nfile_max *= 2; flist = New_Reuse(char *, flist, nfile_max); } } qsort(flist, nfile, sizeof(char *), strCmp); for (j = 0; j < nfile; j++) { fn = flist[j]; date = fn + strlen(fn) - 20; if (*(date - 1) == '/') { ftype = FTPDIR_DIR; *date = '\0'; } else if (*(date - 1) == '@') { ftype = FTPDIR_LINK; *(date - 1) = '\0'; } else { ftype = FTPDIR_FILE; *date = '\0'; } date++; len = strlen(fn); tmp = convertLine(NULL, Strnew_charp(fn), code, RAW_MODE); Strcat_m_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "<a href=\"", html_quote(file_quote(fn)), "\">", html_quote(tmp->ptr), NULL); if (ftype == FTPDIR_LINK) { Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "@"); len++; } Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "</a>"); for (i = len; i <= max_len; i++) { if ((max_len % 2 + i) % 2) { Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "."); } else { Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, " "); } } Strcat_m_charp(FTPDIRtmp, date, "\n", NULL); } Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "</pre>\n"); } else { while (tmp = Strfgets(current_ftp.data), tmp->length > 0) { Strchop(tmp); flist[nfile++] = mybasename(tmp->ptr); if (nfile == nfile_max) { nfile_max *= 2; flist = New_Reuse(char *, flist, nfile_max); } } qsort(flist, nfile, sizeof(char *), strCmp); for (i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { fn = flist[i]; tmp = convertLine(NULL, Strnew_charp(fn), code, RAW_MODE); Strcat_m_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "<li><a href=\"", html_quote(file_quote(fn)), "\">", html_quote(tmp->ptr), "</a>\n", NULL); } Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "</ul>\n"); } Strcat_charp(FTPDIRtmp, "</body>\n</html>\n"); closeFTPdata(current_ftp.data); return FTPDIRtmp; } void disconnectFTP(void) { ftp_quit(¤t_ftp); } #define XD_CTOD(c) {\ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {\ c -= (unsigned char)'0';\ } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {\ c = c - (unsigned char)'a' + (unsigned char)10;\ } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {\ c = c - (unsigned char)'A' + (unsigned char)10;\ } else {\ goto skip;\ }\ } #define EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) {\ while (IS_SPACE(*cp) && *cp != '\0') cp++;\ if (*cp == '\0') {\ goto done;\ }\ } #define EX_SKIP_NONE_SPACE(cp) {\ while (!IS_SPACE(*cp) && *cp != '\0') cp++;\ if (*cp == '\0') {\ goto done;\ }\ } static Str size_int2str(clen_t); static int ex_ftpdir_name_size_date(char *line, char **name, char **date, char **sizep) { int ftype = FTPDIR_NONE; char *cp, *endp; Str date_str, name_str, size_str; clen_t size; if (strlen(line) < 11) { goto done; } /* skip permission */ if (!IS_SPACE(line[10])) { goto done; } cp = line + 11; /* skip link count */ EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) while (IS_DIGIT(*cp) && *cp != '\0') cp++; if (!IS_SPACE(*cp) || *cp == '\0') { goto done; } cp++; /* skip owner string */ EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) EX_SKIP_NONE_SPACE(cp) cp++; /* skip group string */ EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) EX_SKIP_NONE_SPACE(cp) cp++; /* extract size */ EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) size = 0; while (*cp && IS_DIGIT(*cp)) { size = size * 10 + *(cp++) - '0'; } if (*cp == '\0') { goto done; } /* extract date */ EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) if (IS_ALPHA(cp[0]) && IS_ALPHA(cp[1]) && IS_ALPHA(cp[2]) && IS_SPACE(cp[3]) && (IS_SPACE(cp[4]) || IS_DIGIT(cp[4])) && IS_DIGIT(cp[5]) && IS_SPACE(cp[6]) && (IS_SPACE(cp[7]) || IS_DIGIT(cp[7])) && IS_DIGIT(cp[8]) && (cp[9] == ':' || IS_DIGIT(cp[9])) && IS_DIGIT(cp[10]) && (IS_DIGIT(cp[11]) || IS_SPACE(cp[11])) && IS_SPACE(cp[12])) { cp[12] = '\0'; date_str = Strnew_charp(cp); cp += 13; } else { goto done; } /* extract file name */ EX_SKIP_SPACE(cp) if (line[0] == 'l') { if ((endp = strstr(cp, " -> ")) == NULL) { goto done; } *endp = '\0'; size_str = Strnew_charp("-"); ftype = FTPDIR_LINK; } else if (line[0] == 'd') { size_str = Strnew_charp("-"); ftype = FTPDIR_DIR; } else { size_str = size_int2str(size); ftype = FTPDIR_FILE; } name_str = Strnew_charp(cp); *date = date_str->ptr; *name = name_str->ptr; *sizep = size_str->ptr; done: return (ftype); } static Str size_int2str(clen_t size) { Str size_str; int unit; double dtmp; char *size_format, *unit_str; dtmp = (double)size; for (unit = 0; unit < 3; unit++) { if (dtmp < 1024) { break; } dtmp /= 1024; } if (!unit || dtmp > 100) { size_format = "%.0f%s"; } else if (dtmp > 10) { size_format = "%.1f%s"; } else { size_format = "%.2f%s"; } switch (unit) { case 3: unit_str = "G"; break; case 2: unit_str = "M"; break; case 1: unit_str = "K"; break; default: unit_str = ""; break; } size_str = Sprintf(size_format, dtmp, unit_str); return (size_str); }