/* $Id: menu.c,v 1.46 2007/05/23 12:34:20 inu Exp $ */ /* * w3m menu.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include "fm.h" #include "menu.h" #include "func.h" #include "myctype.h" #include "regex.h" #ifdef USE_MOUSE #ifdef USE_GPM #include <gpm.h> static int gpm_process_menu_mouse(Gpm_Event * event, void *data); extern int gpm_process_mouse(Gpm_Event *, void *); #endif /* USE_GPM */ #ifdef USE_SYSMOUSE extern int (*sysm_handler) (int x, int y, int nbs, int obs); static int sysm_process_menu_mouse(int, int, int, int); extern int sysm_process_mouse(int, int, int, int); #endif /* USE_SYSMOUSE */ #if defined(USE_GPM) || defined(USE_SYSMOUSE) #define X_MOUSE_SELECTED (char)0xff static int X_Mouse_Selection; extern int do_getch(); #define getch() do_getch() #endif /* defined(USE_GPM) || defined(USE_SYSMOUSE) */ #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ #ifdef USE_MENU static char **FRAME; static int FRAME_WIDTH; static int graph_mode = FALSE; #define G_start {if (graph_mode) graphstart();} #define G_end {if (graph_mode) graphend();} static int mEsc(char c); static int mEscB(char c); static int mEscD(char c); static int mNull(char c); static int mSelect(char c); static int mDown(char c); static int mUp(char c); static int mLast(char c); static int mTop(char c); static int mNext(char c); static int mPrev(char c); static int mFore(char c); static int mBack(char c); static int mLineU(char c); static int mLineD(char c); static int mOk(char c); static int mCancel(char c); static int mClose(char c); static int mSusp(char c); static int mMouse(char c); static int mSgrMouse(char c); static int mSrchF(char c); static int mSrchB(char c); static int mSrchN(char c); static int mSrchP(char c); #ifdef __EMX__ static int mPc(char c); #endif /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static int (*MenuKeymap[128]) (char c) = { /* C-@ C-a C-b C-c C-d C-e C-f C-g */ #ifdef __EMX__ mPc, mTop, mPrev, mClose, mNull, mLast, mNext, mNull, #else mNull, mTop, mPrev, mClose, mNull, mLast, mNext, mNull, #endif /* C-h C-i C-j C-k C-l C-m C-n C-o */ mCancel,mNull, mOk, mNull, mNull, mOk, mDown, mNull, /* C-p C-q C-r C-s C-t C-u C-v C-w */ mUp, mNull, mSrchB, mSrchF, mNull, mNull, mNext, mNull, /* C-x C-y C-z C-[ C-\ C-] C-^ C-_ */ mNull, mNull, mSusp, mEsc, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* SPC ! " # $ % & ' */ mOk, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* ( ) * + , - . / */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mSrchF, /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull , mNull, mNull, /* 8 9 : ; < = > ? */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mSrchB, /* @ A B C D E F G */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* H I J K L M N O */ mNull, mNull, mLineU, mLineD, mNull, mNull, mSrchP, mNull, /* P Q R S T U V W */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* ` a b c d e f g */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* h i j k l m n o */ mCancel,mNull, mDown, mUp, mOk, mNull, mSrchN, mNull, /* p q r s t u v w */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* x y z { | } ~ DEL */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mCancel, }; static int (*MenuEscKeymap[128]) (char c) = { mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* O */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mEscB, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* [ */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mEscB, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* v */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mPrev, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, }; static int (*MenuEscBKeymap[128]) (char c) = { mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* 8 9 : ; < = > ? */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mSgrMouse,mNull,mNull, mNull, /* A B C D E */ mNull, mUp, mDown, mOk, mCancel,mClose, mNull, mNull, /* L M */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mClose, mMouse, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, }; static int (*MenuEscDKeymap[128]) (char c) = { /* 0 1 INS 3 4 PgUp, PgDn 7 */ mNull, mNull, mClose, mNull, mNull, mBack, mFore, mNull, /* 8 9 10 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* 16 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 22 23 */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, /* 24 25 26 27 HELP 29 30 31 */ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mClose, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, }; #ifdef __EMX__ static int (*MenuPcKeymap[256])(char c)={ // Null mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // S-Tab mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-q A-w A-E A-r A-t A-y A-u A-i mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-o A-p A-[ A-] A-a A-s mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-d A-f A-g A-h A-j A-k A-l A-; mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-' A-' A-\ A-x A-c A-v mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mPrev, // A-b A-n A-m A-, A-. A-/ A-+ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Home mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mTop, // Up PgUp A-/ Left 5 Right C-* End mUp, mUp, mNull, mCancel,mNull, mOk, mNull, mLast, // Down PgDn Ins Del S-F1 S-F2 S-F3 S-F4 mDown, mDown, mClose, mCancel,mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // S-F5 S-F6 S-F7 S-F8 S-F9 S-F10 C-F1 C-F2 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // C-F3 C-F4 C-F5 C-F6 C-F7 C-F8 C-F9 C-F10 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-F1 A-F2 A-F3 A-F4 A-F5 A-F6 A-F7 A-F8 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-F9 A-F10 PrtSc C-Left C-Right C-End C-PgDn C-Home mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7/8 A-9 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A-0 A - A-= C-PgUp F11 F12 S-F11 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // S-F12 C-F11 C-F12 A-F11 A-F12 C-Up C-/ C-5 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // S-* C-Down C-Ins C-Del C-Tab C - C-+ mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // A - A-Tab A-Enter mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 160 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 168 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 176 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 184 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 192 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 200 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 208 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 216 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 224 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 232 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, // 240 mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull, mNull // 248 }; #endif /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* --- SelectMenu --- */ static Menu SelectMenu; static int SelectV = 0; static void initSelectMenu(void); static void smChBuf(void); static int smDelBuf(char c); /* --- SelectMenu (END) --- */ /* --- SelTabMenu --- */ static Menu SelTabMenu; static int SelTabV = 0; static void initSelTabMenu(void); static void smChTab(void); static int smDelTab(char c); /* --- SelTabMenu (END) --- */ /* --- MainMenu --- */ static Menu MainMenu; #ifdef USE_M17N /* FIXME: gettextize here */ static wc_ces MainMenuCharset = WC_CES_US_ASCII; /* FIXME: charset of source code */ static int MainMenuEncode = FALSE; #endif static MenuItem MainMenuItem[] = { /* type label variable value func popup keys data */ {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Back (b) "), NULL, 0, backBf, NULL, "b", NULL}, {MENU_POPUP, N_(" Select Buffer(s) "), NULL, 0, NULL, &SelectMenu, "s", NULL}, {MENU_POPUP, N_(" Select Tab (t) "), NULL, 0, NULL, &SelTabMenu, "tT", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" View Source (v) "), NULL, 0, vwSrc, NULL, "vV", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Edit Source (e) "), NULL, 0, editBf, NULL, "eE", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Save Source (S) "), NULL, 0, svSrc, NULL, "S", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Reload (r) "), NULL, 0, reload, NULL, "rR", NULL}, {MENU_NOP, N_(" ---------------- "), NULL, 0, nulcmd, NULL, "", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Go Link (a) "), NULL, 0, followA, NULL, "a", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" on New Tab (n) "), NULL, 0, tabA, NULL, "nN", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Save Link (A) "), NULL, 0, svA, NULL, "A", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" View Image (i) "), NULL, 0, followI, NULL, "i", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Save Image (I) "), NULL, 0, svI, NULL, "I", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" View Frame (f) "), NULL, 0, rFrame, NULL, "fF", NULL}, {MENU_NOP, N_(" ---------------- "), NULL, 0, nulcmd, NULL, "", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Bookmark (B) "), NULL, 0, ldBmark, NULL, "B", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Help (h) "), NULL, 0, ldhelp, NULL, "hH", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Option (o) "), NULL, 0, ldOpt, NULL, "oO", NULL}, {MENU_NOP, N_(" ---------------- "), NULL, 0, nulcmd, NULL, "", NULL}, {MENU_FUNC, N_(" Quit (q) "), NULL, 0, qquitfm, NULL, "qQ", NULL}, {MENU_END, "", NULL, 0, nulcmd, NULL, "", NULL}, }; /* --- MainMenu (END) --- */ static MenuList *w3mMenuList; static Menu *CurrentMenu = NULL; #define mvaddch(y, x, c) (move(y, x), addch(c)) #define mvaddstr(y, x, str) (move(y, x), addstr(str)) #define mvaddnstr(y, x, str, n) (move(y, x), addnstr_sup(str, n)) void new_menu(Menu *menu, MenuItem *item) { int i, l; char *p; menu->cursorX = 0; menu->cursorY = 0; menu->x = 0; menu->y = 0; menu->nitem = 0; menu->item = item; menu->initial = 0; menu->select = 0; menu->offset = 0; menu->active = 0; if (item == NULL) return; for (i = 0; item[i].type != MENU_END; i++) ; menu->nitem = i; menu->height = menu->nitem; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) menu->keymap[i] = MenuKeymap[i]; menu->width = 0; for (i = 0; i < menu->nitem; i++) { if ((p = item[i].keys) != NULL) { while (*p) { if (IS_ASCII(*p)) { menu->keymap[(int)*p] = mSelect; menu->keyselect[(int)*p] = i; } p++; } } l = get_strwidth(item[i].label); if (l > menu->width) menu->width = l; } } void geom_menu(Menu *menu, int x, int y, int mselect) { int win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h; menu->select = mselect; if (menu->width % FRAME_WIDTH) menu->width = (menu->width / FRAME_WIDTH + 1) * FRAME_WIDTH; win_x = menu->x - FRAME_WIDTH; win_w = menu->width + 2 * FRAME_WIDTH; if (win_x + win_w > COLS) win_x = COLS - win_w; if (win_x < 0) { win_x = 0; if (win_w > COLS) { menu->width = COLS - 2 * FRAME_WIDTH; menu->width -= menu->width % FRAME_WIDTH; } } menu->x = win_x + FRAME_WIDTH; win_y = menu->y - mselect - 1; win_h = menu->height + 2; if (win_y + win_h > LASTLINE) win_y = LASTLINE - win_h; if (win_y < 0) { win_y = 0; if (win_y + win_h > LASTLINE) { win_h = LASTLINE - win_y; menu->height = win_h - 2; if (menu->height <= mselect) menu->offset = mselect - menu->height + 1; } } menu->y = win_y + 1; } void draw_all_menu(Menu *menu) { if (menu->parent != NULL) draw_all_menu(menu->parent); draw_menu(menu); } void draw_menu(Menu *menu) { int x, y, w; int i, j; x = menu->x - FRAME_WIDTH; w = menu->width + 2 * FRAME_WIDTH; y = menu->y - 1; if (menu->offset == 0) { G_start; mvaddstr(y, x, FRAME[3]); for (i = FRAME_WIDTH; i < w - FRAME_WIDTH; i += FRAME_WIDTH) mvaddstr(y, x + i, FRAME[10]); mvaddstr(y, x + i, FRAME[6]); G_end; } else { G_start; mvaddstr(y, x, FRAME[5]); G_end; for (i = FRAME_WIDTH; i < w - FRAME_WIDTH; i++) mvaddstr(y, x + i, " "); G_start; mvaddstr(y, x + i, FRAME[5]); G_end; i = (w / 2 - 1) / FRAME_WIDTH * FRAME_WIDTH; mvaddstr(y, x + i, ":"); } for (j = 0; j < menu->height; j++) { y++; G_start; mvaddstr(y, x, FRAME[5]); G_end; draw_menu_item(menu, menu->offset + j); G_start; mvaddstr(y, x + w - FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME[5]); G_end; } y++; if (menu->offset + menu->height == menu->nitem) { G_start; mvaddstr(y, x, FRAME[9]); for (i = FRAME_WIDTH; i < w - FRAME_WIDTH; i += FRAME_WIDTH) mvaddstr(y, x + i, FRAME[10]); mvaddstr(y, x + i, FRAME[12]); G_end; } else { G_start; mvaddstr(y, x, FRAME[5]); G_end; for (i = FRAME_WIDTH; i < w - FRAME_WIDTH; i++) mvaddstr(y, x + i, " "); G_start; mvaddstr(y, x + i, FRAME[5]); G_end; i = (w / 2 - 1) / FRAME_WIDTH * FRAME_WIDTH; mvaddstr(y, x + i, ":"); } } void draw_menu_item(Menu *menu, int mselect) { mvaddnstr(menu->y + mselect - menu->offset, menu->x, menu->item[mselect].label, menu->width); } int select_menu(Menu *menu, int mselect) { if (mselect < 0 || mselect >= menu->nitem) return (MENU_NOTHING); if (mselect < menu->offset) up_menu(menu, menu->offset - mselect); else if (mselect >= menu->offset + menu->height) down_menu(menu, mselect - menu->offset - menu->height + 1); if (menu->select >= menu->offset && menu->select < menu->offset + menu->height) draw_menu_item(menu, menu->select); menu->select = mselect; standout(); draw_menu_item(menu, menu->select); standend(); /* * move(menu->cursorY, menu->cursorX); */ move(menu->y + mselect - menu->offset, menu->x); toggle_stand(); refresh(); return (menu->select); } void goto_menu(Menu *menu, int mselect, int down) { int select_in; if (mselect >= menu->nitem) mselect = menu->nitem - 1; else if (mselect < 0) mselect = 0; select_in = mselect; while (menu->item[mselect].type == MENU_NOP) { if (down > 0) { if (++mselect >= menu->nitem) { down_menu(menu, select_in - menu->select); mselect = menu->select; break; } } else if (down < 0) { if (--mselect < 0) { up_menu(menu, menu->select - select_in); mselect = menu->select; break; } } else { return; } } select_menu(menu, mselect); } void up_menu(Menu *menu, int n) { if (n < 0 || menu->offset == 0) return; menu->offset -= n; if (menu->offset < 0) menu->offset = 0; draw_menu(menu); } void down_menu(Menu *menu, int n) { if (n < 0 || menu->offset + menu->height == menu->nitem) return; menu->offset += n; if (menu->offset + menu->height > menu->nitem) menu->offset = menu->nitem - menu->height; draw_menu(menu); } int action_menu(Menu *menu) { char c; int mselect; MenuItem item; if (menu->active == 0) { if (menu->parent != NULL) menu->parent->active = 0; return (0); } draw_all_menu(menu); select_menu(menu, menu->select); while (1) { #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (use_mouse) mouse_active(); #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ c = getch(); #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (use_mouse) mouse_inactive(); #if defined(USE_GPM) || defined(USE_SYSMOUSE) if (c == X_MOUSE_SELECTED) { mselect = X_Mouse_Selection; if (mselect != MENU_NOTHING) break; } #endif /* defined(USE_GPM) || defined(USE_SYSMOUSE) */ #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ if (IS_ASCII(c)) { /* Ascii */ mselect = (*menu->keymap[(int)c]) (c); if (mselect != MENU_NOTHING) break; } } if (mselect >= 0 && mselect < menu->nitem) { item = menu->item[mselect]; if (item.type & MENU_POPUP) { popup_menu(menu, item.popup); return (1); } if (menu->parent != NULL) menu->parent->active = 0; if (item.type & MENU_VALUE) *item.variable = item.value; if (item.type & MENU_FUNC) { CurrentKey = -1; CurrentKeyData = NULL; CurrentCmdData = item.data; (*item.func) (); CurrentCmdData = NULL; } } else if (mselect == MENU_CLOSE) { if (menu->parent != NULL) menu->parent->active = 0; } return (0); } void popup_menu(Menu *parent, Menu *menu) { int active = 1; if (menu->item == NULL || menu->nitem == 0) return; if (menu->active) return; #ifdef USE_MOUSE #ifdef USE_GPM gpm_handler = gpm_process_menu_mouse; #endif /* USE_GPM */ #ifdef USE_SYSMOUSE sysm_handler = sysm_process_menu_mouse; #endif /* USE_SYSMOUSE */ #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ menu->parent = parent; menu->select = menu->initial; menu->offset = 0; menu->active = 1; if (parent != NULL) { menu->cursorX = parent->cursorX; menu->cursorY = parent->cursorY; guess_menu_xy(parent, menu->width, &menu->x, &menu->y); } geom_menu(menu, menu->x, menu->y, menu->select); CurrentMenu = menu; while (active) { active = action_menu(CurrentMenu); displayBuffer(Currentbuf, B_FORCE_REDRAW); } menu->active = 0; CurrentMenu = parent; #ifdef USE_MOUSE #ifdef USE_GPM if (CurrentMenu == NULL) gpm_handler = gpm_process_mouse; #endif /* USE_GPM */ #ifdef USE_SYSMOUSE if (CurrentMenu == NULL) sysm_handler = sysm_process_mouse; #endif /* USE_SYSMOUSE */ #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ } void guess_menu_xy(Menu *parent, int width, int *x, int *y) { *x = parent->x + parent->width + FRAME_WIDTH - 1; if (*x + width + FRAME_WIDTH > COLS) { *x = COLS - width - FRAME_WIDTH; if ((parent->x + parent->width / 2 > *x) && (parent->x + parent->width / 2 > COLS / 2)) *x = parent->x - width - FRAME_WIDTH + 1; } *y = parent->y + parent->select - parent->offset; } void new_option_menu(Menu *menu, char **label, int *variable, void (*func) ()) { int i, nitem; char **p; MenuItem *item; if (label == NULL || *label == NULL) return; for (i = 0, p = label; *p != NULL; i++, p++) ; nitem = i; item = New_N(MenuItem, nitem + 1); for (i = 0, p = label; i < nitem; i++, p++) { if (func != NULL) item[i].type = MENU_VALUE | MENU_FUNC; else item[i].type = MENU_VALUE; item[i].label = *p; item[i].variable = variable; item[i].value = i; item[i].func = func; item[i].popup = NULL; item[i].keys = ""; } item[nitem].type = MENU_END; new_menu(menu, item); } static void set_menu_frame(void) { if (graph_ok()) { graph_mode = TRUE; FRAME_WIDTH = 1; FRAME = graph_symbol; } else { graph_mode = FALSE; #ifdef USE_M17N FRAME_WIDTH = 0; FRAME = get_symbol(DisplayCharset, &FRAME_WIDTH); if (!WcOption.use_wide) FRAME_WIDTH = 1; #else FRAME_WIDTH = 1; FRAME = get_symbol(); #endif } } /* --- MenuFunctions --- */ #ifdef __EMX__ static int mPc(char c) { c = getch(); return (MenuPcKeymap[(int)c] (c)); } #endif static int mEsc(char c) { c = getch(); return (MenuEscKeymap[(int)c] (c)); } static int mEscB(char c) { c = getch(); if (IS_DIGIT(c)) return (mEscD(c)); else return (MenuEscBKeymap[(int)c] (c)); } static int mEscD(char c) { int d; d = (int)c - (int)'0'; c = getch(); if (IS_DIGIT(c)) { d = d * 10 + (int)c - (int)'0'; c = getch(); } if (c == '~') return (MenuEscDKeymap[d] (c)); else return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mNull(char c) { return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mSelect(char c) { if (IS_ASCII(c)) return (select_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->keyselect[(int)c])); else return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mDown(char c) { if (CurrentMenu->select >= CurrentMenu->nitem - 1) return (MENU_NOTHING); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select + 1, 1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mUp(char c) { if (CurrentMenu->select <= 0) return (MENU_NOTHING); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select - 1, -1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mLast(char c) { goto_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->nitem - 1, -1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mTop(char c) { goto_menu(CurrentMenu, 0, 1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mNext(char c) { int mselect = CurrentMenu->select + CurrentMenu->height; if (mselect >= CurrentMenu->nitem) return mLast(c); down_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->height); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, -1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mPrev(char c) { int mselect = CurrentMenu->select - CurrentMenu->height; if (mselect < 0) return mTop(c); up_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->height); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, 1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mFore(char c) { if (CurrentMenu->select >= CurrentMenu->nitem - 1) return (MENU_NOTHING); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, (CurrentMenu->select + CurrentMenu->height - 1), (CurrentMenu->height + 1)); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mBack(char c) { if (CurrentMenu->select <= 0) return (MENU_NOTHING); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, (CurrentMenu->select - CurrentMenu->height + 1), (-1 - CurrentMenu->height)); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mLineU(char c) { int mselect = CurrentMenu->select; if (mselect >= CurrentMenu->nitem) return mLast(c); if (CurrentMenu->offset + CurrentMenu->height >= CurrentMenu->nitem) mselect++; else { down_menu(CurrentMenu, 1); if (mselect < CurrentMenu->offset) mselect++; } goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, 1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mLineD(char c) { int mselect = CurrentMenu->select; if (mselect <= 0) return mTop(c); if (CurrentMenu->offset <= 0) mselect--; else { up_menu(CurrentMenu, 1); if (mselect >= CurrentMenu->offset + CurrentMenu->height) mselect--; } goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, -1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mOk(char c) { int mselect = CurrentMenu->select; if (CurrentMenu->item[mselect].type == MENU_NOP) return (MENU_NOTHING); return (mselect); } static int mCancel(char c) { return (MENU_CANCEL); } static int mClose(char c) { return (MENU_CLOSE); } static int mSusp(char c) { susp(); draw_all_menu(CurrentMenu); select_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static char *SearchString = NULL; int (*menuSearchRoutine) (Menu *, char *, int); static int menuForwardSearch(Menu *menu, char *str, int from) { int i; char *p; if ((p = regexCompile(str, IgnoreCase)) != NULL) { message(p, 0, 0); return -1; } if (from < 0) from = 0; for (i = from; i < menu->nitem; i++) if (menu->item[i].type != MENU_NOP && regexMatch(menu->item[i].label, -1, 1) == 1) return i; return -1; } static int menu_search_forward(Menu *menu, int from) { char *str; int found; str = inputStrHist("Forward: ", NULL, TextHist); if (str != NULL && *str == '\0') str = SearchString; if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') return -1; SearchString = str; str = conv_search_string(str, DisplayCharset); menuSearchRoutine = menuForwardSearch; found = menuForwardSearch(menu, str, from + 1); if (WrapSearch && found == -1) found = menuForwardSearch(menu, str, 0); if (found >= 0) return found; disp_message("Not found", TRUE); return -1; } static int mSrchF(char c) { int mselect; mselect = menu_search_forward(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select); if (mselect >= 0) goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, 1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int menuBackwardSearch(Menu *menu, char *str, int from) { int i; char *p; if ((p = regexCompile(str, IgnoreCase)) != NULL) { message(p, 0, 0); return -1; } if (from >= menu->nitem) from = menu->nitem - 1; for (i = from; i >= 0; i--) if (menu->item[i].type != MENU_NOP && regexMatch(menu->item[i].label, -1, 1) == 1) return i; return -1; } static int menu_search_backward(Menu *menu, int from) { char *str; int found; str = inputStrHist("Backward: ", NULL, TextHist); if (str != NULL && *str == '\0') str = SearchString; if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') return -1; SearchString = str; str = conv_search_string(str, DisplayCharset); menuSearchRoutine = menuBackwardSearch; found = menuBackwardSearch(menu, str, from - 1); if (WrapSearch && found == -1) found = menuBackwardSearch(menu, str, menu->nitem); if (found >= 0) return found; disp_message("Not found", TRUE); return -1; } static int mSrchB(char c) { int mselect; mselect = menu_search_backward(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select); if (mselect >= 0) goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, -1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int menu_search_next_previous(Menu *menu, int from, int reverse) { int found; static int (*routine[2]) (Menu *, char *, int) = { menuForwardSearch, menuBackwardSearch}; char *str; if (menuSearchRoutine == NULL) { disp_message("No previous regular expression", TRUE); return -1; } str = conv_search_string(SearchString, DisplayCharset); if (reverse != 0) reverse = 1; if (menuSearchRoutine == menuBackwardSearch) reverse ^= 1; from += reverse ? -1 : 1; found = (*routine[reverse]) (menu, str, from); if (WrapSearch && found == -1) found = (*routine[reverse]) (menu, str, reverse * menu->nitem); if (found >= 0) return found; disp_message("Not found", TRUE); return -1; } static int mSrchN(char c) { int mselect; mselect = menu_search_next_previous(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select, 0); if (mselect >= 0) goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, 1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mSrchP(char c) { int mselect; mselect = menu_search_next_previous(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select, 1); if (mselect >= 0) goto_menu(CurrentMenu, mselect, -1); return (MENU_NOTHING); } #ifdef USE_MOUSE #define MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN 0 #define MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN 1 #define MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN 2 #define MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_RXVT 3 #define MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_RXVT 4 #define MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_XTERM 64 #define MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_XTERM 65 #define MOUSE_BTN_UP 3 #define MOUSE_BTN_RESET -1 static int mMouse_scroll_line(void) { int i = 0; if (relative_wheel_scroll) i = (relative_wheel_scroll_ratio * CurrentMenu->height + 99) / 100; else i = fixed_wheel_scroll_count; return i ? i : 1; } static int process_mMouse(int btn, int x, int y) { Menu *menu; int mselect, i; static int press_btn = MOUSE_BTN_RESET, press_x, press_y; char c = ' '; menu = CurrentMenu; if (x < 0 || x >= COLS || y < 0 || y > LASTLINE) return (MENU_NOTHING); if (btn == MOUSE_BTN_UP) { switch (press_btn) { case MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN: case MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN: if (x < menu->x - FRAME_WIDTH || x >= menu->x + menu->width + FRAME_WIDTH || y < menu->y - 1 || y >= menu->y + menu->height + 1) { return (MENU_CANCEL); } else if ((x >= menu->x - FRAME_WIDTH && x < menu->x) || (x >= menu->x + menu->width && x < menu->x + menu->width + FRAME_WIDTH)) { return (MENU_NOTHING); } else if (press_y > y) { for (i = 0; i < press_y - y; i++) mLineU(c); return (MENU_NOTHING); } else if (press_y < y) { for (i = 0; i < y - press_y; i++) mLineD(c); return (MENU_NOTHING); } else if (y == menu->y - 1) { mPrev(c); return (MENU_NOTHING); } else if (y == menu->y + menu->height) { mNext(c); return (MENU_NOTHING); } else { mselect = y - menu->y + menu->offset; if (menu->item[mselect].type == MENU_NOP) return (MENU_NOTHING); return (select_menu(menu, mselect)); } break; case MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_RXVT: for (i = 0; i < mMouse_scroll_line(); i++) mLineD(c); break; case MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_RXVT: for (i = 0; i < mMouse_scroll_line(); i++) mLineU(c); break; } } else if (btn == MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_XTERM) { for (i = 0; i < mMouse_scroll_line(); i++) mLineD(c); } else if (btn == MOUSE_BTN5_DOWN_XTERM) { for (i = 0; i < mMouse_scroll_line(); i++) mLineU(c); } if (btn != MOUSE_BTN4_DOWN_RXVT || press_btn == MOUSE_BTN_RESET) { press_btn = btn; press_x = x; press_y = y; } else { press_btn = MOUSE_BTN_RESET; } return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mMouse(char c) { int btn, x, y; btn = (unsigned char)getch() - 32; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR < 1005 if (cygwin_mouse_btn_swapped) { if (btn == MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN) btn = MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN; else if (btn == MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN) btn = MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN; } #endif x = (unsigned char)getch() - 33; if (x < 0) x += 0x100; y = (unsigned char)getch() - 33; if (y < 0) y += 0x100; /* * if (x < 0 || x >= COLS || y < 0 || y > LASTLINE) return; */ return process_mMouse(btn, x, y); } static int mSgrMouse(char c) { int btn = 0, x = 0, y = 0; unsigned char ch; for (ch = getch(); IS_DIGIT(ch); ch = getch()) btn = btn * 10 + ch - '0'; if (ch != ';') return MENU_NOTHING; #if defined (__CYGWIN__) && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR < 1005 if (cygwin_mouse_btn_swapped) { if (btn == MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN) btn = MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN; else if (btn == MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN) btn = MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN; } #endif for (ch = getch(); IS_DIGIT(ch); ch = getch()) x = x * 10 + ch - '0'; if (ch != ';') return MENU_NOTHING; if (x > 0) x--; for (ch = getch(); IS_DIGIT(ch); ch = getch()) y = y * 10 + ch - '0'; if (ch == 'm') btn |= 3; else if (ch != 'M' && ch != ';') return MENU_NOTHING; if (y > 0) y--; if (x < 0 || x >= COLS || y < 0 || y > LASTLINE) return MENU_NOTHING; return process_mMouse(btn, x, y); } #ifdef USE_GPM static int gpm_process_menu_mouse(Gpm_Event * event, void *data) { int btn = MOUSE_BTN_RESET, x, y; if (event->type & GPM_UP) btn = MOUSE_BTN_UP; else if (event->type & GPM_DOWN) { switch (event->buttons) { case GPM_B_LEFT: btn = MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN; break; case GPM_B_MIDDLE: btn = MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN; break; case GPM_B_RIGHT: btn = MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN; break; } } else { GPM_DRAWPOINTER(event); return 0; } x = event->x; y = event->y; X_Mouse_Selection = process_mMouse(btn, x - 1, y - 1); return X_MOUSE_SELECTED; } #endif /* USE_GPM */ #ifdef USE_SYSMOUSE static int sysm_process_menu_mouse(int x, int y, int nbs, int obs) { int btn; int bits; if (obs & ~nbs) btn = MOUSE_BTN_UP; else if (nbs & ~obs) { bits = nbs & ~obs; btn = bits & 0x1 ? MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN : (bits & 0x2 ? MOUSE_BTN2_DOWN : (bits & 0x4 ? MOUSE_BTN3_DOWN : 0)); } else /* nbs == obs */ return 0; X_Mouse_Selection = process_mMouse(btn, x, y); return X_MOUSE_SELECTED; } #endif /* USE_SYSMOUSE */ #else /* not USE_MOUSE */ static int mMouse(char c) { return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int mSgrMouse(char c) { return (MENU_NOTHING); } #endif /* not USE_MOUSE */ /* --- MenuFunctions (END) --- */ /* --- MainMenu --- */ void popupMenu(int x, int y, Menu *menu) { set_menu_frame(); initSelectMenu(); initSelTabMenu(); menu->cursorX = Currentbuf->cursorX + Currentbuf->rootX; menu->cursorY = Currentbuf->cursorY + Currentbuf->rootY; menu->x = x + FRAME_WIDTH + 1; menu->y = y + 2; popup_menu(NULL, menu); } void mainMenu(int x, int y) { popupMenu(x, y, &MainMenu); } DEFUN(mainMn, MAIN_MENU MENU, "Popup menu") { Menu *menu = &MainMenu; char *data; int n; int x = Currentbuf->cursorX + Currentbuf->rootX, y = Currentbuf->cursorY + Currentbuf->rootY; data = searchKeyData(); if (data != NULL) { n = getMenuN(w3mMenuList, data); if (n < 0) return; menu = w3mMenuList[n].menu; } #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (mouse_action.in_action) { x = mouse_action.cursorX; y = mouse_action.cursorY; } #endif popupMenu(x, y, menu); } /* --- MainMenu (END) --- */ /* --- SelectMenu --- */ DEFUN(selMn, SELECT_MENU, "Popup buffer selection menu") { int x = Currentbuf->cursorX + Currentbuf->rootX, y = Currentbuf->cursorY + Currentbuf->rootY; #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (mouse_action.in_action) { x = mouse_action.cursorX; y = mouse_action.cursorY; } #endif popupMenu(x, y, &SelectMenu); } static void initSelectMenu(void) { int i, nitem, len = 0, l; Buffer *buf; Str str; char **label; char *p; static char *comment = " SPC for select / D for delete buffer "; SelectV = -1; for (i = 0, buf = Firstbuf; buf != NULL; i++, buf = buf->nextBuffer) { if (buf == Currentbuf) SelectV = i; } nitem = i; label = New_N(char *, nitem + 2); for (i = 0, buf = Firstbuf; i < nitem; i++, buf = buf->nextBuffer) { str = Sprintf("<%s>", buf->buffername); if (buf->filename != NULL) { switch (buf->currentURL.scheme) { case SCM_LOCAL: if (strcmp(buf->currentURL.file, "-")) { Strcat_char(str, ' '); Strcat_charp(str, conv_from_system(buf->currentURL.real_file)); } break; /* case SCM_UNKNOWN: */ case SCM_MISSING: break; default: Strcat_char(str, ' '); p = url_decode2(parsedURL2Str(&buf->currentURL)->ptr, NULL); Strcat_charp(str, p); break; } } label[i] = str->ptr; if (len < str->length) len = str->length; } l = get_strwidth(comment); if (len < l + 4) len = l + 4; if (len > COLS - 2 * FRAME_WIDTH) len = COLS - 2 * FRAME_WIDTH; len = (len > 1) ? ((len - l + 1) / 2) : 0; str = Strnew(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) Strcat_char(str, '-'); Strcat_charp(str, comment); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) Strcat_char(str, '-'); label[nitem] = str->ptr; label[nitem + 1] = NULL; new_option_menu(&SelectMenu, label, &SelectV, smChBuf); SelectMenu.initial = SelectV; SelectMenu.cursorX = Currentbuf->cursorX + Currentbuf->rootX; SelectMenu.cursorY = Currentbuf->cursorY + Currentbuf->rootY; SelectMenu.keymap['D'] = smDelBuf; SelectMenu.item[nitem].type = MENU_NOP; } static void smChBuf(void) { int i; Buffer *buf; if (SelectV < 0 || SelectV >= SelectMenu.nitem) return; for (i = 0, buf = Firstbuf; i < SelectV; i++, buf = buf->nextBuffer) ; Currentbuf = buf; for (buf = Firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->nextBuffer) { if (buf == Currentbuf) continue; #ifdef USE_IMAGE deleteImage(buf); #endif if (clear_buffer) tmpClearBuffer(buf); } } static int smDelBuf(char c) { int i, x, y, mselect; Buffer *buf; if (CurrentMenu->select < 0 || CurrentMenu->select >= SelectMenu.nitem) return (MENU_NOTHING); for (i = 0, buf = Firstbuf; i < CurrentMenu->select; i++, buf = buf->nextBuffer) ; if (Currentbuf == buf) Currentbuf = buf->nextBuffer; Firstbuf = deleteBuffer(Firstbuf, buf); if (!Currentbuf) Currentbuf = nthBuffer(Firstbuf, i - 1);; if (Firstbuf == NULL) { Firstbuf = nullBuffer(); Currentbuf = Firstbuf; } x = CurrentMenu->x; y = CurrentMenu->y; mselect = CurrentMenu->select; initSelectMenu(); CurrentMenu->x = x; CurrentMenu->y = y; geom_menu(CurrentMenu, x, y, 0); CurrentMenu->select = (mselect <= CurrentMenu->nitem - 2) ? mselect : (CurrentMenu->nitem - 2); displayBuffer(Currentbuf, B_FORCE_REDRAW); draw_all_menu(CurrentMenu); select_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select); return (MENU_NOTHING); } /* --- SelectMenu (END) --- */ /* --- SelTabMenu --- */ DEFUN(tabMn, TAB_MENU, "Popup tab selection menu") { int x = Currentbuf->cursorX + Currentbuf->rootX, y = Currentbuf->cursorY + Currentbuf->rootY; #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (mouse_action.in_action) { x = mouse_action.cursorX; y = mouse_action.cursorY; } #endif popupMenu(x, y, &SelTabMenu); } static void initSelTabMenu(void) { int i, nitem, len = 0, l; TabBuffer *tab; Buffer *buf; Str str; char **label; char *p; static char *comment = " SPC for select / D for delete tab "; SelTabV = -1; for (i = 0, tab = LastTab; tab != NULL; i++, tab = tab->prevTab) { if (tab == CurrentTab) SelTabV = i; } nitem = i; label = New_N(char *, nitem + 2); for (i = 0, tab = LastTab; i < nitem; i++, tab = tab->prevTab) { buf = tab->currentBuffer; str = Sprintf("<%s>", buf->buffername); if (buf->filename != NULL) { switch (buf->currentURL.scheme) { case SCM_LOCAL: if (strcmp(buf->currentURL.file, "-")) { Strcat_char(str, ' '); Strcat_charp(str, conv_from_system(buf->currentURL.real_file)); } break; /* case SCM_UNKNOWN: */ case SCM_MISSING: break; default: p = url_decode2(parsedURL2Str(&buf->currentURL)->ptr, NULL); Strcat_charp(str, p); break; } } label[i] = str->ptr; if (len < str->length) len = str->length; } l = strlen(comment); if (len < l + 4) len = l + 4; if (len > COLS - 2 * FRAME_WIDTH) len = COLS - 2 * FRAME_WIDTH; len = (len > 1) ? ((len - l + 1) / 2) : 0; str = Strnew(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) Strcat_char(str, '-'); Strcat_charp(str, comment); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) Strcat_char(str, '-'); label[nitem] = str->ptr; label[nitem + 1] = NULL; new_option_menu(&SelTabMenu, label, &SelTabV, smChTab); SelTabMenu.initial = SelTabV; SelTabMenu.cursorX = Currentbuf->cursorX + Currentbuf->rootX; SelTabMenu.cursorY = Currentbuf->cursorY + Currentbuf->rootY; SelTabMenu.keymap['D'] = smDelTab; SelTabMenu.item[nitem].type = MENU_NOP; } static void smChTab(void) { int i; TabBuffer *tab; Buffer *buf; if (SelTabV < 0 || SelTabV >= SelTabMenu.nitem) return; for (i = 0, tab = LastTab; i < SelTabV && tab != NULL; i++, tab = tab->prevTab) ; CurrentTab = tab; for (tab = LastTab; tab != NULL; tab = tab->prevTab) { if (tab == CurrentTab) continue; buf = tab->currentBuffer; #ifdef USE_IMAGE deleteImage(buf); #endif if (clear_buffer) tmpClearBuffer(buf); } } static int smDelTab(char c) { int i, x, y, mselect; TabBuffer *tab; if (CurrentMenu->select < 0 || CurrentMenu->select >= SelTabMenu.nitem) return (MENU_NOTHING); for (i = 0, tab = LastTab; i < CurrentMenu->select && tab != NULL; i++, tab = tab->prevTab) ; deleteTab(tab); x = CurrentMenu->x; y = CurrentMenu->y; mselect = CurrentMenu->select; initSelTabMenu(); CurrentMenu->x = x; CurrentMenu->y = y; geom_menu(CurrentMenu, x, y, 0); CurrentMenu->select = (mselect <= CurrentMenu->nitem - 2) ? mselect : (CurrentMenu->nitem - 2); displayBuffer(Currentbuf, B_FORCE_REDRAW); draw_all_menu(CurrentMenu); select_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->select); return (MENU_NOTHING); } /* --- SelectMenu (END) --- */ /* --- OptionMenu --- */ void optionMenu(int x, int y, char **label, int *variable, int initial, void (*func) ()) { Menu menu; set_menu_frame(); new_option_menu(&menu, label, variable, func); menu.cursorX = COLS - 1; menu.cursorY = LASTLINE; menu.x = x; menu.y = y; menu.initial = initial; popup_menu(NULL, &menu); } /* --- OptionMenu (END) --- */ /* --- InitMenu --- */ static void interpret_menu(FILE * mf) { Str line; char *p, *s; int in_menu = 0, nmenu = 0, nitem = 0, type; MenuItem *item = NULL; #ifdef USE_M17N wc_ces charset = SystemCharset; #endif while (!feof(mf)) { line = Strfgets(mf); Strchop(line); Strremovefirstspaces(line); if (line->length == 0) continue; #ifdef USE_M17N line = wc_Str_conv(line, charset, InnerCharset); #endif p = line->ptr; s = getWord(&p); if (*s == '#') /* comment */ continue; if (in_menu) { type = setMenuItem(&item[nitem], s, p); if (type == -1) continue; /* error */ if (type == MENU_END) in_menu = 0; else { nitem++; item = New_Reuse(MenuItem, item, (nitem + 1)); w3mMenuList[nmenu].item = item; item[nitem].type = MENU_END; } } else if (!strcmp(s, "menu")) { s = getQWord(&p); if (*s == '\0') /* error */ continue; in_menu = 1; if ((nmenu = getMenuN(w3mMenuList, s)) != -1) w3mMenuList[nmenu].item = New(MenuItem); else nmenu = addMenuList(&w3mMenuList, s); item = w3mMenuList[nmenu].item; nitem = 0; item[nitem].type = MENU_END; } #ifdef USE_M17N else if (!strcmp(s, "charset") || !strcmp(s, "encoding")) { s = getQWord(&p); if (*s == '\0') /* error */ continue; charset = wc_guess_charset(s, charset); } #endif } } void initMenu(void) { FILE *mf; MenuList *list; w3mMenuList = New_N(MenuList, 3); w3mMenuList[0].id = "Main"; w3mMenuList[0].menu = &MainMenu; w3mMenuList[0].item = MainMenuItem; w3mMenuList[1].id = "Select"; w3mMenuList[1].menu = &SelectMenu; w3mMenuList[1].item = NULL; w3mMenuList[2].id = "SelectTab"; w3mMenuList[2].menu = &SelTabMenu; w3mMenuList[2].item = NULL; w3mMenuList[3].id = NULL; #ifdef USE_M17N if (!MainMenuEncode) { MenuItem *item; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS /* FIXME: charset that gettext(3) returns */ MainMenuCharset = SystemCharset; #endif for (item = MainMenuItem; item->type != MENU_END; item++) item->label = wc_conv(_(item->label), MainMenuCharset, InnerCharset)->ptr; MainMenuEncode = TRUE; } #endif if ((mf = fopen(confFile(MENU_FILE), "rt")) != NULL) { interpret_menu(mf); fclose(mf); } if ((mf = fopen(rcFile(MENU_FILE), "rt")) != NULL) { interpret_menu(mf); fclose(mf); } for (list = w3mMenuList; list->id != NULL; list++) { if (list->item == NULL) continue; new_menu(list->menu, list->item); } } int setMenuItem(MenuItem *item, char *type, char *line) { char *label, *func, *popup, *keys, *data; int f; int n; if (type == NULL || *type == '\0') /* error */ return -1; if (strcmp(type, "end") == 0) { item->type = MENU_END; return MENU_END; } else if (strcmp(type, "nop") == 0) { item->type = MENU_NOP; item->label = getQWord(&line); return MENU_NOP; } else if (strcmp(type, "func") == 0) { label = getQWord(&line); func = getWord(&line); keys = getQWord(&line); data = getQWord(&line); if (*func == '\0') /* error */ return -1; item->type = MENU_FUNC; item->label = label; f = getFuncList(func); item->func = w3mFuncList[(f >= 0) ? f : FUNCNAME_nulcmd].func; item->keys = keys; item->data = data; return MENU_FUNC; } else if (strcmp(type, "popup") == 0) { label = getQWord(&line); popup = getQWord(&line); keys = getQWord(&line); if (*popup == '\0') /* error */ return -1; item->type = MENU_POPUP; item->label = label; if ((n = getMenuN(w3mMenuList, popup)) == -1) n = addMenuList(&w3mMenuList, popup); item->popup = w3mMenuList[n].menu; item->keys = keys; return MENU_POPUP; } return -1; /* error */ } int addMenuList(MenuList **mlist, char *id) { int n; MenuList *list = *mlist; for (n = 0; list->id != NULL; list++, n++) ; *mlist = New_Reuse(MenuList, *mlist, (n + 2)); list = *mlist + n; list->id = id; list->menu = New(Menu); list->item = New(MenuItem); (list + 1)->id = NULL; return n; } int getMenuN(MenuList *list, char *id) { int n; for (n = 0; list->id != NULL; list++, n++) { if (strcmp(id, list->id) == 0) return n; } return -1; } /* --- InitMenu (END) --- */ LinkList * link_menu(Buffer *buf) { Menu menu; LinkList *l; int i, nitem, len = 0, linkV = -1; char **label; Str str; char *p; if (!buf->linklist) return NULL; for (i = 0, l = buf->linklist; l; i++, l = l->next) ; nitem = i; label = New_N(char *, nitem + 1); for (i = 0, l = buf->linklist; l; i++, l = l->next) { str = Strnew_charp(l->title ? l->title : "(empty)"); if (l->type == LINK_TYPE_REL) Strcat_charp(str, " [Rel] "); else if (l->type == LINK_TYPE_REV) Strcat_charp(str, " [Rev] "); else Strcat_charp(str, " "); if (!l->url) p = ""; else p = url_decode2(l->url, buf); Strcat_charp(str, p); label[i] = str->ptr; if (len < str->length) len = str->length; } label[nitem] = NULL; set_menu_frame(); new_option_menu(&menu, label, &linkV, NULL); menu.initial = 0; menu.cursorX = buf->cursorX + buf->rootX; menu.cursorY = buf->cursorY + buf->rootY; menu.x = menu.cursorX + FRAME_WIDTH + 1; menu.y = menu.cursorY + 2; popup_menu(NULL, &menu); if (linkV < 0) return NULL; for (i = 0, l = buf->linklist; l; i++, l = l->next) { if (i == linkV) return l; } return NULL; } /* --- LinkMenu (END) --- */ Anchor * accesskey_menu(Buffer *buf) { Menu menu; AnchorList *al = buf->href; Anchor *a; Anchor **ap; int i, n, nitem = 0, key = -1; char **label; char *t; unsigned char c; if (!al) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < al->nanchor; i++) { a = &al->anchors[i]; if (!a->slave && a->accesskey && IS_ASCII(a->accesskey)) nitem++; } if (!nitem) return NULL; label = New_N(char *, nitem + 1); ap = New_N(Anchor *, nitem); for (i = 0, n = 0; i < al->nanchor; i++) { a = &al->anchors[i]; if (!a->slave && a->accesskey && IS_ASCII(a->accesskey)) { t = getAnchorText(buf, al, a); label[n] = Sprintf("%c: %s", a->accesskey, t ? t : "")->ptr; ap[n] = a; n++; } } label[nitem] = NULL; set_menu_frame(); new_option_menu(&menu, label, &key, NULL); menu.initial = 0; menu.cursorX = buf->cursorX + buf->rootX; menu.cursorY = buf->cursorY + buf->rootY; menu.x = menu.cursorX + FRAME_WIDTH + 1; menu.y = menu.cursorY + 2; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) menu.keyselect[i] = -1; for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) { c = ap[i]->accesskey; menu.keymap[(int)c] = mSelect; menu.keyselect[(int)c] = i; } for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) { c = ap[i]->accesskey; if (!IS_ALPHA(c) || menu.keyselect[n] >= 0) continue; c = TOLOWER(c); menu.keymap[(int)c] = mSelect; menu.keyselect[(int)c] = i; c = TOUPPER(c); menu.keymap[(int)c] = mSelect; menu.keyselect[(int)c] = i; } a = retrieveCurrentAnchor(buf); if (a && a->accesskey && IS_ASCII(a->accesskey)) { for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) { if (a->hseq == ap[i]->hseq) { menu.initial = i; break; } } } popup_menu(NULL, &menu); return (key >= 0) ? ap[key] : NULL; } static char lmKeys[] = "abcdefgimopqrstuvwxyz"; static char lmKeys2[] = "1234567890ABCDEFGHILMOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; #define nlmKeys (sizeof(lmKeys) - 1) #define nlmKeys2 (sizeof(lmKeys2) - 1) static int lmGoto(char c) { if (IS_ASCII(c) && CurrentMenu->keyselect[(int)c] >= 0) { goto_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->nitem - 1, -1); goto_menu(CurrentMenu, CurrentMenu->keyselect[(int)c] * nlmKeys, 1); } return (MENU_NOTHING); } static int lmSelect(char c) { if (IS_ASCII(c)) return select_menu(CurrentMenu, (CurrentMenu->select / nlmKeys) * nlmKeys + CurrentMenu->keyselect[(int)c]); else return (MENU_NOTHING); } Anchor * list_menu(Buffer *buf) { Menu menu; AnchorList *al = buf->href; Anchor *a; Anchor **ap; int i, n, nitem = 0, key = -1, two = FALSE; char **label; char *t; unsigned char c; if (!al) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < al->nanchor; i++) { a = &al->anchors[i]; if (!a->slave) nitem++; } if (!nitem) return NULL; if (nitem >= nlmKeys) two = TRUE; label = New_N(char *, nitem + 1); ap = New_N(Anchor *, nitem); for (i = 0, n = 0; i < al->nanchor; i++) { a = &al->anchors[i]; if (!a->slave) { t = getAnchorText(buf, al, a); if (!t) t = ""; if (two && n >= nlmKeys2 * nlmKeys) label[n] = Sprintf(" : %s", t)->ptr; else if (two) label[n] = Sprintf("%c%c: %s", lmKeys2[n / nlmKeys], lmKeys[n % nlmKeys], t)->ptr; else label[n] = Sprintf("%c: %s", lmKeys[n], t)->ptr; ap[n] = a; n++; } } label[nitem] = NULL; set_menu_frame(); new_option_menu(&menu, label, &key, NULL); menu.initial = 0; menu.cursorX = buf->cursorX + buf->rootX; menu.cursorY = buf->cursorY + buf->rootY; menu.x = menu.cursorX + FRAME_WIDTH + 1; menu.y = menu.cursorY + 2; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) menu.keyselect[i] = -1; if (two) { for (i = 0; i < nlmKeys2; i++) { c = lmKeys2[i]; menu.keymap[(int)c] = lmGoto; menu.keyselect[(int)c] = i; } for (i = 0; i < nlmKeys; i++) { c = lmKeys[i]; menu.keymap[(int)c] = lmSelect; menu.keyselect[(int)c] = i; } } else { for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) { c = lmKeys[i]; menu.keymap[(int)c] = mSelect; menu.keyselect[(int)c] = i; } } a = retrieveCurrentAnchor(buf); if (a) { for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) { if (a->hseq == ap[i]->hseq) { menu.initial = i; break; } } } popup_menu(NULL, &menu); return (key >= 0) ? ap[key] : NULL; } #endif /* USE_MENU */