diff options
authorTom Feist <shabble@cowu.be>2010-07-09 22:01:59 +0000
committerTom Feist <shabble@cowu.be>2010-07-09 22:01:59 +0000
commit18e61f4d15f1c6c5058cba6a69caf88114327b0d (patch)
parentinitial podifying of irssi docs (diff)
added history_search and scrolled-reminder as work in progress
9 files changed, 2448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/perl.txt b/docs/perl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd72623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/perl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+ * bugs
+ * support
+ * news
+ * documentation
+ * download
+ * about
+ * themes
+ * scripts
+What's this?
+You are visiting the official website for the IRC client Irssi, for more information see the about section.
+Search this site
+Search function coming soon!
+What's new?
+Irssi 0.8.15 has been released and the new website will be released in a few weeks!
+Perl Scripting Reference
+ Installation problems
+ ---------------------
+You'll need to have perl support compiled with irssi. If "/LOAD"
+doesn't show perl in list of loaded modules, you have a problem. See
+INSTALL file for information about perl problems.
+ Running scripts
+ ---------------
+Scripts are run with /SCRIPT LOAD command, or the default /RUN alias.
+"/SCRIPT" shows list of running script, and /SCRIPT UNLOAD can unload
+Scripts should be placed to ~/.irssi/scripts/ or
+/usr/local/lib/irssi/scripts/ (or depending on where irssi was
+installed) directories. After that /RUN script_name should work, you
+don't need to add the .pl suffix.
+ Irssi's signals
+ ---------------
+Irssi is pretty much based on sending and handling different signals.
+Like when you receive a message from server, say
+ :nick!user@there.org PRIVMSG you :blahblah
+Irssi will first send a signal:
+ "server incoming", SERVER_REC, "nick!user@there PRIVMSG ..."
+You probably don't want to use this signal. Default handler for this
+signal interprets the header and sends a signal:
+ "server event", SERVER_REC, "PRIVMSG ...", "nick", "user@there.org"
+You probably don't want to use this either, since this signal's default
+handler parses the event string and sends a signal:
+ "event privmsg", SERVER_REC, "you :blahblah", "nick", "user@there.org"
+You can at any point grab the signal, do whatever you want to do with
+it and optionally stop it from going any further by calling
+For example:
+ sub event_privmsg {
+ # $data = "nick/#channel :text"
+ my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_;
+ my ($target, $text) = split(/ :/, $data, 2);
+ Irssi::signal_stop() if ($text =~ /free.*porn/ || $nick =~ /idiot/);
+ }
+Irssi::signal_add("event privmsg", "event_privmsg")
+This will hide all public or private messages that match the regexp
+"free.*porn" or the sender's nick contain the word "idiot". Yes, you
+could use /IGNORE instead for both of these :)
+You can also use signal_add_last() if you wish to let the Irssi's internal
+functions be run before yours.
+A list of signals that irssi sends can be found from signals.txt file.
+ Creating/replacing /COMMANDS
+ ----------------------------
+You can create your own commands, or replace existing ones with
+Irssi::command_bind(). The command handling work internally pretty much
+the same as signal handlers, so if you replace existing command and don't
+wish to let it run, call Irssi::signal_stop().
+Here's an example:
+ # Usage: /HELLO [<nick>]
+ sub cmd_hello {
+ # data - contains the parameters for /HELLO
+ # server - the active server in window
+ # witem - the active window item (eg. channel, query)
+ # or undef if the window is empty
+ my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
+ if (!$server || !$server->{connected}) {
+ Irssi::print("Not connected to server");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($data) {
+ $server->command("MSG $data Hello!");
+ } elsif ($witem && ($witem->{type} eq "CHANNEL" ||
+ $witem->{type} eq "QUERY")) {
+ # there's query/channel active in window
+ $witem->command("MSG ".$witem->{name}." Hello!");
+ } else {
+ Irssi::print("Nick not given, and no active channel/query in window");
+ }
+ }
+ Irssi::command_bind('hello', 'cmd_hello');
+ Message levels
+ --------------
+Several functions expect message levels. They're used to roughly
+classify messages. They're used by a lot of things including logging,
+ignoring, highlighting, etc. so you should use as good level as
+possible. It's possible to have several levels in one message, like
+Here's all the levels that irssi supports currently:
+And a few special ones that could be included with the levels above:
+ HILIGHT - text is highlighted
+ NOHILIGHT - don't check highlighting for this message
+ NO_ACT - don't trigger channel activity when printing this message
+ NEVER - never ignore or log this message (not a good idea usually)
+You can use them with a MSGLEVEL_ prefix, for example:
+ $server->print("#channel", 'Hello, world', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
+Writes text to #channel window with CLIENTCRAP level.
+ Window items
+ ------------
+Meaning of "window" should be pretty clear, but "window item" is
+something I couldn't really figure out a better name for :) They're
+simply something that's inside a window, a channel or a query usually.
+Windows can have multiple items inside them. It's possible to create
+non-channel/query window items too, currently the third possible window
+item is created by /EXEC -interactive.
+In scripts, I think you can quite safely assume that the window item is
+query or channel if the script is intended to be run in one of them.
+Stupid users won't probably have other window items, and smart users
+know where to run the script, or at least later figure out why it
+didn't work :)
+ Functions that you can use in Irssi's Perl scripts
+ --------------------------------------------------
+If there's a "Xxxx::" text before the command, it means that it belongs to
+that package. Like "Server::command" means that you should either call it as
+ Irssi::Server::command($server, $cmd);
+or more easily:
+ $server->command($cmd);
+Commands that don't have the Xxxx prefix are called as Irssi::command();
+Information from most objects can be fetched with $object->{data}, for
+example current nick in server could be read with $server->{nick}. List
+of all the information that are in objects are in "Object->{}" sections
+Commands are split in two groups, generic ones that could be used with
+any chat protocol, and IRC specific commands. If you want to use IRC
+specific commands, or use IRC specific ->{data} in your scripts, you'll
+need to add "use Irssi::Irc" to your scripts. IRC specific commands are
+listed after the generic ones.
+ *** General
+Window active_win() - return active window
+Server active_server() - return server in active window
+windows() - return list of all windows
+servers() - return list of all servers
+reconnects() - return list of all server reconnections
+channels() - return list of all channels
+queries() - return list of all queries
+commands() - return list of all commands
+logs() - return list of all log files
+ignores() - returns list of all ignores
+Server::channels() - return list of channels in server
+Server::queries() - return list of queries in server
+print(str[, level])
+Server::print(channel, str[, level])
+Window::print(str[, level])
+Windowitem::print(str[, level])
+ Print `str'. Default level is MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE.
+ Send a command `cmd' (in current channel). The '/' char isn't needed.
+ *** Themes
+You can have user configurable texts in scripts that work just like
+irssi's internal texts that can be changed in themes.
+First you'll have to register the formats:
+ 'format_name', '{hilight my perl format!}',
+ 'format2', 'testing.. nick = $0, channel = $1'
+Printing happens with one of the functions:
+printformat(level, format, ...)
+Window::printformat(level, format, ...)
+Server::printformat(target, level, format, ...)
+Windowitem::printformat(level, format, ...)
+For example:
+ $channel->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'format2',
+ 'nick', $channel->{name});
+ *** Settings
+ Return value for setting.
+settings_set_str(key, value)
+settings_set_int(key, value)
+settings_set_bool(key, value)
+settings_set_time(key, value)
+settings_set_level(key, value)
+settings_set_size(key, value)
+ Set value for setting.
+ If you change the settings of another module/script with one of these, you
+ must emit a "setup changed" signal afterwards.
+settings_add_str(section, key, def)
+settings_add_int(section, key, def)
+settings_add_bool(section, key, def)
+settings_add_time(section, key, def)
+settings_add_level(section, key, def)
+settings_add_size(section, key, def)
+ Create new setting.
+ Remove a setting.
+ *** Signals
+signal_emit(signal, ...)
+ Send signal `signal'. You can give 6 parameters at maximum.
+ Continue currently emitted signal with different parameters.
+signal_add(signal, func)
+ Bind `signal' to function `func'.
+signal_add_first(signal, func)
+ Bind `signal' to function `func'. Call `func' as soon as possible.
+signal_add_last(signal, func)
+ Bind `signal' to function `func'. Call `func' as late as possible.
+signal_remove(signal, func)
+ Unbind `signal' from function `func'.
+ Stop the signal that's currently being emitted.
+ Stop the signal with name `signal' that's currently being emitted.
+ Register parameter types for one or more signals.
+ `hash' must map one or more signal names to references to arrays
+ containing 0 to 6 type names. Some recognized type names include
+ int for integers, intptr for references to integers and string for
+ strings. For all standard signals see src/perl/perl-signals-list.h
+ in the source code (this is generated by src/perl/get-signals.pl).
+ Any signals that were already registered are unaffected.
+ Registration is required to get any parameters to signals written in
+ Perl and to emit and continue signals from Perl.
+ *** timeouts / IO listener / pidwait
+timeout_add(msecs, func, data)
+ Call `func' every `msecs' milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) with
+ parameter `data'. Returns tag which can be used to stop the timeout.
+timeout_add_once(msecs, func, data);
+ Call `func' once after `msecs' milliseconds (1000 = 1 second)
+ with parameter `data'. Returns tag which can be used to stop the timeout.
+ Remove timeout with tag.
+input_add(source, condition, func, data)
+ Call `func' with parameter `data' when specified IO happens.
+ `source' is the file handle that is being listened. `condition' can
+ be INPUT_READ, INPUT_WRITE or both. Returns tag which can be used to
+ remove the listener.
+ Remove listener with tag.
+ Adds `pid' to the list of processes to wait for. The pid must identify
+ a child process of the irssi process. When the process terminates, a
+ "pidwait" signal will be sent with the pid and the status from
+ waitpid(). This is useful to avoid zombies if your script forks.
+ Removes `pid' from the list of processes to wait for. Terminated
+ processes are removed automatically, so it is usually not necessary
+ to call this function.
+ *** Message levels
+ Level string -> number
+ Level number -> string
+combine_level(level, str)
+ Combine level number to level string ("+level -level").
+ Return new level number.
+ *** Commands
+ cmd - Command name
+ category - Category
+command_bind(cmd, func[, category])
+ Bind command `cmd' to call function `func'. `category' is the
+ category where the command is displayed in /HELP.
+command_runsub(cmd, data, server, item)
+ Run subcommands for `cmd'. First word in `data' is parsed as
+ subcommand. `server' is Irssi::Server rec for current
+ Irssi::Windowitem `item'.
+ Call command_runsub in handler function for `cmd' and bind
+ with command_bind("`cmd' `subcmd'", subcmdfunc[, category]);
+command_unbind(cmd, func)
+ Unbind command `cmd' from function `func'.
+command_set_options(cmd, data)
+ Set options for command `cmd' to `data'. `data' is a string of
+ space separated words which specify the options. Each word can be
+ optionally prefixed with one of the following character:
+ '-': optional argument
+ '+': argument required
+ '@': optional numeric argument
+command_parse_options(cmd, data)
+ Parse options for command `cmd' in `data'. It returns a reference to
+ an hash table with the options and a string with the remaining part
+ of `data'. On error it returns the undefined value.
+ *** Windows
+ refnum - Reference number
+ name - Name
+ width - Width
+ height - Height
+ history_name - Name of named historylist for this window
+ active - Active window item
+ active_server - Active server
+ servertag - active_server must be either undef or have this same tag
+ (unless there's items in this window). This is used by
+ /WINDOW SERVER -sticky
+ level - Current window level
+ sticky_refnum - 1 if reference number is sticky
+ data_level - Current data level
+ hilight_color - Current activity hilight color
+ last_timestamp - Last time timestamp was written in window
+ last_line - Last time text was written in window
+ theme_name - Active theme in window, undef = default
+ window - Window where the text will be written
+ server - Target server
+ target - Target channel/query/etc name
+ level - Text level
+ hilight_priority - Priority for the hilighted text
+ hilight_color - Color for the hilighted text
+ Return a list of items in window.
+ Create a new window.
+ Destroy the window.
+ Returns parent window for window item.
+ Find window with name.
+ Find window with reference number.
+ Find window with level.
+window_find_closest(name, level)
+Server::window_find_closest(name, level)
+ Find window that matches best to given arguments. `name' can be either
+ window name or name of one of the window items.
+ Find window which contains window item with specified name/server.
+Window::item_find(server, name)
+ Find window item that matches best to given arguments.
+window_refnum_prev(refnum, wrap)
+window_refnum_next(refnum, wrap)
+ Return refnum for window that's previous/next in windows list.
+ Return refnum for last window.
+Window::item_add(item, automatic)
+ Add/remove/destroy window item
+ Set window active.
+ Change server/refnum/name/history/level in window.
+ Change window item active in parent window.
+ Change to previous/next window item.
+ Change server in window item.
+ Returns 1 if window item is the active item in parent window.
+ Return active item's name, or if none is active, window's name
+ *** Server Connects
+ type - "SERVER CONNECT" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ address - Address where we connected (irc.blah.org)
+ port - Port where we connected
+ chatnet - Chat network
+ password - Password we used in connection.
+ wanted_nick - Nick which we would prefer to use
+ username - User name
+ realname - Real name
+server_create_conn(address[, port=6667[, password=''[, nick=''[, channels='']]]])
+ Create new server connection.
+ *** Server functions
+ type - "SERVER" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ (..contains all the same data as Connect above..)
+ connect_time - Time when connect() to server finished
+ real_connect_time - Time when server sent "connected" message
+ tag - Unique server tag
+ nick - Current nick
+ connected - Is connection finished? 1|0
+ connection_lost - Did we lose the connection (1) or was
+ the connection just /DISCONNECTed (0)
+ rawlog - Rawlog object for the server
+ version - Server version
+ last_invite - Last channel we were invited to
+ server_operator - Are we server operator (IRC op) 1|0
+ usermode_away - Are we marked as away? 1|0
+ away_reason - Away reason message
+ banned - Were we banned from this server? 1|0
+ lag - Current lag to server in milliseconds
+ Connect to server.
+ Disconnect from server.
+ Find server with tag
+ Find first server that is in `chatnet'
+ Returns 1 if flag is a nick mode flag (@, + or % in IRC)
+ Returns 1 if start of `data' seems to mean channel.
+ Returns nick flag characters in order: op, voice, halfop ("@+%" in IRC).
+Server::send_message(target, msg, target_type)
+ Sends a message to nick/channel. target_type 0 = channel, 1 = nick
+ *** Server reconnections
+ type - "RECONNECT" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ (..contains all the same data as Connect above..)
+ tag - Unique numeric tag
+ next_connect - Unix time stamp when the next connection occurs
+ *** Chat networks
+ type - "CHATNET" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ name - name of chat network
+ nick - if not empty, nick preferred in this network
+ username - if not empty, username preferred in this network
+ realname - if not empty, realname preferred in this network
+ own_host - address to use when connecting this network
+ autosendcmd - command to send after connecting to this network
+ Find chat network with name.
+ *** Server redirections
+This is a powerful feature of Irssi that I haven't seen in other IRC
+clients. You can EASILY grab the server's reply for a command you send
+to server without any horrible kludges.
+redirect_register(command, remote, timeout, start, stop, opt)
+ Register new redirection command. By default irssi has already
+ registered at least: whois, whowas, who, list, ison, userhost, ping,
+ "mode channel" (/MODE #channel), "mode b" (/MODE #channel b), "mode e"
+ and "mode I".
+ `command' specifies the name of the command to register, it doesn't
+ have to be a real command name, but something you just specify to
+ redirect_event() when using this redirection.
+ `remote' specifies if the command is by default a remote command
+ (eg. sent to another server). redirect_event() may override this.
+ `timeout' - If remote is TRUE, specifies how many seconds to wait for
+ reply before aborting.
+ `start', `stop', `opt' - hash references with "event" => argpos entries.
+ List of events that start and stop this redirection.
+ Start event list may be empty, but there must be at least one
+ stop event. Optional events are checked only if they are received
+ immediately after one of the stop-events. `argpos' specifies the
+ word number in event string which is compared to wanted argument,
+ -1 = don't compare, TRUE always.
+ Example (already done by irssi):
+ Irssi::redirect_register('mode channel', 0, 0,
+ undef, # no start events
+ { # stop events
+ "event 324" => 1, # MODE-reply
+ "event 403" => 1, # no such channel
+ "event 442" => 1, # "you're not on that channel"
+ "event 479" => 1 # "Cannot join channel (illegal name)"
+ }, { # optional events
+ "event 329", 1 # Channel create time
+ } );
+Server::redirect_event(command, count, arg, remote, failure_signal, signals)
+ Specify that the next command sent to server will be redirected.
+ NOTE: This command MUST be called before sending the command to server.
+ `command' - Name of the registered redirection that we're using.
+ `count' - How many times to execute the redirection. Some commands may
+ send multiple stop events, like MODE #a,#b.
+ `arg' - The argument to be compared in event strings. You can give multiple
+ arguments separated with space.
+ `remote' - Specifies if the command is a remote command, -1 = use default.
+ `failure_signal' - If irssi can't find the stop signal for the redirection,
+ this signal is called.
+ `signals' - hash reference with "event" => "redir signal" entries.
+ If the event is "", all the events belonging to the redirection but not
+ specified here, will be sent there.
+ Example:
+ # ignore all events generated by whois query, except 311.
+ $server->redirect_event("whois", 1, "cras", 0, undef, {
+ "event 311" => "redir whois",
+ "" => "event empty" });
+ $server->send_raw("WHOIS :cras");
+ *** Window items
+ type - Type of the window item, for example "CHANNEL" or "QUERY"
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ server - Active server for item
+ name - Name of the item
+ createtime - Time the window item was created
+ data_level - 0=no new data, 1=text, 2=msg, 3=highlighted text
+ hilight_color - Color of the last highlighted text
+ *** Channels
+ type - "CHANNEL" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
+ topic - Channel topic
+ topic_by - Nick who set the topic
+ topic_time - Timestamp when the topic was set
+ no_modes - Channel is modeless
+ mode - Channel mode
+ limit - Max. users in channel (+l mode)
+ key - Channel key (password)
+ chanop - You are channel operator
+ names_got - /NAMES list has been received
+ wholist - /WHO list has been received
+ synced - Channel is fully synchronized
+ joined - JOIN event for this channel has been received
+ left - You just left the channel (for "channel destroyed" event)
+ kicked - You was just kicked out of the channel (for
+ "channel destroyed" event)
+Server::channels_join(channels, automatic)
+ Join to channels in server. `channels' may also contain keys for
+ channels just like with /JOIN command. `automatic' specifies if this
+ channel was joined "automatically" or if it was joined because join
+ was requested by user. If channel join is "automatic", irssi doesn't
+ jump to the window where the channel was joined.
+ Destroy channel.
+ Find channel from any server.
+ Find channel from specified server.
+ *** Nick list
+ type - "NICK" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ nick - Plain nick
+ host - Host address
+ realname - Real name
+ hops - Hop count to the server the nick is using
+ gone, serverop - User status, 1 or 0
+ op, voice, halfop - Channel status, 1 or 0
+ last_check - timestamp when last checked gone/ircop status.
+ send_massjoin - Waiting to be sent in a "massjoin" signal, 1 or 0
+Channel::nick_insert(nick, op, voice, send_massjoin)
+ Add nick to nicklist.
+ Remove nick from nicklist.
+ Find nick from nicklist.
+ Find nick mask from nicklist, wildcards allowed.
+ Return a list of all nicks in channel.
+ Return all nick objects in all channels in server. List is in format:
+ Channel, Nick, Channel, ...
+ *** Queries
+ type - "QUERY" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
+ address - Host address of the queries nick
+ server_tag - Server tag used for this nick (doesn't get erased if
+ server gets disconnected)
+ unwanted - 1 if the other side closed or some error occured (DCC chats)
+query_create(chat_type, server_tag, nick, automatic)
+ Create a new query.
+ Destroy the query.
+ Change the active server of the query.
+ Find query from any server.
+ Find query from specified server.
+ *** Masks
+You should use the Server version of the function if possible, since
+with different chat protocols the mask matching could be different.
+mask_match(mask, nick, user, host)
+Server::mask_match(mask, nick, user, host)
+ Return 1 if `mask' matches nick!user@host.
+mask_match_address(mask, nick, address)
+Server::mask_match_address(mask, nick, address)
+ Return 1 if `mask' matches nick!address.
+masks_match(masks, nick, address)
+Server::masks_match(masks, nick, address)
+ Return 1 if any mask in the `masks' (string separated with spaces)
+ matches nick!address.
+ *** Rawlog
+ logging - The rawlog is being written to file currently
+ nlines - Number of lines in rawlog
+ Create a new rawlog.
+ Destroy the rawlog.
+ Returns all lines in rawlog.
+ Set the default rawlog size for new rawlogs.
+ Start logging new messages in rawlog to specified file.
+ Stop logging to file.
+ Save the current rawlog history to specified file.
+ Send `str' to raw log as input text.
+ Send `str' to raw log as output text.
+ Send `str' to raw log as redirection text.
+ *** Logging
+ fname - Log file name
+ real_fname - The actual opened log file (after %d.%m.Y etc. are expanded)
+ opened - Log file is open
+ level - Log only these levels
+ last - Timestamp when last message was written
+ autoopen - Automatically open log at startup
+ failed - Opening log failed last time
+ temp - Log isn't saved to config file
+ items - List of log items
+ type - 0=target, 1=window refnum
+ name - Name
+ servertag - Server tag
+log_create_rec(fname, level)
+ Create log file.
+ Add log to list of logs / save changes to config file.
+ Find log with file name.
+ Destroy log file.
+ Open log file and start logging.
+ Close log file.
+Log::item_add(type, name, server)
+ Add log item to log.
+ Remove log item from log.
+Log::item_find(type, item, server)
+ Find item from log.
+ *** Ignores
+ mask - Ignore mask
+ servertag - Ignore only in server
+ channels - Ignore only in channels (list of names)
+ pattern - Ignore text pattern
+ level - Ignore level
+ exception - This is an exception ignore
+ regexp - Regexp pattern matching
+ fullword - Pattern matches only full words
+ Add ignore record.
+ Update ignore record in configuration
+ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
+Server::ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
+ Return 1 if ignoring matched.
+ *** /EXEC processes
+ id - ID for the process
+ name - Name for the process (if given)
+ args - The command that is being executed
+ pid - PID for the executed command
+ target - send text with /msg <target> ...
+ target_win - print text to this window
+ shell - start the program via /bin/sh
+ notice - send text with /notice, not /msg if target is set
+ silent - don't print "process exited with level xx"
+ ***
+ *** IRC specific functions. All objects below this are prefixed with Irc::
+ ***
+ *** IRC servers
+ (..contains all the same data as core Server object..)
+ real_address - Address the IRC server gives
+ usermode - User mode in server
+ userhost - Your user host in server
+ (..contains all the same data as core Connect object..)
+ alternate_nick - Alternate nick to use if default nick is taken.
+ Connect to IRC server.
+ Return a string of all channels (and keys, if any have them) in server,
+ like "#a,#b,#c,#d x,b_chan_key,x,x" or just "#e,#f,#g"
+ Send raw message to server, it will be flood protected so you
+ don't need to worry about it.
+ Send raw message to server immediately without flood protection.
+Server::send_raw_split(cmd, nickarg, max_nicks)
+ Split the `cmd' into several commands so `nickarg' argument has only
+ `max_nicks' number of nicks.
+ Example:
+ $server->send_raw_split("KICK #channel nick1,nick2,nick3 :byebye", 3, 2);
+ Irssi will send commands "KICK #channel nick1,nick2 :byebye" and
+ "KICK #channel nick3 :byebye" to server.
+ Send CTCP reply. This will be "CTCP flood protected" so if there's too
+ many CTCP requests in buffer, this reply might not get sent. The data
+ is the full raw command to be sent to server, like
+ "NOTICE nick :\001VERSION irssi\001"
+ Returns the value of the named item in the ISUPPORT (005) numeric to the
+ script. If the item is not present returns undef, if the item has no value
+ then "" is returned use defined $server->isupport("name") if you need to
+ check whether a property is present.
+ See http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-03.txt
+ for more information on the ISUPPORT numeric.
+ *** IRC channels
+ ban - The ban
+ setby - Nick of who set the ban
+ time - Timestamp when ban was set
+ Return a list of bans in channel.
+ Get ban mask for `nick'.
+Channel::banlist_add(ban, nick, time)
+ Add a new ban to channel.
+ Remove a ban from channel.
+ *** DCC
+ type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
+ orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
+ GET and SEND are swapped
+ created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
+ server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
+ servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
+ mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
+ nick - Other side's nick name.
+ chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
+ target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
+ if you sent the request
+ arg - Given argument .. file name usually
+ addr - Other side's IP address.
+ port - Port we're connecting in.
+ starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
+ transfd - Bytes transferred
+ id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
+ mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
+ connection_lost - Other side closed connection
+ (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
+ size - File size
+ skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
+ get_type - What to do if file exists? 0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite,
+ 3=resume
+ file - The real file name which we use.
+ file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
+ (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
+ size - File size
+ skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
+ file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
+ waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
+ gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
+dccs() - return list of all dcc connections
+ Destroy DCC connection.
+dcc_find_item(type, nick, arg)
+ Find DCC connection.
+dcc_find_by_port(nick, port)
+ Find DCC connection by port.
+ If `item' is a query of a =nick, return DCC chat record of nick.
+ Send `data' to dcc chat.
+Server::dcc_ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
+Dcc::ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
+ Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
+ *** Netsplits
+ nick - Nick
+ address - Nick's host
+ destroy - Timestamp when this record should be destroyed
+ server - Netsplitserver object
+ channels - list of channels (Netsplitchannel objects) the nick was in
+ server - The server nick was in
+ destserver - The other server where split occured.
+ count - Number of splits in server
+ name - Channel name
+ nick - Nick object
+Server::netsplit_find(nick, address)
+ Check if nick!address is on the other side of netsplit. Netsplit records
+ are automatically removed after 30 minutes (current default)..
+Server::netsplit_find_channel(nick, address, channel)
+ Find nick record for nick!address in channel `channel'.
+ *** Notify list
+ mask - Notify nick mask
+ away_check - Notify away status changes
+ idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
+ than this (seconds)
+ ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
+notifies() - Return list of all notifies
+notifylist_add(mask, ircnets, away_check, idle_check_time)
+ Add new item to notify list.
+ Remove item from notify list.
+notifylist_find(mask, ircnet)
+ Find notify.
+notifylist_ison(nick, serverlist)
+ Check if `nick' is in IRC. `serverlist' is a space separated
+ list of server tags. If it's empty string, all servers will be checked.
+ Check if `nick' is on IRC server.
+ Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
+ *** Proxy clients
+ nick - nick of the client
+ host - host of the client
+ proxy_address - address of the proxy server
+ server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
+ pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
+ user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
+ connected - whether the client is connected and ready
+ want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
+ ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
+All the content of this site is copyright © 2000-2010 The Irssi project.
diff --git a/docs/signals.txt b/docs/signals.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b07ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/signals.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+* Requires to work properly:
+ "gui exit"
+ "gui dialog", char *type, char *text
+ "send command", char *command, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+* Provides signals:
+ "chat protocol created", CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC
+ "chat protocol updated", CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC
+ "chat protocol destroyed", CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC
+ "channel created", CHANNEL_REC, int automatic
+ "channel destroyed", CHANNEL_REC
+ "chatnet created", CHATNET_REC
+ "chatnet destroyed", CHATNET_REC
+ "commandlist new", COMMAND_REC
+ "commandlist remove", COMMAND_REC
+ "error command", int err, char *cmd
+ "send command", char *args, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "send text", char *line, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "command "<cmd>, char *args, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "default command", char *args, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "ignore created", IGNORE_REC
+ "ignore destroyed", IGNORE_REC
+ "ignore changed", IGNORE_REC
+ "log new", LOG_REC
+ "log remove", LOG_REC
+ "log create failed", LOG_REC
+ "log locked", LOG_REC
+ "log started", LOG_REC
+ "log stopped", LOG_REC
+ "log rotated", LOG_REC
+ "log written", LOG_REC, char *line
+ "module loaded", MODULE_REC, MODULE_FILE_REC
+ "module unloaded", MODULE_REC, MODULE_FILE_REC
+ "module error", int error, char *text, char *rootmodule, char *submodule
+ "nicklist new", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC
+ "nicklist remove", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC
+ "nicklist changed", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC, char *old_nick
+ "nicklist host changed", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC
+ "nicklist gone changed", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC
+ "nicklist serverop changed", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC
+ "pidwait", int pid, int status
+ "query created", QUERY_REC, int automatic
+ "query destroyed", QUERY_REC
+ "query nick changed", QUERY_REC, char *orignick
+ "window item name changed", WI_ITEM_REC
+ "query address changed", QUERY_REC
+ "query server changed", QUERY_REC, SERVER_REC
+ "rawlog", RAWLOG_REC, char *data
+ "server looking", SERVER_REC
+ "server connected", SERVER_REC
+ "server connecting", SERVER_REC, ulong *ip
+ "server connect failed", SERVER_REC
+ "server disconnected", SERVER_REC
+ "server quit", SERVER_REC, char *msg
+ "server sendmsg", SERVER_REC, char *target, char *msg, int target_type
+ "setup changed"
+ "setup reread", char *fname
+ "setup saved", char *fname, int autosaved
+IRC core
+* Provides signals:
+ "ban type changed", char *bantype
+channels, nicklist:
+ "channel joined", CHANNEL_REC
+ "channel wholist", CHANNEL_REC
+ "channel sync", CHANNEL_REC
+ "channel topic changed", CHANNEL_REC
+ "ctcp msg", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "ctcp msg "<cmd>, SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "default ctcp msg", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "ctcp reply", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "ctcp reply "<cmd>, SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "default ctcp reply", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "ctcp action", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
+ "awaylog show", LOG_REC, int away_msgs, int filepos
+ "server nick changed", SERVER_REC
+ "event connected", SERVER_REC
+ "server event", SERVER_REC, char *data, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
+ "event "<cmd>, SERVER_REC, char *args, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
+ "default event", SERVER_REC, char *data, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
+ "whois default event", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
+ "server incoming", SERVER_REC, char *data
+(for perl parser..)
+ "redir "<cmd>, SERVER_REC, char *args, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
+ "server lag", SERVER_REC
+ "server lag disconnect", SERVER_REC
+ "massjoin", CHANNEL_REC, GSList of NICK_RECs
+ "ban new", CHANNEL_REC, BAN_REC
+ "ban remove", CHANNEL_REC, BAN_REC, char *setby
+ "channel mode changed", CHANNEL_REC, char *setby
+ "nick mode changed", CHANNEL_REC, NICK_REC, char *setby, char *mode, char *type
+ "user mode changed", SERVER_REC, char *old
+ "away mode changed", SERVER_REC
+ "netsplit server new", SERVER_REC, NETSPLIT_SERVER_REC
+ "netsplit server remove", SERVER_REC, NETSPLIT_SERVER_REC
+ "netsplit new", NETSPLIT_REC
+ "netsplit remove", NETSPLIT_REC
+IRC modules
+* Provides signals:
+ "dcc ctcp "<cmd>, char *args, DCC_REC
+ "default dcc ctcp", char *args, DCC_REC
+ "dcc unknown ctcp", char *args, char *sender, char *sendaddr
+ "dcc reply "<cmd>, char *args, DCC_REC
+ "default dcc reply", char *args, DCC_REC
+ "dcc unknown reply", char *args, char *sender, char *sendaddr
+ "dcc chat message", DCC_REC, char *msg
+ "dcc created", DCC_REC
+ "dcc destroyed", DCC_REC
+ "dcc connected", DCC_REC
+ "dcc rejecting", DCC_REC
+ "dcc closed", DCC_REC
+ "dcc request", DCC_REC, char *sendaddr
+ "dcc request send", DCC_REC
+ "dcc chat message", DCC_REC, char *msg
+ "dcc transfer update", DCC_REC
+ "dcc get receive", DCC_REC
+ "dcc error connect", DCC_REC
+ "dcc error file create", DCC_REC, char *filename
+ "dcc error file open", char *nick, char *filename, int errno
+ "dcc error get not found", char *nick
+ "dcc error send exists", char *nick, char *filename
+ "dcc error unknown type", char *type
+ "dcc error close not found", char *type, char *nick, char *filename
+ "autoignore new", SERVER_REC, AUTOIGNORE_REC
+ "autoignore remove", SERVER_REC, AUTOIGNORE_REC
+ "flood", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *host, int level, char *target
+ "notifylist new", NOTIFYLIST_REC
+ "notifylist remove", NOTIFYLIST_REC
+ "notifylist joined", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *user, char *host, char *realname, char *awaymsg
+ "notifylist away changed", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *user, char *host, char *realname, char *awaymsg
+ "notifylist left", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *user, char *host, char *realname, char *awaymsg
+ "proxy client connected", CLIENT_REC
+ "proxy client disconnected", CLIENT_REC
+ "proxy client command", CLIENT_REC, char *args, char *data
+ "proxy client dump", CLIENT_REC, char *data
+FE common
+* Requires to work properly:
+ "gui print text", WINDOW_REC, int fg, int bg, int flags, char *text, TEXT_DEST_REC
+(Can be used to determine when all "gui print text"s are sent (not required))
+ "gui print text finished", WINDOW_REC
+* Provides signals:
+ "complete word", GList * of char*, WINDOW_REC, char *word, char *linestart, int *want_space
+ "irssi init read settings"
+ "exec new", PROCESS_REC
+ "exec remove", PROCESS_REC, int status
+ "exec input", PROCESS_REC, char *text
+ "message public", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
+ "message private", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address
+ "message own_public", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *target
+ "message own_private", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *target, char *orig_target
+ "message join", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address
+ "message part", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address, char *reason
+ "message quit", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *address, char *reason
+ "message kick", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *kicker, char *address, char *reason
+ "message nick", SERVER_REC, char *newnick, char *oldnick, char *address
+ "message own_nick", SERVER_REC, char *newnick, char *oldnick, char *address
+ "message invite", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address
+ "message topic", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *topic, char *nick, char *address
+ "keyinfo created", KEYINFO_REC
+ "keyinfo destroyed", KEYINFO_REC
+ "print text", TEXT_DEST_REC *dest, char *text, char *stripped
+ "theme created", THEME_REC
+ "theme destroyed", THEME_REC
+ "window hilight", WINDOW_REC
+ "window dehilight", WINDOW_REC
+ "window activity", WINDOW_REC, int old_level
+ "window item hilight", WI_ITEM_REC
+ "window item activity", WI_ITEM_REC, int old_level
+ "window item new", WINDOW_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "window item remove", WINDOW_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "window item moved", WINDOW_REC, WI_ITEM_REC, WINDOW_REC
+ "window item changed", WINDOW_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "window item server changed", WINDOW_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
+ "window created", WINDOW_REC
+ "window destroyed", WINDOW_REC
+ "window changed", WINDOW_REC, WINDOW_REC old
+ "window changed automatic", WINDOW_REC
+ "window server changed", WINDOW_REC, SERVER_REC
+ "window refnum changed", WINDOW_REC, int old
+ "window name changed", WINDOW_REC
+ "window history changed", WINDOW_REC, char *oldname
+ "window level changed", WINDOW_REC
+ "default event numeric", SERVER_REC, char *data, char *nick, char *address
+ "message irc op_public", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
+ "message irc own_wall", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *target
+ "message irc own_action", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *target
+ "message irc action", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
+ "message irc own_notice", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *target
+ "message irc notice", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
+ "message irc own_ctcp", SERVER_REC, char *cmd, char *data, char *target
+ "message irc ctcp", SERVER_REC, char *cmd, char *data, char *nick, char *address, char *target
+ "message irc mode", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *addr, char *mode
+ "message dcc own", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
+ "message dcc own_action", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
+ "message dcc own_ctcp", DCC_REC *dcc, char *cmd, char *data
+ "message dcc", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
+ "message dcc action", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
+ "message dcc ctcp", DCC_REC *dcc, char *cmd, char *data
+Text FE
+ "gui key pressed", int key
+ "beep"
+"script error", PERL_SCRIPT_REC, char *errormsg
+All the content of this site is copyright © 2000-2010 The Irssi project.
diff --git a/history-search/history_search.pl b/history-search/history_search.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d54e264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/history-search/history_search.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Search within your typed history as you type (like ctrl-R in bash)
+# Usage:
+# * First do: /bind ^R /history_search
+# * Then type ctrl-R and type what you're searching for
+# Copyright 2007 Wouter Coekaerts <coekie@irssi.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+use strict;
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::TextUI;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
+$VERSION = '1.0';
+%IRSSI = (
+ authors => 'Wouter Coekaerts',
+ contact => 'coekie@irssi.org',
+ name => 'history_search',
+ description => 'Search within your typed history as you type (like ctrl-R in bash)',
+ license => 'GPLv2 or later',
+ url => 'http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/',
+ changed => '04/08/07'
+my $prompt_append = 1;
+my $prompt_content = '';
+# create a new statusbar item
+Irssi::statusbar_item_register ( 'custom_prompt', 0, 'custom_prompt' );
+Irssi::signal_add_last 'gui print text finished' => sub {
+ Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw ( 'custom_prompt' );
+Irssi::signal_register({'change prompt' => [qw/string int/]});
+Irssi::signal_add('change prompt' => \&handle_change_prompt_sig);
+sub handle_change_prompt_sig {
+ my ($text, $append) = @_;
+ print "sig args: ", Dumper(\@_);
+ $prompt_content = $text;
+ $prompt_append = $append;
+ print "text: $prompt_content, append: $prompt_append";
+ Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('custom_prompt');
+# TODO: make these work wiht subcommand (runsub)
+Irssi::command_bind('set_prompt' => \&dothing );
+Irssi::command_set_options('set_prompt', '+string @append');
+Irssi::command_bind('install_prompt' => \&install_prompt);
+Irssi::command_bind('uninstall_prompt' => \&uninstall_prompt);
+Irssi::settings_add_bool('custom_prompt', 'autoinstall_custom_prompt', 0);
+if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('autoinstall_custom_prompt')) {
+ install_prompt();
+sub install_prompt {
+ Irssi::command("/statusbar prompt add -priority '-5' -alignment left"
+ . " -before prompt custom_prompt");
+ Irssi::command("/statusbar prompt remove prompt");
+ Irssi::command("/statusbar prompt remove prompt_empty");
+sub uninstall_prompt {
+ Irssi::command("/statusbar prompt remove custom_prompt");
+ Irssi::command("/statusbar prompt add -priority '-1' "
+ . "-before input -alignment left prompt");
+ Irssi::command("/statusbar prompt add -priority '-2' "
+ . "-before input -alignment left prompt_empty");
+sub dothing {
+ #my ($str, $append) = @_;
+ #Irssi::print("str is $str, append=$append");
+ my $parsed = [Irssi::command_parse_options('set_prompt', $_[0])];
+ my $args = $parsed->[0] // {};
+ my $remainder = $parsed->[1] // '';
+ my ($str, $append) = ('', 1);
+ print Dumper $args;
+ if (exists ($args->{string})) {
+ $str = $args->{string};
+ }
+ if (exists($args->{append})) {
+ $append = $args->{append};
+ }
+ print "append in dothing: $append";
+ Irssi::signal_emit('change prompt', $str, $append);
+sub custom_prompt {
+ my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
+ my ($width, $padChar, $padNum, $length);
+ #my $prompt_str = '%K[%W$tag%c/%K$cumode%n$*%K]%n ';
+ my $theme = Irssi::current_theme;
+ my $prompt = '';
+ my $var = '';
+ if (window_is_empty(Irssi::active_win)) {
+ $var = 'winname';
+ } else {
+ $var = '[.15]itemname';
+ }
+ if ($prompt_append) {
+ $prompt = $theme->format_expand("{prompt \$$var}");
+ }
+ my $trailing_space = '';
+ if ($prompt =~ /(\s*)$/ && length $prompt_content) {
+ $trailing_space = $1;
+ }
+ $prompt .= $prompt_content . $trailing_space;
+ $sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, $prompt, undef, 1);
+sub window_is_empty {
+ my $window = shift;
+ return $window->{name} eq $window->get_active_name;
+sub UNLOAD {
+ print Dumper(\@_);
+ uninstall_prompt();
+# my $prev_typed;
+# my $prev_startpos;
+# my $enabled = 0;
+# Irssi::command_bind('history_search', sub {
+# $enabled = ! $enabled;
+# if ($enabled) {
+# $prev_typed = '';
+# $prev_startpos = 0;
+# }
+# });
+# Irssi::signal_add_last 'gui key pressed' => sub {
+# my ($key) = @_;
+# if ($key == 10) { # enter
+# $enabled = 0;
+# }
+# return unless $enabled;
+# my $prompt = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
+# my $pos = Irssi::gui_input_get_pos();
+# if ($pos < $prev_startpos) {
+# $enabled = 0;
+# return;
+# }
+# my $typed = substr($prompt, $prev_startpos, ($pos-$prev_startpos));
+# my $history = ($typed eq '') ? '' : Irssi::parse_special('$!' . $typed . '!');
+# if ($history eq '') {
+# $history = $typed;
+# }
+# my $startpos = index(lc($history), lc($typed));
+# Irssi::gui_input_set($history);
+# Irssi::gui_input_set_pos($startpos + length($typed));
+# $prev_typed = $typed;
+# $prev_startpos = $startpos;
+# };
diff --git a/history-search/irssi/config b/history-search/irssi/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052c67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/history-search/irssi/config
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+servers = (
+ { address = "eu.irc6.net"; chatnet = "IRCnet"; port = "6667"; },
+ {
+ address = "irc.open-ircnet.net";
+ chatnet = "IRCnet";
+ port = "6667";
+ },
+ { address = "irc.efnet.org"; chatnet = "EFNet"; port = "6667"; },
+ {
+ address = "irc.undernet.org";
+ chatnet = "Undernet";
+ port = "6667";
+ },
+ { address = "irc.dal.net"; chatnet = "DALnet"; port = "6667"; },
+ {
+ address = "irc.quakenet.org";
+ chatnet = "QuakeNet";
+ port = "6667";
+ },
+ { address = "irc.oftc.net"; chatnet = "OFTC"; port = "6667"; },
+ {
+ address = "irc.gamesurge.net";
+ chatnet = "GameSurge";
+ port = "6667";
+ },
+ { address = "irc.webchat.org"; chatnet = "WebChat"; port = "6667"; },
+ { address = "irc.rizon.net"; chatnet = "Rizon"; port = "6667"; },
+ { address = "irc.link-net.org"; chatnet = "LinkNet"; port = "6667"; },
+ { address = "silc.silcnet.org"; chatnet = "SILC"; port = "706"; }
+chatnets = {
+ IRCnet = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "4";
+ max_msgs = "5";
+ max_whois = "4";
+ max_query_chans = "5";
+ };
+ EFNet = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "4";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "1";
+ };
+ Undernet = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ DALnet = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "4";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ QuakeNet = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ OFTC = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ GameSurge = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ WebChat = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ Rizon = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ LinkNet = {
+ type = "IRC";
+ max_kicks = "1";
+ max_msgs = "3";
+ max_whois = "30";
+ };
+ SILC = { type = "SILC"; };
+channels = (
+ { name = "#irssi"; chatnet = "ircnet"; autojoin = "No"; },
+ { name = "silc"; chatnet = "silc"; autojoin = "No"; }
+aliases = {
+ J = "join";
+ WJOIN = "join -window";
+ WQUERY = "query -window";
+ LEAVE = "part";
+ BYE = "quit";
+ EXIT = "quit";
+ SIGNOFF = "quit";
+ DESCRIBE = "action";
+ DATE = "time";
+ HOST = "userhost";
+ LAST = "lastlog";
+ SAY = "msg *";
+ WI = "whois";
+ WII = "whois $0 $0";
+ WW = "whowas";
+ W = "who";
+ N = "names";
+ M = "msg";
+ T = "topic";
+ C = "clear";
+ CL = "clear";
+ K = "kick";
+ KB = "kickban";
+ KN = "knockout";
+ BANS = "ban";
+ B = "ban";
+ MUB = "unban *";
+ UB = "unban";
+ IG = "ignore";
+ UNIG = "unignore";
+ SB = "scrollback";
+ UMODE = "mode $N";
+ WC = "window close";
+ WN = "window new hide";
+ SV = "say Irssi $J ($V) - http://irssi.org/";
+ GOTO = "sb goto";
+ CHAT = "dcc chat";
+ CALC = "exec - if which bc &>/dev/null\\; then echo '$*' | bc | awk '{print \"$*=\"$$1}'\\; else echo bc was not found\\; fi";
+ INVITELIST = "mode $C +I";
+ Q = "QUERY";
+ "MANUAL-WINDOWS" = "set use_status_window off;set autocreate_windows off;set autocreate_query_level none;set autoclose_windows off;set reuse_unused_windows on;save";
+ EXEMPTLIST = "mode $C +e";
+ UNSET = "set -clear";
+ RESET = "set -default";
+ s = "script";
+ rltest = "/script unload history_search; /script load history_search.pl";
+statusbar = {
+ # formats:
+ # when using {templates}, the template is shown only if it's argument isn't
+ # empty unless no argument is given. for example {sb} is printed always,
+ # but {sb $T} is printed only if $T isn't empty.
+ items = {
+ # start/end text in statusbars
+ barstart = "{sbstart}";
+ barend = "{sbend}";
+ topicbarstart = "{topicsbstart}";
+ topicbarend = "{topicsbend}";
+ # treated "normally", you could change the time/user name to whatever
+ time = "{sb $Z}";
+ user = "{sb {sbnickmode $cumode}$N{sbmode $usermode}{sbaway $A}}";
+ # treated specially .. window is printed with non-empty windows,
+ # window_empty is printed with empty windows
+ window = "{sb $winref:$tag/$itemname{sbmode $M}}";
+ window_empty = "{sb $winref{sbservertag $tag}}";
+ prompt = "{prompt $[.15]itemname}";
+ prompt_empty = "{prompt $winname}";
+ topic = " $topic";
+ topic_empty = " Irssi v$J - http://www.irssi.org";
+ # all of these treated specially, they're only displayed when needed
+ lag = "{sb Lag: $0-}";
+ act = "{sb Act: $0-}";
+ more = "-- more --";
+ };
+ # there's two type of statusbars. root statusbars are either at the top
+ # of the screen or at the bottom of the screen. window statusbars are at
+ # the top/bottom of each split window in screen.
+ default = {
+ # the "default statusbar" to be displayed at the bottom of the window.
+ # contains all the normal items.
+ window = {
+ disabled = "no";
+ # window, root
+ type = "window";
+ # top, bottom
+ placement = "bottom";
+ # number
+ position = "1";
+ # active, inactive, always
+ visible = "active";
+ # list of items in statusbar in the display order
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ time = { };
+ user = { };
+ window = { };
+ window_empty = { };
+ lag = { priority = "-1"; };
+ act = { priority = "10"; };
+ more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ };
+ # statusbar to use in inactive split windows
+ window_inact = {
+ type = "window";
+ placement = "bottom";
+ position = "1";
+ visible = "inactive";
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ window = { };
+ window_empty = { };
+ more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ };
+ # we treat input line as yet another statusbar :) It's possible to
+ # add other items before or after the input line item.
+ # topicbar
+ topic = {
+ type = "root";
+ placement = "top";
+ position = "1";
+ visible = "always";
+ items = {
+ topicbarstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ topic = { };
+ topic_empty = { };
+ topicbarend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ };
+ prompt = {
+ items = {
+ custom_prompt = { priority = "-5"; };
+ input = { priority = "10"; };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+settings = {
+ core = {
+ real_name = "shabble";
+ user_name = "tomfeist";
+ nick = "tomfeist";
+ };
+ "fe-text" = { actlist_sort = "refnum"; };
+ "perl/core/scripts" = { autoinstall_custom_prompt = "yes"; };
diff --git a/history-search/irssi/default.theme b/history-search/irssi/default.theme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98af18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/history-search/irssi/default.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# When testing changes, the easiest way to reload the theme is with /RELOAD.
+# This reloads the configuration file too, so if you did any changes remember
+# to /SAVE it first. Remember also that /SAVE overwrites the theme file with
+# old data so keep backups :)
+# The real text formats that irssi uses are the ones you can find with
+# /FORMAT command. Back in the old days all the colors and texts were mixed
+# up in those formats, and it was really hard to change the colors since you
+# might have had to change them in tens of different places. So, then came
+# this templating system.
+# Now the /FORMATs don't have any colors in them, and they also have very
+# little other styling. Most of the stuff you need to change is in this
+# theme file. If you can't change something here, you can always go back
+# to change the /FORMATs directly, they're also saved in these .theme files.
+# So .. the templates. They're those {blahblah} parts you see all over the
+# /FORMATs and here. Their usage is simply {name parameter1 parameter2}.
+# When irssi sees this kind of text, it goes to find "name" from abstracts
+# block below and sets "parameter1" into $0 and "parameter2" into $1 (you
+# can have more parameters of course). Templates can have subtemplates.
+# Here's a small example:
+# /FORMAT format hello {colorify {underline world}}
+# abstracts = { colorify = "%G$0-%n"; underline = "%U$0-%U"; }
+# When irssi expands the templates in "format", the final string would be:
+# hello %G%Uworld%U%n
+# ie. underlined bright green "world" text.
+# and why "$0-", why not "$0"? $0 would only mean the first parameter,
+# $0- means all the parameters. With {underline hello world} you'd really
+# want to underline both of the words, not just the hello (and world would
+# actually be removed entirely).
+# You can find definitions for the color format codes in docs/formats.txt.
+# There's one difference here though. %n format. Normally it means the
+# default color of the terminal (white mostly), but here it means the
+# "reset color back to the one it was in higher template". For example
+# if there was /FORMAT test %g{foo}bar, and foo = "%Y$0%n", irssi would
+# print yellow "foo" (as set with %Y) but "bar" would be green, which was
+# set at the beginning before the {foo} template. If there wasn't the %g
+# at start, the normal behaviour of %n would occur. If you _really_ want
+# to use the terminal's default color, use %N.
+# default foreground color (%N) - -1 is the "default terminal color"
+default_color = "-1";
+# print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning
+info_eol = "false";
+# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
+# (dark grey by default)
+replaces = { "[]=" = "%K$*%n"; };
+abstracts = {
+ ##
+ ## generic
+ ##
+ # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line
+ line_start = "%B-%W!%B-%n ";
+ # timestamp styling, nothing by default
+ timestamp = "$*";
+ # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold
+ hilight = "%_$*%_";
+ # any kind of error message, default is bright red
+ error = "%R$*%n";
+ # channel name is printed
+ channel = "%_$*%_";
+ # nick is printed
+ nick = "%_$*%_";
+ # nick host is printed
+ nickhost = "[$*]";
+ # server name is printed
+ server = "%_$*%_";
+ # some kind of comment is printed
+ comment = "[$*]";
+ # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..)
+ reason = "{comment $*}";
+ # mode change is printed ([+o nick])
+ mode = "{comment $*}";
+ ##
+ ## channel specific messages
+ ##
+ # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins)
+ channick_hilight = "%C$*%n";
+ chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$*%n}";
+ # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.)
+ channick = "%c$*%n";
+ chanhost = "{nickhost $*}";
+ # highlighted channel name is printed
+ channelhilight = "%c$*%n";
+ # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed
+ ban = "%c$*%n";
+ ##
+ ## messages
+ ##
+ # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ msgnick = "%K<%n$0$1-%K>%n %|";
+ # message from you is printed. "msgownnick" specifies the styling of the
+ # nick ($0 part in msgnick) and "ownmsgnick" specifies the styling of the
+ # whole line.
+ # Example1: You want the message text to be green:
+ # ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}%g";
+ # Example2.1: You want < and > chars to be yellow:
+ # ownmsgnick = "%Y{msgnick $0 $1-%Y}%n";
+ # (you'll also have to remove <> from replaces list above)
+ # Example2.2: But you still want to keep <> grey for other messages:
+ # pubmsgnick = "%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n";
+ # pubmsgmenick = "%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n";
+ # pubmsghinick = "%K{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n%K}%n";
+ # ownprivmsgnick = "%K{msgnick $*%K}%n";
+ # privmsgnick = "%K{msgnick %R$*%K}%n";
+ # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
+ ownnick = "%W$*%n";
+ # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
+ pubnick = "%N$*%n";
+ # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
+ menick = "%Y$*%n";
+ # public highlighted message in channel
+ # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick
+ pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n}";
+ # channel name is printed with message
+ msgchannel = "%K:%c$*%n";
+ # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host
+ privmsg = "[%R$0%K(%r$1-%K)%n] ";
+ # private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick
+ ownprivmsg = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)%n] ";
+ # own private message in query
+ ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
+ ownprivnick = "%W$*%n";
+ # private message in query
+ privmsgnick = "{msgnick %R$*%n}";
+ ##
+ ## Actions (/ME stuff)
+ ##
+ # used internally by this theme
+ action_core = "%W * $*%n";
+ # generic one that's used by most actions
+ action = "{action_core $*} ";
+ # own action, both private/public
+ ownaction = "{action $*}";
+ # own action with target, both private/public
+ ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";
+ # private action sent by others
+ pvtaction = "%W (*) $*%n ";
+ pvtaction_query = "{action $*}";
+ # public action sent by others
+ pubaction = "{action $*}";
+ ##
+ ## other IRC events
+ ##
+ # whois
+ whois = "%# $[8]0 : $1-";
+ # notices
+ ownnotice = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)]%n ";
+ notice = "%K-%M$*%K-%n ";
+ pubnotice_channel = "%K:%m$*";
+ pvtnotice_host = "%K(%m$*%K)";
+ servernotice = "%g!$*%n ";
+ # CTCPs
+ ownctcp = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)] ";
+ ctcp = "%g$*%n";
+ # wallops
+ wallop = "%W$*%n: ";
+ wallop_nick = "%n$*";
+ wallop_action = "%W * $*%n ";
+ # netsplits
+ netsplit = "%R$*%n";
+ netjoin = "%C$*%n";
+ # /names list
+ names_prefix = "";
+ names_nick = "[%_$0%_$1-] ";
+ names_nick_op = "{names_nick $*}";
+ names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $*}";
+ names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $*}";
+ names_users = "[%g$*%n]";
+ names_channel = "%G$*%n";
+ # DCC
+ dcc = "%g$*%n";
+ dccfile = "%_$*%_";
+ # DCC chat, own msg/action
+ dccownmsg = "[%r$0%K($1-%K)%n] ";
+ dccownnick = "%R$*%n";
+ dccownquerynick = "%W$*%n";
+ dccownaction = "{action $*}";
+ dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";
+ # DCC chat, others
+ dccmsg = "[%G$1-%K(%g$0%K)%n] ";
+ dccquerynick = "%G$*%n";
+ dccaction = "%W (*dcc*) $*%n %|";
+ ##
+ ## statusbar
+ ##
+ # default background for all statusbars. You can also give
+ # the default foreground color for statusbar items.
+ sb_background = "%4%w";
+ # default backround for "default" statusbar group
+ #sb_default_bg = "%4";
+ # background for prompt / input line
+ sb_prompt_bg = "%n";
+ # background for info statusbar
+ sb_info_bg = "%8";
+ # background for topicbar (same default)
+ #sb_topic_bg = "%4";
+ # text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts
+ # space there,so we don't use anything by default.
+ sbstart = "";
+ # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never
+ # used for anything.
+ sbend = " ";
+ topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}";
+ topicsbend = "{sbend $*}";
+ prompt = "[$*] ";
+ sb = " %c[%n$*%c]%n";
+ sbmode = "(%c+%n$*)";
+ sbaway = " (%GzZzZ%n)";
+ sbservertag = ":$0 (change with ^X)";
+ sbnickmode = "$0";
+ # activity in statusbar
+ # ',' separator
+ sb_act_sep = "%c$*";
+ # normal text
+ sb_act_text = "%c$*";
+ # public message
+ sb_act_msg = "%W$*";
+ # hilight
+ sb_act_hilight = "%M$*";
+ # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text
+ sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%n";
diff --git a/history-search/irssi/scripts b/history-search/irssi/scripts
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..b870225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/history-search/irssi/scripts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/history-search/run_irssi.sh b/history-search/run_irssi.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b73b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/history-search/run_irssi.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+/opt/stow/repo/irssi/bin/irssi --home=irssi/
diff --git a/scrolled-reminder/scrolled-reminder.pl b/scrolled-reminder/scrolled-reminder.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2775dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scrolled-reminder/scrolled-reminder.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::TextUI;
+use Irssi::Irc;
+use Data::Dumper;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our %IRSSI = (
+ authors => 'Tom Feist',
+ contact => 'shabble@cowu.be',
+ name => 'scrolled-reminder',
+ description => 'Requires confirmation to messages sent'
+ . 'when the current window is scrolled up',
+ license => 'WTFPL; http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/',
+ url => 'http://metavore.org/',
+ );
+sub handle_send_text {
+ my ($text, $server_tag, $win_item) = @_;
+ unless ($win_item) {
+ # not all windows have window-items (eg: status window)
+ return;
+ }
+ my $window = $win_item->window;
+ my $view = $window->view;
+ if ($view->{bottom} != 1) {
+ # we're scrolled up.
+ unless (require_confirmation($window)) {
+ Irssi::signal_stop;
+ }
+ }
+sub handle_keypress {
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ Irssi::print("key pressed: " . $key);
+ if ($key == 3) { # Ctrl-c
+ } elsif ($key == 11) { # Ctrl-k
+ } else {
+ }
+ Irssi::signal_remove('gui key pressed', 'handle_keypress');
+sub require_confirmation {
+ my ($window) = @_;
+ Irssi::signal_add_first('gui key pressed', 'handle_keypress');
+ $window->print("You are scrolled up Really send?");
+ write_to_prompt($window, 'Press Ctrl-K to confirm, Ctrl-C to cancel ');
+sub write_to_prompt {
+ my ($window, $msg) = @_;
+ #$window->command("insert_text $msg");
+Irssi::signal_add_first('send text', 'handle_send_text');
diff --git a/scrolled-reminder/test.pl b/scrolled-reminder/test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b3d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scrolled-reminder/test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib '/opt/stow/lib/perl5';
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::TextUI;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use vars qw/$BACON/;
+my $bob = "hello bob";
+our $HATS = "i like hats";
+Irssi::print("Package is " . __PACKAGE__);
+# my $foo = Irssi::gui_input_get_pos();
+# Irssi::print("foo is: $foo");
+my $foo = Irssi::yay_horsies("What!");
+Irssi::command_bind('prompt', 'do_prompt');
+Irssi::command_bind('emit', 'do_emit');
+Irssi::command_bind('myprint', 'do_print');
+Irssi::command_bind('myprint2', 'do_print2');
+#Irssi::signal_add_last("gui print text", "do_gui_print");
+Irssi::signal_add("print text", "do_print_intercept");
+sub do_print_intercept {
+ my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_;
+ #if ($text =~ m/baconbacon/) {
+ $text = $text . "lvl: " . $dest->{level};
+ $dest->{level} |= MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT;
+ $dest->{level} &= ~MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT;
+ Irssi::signal_continue($dest, $text, $stripped);
+sub do_gui_print {
+ Irssi::print(Dumper(\@_));
+ Irssi::signal_stop();
+ Irssi::signal_remove('gui print text', 'do_gui_print');
+sub do_prompt {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ Irssi::gui_input_set_prompt($msg);
+sub do_emit {
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ Irssi::print("emitting signal: keypress for $key");
+ #Irssi::signal_emit("gui key pressed", $key);
+ Irssi::signal_emit("gui dialog", "error", "What is going on?");
+sub do_print {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ my $window = Irssi::active_win;
+ my $len = length $msg;
+ $window->print(Dumper($window->view));
+ # $window->print("message is $msg which is $len long");
+ # my $str = join( ', ', map { ord } split( '', $msg));
+ # $window->print($str);
+sub do_print2 {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ Irssi::print("message2 is $msg", MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC + MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT);