diff options
authorbloodstalker <thabogre@gmail.com>2016-11-27 21:26:05 +0000
committerbloodstalker <thabogre@gmail.com>2016-11-27 21:26:05 +0000
commit71223a7d042b96f2d8602a607f3bfd2ef7ef952a (patch)
parentadded tdd tests for 15.4 (diff)
added 8.10 and 13.7
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/mutator-lvl0.cpp b/mutator-lvl0.cpp
index e3c431a..553b06d 100644
--- a/mutator-lvl0.cpp
+++ b/mutator-lvl0.cpp
@@ -1334,18 +1334,19 @@ public:
const DeclRefExpr* DRE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mccse136kiddo");
const ForStmt* FS = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("mccse136daddy");
- const Stmt* FSS = FS->getInit();
+ const Stmt* FSInit = FS->getInit();
const Expr* FSInc = FS->getInc();
+ const Expr* FSCond = FS->getCond();
SourceLocation SLD = FS->getLocStart();
SLD = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLD, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SL = DRE->getLocStart();
SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
- if (FSS != nullptr && FSInc != nullptr)
+ if (FSInit != nullptr && FSInc != nullptr)
- SourceLocation SLFSS = FSS->getLocStart();
- SLFSS = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLFSS, Rewrite, "start");
+ SourceLocation SLFSInit = FSInit->getLocStart();
+ SLFSInit = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLFSInit, Rewrite, "start");
SourceLocation SLFSInc = FSInc->getLocStart();
SLFSInc = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLFSInc, Rewrite, "start");
@@ -1353,8 +1354,9 @@ public:
std::string NameString = DNI.getAsString();
+ /*JANKY*/
/*the third condition is put in place to accomodate the prefix unary increment or decrement operator.*/
- if (SLFSS == SL || SLFSInc == SL || SLFSInc.getLocWithOffset(2) == SL)
+ if (SLFSInit == SL || SLFSInc == SL || SLFSInc.getLocWithOffset(2) == SL)
ControlVarName = NameString;
@@ -1616,6 +1618,180 @@ private:
Rewriter &Rewrite;
+class MCPTC111 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
+ MCPTC111 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
+ virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
+ {
+ const DeclRefExpr* DRE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::DeclRefExpr>("mcptc111");
+ SourceLocation SL = DRE->getLocStart();
+ SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
+ ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
+ ASTContext::DynTypedNodeList NodeList = ASTC->getParents(*DRE);
+ /*assumptions:nothing has more than one parent in C.*/
+ ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode ParentNode = NodeList[0];
+ ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind ParentNodeKind = ParentNode.getNodeKind();
+ std::string StringKind = ParentNodeKind.asStringRef().str();
+ if (StringKind == "ImplicitCastExpr")
+ {
+ //ParentICE = ParentNode.get();
+ /*the tests for CastKind go here*/
+ }
+ }
+ const clang::ImplicitCastExpr* ParentICE;
+ Rewriter &Rewrite;
+class MCCSE137 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
+ MCCSE137 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
+ virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
+ {
+ if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse137") != nullptr)
+ {
+ const Expr* EXP = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::Expr>("mccse137");
+ SourceLocation SL = EXP->getLocStart();
+ SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite, "start");
+ ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
+ if (EXP->isKnownToHaveBooleanValue())
+ {
+ if (EXP->isEvaluatable(*ASTC, Expr::SE_NoSideEffects))
+ {
+ std::cout << "13.7 : " << "EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << SL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager) << "\n" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rewriter &Rewrite;
+/*if the call is coming from another file, getdirectcalle returns the definition,
+but if its coming from the same file, it returns the declaration that is not a definition.*/
+/*if youve already matched the definition, getdefinition returns null.*/
+class MCDCDF810 : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback
+ MCDCDF810 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite)
+ {
+ FuncScopeProto.push_back(FuncScope());
+ VecC = 0U;
+ }
+ virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR)
+ {
+ if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mcdcdf810") != nullptr && MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcdcdf810daddy") != nullptr)
+ {
+ AlreadyTagged = false;
+ const CallExpr* CE = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CallExpr>("mcdcdf810");
+ const FunctionDecl* FDDad = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("mcdcdf810daddy");
+ const FunctionDecl* FD = CE->getDirectCallee();
+ const FunctionDecl* FDDef = FD->getDefinition();;
+ if (FDDef == nullptr)
+ {
+ FDDef = CE->getDirectCallee();
+ }
+ SourceLocation CESL = CE->getLocStart();
+ CESL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(CESL, Rewrite, "start");
+ SourceLocation FDDadSL = FDDad->getLocStart();
+ FDDadSL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(FDDadSL, Rewrite, "start");
+ SourceLocation FDSL = FDDef->getLocStart();
+ FDSL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(FDSL, Rewrite, "start");
+ ASTContext *const ASTC = MR.Context;
+ FullSourceLoc FDDadFullSL = ASTC->getFullLoc(FDDadSL);
+ FullSourceLoc FDFullSL = ASTC->getFullLoc(FDSL);
+ DeclarationNameInfo DNI = FDDef->getNameInfo();
+ std::string MatchedName = DNI.getAsString();
+ /*going through the already matched functions,making sure we are not adding duplicates.*/
+ for (unsigned x = 0; x < VecC; ++x)
+ {
+ if (FuncScopeProto[x].FuncNameString == MatchedName && FuncScopeProto[x].DefinitionSL == FDSL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager))
+ {
+ AlreadyTagged = true;
+ if (FDDef->isExternC())
+ {
+ if (FDDadFullSL.getFileID() != FDFullSL.getFileID())
+ {
+ FuncScopeProto[x].hasExternalCall = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (AlreadyTagged == false && FDDef->isExternC())
+ {
+ FuncScopeProto.push_back(FuncScope());
+ FuncScopeProto[VecC].FuncNameString = MatchedName;
+ FuncScopeProto[VecC].DefinitionSL = FDSL.printToString(*MR.SourceManager);
+ if (FDDef->isExternC())
+ {
+ if (FDDadFullSL.getFileID() != FDFullSL.getFileID())
+ {
+ FuncScopeProto[VecC].hasExternalCall = true;
+ }
+ }
+ VecC++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void onEndOfTranslationUnit()
+ {
+ for (unsigned x = 0; x < VecC; ++x)
+ {
+ if (FuncScopeProto[x].hasExternalCall == false)
+ {
+ std::cout << "8.10 : " << "Function does not have any external calls but is not declare as static : " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << FuncScopeProto[x].DefinitionSL << "\n" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct FuncScope {
+ std::string FuncNameString;
+ bool hasExternalCall = false;
+ std::string DefinitionSL;
+ };
+ bool AlreadyTagged = false;
+ unsigned VecC;
+ std::vector<FuncScope> FuncScopeProto;
+ Rewriter &Rewrite;
@@ -1631,7 +1807,8 @@ public:
HandlerForInit91(R), HandlerForInit92(R), HandlerForInit93(R), HandlerForExpr123(R), HandlerForExpr124(R), HandlerForExpr125(R), \
HandlerForExpr126(R), HandlerForExpr127(R), HandlerForExpr128(R), HandlerForExpr129(R), HandlerForExpr1210(R), HandlerForExpr1213(R), \
HandlerForCSE131(R), HandlerForCSE132(R), HandlerForCSE1332(R), HandlerForCSE134(R), HandlerForCSE136(R), HandlerForCF144(R), \
- HandlerForCF145(R), HandlerForCF146(R), HandlerForCF147(R), HandlerForCF148(R), HandlerForSwitch154(R) {
+ HandlerForCF145(R), HandlerForCF146(R), HandlerForCF147(R), HandlerForCF148(R), HandlerForSwitch154(R), HandlerForPTC111(R), \
+ HandlerForCSE137(R), HandlerForDCDF810(R) {
/*forstmts whithout a compound statement.*/
Matcher.addMatcher(forStmt(unless(hasDescendant(compoundStmt()))).bind("mcfor"), &HandlerForCmpless);
@@ -1735,6 +1912,12 @@ public:
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(unless(has(compoundStmt()))).bind("mccf148switch"), &HandlerForCF148);
Matcher.addMatcher(switchStmt(hasCondition(expr().bind("mcswitch154"))).bind("mcswitch154daddy"), &HandlerForSwitch154);
+ Matcher.addMatcher(declRefExpr().bind("mcptc111"), &HandlerForPTC111);
+ Matcher.addMatcher(expr().bind("mccse137"), &HandlerForCSE137);
+ Matcher.addMatcher(callExpr(hasAncestor(functionDecl().bind("mcdcdf810daddy"))).bind("mcdcdf810"), &HandlerForDCDF810);
void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Context) override {
@@ -1785,6 +1968,9 @@ private:
MCCF147 HandlerForCF147;
MCCF148 HandlerForCF148;
MCSwitch154 HandlerForSwitch154;
+ MCPTC111 HandlerForPTC111;
+ MCCSE137 HandlerForCSE137;
+ MCDCDF810 HandlerForDCDF810;
MatchFinder Matcher;