#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A strace wrapper with colors."""
import enum
import sys
import subprocess
# from man syscalls
syscall_set = set(
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class Color(enum.EnumType):
"""Color enumes"""
bold = "\033[1m"
faint = "\033[2m"
italic = "\033[3m"
underline = "\033[4m"
blink = "\033[5m"
negative = "\033[7m"
crossed = "\033[9m"
reset = "\033[0m"
one = "\x1b[38;5;216m"
two = "\x1b[38;5;192m"
three = "\x1b[38;5;22m"
four = "\x1b[38;5;25m"
five = "\x1b[38;5;98m"
six = "\x1b[38;5;68m"
seven = "\x1b[38;5;59m"
eight = "\x1b[38;5;36m"
nine = "\x1b[38;5;202m"
ten = "\x1b[38;5;100m"
eleven = "\x1b[38;5;105m"
twelve = "\x1b[38;5;106m"
thirteen = "\x1b[38;5;96m"
fourteen = "\x1b[38;5;31m"
fifteen = "\x1b[38;5;23m"
sixteen = "\x1b[38;5;105m"
def call_from_shell_list(command_list):
"""run a shell command"""
# we explicitly dont want to check for a non-zero return code
# since we sometimes use strace to debuf failing applications
return subprocess.run(command_list, capture_output=True)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("you want to run something right?\nright?")
args = sys.argv[1:]
args.insert(0, "/usr/bin/strace")
result = call_from_shell_list(args)
lines = result.stderr.decode("utf-8").split("\n")
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
for line in lines:
end_line = lines[-2]
lines = lines[:-2]
for line in lines:
# this is here to support the -i option
if line[0] == "[":
idx = line.find("]")
if idx - 1 < 16:
print(Color.twelve + line[0 : idx + 1], end=" ")
line = line[idx + 2 :]
if line[0] == "[":
idx = line.find("]")
if idx - 1 == 16:
print(Color.thirteen + line[0 : idx + 1], end=" ")
line = line[idx + 2 :]
if line[0 : line.find("(")] in syscall_set:
syscall = line[0 : line.find("(")]
sysargs = line[line.find("(") + 1 : line.find(")")].split()
exitvalue = line[line.find(")") + 1 :]
print(Color.one + syscall, end=" ")
print(Color.two, end=" ")
sysargs = list(filter(None, sysargs))
for arg in sysargs:
if arg.find("|") > 0:
print(Color.five, arg, end=" ")
print(arg, end=" ")
print(Color.three + exitvalue + Color.reset)
# leave regular stdout/stderr alone. we only want syscalls
print(Color.reset + Color.bold + Color.nine + end_line + Color.reset)
if __name__ == "__main__":