/*first line intentionally left blank.*/
/*included modules*/
/*project headers*/
#include "mutator_aux.h"
#include "tinyxml2/tinyxml2.h"
/*standard headers*/
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
/*LLVM headers*/
#include "clang/AST/AST.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CommonOptionsParser.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
/*used namespaces*/
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
using namespace clang::driver;
using namespace clang::tooling;
/*global vars*/
Devi::XMLReport XMLDocOut;
static llvm::cl::OptionCategory MatcherSampleCategory("Matcher Sample");
class MCForCmpless : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
MCForCmpless (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mcfor") != nullptr)
const ForStmt *FS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mcfor");
SourceLocation SL = FS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
#if 0
std::cout << "14.8 : " << "\"For\" statement has no braces {}: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "matcher -mcfor- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCWhileCmpless : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
MCWhileCmpless (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::WhileStmt>("mcwhile") != nullptr)
const WhileStmt *WS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::WhileStmt>("mcwhile");
SourceLocation SL = WS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
#if 0
std::cout << "14.8 : " << "\"While\" statement has no braces {}: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "matcher -mcwhile- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCElseCmpless : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
MCElseCmpless (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IfStmt>("mcelse") != nullptr)
const IfStmt *IS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IfStmt>("mcelse");
SourceLocation SL = IS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.9 : " << "\"Else\" statement has no braces {}: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.9", "\"Else\" statement has no braces {}: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcelse- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCIfCmpless : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
MCIfCmpless (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IfStmt>("mcif") != nullptr)
const IfStmt *IS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IfStmt>("mcif");
SourceLocation SL = IS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.9 : " << "\"If\" statement has no braces {}: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.9", "\"If\" statement has no braces {}: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcif- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class IfElseMissingFixer : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
IfElseMissingFixer (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IfStmt>("mcifelse") != nullptr)
const IfStmt *ElseIf = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IfStmt>("mcifelse");
SourceLocation IFESL = ElseIf->getLocStart();
IFESL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(IFESL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.10 : " << "\"If-Else If\" statement has no ending Else: " << std::endl;
std::cout << IFESL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, IFESL, "14.10", "\"If-Else If\" statement has no ending Else: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcifelse- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCSwitchBrkless : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCSwitchBrkless (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mcswitchbrk") != nullptr)
const SwitchStmt *SS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mcswitchbrk");
SourceLocation SL = SS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "15.2 : " << "\"SwitchStmt\" has a caseStmt that's missing a breakStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "15.2", "\"SwitchStmt\" has a caseStmt that's missing a breakStmt: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcswitchbrk- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCSwitchDftLess : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCSwitchDftLess (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mcswitchdft") != nullptr)
const SwitchStmt *SS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mcswitchdft");
SourceLocation SL = SS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "15.3 : " << "\"SwitchStmt\" does not have a defaultStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "15.3", "\"SwitchStmt\" does not have a defaultStmt: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcswitchdft- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*misra-c 2004:15.1*/
class MCSwitch151 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCSwitch151 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CompoundStmt>("mccmp151") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CaseStmt>("mccase151") != nullptr)
const CompoundStmt *CS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CompoundStmt>("mccmp151");
const CaseStmt *SS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CaseStmt>("mccase151");
SourceLocation SL = SS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
ASTContext::DynTypedNodeList NodeList = ASTC->getParents(*CS);
/*assumptions:nothing has more than one parent in C.*/
ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode ParentNode = NodeList[0];
ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind ParentNodeKind = ParentNode.getNodeKind();
std::string StringKind = ParentNodeKind.asStringRef().str();
if (StringKind != "SwitchStmt")
std::cout << "15.1 : " << "\"CaseStmt\" has a CompoundStmt ancestor that is not the child of the SwitchStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "15.1", "\"CaseStmt\" has a CompoundStmt ancestor that is not the child of the SwitchStmt: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mccmp151- or -mccase151- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCSwitch155 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCSwitch155 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mcswitch155") != nullptr)
const SwitchStmt *SS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mcswitch155");
SourceLocation SL = SS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "15.5 : " << "\"SwitchStmt\" does not have a CaseStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "15.5", "\"SwitchStmt\" does not have a CaseStmt: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcswitch155- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCFunction161 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction161 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunction161") != nullptr)
const FunctionDecl *FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunction161");
if (FD->isVariadic())
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "16.1 : " << "\"FunctionDecl\" is variadic: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.1", "\"FunctionDecl\" is variadic: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcfunction161- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCFunction162 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction162 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mc162callexpr") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mc162funcdec") != nullptr)
const FunctionDecl *FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mc162funcdec");
const CallExpr *CE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mc162callexpr");
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::string FuncNameStr = FD->getNameInfo().getAsString();
if (CE->getDirectCallee())
const FunctionDecl *FDCalled = CE->getDirectCallee();
std::string CalledFuncNameStr = FDCalled->getNameInfo().getAsString();
if (FuncNameStr == CalledFuncNameStr)
std::cout << "16.2 : " << "\"FunctionDecl\" is recursive: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.2", "\"FunctionDecl\" is recursive: ");
/*intentionally left blank.*/
/*intentionally left blank.*/
std::cout << "matcher -mc162funcdec- and/or -mc162callexpr- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCFunction164 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction164 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunc164") != nullptr)
const FunctionDecl *FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunc164");
const FunctionDecl *FDcl = FD->getDefinition();
/*to guard against function that have a declaration that is not a definition only.*/
if (FDcl != nullptr)
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SLDcl = FDcl->getLocStart();
SLDcl = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLDcl, Rewrite, "start");
ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*> FDParmList = FD->parameters();
ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*> FDclParmList = FDcl->parameters();
if ( FD->getNumParams() != FDcl->getNumParams())
std::cout << "numparam of functiondefinition and functionDecl dont match! : " << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
if (FD->getNumParams() != 0)
for (unsigned x = 0; x < FD->getNumParams(); ++x)
if (FDParmList[x]->getNameAsString() != FDclParmList[x]->getNameAsString())
std::cout << "16.4 : " << "FunctionDecl parameter names are not the same as function definition parameter names: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << " & " << SLDcl.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.4", "FunctionDecl parameter names are not the same as function definition parameter names: ");
/*intentionally left blank.*/
std::cout << "matcher -mcfunc164- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCFunction166 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction166 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mcfunc166") != nullptr)
const CallExpr *CE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mcfunc166");
SourceLocation SL = CE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
const FunctionDecl *FD = CE->getDirectCallee();
if (CE->getNumArgs() != FD->getNumParams())
std::cout << "16.6 : " << "CallExpr number of arguments does not equal the number of parameters in the declaration: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.6", "CallExpr number of arguments does not equal the number of parameters in the declaration: ");
std::cout << "matcher -mcfunc166- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*the clang parser does not allow for such constructs.*/
class MCFunction168 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction168 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ReturnStmt>("mcfunc168") != nullptr)
const ReturnStmt *RT = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ReturnStmt>("mcfunc168");
const Expr *RE = RT->getRetValue();
SourceLocation SL = RT->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SLE = RT->getLocEnd();
SLE = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLE, Rewrite, "end");
SourceRange SR;
std::string RetType = Rewrite.getRewrittenText(SR);
#if 0
std::cout << RetType << "\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "matcher -mcfunc168- returned nullptr." << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCFunction169 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction169 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ImplicitCastExpr>("mcfunc169") != nullptr)
const ImplicitCastExpr* ICE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ImplicitCastExpr>("mcfunc169");
SourceLocation SL = ICE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
CastKind CK = ICE->getCastKind();
if (CK == CK_FunctionToPointerDecay)
std::cout << "16.9 : " << "FunctionToPointerDecay: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.9", "FunctionToPointerDecay: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*@DEVI-what is correct: match a pointer then run matcher for implicitcastexpressions of type arraytopointerdecay
that have unary(--,++) and binary(-,+) operators as parents*/
class MCPA171 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCPA171 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcpa171") != nullptr)
const VarDecl *VD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcpa171");
QualType QT = VD->getType();
#if 0
std::cout << QT.getAsString() << "\n" << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCSU184 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCSU184 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::RecordDecl>("mcsu184") != nullptr)
const RecordDecl *RD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::RecordDecl>("mcsu184");
SourceLocation SL = RD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "18.4 : " << "Union declared: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "18.4", "Union declared: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCTypes6465 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCTypes6465 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FieldDecl>("mctype6465") != nullptr)
const FieldDecl *FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FieldDecl>("mctype6465");
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QT = FD->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
if ( !(TP->hasUnsignedIntegerRepresentation() || TP->hasSignedIntegerRepresentation()))
/*this part is ueless since the clang parser wont let such a bitfield through.*/
std::cout << "6.4 : " << "BitField has a type other than int or unsigned int: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "6.4", "BitField has a type other than int or unsigned int: ");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
unsigned int BitWidth = FD->getBitWidthValue(*ASTC);
if (TP->hasSignedIntegerRepresentation())
if (BitWidth < 2U)
std::cout << "6.5 : " << "BitField of type signed integer has a length of less than 2 in bits : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "6.5", "BitField of type signed integer has a length of less than 2 in bits : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCDCDF81 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCDCDF81 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite)
VecC = 0U;
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcdcdf81") != nullptr)
alreadymatched = false;
const FunctionDecl* FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcdcdf81");
DeclarationNameInfo DNI = FD->getNameInfo();
std::string MatchedName = DNI.getAsString();
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
/*going through the already matched functions,making sure we are not adding duplicates.*/
for (unsigned x = 0; x < VecC; ++x)
if (FuncInfoProto[x].FuncNameString == MatchedName)
alreadymatched = true;
if (!FD->isThisDeclarationADefinition())
FuncInfoProto[x].HasDecThatisNotDef = true;
if (alreadymatched == false)
FuncInfoProto[VecC].FuncNameString = MatchedName;
if (!FD->isThisDeclarationADefinition())
/*this function has a declaration that is not a definition.*/
FuncInfoProto[VecC].HasDecThatisNotDef = true;
/*save the sourcelocation only if the functiondecl is a definition.*/
FuncInfoProto[VecC].StrcSL = SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager);
FuncInfoProto[VecC].FuncSL = SL;
FuncInfoProto[VecC].FuncFSL = MR.Context->getFullLoc(SL);
virtual void onEndOfTranslationUnit()
for (unsigned x = 0; x < VecC; ++x)
if (FuncInfoProto[x].HasDecThatisNotDef == false)
std::cout << "8.1 : " << "Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : " << std::endl;
std::cout << FuncInfoProto[x].StrcSL << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(FuncInfoProto[x].FuncFSL, FuncInfoProto[x].FuncSL, "8.1", "Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : ");
struct FuncInfo {
std::string FuncNameString;
std::string StrcSL;
bool HasDecThatisNotDef = false;
SourceLocation FuncSL;
FullSourceLoc FuncFSL;
std::vector<FuncInfo> FuncInfoProto;
unsigned int VecC;
bool alreadymatched;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*Notes:clang does not let 8.2 and 8.3 through.*/
/*clang gives the implicitly-typed vardecl and functiondecl a default type in the AST so we cant use that.
we should just get the rewritten text and do string searches inside. thats the only way i can think of.*/
class MCDCDF82 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCDCDF82 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcdcdf82") != nullptr)
const VarDecl* VD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcdcdf82");
std::string QualifiedName = VD->getQualifiedNameAsString();
QualType QT = VD->getType();
#if 0
std::cout << QualifiedName << "\n" << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*this class also matches aggregate types. a simple aggregate check should fix that, if need be.*/
class MCInit91 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCInit91 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcinit91") != nullptr)
const VarDecl* VD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcinit91");
SourceLocation SL = VD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SLE = VD->getLocEnd();
SLE = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLE, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QT = VD->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
/*start of 8.12*/
if (!VD->hasInit())
if (VD->hasExternalStorage())
if (TP->isIncompleteArrayType())
/*end of 8.12*/
std::cout << "8.12 : " << "External array type is incomplete and has no initialization : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "8.12", "External array type is incomplete and has no initialization : ");
/*start of 9.2*/
if (TP->isArrayType() || TP->isStructureType())
const Expr* InitExpr = VD->getInit();
SourceRange InitExprSR;
std::string InitExprString = Rewrite.getRewrittenText(InitExprSR);
size_t openingcbraces = InitExprString.find("{", 0);
size_t closingcbraces = InitExprString.find("}", 0);
if (openingcbraces == std::string::npos || closingcbraces == std::string::npos)
std::cout << "9.2 : " << "Curly braces not used : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "9.2", "Curly braces not used : ");
/*end of 9.2*/
/*we only check for local static since global static is meaningless.*/
if (!VD->isStaticLocal() && VD->isLocalVarDecl())
if (!VD->hasInit())
std::cout << "9.1 : " << "staic local variable does not have initialization : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "9.1", "staic local variable does not have initialization : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCInit92 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCInit92 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::InitListExpr>("mcinit92") != nullptr)
const InitListExpr* ILE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::InitListExpr>("mcinit92");
const VarDecl* VD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::VarDecl>("mcinit92daddy");
SourceLocation SL = VD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
unsigned int NumInits = ILE->getNumInits();
#if 0
std::cout << NumInits << "\n" << std::endl;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCInit93 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCInit93 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::EnumConstantDecl>("mcinit93") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::EnumDecl>("mcinit93daddy") != nullptr)
const EnumConstantDecl * ECD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::EnumConstantDecl>("mcinit93");
const EnumDecl* ED = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::EnumDecl>("mcinit93daddy");
/*do note that this pointer might very well be nullptr. we are actually counting on that.
it tells us we could not match an integer initialization for this enumconstantdecl.*/
const IntegerLiteral* IL = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::IntegerLiteral>("mcinit93kiddy");
SourceLocation SL = ED->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
newSourceLocation = SL;
if (oldSourceLocation != newSourceLocation)
someoneHasInit = false;
everyoneHasInit = true;
isFirstElement = true;
if (IL == nullptr)
doesFirstElementHaveInit = false;
everyoneHasInit = false;
doesFirstElementHaveInit = true;
isFirstElement = false;
if (oldSourceLocation == newSourceLocation)
if (IL == nullptr)
everyoneHasInit = false;
someoneHasInit = true;
if (doesFirstElementHaveInit)
if (!everyoneHasInit && someoneHasInit)
/*in breach of misrac*/
std::cout << "9.3 : " << "first enumeration has integerliteral initialization but not all enumerations do : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "9.3", "first enumeration has integerliteral initialization but not all enumerations do : ");
/*doesnt mean anything*/
if (IL != nullptr)
/*in breach of misrac*/
std::cout << "9.3 : " << "first enumeration does not have integerliteral initialization but at least one other enumeration does : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "9.3", "first enumeration does not have integerliteral initialization but at least one other enumeration does : ");
/*doesnt mean anything*/
oldSourceLocation = newSourceLocation;
/*doing this instead of saving everything and then running onendoftranslationunit is faster and less memory-expensive.
needless to say, for this to work, we are counting on clang's matching pattern.*/
SourceLocation oldSourceLocation;
SourceLocation newSourceLocation;
bool isFirstElement;
bool doesFirstElementHaveInit;
bool someoneHasInit = false;
bool everyoneHasInit = true;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr123 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr123 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr123kiddy") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr123kiddy");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
if (EXP->HasSideEffects(*ASTC, true))
std::cout << "12.3 : " << "sizeof working on an expr with a side-effect : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.3", "sizeof working on an expr with a side-effect : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr124 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr124 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr124") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr124");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
if (EXP->HasSideEffects(*ASTC, true))
std::cout << "12.4 : " << "Righ-hand expr has side-effect : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.4", "Righ-hand expr has side-effect");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*DEVI-if all operands are boolean, this class will still tag em as inconsistent(with misrac).*/
class MCExpr125 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr125 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("lrhs") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("lrhs");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
QualType QT = EXP->getType();
SourceLocation SLE = EXP->getLocEnd();
SLE = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLE, Rewrite, "end");
SourceRange SR;
std::string StrText = Rewrite.getRewrittenText(SR);
if (StrText[0] == '(' && StrText[StrText.length() - 1U] == ')')
hasParantheses = true;
hasParantheses = false;
if (hasParantheses || SL.isMacroID())
/*intentionally left blank.*/
std::cout << "12.5 : " << "RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.5", "RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : ");
bool hasParantheses = false;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr126 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr126 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr126rl") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr126rl");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (!EXP->isKnownToHaveBooleanValue())
std::cout << "12.6 : " << "RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.6", "RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr127 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr127 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr127rl") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr127rl");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QT = EXP->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
if (TP->hasSignedIntegerRepresentation() && TP->isIntegerType())
std::cout << "12.7 : " << "Bitwise operator has signed RHS and/or LHS operands: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.7", "Bitwise operator has signed RHS and/or LHS operands: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr128 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr128 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr128lhs") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr128rhs") != nullptr)
const Expr* RHS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr128rhs");
const Expr* LHS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr128lhs");
SourceLocation SL = RHS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType RQT = RHS->getType();
QualType LQT = LHS->getType();
const clang::Type* RTP = RQT.getTypePtr();
const clang::Type* LTP = LQT.getTypePtr();
/*i need to know the size of underlying types on the target so i cant do much about that.*/
/*llvm::DataLayout lets you do that but then you need llvm::Module.*/
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr129 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr129 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr129") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr129");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QT = EXP->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
if (TP->isIntegerType() && TP->hasUnsignedIntegerRepresentation())
std::cout << "12.9 : " << "UnaryOperator - has an expr with an unsigned underlying type: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.9", "UnaryOperator - has an expr with an unsigned underlying type: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr1210 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr1210 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr1210") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcexpr1210");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "12.10 : " << "Comma used: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.10", "Comma used: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCExpr1213 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCExpr1213 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::UnaryOperator>("mcexpr1213") != nullptr)
const UnaryOperator* UO = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::UnaryOperator>("mcexpr1213");
SourceLocation SL = UO->getOperatorLoc();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "12.13 : " << "Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "12.13", "Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCSE131 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCSE131 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("cse131rlhs") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("cse131rlhs");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (EXP->isKnownToHaveBooleanValue())
std::cout << "13.1 : " << "assignment operator used in an expr that is known to return boolean: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.1", "assignment operator used in an expr that is known to return boolean: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCSE132 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCSE132 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse132") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse132");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (!EXP->isKnownToHaveBooleanValue())
std::cout << "13.2 : " << "Implicit test of an expr against zero which is not known to return a boolean result: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.2", "Implicit test of an expr against zero which is not known to return a boolean result: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCSE1332 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCSE1332 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite (Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse1332rl") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse1332rl");
const BinaryOperator* BO = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::BinaryOperator>("mccse1332daddy");
SourceLocation SLD = BO->getLocStart();
SLD = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLD, Rewrite, "start");
NewSL = SLD;
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QT = EXP->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
if (OldSL != NewSL)
if (TP->hasFloatingRepresentation())
std::cout << "13.3 : " << "Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.3", "Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: ");
OldSL = NewSL;
SourceLocation NewSL;
SourceLocation OldSL;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCSE134 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCSE134 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccse134") != nullptr)
AlreadyHaveAHit = false;
const ForStmt* FS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccse134");
SourceLocation SL = FS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
const Expr* FSCond = FS->getCond();
const Expr* FSInc = FS->getInc();
if (FSCond != nullptr)
QualType QTCond = FSCond->getType();
const clang::Type* TPCond = QTCond.getTypePtr();
if (TPCond->hasFloatingRepresentation())
std::cout << "13.4 : " << "Float type used in the controlling expression of a forstmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
AlreadyHaveAHit = true;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.4", "Float type used in the controlling expression of a forstmt: ");
if (FSInc != nullptr && !AlreadyHaveAHit)
QualType QTInc = FSInc->getType();
const clang::Type* TPInc = QTInc.getTypePtr();
if (TPInc->hasFloatingRepresentation())
std::cout << "13.4 : " << "Float type used in the controlling expression of a forstmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
AlreadyHaveAHit = true;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.4", "Float type used in the controlling expression of a forstmt: ");
bool AlreadyHaveAHit = false;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*if a for controlling var is modified in the body using a pointer, then this class wont find it.*/
/*the class will only work properly only if there is one controlling loop variable.
the behavior is undefined for more than one variable.*/
class MCCSE136 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCSE136 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mccse136kiddo") != nullptr)
const DeclRefExpr* DRE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mccse136kiddo");
const ForStmt* FS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccse136daddy");
const Stmt* FSInit = FS->getInit();
const Expr* FSInc = FS->getInc();
const Expr* FSCond = FS->getCond();
SourceLocation SLD = FS->getLocStart();
SLD = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLD, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SL = DRE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (FSInit != nullptr && FSInc != nullptr)
SourceLocation SLFSInit = FSInit->getLocStart();
SLFSInit = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLFSInit, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SLFSInc = FSInc->getLocStart();
SLFSInc = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLFSInc, Rewrite, "start");
DeclarationNameInfo DNI = DRE->getNameInfo();
std::string NameString = DNI.getAsString();
/*the third condition is put in place to accomodate the prefix unary increment or decrement operator.*/
if (SLFSInit == SL || SLFSInc == SL || SLFSInc.getLocWithOffset(2) == SL)
ControlVarName = NameString;
if (ControlVarName == NameString)
std::cout << "13.6 : " << "ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.6", "ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: ");
std::string ControlVarName;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCF144 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCF144 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::GotoStmt>("mccf144") != nullptr)
const GotoStmt* GS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::GotoStmt>("mccf144");
SourceLocation SL = GS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.4 : " << "GotoStmt used: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.4", "GotoStmt used: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCF145 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCF145 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ContinueStmt>("mccf145") != nullptr)
const ContinueStmt* CS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ContinueStmt>("mccf145");
SourceLocation SL = CS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.5 : " << "ContinueStmt used: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.5", "ContinueStmt used: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCF146 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCF146 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccffofo") != nullptr)
const ForStmt* FS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccffofo");
SL = FS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::WhileStmt>("mccfwuwu") != nullptr)
const WhileStmt* WS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::WhileStmt>("mccfwuwu");
SL = WS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DoStmt>("mccfdodo") != nullptr)
const DoStmt* DS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DoStmt>("mccfdodo");
SL = DS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
NewSL = SL;
if (OldSL != NewSL)
AlreadyTagged = false;
BreakCounter = 1U;
if (OldSL == NewSL)
if (BreakCounter >= 2U && !AlreadyTagged)
std::cout << "14.6 : " << "More than one BreakStmt used in the loop counter: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
AlreadyTagged = true;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.6", "More than one BreakStmt used in the loop counter: ");
OldSL = NewSL;
SourceLocation OldSL;
SourceLocation NewSL;
bool AlreadyTagged = false;
unsigned int BreakCounter = 0U;
SourceLocation SL;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCF147 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCF147 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mccf147") != nullptr)
const FunctionDecl* FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mccf147");
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
NewSL = SL;
if (OldSL != NewSL)
AlreadyTagged = false;
ReturnCounter = 1U;
if (OldSL == NewSL)
if (ReturnCounter >= 2U && !AlreadyTagged)
std::cout << "14.7 : " << "More than one ReturnStmt used in the body of FunctionDecl: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
AlreadyTagged = true;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.7", "More than one ReturnStmt used in the body of FunctionDecl: ");
OldSL = NewSL;
SourceLocation NewSL;
SourceLocation OldSL;
unsigned int ReturnCounter = 0U;
bool AlreadyTagged = false;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCF148 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCF148 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccf148for") != nullptr)
const ForStmt* FS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccf148for");
SL = FS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.8 : " << "ForStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.8", "ForStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: ");
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::WhileStmt>("mccf148while") != nullptr)
const WhileStmt* WS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::WhileStmt>("mccf148while");
SL = WS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.8 : " << "WhileStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.8", "WhileStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: ");
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DoStmt>("mccf148do") != nullptr)
const DoStmt* DS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DoStmt>("mccf148do");
SL = DS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.8 : " << "DoStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.8", "DoStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: ");
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mccf148switch") != nullptr)
const SwitchStmt* SS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::SwitchStmt>("mccf148switch");
SL = SS->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "14.8 : " << "SwitchStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "14.8", "SwitchStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: ");
SourceLocation SL;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCSwitch154 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback\
MCSwitch154 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mcswitch154");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
if (EXP->isKnownToHaveBooleanValue())
std::cout << "15.4 : " << "Switch expression is effectively boolean: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "15.4", "Switch expression is effectively boolean: ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCPTC111 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCPTC111 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
const DeclRefExpr* DRE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcptc111");
SourceLocation SL = DRE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
ASTContext::DynTypedNodeList NodeList = ASTC->getParents(*DRE);
/*assumptions:nothing has more than one parent in C.*/
ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode ParentNode = NodeList[0];
ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind ParentNodeKind = ParentNode.getNodeKind();
std::string StringKind = ParentNodeKind.asStringRef().str();
if (StringKind == "ImplicitCastExpr")
//ParentICE = ParentNode.get();
/*the tests for CastKind go here*/
const clang::ImplicitCastExpr* ParentICE;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCCSE137 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCCSE137 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse137") != nullptr)
const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse137");
SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
if (EXP->isKnownToHaveBooleanValue())
if (EXP->isEvaluatable(*ASTC, Expr::SE_NoSideEffects))
std::cout << "13.7 : " << "EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "13.7", "EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: ");
QualType QT = EXP->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
if (TP->isIntegerType())
ASTContext::DynTypedNodeList NodeList = ASTC->getParents(*EXP);
/*assumptions:nothing has more than one parent in C.*/
ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode ParentNode = NodeList[0];
ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind ParentNodeKind = ParentNode.getNodeKind();
std::string StringKind = ParentNodeKind.asStringRef().str();
if (StringKind == "ImplicitCastExpr")
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*if the call is coming from another file, getdirectcalle returns the definition,
but if its coming from the same file, it returns the declaration that is not a definition.*/
/*if youve already matched the definition, getdefinition returns null.*/
class MCDCDF810 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCDCDF810 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite)
VecC = 0U;
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mcdcdf810") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcdcdf810daddy") != nullptr)
AlreadyTagged = false;
const CallExpr* CE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mcdcdf810");
const FunctionDecl* FDDad = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcdcdf810daddy");
const FunctionDecl* FD = CE->getDirectCallee();
const FunctionDecl* FDDef = FD->getDefinition();;
if (FDDef == nullptr)
FDDef = CE->getDirectCallee();
SourceLocation CESL = CE->getLocStart();
CESL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(CESL, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation FDDadSL = FDDad->getLocStart();
FDDadSL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(FDDadSL, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation FDSL = FDDef->getLocStart();
FDSL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(FDSL, Rewrite, "start");
ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
FullSourceLoc FDDadFullSL = ASTC->getFullLoc(FDDadSL);
FullSourceLoc FDFullSL = ASTC->getFullLoc(FDSL);
DeclarationNameInfo DNI = FDDef->getNameInfo();
std::string MatchedName = DNI.getAsString();
/*going through the already matched functions,making sure we are not adding duplicates.*/
for (unsigned x = 0; x < VecC; ++x)
if (FuncScopeProto[x].FuncNameString == MatchedName && FuncScopeProto[x].DefinitionSL == FDSL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager))
AlreadyTagged = true;
if (FDDef->isExternC())
if (FDDadFullSL.getFileID() != FDFullSL.getFileID())
FuncScopeProto[x].hasExternalCall = true;
if (AlreadyTagged == false && FDDef->isExternC())
FuncScopeProto[VecC].FuncNameString = MatchedName;
FuncScopeProto[VecC].DefinitionSL = FDSL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager);
FuncScopeProto[VecC].FuncScopeSL = FDSL;
FuncScopeProto[VecC].FuncScopeFSL = MR.Context->getFullLoc(FDSL);
if (FDDef->isExternC())
if (FDDadFullSL.getFileID() != FDFullSL.getFileID())
FuncScopeProto[VecC].hasExternalCall = true;
virtual void onEndOfTranslationUnit()
for (unsigned x = 0; x < VecC; ++x)
if (FuncScopeProto[x].hasExternalCall == false)
std::cout << "8.11 : " << "Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : " << std::endl;
std::cout << FuncScopeProto[x].DefinitionSL << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(FuncScopeProto[x].FuncScopeFSL, FuncScopeProto[x].FuncScopeSL, "8.11", "Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : ");
struct FuncScope {
std::string FuncNameString;
bool hasExternalCall = false;
std::string DefinitionSL;
SourceLocation FuncScopeSL;
FullSourceLoc FuncScopeFSL;
bool AlreadyTagged = false;
unsigned VecC;
std::vector<FuncScope> FuncScopeProto;
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*also flags the main.*/
class MCFunction165 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction165 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunction165") != nullptr)
const FunctionDecl* FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunction165");
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "16.5 : " << "Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.5", "Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCFunction1652 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCFunction1652 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunction1652") != nullptr)
const FunctionDecl* FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcfunction1652");
SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SLE = FD->getBody()->getLocStart();
SLE = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLE, Rewrite, "end");
SourceRange SR;
std::string FunctionSigAsString = Rewrite.getRewrittenText(SR);
DeclarationNameInfo DNI = FD->getNameInfo();
std::string NameAsString = DNI.getAsString();
size_t voidposition = FunctionSigAsString.find(NameAsString, 0U);
unsigned lengthofstring = NameAsString.length();
size_t voidposition2 = FunctionSigAsString.find("void", voidposition + lengthofstring - 1U);
if (voidposition2 == std::string::npos)
std::cout << "16.5 : " << "Function does not take any parameters but is not using the void keyword : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "16.5", "Function does not take any parameters but is not using the void keyword : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*has false-positives*/
class MCPointer171 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCPointer171 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer171") != nullptr)
const DeclRefExpr* DRE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer171") ;
SourceLocation SL = DRE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QT = DRE->getType();
const clang::Type* TP = QT.getTypePtr();
if (TP->isAnyPointerType())
std::cout << "17.1 : " << "Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "17.1", "Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*has a lot of false positives. now works based on array types not the array itself.*/
class MCPointer1723 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCPointer1723 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer1723rhs") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer1723lhs"))
const DeclRefExpr* DRER = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer1723rhs");
const DeclRefExpr* DREL = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer1723lhs");
const BinaryOperator* BO = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::BinaryOperator>("mcpointer1723daddy");
SourceLocation SL = BO->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
QualType QTR = DRER->getType();
QualType QTL = DREL->getType();
const clang::Type* TPR = QTR.getTypePtr();
const clang::Type* TPL = QTL.getTypePtr();
if (TPR->getPointeeType() != TPL->getPointeeType())
std::cout << "17.2 | 17.3 : " << "Pointer-type operands to BinaryOperator dont point to the same array : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "17.2 | 17.3", "Pointer-type operands to BinaryOperator dont point to the same array : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
class MCPointer174 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
MCPointer174 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CastExpr>("mcpointer174") != nullptr)
const CastExpr* CE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CastExpr>("mcpointer174");
SourceLocation SL = CE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "17.4 : " << "The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "17.4", "The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : ");
if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer1742") != nullptr)
const DeclRefExpr* DRE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcpointer1742");
SourceLocation SL = DRE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
std::cout << "17.4 : " << "The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(MR.Context, SL, "17.4", "The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : ");
Rewriter &Rewrite;
/*the sourcelocation used in the overload of XMLAddNode that takes sourcemanager as input parameter uses
the speeling location so the client does not need to check the sourcelocation for macros.*/
class PPInclusion : public PPCallbacks
explicit PPInclusion (SourceManager *SM) : SM(*SM) {}
virtual void InclusionDirective (SourceLocation HashLoc, const Token &IncludeTok, StringRef FileName, \
bool IsAngled, CharSourceRange FileNameRange, const FileEntry* File, \
StringRef SearchPath, StringRef RelativePath, const clang::Module* Imported)
if (IsAngled)
size_t singleQPos = FileName.find("\'", 0);
size_t doubleQPos = FileName.find("\"", 0);
size_t whateverSlashPos = FileName.find("\\", 0);
size_t commentPos = FileName.find("\\*", 0);
if (singleQPos != std::string::npos || doubleQPos != std::string::npos || whateverSlashPos != std::string::npos || commentPos != std::string::npos)
std::cout << "19.2 : " << "illegal characters in inclusion directive : " << std::endl;
std::cout << HashLoc.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, HashLoc, "19.2", "illegal characters in inclusion directive : ");
if (FileName == "time.h")
std::cout << "20.12 : " << "stdlib time.h is included in the project. use is forbidden : " << std::endl;
std::cout << HashLoc.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, HashLoc, "20.12", "stdlib time.h is included in the project. use is forbidden : ");
if (FileName == "stdio.h")
std::cout << "20.9 : " << "stdlib stdio.h is included in the project. use is forbidden : " << std::endl;
std::cout << HashLoc.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, HashLoc, "20.9", "stdlib stdio.h is included in the project. use is forbidden : ");
if (FileName == "signal.h")
std::cout << "20.8 : " << "stdlib signal.h is included in the project. use is forbidden : " << std::endl;
std::cout << HashLoc.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, HashLoc, "20.8", "stdlib signal.h is included in the project. use is forbidden : ");
size_t singleQPos = FileName.find("\'", 0);
size_t whateverSlashPos = FileName.find("\\", 0);
size_t commentPos = FileName.find("\\*", 0);
if (singleQPos != std::string::npos || whateverSlashPos != std::string::npos || commentPos != std::string::npos)
std::cout << "19.2 : " << "illegal characters in inclusion directive : " << std::endl;
std::cout << HashLoc.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, HashLoc, "19.2", "illegal characters in inclusion directive : ");
size_t whateverSlashPos = FileName.find("\\", 0);
size_t theotherSlashPos = FileName.find("/", 0);
if (whateverSlashPos != std::string::npos || theotherSlashPos != std::string::npos)
std::cout << "19.3 : " << "Include directive contains file address, not just name : " << std::endl;
std::cout << HashLoc.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, HashLoc, "19.3", "Include directive contains file address, not just name : ");
virtual void MacroUndefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroDefinition &MD)
SourceLocation SL = MacroNameTok.getLocation();
std::cout << "19.6 : " << "Use of #undef is illegal : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, SL, "19.6", "Use of #undef is illegal : ");
virtual void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroDirective *MD)
const MacroInfo* MI = MD->getMacroInfo();
if (MI->isFunctionLike())
SourceLocation SL = MacroNameTok.getLocation();
std::cout << "19.7 : " << "Function-like macro used : " << std::endl;
std::cout << SL.printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, SL, "19.7", "Function-like macro used : ");
virtual void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroDefinition &MD, SourceRange Range, const MacroArgs *Args)
SourceLocation SL = MacroNameTok.getLocation();
DefMacroDirective* DMD = MD.getLocalDirective();
if (!DMD->isDefined())
std::cout << "19.11 : " << "Use of undefined macro : " << std::endl;
std::cout << Range.getBegin().printToString(SM) << "\n" << std::endl;
XMLDocOut.XMLAddNode(SM, SL, "19.11", "Use of undefined macro : ");
const SourceManager &SM;
class MyASTConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
MyASTConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HandlerForCmpless(R), HandlerWhileCmpless(R), HandlerElseCmpless(R), HandlerIfCmpless(R), \
HandlerForIfElse(R), HandlerForSwitchBrkLess(R), HandlerForSwitchDftLEss(R), HandlerForMCSwitch151(R), HandlerForMCSwitch155(R), \
HandlerForMCFunction161(R), HandlerForFunction162(R), HandlerForFunction164(R), HandlerForFunction166(R), HandlerForFunction168(R), \
HandlerForFunction169(R), HandlerForPA171(R), HandlerForSU184(R), HandlerForType6465(R), HandlerForDCDF81(R), HandlerForDCDF82(R), \
HandlerForInit91(R), HandlerForInit92(R), HandlerForInit93(R), HandlerForExpr123(R), HandlerForExpr124(R), HandlerForExpr125(R), \
HandlerForExpr126(R), HandlerForExpr127(R), HandlerForExpr128(R), HandlerForExpr129(R), HandlerForExpr1210(R), HandlerForExpr1213(R), \
HandlerForCSE131(R), HandlerForCSE132(R), HandlerForCSE1332(R), HandlerForCSE134(R), HandlerForCSE136(R), HandlerForCF144(R), \
HandlerForCF145(R), HandlerForCF146(R), HandlerForCF147(R), HandlerForCF148(R), HandlerForSwitch154(R), HandlerForPTC111(R), \
HandlerForCSE137(R), HandlerForDCDF810(R), HandlerForFunction165(R), HandlerForFunction1652(R), HandlerForPointer171(R), \
HandlerForPointer1723(R), HandlerForPointer174(R) {
/*forstmts whithout a compound statement.*/
Matcher.addMatcher(forStmt(unless(hasDescendant(compoundStmt()))).bind("mcfor"), &HandlerForCmpless);
/*whilestmts without a compound statement.*/
Matcher.addMatcher(whileStmt(unless(hasDescendant(compoundStmt()))).bind("mcwhile"), &HandlerWhileCmpless);
/*else blocks that dont have a compound statemnt.*/
Matcher.addMatcher(ifStmt(allOf(hasElse(unless(ifStmt())), hasElse(unless(compoundStmt())))).bind("mcelse"), &HandlerElseCmpless);
/*if blocks that dont have a compound statement.*/
Matcher.addMatcher(ifStmt(unless(hasDescendant(compoundStmt()))).bind("mcif"), &HandlerIfCmpless);
/*if-elseif statements that are missing the else block.*/
Matcher.addMatcher(ifStmt(allOf(hasElse(ifStmt()), unless(hasAncestor(ifStmt())), unless(hasDescendant(ifStmt(hasElse(unless(ifStmt()))))))).bind("mcifelse"), &HandlerForIfElse);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(hasDescendant(compoundStmt(hasDescendant(switchCase(unless(hasDescendant(breakStmt()))))))).bind("mcswitchbrk"), &HandlerForSwitchBrkLess);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(unless(hasDescendant(defaultStmt()))).bind("mcswitchdft"), &HandlerForSwitchDftLEss);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(forEachDescendant(caseStmt(hasAncestor(compoundStmt().bind("mccmp151"))).bind("mccase151"))), &HandlerForMCSwitch151);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(unless(hasDescendant(caseStmt()))).bind("mcswitch155"), &HandlerForMCSwitch155);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl().bind("mcfunction161"), &HandlerForMCFunction161);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl(forEachDescendant(callExpr().bind("mc162callexpr"))).bind("mc162funcdec"), &HandlerForFunction162);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl().bind("mcfunc164"), &HandlerForFunction164);
Matcher.addMatcher(callExpr().bind("mcfunc166"), &HandlerForFunction166);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl(forEachDescendant(returnStmt().bind("mcfunc168"))), &HandlerForFunction168);
Matcher.addMatcher(implicitCastExpr(unless(hasAncestor(callExpr()))).bind("mcfunc169"), &HandlerForFunction169);
Matcher.addMatcher(varDecl().bind("mcpa171"), &HandlerForPA171);
Matcher.addMatcher(recordDecl(isUnion()).bind("mcsu184"), &HandlerForSU184);
Matcher.addMatcher(fieldDecl(isBitField()).bind("mctype6465"), &HandlerForType6465);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl().bind("mcdcdf81"), &HandlerForDCDF81);
Matcher.addMatcher(varDecl().bind("mcdcdf82"), &HandlerForDCDF82);
Matcher.addMatcher(varDecl().bind("mcinit91"), &HandlerForInit91);
Matcher.addMatcher(initListExpr(hasAncestor(varDecl().bind("mcinit92daddy"))).bind("mcinit92"), &HandlerForInit92);
Matcher.addMatcher(enumConstantDecl(anyOf(allOf(hasDescendant(integerLiteral().bind("mcinit93kiddy")), \
hasAncestor(enumDecl().bind("mcinit93daddy"))), hasAncestor(enumDecl().bind("mcinit93daddy")))).bind("mcinit93"), &HandlerForInit93);
Matcher.addMatcher(unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(hasDescendant(expr().bind("mcexpr123kiddy"))).bind("mcexpr123"), &HandlerForExpr123);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(eachOf(hasOperatorName("||"), hasOperatorName("&&")), hasRHS(expr().bind("mcexpr124")))), &HandlerForExpr124);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(eachOf(hasOperatorName("||"), hasOperatorName("&&")), \
eachOf(hasRHS(allOf(expr().bind("lrhs"), unless(anyOf(implicitCastExpr() , declRefExpr(), callExpr(), floatLiteral(), integerLiteral(), stringLiteral()))))\
, hasLHS(allOf(expr().bind("lrhs"), unless(anyOf(implicitCastExpr(), declRefExpr(), callExpr(), floatLiteral(), integerLiteral(), stringLiteral())))))))\
, &HandlerForExpr125);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(eachOf(hasOperatorName("||"), hasOperatorName("&&")), \
eachOf(hasLHS(expr().bind("mcexpr126rl")), hasRHS(expr().bind("mcexpr126rl"))))), &HandlerForExpr126);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(eachOf(hasOperatorName("<<"), hasOperatorName(">>"), hasOperatorName("~"), hasOperatorName("<<="), \
hasOperatorName(">>="), hasOperatorName("&"), hasOperatorName("&="), hasOperatorName("^"), hasOperatorName("^=")\
, hasOperatorName("|"), hasOperatorName("|=")), eachOf(hasLHS(expr().bind("mcexpr127rl")), hasRHS(expr().bind("mcexpr127rl"))))), &HandlerForExpr127);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(eachOf(hasOperatorName(">>"), hasOperatorName(">>="), hasOperatorName("<<="), hasOperatorName("<<")), \
hasLHS(expr().bind("mcexpr128lhs")) , hasRHS(expr().bind("mcexpr128rhs")))), &HandlerForExpr128);
Matcher.addMatcher(unaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("-"), hasUnaryOperand(expr().bind("mcexpr129")))), &HandlerForExpr129);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName(","), hasLHS(expr().bind("mcexpr1210")))), &HandlerForExpr1210);
Matcher.addMatcher(unaryOperator(allOf(eachOf(hasOperatorName("++"), hasOperatorName("--")), anyOf(hasAncestor(binaryOperator()), hasDescendant(binaryOperator())))).bind("mcexpr1213"), &HandlerForExpr1213);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("="), eachOf(hasLHS(expr().bind("cse131rlhs")), hasRHS(expr().bind("cse131rlhs"))))), &HandlerForCSE131);
, hasOperatorName(">"), hasOperatorName("=="), hasOperatorName("<="), hasOperatorName(">=")))))).bind("mccse132"))), &HandlerForCSE132);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(anyOf(hasOperatorName("<"), hasOperatorName(">"), hasOperatorName("<="), hasOperatorName(">="), hasOperatorName("==")), \
eachOf(hasLHS(expr().bind("mccse1332rl")), hasRHS(expr().bind("mccse1332rl"))))).bind("mccse1332daddy"), &HandlerForCSE1332);
Matcher.addMatcher(forStmt().bind("mccse134"), &HandlerForCSE134);
Matcher.addMatcher(forStmt(forEachDescendant(stmt(eachOf(unaryOperator(allOf(anyOf(hasOperatorName("++"), hasOperatorName("--")), hasUnaryOperand(declRefExpr().bind("mccse136kiddo")))), \
binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("="), hasLHS(declRefExpr().bind("mccse136kiddo")))))))).bind("mccse136daddy"), &HandlerForCSE136);
Matcher.addMatcher(gotoStmt().bind("mccf144"), &HandlerForCF144);
Matcher.addMatcher(continueStmt().bind("mccf145"), &HandlerForCF145);
Matcher.addMatcher(breakStmt(hasAncestor(stmt(anyOf(forStmt().bind("mccffofo"), doStmt().bind("mccfdodo"), whileStmt().bind("mccfwuwu"))))), &HandlerForCF146);
Matcher.addMatcher(returnStmt(hasAncestor(functionDecl().bind("mccf147"))), &HandlerForCF147);
Matcher.addMatcher(forStmt(unless(has(compoundStmt()))).bind("mccf148for"), &HandlerForCF148);
Matcher.addMatcher(whileStmt(unless(has(compoundStmt()))).bind("mccf148while"), &HandlerForCF148);
Matcher.addMatcher(doStmt(unless(has(compoundStmt()))).bind("mccf148do"), &HandlerForCF148);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(unless(has(compoundStmt()))).bind("mccf148switch"), &HandlerForCF148);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(hasCondition(expr().bind("mcswitch154"))).bind("mcswitch154daddy"), &HandlerForSwitch154);
Matcher.addMatcher(declRefExpr().bind("mcptc111"), &HandlerForPTC111);
Matcher.addMatcher(expr().bind("mccse137"), &HandlerForCSE137);
Matcher.addMatcher(callExpr(hasAncestor(functionDecl().bind("mcdcdf810daddy"))).bind("mcdcdf810"), &HandlerForDCDF810);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl(allOf(returns(anything()), unless(returns(asString("void"))), hasBody(compoundStmt()) , unless(hasDescendant(returnStmt())))).bind("mcfunction165"), &HandlerForFunction165);
Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl(allOf(parameterCountIs(0), hasBody(compoundStmt()))).bind("mcfunction1652"), &HandlerForFunction1652);
Matcher.addMatcher(declRefExpr(allOf(to(varDecl().bind("loco")), unless(hasParent(castExpr(hasCastKind(clang::CK_ArrayToPointerDecay)))), hasAncestor(stmt(eachOf(binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("+")).bind("bino"), \
binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("-")).bind("bino"), unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("++")).bind("uno"), \
unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("--")).bind("uno"), binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("/")).bind("bino"), \
binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("*")).bind("bino"), binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("<")).bind("bino"), \
binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("<=")).bind("bino"), binaryOperator(hasOperatorName(">")).bind("bino"), \
binaryOperator(hasOperatorName(">=")).bind("bino")))))).bind("mcpointer171"), &HandlerForPointer171);
/*start of 17.3 matchers*/
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("<="), hasRHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs"))))), \
hasLHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs"))))))).bind("mcpointer1723daddy"), &HandlerForPointer1723);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("<"), hasRHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs"))))), \
hasLHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs"))))))).bind("mcpointer1723daddy"), &HandlerForPointer1723);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName(">="), hasRHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs"))))), \
hasLHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs"))))))).bind("mcpointer1723daddy"), &HandlerForPointer1723);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName(">"), hasRHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs"))))), \
hasLHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs"))))))).bind("mcpointer1723daddy"), &HandlerForPointer1723);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("-"), hasRHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs"))))), \
hasLHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs"))))))).bind("mcpointer1723daddy"), &HandlerForPointer1723);
Matcher.addMatcher(binaryOperator(allOf(hasOperatorName("-="), hasRHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723rhs"))))), \
hasLHS(expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs")), \
has(declRefExpr(hasType(pointerType())).bind("mcpointer1723lhs"))))))).bind("mcpointer1723daddy"), &HandlerForPointer1723);
/*end of 17.3 matchers*/
/*start of 17.4 matchers*/
Matcher.addMatcher(castExpr(allOf(hasCastKind(CK_ArrayToPointerDecay), unless(hasParent(arraySubscriptExpr())))).bind("mcpointer174"), &HandlerForPointer174);
Matcher.addMatcher(declRefExpr(allOf(hasAncestor(expr(anyOf(binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("-=")), \
unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("++")), unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("--")), \
binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("+")), binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("+=")), \
binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("-"))))), to(varDecl(hasType(pointerType()))))).bind("mcpointer1742"), &HandlerForPointer174);
/*end of 17.4 matchers*/
void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Context) override {
MCForCmpless HandlerForCmpless;
MCWhileCmpless HandlerWhileCmpless;
MCElseCmpless HandlerElseCmpless;
MCIfCmpless HandlerIfCmpless;
IfElseMissingFixer HandlerForIfElse;
MCSwitchBrkless HandlerForSwitchBrkLess;
MCSwitchDftLess HandlerForSwitchDftLEss;
MCSwitch151 HandlerForMCSwitch151;
MCSwitch155 HandlerForMCSwitch155;
MCFunction161 HandlerForMCFunction161;
MCFunction162 HandlerForFunction162;
MCFunction164 HandlerForFunction164;
MCFunction166 HandlerForFunction166;
MCFunction168 HandlerForFunction168;
MCFunction169 HandlerForFunction169;
MCPA171 HandlerForPA171;
MCSU184 HandlerForSU184;
MCTypes6465 HandlerForType6465;
MCDCDF81 HandlerForDCDF81;
MCDCDF82 HandlerForDCDF82;
MCInit91 HandlerForInit91;
MCInit92 HandlerForInit92;
MCInit93 HandlerForInit93;
MCExpr123 HandlerForExpr123;
MCExpr124 HandlerForExpr124;
MCExpr125 HandlerForExpr125;
MCExpr126 HandlerForExpr126;
MCExpr127 HandlerForExpr127;
MCExpr128 HandlerForExpr128;
MCExpr129 HandlerForExpr129;
MCExpr1210 HandlerForExpr1210;
MCExpr1213 HandlerForExpr1213;
MCCSE131 HandlerForCSE131;
MCCSE132 HandlerForCSE132;
MCCSE1332 HandlerForCSE1332;
MCCSE134 HandlerForCSE134;
MCCSE136 HandlerForCSE136;
MCCF144 HandlerForCF144;
MCCF145 HandlerForCF145;
MCCF146 HandlerForCF146;
MCCF147 HandlerForCF147;
MCCF148 HandlerForCF148;
MCSwitch154 HandlerForSwitch154;
MCPTC111 HandlerForPTC111;
MCCSE137 HandlerForCSE137;
MCDCDF810 HandlerForDCDF810;
MCFunction165 HandlerForFunction165;
MCFunction1652 HandlerForFunction1652;
MCPointer171 HandlerForPointer171;
MCPointer1723 HandlerForPointer1723;
MCPointer174 HandlerForPointer174;
MatchFinder Matcher;
class MyFrontendAction : public ASTFrontendAction
MyFrontendAction() {}
std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override
TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts());
return llvm::make_unique<MyASTConsumer>(TheRewriter);
Rewriter TheRewriter;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
CommonOptionsParser op(argc, argv, MatcherSampleCategory);
ClangTool Tool(op.getCompilations(), op.getSourcePathList());
int RunResult = Tool.run(newFrontendActionFactory<MyFrontendAction>().get());
return RunResult;
/*last line intentionally left blank.*/