/* $Id: map.c,v 1.15 2002/11/19 17:48:00 ukai Exp $ */ /* * client-side image maps */ #include "fm.h" #include <math.h> static MapList * searchMapList(Buffer *buf, char *name) { MapList *ml; if (name == NULL) return NULL; for (ml = buf->maplist; ml != NULL; ml = ml->next) { if (!Strcmp_charp(ml->name, name)) break; } return ml; } #ifdef USE_IMAGE static int inMapArea(MapArea * a, int x, int y) { int i; double r1, r2, s, c, t; if (!a) return FALSE; switch (a->shape) { case SHAPE_RECT: if (x >= a->coords[0] && y >= a->coords[1] && x <= a->coords[2] && y <= a->coords[3]) return TRUE; break; case SHAPE_CIRCLE: if ((x - a->coords[0]) * (x - a->coords[0]) + (y - a->coords[1]) * (y - a->coords[1]) <= a->coords[2] * a->coords[2]) return TRUE; break; case SHAPE_POLY: for (t = 0, i = 0; i < a->ncoords; i += 2) { r1 = sqrt((double)(x - a->coords[i]) * (x - a->coords[i]) + (double)(y - a->coords[i + 1]) * (y - a->coords[i + 1])); r2 = sqrt((double)(x - a->coords[i + 2]) * (x - a->coords[i + 2]) + (double)(y - a->coords[i + 3]) * (y - a->coords[i + 3])); if (r1 == 0 || r2 == 0) return TRUE; s = ((double)(x - a->coords[i]) * (y - a->coords[i + 3]) - (double)(x - a->coords[i + 2]) * (y - a->coords[i + 1])) / r1 / r2; c = ((double)(x - a->coords[i]) * (x - a->coords[i + 2]) + (double)(y - a->coords[i + 1]) * (y - a->coords[i + 3])) / r1 / r2; t += atan2(s, c); } if (fabs(t) > 2 * 3.14) return TRUE; break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } static int nearestMapArea(MapList *ml, int x, int y) { ListItem *al; MapArea *a; int i, l, n = -1, min = -1, limit = pixel_per_char * pixel_per_char + pixel_per_line * pixel_per_line; if (!ml || !ml->area) return n; for (i = 0, al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; i++, al = al->next) { a = (MapArea *) al->ptr; if (a) { l = (a->center_x - x) * (a->center_x - x) + (a->center_y - y) * (a->center_y - y); if ((min < 0 || l < min) && l < limit) { n = i; min = l; } } } return n; } static int searchMapArea(Buffer *buf, MapList *ml, Anchor *a_img) { ListItem *al; MapArea *a; int i, n; int px, py; if (!(ml && ml->area && ml->area->nitem)) return -1; if (!getMapXY(buf, a_img, &px, &py)) return -1; n = -ml->area->nitem; for (i = 0, al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; i++, al = al->next) { a = (MapArea *) al->ptr; if (!a) continue; if (n < 0 && inMapArea(a, px, py)) { if (a->shape == SHAPE_DEFAULT) { if (n == -ml->area->nitem) n = -i; } else n = i; } } if (n == -ml->area->nitem) return nearestMapArea(ml, px, py); else if (n < 0) return -n; return n; } Str getCurrentMapLabel(Buffer *buf) { Anchor *a_img, *a_form; FormItemList *fi; MapList *ml; ListItem *al; MapArea *a; int i, n; Str s; a_img = retrieveCurrentImg(buf); if (!(a_img && a_img->image && a_img->image->map)) return NULL; a_form = retrieveCurrentForm(buf); if (!(a_form && a_form->url)) return NULL; fi = (FormItemList *)a_form->url; if (!(fi && fi->parent && fi->parent->item)) return NULL; fi = fi->parent->item; ml = searchMapList(buf, fi->value ? fi->value->ptr : NULL); if (!ml) return NULL; n = searchMapArea(buf, ml, a_img); if (n < 0) return NULL; for (i = 0, al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; i++, al = al->next) { a = (MapArea *) al->ptr; if (!(a && i == n)) continue; s = Sprintf("[%s]", a->alt); if (*a->alt) { ParsedURL pu; parseURL2(a->url, &pu, baseURL(buf)); Strcat_char(s, ' '); Strcat(s, parsedURL2Str(&pu)); } return s; } return NULL; } int getMapXY(Buffer *buf, Anchor *a, int *x, int *y) { if (!buf || !a || !a->image || !x || !y) return 0; *x = (int)((buf->currentColumn + buf->cursorX - COLPOS(buf->currentLine, a->start.pos) + 0.5) * pixel_per_char) - a->image->xoffset; *y = (int)((buf->currentLine->linenumber - a->image->y + 0.5) * pixel_per_line) - a->image->yoffset; if (*x <= 0) *x = 1; if (*y <= 0) *y = 1; return 1; } #endif Anchor * retrieveCurrentMap(Buffer *buf) { Anchor *a; FormItemList *fi; a = retrieveCurrentForm(buf); if (!a || !a->url) return NULL; fi = (FormItemList *)a->url; if (fi->parent->method == FORM_METHOD_INTERNAL && !Strcmp_charp(fi->parent->action, "map")) return a; return NULL; } MapArea * follow_map_menu(Buffer *buf, char *name, Anchor *a_img, int x, int y) { MapList *ml; ListItem *al; MapArea *a; int i, selected = -1, initial = 0; #ifdef MENU_MAP char **label; #endif ml = searchMapList(buf, name); if (ml == NULL || ml->area == NULL || ml->area->nitem == 0) return NULL; #ifdef USE_IMAGE initial = searchMapArea(buf, ml, a_img); if (initial < 0) initial = 0; else if (!image_map_list) { selected = initial; goto map_end; } #endif #ifdef MENU_MAP label = New_N(char *, ml->area->nitem + 1); for (i = 0, al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; i++, al = al->next) { a = (MapArea *) al->ptr; if (a) label[i] = *a->alt ? a->alt : a->url; else label[i] = ""; } label[ml->area->nitem] = NULL; optionMenu(x, y, label, &selected, initial, NULL); #endif map_end: if (selected >= 0) { for (i = 0, al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; i++, al = al->next) { if (al->ptr && i == selected) return (MapArea *) al->ptr; } } return NULL; } #ifndef MENU_MAP char *map1 = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Image map links</TITLE></HEAD>\ <BODY><H1>Image map links</H1>\ <table>"; Buffer * follow_map_panel(Buffer *buf, char *name) { Str mappage; MapList *ml; ListItem *al; MapArea *a; ParsedURL pu; char *url; ml = searchMapList(buf, name); if (ml == NULL) return NULL; mappage = Strnew_charp(map1); for (al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; al = al->next) { a = (MapArea *) al->ptr; if (!a) continue; parseURL2(a->url, &pu, baseURL(buf)); url = html_quote(parsedURL2Str(&pu)->ptr); Strcat_m_charp(mappage, "<tr><td>", html_quote(a->alt), "<td><a href=\"", url, "\">", url, "</a>\n", NULL); } Strcat_charp(mappage, "</table></body></html>"); return loadHTMLString(mappage); } #endif MapArea * newMapArea(char *url, char *target, char *alt, char *shape, char *coords) { MapArea *a = New(MapArea); #ifdef USE_IMAGE char *p; int i, max; #endif a->url = url; a->target = target; a->alt = alt ? alt : ""; #ifdef USE_IMAGE a->shape = SHAPE_RECT; if (shape) { if (!strcasecmp(shape, "default")) a->shape = SHAPE_DEFAULT; else if (!strncasecmp(shape, "rect", 4)) a->shape = SHAPE_RECT; else if (!strncasecmp(shape, "circ", 4)) a->shape = SHAPE_CIRCLE; else if (!strncasecmp(shape, "poly", 4)) a->shape = SHAPE_POLY; else a->shape = SHAPE_UNKNOWN; } a->coords = NULL; a->ncoords = 0; a->center_x = 0; a->center_y = 0; if (a->shape == SHAPE_UNKNOWN || a->shape == SHAPE_DEFAULT) return a; if (!coords) { a->shape = SHAPE_UNKNOWN; return a; } if (a->shape == SHAPE_RECT) { a->coords = New_N(short, 4); a->ncoords = 4; } else if (a->shape == SHAPE_CIRCLE) { a->coords = New_N(short, 3); a->ncoords = 3; } max = a->ncoords; for (i = 0, p = coords; (a->shape == SHAPE_POLY || i < a->ncoords) && *p;) { while (IS_SPACE(*p)) p++; if (!IS_DIGIT(*p) && *p != '-' && *p != '+') break; if (a->shape == SHAPE_POLY) { if (max <= i) { max = i ? i * 2 : 6; a->coords = New_Reuse(short, a->coords, max + 2); } a->ncoords++; } a->coords[i] = (short)atoi(p); i++; if (*p == '-' || *p == '+') p++; while (IS_DIGIT(*p)) p++; if (*p != ',' && !IS_SPACE(*p)) break; while (IS_SPACE(*p)) p++; if (*p == ',') p++; } if (i != a->ncoords || (a->shape == SHAPE_POLY && a->ncoords < 6)) { a->shape = SHAPE_UNKNOWN; a->coords = NULL; a->ncoords = 0; return a; } if (a->shape == SHAPE_POLY) { a->ncoords = a->ncoords / 2 * 2; a->coords[a->ncoords] = a->coords[0]; a->coords[a->ncoords + 1] = a->coords[1]; } if (a->shape == SHAPE_CIRCLE) { a->center_x = a->coords[0]; a->center_y = a->coords[1]; } else { for (i = 0; i < a->ncoords / 2; i++) { a->center_x += a->coords[2 * i]; a->center_y += a->coords[2 * i + 1]; } a->center_x /= a->ncoords / 2; a->center_y /= a->ncoords / 2; } #endif return a; } /* append image map links */ static void append_map_info(Buffer *buf, Str tmp, FormItemList *fi) { MapList *ml; ListItem *al; MapArea *a; ParsedURL pu; char *url; ml = searchMapList(buf, fi->value ? fi->value->ptr : NULL); if (ml == NULL) return; Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td colspan=2>Links of current image map"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td colspan=2><table>"); for (al = ml->area->first; al != NULL; al = al->next) { a = (MapArea *) al->ptr; if (!a) continue; parseURL2(a->url, &pu, baseURL(buf)); url = html_quote(parsedURL2Str(&pu)->ptr); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "<tr><td> <td>", html_quote(a->alt), "<td><a href=\"", url, "\">", url, "</a>\n", NULL); } Strcat_charp(tmp, "</table>"); } /* append frame URL */ static void append_frame_info(Buffer *buf, Str html, struct frameset *set, int level) { char *p, *q; int i, j; if (!set) return; for (i = 0; i < set->col * set->row; i++) { union frameset_element frame = set->frame[i]; if (frame.element != NULL) { switch (frame.element->attr) { case F_UNLOADED: case F_BODY: if (frame.body->url == NULL) break; for (j = 0; j < level; j++) Strcat_charp(html, " "); q = html_quote(frame.body->url); Strcat_charp(html, "<a href=\""); Strcat_charp(html, q); Strcat_charp(html, "\">"); if (frame.body->name) { p = file_unquote(frame.body->name); #ifdef JP_CHARSET p = conv(p, buf->document_code, InnerCode)->ptr; #endif p = html_quote(p); Strcat_charp(html, p); } Strcat_charp(html, " "); Strcat_charp(html, q); Strcat_charp(html, "</a>\n"); #ifdef USE_SSL if (frame.body->ssl_certificate) Strcat_m_charp(html, "<blockquote><pre>\n", frame.body->ssl_certificate, "</pre></blockquote>\n", NULL); #endif break; case F_FRAMESET: append_frame_info(buf, html, frame.set, level + 1); break; } } } } /* * information of current page and link */ Buffer * page_info_panel(Buffer *buf) { Str tmp = Strnew_size(1024); Anchor *a; Str s; ParsedURL pu; TextListItem *ti; struct frameset *f_set = NULL; int all; Strcat_charp(tmp, "<html><head><title>Information about current page</title></head><body>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<h1>Information about current page</h1><table cellpadding=0>"); if (buf == NULL) goto end; Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Title<td>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(buf->buffername)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Current URL<td>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(parsedURL2Str(&buf->currentURL)->ptr)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Document Type<td>"); if (buf->real_type) Strcat_charp(tmp, buf->real_type); else Strcat_charp(tmp, "unknown"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Last Modified<td>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(last_modified(buf))); #ifdef JP_CHARSET Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Document Code<td>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, code_to_str(buf->document_code)); #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Number of lines<td>"); all = buf->allLine; if (all == 0 && buf->lastLine) all = buf->lastLine->linenumber; Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("%d", all)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Transferred bytes<td>"); Strcat(tmp, Sprintf("%d", buf->trbyte)); a = retrieveCurrentAnchor(buf); if (a != NULL) { char *aurl; parseURL2(a->url, &pu, baseURL(buf)); s = parsedURL2Str(&pu); aurl = html_quote(s->ptr); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>URL of current anchor<td>"); Strcat_m_charp(tmp, "<a href=\"", aurl, "\">", aurl, "</a>", NULL); } a = retrieveCurrentImg(buf); if (a != NULL) { parseURL2(a->url, &pu, baseURL(buf)); s = parsedURL2Str(&pu); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>URL of current image<td>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<a href=\""); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(s->ptr)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "\">"); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(s->ptr)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "</a>"); } a = retrieveCurrentForm(buf); if (a != NULL) { FormItemList *fi = (FormItemList *)a->url; s = Strnew_charp(form2str(fi)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<tr><td nowrap>Method/type of current form<td>"); Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(s->ptr)); if (fi->parent->method == FORM_METHOD_INTERNAL && !Strcmp_charp(fi->parent->action, "map")) append_map_info(buf, tmp, fi->parent->item); } Strcat_charp(tmp, "</table>\n"); if (buf->document_header != NULL) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "<hr width=50%>\n"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<h1>Header information</h1>\n"); for (ti = buf->document_header->first; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next) { Strcat_charp(tmp, html_quote(ti->ptr)); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<br>"); } } if (buf->frameset != NULL) f_set = buf->frameset; else if (buf->bufferprop & BP_FRAME && buf->nextBuffer != NULL && buf->nextBuffer->frameset != NULL) f_set = buf->nextBuffer->frameset; if (f_set) { Strcat_charp(tmp, "<hr width=50%><h1>Frame information</h1><pre>"); append_frame_info(buf, tmp, f_set, 0); Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre>"); } #ifdef USE_SSL if (buf->ssl_certificate == NULL) goto end; Strcat_charp(tmp, "<h1>SSL certificate</h1>\n"); Strcat_charp(tmp, "<pre>\n"); Strcat_charp(tmp, buf->ssl_certificate); Strcat_charp(tmp, "</pre>\n"); #endif end: Strcat_charp(tmp, "</body></html>"); return loadHTMLString(tmp); }