path: root/mds/DNS.txt
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+== What to do with your DNS when ODoH’s Trust-Me-Bruh Model doesn’t work for you
+DNS. Domain Name System.
+We all use it. We all need it. But most people are still using it like
+its the early 2000s. What do I mean by that? Ye good ole UDP on port 53.
+And your ISP will tell ya you don’t need to worry about your privacy
+because they swear on boy scout honor that they don’t log your DNS
+queries. Right ….
+It’s 2024. We have come a long way. We have DoH, DoT, ODoH, DNSCrypt and
+We’re going to talk about all of these for a little bit and then finally
+I’m going to share what I am doing right now.
+=== Problem Statement
+Plain jane DNS, i.e., sending your request using UDP without any sort of
+encryption, has been the norm for almost ever. Even right now that is
+what most people are doing. That might have been oh-so-cool in the 80s
+but It doesn’t fly anymore. So we ended up with DoH and DoT.
+DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS. They are both self-explanatory. Instead
+of doing unencrypted requests over UDP, we do a TCP request using HTTPS
+or TLS. So far so good. DoH and DoT are definitely improvements over
+https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035[RFC 1035] but let’s take a step
+back and see what we are trying to defend against. Without a structure,
+we are not doing much more than just magic granted to us by the flying
+spaghetti monster.
+Let’s review our threat model.What are we trying to achieve here? What
+are the threats and who are the threat actors? Who are we safeguarding
+our DNS queries against? Men-in-the-middle? Our internet provider? The
+authoritative DNS server that we use?
+*_Statement_*: We want to have a *_private_* and *_anonymous_* DNS
+solution. That means:
+*_Requirement 001_*:
+* The DNS queries shall only be viewed by the authoritative DNS
+server(We can up this requirement later by running our own authoritative
+DNS server but for now we are going to stick with our current
+This naturally means that your internet provider and other
+men-in-the-middle are not allowed to snoop on what we are querying.
+*_Requirement 002_*:
+* The DNS queries shall be anonymous. This means the authoritative DNS
+server that is getting our DNS queries shall not be able to identify the
+source of the query.
+There is more than one way to ``identify'' the source of the query. We
+only mean the source as in the IP address that made the DNS query.
+This second requirement is what ODoH is trying to solve. ODoH tries to
+separate the identity of the source of the DNS query from the query
+itself. ODoH stands for oblivous DoH. It add an ``oblivious'' proxy in
+middle of the source of the DNS query and the server. This way the proxy
+can send the queries in bulk for example to try to mask who sent what
+when. I’m summarizing here but what ODoH is trying to do can be
+summarized by this:
+* ODoH tries to separate the identity of the source of the query from
+the query itself by adding a proxy in the middle
+Below you can see
+ --- [ Request encrypted with Target public key ] -->
+ +---------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
+ | Client +-------------> Oblivious +-------------> Oblivious |
+ | <-------------+ Proxy <-------------+ Target |
+ +---------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
+ <-- [ Response encrypted with symmetric key ] ---
+https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9230/[ripped straight from RFC 9230]
+The main problem with this sort of a solution is that there is always an
+element of ``trust-me-bruh'' to the whole situation.
+* How can we trust that the proxy provider and the server are not
+We could run our own oblivious proxy but then if it’s just you and your
+friends using the proxy, then your proxy is not obfuscating much, is it
+now? And then there is the ``oblivious'' aspect of the solution. How can
+we enforce that? How can you verify that?
+Trust Me Bruh. We don't Log anything ...
+We have cryptography, We have zk. I think we can do better than just
+blind trust.
+Objectively speaking, and I’m not accusing anyone of anything so it’s
+just a hypothetical but if someone would give me some money and they
+asked me to come up with a system which let’s them practically
+monopolize access to DNS queries, I would propose ODoH.
+It has enough mumbo jumbo tech jargon(end-to-end-encrypted, …) to throw
+off your average layman and lul them into a false sense of security and
+privacy but it doesnt prevent the proxy and server provider from
+colluding. After all the technnical jargon, you end up with ``it’s
+safe'' and ``it’s private'' because ``you can trust us''.
+Now we can see that DoH, DoT and ODoH are all better than baseline DNS
+queries over UDP without encryption but they can’t satisfy both of our
+=== Solution
+Now let’s talk about the solution I at the time of writing this blog
+DoH or DoT is good enough to satisfy `Requirement001` but they need
+something a little extra to be able to satisfy `Requirement002`.
+For that, we use an anonymizing network like tor. DoT and DoH both work
+over TCP so we can use any SOCKS5 proxy here that ends up being a Tor
+proxy. What I mean is you can use a the Tor running on your host or you
+can use `ssh -L` to use Tor running on a VPS. That way, your internet
+proviedr can’t know you’re using Tor at all. With your DNS queries going
+over Tor, we can satisfy `Requirement002`. Tor is not the only solution
+here but I use Tor. There is more than one anonimyzing network out there
+and there are protocols that do this also.
+Right now we have an outline in our head:
+* We need to only use TCP for DNS and send everything over a Tor SOCKS5
+* we will be using DoT or DoH. This will be useful in two ways. One we
+ensure we are using TCP for DNS which is what most SOCKS5
+implementations support(even though they should support UDP because it’s
+SOCKS5 and not SOCKS4 but that’s another can of worms)
+There is more than one way to do this but I have decided to use
+https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy[dnscrypt-proxy]. We will not
+be using dnscrypt for the dnscrypt protocol though you could elect to
+use that as the underlying DNS protocol. `dnscrypt-proxy` lets’s us use
+a SOCKS5 proxy through which the DNS queries will be sent. We will use a
+Tor SOCKS5 proxy here. You can choose which protocols should be enabled
+and which ones should be disabled. There are two points:
+* one, enable the tcp only option, since we dont want to use plain jane
+UDP queries.
+* two, I have asked `dnscrypt-proxy` to only use DNS servers that
+support DNSSEC.
+I recommend going through all the available options in the
+`dnscrypt-proxy.toml` file. It is one of those config files with
+comments so it’s pretty sweet. There are quite a few useful options in
+there that you might care about depending on your needs.
+==== Implementation
+Right now I run `dnscrypt-proxy` on a small alpine linux VM. I made it
+fancier by running the VM on a tmpfs storage pool. Basically mine is
+running entirely on RAM. I used to have `dnscrypt-proxy` running on a
+raspberry pi and had my openwrt router forward DNS queries to that
+raspberry pi. There is obviously no best solution here. Just pick one
+that works for you. Here you can find the vagrantfile I use for the DNS
+VM I use:
+Vagrant.require_version '>= 2.2.6'
+Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
+ config.vm.box = 'generic/alpine319'
+ config.vm.box_version = '4.3.12'
+ config.vm.box_check_update = false
+ config.vm.hostname = 'virt-dns'
+ # ssh
+ config.ssh.insert_key = true
+ config.ssh.keep_alive = true
+ config.ssh.keys_only = true
+ # timeouts
+ config.vm.boot_timeout = 300
+ config.vm.graceful_halt_timeout = 60
+ config.ssh.connect_timeout = 30
+ # shares
+ config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', type: 'nfs', nfs_version: 4, nfs_udp: false
+ config.vm.network :private_network, :ip => '' , :libvirt__domain_name => 'devidns.local'
+ config.vm.provider 'libvirt' do |libvirt|
+ libvirt.storage_pool_name = 'ramdisk'
+ libvirt.default_prefix = 'dns-'
+ libvirt.driver = 'kvm'
+ libvirt.memory = '256'
+ libvirt.cpus = 2
+ libvirt.sound_type = nil
+ libvirt.qemuargs value: '-nographic'
+ libvirt.qemuargs value: '-nodefaults'
+ libvirt.qemuargs value: '-no-user-config'
+ libvirt.qemuargs value: '-serial'
+ libvirt.qemuargs value: 'pty'
+ libvirt.random model: 'random'
+ end
+ config.vm.provision 'reqs', type: 'shell', name: 'reqs-install', inline: <<-SHELL
+ sudo apk update &&\
+ sudo apk upgrade &&\
+ sudo apk add tor dnscrypt-proxy privoxy tmux
+ config.vm.provision 'reqs-priv', type: 'shell', name: 'reqs-priv-install', privileged: true, inline: <<-SHELL
+ cp /vagrant/torrc /etc/tor/torrc
+ cp /vagrant/dnscrypt-proxy.toml /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml
+ #cp /vagrant/config /etc/privoxy/config
+ rc-service tor start
+ sleep 1
+ #rc-service privoxy start
+ #sleep 1
+ rc-service dnscrypt-proxy start
+It’s pretty straightforward. We use an alpine linux VM as base. Make a
+new interface on the VM with a static IP and have `dnscrypt-proxy`
+receive DNS queries through that interface and IP only. I don’t change
+the port number(53) because of certain applications(you know who you
+are) refusing to accept port for a DNS server’s address. You could also
+make it spicier by using `privoxy`. Maybe I make a post about that