/* $Id: table.h,v 1.8 2002/11/25 16:39:53 ukai Exp $ */
#if (defined(MESCHACH) && !defined(MATRIX))
#define MATRIX
#endif				/* (defined(MESCHACH) && !defined(MATRIX)) */

#ifdef MATRIX
#include <matrix2.h>
#else				/* not MESCHACH */
#include "matrix.h"
#endif				/* not MESCHACH */
#endif				/* MATRIX */

#include "Str.h"

#define MAX_TABLE 20		/* maximum nest level of table */
#define MAX_TABLE_N 20		/* maximum number of table in same level */

#define MAXROW 50
#define MAXCOL 50

#define MAX_WIDTH 80

#define BORDER_NONE 0
#define BORDER_THIN 1
#define BORDER_THICK 2
#define BORDER_NOWIN 3

typedef unsigned short table_attr;

/* flag */
#define TBL_IN_ROW     1
#define TBL_EXPAND_OK  2
#define TBL_IN_COL     4

#define MAXCELL 20
#define MAXROWCELL 1000
struct table_cell {
    short col[MAXCELL];
    short colspan[MAXCELL];
    short index[MAXCELL];
    short maxcell;
    short icell;
#ifdef MATRIX
    short eindex[MAXCELL];
    short necell;
#endif				/* MATRIX */
    short width[MAXCELL];
    short minimum_width[MAXCELL];
    short fixed_width[MAXCELL];

struct table_in {
    struct table *ptr;
    short col;
    short row;
    short cell;
    short indent;
    TextLineList *buf;

struct table_linfo {
    Lineprop prev_ctype;
    signed char prev_spaces;
    int prevchar;
    short length;

struct table {
    int row;
    int col;
    int maxrow;
    int maxcol;
    int max_rowsize;
    int border_mode;
    int total_width;
    int total_height;
    int tabcontentssize;
    int indent;
    int cellspacing;
    int cellpadding;
    int vcellpadding;
    int vspace;
    int flag;
    int real_width;
#endif				/* TABLE_EXPAND */
    Str caption;
#ifdef ID_EXT
    Str id;
    GeneralList ***tabdata;
    table_attr **tabattr;
    table_attr trattr;
#ifdef ID_EXT
    Str **tabidvalue;
    Str *tridvalue;
    short tabwidth[MAXCOL];
    short minimum_width[MAXCOL];
    short fixed_width[MAXCOL];
    struct table_cell cell;
    short *tabheight;
    struct table_in *tables;
    short ntable;
    short tables_size;
    TextList *suspended_data;
    /* use for counting skipped spaces */
    struct table_linfo linfo;
#ifdef MATRIX
    MAT *matrix;
    VEC *vector;
#endif				/* MATRIX */
    int sloppy_width;

#define TBLM_PRE 1
#define TBLM_NOBR 2
#define TBLM_XMP 4
#define TBLM_LST 8
#define TBLM_PRE_INT 32
#define TBLM_INTXTA 64
#define TBLM_INSELECT 128
#define TBLM_SCRIPT 256
#define TBLM_STYLE 512
#define TBLM_ANCHOR 1024

#define  uchar           unsigned char
#define  ushort           unsigned short
struct table_mode {
    ushort pre_mode;
    char indent_level;
    char caption;
    short nobr_offset;
    char nobr_level;
    short anchor_offset;
    Str ignore_tag;

/* Local Variables:    */
/* c-basic-offset: 4   */
/* tab-width: 8        */
/* End:                */