/* $Id: w3mhelperpanel.c,v 1.12 2003/09/22 21:02:22 ukai Exp $ */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "config.h" #include "Str.h" #include "indep.h" #include "textlist.h" #include "parsetag.h" #include "myctype.h" #if LANG == JA #define MSG_TITLE "�����ӥ塼�����Խ�" #define MSG_NEW_ENTRY "������Ͽ" #define MSG_TYPE "�ǡ���������" #define MSG_COMMAND "�������ޥ��" #define MSG_REGISTER "��Ͽ" #define MSG_DELETE "���" #define MSG_DOIT "�¹�" #else /* LANG != JA */ #define MSG_TITLE "External Viewers Setup" #define MSG_NEW_ENTRY "New Entry" #define MSG_TYPE "Type" #define MSG_COMMAND "Command" #define MSG_REGISTER "Register" #define MSG_DELETE "Delete" #define MSG_DOIT "Do it" #endif /* LANG != JA */ char *local_cookie; void extractMailcapEntry(char *mcap_entry, char **type, char **cmd) { int j; while (*mcap_entry && IS_SPACE(*mcap_entry)) mcap_entry++; for (j = 0; mcap_entry[j] && mcap_entry[j] != ';' && !IS_SPACE(mcap_entry[j]); j++) ; *type = allocStr(mcap_entry, j); if (mcap_entry[j] == ';') j++; while (mcap_entry[j] && IS_SPACE(mcap_entry[j])) j++; *cmd = allocStr(&mcap_entry[j], -1); } static void bye(const char *action, const char *mailcap) { printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n%s %s\n", action, mailcap); exit(1); } void printMailcapPanel(char *mailcap) { FILE *f; Str tmp; char *type, *viewer; if ((f = fopen(mailcap, "rt")) == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) bye("Can't open", mailcap); if (!(f = fopen(mailcap, "a+"))) /* if $HOME/.mailcap is not found, make it now! */ bye("Can't open", mailcap); { char *SysMailcap = getenv("SYS_MAILCAP"); FILE *s = fopen(SysMailcap ? SysMailcap : "/etc/mailcap", "r"); if (s) { char buffer[256]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, s)) /* Copy system mailcap to */ fputs(buffer, f); /* users' new one */ fclose(s); rewind(f); } } } #if LANG == JA printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=EUC-JP\n\n"); #else printf("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); #endif printf("<html>\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>%s</h1>\n", MSG_TITLE, MSG_TITLE); printf("<form method=post action=\"file:///$LIB/" W3MHELPERPANEL_CMDNAME "\">\n"); printf("<input type=hidden name=mode value=edit>\n"); printf("<input type=hidden name=cookie value=\"%s\">\n", html_quote(local_cookie)); printf("<table>\n<tr><td>%s:<td>%s=<input type=text name=newtype size=40>\n\ <tr><td><td>%s=<input type=text name=newcmd size=40>\n\ <tr><td><input type=submit name=submit value=\"%s\">\n</table>\n", MSG_NEW_ENTRY, MSG_TYPE, MSG_COMMAND, MSG_REGISTER); printf("<p><hr width=50%%><p>\n<table border='0' cellpadding='0'>\n\ <tr><th align=left><b>%s</b><th><b>%s</b>\n", MSG_TYPE, MSG_COMMAND); while (tmp = Strfgets(f), tmp->length > 0) { if (tmp->ptr[0] == '#') continue; Strchop(tmp); extractMailcapEntry(tmp->ptr, &type, &viewer); printf("<tr valign=top><td>%s<td>%s<td nowrap>", html_quote(type), html_quote(viewer)); printf("<input type=checkbox name=delete value=\"%s\">%s\n", html_quote(type), MSG_DELETE); } printf("</table>\n<input type=submit name=submit value=\"%s\">\n</form>\n\ </body>\n</html>\n", MSG_DOIT); } void editMailcap(char *mailcap, struct parsed_tagarg *args) { TextList *t = newTextList(); TextListItem *ti; FILE *f; Str tmp; char *type, *viewer; struct parsed_tagarg *a; int delete_it; if ((f = fopen(mailcap, "rt")) == NULL) bye("Can't open", mailcap); while (tmp = Strfgets(f), tmp->length > 0) { if (tmp->ptr[0] == '#') continue; Strchop(tmp); extractMailcapEntry(tmp->ptr, &type, &viewer); delete_it = 0; for (a = args; a != NULL; a = a->next) { if (!strcmp(a->arg, "delete") && !strcmp(a->value, type)) { delete_it = 1; break; } } if (!delete_it) pushText(t, Sprintf("%s;\t%s\n", type, viewer)->ptr); } type = tag_get_value(args, "newtype"); viewer = tag_get_value(args, "newcmd"); if (type != NULL && *type != '\0' && viewer != NULL && *viewer != '\0') pushText(t, Sprintf("%s;\t%s\n", type, viewer)->ptr); fclose(f); if ((f = fopen(mailcap, "w")) == NULL) bye("Can't write to", mailcap); for (ti = t->first; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next) fputs(ti->ptr, f); fclose(f); printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n"); printf("w3m-control: BACK\nw3m-control: BACK\n"); printf("w3m-control: REINIT MAILCAP\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[], char **envp) { Str mailcapfile; extern char *getenv(); char *p; int length; Str qs = NULL; struct parsed_tagarg *cgiarg; char *mode; char *sent_cookie; p = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"); if (p == NULL || strcasecmp(p, "post")) goto request_err; p = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if (p == NULL || (length = atoi(p)) <= 0) goto request_err; qs = Strfgets(stdin); Strchop(qs); if (qs->length != length) goto request_err; cgiarg = cgistr2tagarg(qs->ptr); p = getenv("LOCAL_COOKIE_FILE"); if (p) { FILE *f = fopen(p, "r"); if (f) { local_cookie = Strfgets(f)->ptr; fclose(f); } } sent_cookie = tag_get_value(cgiarg, "cookie"); if (local_cookie == NULL || sent_cookie == NULL || strcmp(local_cookie, sent_cookie) != 0) { /* Local cookie doesn't match */ bye("Local cookie doesn't match: It may be an illegal execution", ""); } mode = tag_get_value(cgiarg, "mode"); mailcapfile = Strnew_charp(expandPath(USER_MAILCAP)); if (mode && !strcmp(mode, "edit")) { char *referer; /* check if I can edit my mailcap */ if ((referer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER")) != NULL) { if (strncmp(referer, "file://", 7) != 0 && strncmp(referer, "exec://", 7) != 0) { /* referer is not file: nor exec: */ bye("It may be an illegal execution\n referer=", referer); } } /* edit mailcap */ editMailcap(mailcapfile->ptr, cgiarg); } else { /* initial panel */ printMailcapPanel(mailcapfile->ptr); } return 0; request_err: bye("Incomplete Request:", qs ? qs->ptr : "(null)"); exit(1); }