/* $Id: terms.c,v 1.38 2002/11/15 15:45:18 ukai Exp $ */ /* * An original curses library for EUC-kanji by Akinori ITO, December 1989 * revised by Akinori ITO, January 1995 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "config.h" #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include <sys/select.h> #endif #include <sys/ioctl.h> #ifdef USE_MOUSE #ifdef USE_GPM #include <gpm.h> #endif /* USE_GPM */ #ifdef USE_SYSMOUSE #include <osreldate.h> #if (__FreeBSD_version >= 400017) #include <sys/consio.h> #include <sys/fbio.h> #else #include <machine/console.h> #endif int (*sysm_handler) (int x, int y, int nbs, int obs); static int cwidth = 8, cheight = 16; static int xpix, ypix, nbs, obs = 0; #endif /* use_SYSMOUSE */ static int is_xterm = 0; void mouse_init(), mouse_end(); int mouseActive = 0; #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ static char *title_str = NULL; static int tty; #include "terms.h" #include "fm.h" #include "myctype.h" #ifdef __EMX__ #define INCL_DOSNLS #include <os2.h> #ifndef JP_CHARSET extern int CodePage; #endif /* !JP_CHARSET */ #endif /* __EMX__ */ #if defined(__CYGWIN__) #include <windows.h> #include <sys/cygwin.h> static int isWinConsole = 0; static int isLocalConsole = 0; #ifdef USE_MOUSE int cygwin_mouse_btn_swapped = 0; #endif #if defined(SUPPORT_WIN9X_CONSOLE_MBCS) static HANDLE hConIn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static int isWin95 = 0; static char *ConInV; static int iConIn, nConIn, nConInMax; static void check_win9x(void) { OSVERSIONINFO winVersionInfo; winVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (GetVersionEx(&winVersionInfo) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't get Windows version information.\n"); exit(1); } if (winVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) { isWin95 = 1; if (ttyslot() != -1) { isLocalConsole = 0; } } else { isWin95 = 0; } } void enable_win9x_console_input(void) { if (isWin95 && isWinConsole && isLocalConsole && hConIn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hConIn = CreateFile("CONIN$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hConIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { getch(); } } } void disable_win9x_console_input(void) { if (hConIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hConIn); hConIn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } static void expand_win32_console_input_buffer(int n) { if (nConIn + n >= nConInMax) { char *oldv; nConInMax = ((nConIn + n) / 2 + 1) * 3; oldv = ConInV; ConInV = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(nConInMax); memcpy(ConInV, oldv, nConIn); } } static int read_win32_console_input(void) { INPUT_RECORD rec; DWORD nevents; if (PeekConsoleInput(hConIn, &rec, 1, &nevents) && nevents) { switch (rec.EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: expand_win32_console_input_buffer(3); if (ReadConsole(hConIn, &ConInV[nConIn], 1, &nevents, NULL)) { nConIn += nevents; return nevents; } break; default: break; } ReadConsoleInput(hConIn, &rec, 1, &nevents); } return 0; } static int read_win32_console(char *s, int n) { KEY_EVENT_RECORD *ker; if (hConIn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return read(tty, s, n); if (n > 0) for (;;) { if (iConIn < nConIn) { if (n > nConIn - iConIn) n = nConIn - iConIn; memcpy(s, ConInV, n); if ((iConIn += n) >= nConIn) iConIn = nConIn = 0; break; } iConIn = nConIn = 0; while (!read_win32_console_input()) ; } return n; } #endif /* SUPPORT_WIN9X_CONSOLE_MBCS */ static HWND GetConsoleHwnd(void) { #define MY_BUFSIZE 1024 HWND hwndFound; char pszNewWindowTitle[MY_BUFSIZE]; char pszOldWindowTitle[MY_BUFSIZE]; GetConsoleTitle(pszOldWindowTitle, MY_BUFSIZE); wsprintf(pszNewWindowTitle, "%d/%d", GetTickCount(), GetCurrentProcessId()); SetConsoleTitle(pszNewWindowTitle); Sleep(40); hwndFound = FindWindow(NULL, pszNewWindowTitle); SetConsoleTitle(pszOldWindowTitle); return (hwndFound); } #ifdef USE_MOUSE static unsigned long cygwin_version(void) { struct per_process *p; p = (struct per_process *)cygwin_internal(CW_USER_DATA); if (p != NULL) { return (p->dll_major * 1000) + p->dll_minor; } return 0; } #endif static void check_cygwin_console(void) { char *term = getenv("TERM"); HANDLE hWnd; if (strncmp(term, "cygwin", 6) == 0) { isWinConsole = 1; } if (isWinConsole) { hWnd = GetConsoleHwnd(); if (hWnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) { isLocalConsole = 1; } } #ifdef SUPPORT_WIN9X_CONSOLE_MBCS check_win9x(); #endif } #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (cygwin_version() <= 1003015) { /* cygwin DLL 1.3.15 or earler */ cygwin_mouse_btn_swapped = 1; } #endif } #endif /* __CYGWIN__ */ char *getenv(const char *); MySignalHandler reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARG), error_dump(SIGNAL_ARG); void setlinescols(void); void flush_tty(); #ifndef SIGIOT #define SIGIOT SIGABRT #endif /* not SIGIOT */ #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H #include <termio.h> typedef struct termio TerminalMode; #define TerminalSet(fd,x) ioctl(fd,TCSETA,x) #define TerminalGet(fd,x) ioctl(fd,TCGETA,x) #define MODEFLAG(d) ((d).c_lflag) #define IMODEFLAG(d) ((d).c_iflag) #endif /* HAVE_TERMIO_H */ #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef struct termios TerminalMode; #define TerminalSet(fd,x) tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,x) #define TerminalGet(fd,x) tcgetattr(fd,x) #define MODEFLAG(d) ((d).c_lflag) #define IMODEFLAG(d) ((d).c_iflag) #endif /* HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ #ifdef HAVE_SGTTY_H #include <sgtty.h> typedef struct sgttyb TerminalMode; #define TerminalSet(fd,x) ioctl(fd,TIOCSETP,x) #define TerminalGet(fd,x) ioctl(fd,TIOCGETP,x) #define MODEFLAG(d) ((d).sg_flags) #endif /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ #define MAX_LINE 200 #define MAX_COLUMN 400 /* Screen properties */ #define S_SCREENPROP 0x0f #define S_NORMAL 0x00 #define S_STANDOUT 0x01 #define S_UNDERLINE 0x02 #define S_BOLD 0x04 #define S_EOL 0x08 /* Sort of Character */ #define C_WHICHCHAR 0xc0 #define C_ASCII 0x00 #ifdef JP_CHARSET #define C_WCHAR1 0x40 #define C_WCHAR2 0x80 #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ #define C_CTRL 0xc0 #define CHMODE(c) ((c)&C_WHICHCHAR) #define SETCHMODE(var,mode) var = (((var)&~C_WHICHCHAR) | mode) /* Charactor Color */ #define COL_FCOLOR 0xf00 #define COL_FBLACK 0x800 #define COL_FRED 0x900 #define COL_FGREEN 0xa00 #define COL_FYELLOW 0xb00 #define COL_FBLUE 0xc00 #define COL_FMAGENTA 0xd00 #define COL_FCYAN 0xe00 #define COL_FWHITE 0xf00 #define COL_FTERM 0x000 #define S_COLORED 0xf00 #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR /* Background Color */ #define COL_BCOLOR 0xf000 #define COL_BBLACK 0x8000 #define COL_BRED 0x9000 #define COL_BGREEN 0xa000 #define COL_BYELLOW 0xb000 #define COL_BBLUE 0xc000 #define COL_BMAGENTA 0xd000 #define COL_BCYAN 0xe000 #define COL_BWHITE 0xf000 #define COL_BTERM 0x0000 #define S_BCOLORED 0xf000 #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ #define S_GRAPHICS 0x10 #define S_DIRTY 0x20 #define SETPROP(var,prop) (var = (((var)&S_DIRTY) | prop)) /* Line status */ #define L_DIRTY 0x01 #define L_UNUSED 0x02 #define L_NEED_CE 0x04 #define L_CLRTOEOL 0x08 #define ISDIRTY(d) ((d) & L_DIRTY) #define ISUNUSED(d) ((d) & L_UNUSED) #define NEED_CE(d) ((d) & L_NEED_CE) typedef unsigned short l_prop; typedef struct scline { char *lineimage; l_prop *lineprop; short isdirty; short eol; } Screen; static TerminalMode d_ioval; static int tty; static FILE *ttyf; static char bp[1024], funcstr[256]; char *T_cd, *T_ce, *T_kr, *T_kl, *T_cr, *T_bt, *T_ta, *T_sc, *T_rc, *T_so, *T_se, *T_us, *T_ue, *T_cl, *T_cm, *T_al, *T_sr, *T_md, *T_me, *T_ti, *T_te, *T_nd, *T_as, *T_ae, *T_eA, *T_ac, *T_op; int LINES, COLS; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA int LASTLINE; #endif /* defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA */ static int max_LINES = 0, max_COLS = 0; static int tab_step = 8; static int CurLine, CurColumn; static Screen *ScreenElem = NULL, **ScreenImage = NULL; static l_prop CurrentMode = 0; static int graph_enabled = 0; static char gcmap[96]; extern int tgetent(char *, char *); extern int tgetnum(char *); extern int tgetflag(char *); extern char *tgetstr(char *, char **); extern char *tgoto(char *, int, int); extern int tputs(char *, int, int (*)(char)); void putchars(unsigned char, unsigned char, FILE *); void clear(), wrap(), touch_line(), touch_column(int); #ifdef JP_CHARSET void switch_wchar(FILE *); void switch_ascii(FILE *); #endif void need_clrtoeol(void), clrtoeol(void); /* conflicts with curs_clear(3)? */ int write1(char); /* #define writestr(s) tputs(s,1,write1) */ static void writestr(char *s) { tputs(s, 1, write1); } #define MOVE(line,column) writestr(tgoto(T_cm,column,line)); #ifdef USE_MOUSE #define W3M_TERM_INFO(name, title, mouse) name, title, mouse #define NEED_XTERM_ON (1) #define NEED_XTERM_OFF (1<<1) #ifdef __CYGWIN__ #define NEED_CYGWIN_ON (1<<2) #define NEED_CYGWIN_OFF (1<<3) #endif #else #define W3M_TERM_INFO(name, title, mouse) name, title #endif static char XTERM_TITLE[] = "\033]0;w3m: %s\007"; static char SCREEN_TITLE[] = "\033k%s\033\134"; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ static char CYGWIN_TITLE[] = "w3m: %s"; #endif /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct w3m_term_info { char *term; char *title_str; #ifdef USE_MOUSE int mouse_flag; #endif } w3m_term_info_list[] = { {W3M_TERM_INFO("xterm", XTERM_TITLE, (NEED_XTERM_ON|NEED_XTERM_OFF))}, {W3M_TERM_INFO("kterm", XTERM_TITLE, (NEED_XTERM_ON|NEED_XTERM_OFF))}, {W3M_TERM_INFO("rxvt", XTERM_TITLE, (NEED_XTERM_ON|NEED_XTERM_OFF))}, {W3M_TERM_INFO("Eterm", XTERM_TITLE, (NEED_XTERM_ON|NEED_XTERM_OFF))}, {W3M_TERM_INFO("mlterm", XTERM_TITLE, (NEED_XTERM_ON|NEED_XTERM_OFF))}, {W3M_TERM_INFO("screen", SCREEN_TITLE, 0)}, #ifdef __CYGWIN__ {W3M_TERM_INFO("cygwin", CYGWIN_TITLE, (NEED_CYGWIN_ON|NEED_CYGWIN_OFF))}, #endif {W3M_TERM_INFO(NULL, NULL, 0)} }; #undef W3M_TERM_INFO /* *INDENT-ON * */ int set_tty(void) { char *ttyn; if (isatty(0)) /* stdin */ ttyn = ttyname(0); else ttyn = DEV_TTY_PATH; tty = open(ttyn, O_RDWR); if (tty < 0) { /* use stderr instead of stdin... is it OK???? */ tty = 2; } ttyf = fdopen(tty, "w"); #ifdef __CYGWIN__ check_cygwin_console(); #endif TerminalGet(tty, &d_ioval); if (displayTitleTerm != NULL) { struct w3m_term_info *p; for (p = w3m_term_info_list; p->term != NULL; p++) { if (!strncmp(displayTitleTerm, p->term, strlen(p->term))) { title_str = p->title_str; break; } } } #ifdef USE_MOUSE { char *term = getenv("TERM"); struct w3m_term_info *p; for (p = w3m_term_info_list; p->term != NULL; p++) { if (!strncmp(term, p->term, strlen(p->term))) { is_xterm = p->mouse_flag; break; } } } #endif return 0; } void ttymode_set(int mode, int imode) { TerminalMode ioval; TerminalGet(tty, &ioval); MODEFLAG(ioval) |= mode; #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H IMODEFLAG(ioval) |= imode; #endif /* not HAVE_SGTTY_H */ while (TerminalSet(tty, &ioval) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue; printf("Error occured while set %x: errno=%d\n", mode, errno); reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARGLIST); } } void ttymode_reset(int mode, int imode) { TerminalMode ioval; TerminalGet(tty, &ioval); MODEFLAG(ioval) &= ~mode; #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H IMODEFLAG(ioval) &= ~imode; #endif /* not HAVE_SGTTY_H */ while (TerminalSet(tty, &ioval) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue; printf("Error occured while reset %x: errno=%d\n", mode, errno); reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARGLIST); } } #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H void set_cc(int spec, int val) { TerminalMode ioval; TerminalGet(tty, &ioval); ioval.c_cc[spec] = val; while (TerminalSet(tty, &ioval) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue; printf("Error occured: errno=%d\n", errno); reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARGLIST); } } #endif /* not HAVE_SGTTY_H */ void close_tty(void) { close(tty); } char * ttyname_tty(void) { return ttyname(tty); } void reset_tty(void) { if (DisplayCode != CODE_EUC && DisplayCode != CODE_SJIS) #if defined(__EMX__)&&!defined(JP_CHARSET) if (!CodePage) #endif writestr("\033(B"); /* designate US_ASCII */ writestr(T_op); /* turn off */ writestr(T_me); if (!Do_not_use_ti_te) { if (T_te && *T_te) writestr(T_te); else writestr(T_cl); } writestr(T_se); /* reset terminal */ fflush(ttyf); TerminalSet(tty, &d_ioval); close(tty); } MySignalHandler reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARG) { reset_tty(); #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (mouseActive) mouse_end(); #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ w3m_exit(0); SIGNAL_RETURN; } MySignalHandler error_dump(SIGNAL_ARG) { signal(SIGIOT, SIG_DFL); reset_tty(); abort(); SIGNAL_RETURN; } void set_int(void) { signal(SIGHUP, reset_exit); signal(SIGINT, reset_exit); signal(SIGQUIT, reset_exit); signal(SIGTERM, reset_exit); signal(SIGILL, error_dump); signal(SIGIOT, error_dump); signal(SIGFPE, error_dump); #ifdef SIGBUS signal(SIGBUS, error_dump); #endif /* SIGBUS */ /* signal(SIGSEGV, error_dump); */ } static void setgraphchar(void) { int c, i, n; for (c = 0; c < 96; c++) gcmap[c] = (char)(c + ' '); if (!T_ac) return; n = strlen(T_ac); for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i += 2) { c = (unsigned)T_ac[i] - ' '; if (c >= 0 && c < 96) gcmap[c] = T_ac[i + 1]; } } #define graphchar(c) (((unsigned)(c)>=' ' && (unsigned)(c)<128)? gcmap[(c)-' '] : (c)) #define GETSTR(v,s) {v = pt; suc = tgetstr(s,&pt); if (!suc) v = ""; else v = allocStr(suc, -1); } void getTCstr(void) { char *ent; char *suc; char *pt = funcstr; int r; ent = getenv("TERM") ? getenv("TERM") : DEFAULT_TERM; if (ent == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "TERM is not set\n"); reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARGLIST); } r = tgetent(bp, ent); if (r != 1) { /* Can't find termcap entry */ fprintf(stderr, "Can't find termcap entry %s\n", ent); reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARGLIST); } GETSTR(T_ce, "ce"); /* clear to the end of line */ GETSTR(T_cd, "cd"); /* clear to the end of display */ GETSTR(T_kr, "nd"); /* cursor right */ if (suc == NULL) GETSTR(T_kr, "kr"); if (tgetflag("bs")) T_kl = "\b"; /* cursor left */ else { GETSTR(T_kl, "le"); if (suc == NULL) GETSTR(T_kl, "kb"); if (suc == NULL) GETSTR(T_kl, "kl"); } GETSTR(T_cr, "cr"); /* carriage return */ GETSTR(T_ta, "ta"); /* tab */ GETSTR(T_sc, "sc"); /* save cursor */ GETSTR(T_rc, "rc"); /* restore cursor */ GETSTR(T_so, "so"); /* standout mode */ GETSTR(T_se, "se"); /* standout mode end */ GETSTR(T_us, "us"); /* underline mode */ GETSTR(T_ue, "ue"); /* underline mode end */ GETSTR(T_md, "md"); /* bold mode */ GETSTR(T_me, "me"); /* bold mode end */ GETSTR(T_cl, "cl"); /* clear screen */ GETSTR(T_cm, "cm"); /* cursor move */ GETSTR(T_al, "al"); /* append line */ GETSTR(T_sr, "sr"); /* scroll reverse */ GETSTR(T_ti, "ti"); /* terminal init */ GETSTR(T_te, "te"); /* terminal end */ GETSTR(T_nd, "nd"); /* move right one space */ GETSTR(T_eA, "eA"); /* enable alternative charset */ GETSTR(T_as, "as"); /* alternative (graphic) charset start */ GETSTR(T_ae, "ae"); /* alternative (graphic) charset end */ GETSTR(T_ac, "ac"); /* graphics charset pairs */ GETSTR(T_op, "op"); /* set default color pair to its original value */ #if defined( CYGWIN ) && CYGWIN < 1 /* for TERM=pcansi on MS-DOS prompt. */ #if 0 T_eA = ""; T_as = "\033[12m"; T_ae = "\033[10m"; T_ac = "l\001k\002m\003j\004x\005q\006n\020a\024v\025w\026u\027t\031"; #endif T_eA = ""; T_as = ""; T_ae = ""; T_ac = ""; #endif /* CYGWIN */ LINES = COLS = 0; setlinescols(); setgraphchar(); } void setlinescols(void) { char *p; int i; #ifdef __EMX__ { int s[2]; _scrsize(s); COLS = s[0]; LINES = s[1]; if (getenv("WINDOWID")) { FILE *fd = popen("scrsize", "rt"); if (fd) { fscanf(fd, "%i %i", &COLS, &LINES); pclose(fd); } } #ifndef JP_CHARSET else { ULONG CpList[8], CpSize; CodePage = -1; if (!DosQueryCp(sizeof(CpList), CpList, &CpSize)) CodePage = *CpList; } #endif } #elif defined(HAVE_TERMIOS_H) && defined(TIOCGWINSZ) struct winsize wins; i = ioctl(tty, TIOCGWINSZ, &wins); if (i >= 0 && wins.ws_row != 0 && wins.ws_col != 0) { LINES = wins.ws_row; COLS = wins.ws_col; } #endif /* defined(HAVE-TERMIOS_H) && defined(TIOCGWINSZ) */ if (LINES <= 0 && (p = getenv("LINES")) != NULL && (i = atoi(p)) >= 0) LINES = i; if (COLS <= 0 && (p = getenv("COLUMNS")) != NULL && (i = atoi(p)) >= 0) COLS = i; if (LINES <= 0) LINES = tgetnum("li"); /* number of line */ if (COLS <= 0) COLS = tgetnum("co"); /* number of column */ if (COLS > MAX_COLUMN) COLS = MAX_COLUMN; if (LINES > MAX_LINE) LINES = MAX_LINE; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA LASTLINE = LINES - (isWinConsole ? 2 : 1); #endif /* defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA */ } void setupscreen(void) { int i; if (LINES + 1 > max_LINES) { max_LINES = LINES + 1; max_COLS = 0; ScreenElem = New_N(Screen, max_LINES); ScreenImage = New_N(Screen *, max_LINES); } if (COLS + 1 > max_COLS) { max_COLS = COLS + 1; for (i = 0; i < max_LINES; i++) { ScreenElem[i].lineimage = NewAtom_N(char, max_COLS); ScreenElem[i].lineprop = NewAtom_N(l_prop, max_COLS); } } for (i = 0; i < LINES; i++) { ScreenImage[i] = &ScreenElem[i]; ScreenImage[i]->lineprop[0] = S_EOL; ScreenImage[i]->isdirty = 0; } for (; i < max_LINES; i++) { ScreenElem[i].isdirty = L_UNUSED; } clear(); } /* * Screen initialize */ int initscr(void) { if (set_tty() < 0) return -1; set_int(); getTCstr(); if (T_ti && !Do_not_use_ti_te) writestr(T_ti); setupscreen(); return 0; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET static int wmode = C_ASCII; static char wbuf; #endif int write1(char c) { #ifdef SCREEN_DEBUG usleep(50); #endif /* SCREEN_DEBUG */ #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (IS_KANJI(c)) { switch (wmode) { case C_ASCII: switch_wchar(ttyf); case C_WCHAR2: wmode = C_WCHAR1; wbuf = c; break; case C_WCHAR1: wmode = C_WCHAR2; putchars((unsigned char)wbuf, (unsigned char)c, ttyf); break; } } else { switch (wmode) { case C_ASCII: break; case C_WCHAR1: /* ignore byte */ wmode = C_ASCII; switch_ascii(ttyf); break; case C_WCHAR2: wmode = C_ASCII; switch_ascii(ttyf); break; } putc(c, ttyf); } #else /* not JP_CHARSET */ putc(c, ttyf); #endif /* not JP_CHARSET */ #ifdef SCREEN_DEBUG fflush(ttyf); #endif /* SCREEN_DEBUG */ return 0; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET void endline(void) { /* End of line */ if (wmode != C_ASCII) { switch_ascii(ttyf); wmode = C_ASCII; } } void switch_ascii(FILE * f) { extern char *GetSOCode(char); if (CODE_JIS(DisplayCode)) { fputs(GetSOCode(DisplayCode), f); } } void switch_wchar(FILE * f) { extern char *GetSICode(char); if (CODE_JIS(DisplayCode)) { fputs(GetSICode(DisplayCode), f); } } void putchars(unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2, FILE * f) { Str s = NULL; char *p; switch (DisplayCode) { case CODE_EUC: putc(c1, f); putc(c2, f); return; case CODE_JIS_n: case CODE_JIS_m: case CODE_JIS_N: case CODE_JIS_j: case CODE_JIS_J: putc(c1 & 0x7f, f); putc(c2 & 0x7f, f); return; case CODE_SJIS: s = Strnew_size(3); put_sjis(s, c1 & 0x7f, c2 & 0x7f); break; } if (!s->length) { putc('?', f); putc('?', f); return; } for (p = s->ptr; *p != '\0'; p++) putc(*p, f); } #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ void move(int line, int column) { if (line >= 0 && line < LINES) CurLine = line; if (column >= 0 && column < COLS) CurColumn = column; } #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR #define M_SPACE (S_SCREENPROP|S_COLORED|S_BCOLORED|S_GRAPHICS) #else /* not USE_BG_COLOR */ #define M_SPACE (S_SCREENPROP|S_COLORED|S_GRAPHICS) #endif /* not USE_BG_COLOR */ static int need_redraw(char c1, l_prop pr1, char c2, l_prop pr2) { if (c1 != c2) return 1; if (c1 == ' ') return (pr1 ^ pr2) & M_SPACE & ~S_DIRTY; if ((pr1 ^ pr2) & ~S_DIRTY) return 1; return 0; } #define M_CEOL (~(M_SPACE|C_WHICHCHAR)) void addch(char c) { char *p; l_prop *pr; int dest, i; short *dirty; if (CurColumn == COLS) wrap(); if (CurColumn >= COLS) return; p = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineimage; pr = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; dirty = &ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty; /* Eliminate unprintables according to * iso-8859-*. * Particularly 0x96 messes up T.Dickey's * (xfree-)xterm */ if (IS_INTERNAL(c)) c = ' '; if (pr[CurColumn] & S_EOL) { if (c == ' ' && #ifdef JP_CHARSET CHMODE(CurrentMode) != C_WCHAR1 && #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ !(CurrentMode & M_SPACE)) { CurColumn++; return; } for (i = CurColumn; i >= 0 && (pr[i] & S_EOL); i--) { p[i] = ' '; SETPROP(pr[i], (pr[i] & M_CEOL) | C_ASCII); } } if (c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\b') SETCHMODE(CurrentMode, C_CTRL); #ifdef JP_CHARSET else if (CHMODE(CurrentMode) == C_WCHAR1) SETCHMODE(CurrentMode, C_WCHAR2); else if (IS_KANJI1(c)) SETCHMODE(CurrentMode, C_WCHAR1); #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ else if (!IS_CNTRL(c)) SETCHMODE(CurrentMode, C_ASCII); else return; /* Required to erase bold or underlined character for some * terminal * emulators. */ if (((pr[CurColumn] & S_BOLD) && need_redraw(p[CurColumn], pr[CurColumn], c, CurrentMode)) || ((pr[CurColumn] & S_UNDERLINE) && !(CurrentMode & S_UNDERLINE))) { touch_line(); if (CurColumn < COLS - 1) { touch_column(CurColumn + 1); if (pr[CurColumn + 1] & S_EOL) { p[CurColumn + 1] = ' '; SETPROP(pr[CurColumn + 1], (pr[CurColumn + 1] & M_CEOL) | C_ASCII); } #ifdef JP_CHARSET else if (CHMODE(pr[CurColumn + 1]) == C_WCHAR1 && CurColumn < COLS - 2) touch_column(CurColumn + 2); #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ } } #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (CurColumn >= 1 && CHMODE(pr[CurColumn - 1]) == C_WCHAR1 && CHMODE(CurrentMode) != C_WCHAR2) { p[CurColumn - 1] = ' '; SETPROP(pr[CurColumn - 1], (pr[CurColumn - 1] & ~C_WHICHCHAR) | C_ASCII); touch_line(); touch_column(CurColumn - 1); } if (CurColumn < COLS - 1 && CHMODE(pr[CurColumn + 1]) == C_WCHAR2 && CHMODE(CurrentMode) != C_WCHAR1) { p[CurColumn + 1] = ' '; SETPROP(pr[CurColumn + 1], (pr[CurColumn + 1] & ~C_WHICHCHAR) | C_ASCII); touch_line(); touch_column(CurColumn + 1); } if (CurColumn == COLS - 1 && CHMODE(CurrentMode) == C_WCHAR1) { wrap(); p = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineimage; pr = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; } #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ if (CHMODE(CurrentMode) != C_CTRL) { if (need_redraw(p[CurColumn], pr[CurColumn], c, CurrentMode)) { p[CurColumn] = c; SETPROP(pr[CurColumn], CurrentMode); touch_line(); touch_column(CurColumn); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (CHMODE(CurrentMode) == C_WCHAR1) touch_column(CurColumn + 1); else if (CHMODE(CurrentMode) == C_WCHAR2) touch_column(CurColumn - 1); #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ } CurColumn++; } else if (c == '\t') { dest = (CurColumn + tab_step) / tab_step * tab_step; if (dest >= COLS) { wrap(); touch_line(); dest = tab_step; p = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineimage; pr = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; } for (i = CurColumn; i < dest; i++) { if (need_redraw(p[i], pr[i], ' ', CurrentMode)) { p[i] = ' '; SETPROP(pr[i], CurrentMode); touch_line(); touch_column(i); } } CurColumn = i; } else if (c == '\n') { wrap(); } else if (c == '\r') { /* Carriage return */ CurColumn = 0; } else if (c == '\b' && CurColumn > 0) { /* Backspace */ CurColumn--; #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (CurColumn > 0 && CHMODE(pr[CurColumn]) == C_WCHAR2) CurColumn--; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ } } void wrap(void) { if (CurLine == LASTLINE) return; CurLine++; CurColumn = 0; } void touch_column(int col) { if (col >= 0 && col < COLS) ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop[col] |= S_DIRTY; } void touch_line(void) { if (!(ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty & L_DIRTY)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < COLS; i++) ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop[i] &= ~S_DIRTY; ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty |= L_DIRTY; } } void standout(void) { CurrentMode |= S_STANDOUT; } void standend(void) { CurrentMode &= ~S_STANDOUT; } void toggle_stand(void) { l_prop *pr = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; pr[CurColumn] ^= S_STANDOUT; #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (CHMODE(pr[CurColumn]) == C_WCHAR1) pr[CurColumn + 1] ^= S_STANDOUT; #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ } void bold(void) { CurrentMode |= S_BOLD; } void boldend(void) { CurrentMode &= ~S_BOLD; } void underline(void) { CurrentMode |= S_UNDERLINE; } void underlineend(void) { CurrentMode &= ~S_UNDERLINE; } void graphstart(void) { CurrentMode |= S_GRAPHICS; } void graphend(void) { CurrentMode &= ~S_GRAPHICS; } int graph_ok(void) { #ifndef KANJI_SYMBOLS if (no_graphic_char) return 0; #endif /* not KANJI_SYMBOLS */ return T_as[0] != 0 && T_ae[0] != 0 && T_ac[0] != 0; } void setfcolor(int color) { CurrentMode &= ~COL_FCOLOR; if ((color & 0xf) <= 7) CurrentMode |= (((color & 7) | 8) << 8); } static char * color_seq(int colmode) { static char seqbuf[32]; sprintf(seqbuf, "\033[%dm", ((colmode >> 8) & 7) + 30); return seqbuf; } #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR void setbcolor(int color) { CurrentMode &= ~COL_BCOLOR; if ((color & 0xf) <= 7) CurrentMode |= (((color & 7) | 8) << 12); } static char * bcolor_seq(int colmode) { static char seqbuf[32]; sprintf(seqbuf, "\033[%dm", ((colmode >> 12) & 7) + 40); return seqbuf; } #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ #define RF_NEED_TO_MOVE 0 #define RF_CR_OK 1 #define RF_NONEED_TO_MOVE 2 #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR #define M_MEND (S_STANDOUT|S_UNDERLINE|S_BOLD|S_COLORED|S_BCOLORED|S_GRAPHICS) #else /* not USE_BG_COLOR */ #define M_MEND (S_STANDOUT|S_UNDERLINE|S_BOLD|S_COLORED|S_GRAPHICS) #endif /* not USE_BG_COLOR */ void refresh(void) { int line, col, pcol; int pline = CurLine; int moved = RF_NEED_TO_MOVE; char *pc; l_prop *pr, mode = 0; l_prop color = COL_FTERM; #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR l_prop bcolor = COL_BTERM; #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ short *dirty; for (line = 0; line <= LASTLINE; line++) { dirty = &ScreenImage[line]->isdirty; if (*dirty & L_DIRTY) { *dirty &= ~L_DIRTY; pc = ScreenImage[line]->lineimage; pr = ScreenImage[line]->lineprop; for (col = 0; col < COLS && !(pr[col] & S_EOL); col++) { if (*dirty & L_NEED_CE && col >= ScreenImage[line]->eol) { if (need_redraw(pc[col], pr[col], ' ', 0)) break; } else { if (pr[col] & S_DIRTY) break; } } if (*dirty & (L_NEED_CE | L_CLRTOEOL)) { pcol = ScreenImage[line]->eol; if (pcol >= COLS) { *dirty &= ~(L_NEED_CE | L_CLRTOEOL); pcol = col; } } else { pcol = col; } if (line < LINES - 2 && pline == line - 1 && pcol == 0) { switch (moved) { case RF_NEED_TO_MOVE: MOVE(line, 0); moved = RF_CR_OK; break; case RF_CR_OK: write1('\n'); write1('\r'); break; case RF_NONEED_TO_MOVE: moved = RF_CR_OK; break; } } else { MOVE(line, pcol); moved = RF_CR_OK; } if (*dirty & (L_NEED_CE | L_CLRTOEOL)) { writestr(T_ce); if (col != pcol) MOVE(line, col); } pline = line; pcol = col; for (; col < COLS; col++) { if (pr[col] & S_EOL) break; /* * some terminal emulators do linefeed when a * character is put on COLS-th column. this behavior * is different from one of vt100, but such terminal * emulators are used as vt100-compatible * emulators. This behaviour causes scroll when a * character is drawn on (COLS-1,LINES-1) point. To * avoid the scroll, I prohibit to draw character on * (COLS-1,LINES-1). */ #if !defined(USE_BG_COLOR) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #if defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA if (isWinConsole) #endif /* defined(__CYGWIN__) && LANG == JA */ if (line == LINES - 1 && col == COLS - 1) break; #endif /* !defined(USE_BG_COLOR) || defined(__CYGWIN__) */ if ((!(pr[col] & S_STANDOUT) && (mode & S_STANDOUT)) || (!(pr[col] & S_UNDERLINE) && (mode & S_UNDERLINE)) || (!(pr[col] & S_BOLD) && (mode & S_BOLD)) || (!(pr[col] & S_COLORED) && (mode & S_COLORED)) #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR || (!(pr[col] & S_BCOLORED) && (mode & S_BCOLORED)) #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ || (!(pr[col] & S_GRAPHICS) && (mode & S_GRAPHICS))) { if ((mode & S_COLORED) #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR || (mode & S_BCOLORED) #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ ) writestr(T_op); if (mode & S_GRAPHICS) writestr(T_ae); writestr(T_me); mode &= ~M_MEND; } if ((*dirty & L_NEED_CE && col >= ScreenImage[line]->eol) ? need_redraw(pc[col], pr[col], ' ', 0) : (pr[col] & S_DIRTY)) { if (pcol == col - 1) writestr(T_nd); else if (pcol != col) MOVE(line, col); if ((pr[col] & S_STANDOUT) && !(mode & S_STANDOUT)) { writestr(T_so); mode |= S_STANDOUT; } if ((pr[col] & S_UNDERLINE) && !(mode & S_UNDERLINE)) { writestr(T_us); mode |= S_UNDERLINE; } if ((pr[col] & S_BOLD) && !(mode & S_BOLD)) { writestr(T_md); mode |= S_BOLD; } if ((pr[col] & S_COLORED) && (pr[col] ^ mode) & COL_FCOLOR) { color = (pr[col] & COL_FCOLOR); mode = ((mode & ~COL_FCOLOR) | color); writestr(color_seq(color)); } #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR if ((pr[col] & S_BCOLORED) && (pr[col] ^ mode) & COL_BCOLOR) { bcolor = (pr[col] & COL_BCOLOR); mode = ((mode & ~COL_BCOLOR) | bcolor); writestr(bcolor_seq(bcolor)); } #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ if ((pr[col] & S_GRAPHICS) && !(mode & S_GRAPHICS)) { if (!graph_enabled) { graph_enabled = 1; writestr(T_eA); } writestr(T_as); mode |= S_GRAPHICS; } write1((pr[col] & S_GRAPHICS) ? graphchar(pc[col]) : pc[col]); pcol = col + 1; } } if (col == COLS) moved = RF_NEED_TO_MOVE; for (; col < COLS && !(pr[col] & S_EOL); col++) pr[col] |= S_EOL; } *dirty &= ~(L_NEED_CE | L_CLRTOEOL); if (mode & M_MEND) { if (mode & (S_COLORED #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR | S_BCOLORED #endif /* USE_BG_COLOR */ )) writestr(T_op); if (mode & S_GRAPHICS) writestr(T_ae); writestr(T_me); mode &= ~M_MEND; } #ifdef JP_CHARSET endline(); #endif /* JP_CHARSET */ } MOVE(CurLine, CurColumn); fflush(ttyf); } void clear(void) { int i, j; l_prop *p; writestr(T_cl); move(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < LINES; i++) { ScreenImage[i]->isdirty = 0; p = ScreenImage[i]->lineprop; for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) { p[j] = S_EOL; } } CurrentMode = C_ASCII; } static void scroll_raw(void) { /* raw scroll */ MOVE(LINES - 1, 0); write1('\n'); } void scroll(int n) { /* scroll up */ int cli = CurLine, cco = CurColumn; Screen *t; int i, j, k; i = LINES; j = n; do { k = j; j = i % k; i = k; } while (j); do { k--; i = k; j = (i + n) % LINES; t = ScreenImage[k]; while (j != k) { ScreenImage[i] = ScreenImage[j]; i = j; j = (i + n) % LINES; } ScreenImage[i] = t; } while (k); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { t = ScreenImage[LINES - 1 - i]; t->isdirty = 0; for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) t->lineprop[j] = S_EOL; scroll_raw(); } move(cli, cco); } void rscroll(int n) { /* scroll down */ int cli = CurLine, cco = CurColumn; Screen *t; int i, j, k; i = LINES; j = n; do { k = j; j = i % k; i = k; } while (j); do { k--; i = k; j = (LINES + i - n) % LINES; t = ScreenImage[k]; while (j != k) { ScreenImage[i] = ScreenImage[j]; i = j; j = (LINES + i - n) % LINES; } ScreenImage[i] = t; } while (k); if (T_sr && *T_sr) { MOVE(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { t = ScreenImage[i]; t->isdirty = 0; for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) t->lineprop[j] = S_EOL; writestr(T_sr); } move(cli, cco); } else { for (i = 0; i < LINES; i++) { t = ScreenImage[i]; t->isdirty |= L_DIRTY | L_NEED_CE; for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) { t->lineprop[j] |= S_DIRTY; } } } } #if 0 void need_clrtoeol(void) { /* Clear to the end of line as the need arises */ l_prop *lprop = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; if (lprop[CurColumn] & S_EOL) return; if (!(ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty & (L_NEED_CE | L_CLRTOEOL)) || ScreenImage[CurLine]->eol > CurColumn) ScreenImage[CurLine]->eol = CurColumn; ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty |= L_NEED_CE; } #endif /* 0 */ /* XXX: conflicts with curses's clrtoeol(3) ? */ void clrtoeol(void) { /* Clear to the end of line */ int i; l_prop *lprop = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; if (lprop[CurColumn] & S_EOL) return; if (!(ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty & (L_NEED_CE | L_CLRTOEOL)) || ScreenImage[CurLine]->eol > CurColumn) ScreenImage[CurLine]->eol = CurColumn; ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty |= L_CLRTOEOL; touch_line(); for (i = CurColumn; i < COLS && !(lprop[i] & S_EOL); i++) { lprop[i] = S_EOL | S_DIRTY; } } #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR void clrtoeol_with_bcolor(void) { int i, cli, cco; l_prop pr; if (!(CurrentMode & S_BCOLORED)) { clrtoeol(); return; } cli = CurLine; cco = CurColumn; pr = CurrentMode; CurrentMode = (CurrentMode & (M_CEOL | S_BCOLORED)) | C_ASCII; for (i = CurColumn; i < COLS; i++) addch(' '); move(cli, cco); CurrentMode = pr; } void clrtoeolx(void) { clrtoeol_with_bcolor(); } #else /* not USE_BG_COLOR */ void clrtoeolx(void) { clrtoeol(); } #endif /* not USE_BG_COLOR */ void clrtobot_eol(void (*clrtoeol) ()) { int l, c; l = CurLine; c = CurColumn; (*clrtoeol) (); CurColumn = 0; CurLine++; for (; CurLine < LINES; CurLine++) (*clrtoeol) (); CurLine = l; CurColumn = c; } void clrtobot(void) { clrtobot_eol(clrtoeol); } void clrtobotx(void) { clrtobot_eol(clrtoeolx); } #if 0 void no_clrtoeol(void) { int i; l_prop *lprop = ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop; ScreenImage[CurLine]->isdirty &= ~L_CLRTOEOL; } #endif /* 0 */ void addstr(char *s) { while (*s != '\0') addch(*(s++)); } void addnstr(char *s, int n) { int i; #ifdef JP_CHARSET for (i = 0; i < n - 1 && *s != '\0'; i++) addch(*(s++)); if (*s != '\0') { if (IS_KANJI2(*s)) { /* WCHAR */ if (CHMODE(CurrentMode) == C_WCHAR1) { /* WCHAR second byte */ addch(*s); } } else { /* Ascii or WCHAR2 */ addch(*s); } } #else /* not JP_CHARSET */ for (i = 0; i < n && *s != '\0'; i++) addch(*(s++)); #endif /* not JP_CHARSET */ } void addnstr_sup(char *s, int n) { int i; #ifdef JP_CHARSET for (i = 0; i < n - 1 && *s != '\0'; i++) addch(*(s++)); if (*s != '\0') { if (IS_KANJI2(*s)) { /* WCHAR */ if (CHMODE(CurrentMode) == C_WCHAR1) { /* WCHAR second byte */ addch(*s); i++; } } else { /* Ascii or WCHAR2 */ addch(*s); i++; } } #else /* not JP_CHARSET */ for (i = 0; i < n && *s != '\0'; i++) addch(*(s++)); #endif /* not JP_CHARSET */ for (; i < n; i++) addch(' '); } void crmode(void) #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H { ttymode_reset(ICANON, IXON); ttymode_set(ISIG, 0); #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H set_cc(VMIN, 1); #else /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ set_cc(VEOF, 1); #endif /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ } #else /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ { ttymode_set(CBREAK, 0); } #endif /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ void nocrmode(void) #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H { ttymode_set(ICANON, 0); #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H set_cc(VMIN, 4); #else /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ set_cc(VEOF, 4); #endif /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ } #else /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ { ttymode_reset(CBREAK, 0); } #endif /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ void term_echo(void) { ttymode_set(ECHO, 0); } void term_noecho(void) { ttymode_reset(ECHO, 0); } void term_raw(void) #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H #ifdef IEXTEN #define TTY_MODE ISIG|ICANON|ECHO|IEXTEN #else /* not IEXTEN */ #define TTY_MODE ISIG|ICANON|ECHO #endif /* not IEXTEN */ { ttymode_reset(TTY_MODE, IXON | IXOFF); #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H set_cc(VMIN, 1); #else /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ set_cc(VEOF, 1); #endif /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ } #else /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ { ttymode_set(RAW, 0); } #endif /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ void term_cooked(void) #ifndef HAVE_SGTTY_H { #ifdef __EMX__ /* On XFree86/OS2, some scrambled characters * will appear when asserting IEXTEN flag. */ ttymode_set((TTY_MODE) & ~IEXTEN, 0); #else ttymode_set(TTY_MODE, 0); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H set_cc(VMIN, 4); #else /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ set_cc(VEOF, 4); #endif /* not HAVE_TERMIOS_H */ } #else /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ { ttymode_reset(RAW, 0); } #endif /* HAVE_SGTTY_H */ void term_cbreak(void) { term_cooked(); term_noecho(); } void term_title(char *s) { if (!fmInitialized) return; if (title_str != NULL) { #ifdef __CYGWIN__ if (isLocalConsole && title_str == CYGWIN_TITLE) { char buff[1024]; snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), title_str, s); SetConsoleTitle(buff); } else if (isLocalConsole || !isWinConsole) #endif fprintf(ttyf, title_str, s); } } char getch(void) { char c; while ( #ifdef SUPPORT_WIN9X_CONSOLE_MBCS read_win32_console(&c, 1) #else read(tty, &c, 1) #endif < (int)1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue; /* error happend on read(2) */ quitfm(); break; /* unreachable */ } return c; } #ifdef USE_MOUSE #ifdef USE_GPM char wgetch(void) { char c; /* read(tty, &c, 1); */ while (read(tty, &c, 1) < (ssize_t) 1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue; /* error happend on read(2) */ quitfm(); break; /* unreachable */ } return c; } int do_getch() { if (is_xterm) return getch(); else return Gpm_Getch(); } #endif /* USE_GPM */ #ifdef USE_SYSMOUSE int sysm_getch() { fd_set rfd; int key, x, y; FD_ZERO(&rfd); FD_SET(tty, &rfd); while (select(tty + 1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, NULL) <= 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { x = xpix / cwidth; y = ypix / cheight; key = (*sysm_handler) (x, y, nbs, obs); if (key != 0) return key; } } return getch(); } int do_getch() { if (is_xterm || !sysm_handler) return getch(); else return sysm_getch(); } MySignalHandler sysmouse(SIGNAL_ARG) { struct mouse_info mi; mi.operation = MOUSE_GETINFO; if (ioctl(tty, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mi) == -1) return; xpix = mi.u.data.x; ypix = mi.u.data.y; obs = nbs; nbs = mi.u.data.buttons & 0x7; /* for cosmetic bug in syscons.c on FreeBSD 3.[34] */ mi.operation = MOUSE_HIDE; ioctl(tty, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mi); mi.operation = MOUSE_SHOW; ioctl(tty, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mi); } #endif /* USE_SYSMOUSE */ #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ void bell(void) { write1(7); } void skip_escseq(void) { int c; c = getch(); if (c == '[' || c == 'O') { c = getch(); #ifdef USE_MOUSE if (is_xterm && c == 'M') { getch(); getch(); getch(); } else #endif while (IS_DIGIT(c)) c = getch(); } } void sleep_till_anykey(int sec, int purge) { fd_set rfd; struct timeval tim; int er, c; TerminalMode ioval; TerminalGet(tty, &ioval); term_raw(); tim.tv_sec = sec; tim.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfd); FD_SET(tty, &rfd); if (select(tty + 1, &rfd, 0, 0, &tim) > 0 && purge) { c = getch(); if (c == ESC_CODE) skip_escseq(); } er = TerminalSet(tty, &ioval); if (er == -1) { printf("Error occured: errno=%d\n", errno); reset_exit(SIGNAL_ARGLIST); } } #ifdef USE_MOUSE #define XTERM_ON {fputs("\033[?1001s\033[?1000h",ttyf); flush_tty();} #define XTERM_OFF {fputs("\033[?1000l\033[?1001r",ttyf); flush_tty();} #define CYGWIN_ON {fputs("\033[?1000h",ttyf); flush_tty();} #define CYGWIN_OFF {fputs("\033[?1000l",ttyf); flush_tty();} #ifdef USE_GPM /* Linux console with GPM support */ void mouse_init() { Gpm_Connect conn; extern int gpm_process_mouse(Gpm_Event *, void *); int r; if (mouseActive) return; conn.eventMask = ~0; conn.defaultMask = 0; conn.maxMod = 0; conn.minMod = 0; r = Gpm_Open(&conn, 0); if (r == -2) { /* * If Gpm_Open() success, returns >= 0 * Gpm_Open() returns -2 in case of xterm. * Gpm_Close() is necessary here. Otherwise, * xterm is being left in the mode where the mouse clicks are * passed through to the application. */ Gpm_Close(); is_xterm = (NEED_XTERM_ON | NEED_XTERM_OFF); } else if (r >= 0) { gpm_handler = gpm_process_mouse; is_xterm = 0; } if (is_xterm) { XTERM_ON; } mouseActive = 1; } void mouse_end() { if (mouseActive == 0) return; if (is_xterm) { XTERM_OFF; } else Gpm_Close(); mouseActive = 0; } #elif defined(USE_SYSMOUSE) /* *BSD console with sysmouse support */ void mouse_init() { mouse_info_t mi; extern int sysm_process_mouse(); if (mouseActive) return; if (is_xterm) { XTERM_ON; } else { #if defined(FBIO_MODEINFO) || defined(CONS_MODEINFO) /* FreeBSD > 2.x */ #ifndef FBIO_GETMODE /* FreeBSD 3.x */ #define FBIO_GETMODE CONS_GET #define FBIO_MODEINFO CONS_MODEINFO #endif /* FBIO_GETMODE */ video_info_t vi; if (ioctl(tty, FBIO_GETMODE, &vi.vi_mode) != -1 && ioctl(tty, FBIO_MODEINFO, &vi) != -1) { cwidth = vi.vi_cwidth; cheight = vi.vi_cheight; } #endif /* defined(FBIO_MODEINFO) || * defined(CONS_MODEINFO) */ signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); mi.operation = MOUSE_MODE; mi.u.mode.mode = 0; mi.u.mode.signal = SIGUSR2; sysm_handler = NULL; if (ioctl(tty, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mi) != -1) { signal(SIGUSR2, sysmouse); mi.operation = MOUSE_SHOW; ioctl(tty, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mi); sysm_handler = sysm_process_mouse; } } mouseActive = 1; } void mouse_end() { if (mouseActive == 0) return; if (is_xterm) { XTERM_OFF; } else { mouse_info_t mi; mi.operation = MOUSE_MODE; mi.u.mode.mode = 0; mi.u.mode.signal = 0; ioctl(tty, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mi); } mouseActive = 0; } #else /* not GPM nor SYSMOUSE, but use mouse with xterm */ void mouse_init() { if (mouseActive) return; if (is_xterm & NEED_XTERM_ON) { XTERM_ON; } else if (is_xterm & NEED_CYGWIN_ON) { CYGWIN_ON; } mouseActive = 1; } void mouse_end() { if (mouseActive == 0) return; if (is_xterm & NEED_XTERM_OFF) { XTERM_OFF; } else if (is_xterm & NEED_CYGWIN_OFF) { CYGWIN_OFF; } mouseActive = 0; } #endif /* not USE_GPM nor USE_SYSMOUSE */ void mouse_active() { if (!mouseActive) mouse_init(); } void mouse_inactive() { if (mouseActive && is_xterm) mouse_end(); } #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ void flush_tty() { fflush(ttyf); } #ifdef USE_IMAGE void touch_cursor() { touch_line(); touch_column(CurColumn); #ifdef JP_CHARSET if (CurColumn > 0 && CHMODE(ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop[CurColumn]) == C_WCHAR2) touch_column(CurColumn - 1); else if (CurColumn < COLS - 1 && CHMODE(ScreenImage[CurLine]->lineprop[CurColumn]) == C_WCHAR1) touch_column(CurColumn + 1); #endif } #endif