blob: aa0ba41a7e0d486c8f67b6c1e7a02ba558f18bbe (
plain) (
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# AUTHOR: gotbletu (@gmail|twitter|youtube|github|lbry)
# DESC: generate a script for your last w3m session then you can run script to restore all urls in new tabs
# DEPEND: coreutils gawk
# CLOG: 2021-04-17 first draft, no option to jump to tab 1 at the moment
# REQD: 1. Allow executable permissions and put script in ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/restore_session.cgi
# 2. Add binding to ~/.w3m/keymap
# ############################ Quit with confirmation request (QUIT)
# keymap :q QUIT
# keymap ZZ QUIT
# ############################ Quit at once (EXIT)
# keymap ZQ EXIT
# ############################ Quit at once and save session
# keymap Q COMMAND "EXTERN 'echo %s > ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; NEXT_TAB ; EXTERN 'echo %s >> ~/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt' ; READ_SHELL ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/restore_session.cgi ; EXIT"
# 3. Add to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc $PATH variable
# [ -d "$HOME/.w3m/bin" ] && PATH="$HOME/.w3m/bin:$PATH"
# 4. To load w3m with the last session
# $ w3mlastsession
## ---------------------------------------------
mkdir -p "$HOME/.w3m/bin"
# location of generated script of last session
# add shell header
echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" > "$RESTORE_SESSSION"
echo "torsocks w3m -graph \\" >> "$RESTORE_SESSSION"
# remove dupes without sorting, add -N flag at beginning and append trailing slash to each url
awk '!x[$0]++' "$HOME/.w3m/RestoreSession.txt" | while read -r line ; do echo "-N '$line' \\" >> "$RESTORE_SESSSION" ; done
echo "2>/dev/null" >> "$RESTORE_SESSSION"
## OUTPUT SCRIPT FILE EXAMPLE ~/.w3m/bin/w3mlastsession
## --------------------------------------------------
## #!/usr/bin/env sh
## w3m \
## -N '' \
## -N '' \
## -N '' \
## -N '' \
## -N '' \
## -N '' \
## 2>/dev/null
## --------------------------------------------------