diff options
authorricho <richo@psych0tik.net>2011-10-14 14:04:57 +0000
committerricho <richo@psych0tik.net>2011-10-14 14:04:57 +0000
commitb7ed10d1456ee9f2fcac0587a3ad1f3901ac7908 (patch)
parentAdd a hacked up version of fnotify that beeps as well as printing (diff)
Add trackbar with extra goto command, as I couldn't get in touch with
the original author to contribute
2 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fixery/README.md b/fixery/README.md
index a429748..c0e48df 100644
--- a/fixery/README.md
+++ b/fixery/README.md
@@ -17,3 +17,7 @@ When there are some here, this will be a shiney exciting list:
* **TODO** Add proper settings support
* **TODO**
+* `trackbar` - Shows a trackbar with where you last read up to in a buffer
+ * **TODO** Verify this works with other settings for irssi time output
diff --git a/fixery/trackbar.pl b/fixery/trackbar.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d82aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fixery/trackbar.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# trackbar.pl
+# This little script will do just one thing: it will draw a line each time you
+# switch away from a window. This way, you always know just upto where you've
+# been reading that window :) It also removes the previous drawn line, so you
+# don't see double lines.
+# Usage:
+# The script works right out of the box, but if you want you can change
+# the working by /set'ing the following variables:
+# trackbar_string The characters to repeat to draw the bar
+# trackbar_style The style for the bar, %r is red for example
+# See formats.txt that came with irssi
+# /mark is a command that will redraw the line at the bottom. However! This
+# requires irssi version after 20021228. otherwise you'll get the error
+# redraw: unknown command, and your screen is all goofed up :)
+# /upgrade & buf.pl notice: This version tries to remove the trackbars before
+# the upgrade is done, so buf.pl does not restore them, as they are not removeable
+# afterwards by trackbar. Unfortiounatly, to make this work, trackbar and buf.pl
+# need to be loaded in a specific order. Please experiment to see which order works
+# for you (strangely, it differs from configuration to configuration, something I will
+# try to fix in a next version)
+# Authors:
+# - Main maintainer & author: Peter 'kinlo' Leurs
+# - Many thanks to Timo 'cras' Sirainen for placing me on my way
+# - on-upgrade-remove-line patch by Uwe Dudenhoeffer
+# Version history:
+# 1.4: - Changed our's by my's so the irssi script header is valid
+# - Removed utf-8 support. In theory, the script should work w/o any
+# problems for utf-8, just set trackbar_string to a valid utf-8 character
+# and everything *should* work. However, this script is being plagued by
+# irssi internal bugs. The function Irssi::settings_get_str does NOT handle
+# unicode strings properly, hence you will notice problems when setting the bar
+# to a unicode char. For changing your bar to utf-8 symbols, read the line sub.
+# 1.3: - Upgrade now removes the trackbars.
+# - Some code cleanups, other defaults
+# - /mark sets the line to the bottom
+# 1.2: - Support for utf-8
+# - How the bar looks can now be configured with trackbar_string
+# and trackbar_style
+# 1.1: - Fixed bug when closing window
+# 1.0: - Initial release
+# Call for help!
+# There is a trackbar version 2.0 that properly handles resizes and immediate config change
+# activation. However, there is/are some bug(s) in irssi's main buffer/window code that causes
+# irssi to 'forget' lines, which is ofcourse completly unaccepteable. I haven't found the time
+# nor do I know the irssi's internals enough to find and fix this bug, if you want to help, please
+# contact me, I'll give you a copy of the 2.0 version that will immediatly show you the problems.
+# Known bugs:
+# - if you /clear a window, it will be uncleared when returning to the window
+# - UTF-8 characters in the trackbar_string doesnt work. This is an irssi bug.
+# - if you resize your irssi (in xterm or so) the bar is not resized
+# - changing the trackbar style is only visible after returning to a window
+# however, changing style/resize takes in effect after you left the window.
+# Whishlist/todo:
+# - instead of drawing a line, just invert timestamp or something,
+# to save a line (but I don't think this is possible with current irssi)
+# - some pageup keybinding possibility, to scroll up upto the trackbar
+# - <@coekie> kinlo: if i switch to another window, in another split window, i
+# want the trackbar to go down in the previouswindow in that splitwindow :)
+# - < bob_2> anyway to clear the line once the window is read?
+# - < elho> kinlo: wishlist item: a string that gets prepended to the repeating pattern
+# - < elho> an option to still have the timestamp in front of the bar
+# - < elho> oh and an option to not draw it in the status window :P
+# BTW: when you have feature requests, mailing a patch that works is the fastest way
+# to get it added :p
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use 5.6.1;
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::TextUI;
+my $VERSION = "1.4";
+my %IRSSI = (
+ authors => "Peter 'kinlo' Leurs",
+ contact => "peter\@pfoe.be",
+ name => "trackbar",
+ description => "Shows a bar where you've last read a window",
+ license => "GPLv2",
+ url => "http://www.pfoe.be/~peter/trackbar/",
+ changed => "Thu Feb 20 16:18:08 2003",
+my %config;
+Irssi::settings_add_str('trackbar', 'trackbar_string' => '-');
+$config{'trackbar_string'} = Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_string');
+Irssi::settings_add_str('trackbar', 'trackbar_style' => '%K');
+$config{'trackbar_style'} = Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_style');
+ 'setup changed' => sub {
+ $config{'trackbar_string'} = Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_string');
+ $config{'trackbar_style'} = Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_style');
+ if ($config{'trackbar_style'} =~ /(?<!%)[^%]|%%|%$/) {
+ Irssi::print(
+ "trackbar: %RWarning!%n 'trackbar_style' seems to contain "
+ . "printable characters. Only use format codes (read "
+ . "formats.txt).", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ 'window changed' => sub {
+ my (undef, $oldwindow) = @_;
+ if ($oldwindow) {
+ my $line = $oldwindow->view()->get_bookmark('trackbar');
+ $oldwindow->view()->remove_line($line) if defined $line;
+ $oldwindow->print(line($oldwindow->{'width'}), MSGLEVEL_NEVER);
+ $oldwindow->view()->set_bookmark_bottom('trackbar');
+ }
+ }
+sub line {
+ my $width = shift;
+ my $string = $config{'trackbar_string'};
+ $string = '-' unless defined $string;
+ # There is a bug in irssi's utf-8 handling on config file settings, as you
+ # can reproduce/see yourself by the following code sniplet:
+ #
+ # my $quake = pack 'U*', 8364; # EUR symbol
+ # Irssi::settings_add_str 'temp', 'temp_foo' => $quake;
+ # Irssi::print length $quake;
+ # # prints 1
+ # Irssi::print length Irssi::settings_get_str 'temp_foo';
+ # # prints 3
+ #
+ #
+ # Trackbar used to have a workaround, but on recent versions of perl/irssi
+ # it does no longer work. Therefore, if you want your trackbar to contain
+ # unicode characters, uncomment the line below for a nice full line, or set
+ # the string to whatever char you want.
+ # $string = pack('U*', 0x2500);
+ my $length = length $string;
+ if ($length == 0) {
+ $string = '-';
+ $length = 1;
+ }
+ my $times = $width / $length;
+ $times = int(1 + $times) if $times != int($times);
+ $string =~ s/%/%%/g;
+ return $config{'trackbar_style'} . substr($string x $times, 0, $width);
+# Remove trackbars on upgrade - but this doesn't really work if the scripts are not loaded in the correct order... watch out!
+Irssi::signal_add_first( 'session save' => sub {
+ for my $window (Irssi::windows) {
+ next unless defined $window;
+ my $line = $window->view()->get_bookmark('trackbar');
+ $window->view()->remove_line($line) if defined $line;
+ }
+ }
+sub cmd_mark {
+ my $window = Irssi::active_win();
+# return unless defined $window;
+ my $line = $window->view()->get_bookmark('trackbar');
+ $window->view()->remove_line($line) if defined $line;
+ $window->print(line($window->{'width'}), MSGLEVEL_NEVER);
+ $window->view()->set_bookmark_bottom('trackbar');
+ Irssi::command("redraw");
+sub cmd_goto {
+ my $window = Irssi::active_win();
+ my $line = $window->view()->get_bookmark('trackbar');
+ # FIXME? does this work properly if they use a different date format?
+ my $time = strftime("%H:%M", localtime($line->{info}->{time}));
+ Irssi::command("GOTO $time");
+Irssi::command_bind('mark', 'cmd_mark');
+Irssi::command_bind('gototb', 'cmd_goto');