path: root/terminaldweller.com/mail/mailcow.conf
diff options
authorterminaldweller <devi@terminaldweller.com>2023-07-13 18:10:26 +0000
committerterminaldweller <devi@terminaldweller.com>2023-07-13 18:10:26 +0000
commitb595ac2150e42a22e92b954188ae374d290b3f53 (patch)
treeb5e9d5e421c6d266e669476e2a1dfa4e89383953 /terminaldweller.com/mail/mailcow.conf
parentupdate (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/terminaldweller.com/mail/mailcow.conf b/terminaldweller.com/mail/mailcow.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e3a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terminaldweller.com/mail/mailcow.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# ------------------------------
+# mailcow web ui configuration
+# ------------------------------
+# example.org is _not_ a valid hostname, use a fqdn here.
+# Default admin user is "admin"
+# Default password is "moohoo"
+# Password hash algorithm
+# Only certain password hash algorithm are supported. For a fully list of supported schemes,
+# see https://mailcow.github.io/mailcow-dockerized-docs/model-passwd/
+# ------------------------------
+# SQL database configuration
+# ------------------------------
+# Please use long, random alphanumeric strings (A-Za-z0-9)
+# ------------------------------
+# HTTP/S Bindings
+# ------------------------------
+# You should use HTTPS, but in case of SSL offloaded reverse proxies:
+# Might be important: This will also change the binding within the container.
+# If you use a proxy within Docker, point it to the ports you set below.
+# Do _not_ use IP:PORT in HTTP(S)_BIND or HTTP(S)_PORT
+# IMPORTANT: Do not use port 8081, 9081 or 65510!
+# Example: HTTP_BIND=
+# For IPv6 see https://mailcow.github.io/mailcow-dockerized-docs/firststeps-ip_bindings/
+# ------------------------------
+# Other bindings
+# ------------------------------
+# You should leave that alone
+# Format: or etc.
+# Your timezone
+# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones for a list of timezones
+# Use the row named 'TZ database name' + pay attention for 'Notes' row
+# Fixed project name
+# Please use lowercase letters only
+# Set this to "allow" to enable the anyone pseudo user. Disabled by default.
+# When enabled, ACL can be created, that apply to "All authenticated users"
+# This should probably only be activated on mail hosts, that are used exclusivly by one organisation.
+# Otherwise a user might share data with too many other users.
+# Garbage collector cleanup
+# Deleted domains and mailboxes are moved to /var/vmail/_garbage/timestamp_sanitizedstring
+# How long should objects remain in the garbage until they are being deleted? (value in minutes)
+# Check interval is hourly
+# Additional SAN for the certificate
+# You can use wildcard records to create specific names for every domain you add to mailcow.
+# Example: Add domains "example.com" and "example.net" to mailcow, change ADDITIONAL_SAN to a value like:
+# This will expand the certificate to "imap.example.com", "smtp.example.com", "imap.example.net", "imap.example.net"
+# plus every domain you add in the future.
+# You can also just add static names...
+# ...or combine wildcard and static names:
+# Additional server names for mailcow UI
+# Specify alternative addresses for the mailcow UI to respond to
+# This is useful when you set mail.* as ADDITIONAL_SAN and want to make sure mail.maildomain.com will always point to the mailcow UI.
+# If the server name does not match a known site, Nginx decides by best-guess and may redirect users to the wrong web root.
+# You can understand this as server_name directive in Nginx.
+# Comma separated list without spaces! Example: ADDITIONAL_SERVER_NAMES=a.b.c,d.e.f
+# Skip running ACME (acme-mailcow, Let's Encrypt certs) - y/n
+# Create seperate certificates for all domains - y/n
+# this will allow adding more than 100 domains, but some email clients will not be able to connect with alternative hostnames
+# see https://wiki.dovecot.org/SSL/SNIClientSupport
+# Skip IPv4 check in ACME container - y/n
+# Skip HTTP verification in ACME container - y/n
+# Skip ClamAV (clamd-mailcow) anti-virus (Rspamd will auto-detect a missing ClamAV container) - y/n
+# Skip SOGo: Will disable SOGo integration and therefore webmail, DAV protocols and ActiveSync support (experimental, unsupported, not fully implemented) - y/n
+# Skip Solr on low-memory systems or if you do not want to store a readable index of your mails in solr-vol-1.
+# Solr heap size in MB, there is no recommendation, please see Solr docs.
+# Solr is a prone to run OOM and should be monitored. Unmonitored Solr setups are not recommended.
+# Allow admins to log into SOGo as email user (without any password)
+# Enable watchdog (watchdog-mailcow) to restart unhealthy containers
+# Send watchdog notifications by mail (sent from watchdog@MAILCOW_HOSTNAME)
+# 1. You should use external recipients
+# 2. Mails are sent unsigned (no DKIM)
+# 3. If you use DMARC, create a separate DMARC policy ("v=DMARC1; p=none;" in _dmarc.MAILCOW_HOSTNAME)
+# Multiple rcpts allowed, NO quotation marks, NO spaces
+# Notify about banned IP (includes whois lookup)
+# Subject for watchdog mails. Defaults to "Watchdog ALERT" followed by the error message.
+# Checks if mailcow is an open relay. Requires a SAL. More checks will follow.
+# https://www.servercow.de/mailcow?lang=en
+# https://www.servercow.de/mailcow?lang=de
+# No data is collected. Opt-in and anonymous.
+# Will only work with unmodified mailcow setups.
+# Max log lines per service to keep in Redis logs
+# Internal IPv4 /24 subnet, format n.n.n (expands to n.n.n.0/24)
+# Use private IPv4 addresses only, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network#Private_IPv4_addresses
+# Internal IPv6 subnet in fc00::/7
+# Use private IPv6 addresses only, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network#Private_IPv6_addresses
+# Use this IPv4 for outgoing connections (SNAT)
+# Use this IPv6 for outgoing connections (SNAT)
+# Create or override an API key for the web UI
+# You _must_ define API_ALLOW_FROM, which is a comma separated list of IPs
+# An API key defined as API_KEY has read-write access
+# An API key defined as API_KEY_READ_ONLY has read-only access
+# Allowed chars for API_KEY and API_KEY_READ_ONLY: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - # pragma: allowlist secret
+# You can define API_KEY and/or API_KEY_READ_ONLY
+# mail_home is ~/Maildir
+# SOGo session timeout in minutes
+# DOVECOT_MASTER_USER and DOVECOT_MASTER_PASS must both be provided. No special chars.
+# Empty by default to auto-generate master user and password on start.
+# User expands to DOVECOT_MASTER_USER@mailcow.local
+# Let's Encrypt registration contact information
+# Optional: Leave empty for none
+# This value is only used on first order!
+# Setting it at a later point will require the following steps:
+# https://mailcow.github.io/mailcow-dockerized-docs/debug-reset-tls/
+# Used Docker Compose version
+# Switch here between native (compose plugin) and standalone
+# For more informations take a look at the mailcow docs regarding the configuration options.
+# Normally this should be untouched but if you decided to use either of those you can switch it manually here.
+# Please be aware that at least one of those variants should be installed on your maschine or mailcow will fail.
+# Enable watchdog verbose logging
+# WebAuthn device manufacturer verification
+# After setting WEBAUTHN_ONLY_TRUSTED_VENDORS=y only devices from trusted manufacturers are allowed
+# root certificates can be placed for validation under mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/WebAuthn/rootCertificates